Search results for ""author louis""
Taylor & Francis Inc Computational Aspects of Polynomial Identities: Volume l, Kemer's Theorems, 2nd Edition
Computational Aspects of Polynomial Identities: Volume l, Kemer’s Theorems, 2nd Edition presents the underlying ideas in recent polynomial identity (PI)-theory and demonstrates the validity of the proofs of PI-theorems. This edition gives all the details involved in Kemer’s proof of Specht’s conjecture for affine PI-algebras in characteristic 0.The book first discusses the theory needed for Kemer’s proof, including the featured role of Grassmann algebra and the translation to superalgebras. The authors develop Kemer polynomials for arbitrary varieties as tools for proving diverse theorems. They also lay the groundwork for analogous theorems that have recently been proved for Lie algebras and alternative algebras. They then describe counterexamples to Specht’s conjecture in characteristic p as well as the underlying theory. The book also covers Noetherian PI-algebras, Poincaré–Hilbert series, Gelfand–Kirillov dimension, the combinatoric theory of affine PI-algebras, and homogeneous identities in terms of the representation theory of the general linear group GL.Through the theory of Kemer polynomials, this edition shows that the techniques of finite dimensional algebras are available for all affine PI-algebras. It also emphasizes the Grassmann algebra as a recurring theme, including in Rosset’s proof of the Amitsur–Levitzki theorem, a simple example of a finitely based T-ideal, the link between algebras and superalgebras, and a test algebra for counterexamples in characteristic p.
Guilford Publications Essentials of Intensive Intervention
Few evidence-based resources exist for supporting elementary and secondary students who require intensive intervention--typically Tier 3 within a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS). Filling a gap in the field, this book brings together leading experts to present data-based individualization (DBI), a systematic approach to providing intensive intervention which is applicable to reading, math, and behavior. Key components of the DBI process are explained in detail, including screening, progress monitoring, and the use and ongoing adaptation of validated interventions. The book also addresses ways to ensure successful, sustained implementation and provides application exercises and FAQs. Readers are guided to access and utilize numerous free online DBI resources--tool charts, planning materials, sample activities, downloadable forms, and more.
Pluto Press Faith and Charity: Religion and Humanitarian Assistance in West Africa
Since the 1990s, most African economies and public spheres have been liberalised, and new civil society actors have emerged. As mapped out by Marie Nathalie LeBlanc and Louis Audet Gosselin, in West Africa Christian and Muslim organisations have come to dominate the field of humanitarian assistance. Moving beyond mainstream development theory, Faith and Charity brings out the crucial role of religion in the development process and the interplay of moral and political ideologies. From faith-based NGOs to individual local activists, the authors explore how each group makes sense of, and contributes to, the wider process of social development in the neoliberal era. Based on extensive research and deploying a sophisticated and original frame of analysis, Faith and Charity will make an important contribution to the existing literature on development anthropology and the anthropology of religion in Africa.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Handbook of Industrial Diamonds and Diamond Films
Examines both mined and synthetic diamonds and diamond films. The text offers coverage on the use of diamond as an engineering material, integrating original research on the science, technology and applications of diamond. It discusses the use of chemical vapour deposition grown diamonds in electronics, cutting tools, wear resistant coatings, thermal management, optics and acoustics, as well as in new products.
Oxford University Press Population Dynamics for Conservation
The management and conservation of natural populations relies heavily on concepts and results generated from models of population dynamics. Yet this is the first book to present a unified and coherent explanation of the underlying theory. This novel text begins with a consideration of what makes a good state variable, progressing from the simplest models (those with a single variable such as abundance or biomass) to more complex models with other key variables of population structure (including age, size, life history stage, and space). Throughout the book, attention is paid to concepts such as population variability, population stability, population viability/persistence, and harvest yield. Later chapters address specific applications to conservation such as recovery planning for species at risk, fishery management, and the spatial management of marine resources. Population Dynamics for Conservation is suitable for graduate-level students. It will also be valuable to academic and applied researchers in population biology. This overview of population dynamic theory can serve to further their population research, as well as to improve their understanding of population management.
Karma Mathew Cerletty: True Believer
Brightly chromatic transformations of everyday objects from the New York painter Presenting 16 new paintings by New York–based painter Matthew Cerletty (born 1980), True Believer includes a short story by Catherine Lacey and an interview by Louis-Philippe Van Eeckhoutte. Depicting a range of familiar subjects from Ellsworth Kelly to a red gas can, Cerletty’s paintings challenge habits of recognition.
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia Educated in Tyranny Slavery at Thomas Jeffersons University
Maurie McInnis, Louis Nelson, and a group of contributing authors tell the largely unknown story of slavery at the University of Virginia.
Les Belles Lettres La Revolte Des Masses
University of Toronto Press New Brunswick before the Equal Opportunity Program: History through a Social Work Lens
Prior to the implementation of the Equal Opportunity program in the 1960s, most New Brunswickers, many of them Francophone, lived with limited access to welfare, education, and health services. New Brunswick’s social services framework was similar to that of nineteenth-century England, and many people experienced the patronizing attitudes inherent in these laws. New Brunswick before the Equal Opportunity Program examines the observations and experiences of New Brunswick’s early social workers, who operated under this system, and illuminates how Premier Louis J. Robichaud’s Equal Opportunity program transformed the province’s social services. Authors Laurel Lewey, Louis J. Richard, and Linda Turner, describe more than a century of social work history, including the work of the earliest Acadian social workers. They also address the fact that the federal government did not take responsibility for social welfare of the Mi’kmaq and Maliseet people, planning for assimilation instead. Clan structures continued to be relied on while subsisting upon inadequate relief provisions.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Exploring Electronic Media: Chronicles and Challenges
Exploring Electronic Media: Chronicles and Challenges is a concise and insightful textbook covering the dynamics of contemporary electronic media. Rapidly evolving technologies have expanded this field exponentially, creating a wealth of information that is often hard to put into perspective. Taking an approach that balances media history with contemporary analysis, Exploring Electronic Media is as practically useful as it is instructionally informative. Written by leading authors who collectively bring a wealth of not only teaching, but also multifaceted industry experience to the subject Covers the historical influences and contemporary issues in programming, technology, regulation and the business of media Features chapter reviews and discussion questions, as well as an introductory chapter that orients the reader to the broad electronic media landscape Explores the fundamentals for understanding human communication as an underpinning to the study of media communication systems Considers the future and great potential in this ever-changing field.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Pediatric Radiation Oncology
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! BMA Medical Book Awards 2017?: Oncology – Highly Commended?The British Medical Association honored Pediatric Radiation Oncology, 6th Edition with this prestigious award.Pediatric Radiation Oncology, Sixth Edition continues to be the premier reference that offers comprehensive coverage of this challenging area for the radiation oncologist in training or practice, medical radiation physicists and dosimetrists, as well as pediatric oncologists and others interested in understanding childhood malignancies. This definitive text has been completely updated to reflect recent advances in the field. Manageable in size and engaging to read, it efficiently synthesizes data on pathogenesis, pathology, diagnostic workup, staging, treatment approaches (particularly radiation therapy—indications, doses, volumes, and treatment planning), and toxic outcomes, as well as guidance on decision making when data is lacking. For 30 years, this standard reference has helped demystify radiation therapy for childhood cancer and contributed to the quality and quantity of life for children affected by this disease. Key Features: Each concise, full-color section focuses on one tumor type and guides you through an understanding of the disease, diagnostic and staging studies, treatment strategies, and, if needed, how to implement radiation therapy. Technological advances in radiation oncology and how they relate to the pediatric patient are incorporated into the text to keep you up to date. All chapters have been fully updated, including integration of the latest clinical trial data. Expert global contributors provide current patient management options and treatment recommendations in each chapter. References are now available both in print and online Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Arcade Publishing Jacob the Liar: A Novel--50th Anniversary Edition
Hal Leonard Corporation 24 Etudes, Op. 15
Kehrer Verlag This Is The Time
Regnery Publishing Inc The Rifle 2: Back to the Battlefield
In this highly anticipated follow-up to The Rifle, Andrew Biggio brings to light more untold stories from the quickly vanishing ranks of the veterans of World War II.Ordinary Men with Extraordinary PurposeThey are called the Greatest Generation, but they were also ordinary men, sharing in all of humanity’s weaknesses and flaws while responding to the call of duty. These are their unforgettable stories—first-person accounts from the last of the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who fought the most dreadful war in history, all collected by a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The idea was simple: travel across the country with a 1945 M1 Garand, the basic U.S. fighting rifle of World War II, ask combat veterans of that war to sign it, and listen carefully as the sight, touch, and feel of that rifle evoke a flood of memories and emotions. In this highly anticipated follow-up to The Rifle, Andrew Biggio once again reveals the astonishing effect his M1 Garand had on the old warriors who held it. The passage of time is swiftly snatching from us the last of those men, but the memories of those who remain are vivid and strong. It’s astonishing to see how grasping that rifle brings out those memories—good, bad, terrifying, and heroic. In Biggio’s riveting account, you will learn:• What it was like to fight for freedom in the various theaters of World War II • The obstacles these world-conquerors faced on returning home and how they overcame them • The special meaning these recollections hold for later combat vets, confirming the brotherhood of warriors • The importance to veterans of memory and respectWar and the weapons with which it is waged shape men forever. Biggio’s inspirational second collection is a must-read for anyone interested in the service and sacrifices of our veterans.
Aspen Publishing Constitutional Law: [Connected eBook with Study Center]
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing World
This book examines the impacts of global change on terrestrial ecosystems. Emphasis is placed on impacts of atmospheric, climate and land use change, and the book discusses the future challenges and the scientific frameworks to address them. Finally, the book explores fundamental new research developments and the need for stronger integration of natural and human dimensions in addressing the challenge of global change.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Race, Identity and Citizenship: A Reader
In recent years, race and ethnicity have been the focus of theoretical, political, and policy debates. This comprehensive and timely reader covers the range of topics that have been at the center of these debates including critical race theory, multiracial feminism, mixed race, whiteness, citizenship and globalization. Contributors include Angela Davis, Stuart Hall, Richard Delgado, Robert Miles, Michael Eric Dyson, Saskia Sassen, Etienne Balibar, Patricia Hill Collins, Renato Rosaldo, Stanley Aronowitz, and Collette Guillaumin.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Race, Identity and Citizenship: A Reader
In recent years, race and ethnicity have been the focus of theoretical, political, and policy debates. This comprehensive and timely reader covers the range of topics that have been at the center of these debates including critical race theory, multiracial feminism, mixed race, whiteness, citizenship and globalization. Contributors include Angela Davis, Stuart Hall, Richard Delgado, Robert Miles, Michael Eric Dyson, Saskia Sassen, Etienne Balibar, Patricia Hill Collins, Renato Rosaldo, Stanley Aronowitz, and Collette Guillaumin.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Campbell Walsh Wein Handbook of Urology
Brush up on important clinical topics and prepare for exams or recertification with this easily accessible handbook. Campbell Walsh Wein Handbook of Urology contains essential, reliable information from the same author team as Campbell Walsh Wein Urology, 12th Edition, providing practical, well-illustrated diagnosis and treatment information on a wide range of urological conditions. It's an ideal resource for residents, practitioners, and nurse practitioners in urology who need quick access to key clinical information in a concise, easy-to-read format. Find information quickly and easily with a high-yield, templated format that includes numerous algorithms, tables, and figures. Effectively review for the boards or recertification using the self-assessment questions at the end of each chapter. Stay abreast of new AUA and ICI incontinence guidelines as well as up-to-date information on incontinence treatment recommendations, therapy for castrate-resistant prostate cancer, and active surveillance for prostate cancer. Focus on hot topics in urology including stress and mixed urinary incontinence, therapy for prolapse, overactive bladder, male subfertility and androgen deficiency, and renal cell carcinoma. Review the major categories of urologic diseases along with integrated content on radiology, radiation therapy, nephrology, pediatric urology, transplantation surgery, and vascular surgery. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins The Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Focusing on the essential information you need to know for the clinical practice of surgical pathology, this award-winning volume in the Lippincott Manual series provides concise, high-yield content that reflects today’s fast-changing advances in the field. In one convenient, portable resource, you’ll find complete coverage of surgical pathology for every organ and anatomic site —all at your fingertips for quick review and reference. Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology, 3rd Edition, is an ideal reference for surgical pathologists at all levels of training and practice. Includes new WHO classifications and access to more than 2,700 high-quality images online. Offers brief, logical approaches to gross examination and dissection; microscopic diagnosis of medical as well as surgical diseases; and tumor classification. Features separate chapters devoted to ancillary surgical pathology techniques, including immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence microscopy, electron microscopy, frozen section diagnosis, flow cytometry, DNA and RNA based molecular methods, and imaging technologies. Presents valuable content in a concise, practical format that includes easy-to-follow guidelines, tables, diagrams, and algorithms. Previous edition winner of the BMA Medical Book Award First Prize in Pathology. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook , powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Nelson Pediatrics Board Review: Certification and Recertification
Review and retain the information you need for success on the boards with Nelson Pediatrics Board Review: Certification and Recertification. This highly practical review tool follows the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) general pediatrics content outline, with topics weighted to correlate with the exam. Must-know information is presented in a way that's easy to study and remember, and is backed by the Nelson family of references that you know and trust for current, authoritative information in your field. Equips residents and physicians with an efficient, comprehensive system for study, designed specifically to help you perform at your best on the board exam. Presents information in a bulleted, high-yield format, with topics matching ABP content guidelines. Provides a real-world balance of necessary fundamental information and cutting-edge advances - all carefully written and reviewed by editors and contributors from the world renowned Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Features over 600 board-style questions with full, discursive answers online. Includes reader-friendly features that promote testing success: tables that show differences between diagnoses, genetic disorders grouped by key features in phenotypic presentation rather than in alphabetical order, and more - all designed to help you recall key information when taking exams. Provides online links to the Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics that offer a complete presentation of the content, including evidence-based treatment and management. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
W. W. Norton & Company Art Therapy and the Neuroscience of Relationship Skills and Practices
Presenting a neuroscientifically aware approach to art therapy.
University Press of America The Discovery of Discovery by Charles Tenney
This anthology on creativity represents a lifetime of reading and study by the late Charles Dewey Tenney, a philosopher who had been a student of Alfred North Whitehead at Harvard. In a series of fourteen essays Tenney considers the various factors that can be identified in creativity, followed by the recorded testimony of philosophers, artists, historians, explorers, scientists and others, both theorists and practitioners. The contributors extend in time from Aristotle and Sophocles to Buckminster Fuller and May Sarton. They include such diverse thinkers as Martin Luther, Karl Marx, Lewis Carroll, Julian Huxley, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Gertrude Stein, Henry Nelson Wieman and Alfred North Whitehead. In all, more than 300 of the world's most creative individuals are included. Contents: Discovery, Invention and Creation; Roots of Discovery; Environs of Discovery; Agents of Discovery; Hinderances to Discovery; Observation and Discovery; Reason in Discovery; Reverie Discovery; Imagination in Discovery; Sensibility and Discovery; Method in Discovery; Artistry in Discovery; Diffusion; and Foresight and Discovery.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Age of Entrepreneurship Education Research: Evolution and Future
There have been significant advances in entrepreneurship education pedagogy over the last two decades. However, a gap remains with many questions about exactly what we should be teaching in the classroom and how we should be teaching it. Stakeholders of all types – students, parents, employers, accrediting bodies, and government officials – are all looking for clarity, transparency, and a stronger sense of exactly what should encompass an entrepreneurship education. What should the outcome of entrepreneurship courses and programs be? What are we currently teaching? What should we be teaching? And, how should we be teaching it, are just some of the foundational questions addressed in The Age of Entrepreneurship Education Research. The collection of renowned entrepreneurship education researchers explores topics such as the theory of ideation, how to develop an expertise approach, how to reimagine entrepreneurship education to promote gender equality, how to activate an entrepreneurial mindset for neuro-diverse students, and more. The volume is bookended with an opening chapter that traces the evolution of entrepreneurship education research and a closing one that looks toward the future. This volume is of great interest to both teachers and students and practitioners in entrepreneurship, business and education.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Energy, Governance and Sustainability
'In summary, the book provides an interesting mix of energy topics and perspectives that appears somewhat eclectic at first glance. . . . the book is a very useful and scholarly addition to the literature on energy governance and is recommended reading for all those who need to be better informed on the challenges and some of the solutions available at the current time.'- David Grinlinton, Journal of Energy & Natural Resources LawThis timely book makes an original and in-depth contribution to the debate about how to transform our energy governance systems into ones that support a fair, safe and sustainable society. It combines perspectives from leading scholars to provide a global outlook on alternative approaches to energy governance and innovative experiences. Taken as a whole, it offers a unique overview of some of the innovative and novel ways in which law can support the shift to sustainable and equitable energy systems.The first section lays the conceptual and theoretical foundations for alternative approaches to energy governance, including its constitutional foundations, the role of human rights, and an environmentally just system that seeks universal access to energy for all. The second section showcases concrete innovative experiences in energy governance from around the globe, including smart cities, the role of the courts, energy efficiency of buildings and the harnessing of energy from waste. Finally, the authors consider the social justice dimension, discussing the exploitation of energy resources by multinational companies in developing countries and the importance of agricultural production, distribution and consumption in energy transformation. This unique overview of state-of-the-art approaches to transformation of energy governance is vital reading for policy makers and both legal and non-legal scholars concerned with energy law, sustainability and justice, and global governance.Contributors: K. Bosselmann, J. Bowie, N. Chalifour, E. Daly, T. Daya-Winterbottom, C. Derani, A. Guerry, J. Jaria I Manzano, L. Kotzé, E. Le Gal, L. Lin-Heng, M. Low, J.R. May, E.C. Okonkwo, R.L. Ottinger, C. Pappalardo, T. Parejo-Navajas, M.P. Samonte Solis, M.K. Scanlan, J. Wentz
Apple Academic Press Inc. Sustainable Development and Human Security in Africa: Governance as the Missing Link
Many new development initiatives have been introduced in Africa over the past few decades. Each of these has been heralded as marking a new era in the continent’s development. However, many of these initiatives have failed to produce sustained results due to numerous challenges, including, most importantly, the lack of good governance. The Africa Progress Panel stated in 2011 that good governance is the key enabling factor for sustainable development. This book discusses the role good governance plays in achieving sustainable development and eradicating extreme poverty in Africa.The contributed chapters in this book seek to broaden the policy debate and provide conversations about the sustainable development challenges facing African countries from multiple viewpoints and interdisciplinary perspectives—from academics, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in the field. The book focuses on the governance perspectives of practitioners who deal with day-to-day realities on the ground, with the goal to use evidence-based information to make informed policies, programs, and strategies to move the continent toward achieving sustainable development.This book tries to strike a balance between recognizing the need to bring politics back into development programs and understanding the limitations of political institutions in weak states. To that end, it looks at the challenges of development from the perspective of human security, with a focus on strengthening the human resource component of African economies in order to achieve better governance as part of a sustainable development process.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Exploring Electronic Media: Chronicles and Challenges
Exploring Electronic Media: Chronicles and Challenges is a concise and insightful textbook covering the dynamics of contemporary electronic media. Rapidly evolving technologies have expanded this field exponentially, creating a wealth of information that is often hard to put into perspective. Taking an approach that balances media history with contemporary analysis, Exploring Electronic Media is as practically useful as it is instructionally informative. Written by leading authors who collectively bring a wealth of not only teaching, but also multifaceted industry experience to the subject Covers the historical influences and contemporary issues in programming, technology, regulation and the business of media Features chapter reviews and discussion questions, as well as an introductory chapter that orients the reader to the broad electronic media landscape Explores the fundamentals for understanding human communication as an underpinning to the study of media communication systems Considers the future and great potential in this ever-changing field.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Family Therapy Homework Planner
Contains 78 ready-to-copy homework assignments that can be used to facilitate family therapy Homework assignments and exercises are keyed to the behaviorally based presenting problems from The Family Therapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition Assignments are available online for quick customization Features new and updated assignments and exercises to meet the changing needs of mental health professionals The Family Therapy Homework Planner, Second Edition provides you with an array of ready-to-use, between- session assignments designed to fit virtually every therapeutic mode. This easy-to-use sourcebook features: New and updated homework assignments consistent with evidence-based therapies and grouped by presenting problems including adoption, communication issues, interracial family problems, sexual abuse, and school concerns 78 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issues encountered by families in therapy, such as family-of-origin interference, depression in family members, divorce, financial conflict, adolescent and parent conflicts, traumatic life events, and dependency issues Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient use of the exercises Assignments that are cross-referenced to The Family Therapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition—so you can quickly identify the right exercise for a given situation or problem All exercises are available online for you to download and customize to suit you and your clients' unique styles and needs For more information on our Practice Planners products, including our full line of Treatment Planners, visit us on the Web at
John Wiley & Sons Changing Minds and BrainsThe Legacy of Reuven F Higher Thinking and Cognition Through Mediated Learning
De Gruyter §§ 8-20; § 23 Geschgehg; Register
Pelican Publishing Co Streetcar Guide to New Orleans, The
De Gruyter Future Bodies from a Recent Past: Skulptur, Technologie, Körper seit den 1950er-Jahren
Future Bodies from a Recent Past brings to life a hitherto little-noticed phenomenon in art and sculpture in particular: the reciprocal interpenetration of bodies and technology. With 120 works by 59 artists—primarily from Europe, the USA and Japan—the exhibition is dedicated to the major technological changes since the post-war period and examines their influence on our notions of bodies. With contributions on topics such as the influence of changing production technologies, materialities, and concepts of the body, but also interdisciplinary considerations of body-technology relations, a multi-perspective history of contemporary sculpture will be outlined. German Edition! Exhibition Museum Brandhorst Munich2 June 2022 until 15 January 2023
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Central Banking, Monetary Policy and Social Responsibility
Part of The Elgar Series on Central Banking and Monetary Policy, this book explores the relationship between central banking, monetary policy and the economy at large. It focuses on the specific relationship between central banking, monetary policy and social responsibility as central banks wake up to new realities.The book examines this relationship not only in connection to the economic, monetary and financial impact of the so-called ‘unconventional’ monetary policies, but also in connection to the functioning of today’s democracies. A new framework and model for central banking is proposed in this rethinking of monetary policy, and the role of central banks as institutions in democracies is considered.Scholars and students interested in central banking and monetary policy, the issue of social responsibility and the relationship between central banks and democracy will benefit from the ideas presented by the editors and authors of Central Banking, Monetary Policy and Social Responsibility.
Cornell University Press From Mobility to Accessibility: Transforming Urban Transportation and Land-Use Planning
Levine, Grengs, and Merlin marshal a compelling case to shift to accessibility-oriented planning, providing much needed conceptual clarity as to what accessibility is and is not. But their book also represents a major step toward transforming accessibility from a vaguely defined aspiration into concrete measures that can guide planning decisions. ― Journal of the American Planning Association In From Mobility to Accessibility, an expert team of researchers flips the tables on the standard models for evaluating regional transportation performance. Jonathan Levine, Joe Grengs, and Louis A. Merlin argue for an "accessibility shift" whereby transportation planning, and the transportation dimensions of land-use planning, would be based on people's ability to reach destinations, rather than on their ability to travel fast. Existing models for planning and evaluating transportation, which have taken vehicle speeds as the most important measure, would make sense if movement were the purpose of transportation. But it is the ability to reach destinations, not movement per se, that people seek from their transportation systems. While the concept of accessibility has been around for the better part of a century, From Mobility to Accessibility shows that the accessibility shift is compelled by the fundamental purpose of transportation. The book argues that the shift would be transformative to the practice of both transportation and land-use planning but is impeded by many conceptual obstacles regarding the nature of accessibility and its potential for guiding development of the built environment. By redefining success in transportation, the book provides city planners, decisionmakers, and scholars a path to reforming the practice of transportation and land-use planning in modern cities and metropolitan areas.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Kern's Process Heat Transfer
This edition ensures the legacy of the original 1950 classic, Process Heat Transfer, by Donald Q. Kern that by many is held to be the gold standard. This second edition book is divided into three parts: Fundamental Principles; Heat Exchangers; and Other Heat Transfer Equipment/ Considerations. Part I provides a series of chapters concerned with introductory topics that are required when solving heat transfer problems. This part of the book deals with topics such as steady-state heat conduction, unsteady-state conduction, forced convection, free convection, and radiation. Part II is considered by the authors to be the "meat" of the book, and the primary reason for undertaking this project. Other than minor updates, Part II remains relatively unchanged from the first edition. Notably, it includes Kern's original design methodology for double-pipe, shell-and-tube, and extended surface heat exchangers. Part II also includes boiling and condensation, boilers, cooling towers and quenchers, as well as newly designed open-ended problems. Part III of the book examines other related topics of interest, including refrigeration and cryogenics, batch and unsteady-state processes, health & safety, and the accompanying topic of risk. In addition, this part also examines the impact of entropy calculations on exchanger design. A 36-page Appendix includes 12 tables of properties, layouts and design factors. WHAT IS NEW IN THE 2ND EDITION Changes that are addressed in the 2nd edition so that Kern's original work continues to remain relevant in 21st century process engineering include: Updated Heat Exchanger Design Increased Number of Illustrative Examples Energy Conservation/ Entropy Considerations Environmental Considerations Health & Safety Risk Assessment Refrigeration and Cryogenics
University of British Columbia Press Fragile Settlements: Aboriginal Peoples, Law, and Resistance in South-West Australia and Prairie Canada
Fragile Settlements compares the processes by which colonial authority was asserted over Indigenous people in south-west Australia and prairie Canada from the 1830s to the early twentieth century. At the start of this period, there was an explosion of settler migration across the British Empire. In a humanitarian response to the unprecedented demand for land, Britain’s Colonial Office moved to protect Indigenous peoples by making them subjects under British law. This book highlights the parallels and divergences between these connected British frontiers by examining how colonial actors and institutions interpreted and applied the principle of law in their interaction with Indigenous peoples on the ground. Fragile Settlements questions the finality of settler colonization and contributes to ongoing debates around jurisdiction, sovereignty, and the prospect of genuine Indigenous-settler reconciliation in Canada and Australia.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change
This is the 20th volume in a series of research articles in social movements, conflicts and change. The papers are broad in scope and methodologically diverse.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Hazardous Waste Incineration
Introduction to Hazardous Waste Incineration, Second Edition The control of hazardous wastes is one of today's most critical environmental issues. Increasing numbers of engineers, technicians, and maintenance personnel are being confronted with problems in this important area. Incineration has become an available and vital option to meet the new challenge of containing hazardous wastes. Introduction to Hazardous Waste Incineration, Second Edition provides a reference work that examines the basic concepts, principles, equipment, and applications pertaining to hazardous waste incineration. Uniquely serving as both an essential guidebook for practicing engineers and a text for engineering students, this new edition contains updated information in the area of standards and regulations, equipment, materials handling equipment, instrumentation, control performance testing, final permit, and facility design. The authors' aim is to offer the reader the fundamentals of incineration with appropriate practical application to the incineration of wastes, in addition to providing an introduction to the specialized literature in this and related areas. Complete with illustrative examples, this informative Second Edition highlights: * Recent history of standards and regulations, including the recently enacted MACT Standards for hazardous waste combustion * Incineration principles, including stoichiometric calculations, and thermochemical considerations * Equipment that may be found in a waste incineration facility (i.e., incinerator, waste heat boiler, quench systems, and air pollution control equipment) * Design principles and their application to a hazardous waste incineration facility * Practice problems at the end of each technical chapter Introduction to Hazardous Waste Incineration, Second Edition offers chemical and environmental engineers working in the hazardous waste control area, as well as technicians and maintenance professionals, the necessary literature to cope with some of the complex problems encountered in waste incineration today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Calculations
Because of the ubiquitous nature of environmental problems, a variety of scientific disciplines are involved in the development of environmental solutions. The Handbook of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Calculations provides approximately 600 real-world, practical solutions to environmental problems that involve chemical engineering, enabling engineers and applied scientists to meet the professional challenges they face day-to-day. The scientific and mathematical crossover between chemical and environmental engineering is the key to solving a host of environmental problems. Many problems included in the Handbook are intended to demonstrate this crossover, as well as the integration of engineering with current regulations and environmental media such as air, soil, and water. Solutions to the problems are presented in a programmed instructional format. Each problem contains a title, problem statement, data, and solution, with the more difficult problems located near the end of each problem set. The Handbook offers material not only to individuals with limited technical background but also to those with extensive industrial experience. Chapter titles include: Chemical Engineering Fundamentals Chemical Engineering Principles Air Pollution Control Equipment Solid Waste Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Pollution Prevention Health, Safety, and Accident Management Ideal for students at the graduate and undergraduate levels, the Handbook of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Calculations is also a comprehensive reference for all plant and environmental engineers, particularly those who work with air, drinking water, wastewater, hazardous materials, and solid waste.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise: His Final Months
A landmark publication tracing the final months of Van Gogh’s life. Van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise: His Final Months offers a unique and impressive overview of the paintings and drawings that Vincent van Gogh created during the last seventy days of his life. He produced no fewer than seventy-four paintings and over thirty drawings in the course of the intense, productive period leading up to his self-inflicted death on 29 July 1890. While the Portrait of Dr Gachet, The Church at Auvers and Wheatfield with Crows are numbered among his greatest masterpieces, this part of his oeuvre is otherwise less known – unfairly so – than the sunny landscapes he painted in the south of France. The book follows the artist from his arrival in Auvers-Sur-Oise, where he set to work full of hope and with fresh ambitions, through to his final weeks. Essays by leading Van Gogh specialists highlight his artistic ambitions and mental state during this final phase; his exploration of the Auvers landscape; the flower still-lifes, portraits and panoramic landscapes he painted there; the role played by his drawings; and his artistic reputation at the time of his death and in the years immediately afterwards. In addition to all the Auvers paintings, the book is richly illustrated with drawings, sketches, historical photographs and detailed maps of the places Van Gogh worked. Also featured are related works by contemporaries and predecessors whom he admired.
Rowman & Littlefield Muted Voices: Latinos and the 2000 Elections
The 2000 presidential election was one of the closest in history, yet this book shows that the Latino vote and voice in the election were limited in impact. In time for election year 2004, Muted Voices explores general themes and trends in American politics and Latino voter participation, while focusing on key state electoral results including Florida, Texas, and most important, California. Since 1988, de la Garza and DeSipio have led the way in interpreting the role of Latinos in U.S. elections. This new installment in their series of electoral studies is chock full of data and thematic suggestions about the future of Latino politics. An introduction by public opinion specialist Robert Y. Shapiro puts Latino voter potential in context with U.S. politics and policy.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Using Art Therapy with Diverse Populations: Crossing Cultures and Abilities
Whether working in urban areas with high levels of cultural diversity, providing art therapy to 'unique' populations such as prisoners or asylum seekers, or introducing art therapy programs to parts of the world in which it is not yet established, it is essential that therapists understand the importance of practicing in a culturally sensitive manner. This comprehensive book considers how culture impacts the practice of art therapy in a variety of settings.With contributions from experienced art therapists who have worked in diverse environments, this book attempts to understand and highlight the specific cultural, subcultural and ethnic influences that inform art therapy treatment. It addresses variable factors including setting, population, environment and ability, and how they influence art therapy approaches. It also considers how cultural differences can impact physical art making through choices of color, symbol and metaphor. Each chapter provides a framework showing how art therapy techniques have been used in order to successfully work with distinct populations. This book will provide practitioners with ideas for how to adapt art therapy training and approaches to suit the setting and meet the needs of a vast range of populations.Full of informative case studies, this book will be invaluable reading for art therapists and students of art therapy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Capital Movements and Corporate Dominance in Latin America: Reduced Growth and Increased Instability
This book addresses the problems of Latin America, through two of the most important features of the post-Bretton Woods economic order, large corporations and weak financial markets. In turn, it shows that their impact on economic growth and development is feeble and short-lived. This resulted in income concentration and an extremely unequal distribution of wealth in the region. As a result, large corporations and financial markets became central institutions in developing economies. In this context, Latin American countries globalized their economies, modifying their productive and financial structures and strengthening large corporation and non- financial structures.This economic order was a failure, as it was unable to achieve development in Latin America; large capital corporations either re-primarized their productive activity or developed an organization based on assembly manufacture, and, as such, financial markets remained underdeveloped because large corporations did not operate through domestic financial markets.In this book, the effects of these trends are analyzed in regional and country studies, while the impact of the 2008 Great Financial Crisis on Latin American economies are also considered.Researchers and students, especially those interested in a Post-Keynesian or heterodox view of the region, will find these studies illuminating.
Voltaire Foundation Correspondance: Avant 1700-Mars, Lettres 1-364 v. 1
MP-FLO Uni Press of Florida In Search of Asylum
Eric Walrond is one of the great underexamined figures of the Harlem Renaissance and the Caribbean diaspora. In Search of Asylum compiles Walrond's European journalism and later fiction. Louis Parascandola and Carl Wade have assembled a collection that at last fills in the biographical gaps in Walrond's life.
Chicago Review Press The Curious Case of Kiryas Joel: The Rise of a Village Theocracy and the Battle to Defend the Separation of Church and State
Twenty years ago, in the middle of the night and on the last day of the legislative session, the New York State Legislature created a publicly funded school district to cater to the interests of a religious sect called the Satmar, an insular group of Hasidic Jews that objects to, among other things, female school bus drivers. The rapidly growing sect had bought land in rural Upstate New York, populated it solely with members of its faction, and created a village called Kiryas Joel that exerted extraordinary political pressure over both political parties. Marking the first time in American history that a governmental unit was established for a religious group, the legislature’s action prompted years of litigation that eventually went to the US Supreme Court.As today’s Supreme Court signals its willingness to view a religious viewpoint like any other speech and accord it equal protection, the 1994 case, Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet, stands as the most important legal precedent in the fight to uphold the separation of church and state. In The Curious Case of Kiryas Joel, plaintiff Louis Grumet opens a window onto the Satmar Hasidic community, where language, customs, and dress have led to estrangement from and clashes with neighboring communities, and details the inside story of his fight for the First Amendment and against New York’s most powerful politicians.Informed by numerous interviews with key figures such as Governor George Pataki, media accounts, court transcripts, and more, The Curious Case of Kiryas Joel not only tantalizes with a peek at cynical power politics driven by votes and Supreme Court justice squabbling and negotiation; it also provides an important demonstration of how a small, insular, and politically savvy religious group can grasp legal and political power. This story—a blend of politics, religion, cultural clashes, and constitutional tension—is an object lesson in the ongoing debate over freedom of versus freedom from religion.