Search results for ""Author CGP Books""
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS2 Science Year 4 Workout: States of Matter
This CGP Workout book is packed with practice covering everything Year 4 (ages 8-9) pupils need to know about States of Matter - all clearly laid out with plenty of space for writing answers. There’s a range of questions for each topic, with a mixed section at the end of the book that tests children on everything they’ve learned. Practical mini-projects are also included to help them develop their scientific investigation skills. Answers to every question are included on the pull-out centre pages, along with a useful A3 poster that pupils can colour in. CGP Year 4 Science Workout books are also available for: Living Things and Habitats (9781782940838), Teeth, Digestion and Food Chains (9781782940845), Sound (9781782940869) and Electricity (9781782940876).
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS2 Science Year 4 Workout: Sound
This CGP Workout book is packed with practice covering everything Year 4 (ages 8-9) pupils need to know about Sound - all clearly laid out with plenty of space for writing answers. There’s a range of questions for each topic, with a mixed section at the end of the book that tests children on everything they’ve learned. Practical mini-projects are also included to help them develop their scientific investigation skills. Answers to every question are included on the pull-out centre pages, along with a useful A3 poster that pupils can colour in. CGP Year 4 Science Workout books are also available for: Living Things and Habitats (9781782940838), Teeth, Digestion and Food Chains (9781782940845), States of Matter (9781782940852) and Electricity (9781782940876).
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS2 Science Year 3 Workout: Plant Life
This CGP Workout book is packed with practice covering everything Year 3 pupils (ages 7-8) need to know about Plant Life - all clearly laid out with plenty of space for writing answers. There’s a range of questions for each topic, with a mixed section at the end of the book that tests children on everything they’ve learned. Practical mini-projects are also included to help them develop their scientific investigation skills. Answers to every question are included on the pull-out centre pages, along with a useful A3 poster that pupils can colour in. CGP Year 3 Science Workout books are also available for: Nutrition and the Body (9781782940807), Rocks, Fossils and Soils (9781782940814) and Light and Forces (9781782940821).
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) Romeo & Juliet - The Complete Play with Annotations, Audio and Knowledge Organisers
This Romeo and Juliet Complete Play contains the full text of all five acts, with helpful annotations explaining all the tricky bits in plain English. It includes scene overviews and a context section, so that students can keep track of the plot, characters and historical details. Plus, there is lots of practice, with questions and activities at the end of every scene. We've also added Knowledge Organiser pages, which lay all the essentials out in one handy place, and online audio extracts, which let students hear key scenes performed, just as Shakespeare intended. The CGP range for Shakespeare also includes a matching Text Guide (9781841461182), which contains all the notes and practice you need to really master Romeo and Juliet!
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) Macbeth - The Complete Play with Annotations, Audio and Knowledge Organisers
This Macbeth Complete Play contains the full text of all five acts, with helpful annotations explaining all the tricky bits in plain English. It includes scene overviews and a context section, so that students can keep track of the plot, characters and historical details. Plus, there is lots of practice, with questions and activities at the end of every scene. We've also added Knowledge Organiser pages, which lay all the essentials out in one handy place, and online audio extracts, which let students hear key scenes performed, just as Shakespeare intended. The CGP range for Shakespeare also includes a matching Text Guide (9781841461168), which contains all the notes and practice you need to really master Macbeth!
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS1 Mental Maths Workout - Year 1
This CGP Key Stage One Mental Maths Workout Book is packed with enjoyable practice exercises for Year 1 pupils (ages 5-6) - including a section of ‘Time Yourself' tests. Presented in a fun and friendly style, it’s a great way to help make sure children have really got to grips with working out maths problems in their heads. Answers are included in a removable section, so it’s simple to find out how well they’re progressing.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS2 Mental Maths Workout - Year 6
This CGP Key Stage Two Mental Maths Workout Book is packed with essential practice exercises for Year 6 pupils (ages 10-11) - including a section of ‘Time Yourself’ tests. Presented in a fun and friendly style, it’s a great way to help make sure children have really got to grips with working out maths problems in their heads. Answers are included in a removable section, so it’s simple to find out how well they’re progressing.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) GCSE AQA A Religious Studies: Christianity & Islam Revision Question Cards
Find out how your GCSE Religious Studies revision is going with CGP's AQA A Revision Question Cards. There are 64 cards in the pack, covering the Christianity and Islam options. Each card starts off by testing whether you have the basic facts and the key terms clear in your mind. They then move on to religious teachings and quotes from sacred texts. There are also lots of questions to get you thinking about opposing points of view - either within a religion or between religions. Flip the card over and you’ll find full answers to each question, carefully written to help you understand everything you need to know. Don't miss matching study notes for the whole course in our AQA A GCSE Religious Studies (Christianity and Islam) Revision Guide (9781789085709).
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS1 English Phonics Buster - for the Phonics Screening Check in Year 1
Our Phonics Check Buster is packed with useful advice to help pupils ace the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check. It introduces pupils to the style of the test, and contains plenty of realistic practice to build their skills and confidence. For even more phonics practice, check out our brilliant Targeted Practice Workbooks (ISBN 9781789080162) and our superb Phonics Weekly Workouts (ISBN 9781789080209).
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS1 English Year 1 Phonics Targeted Practice Book - Book 2
This Phonics Targeted Practice (Book 2) by CGP is ideal for practice in Year 1. We’ve packed it full of engaging activities and colourful characters to help pupils improve their phonics skills. This book follows the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme and includes alternative pronunciations for: i, o, c, g, u, ow, ie, ea, er, and more!
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) Reception English Phonics Targeted Practice Book - Book 2
This Phonics Targeted Practice (Book 2) by CGP is ideal for practice in Reception. We’ve packed it full of engaging activities and colourful characters to help pupils improve their phonics skills. It’s perfectly matched to the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme and covers the letters g, o, c, k, e, u, r, h, b and f - plus some double letters and tricky words.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) Reception English Phonics Targeted Practice Book - Book 1
CGP’s Phonics Targeted Practice (Book 1) is ideal for practice in Reception. We’ve packed it full of engaging activities and colourful characters to help pupils improve their phonics skills. It’s perfectly matched to the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme and covers Phase 1, plus the letters s, a, t, p, I, n, m and d from Phase 2.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS2 Mental Maths Workout - Year 3
This CGP Key Stage Two Mental Maths Workout Book is packed with essential practice exercises for Year 3 pupils (ages 6-7) - including a section of ‘Time Yourself’ tests. Presented in a fun and friendly style, it’s a great way to help make sure children have really got to grips with working out maths problems in their heads. Answers are included in a removable section, so it’s simple to find out how well they’re progressing.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS2 Mental Maths Workout - Year 4
This CGP Key Stage Two Mental Maths Workout Book is packed with essential practice exercises for Year 4 pupils (ages 7-8) - including a section of ‘Time Yourself’ tests. Presented in a fun and friendly style, it’s a great way to help make sure children have really got to grips with working out maths problems in their heads. Answers are included in a removable section, so it’s simple to find out how well they’re progressing.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) The Tempest - The Complete Play with Annotations, Audio and Knowledge Organisers
This The Tempest Complete Play contains the full text of all five acts, with helpful annotations explaining all the tricky bits in plain English. It includes scene overviews and a context section, so that students can keep track of the plot, characters and historical details. Plus, there is lots of practice, with questions and activities at the end of every scene. We've also added Knowledge Organiser pages, which lay all the essentials out in one handy place, and online audio extracts, which let students hear key scenes performed, just as Shakespeare intended.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) A Christmas Carol - The Complete Novel with Annotations and Knowledge Organisers
A Christmas Carol – The Complete Text contains the full text of the novel, with helpful annotations to explain characters, themes, context and more! Plus, we've included Knowledge Organiser pages, where all the key info is laid out in one handy place. And there are discussion questions to help students dig deeper into the novel. The CGP range for English Literature also includes a matching Text Guide (9781782943099), which contains all the notes and practice you need to really master A Christmas Carol!
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde - The Complete Novel with Annotations & Knowledge Organisers
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde – The Complete Text contains the full text of the novel, with helpful annotations to explain characters, themes, context and more! Plus, we've included Knowledge Organiser pages, where all the key info is laid out in one handy place. And there are discussion questions to help students dig deeper into the novel. The CGP range for English Literature also includes a matching Text Guide (9781782943082), which contains all the notes and practice you need to really master Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde!
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS1 Year 1 English 10-Minute Weekly Workouts
This Year 1 English Weekly Workouts book is packed full of quick-fire Workouts - one for each week of the school year! Each Workout features a handful of warm-up questions, followed by more challenging questions and a problem solving section. They're the perfect way to help pupils remember what they've learned in class. Answers to each Workout are included in a cut-out section at the back of the book, and we’ve even included a handy progress chart, where you can record pupils’ marks and make notes.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS1 English Year 1 Phonics Targeted Practice Book - Book 1
CGP’s Phonics Targeted Practice (Book 1) is ideal for practice in Year 1. We’ve packed it full of engaging activities and colourful characters to help pupils improve their phonics skills. This book follows the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme, and covers ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, ue, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, plus many more!
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) Reception English Phonics Targeted Practice Book - Book 4
CGP’s Phonics Targeted Practice (Book 4) is spot-on for practice in Reception. We’ve packed it full of engaging activities and colourful characters to help pupils improve their phonics skills. It’s perfectly matched to the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme and covers the second half of Phase 3, including digraphs such as ai, ee, and oa, and trigraphs like igh, air, and ear.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) Much Ado About Nothing - The Complete Play with Annotations, Audio and Knowledge Organisers
This Much Ado About Nothing Complete Play contains the full text of all five acts, with helpful annotations explaining all the tricky bits in plain English. It includes scene overviews and a context section, so that students can keep track of the plot, characters and historical details. Plus, there is lots of practice, with questions and activities at the end of every scene. We've also added Knowledge Organiser pages, which lay all the essentials out in one handy place, and online audio extracts, which let students hear key scenes performed, just as Shakespeare intended. The CGP range for Shakespeare also includes a matching Text Guide (9781782948513), which contains all the notes and practice you need to really master Much Ado About Nothing!
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS1 Mental Maths Workout - Year 2
This CGP Key Stage One Maths Workout Book is packed with enjoyable practice exercises for Year 2 pupils (ages 6-7) - including a section of ‘Time Yourself' tests. Presented in a fun and friendly style, it’s a great way to help make sure children have really got to grips with working out maths problems in their heads. Answers are included in a removable section, so it’s simple to find out how well they’re progressing.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) Reception English Phonics 10-Minute Weekly Workouts
This CGP Weekly Workout book contains a range of 10-Minute workouts to be completed each week - it’s the ideal way for Reception pupils to practise what they’ve been learning! Each Workout is made up of a warm-up, followed by perfectly sequenced practice tasks on a mixture of topics. There’s also a host of friendly characters giving out useful tips, and self-assessment stars to show how confident pupils are with each task.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS1 English Year 1 Phonics Targeted Practice Book - Book 3
CGP’s Phonics Targeted Practice (Book 3) is spot-on for practice in Year 1. We’ve packed it full of engaging activities and colourful characters to help pupils improve their phonics skills. This book follows the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme and includes alternative spellings for sounds: ai, ee, oa, s, e, j, o, oo, ow, oi, ur and many more!
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) Reception English Phonics Targeted Practice Book - Book 3
CGP’s Phonics Targeted Practice (Book 3) is spot-on for practice in Reception. We’ve packed it full of engaging activities and colourful characters to help pupils improve their phonics skills. It’s perfectly matched to the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme and covers the first half of Phase 3, including j, v, w, x, y, z, qu, ch, sh, th and ng - and getting pupils writing in full sentences.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) Reception English Phonics Targeted Practice Book - Book 5
This Phonics Targeted Practice (Book 5) from CGP is unbeatable for practice in Reception. We’ve packed it full of engaging activities and colourful characters to help pupils improve their phonics skills. It’s perfectly matched to the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme and covers the first half of Phase 4, including consonant clusters and tricky words.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) New GCSE Computer Science OCR Exam Practice Workbook includes answers
This CGP Exam Practice Workbook is packed with exam-style questions that cover every topic on the GCSE OCR Computer Science course. It tests students on everything from basic definitions to the tricky 8-mark extended answers, and there's plenty of practice at writing code and algorithms too. What's more, detailed answers are included at the back of the book! Matching study notes are available in our GCSE OCR Computer Science Revision Guide (9781789085563) and for even more practice don't miss our brilliant Revision Question Cards (9781789085600 ).
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) ALevel Biology for AQA Year 1 2 Student Book with Online Edition
Complete course coverage for the best grades in the upcoming mocks and exams!This comprehensive CGP student book covers both years AQA A-Level Biology! It contains in-depth, accessible notes explaining every topic, supported by clear diagrams, photographs, tips and worked examples. To test students' knowledge and understanding, there are practice questions and exam-style questions throughout the book - with complete answers included. There's also detailed guidance on Maths Skills, Practical Investigations and indispensable advice for success in the final exams. An access-code for a free Online Edition is also included, allowing you to read the entire book on a PC, Mac or tablet. If you prefer, separate CGP student books are available for Year 1 (9781782943198) and Year 2 (9781782943242) of AQA A-Level Biology.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS2 English Writing Buster - Handwriting
This book is an excellent source of joined-up handwriting practice for Key Stage Two pupils (ages 7-11). For each letter of the alphabet, there’s a big selection of sentences to copy out - all packed with practice at joining that letter to others. There’s an example at the top of each page to remind children how to make the join, plus fun pictures and rhymes to help keep them motivated.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) A-Level Sociology: AQA Year 1 & AS Complete Revision & Practice
This clear, concise Complete Revision & Practice book from CGP is a perfect way to prepare for the AQA AS-Level Sociology exams - and it’s also ideal for Year 1 of the full A-Level course. It’s packed with straightforward study notes explaining all the theory, plus summaries of every sociological study students will need to score a top grade. Practice questions and exam-style questions are included for every topic, and the book is rounded off with a section of in-depth advice on how to do well in the exam.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) GCSE Business Complete Revision Practice with Online Edition
This Complete Revision & Practice book is a brilliant guide to success in the Grade 9-1 GCSE Business course. It's suitable for the AQA, Edexcel and OCR exam boards. Everything's explained in our clear, friendly style with case studies to make the theory easier to understand. The book prepares students for the real exams with plenty of exam tips, worked example questions and exam-style questions (including answers). We've also included a free Online Edition of the whole book - just use the code printed inside the cover to access it on your PC, Mac or tablet.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS2 English SAT Buster 10-Minute Tests: Reading - Stretch (for the 2024 tests)
For challenging quick-fire Reading tests, you've come to the right place! This KS2 10-Minute Tests book contains 18 bite-sized reading tests, all set at the perfect level to challenge confident readers looking to score top marks in the SATs. Tests cover a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts, with questions covering all of the KS2 reading elements pupils need to know. Puzzle pages break up the action and allow pupils to hone their skills in a different context. Full answers are included for easy marking, alongside handy scoresheets and a progress chart to help track how pupils are getting on. For practice at a lower difficulty, ideal for pupils working at the expected standard, check out our KS2 Reading 10-Minute Tests Book 1 (9781782942399) and Book 2 (9781782944799).
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) GCSE Science: Essential Maths Skills 10-Minute Tests - Higher (includes answers)
This marvellous CGP Grade 9-1 GCSE Science 10-Minute Tests book covers all the Essential Maths Skills students will need to master for their final exams - and it’s suitable for all exam boards! The book contains thirty tests, full to the brim with exam-style questions to practise the Maths Skills required for GCSE Higher Level Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Combined Science. Fully worked answers and a mark scheme are included at the back, along with a handy progress chart. Don’t miss CGP’s Essential Maths Skills for GCSE Science Study & Practice Book for notes, worked examples and even more practice (9781782947042).
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) New GCSE Biology AQA Student Book includes Online Edition Videos and Answers
This superb in-depth Student Book from CGP perfectly covers GCSE AQA Biology! It''s packed with a huge range of essential resources, including detailed and accessible notes, clear diagrams, photographs, exam tips and worked examples. We''ve also included plenty of practice questions throughout, with detailed answers at the back. And of course, there''s full coverage of all the Required Practicals, Maths Skills and Working Scientifically, plus fantastic online Formula Practice Sheets to help students memorise all the formulas they''ll need for the course. If that wasn't enough, we''ve also added online videos to explain key concepts as well as a free Online Edition of the whole book to read on a PC, Mac or tablet - just use the unique code printed inside the cover to gain access! Don''t forget to check out our matching Student Books for GCSE Chemistry (9781782945963) and GCSE Physics (9781782945970) too.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) New GCSE Chemistry AQA Student Book includes Online Edition Videos and Answers
This superb in-depth Student Book from CGP perfectly covers GCSE AQA Chemistry! It''s packed with a huge range of essential resources, including detailed and accessible notes, clear diagrams, photographs, exam tips and worked examples. We''ve also included plenty of practice questions throughout, with detailed answers at the back. And of course, there''s full coverage of all the Required Practicals, Maths Skills and Working Scientifically, plus fantastic online Formula Practice Sheets to help students memorise all the formulas they''ll need for the course. If that wasn't enough, we''ve also added online videos to explain key concepts as well as a free Online Edition of the whole book to read on a PC, Mac or tablet - just use the unique code printed inside the cover to gain access! Don''t forget to check out our matching Student Books for GCSE Biology (9781782945956) and GCSE Physics (9781782945970) too.
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) ALevel Biology for AQA Year 2 Student Book with Online Edition
Complete course coverage for the best grades in the upcoming mocks and exams!This superb Student Book has everything students will need for success in Year 2 of AQA A-Level Biology!It contains in-depth, accessible notes explaining every topic, backed up with clear diagrams, photographs, tips and worked examples. To test students' knowledge and understanding, there are practice questions and exam-style questions throughout the book (with detailed answers included). There's also plenty of helpful guidance on Maths Skills and Practical Investigations, plus indispensable advice for success in the final exams. Looking for more help with the maths you'll need for A-Level Biology? Try our Essential Maths Skills book!
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) New Cambridge International GCSE Maths Complete Revision Practice Core Extended inc Online Ed
This superb all-in-one guide is packed with revision and practice for Cambridge International GCSE Maths! It includes clear study notes and examples on all the Core and Extended material - all updated to match the new syllabus. It's got practice and exam-style questions throughout, plus two full sets of practice papers (one for Core and one for Extended material) so that students can put their knowledge to the test. And all the answers are included at the back for good measure. What's more, we've even thrown in a free Online Edition of the whole book. I know - this book is off the charts!Don't miss our Cambridge IGCSE Maths Exam Practice Workbook (9781837741212) - it has more realistic exam-style questions for further practice, and pairs perfectly with this book. (This book is suitable for the new International GCSE syllabi 0580 and 0980 - first teaching from 2023, first assessment from 2025.)
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) New Problem Solving Reasoning Maths Activity Book for Ages 1011 Year 6
A colourful Maths Activity Book with engaging activities and word problems - at just the right level for children aged 10-11 (Year 6 of Primary school) to put their problem-solving and reasoning skills to the test. This book is filled with friendly characters and fun questions, perfect for learning at home or in class. Each topic is explained in easy-to-understand language, followed by activities and challenges to boost your child's confidence and keep them engaged with their learning. We've also included exciting puzzle pages so they can apply their Maths skills in a different context. Self-assessment boxes can be found at the end of each topic to keep track of your child's progress, and all the answers are at the back of the book. Marvellous!
Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP) KS1 English Year 1 Reading Comprehension Targeted Question Book - Book 1 (with Answers)
Our brilliant Targeted Question Book 1 for Year 1 is perfect for pupils getting to grips with Reading Comprehension at Primary School. It's packed with a diverse variety of colourful, fun activities and texts, and there are extra challenges throughout for additional practice. All of the answers are included at the back of the book, and be sure to use the progress chart to record any tricky words pupils encounter! For more Year 1 Reading Comprehension practice, we also have a Book 2 (9781789084344) and a challenging Stretch Book (9781789088465).