Search results for ""author leonard"
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Controstoria Degli Etruschi
L'Erma Di Bretschneider L'Etrusco, Lingua Dall'oriente Indoeuropeo: Prefazione Di Mario Negri
TUSQUETS La cola de la serpiente Maxi
Editorial Sal Terrae Los sacramentios de la vida
Editorial Sal Terrae Tiempo de trascendencia el ser humano como un proyecto definitivo
La trascendencia es tal vez el desafío más secreto y escondido del ser humano, que se niega a aceptar la realidad en la que está sumido, porque se siente mayor que todo cuanto le rodea. Con su pensamiento, habita las estrellas y rompe todos los espacios. Esta capacidad es lo que llamamos trascendencia, porque trasciende, rompe, va más allá de lo que es dado, llevándonos a descubrir dimensiones capaces de promover nuestra realización y, de ese modo, conquistar la paz y la felicidad que buscamos.
Orbis Books (USA) The Prayer of Saint Francis: A Message of Peace for the World Today
Patmos-Verlag Gepriesen seien Ochs und Esel
Wagenbach Klaus GmbH Der Ritter und der TodEin einfacher Fall Zwei sizilianische Kriminalromane
Wagenbach Klaus GmbH Jedem das Seine
Campus Verlag GmbH Die Geschichte der Stadt
Unionsverlag Die Durchlssigkeit der Zeit
Unionsverlag Der Schwanz der Schlange
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The European City
This is a history of the European city from the early Middle Ages to the present. Tracing the city from the survival of urban life after the collapse of the Roman Empire to the effects of modern industrialization and transportation, Professor Benevolo's book also provides a fascinating account of the relationship between urban life and cultural and intellectual life.
Plan Editions Italian Panorama Italiano, Vol. 3
Granta Books The Knight And Death: And One Way Or Another
Secret deals, powerful men and murder - One Way or Another is a chillingly prophetic work. The Knight and Death features a nameless (and apparently terminally ill) detective investigating the murder of a lawyer believed to have been killed by a mysterious revolutionary group. The detective thinks otherwise and sets out to prove that powerful business interests were involved, with the revolutionary group invented to cover up the real reasons behind the murder.
Monacelli Press Unearthed: Stephen Talasnik: Drawings, Sculpture, Installations
Stephen Talasnik's intricate and mesmerizing work bridges the disciplines of art and architecture in this debut monograph. A polymath whose work encompasses sculpture, drawing, and architectural land art, Stephen Talasnik manifests an elaborate and evocative aesthetic vision. Inspired by visionary artists and architects such as Leonardo da Vinci, Giovanni Piranesi, Gustav Eiffel, Antoni Gaudí, and Buckminster Fuller, Talasnik presents a fantastical world that looks as archaeological as it does futuristic. Unearthed presents a broad spectrum of Talasnik's work spanning the last decade, starting with floating sculptures commissioned by the Denver Botanic Garden, continuing on through projects at Storm King Art Center and Russel Wright Design Center, and culminating with a 30-foot-high timber sculpture at the new, highly lauded Tippet Rise Art Center in Montana. The publication of Unearthed coincides with the first exhibition at Tippet Rise devoted to a single artist. Numerous examples of Talasnik's drawings are also included, as well as smaller-scale indoor and outdoor sculptures in diverse materials. Several key contributors help interpret diverse angles of Talasnik's practice, including renowned art critic Phyllis Tuchman, architect and critic Michael Sorkin, theorist David Wittenberg, and the late architect Lebbeus Woods, a close friend to Talasnik. Through these essays and hundreds of reproductions of Talasnik's spellbinding work, Unearthed presents the extraordinary visions of an artist on the cusp of broad recognition.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Timelines of Art
This beautiful book brings you the very best of art throughout history - using a truly innovative timeline-led approach. Savour iconic paintings such as Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper and Monet's Waterlilies, and discover less well-known artists, styles, and movements the world over - from Indigenous Australian art to the works of Ming-era China. And explore recurring themes, such as love and religion, and important genres from Romanesque to Conceptual art, along the way. Timelines of Art provides detailed analysis of the works of key artists, showing details of their technique - such as Leonardo's use of light and shade. It tells the story of avant-garde works like Manet's Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe (Lunch on the Grass), which scandalised society, and it traces how certain artists, genres or movements informed the works of others - showing how the Impressionists were inspired by Gustave Courbet, for example, or how Van Gogh was influenced by Japanese prints.Comprehensive, accessible, and lavishly illustrated throughout, Timelines of Art is an essential guide to the pantheon of world art, so dive straight into discover: - An overview of each movement, including the social and cultural background of the period, grounds the works of art in the spirit of their times.- Turning-point paintings that triggered or epitomised each artistic movement are identified and explained, against a backdrop of influences - the technical advances, admired techniques of an earlier artist, and changes in society that enabled new directions in art.- Glossary of technical terms and comprehensive index help make this an indispensable work of reference for any art-lover.Timelines of Art is the perfect art history book for students of art and/or history, proving ideal for families, schools and libraries and doubling up as a great gift for the art lover in your life.
Duke University Press Cumbia!: Scenes of a Migrant Latin American Music Genre
Cumbia is a musical form that originated in northern Colombia and then spread throughout Latin America and wherever Latin Americans travel and settle. It has become one of the most popular musical genre in the Americas. Its popularity is largely due to its stylistic flexibility. Cumbia absorbs and mixes with the local musical styles it encounters. Known for its appeal to workers, the music takes on different styles and meanings from place to place, and even, as the contributors to this collection show, from person to person. Cumbia is a different music among the working classes of northern Mexico, Latin American immigrants in New York City, Andean migrants to Lima, and upper-class Colombians, who now see the music that they once disdained as a source of national prestige. The contributors to this collection look at particular manifestations of cumbia through their disciplinary lenses of musicology, sociology, history, anthropology, linguistics, and literary criticism. Taken together, their essays highlight how intersecting forms of identity—such as nation, region, class, race, ethnicity, and gender—are negotiated through interaction with the music.Contributors. Cristian Alarcón, Jorge Arévalo Mateus, Leonardo D'Amico, Héctor Fernández L'Hoeste, Alejandro L. Madrid, Kathryn Metz, José Juan Olvera Gudiño, Cathy Ragland, Pablo Semán, Joshua Tucker, Matthew J. Van Hoose, Pablo Vila
Editorial Academica Espanola Una mirada didáctica al lenguaje de la narrativa gráfica
Prestel The Great Big Art History Colouring Book
Filled with imaginative drawings and sketches to color in and paint, this book features all twelve large plates and many more individual scenes from Annabelle von Sperber's Where's the Artist? book. Arranged chronologically, each scene depicts a critical juncture in the history of art: from the temples of ancient Egypt to Leonardo da Vinci's studio. The drawings encourage coloring and learning about artistic movements and personalities, making this a source of information as well as a welcome outlet for the artist in all of us.
Peeters Publishers La Contribution De La Pensee Italienne a La Culture Europeenne: Actes Du Colloque International Preside Par Umberto Eco
Une certaine idee de l'Europe nait avec Charlemagne et depuis ce neuvieme siecle medieval jusqu'a nos jours, la pensee italienne a faconne la culture europeenne de facon profonde et decisive. La pensee italienne, comme elle s'est deployee au cours de l'histoire dans les sciences, la philosophie et les arts, a ete largement assimilee, amendee et transposee dans la plupart des pays de l'Europe. C'est en Italie que naissent les universites, que la vie monastique a ete inventee par Saint Benoit, que la civilisation communale jusqu'a l'invention des banques a pris son essor. Depuis Florence, Venise et Rome, la Renaissance et l'Humanisme conquierent la France, l'Angleterre et les pays du Nord. La nouvelle vision du monde et de la societe, de Machiavel a Giordano Bruno, de Galileo a Vico, s'implantera dans l'esprit europeen. Au vingtieme siecle, des penseurs et des mouvements politiques italiens ont eu un impact considerable sur l'histoire de la gauche et de la droite europeenne, tandis que l'eclosion des arts (cinema, theatre, musique, architecture) n'ont cesse de fasciner l'Europe entiere. Le present volume contient les Actes du colloque La contribution de la pensee italienne a la culture europeenne, qui s'est deroule du 6 au 8 novembre 2003 au Palais des Beaux-Arts dans le cadre d'Europalia-Italia. Preside par Umberto Eco, le colloque a fait appel a une serie de conferenciers de renommee internationale (Claudio Leonardi, Costantino Marmo, Maria Teresa Fumagalli, Rudi Imbach, Gilbert Tournoy, Jean-Jacques Marchand, Lina Bolzoni, Andrea Battistini, Pietro Corsi, Jean Weisgerber, David Forgacs).
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC The Knight Captain is the New Princess-to-Be Vol. 2
Christina, a.k.a. 'Lady Chris,' was born into a noble family and treated more or less like a boy growing up. Now a dashing young woman, Chris is not only captain of the imperial guards - she personally protects Prince Leonardo, who has been a dear friend since childhood. When his father, the king, demands he find a suitable girl to marry, Leo insists that he's already found one: Chris! Chris is shocked, but figures that Leo doesn't really love her like that; it's probably just some ploy to keep the king happy. Chris decides to play along, but as the charade goes on, she starts to wonder if maybe her princely pal has actually fallen for her!
Abbeville Press Inc.,U.S. Master-Pieces: Flip and Flop 10 Great Works of Art
Mix and match pieces of the world's greatest artworks - from Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa to Gilbert Stuart's George Washington - to create new portraits. Flip Flora's pretty hairstyle on the head of a Kabuki actor. Top Frida Kahlo with the straw hat of Vincent van Gogh. Printed on heavy board and laminated, Master-Pieces will stand up to the most enthusiastic flipping, at home or in the classroom. Including full images with captions, short descriptions of the works, and artists' biographies, it features artworks from the world's most magnificent public collections, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art to the Louvre. With one thousand possible portrait combinations, Master-Pieces will have children looking at art in a whole new way.
Rowman & Littlefield Breverton's Encyclopedia of Inventions: A Compendium of Technological Leaps, Groundbreaking Discoveries, and Scientific Breakthroughs
Who flew before the Wright Brothers? How was plastic surgery invented? Did Leonardo da Vinci design the first robot? When was the first email sent? Where was beer first brewed? Who invented zero? From the fish hook to fibre optics, the pyramids to postage stamps, and from gunpowder to GPS, this eclectic compendium will inform, inspire and fascinate anyone to know more about the moments of genius that gave shaped our lives today. An extraordinary guide to the greatest feats of ingenuity and innovation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU
This ambitious Handbook covers the history, functioning and impact of cohesion policy, arguably the most tangible presence of the European Union in its twenty-eight member states. The contributions combine world-renowned scholars and country experts to discuss, in six parts, the policy's history and governing principles; the theoretical approaches from which it can be assessed; the inter-institutional and multi-level dynamics that it elicits; its practical implementation and impact on EU Member States; its interactions with other EU policies and strategies; and the cognitive maps and narratives with which it can be associated. This Handbook will be an invaluable resource to students and scholars of EU policies and politics and other related disciplines. In particular, they will benefit from the clarity with which the history and functioning of cohesion policy is laid out. Policy makers and other practitioners will also find this book of interest, due to its presentation of relevant debates.Contributors include: A. Ágh, J. Aprans, R. Atkinson, J. Bachtler, J. Balsiger, J. Baudner, I. Begg, M. Brunazzo, R.L. Bubbico, A. Catalina Rubianes, D. Charles, N. Charron, R. Crescenzi, M. Dabrowski, A. Dahs, F. De Filippis, S. Gänzle, D. Hübner, A. Faiña, A. Faludi, V. Fargion, U. Fratesi, P.R. Graziano, E. Gualini, E. Hepburn, C. Holguin, G. Karakatsanis, E. Kazamaki Ottersten, A. Kovács, A. Lenschow, R. Leonardi, J. Lopez-Rodriguez, E. Massetti, P. McCann, C. Mendez, P. Montes-Solla, T. Muravska, T. Notermans, R.l Ortega-Argilés, I. Pálné Kovács, S. Piattoni, L. Polverari, S. Profeti, A.H. Schakel, J. Schönlau, M.K. Sioliou, P. Stephenson, I. Tömmel, M. Weber, K. Zimmermann
Flame Tree Publishing Italian Renaissance: Masterworks
The Renaissance of the 14th–16th centuries was, and forever will be, one of the most pivotal periods in the development of Western art. Its roots spread wide and deep, and much social and intellectual revitalization had begun before this revered time, but the renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman texts and the development of expanding trade, which brought greater wealth, meant that classical and humanist thought combined with lavish patronage resulted in major breakthroughs across all spheres of human endeavour – art, architecture, music, literature, science, philosophy and more. And, while it spread across Europe, it was Italy that was to be its crucible. With 2020 marking the 500th anniversary of the death of Raphael, one of the stars of the Renaissance, this sumptuous book celebrates the prolific output of this era. From the radical perspective of Giotto di Bondone (1267–1337), breaking out of the Middles Ages, to the giants of the High Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael, and many more, the reader will delight in the fascinating insights offered by the text accompanied by lush reproductions.
Gregory R Miller & Company Four Generations: The Joyner / Giuffrida Collection of Abstract Art
The acclaimed overview of Black abstract art, now in an expanded edition with nearly 100 additional color plates The Joyner/Giuffrida Collection of Abstract Art is widely recognized as one of the most significant collections of modern and contemporary work by artists of the African diaspora and from the continent of Africa itself. Four Generations: The Joyner/Giuffrida Collection of Abstract Art draws upon the collection's unparalleled holdings to explore the critical contributions made by Black artists to the evolution of visual art in the 20th and 21st centuries. This revised and expanded edition updates Four Generations with several new texts and nearly 100 images of works that have been added to the collection since the initial publication of this influential and widely praised book. Lavishly illustrated and featuring important contributions by leading art historians, critics, and curators, Four Generations gives an essential overview of some of the most notable Black artists and movements of the past century, and their approaches to abstraction in its various forms. Filled with countless insights and visual treasures, Four Generations is a journey through the momentous legacy of postwar art of the African diaspora. Artists include: Firelei Báez, Romare Bearden, Kevin Beasley, Zander Blom, Mark Bradford, Leonardo Drew, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, Isaac Julien, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Glenn Ligon, Julie Mehretu, Oscar Murillo, Christina Quarles, Robin Rhode, Lorna Simpson, Shinique Smith, Alma Thomas, Kara Walker, Jack Whitten, Lynette Yiadom-Boakye and many others. Rarely is a monograph on a private collection as revelatory as this—what an extraordinary, rich body of work is packed into these pages. The achievements of the artists, as well as their conceptual and formal daring, leave no doubt that a new page on American art is about to be opened." –Okwui Enwezor
Tilbury House,U.S. If da Vinci Painted a Dinosaur
Here Amy Newbold conveys nineteen artists’ styles in a few deft words, while Greg Newbold’s chameleon-like artistry shows us Edgar Degas’ dinosaur ballerinas, Cassius Coolidge’s dinosaurs playing Go Fish, Hokusai’s dinosaurs surfing a giant wave, and dinosaurs smelling flowers in Mary Cassatt’s garden; grazing in Grandma Moses’ green valley; peeking around Diego Rivera’s orchids in Frida Kahlo’s portrait; tiptoeing through Baishi’s inky bamboo; and cavorting, stampeding or hiding in canvases by Henri Matisse, Andy Warhol, Frida Kahlo, Franz Marc, Harrison Begay, Alma Thomas, Aaron Douglas, Mark Rothko, Lois Mailou Jones, Marguerite Zorach and Edvard Munch. And, of course, striking a Mona Lisa pose for Leonardo da Vinci. As in If Picasso Painted a Snowman, our guide for this tour is an engaging beret-topped hamster who is joined in the final pages by a tiny dino artist. Thumbnail biographies of the artists identify their iconic works, completing this tour of the creative imagination.
Harvard Business Review Press HBR's 10 Must Reads on Reinventing HR (with bonus article "People Before Strategy" by Ram Charan, Dominic Barton, and Dennis Carey): (with bonus article "People Before Strategy" by Ram Charan, Dominic Barton, and Dennis Carey)
How HR can lead.If you read nothing else on reinventing human resources, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones on how HR leaders can partner with the C-suite, drive change throughout the organization, and develop the workforce of the future.This book will inspire you to: Overhaul performance management practices to jump-start motivation and engagement Use agile processes to transform how you hire, develop, and manage people Establish diversity programs that increase innovation and competitiveness as well as inclusion Use people analytics to bring unprecedented insight to hiring and talent management Prepare your company for the double waves of artificial intelligence and an older workforce Close the gap between HR and strategy This collection of articles includes: "People Before Strategy: A New Role for the CHRO," by Ram Charan, Dominic Barton, and Dennis Carey; "How Netflix Reinvented HR," by Patty McCord; "HR Goes Agile," by Peter Cappelli and Anna Tavis; "Reinventing Performance Management," by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall; "Better People Analytics," by Paul Leonardi and Noshir Contractor; "21st-Century Talent Spotting," by Claudio Fernandez-Araoz; "Tours of Duty: The New Employer-Employee Contract," by Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha, and Chris Yeh; "Creating the Best Workplace on Earth," by Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones; "Why Diversity Programs Fail," by Frank Dobbins and Alexandra Kalev; "When No One Retires," by Paul Irving; and "Collaborative Intelligence: Humans and AI Are Joining Forces," by H. James Wilson and Paul R. Daugherty.
National Gallery Company Ltd The National Gallery: Companion Guide
The National Gallery Companion Guide celebrates over 200 masterpieces from one of the finest art collections in the world. The reader is guided through the history of the Western European painting tradition, from the thirteenth to the twentieth centuries, with engaging commentaries that illuminate each artist’s unique contribution. This comprehensive, newly designed edition has been revised and expanded to feature recent acquisitions by Artemisia Gentileschi, Edgar Degas and Thomas Lawrence, alongside much-loved works by artists ranging from Leonardo and Raphael to Van Gogh and Picasso.
Skyhorse Publishing Billion Dollar Hollywood Heist: The A-List Kingpin and the Poker Ring that Brought Down Tinseltown
"Right out of the gate, the entire game was designed to empty the pockets of those rich, celeb-loving LA suckers.”—Houston Curtis Leonardo DiCaprio. Alex Rodriguez. Tobey Maguire. Affleck. Damon. Cassavetes. What do these people have in common? Not just fame and fortune; all these men are also alumni of the ultra-exclusive, high-stakes poker ring that inspired Aaron Sorkin’s Oscar-nominated film, Molly’s Game. But Houston Curtis, the card shark who cofounded the game with Tobey Maguire, knows that Sorkin’s is the whitewashed version. In Billion Dollar Hollywood Heist, Curtis goes all-in, revealing the true story behind the game. From its origins with Maguire to staking DiCaprio’s first game, installing Molly Bloom, avoiding the hookers and blow down the hall, and weathering the FBI investigation that left Curtis with a lien on his house, this is the no-holds-barred account of the world’s most exclusive Texas hold ’em game from the man who started it—with all the names and salacious details that Molly’s Game left out. With the insider appeal of Rounders, more A-listers than Ocean’s 11, and the excitement of The Sting, Billion Dollar Hollywood Heist is the untold, insider’s story that makes Molly’s Game look tame.
Hodder Education Reading Planet: Astro – The Hidden Maths In Everything – Jupiter/Mercury band
Maths is all around us. From a single snowflake to the changing seasons; from our favourite songs to the buildings we live in, and even the way our planet spins through space. Don't believe it? Just open up this book and discover some of the weird and wonderful ways that maths affects our everyday lives. You'll also find out about some pioneering mathematicians - from Leonardo Fibonacci, who studied sequences in numbers and nature nearly 800 years ago, to Ada Lovelace, who helped to develop the first computer codes. You can even try some challenges yourself to help you master maths. One day, you could use maths to unlock more strange secrets of the universe! The Hidden Maths Inside Everything is part of the Astro range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Astro books are ideal for struggling and reluctant readers aged 7-11. Each book is dual-banded so that children can improve their fluency whilst enjoying exciting fiction and non-fiction relevant to their age. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills. Interest age: 9-10 Reading age: 7-8 years
Tusquets Editores La neblina del ayer
Tusquets Editores Vientos de cuaresma
Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza Historia literaria Historia de la literatura
Historia y Literatura son dos conceptos que han mantenido una relación prolongada y conflictiva. Aunque con anterioridad al siglo XVIII pueden señalarse bastantes acercamientos entre Historia y Literatura, la cultura moderna fue la que aproximó ambas nociones para originar una clase de actividad intelectural en la que la Literatura se incorporó a los prosupuestos teóricos y técnicos de la Historia. Desde entonces se ha hablado de Historia literaria y de Historia de la literatura como disciplinas humanísticas cuyo estatuto epistemológico ha sido y es aún ampliamente discutido.
Arco Libros - La Muralla, S.L. La Impersonalidad Gramatical Descripcion Y Norma
Es frecuente agrupar bajo la denominación de impersonalidad fenómenos muy heterogéneos sintáctica y semánticamente. Además, son muchos los casos de impersonalidad sintáctica que no recogen los manuales. La intención de esta obra es poner orden en el campo de la impersonalidad y diferenciar diversos tipos. El tratamiento del tema es en parte descriptivo y en parte normativo, pues con ciertos aspectos de impersonalidad se incurre con alguna frecuencia en algunas incorrecciones y/o agramaticalidades. En este trabajo, pues, el autor trata de aunar sintaxis y norma.
Arco Libros - La Muralla, S.L. Valores Gramaticales De Se
Este trabajo trata de presentar y explicar una clasificación de los muy variados usos de /SE/ en la sintaxis española, aunque la línea que separa sus valores no siempre es nítida. Asimismo, aborda aspectos normativos de /SE/ a lo largo del trabajo, de manera especial en la parte última. En realidad, son sólo tres los valores generales sintácticos de SE, aunque hay que hablar de usos como variantes de cada uno de ellos. En efecto, existe un SE pronombre personal, un SE reflexivo (con sus variantes) con carácter pronominal y un SE no pronominal (con sus variantes de impersonalidad y pasiva refleja entre otros).
Tusquets Editores La transparencia del tiempo
Tusquets Editores Regreso a \Itaca
Tusquets Editores El hombre que amaba a los perros
Tusquets Editores Pasado perfecto
Tercer volumen ya de nuestra Historia del Arte en cómic, y este estará dedicado al Renacimiento, la cosa se pone seria! Aunque seria no es un adjetivo que les pegue a nuestros agentes de la historieta, que siguen haciendo de las suyas, acompañados en esta ocasión de cicerones de la categoría de Leonardo, Sofonisba Anguissola, la Gioconda, Miguel Ángel, Rafael, Durero, Tiziano o Garcilaso de la Vega? Menudo equipo! Pasear por la Florencia de los Medici y asombrarnos con la cúpula de Brunelleschi, por la esplendorosa Roma del cinquecento y contemplar la Capilla Sixtina ?en todo el esplendor que nos proporciona un tríptico desplegable!?, o perdernos ascendiendo La torre de Babel de Brueghel el Viejo? Llamarlo síndrome de Stendhal es poco para como vas a quedarte tras leer este libro!
University of Washington Press Universe Is Flux: The Art of Tawara Yusaku
Recognized in Japan as a connoisseur, collector, and proprietor of a famous folk art shop in Tokyo, Tawara Yusaku returned to painting late in life and had a single show in London before his death in 2004. Universe Is Flux is the first examination of his accomplishments within the context of Asian and contemporary painting. Tawara's artistic vision was highly influenced by Buddhist concepts of cosmology and space. His philosophy revolved around the idea that the universe is in a constant state of flux - that flux itself is the stuff of the universe. The impermanent bunching together of vibrating energy - wavelike forms that he called hado (wave movement) - comprises individual existence. His works appear at first glance to be the result of bold, powerful strokes with a large brush, but close examination reveals each large stroke is composed of innumerable tiny strokes, dots, and splashes representing hado. Tawara rejected representational art and struggled instead to paint ultimate reality. Drawing on conversations with the artist and notes that he left behind, the essays discuss how Tawara's unique methods expressed his views of art and the universe at large, examine Tawara's works in the context of traditional Japanese and Chinese ink and literati painting, and focus on Tawara's "Thinking of da Vinci" series, drawing analogies between Tawara's investigation of the microcosm and the brushstroke and Leonardo da Vinci's exploration of these ideas in his drawings. The techniques that Tawara utilized to create his art resulted in a body of work that not only expresses his views of the universe but is also aesthetically powerful and beautiful.
Taschen GmbH Raphael. The Complete Works. Paintings, Frescoes, Tapestries, Architecture
Raphael (1483–1520) is considered the most important artist of the Italian High Renaissance alongside Michelangelo and Leonardo. In his short lifetime he created around one hundred paintings and numerous frescoes, including nine fresco cycles, on an unsurpassed variety of themes – from sensual female beauties, antique myths and portraits of wealthy Romans and church dignitaries to history cycles and biblical scenes. He produced altarpieces, as well as designing tapestries for the Sistine Chapel and directing the construction of St Peter’s Basilica. His Sistine Madonna is one of the most frequently reproduced religious paintings of all time. Raphael was a tireless learner, for whom there could be no standing still, no repetition of tried and tested solutions, but only the constant forward thrust of an inexhaustible imagination. He transformed his central theme, the visionary experience of divine grace, into visible pictorial reality. It was his mature work in Rome, and above all the frescoes in the Vatican Palace, that secured him his place in art history. Admired even during his own lifetime as the most modern artist of his day, Raphael’s mastery would pave the way for Mannerism and the Baroque era. This XXL edition is the most comprehensive work published on Raphael. The volume encompasses in total 112 paintings and all the frescoes, architectural projects and tapestries in many new photographs and numerous details, as well as the most extensive catalogue raisonné of the artist’s oeuvre. A team of Raphael experts introduces the reader also to the fascinating interplay of art and power in the High Renaissance.
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Da Vinci Code: (Robert Langdon Book 2)
Harvard professor Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call while on business in Paris: the elderly curator of the Louvre has been brutally murdered inside the museum. Alongside the body, police have found a series of baffling codes. As Langdon and a gifted French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, begin to sort through the bizarre riddles, they are stunned to find a trail that leads to the works of Leonardo Da Vinci - and suggests the answer to a mystery that stretches deep into the vault of history.Unless Langdon and Neveu can decipher the labyrinthine code and quickly assemble the pieces of the puzzle, a stunning historical truth will be lost forever...Origin, the spellbinding new Robert Langdon thriller from Dan Brown, is out now