Search results for ""author franz""
Theologischer Verlag Versohnt Durch Den Opfertod Christi?: Die Christliche Suhnopfertheologie Auf Der Anklagebank
Hal Leonard Europe Limited Mass In Time Of War (Vocal Score Ed. Pilkington)
Alfred Music St. Anthony Chorale: Score & Parts
Alfred Music St. Anthony Chorale: Conductor Score
Alfred Music Unfinished Symphony: Conductor Score & Parts
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC European State Aid Law: A Commentary
The regulation of State Aid belongs to the core areas of European Union law. Without the general prohibition of state subsidies to undertakings, competitiveness would be distorted and the benefits of the internal market would be put in jeopardy. This book deals systematically article-by-article with the basic principles, the proceedings, and the implementation of State Aid law as laid down in Articles 107 to 109 TFEU, as well as the general block exemptions regulation (Regulation No 800/2008) and the Council Regulation ((EC) No 659/1999) laying down detailed rules for the application of Article 93 TEC. Further, this commentary deals in detail with the rules regulating State Aid in specific sectors such as telecommunication, postal services, broadcast and television, energy/coal, banking, railroads, road transport, shipping, air traffic/airports, automotive industry, shipbuilding, steel, housing, agriculture, fishery, culture/tourism/sport and health.
Universitatsverlag Winter Criminal Justice in the United States and Germany / Strafrecht in Den Vereinigten Staaten Und Deutschland: History, Modernization and Reform / Geschichte Und Neuere Entwicklungen
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Der Osterreichische Eisenbahnsektor - Forschung, Entwicklung, Wissenstrager
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Liberalismus: Indes. Zeitschrift Fur Politik Und Gesellschaft 2016 Heft 02
Bohlau Verlag Salzburger Jahrbuch Fur Politik 2018
JOVIS Verlag Bauakademie Berlin
Armin Linke’s night photography reveals the vacancy of the Bauakademie as a trace of Schinkel in Berlin’s urban fabric. The rudimentary replica of the corner construction raises questions about the future use and form of this centrally located site. Despite current majority support in Parliament for a reconstruction of the historical envelope―analogous to the recently completed Humboldt Forum―there are clearly more differentiated ideas among architects and urban society in Berlin about the future of the Bauakademie building. There is strong resistance to the appropriation of this important institution and building task by representational politics, that actually threaten to obscure more historical traces than they are supposed to make visible with the motto “As much Schinkel as possible”. At this important moment, Bauakademie Berlin offers conceptual perspectives for a contemporary Bauakademie in the form of texts, architectural drawings, and artist’s photographs. With texts by Sandra Bartoli, Stefanie Endlich, Philipp Oswalt, Tanja Scheffler, Dubravka Sekulić, Axel Sowa, Stephan Trüby, and Andreas Zeese. Photographs by Armin Linke and Gili Merin
Schnell & Steiner Geschichte Brasiliens (1500-1627): Eingeleitet, Ubersetzt Und Mit Anmerkungen Versehen Von Franz Alto Bauer
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Feelings about Law/Justice: The Relevance of Affect to the Development of Law in Pluralistic Legal Cultures: Rechtsgefuhle: Die Relevanz Des Affektiven Fur Die Rechtsentwicklung in Pluralen Rechtskulturen
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Alpin- und Höhenmedizin
Namhafte Alpin- und Höhenmedizinexperten aus dem deutschen Sprachraum und darüber hinaus geben mit diesem Fachbuch einen umfassenden Überblick über die Sport- und Unfallmedizin im Gebirge sowie zur Höhenmedizin. Das Buch deckt dabei alle Inhalte zum „International Diploma in Mountain Medicine“ des Weltbergsportverbandes (UIAA) und der Internationalen Kommission für Alpine Rettung (ICAR) ab und wird von der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Alpin- und Höhenmedizin (ÖGAHM) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Berg- und Expeditionsmedizin (BExMed) empfohlen. Die zweite Auflage wurde ausführlich aktualisiert: Neu dazugekommen sind Kapitel zur Analgesie, Höhentraining im Leistungssport, Unfallprävention im Bergsport sowie ein Beitrag, der den Wissenstransfer von der Höhenmedizin zur Intensivmedizin beleuchtet. Zahlreiche andere Kapitel wurden aktualisiert und eingehend überarbeitet. Die Abbildungen sind nun in Farbe dargestellt. Das Buch wendet sich an Notärzte der Bergrettung, Sportmediziner, Reisemediziner und alle am Alpinsport und Höhenmedizin interessierten Ärzte.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Kreative Medien in Der Psychotherapie: Perspektiven Fur Die Praxis
Dietrich Reimer Deltawelten / Delta Worlds: Leben Zwischen Land Und Wasser / Life Between Land and Water
CABI Publishing Environmental Impact of Invertebrates for Biological Control of Arthropods: Methods and Risk Assessment
This book provides an invaluable review of the current methodologies used for assessing the environmental impacts of invertebrate biological agents used to control pests in agriculture and forestry. It explores methods to evaluate post-release effects and the environmental impact of dispersal, displacement and establishment of invertebrate biological control agents. It covers methodology on screening for contaminants, the use of molecular methods for species identification and the determination of interbreeding. The book also discusses the use and application of information on zoogeographical zones, statistical methods and risk-benefit analysis. It gives practical advice on how to perform science-based risk assessments and on how to use new technology and information.
Pluto Press Global Trends and Global Governance
Which global issues have the most impact on our lives at the beginning of the 21st century? What's the relationship between developments in politics, ecology, the economy, security, and systems of global government? How do we as individuals address the problems that they raise in an increasingly globalised world? Global Trends and Global Governance is a practical guide that explains the key political, economic, ecological and social factors that shape the process of globalisation. Drawing on information from UN reports, the book is packed with useful facts and figures that elucidate these complex ideas. It includes analysis of the US economy and US foreign policy as part of a wider critique of UN unilateralism, revealing the need to establish more co-operative and inclusive forms of global politics.
Alma Books Ltd Seven Expressionist Plays
Princeton University Press The Aphorisms of Franz Kafka
A splendid new translation of an extraordinary work of modern literature—featuring facing-page commentary by Kafka’s acclaimed biographerIn 1917 and 1918, Franz Kafka wrote a set of more than 100 aphorisms, known as the Zürau aphorisms, after the Bohemian village in which he composed them. Among the most mysterious of Kafka’s writings, they explore philosophical questions about truth, good and evil, and the spiritual and sensory world. This is the first annotated, bilingual volume of these extraordinary writings, which provide great insight into Kafka’s mind. Edited, introduced, and with commentaries by preeminent Kafka biographer and authority Reiner Stach, and freshly translated by Shelley Frisch, this beautiful volume presents each aphorism on its own page in English and the original German, with accessible and enlightening notes on facing pages.The most complex of Kafka’s writings, the aphorisms merge literary and analytical thinking and are radical in their ideas, original in their images and metaphors, and exceptionally condensed in their language. Offering up Kafka’s characteristically unsettling charms, the aphorisms at times put readers in unfamiliar, even inhospitable territory, which can then turn luminous: “I have never been in this place before: breathing works differently, and a star shines next to the sun, more dazzlingly still.”Above all, this volume reveals that these multifaceted gems aren’t far removed from Kafka’s novels and stories but are instead situated squarely within his cosmos—arguably at its very core. Long neglected by Kafka readers and scholars, his aphorisms have finally been given their full due here.
Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Warfare Toxicology: Volume 2: Management of Poisoning
Despite ongoing efforts to prohibit the production, storage and use of chemical warfare agents recent world events highlight the enduring threat to the population from these agents. Research efforts in various countries have resulted in novel insights into chemical warfare toxicology that has enabled the development of new approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of chemical warfare poisoning. This book provides an up-to-date treatise on the diagnosis and verification of exposure, and the pre- and post-exposure treatment of poisoning. Focussing on the most important representative nerve and blistering agents, whilst also covering other potential chemical warfare agents, this book will give the reader a comprehensive overview of the many different aspects of chemical warfare agent toxicology. The text will appeal to toxicologists, biochemists and weapons specialists working in industry and academia, and anyone with an interest in chemical warfare toxicology or exposure.
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group Letters to Felice
Vintage Publishing The Castle
'He is the greatest German writer of our time. Such poets as Rilke or such novelists as Thomas Mann are dwarfs or plaster saints in comparison to him' Vladimir NabokovThe story of K. and his arrival in a village where he is never accepted, and his relentless, unavailing struggle with authority in order to gain entrance to the castle that seems to rule it. K.'s isolation and perplexity, his begging for the approval of elusive and anonymous powers, epitomises Kafka's vision of twentieth-century alienation and anxiety.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig First view inside an Atom: - Encounters with Gerhard Richter between Art and Science
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Beitrage Zur Rechtsgeschichte Osterreichs 7. Jahrgang Band 2./2017: Privatrecht in Unsicheren Zeiten Zivilgerichtsbarkeit Im Nationalsozialismus
Hal Leonard Europe Limited The Seasons (New Edition)
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Das Neue Recht Fur Behinderte Beschaftigte: Inklusion Am Arbeitsplatz - Bundesteilhabegesetz ALS Herausforderung Fur Vertretungen, Arbeitgeber Und Anwaltschaft
Kohlhammer Affektive Storungen Und Sucht
Taylor & Francis Ltd Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Epidemiology, Risk Factors and Treatment
Recent years have seen a growing awareness of the common occurrence of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. There has been a parallel increase in the number of studies examining the risk factors, comorbidity, course and outcome of such disorders, as well as the developments of numerous preventative and intervention strategies.The aim of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents is to present a comprehensive summary of the most recent empirical findings in this area. Written by eminent researchers and clinicians from Europe and America, the book is divided into three broad sections. The first provides a general overview of anxiety disorders in the young, outlining classification and assessment strategies as well as research methods and design. Part two contains chapters on the seven subtypes of anxiety disorder, including panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. The final section deals with the progress that has been made in the understanding of such disorders and provides recommendations for future investigation.Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents is intended for students, researchers and other professionals in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, pediatrics and social work.
Sirius Entertainment Metamorphosis
Seagull Books London Ltd At the Burning Abyss: Experiencing the Georg Trakl Poem
At the Burning Abyss is Franz Fuhmann's magnum opus a gripping and profoundly personal encounter with the great expressionist poet Georg Trakl. It is a taking stock of two troubled lives, a turbulent century, and the liberating power of poetry. Picking up where his last book, The Jew Car, left off, Fuhmann probes his own susceptibility to ideology's seductions Nazism, then socialism and examines their antidote, the goad of Trakl's enigmatic verses. He confronts Trakl's "unlivable life," as his poetry transcends the panaceas of black-and-white ideology, ultimately bringing a painful, necessary understanding of "the whole human being: in victories and triumphs as in distress and defeat, in temptation and obsession, in splendor and in ordure." In 1982, the German edition of At the Burning Abyss won the West German Scholl Siblings Prize, celebrating its "courage to resist inhumanity." At a time of political extremism and polarization, has lost none of its urgency.
University of Nebraska Press Psychoanalytic Therapy: Principles and Application
First published in 1946, Psychoanalytic Therapy stands as a classic presentation of "brief therapy". The volume, which is based upon nearly six hundred cases, derives from a concerted effort at the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis to define the principles that make possible a psychotherapy shorter and more efficient than traditional psychoanalysis and to develop specific techniques of treatment. While taking a psychoanalytic approach, the authors urge the therapist to plan carefully and sensibly to avoid letting every case drift into "interminable" psychoanalysis. They address not only psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, but also psychologists, general physicians, social workers, and "all whose work is closely concerned with human relationships."
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig When Art Meets Money: Encounters at the Art Basel
Schnell & Steiner Ich, Doch Nicht Mehr Ich: Spiritualitat ALS Ernstfall Der Theologie Bei Joseph Ratzinger
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Verstehen Und Verdacht: Hermeneutische Und Kritische Theologie Im Gesprach
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Katalog Der Handschriften Des Augustiner Chorherrenstiftes Klosterneuburg Teil 3: Cod. 201-300
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1917 Bis 2017: 100 Jahre Uspd: Indes. Zeitschrift Fur Politik Und Gesellschaft 2016 Heft 04
Klincksieck L'Almanach Du Blaue Reiter: (Le Cavalier Bleu)
Max Hueber Verlag Zwischendurch mal: Zwischendurch mal...Landeskunde