Search results for ""bloomsbury publishing plc""
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Why Do Teachers Need to Know About Child Development?: Strengthening Professional Identity and Well-Being
As a teacher, what are my personal, social and emotional responsibilities in supporting child development? Going beyond simply recognising child development as the cornerstone of education and drawing on examples from rural early years settings to large urban secondary schools, this book looks at what child development means in practice and how it relates to different aspects of teaching. Covering relationships, environment, subject knowledge and more, this book develops the readers understanding of education and child development, as a professional and day-to-day in the classroom. Expertly crafted by Daryl Maisey and Verity Campbell-Barr, drawing on the expertise of practitioners and academics, this book draws together the latest research and current practice. Reflexive questions encourage the reader to explore their knowledge and expectations, helping them to develop as a practitioner.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Reflective Teaching in Higher Education
Reflective Teaching in Higher Education is the definitive textbook for those wanting to excel at teaching in the sector. Informed by the latest research in this area, the book offers extensive support for those at the start of an academic career and career-long professionalism for those teaching in higher education. Written by an international collaborative author team of experts led by Paul Ashwin, Reflective Teaching in Higher Education offers two levels of support: - practical guidance for day-to-day teaching, covering key issues such as strategies for improving learning, teaching and assessment, curriculum design, relationships, communication, and inclusion - evidence-informed 'principle's to aid understanding of how theories can effectively inform teaching practices, offering ways to develop a deeper understanding of teaching and learning in higher education In addition to new case studies from a wider variety of countries than ever before, this new edition includes discussion of: - What is meant by 'agency' - Gender, ethnicity, disability and university teaching - Digital learning spaces and social media - Teaching career development for academics - Decolonising the curriculum - Assessment and feedback practices - Teaching excellence and 'learning gain' - 2015 UN General Assembly 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a treasure trove of additional support. It includes supplementary sector specific material to support for considering questions around society’s educational aims, and much more besides.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Practical Guide to the Fashion Industry: Concept to Customer
Highlighting the skills and considerations needed to manage products, Virginia Grose introduces key processes such as product development, the supply chain and branding to help you quickly get to grips with the business side of fashion. Examining traditional and newer roles within the industry, discussing the roles of buyers, retailers and merchandisers interviews and case studies give insight into the realities of this competitive industry. This second edition has all new case studies, interviews and projects as well as coverage of sustainable practice, the use of social media, the circular economy and slow fashion. There’s also more on digital storytelling, online and offline retailing and elements of retail entertainment for customers plus the impact of fast fashion throughout the industry.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Fashion Styling
Learn to style for advertisements, magazines and portfolios and take your first steps into one of fashion communication's most dynamic and rewarding careers. With hands-on practical advice on working as part of a team, developing a visual vocabulary and managing a shoot, you'll be encouraged to experiment and develop your own original creative concepts. This revised edition includes a new chapter on the future of the industry, exploring how the role is changing and the stylist's position as an entrepreneur. There are also new interviews with professional stylists and 120 new images to demonstrate each technique.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Wild Things: The Material Culture of Everyday Life
What do things mean? What does the life of everyday objects reveal about people and their material worlds? Has the quest for ‘the real thing’ become so important because the high-tech world of total virtuality threatens to engulf us? This pioneering book bridges design theory and anthropology to offer a new and challenging way of understanding the changing meanings of contemporary human-object relations. The act of consumption is only the starting point of object’s “lives”. Thereafter they are transformed and invested with new meanings and associations that reflect and assert who we are. Defining designed things as “things with attitude” differentiates the highly visible fashionable object from ordinary aretefacts that are too easily taken for granted. Through case studies ranging from reproduction furniture to fashion and textiles to ‘clutter’, the author traces the connection between objects and authenticity, ephemerality and self-identity. Beyond this, she shows the materiality of the everyday in terms of space, time and the body and suggests a transition with the passing of time from embodiment to disembodiment.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Designing Designing
designing designing is one of the most extraordinary books on design ever written. First published in 1984 and reprinted with this title and cover in 1991, the book was the product of ten years of auto-critique, reflection and experimentation on writing on designing. Offering a savage auto-critique of his own work on “methods”, as well as of the wider methods and ends of advanced industrial societies as a whole, this book challenges the traditional product- and progress- orientated focus on design by insisting that the world now coming into being requires designing to be understood as ‘a response to the whole of life.’ But designing designing is also unique in modern design thinking in its exploration of what writing on designing might be. Combining essays, interviews, reflections, performances, plays, poems, chance procedures, photographs, collages and quotes, Jones experiments with both form and content in an attempt to make a book which ‘is not simply about designing but is instead itself an instance of the ideas and processes explored within it.’
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Information Design Unbound: Key Concepts and Skills for Making Sense in a Changing World
As everyday tasks grow more confusing, and as social and global problems grow more complex, the information designer's role in bringing clarity has reached a new level of importance. In order to have a positive impact, they must go beyond conventional approaches to uncover real needs, make insightful connections, and develop effective solutions. Information Design Unbound provides a clear, engaging introduction to the field, and prepares students to be strategic thinkers and visual problem solvers who can confidently make sense in a changing world. Sheila Pontis and Michael Babwahsingh present a holistic view of information design, synthesizing decades of research, cross-disciplinary knowledge, and emerging practices. The book opens by laying a foundation in the field, first painting the bigger picture of what it is and how it originated, before explaining the scientific and cultural dimensions of how people perceive and understand visual information. A discussion of professional practices, ethical considerations, and the expanding scale of challenges sheds light on the day-to-day work of information designers today. Detailed chapters then delve into the four areas that are integral to all types of information design work: visual thinking, research, sensemaking, and design. The final section of the book puts everything together, with detailed project walk-throughs in areas such as icon design, instructions, wayfinding, organizational strategy, and healthcare system change. Written and designed with students’ needs in mind, this book brings information design fundamentals to life: exercises allow students to put lessons directly into practice, case studies demonstrate how information designers think and work, and generous illustrations clarify concepts in a visually engaging way. Information Design Unbound helps beginning designers build the mindset and skillset to navigate visual communication challenges wherever they may arise.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Socrates On Trial
Named by Rowan Williams as one of his Books of the Year (2021) in the New Statesman. Socrates On Trial tells of Socrates’s return to a modern city that is plagued by prejudice, privilege and populism. On resuming his questioning in the agora he is arrested, interrogated by his prosecutors, questioned by his Judge, and confessed to by his inquisitor. On a Festival Day, he explores a new model for the just city --a city based not on mastery but on learning --before offering a new apology to the court that will, once again, decide his fate. This new/old Socrates offers the city a renewed vision of justice by reconceptualizing the meaning and significance of thinking and education. From the force of Socratic questioning, he unfolds a different logic of truth, freedom, and justice. His conversations exert a gravitational force that draws key cultural elements of the city -- property, wealth, money, family, essence, gendered and racialized identities, production, distribution and consumption -- into its educational orbit. At stake here is the vulnerability of modern democracy to authoritarian leaders and their sponsors. Influenced by sophisticated propaganda people’s frustration with democracy is channeled into visceral anger on the one hand, and into disillusioned scepticism and cynicism on the other. Belief in truth and education collapses in exhaustion and fatigue, caught in the headlights of seemingly irresolvable and petrifying rational paradoxes that block all paths to social justice. Socrates On Trial, describing the return of Socrates to the modern city, heralds a new education for such a city.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC What Is Philosophy for?
Why should anybody take an interest in philosophy? Is it just another detailed study like metallurgy? Or is it similar to history, literature and even religion: a study meant to do some personal good and influence our lives? "Engaging and accessible, this vigorous swansong exemplifies many of Midgley's virtues, and revisits many of her favourite themes." - The Tablet In her last published work, Mary Midgley addresses provocative questions, interrogating the various forms of our current intellectual anxieties and confusions and how we might deal with them. In doing so, she provides a robust, yet not uncritical, defence of philosophy and the life of the mind. This defence is expertly placed in the context of contemporary debates about science, religion, and philosophy. It asks whether, in light of rampant scientific and technological developments, we still need philosophy to help us think about the big questions of meaning, knowledge, and value.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Singer Acts, The Actor Sings: A Practical Workbook to Living Through Song, Vocally and Dramatically
The Singer Acts, The Actor Sings is a practical workbook for singers and actors of all disciplines, from musical theater through classical repertory to popular performance styles. This book addresses the needs of both students and professionals, helping them to face the challenges of musical performance undaunted and to achieve the exhilarating feeling of living through song. Paired with online video exercises and demonstrations, The Singer Acts, The Actor Sings is an essential resource for actors and singers alike, helping them master both art forms and gain deeper insight into their own strengths. Whether you're a singer seeking a straightforward approach to acting, an actor who wants to sing, or a singing actor desiring to take your performances to the next level, this book will prove invaluable in achieving your goal.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Portraits of Integrity: 26 Case Studies from History, Literature and Philosophy
Portraits of Integrity depicts more than 20 historical, fictional and contemporary figures whose character or life raises questions about what integrity is and how it is perceived. Integrity might be culturally bound, but this diverse set of portraits demonstrates that it is not the special preserve of any one culture. Portraits of Socrates, Mencius, Rama and Job, alongside the aspirational 16th-century couple John and Dorothy Kaye, civil rights activist Ella Baker and an anonymous banker, highlight the persisting – sometimes conflicting – features of a life lived with integrity. An introduction identifies and discusses the key questions and themes raised by the case studies, encouraging the reader to determine for themselves the weight and significance of the recurring topics integrity brings up - truth, awkwardness, goodness, and charisma. For anyone looking to learn more about this elusive virtue, Portraits of Integrity is an essential collection. It uncovers the manifold aspects of integrity, illustrates the various possibilities for its expression in a life and asks whether living a life of integrity means living a life of isolation and hardship, or if it is possible to live with integrity without jeopardising all else.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Bloomsbury Reader in Cultural Approaches to the Study of Religion
This is the first reader to gather primary sources from influential theorists of the late 20th and early 21st centuries in one place, presenting the wide-ranging and nuanced theoretical debates occurring in the field of religious studies. Each chapter focuses on a major theorist and contains: · an introduction contextualizing their key ideas · one or two selections representative of the theorist’s innovative methodological approach(es) · discussion questions to extend and deepen reader engagement Divided in three sections, the first part includes foundational comparative debates: · Mary Douglas’s articulation of purity and impurity · Phyllis Trible’s methods of reading sacred texts · Wendy Doniger’s comparative mythology · Catherine Bell’s reimagining of religious and secular ritual The second part focuses on methodological particularity: · Alice Walker's use of narrative · Charles Long’s critique of Eurocentricism · Caroline Walker Bynum’s emphasis on gender and materiality The third section focuses on expanding boundaries: · Gloria Anzaldúa’s work on borders and languages · Judith Butler’s critique of gender and sex norms · Saba Mahmood’s expansion on the critique of colonialism’s secularizing demands Reflecting the cultural turn and extending the existing canon, this is the anthology instructors have been waiting for. For further detail on the theorists discussed, please consult Cultural Approaches to Studying Religion: An Introduction to Theories and Methods, edited by Sarah J. Bloesch and Meredith Minister.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Sublime Reader
This is the first English-language anthology to provide a compendium of primary source material on the sublime. The book takes a chronological approach, covering the earliest ancient traditions up through the early and late modern periods and into contemporary theory. It takes an inclusive, interdisciplinary approach to this key concept in aesthetics and criticism, representing voices and traditions that have often been excluded. As such, it will be of use and interest across the humanities and allied disciplines, from art criticism and literary theory, to gender and cultural studies and environmental philosophy. The anthology includes brief introductions to each selection, reading or discussion questions, suggestions for further reading, a bibliography and index – making it an ideal text for building a course around or for further study. The book’s apparatus provides valuable context for exploring the history and contemporary views of the sublime.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Web and Digital for Graphic Designers
Creative web design requires knowledge from across the design and technical realms, and it can seem like a daunting task working out where to get started. In this book the authors take you through all you need to know about designing for the web and digital, from initial concepts and client needs, through layout and typography to basic coding, e-commerce and working with different platforms. The companion website provides step-by-step tutorial videos, HTML/CSS styling tips and links to useful resources to really help you get to grips with all the aspects of web design. Working alongside the text are interviews with international designers and critical commentaries looking at best practice and theoretical considerations. Written for graphic designers, this book delivers more than just an instruction manual – it provides a complete overview of designing for the web.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Trials of Charles I
One of the iconic moments in English history, the trial and execution of King Charles I has yet to be studied in-depth from a contemporary legal perspective. Professor Ian Ward brings his considerable legal and historical acumen to bear on the particular constitutional issues raised by the regicide of Charles, and not only analyses the unfolding of events and their immediate historical context, but also draws out their wider importance and legacy for the generations of historians, politicians, and writers over the ensuing three and a half centuries. This is a book about constitutional history and thought, but also about the writing of constitutional history and thought and the forms they have taken -whether as scholarship, polemics, or literary experiments - in collective British memory. Chapters range from the events leading up to and through the trial and execution of Charles; to their theatricality, legality, and constitutionality; to the political writings such as Milton's Tenure of Kings and Hobbes' Leviathan that followed; and finally trace the various subsequent histories and trials of Charles I that presented him either as martyr, Tory or -- in the 18th and 19th centuries -- the Whig.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Common: On Revolution in the 21st Century
Around the globe, contemporary protest movements are contesting the oligarchic appropriation of natural resources, public services, and shared networks of knowledge and communication. These struggles raise the same fundamental demand and rest on the same irreducible principle: the common. In this exhaustive account, Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval show how the common has become the defining principle of alternative political movements in the 21st century. In societies deeply shaped by neoliberal rationality, the common is increasingly invoked as the operative concept of practical struggles creating new forms of democratic governance. In a feat of analytic clarity, Dardot and Laval dissect and synthesize a vast repository on the concept of the commons, from the fields of philosophy, political theory, economics, legal theory, history, theology, and sociology. Instead of conceptualizing the common as an essence of man or as inherent in nature, the thread developed by Dardot and Laval traces the active lives of human beings: only a practical activity of commoning can decide what will be shared in common and what rules will govern the common’s citizen-subjects. This re-articulation of the common calls for nothing less than the institutional transformation of society by society: it calls for a revolution.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Performance Lighting Design: How to Light for the Stage, Concerts and Live Events
A practical guide to the art and technique of lighting for the stage, this book explains the complex mixture of craft, collaboration and creativity behind successful lighting design. The designer paints with light - revealing form and composing a living picture from collections of objects and bodies in a given space. This handbook for professional practice walks you through how to achieve this, from first concept to development of design ideas, planning to realisation and, finally, public performance. Now fully revised, this second edition of Nick Moran’s Performance Lighting Design has been brought up to date to consider advances made in the technology used for lighting design for live performance. Alongside this, Moran introduces new concepts and ways of working; includes a section on analysing the finished design; and discusses recent research into contemporary lighting practice, addressing emerging trends, particularly for drama. Combining practical information with aesthetic considerations, Performance Lighting Design is the ideal book for students and practitioners of stage lighting working on the contemporary stage.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC OCR Ancient History AS and A Level Component 1: Greece
This textbook is endorsed by OCR and supports the specification for AS and A-Level Ancient History (first teaching September 2017). It covers the whole of Component 1, both the compulsory Period Study and the three optional Depth Studies: Period Study: Relations between Greek states and between Greek and non-Greek states, 492–404 BC by Steve Matthews and James Renshaw Depth Study: The Politics and Society of Sparta, 478–404 BC by Charlie Cottam Depth Study: The Politics and Culture of Athens c. 460–399 BC by David L. S. Hodgkinson and James Renshaw Depth Study: The Rise of Macedon, 359–323 BC by Lucy Nicholas How and why did a small group of city states defy the might of the Persian Empire? Why did the same city states subsequently descend into 60 years of conflict among themselves? Were Sparta and Athens very different? How did Alexander later redefine the Greek world? These are the sort of questions that you are required to consider for A-Level Ancient History. This book investigates how the birth of democracy and the defeat of Persia allowed a flourish of political and philosophical thought that subsequently defined western civilisation. It further explores the contrasts between Spartan and Athenian culture. The ideal preparation for the final examinations, all content is presented by experts and experienced teachers in a clear and accessible narrative. Ancient literary and visual sources are described and analysed, with supporting images. Helpful student features include study questions, further reading, and boxes focusing in on key people, events and terms. Practice questions and exam guidance prepare students for assessment. A Companion Website is available at anc-hist-as-a-level.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC OCR Ancient History GCSE Component 2: Rome
This textbook is endorsed by OCR and supports the specification for GCSE Ancient History (first teaching September 2017). It covers the whole of Component 2, both the compulsory longer Period Study and the three optional Depth Studies: Longer Period Study: The Foundations of Rome: From Kingship to Republic, 753–440 BC by Paul Fowler Depth Study: Hannibal and the Second Punic War, 218–201 BC by Paul Fowler Depth Study: Cleopatra: Rome And Egypt, 69–30 BC by James Melville Depth Study: Britannia: From Conquest to Province, AD 43–c. 84 by Christopher Grocock How did reactions to the exploitation of women and the poor make Rome great? How did Rome survive a fourteen-year invasion? Was Cleopatra a great queen? What was the impact of Roman invasion on Britain’s diverse and prosperous culture? This book raises these and other key questions. GCSE students and their teachers will explore the foundation of Rome, the rise of its empire, and its interactions with neighbouring cultures, through the eyes of its historians and archaeology. This book invites us to look at Ancient Rome and the modern world in a new light. The ideal preparation for the final examinations, all content is presented by experts and experienced teachers in a clear and accessible narrative. Ancient literary and visual sources are described and analysed, with supporting images. Helpful student features include study questions, further reading, and boxes focusing in on key people, events and terms. Practice questions and exam guidance prepare students for assessment. A Companion Website is available at
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC OCR Classical Civilisation AS and A Level Components 21 and 22: Greek Theatre and Imperial Image
This textbook is endorsed by OCR and supports the specification for AS and A-Level Classical Civilisation (first teaching September 2017). It covers Components 21 and 22 from the 'Culture and the Arts' Component Group: Greek Theatre by James Renshaw and Laura Swift Imperial Image by Robert Hancock-Jones Why was tragedy and comedy so central to Athenian life? How did drama challenge Athenians to reflect on their way of living? How did the emperor Augustus present himself as the restorer of Rome’s greatness? To what extent did he provide an example to later political figures as a promoter of his regime? This book guides AS and A-Level students to a greater understanding of these issues. The Greek Theatre chapter explores the festival context in which tragedies and comedies were performed, and then analyses three plays: Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Bacchae by Euripides and Frogs by Aristophanes. The Imperial Image chapter analyses the self-presentation of Rome’s most dynamic emperor, who claimed to have found Rome ‘a city of bricks, but left it a city of marble’. The ideal preparation for the final examinations, all content is presented by experts and experienced teachers in a clear and accessible narrative. Ancient literary and visual sources are described and analysed, with supporting images. Helpful student features include study questions, quotations from contemporary scholars, further reading, and boxes focusing in on key people, events and terms. Practice questions and exam guidance prepare students for assessment. A Companion Website is available at
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The History of Animals: A Philosophy
Oxana Timofeeva's The History of Animals: A Philosophy is an original and ambitious treatment of the "animal question". While philosophers have always made distinctions between human beings and animals, Timofeeva imagines a world free of such walls and borders. Timofeeva shows the way towards the full acceptance of our animality; an acceptance which does not mean the return to our animal roots, or anything similar. The freedom generated by this acceptance operates through negativity; is an effect of the rejection of the very core of metaphysical philosophy and Christian culture, traditionally opposed to our ‘animal’ nature and seemingly detached from it. With a foreword by Slavoj Žižek, this book is accessible, jargon-free and ideal for students and all those interested in re-imagining how we engage with animals and the environment.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Future Cities: A Visual Guide
What might our cities look like in ten, twenty or fifty years? How may future cities face global challenges? Imagining the city of the future has long been an inspiration for many architects, artists and designers. This book examines how cities of the future have been visualised, what these projects sought to communicate and what the implications may be for us now. It provides a visual history of the future and explores the relationships between different visualisation techniques and ideologies for cities. Thinking about what futures are, who they are for, why they are desirable, and how and when they are to be brought into being is central to this book. Through visualisation we are able to experiment in ways that would be impractical and potentially hazardous in the real world, and this book, therefore, aims to contribute toward a better understanding of the power and agency of visualisations for future cities. In this lavishly illustrated text, the authors apply several critical lenses to consider the subject in different ways: technological futures, social futures, and global futures, providing a comprehensive survey and analysis of visions for future cities, and engaging creatively with how we perceive tomorrow’s world and future studies more widely.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Sociopolitical Aesthetics: Art, Crisis and Neoliberalism
Since the turn of the millennium, protests, meetings, schoolrooms, reading groups and many other social forms have been proposed as artworks or, more ambiguously, as interventions that are somewhere between art and politics. This book surveys the resurgence of politicized art, tracing key currents of theory and practice, and mapping them against the dominant experience of the last decade: crisis. Drawing upon leading artists and theorists within this field – including Hito Steyerl, Marina Vishmidt, Art & Language, Gregory Sholette, John Roberts and Dave Beech – this book argues for a new interpretation of the relationship between socially-engaged art and neoliberalism. Kim Charnley explores the possibility that neoliberalism has destabilized the art system so that it is no longer able to absorb and neutralize dissent. As a result, the relationship between aesthetics and politics is experienced with fresh urgency and militancy.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Greek Stories: A GCSE Reader
Greek Stories is an ideal first reader for students of Classical Greek. It offers 100 self-contained passages of manageable length, chosen for their intrinsic interest and adapted from a wide range of ancient authors. Generous help is given, with a short introduction to each story and glossing of all proper names and non-GCSE vocabulary. The collection will also be attractive to older students beginning or returning to the language. Updated to match the 2016 OCR specification, this edition has been restructured to reflect the new examinations, which now have a single language paper. Section 1 provides 30 passages, starting with very short and simple stories and building up to the level of the current OCR GCSE. Section 2 provides 30 differentiated passages of increasing difficulty on historical topics. Section 3 provides 20 shorter passages of uniform length on mythological topics, with comprehension questions, in the style of Section A of the new GCSE language paper. Section 4 provides 20 passages on historical topics, with comprehension and unseen sections, in the style of Section B of the new GCSE language paper. The new edition is supported by a companion website with an answer key and additional passages.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC An A–Z of Applied Linguistics Research Methods
Featuring an extensive set of entries covering all aspects of research methodology, ranging from basic to more advanced topics, this is an essential reference for applied linguists everywhere. Explanations of key concepts and techniques are fully cross-referenced and presented in bite-sized chunks, making it easy for users to look up specific terms quickly or have a brief refresher on methodological practices and related issues. Concepts are further illustrated by real-life examples drawn from current linguistics research. This is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying applied linguistics or TESOL modules.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC International Organization
The third edition of this popular core textbook provides wide-ranging coverage of the structure, internal working, policies and performance of international organizations such as the UN, EU, IMF and World Bank. Such organizations have never been so important in addressing the challenges that face our increasingly globalised world. This book introduces students to theories with which to approach international organizations, their history, and their ability to respond to contemporary issues in world politics from nuclear disarmament, climate change and human rights protection, to trade, monetary and financial relations, and international development. Underpinning the text is the authors' unique model that views international organizations as actual organizations. Reacting to world events, political actors provide the 'inputs' which are converted by the political systems of these organizations (through various decision-making procedures) into 'outputs' that achieve varying levels of real-world impact and effectiveness. This is the perfect text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of politics and international relations taking courses on International organization and global governance, as well as essential reading for those studying the UN, the EU and Globalization. New to this Edition: - Draws on the most recent research in the field and considers some of the significant world events of the last decade to ensure that the book is completely up to date. - Two separate chapters considering Trade and Development, and Finance and Monetary Relations respectively. - Fully accounts for the challenges to international organizations by the emerging powers, the Trump administration and Brexit
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Basic Statistics for Psychologists
Written by an experienced teacher of statistics, the new edition of this accessible yet authoritative textbook covers all areas of undergraduate statistics and provides a firm foundation upon which students can build their own knowledge. Featuring new chapters on Bayesian and multiple regression analysis, this book gives students a working understanding of how to conduct reliable and methodical research using statistics. Brysbaert illustrates the key concepts using examples from psychological research, with clear formulas and explanations for calculations. With helpful chapter-by-chapter guidance for carrying out tests using SPSS, as well as coverage of jamovi and JASP software, this book aims to develop students’ confidence in statistical analysis, and to take the fear out of the topic. It offers an easily navigable layout filled with features that help learners to avoid common pitfalls and check their understanding along the way. This engaging and informative guide is essential reading for undergraduate psychology students taking courses in research methods and statistics. New to this Edition: - Chapters on Bayesian analysis, mixed-effects models, and multiple regression analysis - Coverage of jamovi and JASP, two free statistical packages
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Ethics and Values in Social Work
With over 40,000 copies sold across its lifetime, this is social work classic from a leading international author. Synthesizing the complex ideas and concepts that characterize social work's value base, Sarah Banks expertly provides a clear and systematic account of professional ethics in relation to social work practice, framed within a global context. Ethics and Values in Social Work is co-published with the British Association of Social Workers (BASW) and this fifth edition provides revised and updated analysis of professional regulation and codes of practice. Written with Banks' trademark accessibility and theoretical rigour, this updated edition continues to be a relevant and invaluable resource for all students taking Ethics and Values modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as educators and practitioners of social work. New to this Edition: - Revised and updated analyses of professional regulations and codes of practices - Updated case studies with an increased number of global examples of social work practice - More cases featuring adults
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Graduate CVs and Covering Letters
Based on feedback from recruiters and written by two experts in the field, this handy guide is packed with tips on how to craft high quality CVs and covering letters. It features practical guidance on content and appearance, and helps readers to communicate their skills and capabilities effectively to prospective employers. It also includes annotated examples of creative, academic, video and international CVs, alongside advice from recruiters and insights from students and graduates. Exercises and quizzes are embedded into the text, providing students with additional opportunities to hone their skills. This is an invaluable resource for students applying for placements, internships, graduate jobs and postgraduate study, and recent graduates. It will also be useful to careers advisors and staff involved in running employability, skills and career planning modules.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Mastering Modern British History
The new edition of this best-selling text includes a new section on the final years of the Labour government after Blair's resignation and a new chapter on the subsequent Coalition and Conservative governments. It is the ideal companion for students taking a first-level course in modern British History, as well as for undergraduates in history. Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
This beautifully written and thoroughly modern core textbook provides a strong bridge between entrepreneurship theory and practice and looks at the entire life cycle of a business, including the often neglected area of business closure. Underpinned by strong academic rigour, the text takes a critical approach, yet is also highly accessible and readable, explaining complex concepts clearly and succinctly. Research-led yet practice oriented, it examines the latest evidence-based thinking in the field and applies this to the practice of entrepreneurship through a plethora of practical examples, global cases, useful tools, and engaging, multi-faceted pedagogy. Written by a recognised expert on entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice is the ideal textbook for undergraduate, postgraduate, and MBA students taking modules on entrepreneurship that blend theory and practice. It requires no prior knowledge of entrepreneurship. Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Foundations French 1
A lively and popular introductory textbook teaching French to absolute beginners working in a classroom setting. A diverse range of dialogues, video clips, and reading passages deliver new material which is carefully practised in a wide variety of imaginative exercises, both individually and in pair- and groupwork, and backed up by structured grammatical underpinning and exercises. Foundations Languages courses are tailor-made for undergraduates and other students on Institution-wide Languages Programmes (IWLPs), languages options and electives, ab initio and minor routes in languages, and open learning programmes at universities and in Adult Education. Foundations French 1 assumes no previous knowledge. Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost. Included are: accompanying audio and video, a substantial self-study section with practice material for homework and revision, and for extension purposes.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Song of Songs: An Introduction and Study Guide: The Bible’s Only Love Poem
The Song of Songs, also known as the Song of Solomon, is an unusual book to find in the Bible. As the Bible’s only love poem, the Song offers a unique picture of relations between the sexes in biblical times. Unlike other biblical books, it consists entirely of dialogue. It looks at love from both a woman’s and a man’s point of view, and shows the reader what love is like exclusively through what lovers say about it. There are few issues in Song of Songs interpretation that are not open to debate, which makes it a fascinating book to study. In this Guide, Cheryl Exum provides a concise survey of the principal questions encountered in Song of Songs scholarship. She also takes the discussion beyond the traditional research questions to introduce readers to new and ongoing areas in Song of Songs research. Bibliographies and suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter provide additional resources for readers interested in pursuing specific topics and exploring new directions in the study of the Song of Songs.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Public Policy: A New Introduction
A comprehensive introduction to public policy and the policy cycle, the fully revised second edition of this popular textbook offers a practical guide to the topic while remaining underpinned by cutting-edge research. Bringing together analysis of classic works alongside the most recent developments in the field, this book is guided by the following three crucial questions: What is public policy? Who participates in making and putting public policy in practice as well as in assessing its success? And when and how does public policy change over time? In answering these questions, the book covers everything from the central institutions and actors of policy-making to implementation, evaluation and governance. Drawing on examples from across the world, the new edition expands on themes that were previously covered only marginally, including the underexplored connection between public policy and political economy, as well as placing more emphasis on climate change and practical advice on doing policy analysis. For undergraduate or postgraduate students studying on courses focussed on public policy or the policy cycle or process, this textbook is the essential guide to the subject. The book is also suited for those studying public policy in the context of politics or public management and administration. New to this Edition: - A revised conclusion containing guidance on how to do policy analysis. - Extended discussion of climate policy and politics. - Consideration of the effects of Brexit, the rise of populism and the impact of the loss of faith in globalization for international organizations. - More on policy process theories, comparative public policy, the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of public policy studies and new methodologies such as the evaluation of policy measures by means of social media data.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Essential Operations Management
The second edition of this innovative core textbook spans the service and manufacturing sectors, equipping readers to grasp and overcome the core challenges faced in planning, designing and implementing operations. The prestigious and well-respected author team takes a ‘tasks and challenges’ approach that marries theory to their extensive practical experience of running operations in high-profile business settings while reflecting their clear vision and personal philosophy of operations management. Packed with engaging learning features that truly bring the subject to life, the text provides a concise and real-world orientated look at the key parts of an operations manager’s job. This textbook is an ideal course text for undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA students taking a module in operations management or manufacturing/services operations. New to this Edition: - New and greatly expanded coverage of the most relevant contemporary topics in OM, including corporate social responsibility and ethics, lean manufacturing, outsourcing vs. insourcing, and zero hour contracts - Over 30 new and updated cases from a wide range of international companies including Apple, Samsung and Uber - Increased focus on strategy with an expanded emphasis and new dedicated sections on improving operations that place OM firmly at the centre of organizational considerations
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC An Introduction to Behavioral Economics
The third edition of this successful textbook is a comprehensive, rigorous survey of the major topics in the field of behavioral economics. Building on the strengths of the second edition, it offers an up-to-date and critical examination of the latest literature, research, developments and debates in the field. Offering an inter-disciplinary approach, the authors incorporate psychology, evolutionary biology and neuroscience into the discussions. And, ultimately, they consider what it means to be ‘rational’, why we so often indulge in ‘irrational’ and self-harming behavior, and also why ‘irrational’ behavior can sometimes serve us well. A perfect book for economics students studying behavioural economics at higher undergraduate level or Master's level. This new edition features: - Extended material on heuristics and biases, and new material on neuroeconomics and its applications - A wealth of new topical case studies, such as voting behavior in Brexit and the Trump election and the current obesity epidemic - More examples and review questions to help cement understanding Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Finance and Financial Markets
This popular textbook offers a broad and accessible introduction to the building blocks of modern finance: financial markets, institutions and instruments. Focussing on the core elements of the subject, the author blends theory with real-life data, cases and numerical worked examples, linking the material to practice at just the right level of technical complexity. This new edition has updated data and cases throughout, ensuring that it is as up-to-date as possible in this fast-moving area. More assessment and self-test resources have been added to the book to help support students and lecturers. It is ideally suited to students at all levels who take economics, business and finance courses, as well as for those who want to understand the workings of the modern financial world. New to this Edition: - New case studies, including coverage of the Libor and foreign exchange rigging scandals, Bitcoin, the FinTech revolution and issues raised by Brexit - Fully updated data and relevant numerical examples - Coverage of derivatives such as futures, options and swaps - Extensive discussion of regulatory developments since the financial crisis - A companion website featuring teaching resources is available Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Fashion Management: A Strategic Approach
This new textbook, authored by a team of expert researchers and lecturers based at the London College of Fashion, is one of the first in the field to examine strategic management in the context of the fashion industry, catering specifically for students hoping to work in the sector. International in approach, the text covers all aspects of strategic management, from growth strategy and financial management to brand and supply chain management. Fashion Management’s engaging style, page design and pedagogical framework makes it accessible to students at all levels, while the authors’ extensive expertise ensures that the content is always underpinned by rigorous academic research. Established key topics and significant contemporary issues – such as sustainability, the digital, and corporate social responsibility – are considered from both a theoretical and practical perspective, with real-world examples drawn from high-profile, global fashion organisations. This is an ideal core textbook for those studying on undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in fashion management and fashion marketing. The book will also be an important supplementary resource for courses in marketing, retailing and business studies, with the fashion industry providing an effective context for students to engage with the application of theory. Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Foundations Spanish 1
A lively and popular introductory textbook teaching Spanish to absolute beginners working in a classroom setting. A diverse range of dialogues, video clips, and reading passages deliver new material which is carefully practised in a wide variety of imaginative exercises, both individually and in pair- and groupwork, and backed up by structured grammatical underpinning and exercises. Foundations Languages courses are tailor-made for undergraduates and other students on Institution-wide Languages Programmes (IWLPs), languages options and electives, ab initio and minor routes in languages, and open learning programmes at universities and in Adult Education. Foundations Spanish 1 assumes no previous knowledge. New to this Edition: - Fully revised and updated following extensive lecturer feedback - First time in full colour! - New photos and illustrations - New integrated video clips - Code for interactive ebook inside to allow easy access to video, audio and interactive exercises and great searchability - Extra online grammar and video exercises - New cultural notes - Voiced vocabulary lists Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost. Included are: accompanying audio and video, a substantial self-study section with practice material for homework and revision, and for extension purposes.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Construction Technology 2: Industrial and Commercial Building
Designed in a structured, directed format to help develop understanding, rather than just providing a simple source of information, this popular undergraduate textbook offers comprehensive coverage of industrial and commercial building technology. It builds on material in the first volume in the series Construction Technology 1: House Construction but it is also valuable as a standalone text. The most student-friendly textbook in the area, it uses a wealth of features to reinforce understanding and test knowledge, including case studies and comparative studies. Case studies include photographs and commentary on specific aspects of the technology of framed buildings, while comparative studies allow the reader to make a critical evaluation, comparing and contrasting design details and solutions. This textbook is aimed at undergraduates in Construction Management, Quantity Surveying and Building Surveying, and HNC/D students in the same areas. It is also ideal for associated Built Environment courses e.g. Land Management, Civil Engineering, where the basic technologies need to be understood. New to this Edition: - Thoroughly revised throughout - New material on sustainable construction incorporated as a key theme in each aspect of technology - A new chapter on building services installations - A new section of the highly topical subject of Building Information Modelling (BIM) Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A History of France
Few modern countries can boast of such a lengthy history as France, whose distinctive shape has been a key feature of the successive stages of European history during the past millennium. This engaging narrative seamlessly weaves together the complex tale of French history since the year 1000. Bringing together political, religious, social and cultural developments, A History of France provides an insightful and readable overview of the country's history as it moved from a dominant position within Europe – with an empire stretching across the continents – to one in which it was invaded and occupied by its largest neighbour. Through revolution, war and peace, Joseph Bergin explores how the Frankland of 1000 CE has mutated into the France we know today.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Managing Global Business
This is an exciting new introductory textbook which delivers a truly global exploration of international business. It provides an accessible and engaging overview of the key theories and models that underpin the global economy. The text gives attention to the challenges and ambitions of businesses in the developing world, including small and family-run businesses, as well as those of ‘born-global’ companies. Managing Global Business takes a practical approach to link theoretical concepts to real-world situations and offers a varied discussion into the key activities of the international manager, and a useful guide on employability opportunities. This textbook is recommended for established institutions as well as the rapidly expanding network of education centres in the developing world. It is designed as a core text for students of International Business and Business Management degrees at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Literature of Food: An Introduction from 1830 to Present
Why are so many literary texts preoccupied with food? The Literature of Food explores this question by looking at the continually shifting relationship between two sorts of foods: the real and the imagined. Focusing particularly on Britain and North America from the early 19th century to the present, it covers a wide range of issues including the politics of food, food as performance, and its intersections with gender, class, fear and disgust. Combining the insights of food studies and literary analysis, Nicola Humble considers the multifarious ways in which food both works and plays within texts, and the variety of functions—ideological, mimetic, symbolic, structural, affective—which it serves. Carefully designed and structured for use on the growing number of literature of food courses, it examines the food of modernism, post-modernism, the realist novel and children's literature, and asks what happens when we treat cook books as literary texts. From food memoirs to the changing role of the servant, experimental cook books to the cannibalistic fears in infant picture books, The Literature of Food demonstrates that food is always richer and stranger than we think.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC History of Philosophy Volume 4: The Rationalists: Descartes to Leibniz
Copleston, an Oxford Jesuit and specialist in the history of philosophy, first created his history as an introduction for Catholic ecclesiastical seminaries. However, since its first publication (the last volume appearing in the mid-1970s) the series has become the classic account for all philosophy scholars and students. The 11-volume series gives an accessible account of each philosopher's work, but also explains their relationship to the work of other philosophers.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A History of the Tajiks: Iranians of the East
In this comprehensive and up to date history, from prehistoric proto-Indo-Iranian times to the post-Soviet period, Richard Foltz traces the complex linguistic, cultural and political history of the Tajiks, a Persian-speaking Iranian ethnic group from the modern-day Central Asian states of Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan. In eight chapters, the author explores the revitalisation of Persian culture under the Samanid Empire in the Tajik heartlands of historical Khorasan and Transoxiana; analyses the evolution of the politics of Tajik identity; and traces the history of the ethnic Tajik diaspora today. This revised edition includes a new chapter on the Tajiks’ situation in Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan since 2018, covering notably the effects of the Taliban’s return to power in August 2021 and the COVID pandemic in all three countries, as well as border clashes with Kyrgyzstan.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Covid-19 in Palestine: The Settler Colonial Context
Israel and Palestine were worlds apart during the pandemic that claimed over five million lives globally. While Palestinians were forced to adopt crude survival measures and endure economic privations, Israel was praised as a vaccination world leader. This book demonstrates how Israel utilized the pandemic to tighten surveillance and control over Palestine and the Palestinians. Drawing on theories of settler colonialism and the concept of ‘necropolitics’, the book is a vital testament to the reality of the Israeli settler colonial project today. The author uses case studies and interviews with Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, Hebron, Kufr Aqab and the Jalazoon refugee camp to understand the lived experiences of Palestinians. The newest colonial policies are discussed including how Israel activated a counter-terrorism database that could track citizens and ensure they adhered to lockdown regulations. It also shows how Israel destroyed Palestinian infrastructure essential for water, sanitation and hygiene, leaving Palestinians unable to fight the virus. The book shows that, for Palestinians, the pandemic was simply the latest in a long line of national catastrophes in a context where settler colonialism prevails.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Taliban: The Power of Militant Islam in Afghanistan and Beyond
A #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Following the U.S-Taliban peace deal of February 2020 - and the U.S's promised withdrawal from Afghanistan - the Taliban began terrorizing Afghan security forces, civilians and the government in Kabul. By August 2021, the group had seized control of the entire country. Taliban is a New York Times bestseller by the award-winning journalist Ahmed Rashid. Now considered a modern classic, the book provides rare insight into the history of the Taliban, their political movement, their leaders and their aims. This authoritative account is renowned for being able to explain one of the world’s most extreme organizations from their inception in northern Pakistan in the early 1990s to their rise to power. In doing so, Rashid closely details their impact on Afghanistan, the Middle East and Central Asia, and how and why the Taliban spread, including their relationship with both Al-Qaeda and the U.S. The book has sold more than 1.5 million copies worldwide and has been translated into over 40 languages. This third edition marks twenty years since the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and the author adds a new introduction to reflect on how the group regained their strength, the humanitarian crisis, and what Taliban rule is likely to mean for the region and the world.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Texts, Scribes and Transmission: Manuscript Cultures of the Ismaili Communities and Beyond
The past few decades have seen a burgeoning interest in the manuscript cultures of the Muslim world. The study of manuscripts has brought to light new perspectives on the transmission of texts and larger questions of cultural practices passed down within the learned circles of premodern Muslim societies. The intellectual and literary heritage of Ismaili communities, who form a branch of Shi'i Islam, has until recently been preserved in private and largely inaccessible libraries. This open access volume brings together studies offering insights on different aspects of the manuscript cultures nurtured by Ismaili communities until well after the widespread dissemination of printed books. The range of materials transmitted via these manuscripts in Arabic, Persian and Indic languages also reflects the doctrinal and literary preoccupations of Muslims at large and of other groups from the societies in which Ismailis lived. Hence, the manuscripts bear the imprint of their respective cultural contexts, namely a number of regions from the Near East to Central and South Asia. In addition to engaging with multifaceted problems surrounding the processes of textual transmission, the chapters in this book deal with other connected aspects like codicology, scribal and reading practices, educational and social history, authorship, communal script, religious identity and interactions of ideas across ideological denominations. With contributions from specialists and early-career scholars, the volume will be of interest to those working on textual scholarship, manuscript and literary cultures and Islamic studies. The eBook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by Islamic Publications Ltd.