Search results for ""shambhala""
Shambhala Publications Inc Brilliant Moon: The Autobiography of Dilgo Khyentse
Shambhala Publications Inc Bright Moon, White Clouds: Selected Poems of Li Po
Shambhala Publications Inc A Life of the Buddha
Shambhala Publications Inc Handmade Home: Simple Ways to Repurpose Old Materials into New Family Treasures
Shambhala Publications Inc The Art of Buddhism: An Introduction to Its History and Meaning
Shambhala Publications Inc The Poetry of Zen
Shambhala Publications Inc The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa, Volume 7: The Art of Calligraphy (excerpts)-Dharma Art-Visual Dharma (excerpts)-Selected Poems-Selected Writings
Shambhala Publications Inc The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa, Volume 5: Crazy Wisdom-Illusion's Game-The Life of Marpa the Translator (excerpts)-The Rain of Wisdom (excerpts)-The Sadhana of Mahamudra (excerpts)-Selected Writings
Shambhala Publications Inc Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse: Foundational Practices and the Transmission of the Longchen Nyingthig
Shambhala Publications Inc Guhyasamaja Practice in the Arya Nagarjuna System, Volume One: The Generation Stage
Shambhala Publications Inc The Ruby Rosary: Joyfully Accepted by Vidyadharas and Dakinis as the Ornament of a Necklace
Shambhala Publications Inc The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Volume 1)
Shambhala Publications Inc Strand of Jewels: My Teachers' Essential Guidance on Dzogchen
Shambhala Publications Inc Steps to the Great Perfection: The Mind-Training Tradition of the Dzogchen Masters
Shambhala Publications Inc How Karma Works: The Twelve Links of Dependent-Arising
Shambhala Publications Inc Choosing Reality: A Buddhist View of Physics and the Mind (2nd Ed.)
Shambhala Publications Inc The Treasury of Knowledge: Book Five: Buddhist Ethics
Shambhala Publications Inc Nagarjuna's Seventy Stanzas: A Buddhist Psychology of Emptiness
Shambhala Publications Inc The Pleasure Is All Yours: Reclaim Your Body's Bliss and Reignite Your Passion for Life
Editorial Nous Shambala la resplandeciente
?Aunque los que tienen una afiliación especial pueden realmente ir allí mediante su conexión kármica, sin embargo, Shambhala no es un lugar físico que podamos encontrar en la realidad. Sólo puedo decir que es una tierra pura, una tierra pura dentro del ámbito humano. Y a menos que uno tenga el mérito y la asociación kármica real, uno no puede realmente llegar allí?. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, durante una iniciación Kalachakra en Bodhgaya, 1985.
Luciérnaga CAS Intraterrestres los 13 discos solares y la piedra de Chintamani
Se dice que el nombre sánscrito Shambhala significa lugar de la paz, de la tranquilidad, denominación apropiada para la labor de sembrar la semilla de la luz en la Tierra. Nos encontramos frente a la ciudad matriz del mundo subterráneo de Agharta, un lugar que aún hoy en día es recordado por los Lamas y sabios de Oriente.Los Maestros de origen celeste que fundaron Shambhala para polarizar la pugna de fuerzas en el mundo han extendido su radio de acción no solo en el desierto de Gobi o en los Himalayas, sino también en América del Sur, donde se halla un verdadero laberinto de túneles que conduce a fantásticas ciudades intraterrenas. Aunque suene increíble, aquellos seres de luz constituyen la denominada Hermandad Blanca o Gobierno Interno Positivo del planeta.La Hermandad Blanca, a lo largo de la historia, ha venido inspirando a diversos hombres y mujeres de todas las latitudes del mundo, quiénes lograron escuchar el llamado para encender su propia antorcha interior. Con qué propósito?
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Kingdom of Agarttha
The underground realm of Agarttha was first introduced to the Western world in 1886 by the French esoteric philosopher Alexandre Saint-Yves d''Alveydre with his book Mission de l''Inde, translated here for the first time into English. Saint-Yves''s book maintained that deep below the Himalayas were enormous underground cities, which were under the rule of a sovereign pontiff known as the Brahâtma. Throughout history, the unknown superiors cited by secret societies were believed to be emissaries from this realm who had moved underground at the onset of the Kali-Yuga, the Iron Age.Ruled in accordance with the highest principles, the kingdom of Agarttha, sometimes known as Shambhala, represents a world that is far advanced beyond our modern culture, both technologically and spiritually. The inhabitants possess amazing skills their above ground counterparts have long since forgotten. In addition, Agarttha is home to huge libraries of books engraved in stone, enshrining the collective knowl
Stone Bridge Press Yoga Heart: Lines on the Six Perfections
"Yoga Heart is a tiny treasure to hold and to behold. Even the typography and colors are food for contemplation...highly recommended for people who will not only read the lines for enjoyment, but also use them for contemplation and right action in life." --New York Journal of Books These sixty poems on the Buddha's six "perfections," or qualities for a meaningful life--generosity, kindness, patience, joy, stillness, wisdom--were written over years of yoga and meditation practice, inspired by Tibetan Heart Yoga, nature, Buddhism, Osho, Tantra, ancient Japanese and Chinese poetry, Rumi, Kabir, haiku, love, and life. They seek to capture a journey from the physical body to the subtle body to the light body, until the heart bursts open into the beautiful radiance of divine energy in the world. Leza Lowitz is an award-winning author and editor. She owns Sun and Moon Yoga Studio in Tokyo and has written for Yoga Journal and Shambhala Sun. All author proceeds from the sale of this book go to relief efforts for people and animals affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011
Hay House Inc The Sacred Forest Oracle: 52 Cards to Open Energy Portals of a Higher Dimension
Meet nature spirits and discover the hidden realms of the Sacred Forest with 52 oracle cards and guided meditation audios from best-selling author Denise Linn.Each card in this oracle deck is a special key that opens an energy portal to the Sacred Forest, a sacred realm similar to the legends of Tibetan Shambhala, the Mists of Avalon, and the Australian Dreamtime. Over the years, transformational teacher Denise Linn has used guided meditations to lead thousands of people into this magical dimension. Now, with this oracle, you can expand your consciousness and chart your own course through the vast mysteries and wonders of this inner landscape.Colorful and intricately layered art adorn each of the 52 cards with depictions of ancient nature spirits and guardians of the realm. Storm Spirit invites you to embrace chaos; the Enchanted Fern Grotto offers refuge. The cards tap into natural forces and your own inner knowledge to shed light on answers to long-sought questions.53 FREE guided meditation audio downloads are included with this deck! Connect with the vibrational energy of the sacred forest with a general guided meditation as well as specially crafted meditations for each card.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Chintamani Crystal Matrix: Quantum Intention and the Wish-Fulfilling Gem
Explores the gem archetype of the Chintamani, the wish-fulfilling jewel known in legends around the world, and how to access it energetically• Examines myths of the chintamani from East and West, including from China, India, and South America; in legends of the Holy Grail and Atlantis; and in Nicholas Roerich’s real-life quest for Shambhala • Explains the chintamani matrix--the multidimensional field of light, energy, and consciousness that forms networks of gems on the etheric and physical levels • Provides simple and advanced practices with crystal grids and meditation to help you access the chintamani matrix and realize your innermost heart’s desires Space, time, intention, matter, and consciousness all entangle in crystals. Nowhere is this more evident than in the ancient gem archetype of the chintamani, the wish-fulfilling jewel known in legends around the world as the stone that grants your heart’s desires. As authors Johndennis Govert and Hapi Hara reveal, the chintamani’s “tachyolithic” technology of wish-granting and spiritual enlightenment creates a vehicle for positive transformation. They show how the chintamani energy matrix can be accessed using tangible crystals and gemstones, meditation, yoga, and the powerful science of intention. Exploring the many chintamani myths and legends from East and West, the authors explain how there are three types of chintamani: the mythical gemstone; the power crystals of history, such as the Koh-i-Noor diamond; and the multidimensional field of light, energy, and consciousness that forms a network of all gems in what is known as “the jewel net of Indra” in Hinduism and Buddhism. Activating this crystal energy matrix provides a way to manifest your intentions and help you create the subtle diamond body. The authors detail specific gems and crystal spiritual technology that can affect material reality and trigger profound spiritual growth. They provide a number of simple practices with crystal grids and meditation to help you access the chintamani matrix and become aware of the interconnected jewel net of consciousness. They examine the science of intention, which provides a basis for connecting to gemstones and crystals, and share advanced meditations to realize and activate your innermost heart’s desires.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Return of Holy Russia: Apocalyptic History, Mystical Awakening, and the Struggle for the Soul of the World
A history of how mystical and spiritual influences have shaped Russia’s identity and politics and what it means for the future of world civilization • Examines Russia’s spiritual history, from its pagan origins and Eastern Orthodox mysticism to secret societies, Rasputin, Roerich, Blavatsky, and Dostoyevsky • Explains the visionary writings of the spiritual philosophers of Russia’s Silver Age, which greatly influence Putin today • Explores what Russia’s unique identity and its history of messianic politics and apocalyptic thought mean for its future on the world stage At the turn of the 20th century, a period known as the Silver Age, Russia was undergoing a powerful spiritual and cultural rebirth. It was a time of magic and mysticism that saw a vital resurgence of interest in the occult and a creative intensity not seen in the West since the Renaissance. This was the time of the God-Seekers, pilgrims of the soul and explorers of the spirit who sought the salvation of the world through art and ideas. These sages and their visions of Holy Russia are returning to prominence now through Russian president Vladimir Putin, who, inspired by their ideas, envisions a new “Eurasian” civilization with Russia as its leader. Exploring Russia’s long history of mysticism and apocalyptic thought, Gary Lachman examines Russia’s unique position between East and West and its potential role in the future of the world. Lachman discusses Russia’s original Slavic paganism and its eager adoption of mystical and apocalyptic Eastern Orthodox Christianity. He explores the Silver Age and its “occult revival” with a look at Rasputin’s prophecies, Blavatsky’s Theosophy, Roerich’s “Red Shambhala,” and the philosophies of Berdyaev and Solovyov. He looks at Russian Rosicrucianism, the Illuminati Scare, Russian Freemasonry, and the rise of other secret societies in Russia. He explores the Russian character as that of the “holy fool,” as seen in the great Russian literature of the 19th century, especially Dostoyevsky. He also examines the psychic research performed by the Russian government throughout the 20th century and the influence of Evola and the esoteric right on the spiritual and political milieus in Russia. Through in-depth exploration of the philosophies that inspire Putin’s political regime and a look at Russia’s unique cultural identity, Lachman ponders what they will mean for the future of Russia and the world. What drives the Russian soul to pursue the apocalypse? Will these philosophers lead Russia to dominate the world, or will they lead it into a new cultural epoch centered on spiritual power and mystical wisdom?