Search results for ""Author "George"""
Penguin Books Ltd George III: The Life and Reign of Britain's Most Misunderstood Monarch
The Times Book of the Year*Winner of the Elizabeth Longford Prize for Historical Biography, 2022**Winner of the General Society of Colonial Wars' Distinguished Book Award, 2021**Winner of the History Reclaimed Book of the Year, 2022**Shortlisted for the Duff Cooper Prize, 2021*Andrew Roberts, one of Britain's premier historians, overturns the received wisdom on George IIIGeorge III, Britain's longest-reigning king, has gone down in history as 'the cruellest tyrant of this age' (Thomas Paine, eighteenth century), 'a sovereign who inflicted more profound and enduring injuries upon this country than any other modern English king' (W.E.H. Lecky, nineteenth century), 'one of England's most disastrous kings' (J.H. Plumb, twentieth century) and as the pompous monarch of the musical Hamilton (twenty-first century).Andrew Roberts's magnificent new biography takes entirely the opposite view. It portrays George as intelligent, benevolent, scrupulously devoted to the constitution of his country and (as head of government as well as head of state) navigating the turbulence of eighteenth-century politics with a strong sense of honour and duty. He was a devoted husband and family man, a great patron of the arts and sciences, keen to advance Britain's agricultural capacity ('Farmer George') and determined that her horizons should be global. He could be stubborn and self-righteous, but he was also brave, brushing aside numerous assassination attempts, galvanising his ministers and generals at moments of crisis and stoical in the face of his descent - five times during his life - into a horrifying loss of mind.The book gives a detailed, revisionist account of the American Revolutionary War, persuasively taking apart a significant proportion of the Declaration of Independence, which Roberts shows to be largely Jeffersonian propaganda. In a later war, he describes how George's support for William Pitt was crucial in the battle against Napoleon. And he makes a convincing, modern diagnosis of George's terrible malady, very different to the widely accepted medical view and to popular portrayals.Roberts writes, 'the people who knew George III best loved him the most', and that far from being a tyrant or incompetent, George III was one of our most admirable monarchs. The diarist Fanny Burney, who spent four years at his court and saw him often, wrote 'A noble sovereign this is, and when justice is done to him, he will be as such acknowledged'. In presenting this fresh view of Britain's most misunderstood monarch, George III shows one of Britain's premier historians at his sparkling best.
Johns Hopkins University Press First Among Men: George Washington and the Myth of American Masculinity
Dispelling common myths about the first US president and revealing the real George Washington.Winner of the George Washington Prize by George Washington's Mount VernonGeorge Washington—hero of the French and Indian War, commander in chief of the Continental Army, and first president of the United States—died on December 14, 1799. The myth-making began immediately thereafter, and the Washington mythos crafted after his death remains largely intact. But what do we really know about Washington as an upper-class man?Washington is frequently portrayed by his biographers as America at its unflinching best: tall, shrewd, determined, resilient, stalwart, and tremendously effective in action. But this aggressive and muscular version of Washington is largely a creation of the nineteenth century. Eighteenth-century ideals of upper-class masculinity would have preferred a man with refined aesthetic tastes, graceful and elegant movements, and the ability and willingness to clearly articulate his emotions. At the same time, these eighteenth-century men subjected themselves to intense hardship and inflicted incredible amounts of violence on each other, their families, their neighbors, and the people they enslaved. In First Among Men: George Washington and the Myth of American Masculinity, Valsania considers Washington's complexity and apparent contradictions in three main areas: his physical life (often bloody, cold, injured, muddy, or otherwise unpleasant), his emotional world (sentimental, loving, and affectionate), and his social persona (carefully constructed and maintained). In each, he notes, the reality diverges from the legend quite drastically. Ultimately, Valsania challenges readers to reconsider what they think they know about Washington.Aided by new research, documents, and objects that have only recently come to light, First Among Men tells the fascinating story of a living and breathing person who loved, suffered, moved, gestured, dressed, ate, drank, and had sex in ways that may be surprising to many Americans. In this accessible, detailed narrative, Valsania presents a full, complete portrait of Washington as readers have rarely seen him before: as a man, a son, a father, and a friend.
Biteback Publishing A True Statesman: George H. W. Bush and the 'Indispensable Nation'
'If the United States does not lead, there will be no leadership. If the US instead turns inward, there will be a price to be paid later.' - George H. W. Bush Marking thirty years since the end of George H. W. Bush's presidency, Robin Renwick paints a warm, affectionate portrait of a President who sought to unify rather than divide his country, and whose staunch belief in diplomacy strengthened cooperation around the world. A True Statesman explores Bush's core belief in the United States as the 'indispensable nation' in helping to deal with world crises, charting his efforts to end the Cold War, secure the reunification of Germany and drive Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait. Extending beyond Bush's time in office, it also reflects on US foreign policy over the past three decades, examining the consequences of his successors' differing approaches to America's role on the world stage. Incisively written by a former British Ambassador to Washington, this insider account offers fresh insights into both the 41st President and America's foreign policy from Iran-Contra to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Chicago Review Press George Washington for Kids: His Life and Times with 21 Activities
George Washington comes alive in this fascinating activity book that introduces the leader to whom citizens turned again and again—to lead them through eight long years of war, to guide them as they wrote a new Constitution, and to act as the new nation’s first executive leader. Children will learn how, shortly after his death in 1799, people began transforming George Washington from a man into a myth. But Washington was a complex individual who, like everyone, had hopes and fears, successes and failures. In his early 20s, for instance,Washington’s actions helped plunge Great Britain and France into war. He later fought for liberty and independence, yet owned slaves himself (eventually freeing them in his will). This book weaves a rich tapestry of Washington’s life, allowing kids to connect with his story in 21 hands-on projects based on his experiences and the times in which he lived. Children will learn how to tie a cravat, write with a quill pen, follow animal tracks, sew a lady’s cap, plant a garden, roll a beeswax candle, play a game of Quoits, and make a replica of Washington’s commander-in-chief flag. The text includes a time line, glossary, websites, travel resources, and a reading list for further study.
WW Norton & Co "On My Way": The Untold Story of Rouben Mamoulian, George Gershwin, and Porgy and Bess
"Bring my goat!" Porgy exclaims in the final scene of Gershwin’s opera Porgy and Bess. Bess, whom he loves, has left for New York City, and he’s determined to find her. When his request is met with astonishment—New York is a great distance from South Carolina’s Catfish Row—Porgy remains undaunted. He mounts his goat-cart and leads the community in an ecstatic finale, "Oh Lawd, I’m on my way." Stephen Sondheim has called "Bring my goat!" "one of the most moving moments in musical theater history." For years it was assumed that DuBose Heyward—the author of the seminal novella and subsequent play, Porgy, and later the librettist for the opera Porgy and Bess—penned this historic line. In fact, both it and "Oh Lawd, I'm on my way" were added to the play eight years earlier by that production’s unheralded architect: Rouben Mamoulian. Porgy and Bess as we know it would not exist without the contributions of this master director. Culling new information from the recently opened Mamoulian Archives at the Library of Congress, award-winning author Joseph Horowitz shows that, more than anyone else, Mamoulian took Heyward's vignette of a regional African-American subculture and transformed it into an epic theater work, a universal parable of suffering and redemption. Part biography, part revelatory history, "On My Way" re-creates Mamoulian's visionary style on stage and screen, his collaboration with George Gershwin, and the genesis of the opera that changed the face of American musical life.
Hallie Ford Museum of Art,US Transformations: The George and Colleen Hoyt Collection of Northwest Coast Art
Since the 1980s, Oregon-based art collectors George and Colleen Hoyt have amassed one of the finest private collections of Northwest Coast art in the United States. Transformations traces the history of contemporary Northwest Coast Native art since the 1950s. Included are works by some of the region's foremost Native artists of the past half century, including Robert Davidson, Doug Cranmer, Beau Dick, and Susan Point. The collection of over six hundred prints and carvings by over one hundred artists is a promised gift from George and Colleen Hoyt to the Hallie Ford Museum of Art. Richly illustrated with color photographs, the book features a foreword by John Olbrantz, an essay by Rebecca J. Dobkins, and artist biographies by Tasia Riley. Exhibition dates: Hallie Ford Museum of Art, September 17–December 17, 2022
Princeton University Press "Pedlar in Divinity": George Whitefield and the Transatlantic Revivals, 1737-1770
A pioneer in the commercialization of religion, George Whitefield (1714-1770) is seen by many as the most powerful leader of the Great Awakening in America: through his passionate ministry he united local religious revivals into a national movement before there was a nation. An itinerant British preacher who spent much of his adult life in the American colonies, Whitefield was an immensely popular speaker. Crossing national boundaries and ignoring ecclesiastical controls, he preached outdoors or in public houses and guild halls. In London, crowds of more than thirty thousand gathered to hear him, and his audiences exceeded twenty thousand in Philadelphia and Boston. In this fresh interpretation of Whitefield and his age, Frank Lambert focuses not so much on the evangelist's oratorical skills as on the marketing techniques that he borrowed from his contemporaries in the commercial world. What emerges is a fascinating account of the birth of consumer culture in the eighteenth century, especially the new advertising methods available to those selling goods and services--or salvation. Whitefield faced a problem similar to that of the new Atlantic merchants: how to reach an ever-expanding audience of anonymous strangers, most of whom he would never see face-to-face. To contact this mass "congregation," Whitefield exploited popular print, especially newspapers. In addition, he turned to a technique later imitated by other evangelists such as Dwight L. Moody, Billy Sunday, and Billy Graham: the deployment of advance publicity teams to advertise his coming presentations. Immersed in commerce themselves, Whitefield's auditors appropriated him as a well-publicized English import. He preached against the excesses and luxuries of the spreading consumer society, but he drew heavily on the new commercialism to explain his mission to himself and to his transatlantic audience.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization and Economic Development: Essays in Honour of J. George Waardenburg
Globalization is widely regarded as a means not only of ensuring efficiency and growth, but also of achieving equity and development for those countries operating in the global economy. The book argues that this perception of globalization as the road to development has lost its lustre. The experience of the 1990s belied expectation of the gains, such as faster growth and reduced poverty, which could be achieved through closer integration in the world economy. The authors demonstrate that the downside of globalization for developing countries has proved to be far greater than is generally accepted. Based on empirical facts and sound economic reasoning, they arrive at a non-conventional interpretation of the impact of globalisation on the development process of poor countries and propose policy alternatives to the standard 'Washington consensus'. On the external front, they find that developing countries need to actively manage their integration into the global economy if they are to overcome the imbalances and instabilities associated with international flows of goods and capital and be capable of pursuing broad based and equitable economic development. Domestically, they show that such development can often be achieved by deviating from, rather than adhering to, the 'Washington consensus' (fiscal and other) policy norms. The distinguished group of contributors have produced a provocative book which is a substantial contribution to the debate on globalization. It will appeal to development economists in particular, and economists in general who like to question contemporary economic reasoning.
Random House USA Inc Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush
Macat International Limited An Analysis of Georges Lefebvre's The Coming of the French Revolution
Georges Lefebvre was one of the most highly-regarded historians of the 20th century – and a key reason for the high reputation he enjoys can be found in The Coming of the French Revolution. Lefebvre's key contribution to the debate over what remains arguably one of history's most contentious and significant events in history was to deploy the critical thinking skill of evaluation to reveal weaknesses in existing arguments about the causes of the Revolution, and analytical skills to expose hidden assumptions in them. Rather than seeing events as driven by the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie – which then lost power to the urban workers – as was usual at the time, Lefebvre deployed years of research in regional archives to argue that the Revolution had had a fourth pillar: the peasantry. Painting the upheaval as complex and multi-layered – while still privileging a predominantly economic interpretation – Lefebvre provides a compelling new narrative to explain why the French monarchy collapsed so suddenly in 1789: one that stressed the significance of a ‘popular revolution’ in the rural countryside.
Cornell University Press Mr. X and the Pacific: George F. Kennan and American Policy in East Asia
George F. Kennan is well known as the preeminent American expert on the Soviet Union during the Cold War and the author of the doctrine of containment. In Mr. X and the Pacific, Paul J. Heer chronicles and assesses Kennan's work in affecting US policy toward East Asia. Heer traces the origins, development, and bearing of Kennan's strategic perspective on the Far East during his time as director of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff from 1947 to 1950. The author follows Kennan's career and evolution of his thinking as he subsequently became a prominent critic of American participation in the Vietnam War. Mr. X and the Pacific offers readers a new view of Kennan, revealing his importance and the totality of his role in East Asia policy, his struggle with American foreign policy in the region, and the ways in which Kennan's legacy still has implications for how the United States approaches the region in the twenty-first century.
Trustees of the Royal Armouries British Ordnance Muskets of the 1830s and 1840s: George Lovell's Legacy
British Ordnance Muskets identifies and analyses in detail 18 ordnance muskets from the 1830s and 1840s. As well as providing the history and details of the muskets of this important period when the Ordnance transitioned from flintlock to percussion arms, it also covers the impact of two arms shortages, material losses suffered in the Tower of London fire (1841) and the obsolescence of all existing arms for the Militia and Volunteers. By consulting original records, Adrian Roads also offers much about the gun contractors themselves: what drove them, what irked them and their capacity for work. It includes several appendices that facilitate in-depth research into any British ordnance percussion musket held in a collection or under consideration for acquisition, making it an invaluable resource for researchers, students of arms and collectors alike.
Königshausen & Neumann Die Akte Georges Schaltenbrand ist noch nicht geschlossen
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. The Best of George Frideric Handel Concerti Grossi for String Orchestra or String Quartet
The Dundurn Group Hta Enough Georges Erasmuss FiftyYear Battle for Indigenous Rights
The political life of Dene leader Georges Erasmus a radical Native rights crusader widely regarded as one of the most important Indigenous leaders of the past fifty years.For decades, Georges Henry Erasmus led the fight for Indigenous rights. From the Berger Inquiry to the Canadian constitutional talks to the Oka Crisis, Georges was a significant figure in Canada's political landscape. In the 1990s, he led the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples and afterward was chair and president of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, around the time that Canada's residential school system became an ongoing front-page story. Georges's five decade battle for Indigenous rights took him around the world and saw him sitting across the table from prime ministers and premiers. In the 1980s, when Georges was the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, he was referred to as the Thirteenth Premier. This book tells the personal story of his life as a leading Indigenous f
Georgetown University Press George Washington's Final Battle: The Epic Struggle to Build a Capital City and a Nation
George Washington is remembered for leading the Continental Army to victory, presiding over the Constitution, and forging a new nation, but few know the story of his involvement in the establishment of a capital city and how it nearly tore the United States apart. In George Washington’s Final Battle, Robert P. Watson brings this tale to life, telling how the country's first president tirelessly advocated for a capital on the shores of the Potomac. Washington envisioned and had a direct role in planning many aspects of the city that would house the young republic. In doing so, he created a landmark that gave the fledgling democracy credibility, united a fractious country, and created a sense of American identity. Although Washington died just months before the federal government's official relocation, his vision and influence live on in the city that bears his name. This little-known story of founding intrigue throws George Washington’s political acumen into sharp relief and provides a historical lesson in leadership and consensus-building that remains relevant today. This book will fascinate anyone interested in the founding period, the American presidency, and the history of Washington, DC.
Sonicbond Publishing Dark Horse Records: The Story of George Harrison's Post-Beatles Record Label
In 1974, with Apple winding down, George Harrison still aspired to help new artists, so rather than trying to salvage Apple, he set up his own label Dark Horse Records, on a much smaller scale. His plan was to release records from new artists as well as some of his old friends, with an eye to eventually releasing his own music. While Dark Horse had an encouraging beginning with a hit single from Splinter, the label Suffered increasing problems, failing to establish itself in the way Harrison hoped. However, some incredible and varied music was created from 1974 to 1977, including some of Harrison’s best solo material. Towards the end of its initial life, Dark Horse dropped most of its artists and released mainly Harrison’s solo work. Thankfully, since 2020, Dhani Harrison has taken the reins and has made Dark Horse viable once again, signing Cat Stevens and Billy Idol and releasing music from Joe Strummer and Leon Russell. Finally, in 2023, it was announced that Harrison’s entire solo catalogue was going to be re-released on Dark Horse. This book tells the story of the label from the beginning, through its struggles and on to its exciting renaissance in the new millennium.
Bartleby Press Capon Valley Sampler: Sketches of Appalachia from George Washington to Caudy Davis
In 1968, the U.S. Secretary of Labor and his wife purchased a farm in the Capon Valley in Appalachia's foothills, a hundred miles west of Washington, and began taking weekend refuge from political aggravation. Relieved a few months later ("by popular demand" the ex-Secretary puts it) of formal obligation, the Wirtzes found themselves dropping out more and more from capital affairs and becoming increasingly attached to the little community of Yellow Spring, West Virginia, unincorporated. Wirtz, who describes himself as a "congenital scribbler," flirted only briefly with the suggestion of writing about his eight years in the government. He became interested instead in the history of Yellow Spring and the Capon Valley. Most families in the area trace their lines back seven or eight generations, but the Capon Valley hasn't been noticed much and its history is almost entirely homespun and handed down. Capon Valley Sampler pulls together various pieces of this story. One sketch pursues the report that George Washington surveyed here. Another, on the French and Indian War, raises some questions about American apartheid. Wirtz unravels the intriguing story of the Capon Valley's mixed up place in Civil War history, traceable to a ballot box fraud that historians have tried to conceal. The role of religion in the valley focuses on the Hebron Lutheran Church, probably the oldest surviving congregation west of the Blue Ridge, and the tireless service of Methodist circuit rider Francis Asbury. The hero of the piece on Mountain Spirits is Tilbury Orndorff-who may or may not have been a reformed moonshiner. The sketches follow the history of the Davis family, who started living in 1838 in the house the two intruders from Washington bought 130 years later, A fuller picture is drawn of Caudy Davis-school teacher, justice of the peace, miller, state legislator, surveyor-who helped with the research for the Sampler up to the time he died in 1985 at age 99. Wirtz ends with some questioning of whether his adopted and beloved valley can hang on to its rich inheritance of natural beauty and human values. The author has spent quite a bit of his life with pen in hand. But everything before has been written in the course of duty as teacher, government official, arbitrator, and lawyer. The Sampler, he says, has been done for fun. The result is a unique appreciation of a remarkable place and its people.
University Press of America A Prologue to Revolution: The Political Career of George Grenville, 1712-1770
George Grenville was King George III's First Minister from 1763 to 1765. The central issue of Grenville's administration was to deal with the aftermath of the Seven Year's War, particularly with the sharply increased national debt and the cost of continued protection of the American colonies. In seeking to balance the national budget, he blundered into levying taxes on the Americans. The Sugar Act of 1764 aroused very little opposition or even discussion. But it was an entering wedge. The ease with which it sailed through Parliament led Grenville to propose another American tax, the Stamp Act. This aroused vigorous, even violent opposition, both in America and among the business community in Great Britain. Grenville's career also saw the development of numerous techniques for shaping and manipulating public opinion, and he was intimately involved in using them, particularly the newspaper and pamphlet press. He was one of those principally involved in attempting to suppress John Wilkes and the North Briton No. 45, an episode in the evolution of freedom of the press in Great Britain. Grenville was dismissed from office by the King because of issues that had nothing to do with American taxation. The years between 1765 and 1770, between his dismissal and his death, show a mellowing as well as maturing of his political wisdom. Increasingly he played the role of elder statesmen, advising the House of Commons on important questions concerning not only American taxation but freedom of the press and freedom of elections.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Curious George Builds an Igloo: A Winter and Holiday Book for Kids
In this snowy adventure based on the Award-winning CITV TV show, Curious George can't wait to help his friend Bill build an igloo and sleep in it overnight. But George thinks Bill's igloo is too small. He decides to build his own supersized igloo - big enough for a party! Will such a big igloo be too cold for a little monkey? This fun-filled Level 2 Green Light Reader includes an activity that helps kids identify things that melt as well as instructions for making their own mini-igloo out of sugar cubes and icing.
Rowman & Littlefield George Herbert's Pastoral: New Essays on the Poet and Priest of Bemerton
As poet and as country parson, George Herbert engaged the pastoral in all of its varied senses. In October of 2007, many of the world's leading Herbert scholars met at Sarum College in Salisbury, England to locate Herbert's pastoral life and writings more particularly in early Stuart Wiltshire. They explored the relations between the pastoral locale of Herbert's last years (1630-1633) in nearby Bemerton and the themes, images, and tenor of his writing. How did the specific country place, time, and people shape the life and work of this especially lyrical country priest? The fourteen essays in this collection address Herbert's pastoral poetry and practice, cast new light on his actual relations with specific local personalities and places, make fresh connections to the inward biblical and liturgical spaces of his work, consider his outward links to garden and pasture, and discover fictional and theological reverberations beyond Herbert's local, pastoral world.
Louisiana State University Press Conflict of Command: George McClellan, Abraham Lincoln, and the Politics of War
The fraught relationship between Abraham Lincoln and George McClellan is well known, so much so that many scholars rarely question the standard narrative casting the two as foils, with the Great Emancipator inevitably coming out on top over his supposedly feckless commander. In Conflict of Command, acclaimed Civil War historian George C. Rable rethinks that stance, providing a new understanding of the interaction between the president and his leading wartime general by reinterpreting the political aspects of their partnership.Rable pays considerable attention to Lincoln's cabinet, Congress, and newspaper editorials, revealing the role each played in shaping the dealings between the two men. While he surveys McClellan's military campaigns as commander of the Army of the Potomac, Rable focuses on the political fallout of the fighting rather than the tactical details. This broadly conceived approach highlights the army officers and enlisted men who emerged as citizen-soldiers and political actors.Most accounts of the Lincoln-McClellan feud solely examine one of the two individuals, and the vast majority adopt a steadfast pro-Lincoln position. Taking a more neutral view, Rable deftly shows how the relationship between the two developed in a political context and ultimately failed spectacularly, profoundly altering the course of the Civil War itself.
University of Illinois Press Surf and Rescue: George Freeth and the Birth of California Beach Culture
The mixed-race Hawaiian athlete George Freeth brought surfing to Venice, California, in 1907. Over the next twelve years, Freeth taught Southern Californians to surf and swim while creating a modern lifeguard service that transformed the beach into a destination for fun, leisure, and excitement. Patrick Moser places Freeth’s inspiring life story against the rise of the Southern California beach culture he helped shape and define. Freeth made headlines with his rescue of seven fishermen, an act of heroism that highlighted his innovative lifeguarding techniques. But he also founded California's first surf club and coached both male and female athletes, including Olympic swimming champion and “father of modern surfing” Duke Kahanamoku. Often in financial straits, Freeth persevered as a teacher and lifeguarding pioneer--building a legacy that endured long after his death during the 1919 influenza pandemic. A compelling merger of biography and sports history, Surf and Rescue brings to light the forgotten figure whose novel way of seeing the beach sparked the imaginations of people around the world.
Globe Pequot Press Outside Looking In: The Seriously Funny Life and Work of George Carlin
John Corcelli, author of Frank Zappa FAQ, takes a deep dive into the comedic artistry of George Carlin, one of America's most important funny men. From his early radio days to his most successful comedy albums, Carlin changed the way stand-up comedy was written and performed. He was the king of all media: print, recordings, movies, television, and the thirteen quintessential HBO Specials that still resonate with fans. Carlin's gift for gab was founded on his ability to understand the human condition and express his politically incorrect views with powerful insights. Carlin's contributions to popular culture have had a salient and lasting impact as a result of their prescience and visionary nature. Along with Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor, Carlin is considered part of the holy trinity of stand-up comedy. He opened the door to what was possible in stand-up beyond simple joke telling. Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, and Stephen Colbert all owe a little something to their success today from the groundbreaking work of George Carlin.In Outside Looking In, Corcelli reveals how Carlin's mother nurtured him as a child performer, his stint in the USAF, his first act with Jack Burns, and how he was able to transition from a clean-cut performer doing the "Hippy Dippy Weatherman" into the counter-culture satirist with a ponytail.
Princeton University Press George Eliot and Herbert Spencer: Feminism, Evolutionism, and the Reconstruction of Gender
This analysis of the writings of two major Victorian intellectuals examines the crucial place of gender in the larger Victorian debate about nature, religion, and evolutionary theory. Demonstrating the primacy of Herbert Spencer's influence on George Eliot's thought, Nancy Paxton discloses the continuous dialogue between this profoundly learned novelist and one of the most formidable and influential scientific authorities of her time. Using rarely cited first editions of Spencer's published works, Paxton reveals that Eliot and Spencer initially agreed in supporting several of the goals of early Victorian feminism when they met in 1851. Paxton surveys all of Spencer's writing to show when and why he repudiated his early feminism and demonstrates Eliot's determined resistance to the most conservative tendencies of evolutionary theory in her representation of female sexuality, motherhood, feminist ambition, and desire. In comparing Eliot's and Spencer's evolutionary "reconstruction of gender," the book draws on a wide variety of biographical, literary, and critical texts and on interdisciplinary scholarship about the relation between scientific and literary discourse in the nineteenth century. By thus reassessing Eliot's contribution to feminist thought, it presents a revolutionary reading of her novels which is informed by contemporary feminist criticism and the new historicism. "This is an important book because of the questions it raises, the issues it covers, and the illumination it brings to Eliot and Spencer and to crucial problems in the nineteenth century: Paxton looks at the ways scientific data get turned into arguments about the nature of women in society, about women and education, about women and sexuality. This work shows how truly current Eliot's novels are, no matter what their setting."--Barry Qualls, Rutgers University Originally published in 1991. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age
Boolean algebra, also called Boolean logic, is at the heart of the electronic circuitry in everything we use--from our computers and cars, to home appliances. How did a system of mathematics established in the Victorian era become the basis for such incredible technological achievements a century later? In The Logician and the Engineer, Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras--mathematician and philosopher George Boole and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon--advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age. Nahin takes readers from fundamental concepts to a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of modern digital machines, in order to explore computing and its possible limitations in the twenty-first century and beyond.
The University of Chicago Press Custerology: The Enduring Legacy of the Indian Wars and George Armstrong Custer
On a hot summer day in 1876, George Armstrong Custer led the Seventh Cavalry to the most famous defeat in U.S. military history. Outnumbered and exhausted, the Seventh Cavalry lost more than half of its four hundred men, and every soldier under Custer's direct command was killed.It's easy to understand why this tremendous defeat shocked the American public at the time. But with "Custerology", Michael A. Elliott tackles the far more complicated question of why the battle still haunts the American imagination today. Weaving vivid historical accounts of Custer at Little Bighorn with contemporary commemorations that range from battle reenactments to the unfinished Crazy Horse memorial, Elliott reveals a Custer and a West whose legacies are still vigorously contested. He takes readers to each of the important places of Custer's life, from his Civil War home in Michigan to the site of his famous demise, and introduces us to Native American activists, Park Service rangers, and devoted history buffs along the way. Throughout, Elliott shows how Custer and the Indian Wars continue to be both a powerful symbol of America's bloody past and a crucial key to understanding the nation's multicultural present.
University of Delaware Press Comparative Essays on the Poetry and Prose of John Donne and George Herbert: Combined Lights
This book brings together ten essays on John Donne and George Herbert composed by an international group of scholars. The volume represents the first collection of its kind to draw close connections between these two distinguished early modern thinkers and poets who are justly coupled because of their personal and artistic association. The contributors' distinctive new approaches and insights illuminate a variety of topics and fields while suggesting new directions that future study of Donne and Herbert might take. Some chapters explore concrete instances of collaboration or communication between Donne and Herbert, and others find fresh ways to contextualize the Donnean and Herbertian lyric, carefully setting the poetry alongside discourses of apophatic theology or early modern political theory, while still others link Herbert's verse to Donne's devotional prose. Several chapters establish specific theological and aesthetic grounds for comparison, considering Donne and Herbert's respective positions on religious assurance, comic sensibility, and virtuosity with poetic endings.
Pennsylvania State University Press The Cultural and Religious Creativity of Ancient Israel: The Collected Essays of George E. Mendenhall
Throughout his long and influential career, George E. Mendenhall published groundbreaking, provocative studies on the history of the biblical tradition, law, and covenant and the Hebrew conquest of Palestine. This volume collects thirty-four of his hardest-to-find essays, many of which originally appeared in journals and other publications with limited circulation.Mendenhall’s corpus of more than one hundred books, articles, and reviews has stimulated remarkable work by scholars in the twentieth century. Even today, students of the Bible, the ancient Near East, archaeology, Judaism and Christianity, and even theology will find in these essays untapped veins of material for future study and provocative insights about a wide range of still-critical issues, suggesting that Mendenhall’s work can continue to galvanize a rich agenda for the study of biblical faith and history in the twenty-first century. The volume contains critical essays by Gary A. Herion, Herbert B. Huffmon, and Peter Machinist that summarize Mendenhall’s impact on ancient and biblical studies; links for downloading a recent film documentary on Mendenhall’s life and work; and excerpts from Mendenhall’s autobiography, which he was working on at the time of his death.This volume contextualizes and updates the lesser-known work of this well-known and celebrated biblical scholar. It will be welcomed by students and specialists of the ancient Near East, Semitic linguists, theologians, interested clergy and laity, and, in particular, those who study the creative formation of religious traditions.
MP-NCA Uni of North Carolina A Proper Sense of Honor Service and Sacrifice in George Washingtons Army
In 1775, when patriot leaders formed the Continental army, they were informed by their knowledge of the British army. This book shows that, following this decision, a gap existed in the conditions of service between soldiers and officers of the Continental army. It illuminates the social world of the Continental army.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Spy Who Came in from the Cold: A George Smiley Novel
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. A Gershwin Portrait The Music of George and Ira Gershwin SAB Choir
Arcadia Publishing Inc. The Fantastic Castle of Vineland George Daynor and the Palace Depression Landmarks
The University Press of Kentucky What Price Hollywood?: Gender and Sex in the Films of George Cukor
Peeters Publishers George, Bishop of the Arabs. A Homily on Blessed Mar Severus, Patriarch of Antioch: V.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Franz Blei ALS Berater Des Verlages Georg Muller: Franz Bleis Briefe an Georg Muller
Permuted Press Lift Your Voice: How My Nephew George Floyd's Murder Changed The World
Angela Harrelson, George Floyd’s aunt and closest relative in Minnesota, tells the behind-the-scenes story of George’s family—how he lived and why he died—and how the world can find a solution to racism through his death.Angela Harrelson grew up poor, one of thirteen brothers and sisters raised in a shack in the North Carolina woods. She was first in her family to go to college, first to be commissioned in the military, and first to have a career as a professional nurse. Along the way, she and her family were exposed to the harshest forms of racism—from her childhood riding the school bus with white children who made the Black kids stand, to racist commanding officers in the Air Force who told her they wanted her to fail. Nothing stopped Angela, and nothing removed the hope in her heart that America could learn to stop hating people based on the color of their skin. This is the story of George Floyd’s aunt, Angela Harrelson, and how, after being suddenly thrust into the spotlight, she went on a quest to make sure her nephew did not die in vain. Lift Your Voice is a memoir of faith, hope, and bravery, of what we all—Black and white—need to do to eradicate racism from our society. It’s a story of tragic loss and a worldwide uprising to ensure Perry’s death ushers society into a time where people are no longer judged, hated, or killed because of the color of their skin.
HarperCollins Curious Baby My Little Boat curious George Bath Book Toy Boat
With singsong rhyming text, adorable art, and a squeaky toy boat, this book and toy combination is suitable for bath time. It features Curious George who visits the beach and takes a trip in his little boat, making some fishy friends along the way.
Princeton University Press Inventing the Job of President: Leadership Style from George Washington to Andrew Jackson
From George Washington's decision to buy time for the new nation by signing the less-than-ideal Jay Treaty with Great Britain in 1795 to George W. Bush's order of a military intervention in Iraq in 2003, the matter of who is president of the United States is of the utmost importance. In this book, Fred Greenstein examines the leadership styles of the earliest presidents, men who served at a time when it was by no means certain that the American experiment in free government would succeed. In his groundbreaking book The Presidential Difference, Greenstein evaluated the personal strengths and weaknesses of the modern presidents since Franklin D. Roosevelt. Here, he takes us back to the very founding of the republic to apply the same yardsticks to the first seven presidents from Washington to Andrew Jackson, giving his no-nonsense assessment of the qualities that did and did not serve them well in office. For each president, Greenstein provides a concise history of his life and presidency, and evaluates him in the areas of public communication, organizational capacity, political skill, policy vision, cognitive style, and emotional intelligence. Washington, for example, used his organizational prowess--honed as a military commander and plantation owner--to lead an orderly administration. In contrast, John Adams was erudite but emotionally volatile, and his presidency was an organizational disaster. Inventing the Job of President explains how these early presidents and their successors shaped the American presidency we know today and helped the new republic prosper despite profound challenges at home and abroad.
Rowman & Littlefield Deep Distresses: William Wordsworth, John Wordsworth, Sir George Beaumont : 1800-1808
Deep Distresses is a study of the intersecting family and professional vicissitudes that afflicted Wordsworth during the period of his greatest poetic productivity. The negative national publicity over his mariner brother's death at sea is the focus of the family tragedy; hostile reception to Poems in Two Volumes (1807) is the focus of professional duress. Both topics become related through the intercession of the poet's patron, Sir George Beaumont, who attempts to ameliorate the family tragedy with money and his painting of Peel Castle in a Storm, while hoping to groom Wordsworth for a place among the cultural elite of London. In its attention to nineteenth-century culture and business, this study offers an entirely new context for reading and re-interpreting many of Wordsworth's major works from 'Michael' through the major lyrics of Poems in Two Volumes and the latter books of the The Prelude.
Academica Press Exiled Emissary: George H. Earle, III – Soldier, Sailor, Diplomat, Governor, Spy
Exiled Emissary is a biography of the colorful life of George H. Earle, III – a Main Line Philadelphia millionaire, war hero awarded the Navy Cross, Pennsylvania Governor, Ambassador to Austria and Bulgaria, friend and supporter of Franklin Roosevelt, humanitarian, playboy, and spy. Rich in Casablanca-style espionage and intrigue, Farrell’s deeply personal study presents FDR and his White House in a new light, especially when they learned in 1943 that high-ranking German officials approached Earle in Istanbul to convey their plot to kidnap Hitler and seek an armistice. When FDR rejected their offer, thereby prolonging World War II, his close relationship with Earle became most inconvenient, resulting in Earle’s exile to American Samoa. Earle eventually returned to the United States, renewing his warnings about communism to President Truman, who underestimated the threat as a “bugaboo.” Now, over four decades following Earle’s death, Farrell has uncovered newly declassified records that give voice to his warnings about a threat we now know should have never been dismissed.
Wayne State University Press No Equal Justice: The Legacy of Civil Rights Icon George W. Crockett Jr.
The story of the Civil Rights icon and Black lawyer who fought racism and political oppression with uncommon devotion.There is no equal justice for Black people today; there never has been. To our everlasting shame, the quality of justice in America has always been and is now directly related to the color of one's skin as well as to the size of one's pocketbook."This quote comes from George W. Crockett Jr.'s essay, "A Black Judge Speaks" (Judicature, 1970). The stories of Black lawyers and judges are rarely told. By sharing Crockett's life of principled courage, "No Equal Justice" breaks this silence. The book begins by tracing the Crockett family history from slavery to George's admission into the University of Michigan Law School. He became one of the most senior Black lawyers in President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal administration. Later, he played a central role fighting discrimination in the United Auto Workers union. In 1949, he became the only Black lawyer, in a team of five attorneys, defending the constitutional rights of the leaders of the U.S. Communist Party in United States v. Dennis, the longest and most dramatic political trial in American history. At the close of the case, Crockett and his defense colleagues were summarily sentenced to prison for zealously representing their clients. He headed the National Lawyers Guild office in Jackson, Mississippi, during 1964's Freedom Summer. In 1966, he was elected to Detroit's Recorder's Court—the court hearing all criminal cases in the city. For the first time, Detroit had a courtroom where Black litigants knew they would be treated fairly. In 1969, the New Bethel Church Incident was Crockett's most famous case. He held court proceeding in the police station itself, freeing members of a Black nationalist group who had been illegally arrested. In 1980, he was elected to the United States Congress where he spent a decade fighting President Reagan's agenda, as well as working to end Apartheid in South Africa and championing the cause to free Nelson Mandela. Crockett spent his life fighting racism and defending the constitutional rights of the oppressed. This book introduces him to a new generation of readers, historians, and social justice activists.
Edinburgh University Press Roomscape: Women Writers in the British Museum from George Eliot to Virginia Woolf
This book examines the Reading Room of the British Museum using documentary, theoretical, historical, and literary source. Roomscape explores a specific site - the Reading Room of the British Museum - as a space of imaginative potential in relation to the emergence of modern women writers in Victorian and early 20th-century London. Drawing on archival materials, Roomscape is the first study to integrate documentary, historical, and literary sources to examine the significance of this space and its resources for women who wrote translations, poetry, and fiction. This book challenges an assessment of the Reading Room of the British Museum as a bastion of class and gender privilege, an image established by Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own. Roomscape also questions the value of privacy and autonomy in constructions of female authorship. Rather than viewing reading and writing as solitary, Roomscape investigates the public, social, and spatial dimensions of literary production. The implications of this study reach into the current digital era and its transformations of practices of reading, writing, and archiving. Along with an appendix of notable readers at the British Museum from the last two centuries, the book contributes to scholarship on George Eliot, Amy Levy, Eleanor Marx, Clementina Black, Constance Black Garnett, Christina Rossetti, Mathilde Blind, and Virginia Woolf. It includes Appendix of Notable Readers at the British Museum from 1857-1930 (15 pp) as important resource for museum and library studies, and fresh material about translation work at the British Museum by Eleanor Marx (on Flaubert and Ibsen) and Constance Black Garnett (on Russian authors). It demonstrates the importance of library research for poets including Christina Rossetti, Mathilde Blind, and Amy Levy. It examines George Eliot's research at the British Museum for her historical novel Romola in relation to how this novel depicts reading, library collection, and gendered scholarship.. It offers a new reading of Virginia Woolf's researching in and writing about the British Museum and the London Library through her diaries, letters, and creative work. It includes a Coda that brings forward the story of the Round Reading Room from the mid-20th century, when A. S. Byatt, Isobel Armstrong, and Gillian Beer relied on this space in the early years of their careers, to the aftermath since the official closing in 1997 when the British Library moved to Euston Road. The fate of the Round Reading Room still hangs in the balance.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Georg Keilhofer’s Traditional Carving: Basic Relief Carving
Germany has long been thought of as the Mecca of wood-carving. The wood-carving tradition goes back hundreds of years, and the carving schools continue to produce wonderful craftspeople. For those who can’t make the trip to Germany, Georg Keilhofer is the next best thing. Trained in German carving techniques, he shares them with students in his studio, and now in this new book. Here are the basic skills of relief carving. Step-by-step he takes the reader through tool selection, under-standing wood, and carving techniques are presented in a clear and concise way. The result is a project of which the carver will be proud.
Permuted Press Washington Babylon: From George Washington to Donald Trump, Scandals that Rocked the Nation
Political, financial, erotic, and bizarre. This is a snapshot of more than 125 scandals that have rocked the nation’s capital and beyond. Since America’s founding, the nation’s capital has experienced more than its share of scandals; thankfully, Washington Babylon explores some of the dirtiest secrets that have occurred throughout US history. Some are from the earliest days of America’s founding and include the most famous people in history, like George Washington. Others are still fresh in our minds, as the dust has not even settled. In between, US history is littered with scandals from nearly all walks of life that were the most talked-about stories at the time. Many past scandals remain infamous, such as Watergate, Chappaquiddick, and Abscam. Other scandals that were once the biggest stories of the day have faded into obscurity. Washington Babylon reveals new details in some scandals that were not known when the story first broke, offering a whole new perspective for discussion. This is the most comprehensive collection of American scandals that will educate, entertain, shock, and perhaps, even titillate the reader.