Search results for ""author rose"
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Delirium
Top Shelf Productions Red Panda & Moon Bear (Book 2): The Curse of the Evil Eye
Top Shelf Productions Red Panda & Moon Bear
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The 50 Greatest Explorers in History
This is a book about one of the first recorded pilgrims who climbed Mount Sinai; it's about Amelia Earhart, the famous American aviator whose story and disappearance continues to capture the world's imagination. It's the story of a doomed expedition to discover the North West Passage, and the tale of Marco Polo, who remained at the court of the Kublai Khan for an incredible 17 years. 'Great Explorers' brings to life the pioneers in aviation flying thousands of miles with the most basic of maps in open cock-pits, exposed to the elements and the unrelenting smell of petrol fumes. They travel by steamboat, on horse-back, by rickshaw, motorbike, train, swim with piranhas, embark into black nothingness in new space craft, explore by jeep, yachts, tea boats and elephants, disguise themselves as men, take canoes and use innovative, advanced technological scuba equipment. Going where in many cases, no man or woman had ever gone before, some women featured in 'Great Explorers' were often denied respect, acknowledgement or recognition and they determined to break the 'mens club' mentality of global exploration from which they were excluded. Marco Polo: "This desert is reported to be so long that it would take a year to go from end to end; and at the narrowest point it takes a month to cross it. It consists entirely of mountains and sands and valleys. There is nothing at all to eat."
Austin Macauley Publishers Secrets in the Attic
Pearson Education Limited Focus Exam Practice: Cambridge English Key for Schools
FOCUS Exam Practice: Cambridge English Key for Schools offers students intensive exam practice and support, and works alongside the Students' Book. Powered by Practice Tests Plus, it combines realistic exam practice with guidance and strategies for dealing with each exam paper.
Oxford University Press Oxford Bookworms Library: Starter Level:: Drive into Danger
"The most consistent of all series in terms of language control, length, and quality of story." David R. Hill, Director of the Edinburgh Project on Extensive Reading.
Oxford University Press The Eagle of the Ninth Chronicles
The Ninth Legion marched into the mists of northern Britain-and they were never seen again. Four thousand men disappeared and their eagle standard was lost. It's a mystery that's never been solved, until now . . . So begins the story of The Eagle of the Ninth, set against a backdrop of Roman Britain and featuring a young soldier, Marcus Aquila, who sets off into the unknown north to find out what happened to the lost legion. Following on from this are The Silver Branch in which two young soldiers uncover a plot to overthrow the Emperor, and The Lantern Bearers which is set at a time when the Romans are leaving the shores of Britain and tells of Aquila who, having served in the Roman army, is now returning home to his farm-but when he gets there everything he knows and loves has been destroyed and so he sets out to seek revenge. To have three such exciting stories in one volume is a treat for fans old and new.
Penguin Books Ltd God's Architect: Pugin and the Building of Romantic Britain
Pugin was one of Britain’s greatest architects and his short career one of the most dramatic in architectural history. Born in 1812, the son of the soi-disant Comte de Pugin, at 15 Pugin was working for King George IV at Windsor Castle. By the time he was 21 he had been shipwrecked, bankrupted and widowed. Nineteen years later he died, insane and disillusioned, having changed the face and the mind of British architecture.God’s Architect is the first full modern biography of this extraordinary figure. It draws on thousands of unpublished letters and drawings to recreate his life and work as architect, propagandist and romantic artist as well as the turbulent story of his three marriages, the bitterness of his last years and his sudden death at 40. It is the debut of a remarkable historian and biographer.
Ebury Publishing Great British Wit
There's nothing much left to feel good about these days if you're British, but one of the few things where we all agree that we're still a world leader is our defining sense of humour. Thematically covering every subject imaginable, from God to dogs, this collection is the seminal gathering of our national wit and a picture of who we are as a nation - a monument to our monumental silliness.'An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.' George MikesJane Austen, Jo Brand, Craig Brown, Winston Churchill, Alan Clark, Jeremy Clarkson, Billy Connolly, Peter Cook, Tommy Cooper, Stephen Fry, A.A. Gill, Boris Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Maureen Lipman, Spike Milligan, Eric Morecambe, William Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw, Frank Skinner, Sue Townsend, Peter Ustinov, Queen Victoria, Oscar Wilde, P.G. Wodehouse, Victoria Wood and many more.
Estrella Polar Vacances extrartiques 1 Els quaderns ms divertits 1r Primria
Estimats amics rosegadors: el curs ja s?acaba i les vacances són a tocar! Així que he tingut una idea extraràtica... Què us semblaria venir a visitar-me a Ratalona aquest estiu? Junts, passarem unes vacances divertidíssimes i us convertireu en enviats especials de L?Eco del Rosegador!El quadern inclou illustracions a color, fragments de les meves aventures i un espai fi nal en què podreu refl ectir tot allò que us passi durant vacances i que vulgueu guardar de record.Una manera de divertir-vos alhora que treballeu totes les assignatures de l?escola. Segur que passeu un estiu de bigotis!
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic History
The volume includes six papers in quantitative economic history. Peter Mancall, Josh Rosenbloom, and Tom Weiss consider growth in colonial North America, while Gary Richardson examines the role of bank failures in propagating the Great Depression. John Komlos examines the heights of rich and poor youth in England in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Klas Fregert and Roger Gustafson provide a synoptic view of public finances in Sweden from the eighteenth through the twentieth century. Drew Keeling studies the economics of the steamship industry that facilitated migration between Europe and the United States between 1900 and 1914. Finally, Gregg Huff and Giovanni Caggiano examine the integration of labor markets in Southeast Asia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It includes original articles written by experts on the subjects and articles supported by quantitative data.
Abrams Copydog
From the hilarious mind of bestselling creator Zachariah OHora comes this charmingly offbeat and true-to-life tale of sibling conflict, with a fresh twist on the “copycat”Elise and her younger sister, Rosemont, get along well—most of the time.But there’s one thing about her sister that drives Elise mad . . .Rosemont copies everything her sister does! Relatable to anyone who’s ever been frustrated by a copycat—er, copydog—this hilarious and sweet story from Zachariah OHora shows how no one can annoy you—or be there for you—quite like a sibling.
De Gruyter Dehio - Handbuch der deutschen Kunstdenkmäler / Bayern Bd. 4: München und Oberbayern
Oberbayern mit seiner überreichen Kunstlandschaft wird hier in einer aktualisierten Auflage umfassend dargestellt. Der Band wurde 16 Jahre nach der Neubearbeitung von 1990 gründlich überarbeitet und berücksichtigt die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse. Er erfasst rund 2 500 Orte, darunter ausführlich die Landeshauptstadt München. Zahlreiche Lagepläne und Grundrisse sowie ein ausführlicher Kartenteil ergänzen ihn. Das beliebte Reiseland Oberbayern bietet seinen Besuchern neben der grandiosen Landschaft bau- und kunsthistorisch reiche Städte wie die Metropole München, die Bischofssitze Eichstätt und Freising, den ehemaligen Herzogssitz Ingolstadt, zahlreiche lokale Zentren wie Rosenheim, Wasserburg, Mühldorf, Altötting oder Traunstein. Zudem gibt es zauberhafte kleine Märkte und Dörfer mit einzigartiger Ortsanlage, Baustruktur und hochwertigen Denkmälern wie majestätischen Klosteranlagen und Wallfahrtskirchen, Schlössern und Burgen, Stadtmauern, Rat- und Bürgerhäusern. Es finden sich nicht nur Bauten aus Barock und Rokoko, die die Kunstlandschaft Oberbayerns stark geprägt haben, sondern auch Denkmäler aus allen anderen Kunstepochen bis ins 20. Jahrhundert.
Apple Academic Press Inc. Food Bioactives: Functionality and Applications in Human Health
This valuable volume addresses the growing consumer demand for novel functional food products and for high-value, nutritionally rich products by focusing on the sources and applications of bioactives from food. The chapters in the book describe functional properties and discuss applications of the selected food ingredients obtained from various sources, including culinary banana, phalsa, pseudocereals, roselle calyces, asparagus, and more.Several chapters address the resurgence of interest in pseudocereals due to their excellent nutritional and biological values, gluten-free composition, and the presence of some health-promoting compounds. The book also looks at utilizing industrial byproducts for making functional and nutraceutical ingredients. The chapters on prebiotics and probiotics highlight different functional properties, and a chapter on food allergens discusses advancements in detection and management in the food manufacturing industries.
Dia Art Foundation,U.S. Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art No. 5
From 1992 to 2004, Dia Art Foundation presented the Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art, in which a distinguished array of scholars, critics and cultural historians engaged in cross-disciplinary critical discourse around Dia's exhibition program. The lectures were subsequently collected into a related series of publications, providing a valuable record and extending the debate on contemporary artistic practice and theory. This fifth and final volume focuses on analyses of the work of internationally recognized artists Jo Baer, Pierre Huyghe, Vera Lutter, Gerhard Richter, Rosemarie Trockel and Robert Whitman.
W. W. Norton & Company The Atheists Guide to Reality Enjoying Life without Illusions
“A tough test of the intellectual mettle of the armchair atheists and those teetering between faith and committing to life without it.”—Boston Globe
Columbia University Press Intercortical Systems of the Human Cerebrum Mapped by Means of New Anatomic Methods
Rock Oak Press SL El mochuelo Marcelo y el caso del ladrn de las adivinanzas
HarperCollins Nadie se acordará de ella
Estrella Polar La llegenda de Sant Jordi. Amb olor Amb olor a rosa
La cla?ssica llegenda de Sant Jordi amb un enfocament una mica diferent. En aquest cas, la princesa i el cavaller Sant Jordi derroten plegats el drac. I, a me?s, aquest any el llibre fa olor de rosa!
Tutor S.A. Manual de Trabajo de Diseno de Jardines
Editorial Bruño La princesa espacial
La princesa Sara no quiere ir al cole. Prefiere aprenderse las lecciones... a base de inyecciones!
Editorial Juventud, S.A. El so dels colors
En Vasya Kandinsky es passava el dia educant-se per a ser un nen rus com Déu mana..., fins que la seva tieta li va regalar una petita caixa de fusta, plena de pintures. En Vasya va barrejar el vermell amb el groc, després el vermell amb el blau... A mesura que canviaven els colors, sentia un xiuxiueig... Sentia con cantaven els colors!
Mi primer Larousse de las grandes Preguntas
Respuestas claras para las preguntas más difíciles.Los niños se hacen todo tipo de preguntas sobre las temáticas más diversas, y en este libro tendrán una primera respuesta, a menudo como elemento de reflexión per pensar en ello o para comentarlo con los adultos. Hay preguntas sobre la sociedad, los seres humanos, los sentimientos, la familia, la escuela o el medio ambiente.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Musik Im Marchen
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Article 31(3)(C) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the Principle of Systemic Integration in International Investment Law and Arbitration
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Development of Novel Routes and Methods for the Semisynthesis of the Marine Steroid Demethylgorgosterol and Unnatural Analogs
Wagenbach Klaus GmbH Das Brennglas Aufgezeichnet von Ulrich Enzensberger
Juventa Verlag GmbH Interpretative Sozialforschung Eine Einfhrung
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Einfache MatheGeschichten Lngen Handlungsorientierte Materielien zur Entwicklung basaler Grenvorstellungen Sopd 1 bis 4 Klasse
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Metaphysique Et Raison Moderne
Brepols N.V. Encounters: The Art of Interfaith Dialogue
Classiques Garnier Donner a Voir: Ecritures de l'Image Dans l'Art de Poesie Au Xvie Siecle
John Hunt Publishing Dedicants Guide to First Degree Priesthood A A first step to Clergy in the Craft of the Wise.
An honest, in-depth guide to becoming a member of Pagan Clergy.
Whitecap Books A Traveller's Guide to Historic British Columbia
Alfred Music Tangled Tango: Conductor Score
Erewhon Books The Unraveling
In a far-future society where biotechnology has revolutionised gender, young Fift must decide whether to conform or carve a new path. In the distant future somewhere in the galaxy, a society has emerged where everyone has multiple bodies, cybernetics has abolished privacy, and individual and family success within the rigid social system is reliant upon instantaneous social approbation. Young Fift is an only child of the staid gender, struggling to maintain their position in the system while developing an intriguing friendship with the poorly publicised bioengineer Shria - somewhat controversial, since Shria is bail gendered. In time, Fift and Shria unintentionally wind up at the center of a scandalous art spectacle which turns into the early stages of a multi-layered revolution against their strict societal system. Suddenly they become celebrities and involuntary standard-bearers for the upheaval. Fift is torn between the survival of Shria and the success of their family cohort; staying true to their feelings and caving under societal pressure. Whatever Fift decides will make a disproportionately huge impact on the future of the world. What's a young staid to do when the whole world is watching?
Red Comet Press LLC If You Believe In Me
Skyhorse Publishing The Parents Guide to Talking About Sex A Complete Guide to Raising Sexually Safe Smart and Healthy Children
Humanix Books Deduct Everything!: Save Money with Hundreds of Legal Tax Breaks, Credits, Write-Offs, and Loopholes
Award-Winner in the Business: Personal Finance/Investing” category of the 2016 International Book Awards KEEP MORE OF YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY AT TAX TIME The tax code may be bloated, but that doesn’t mean your check to the IRS has to be. Let Deduct Everything! be your ultimate guide to lowering your annual tax bill. This comprehensive guide to legal deductions, credits and loopholes covers: Rules of thumb for record-keeping and how to stay organized Secrets to mortgage, tax and insurance deductions Maximizing work-related expenses Making the most of medical expense and health savings accounts Strategies for utilizing deductions and credits for education Bonus: Lots of tips on how to make more moneysome of it tax-free
Arcade Publishing Barney: Grove Press and Barney Rosset, America's Maverick Publisher and His Battle against Censorship
Europa Editions If I Had Two Lives
Red Wheel/Weiser Oneness Blessing: How Deeksha Can Help You Become Your Authentic Self, Heal Your Relationships, and Transform the World
Arcadia Publishing Jamestown A History of Narragansett Bays Island Town
Two-Can Publishers Life in the Islands
Kids are deeply concerned about the state of their world. These titles show how the environment was damaged and how it can be repaired.