Search results for ""transcript Verlag""
Transcript Verlag Staatliche Cyberkonflikte
transcript Verlag Before Sound
Transcript Verlag Das Künstlerbuch als multimediale Enzyklopädie
Transcript Verlag Eine gerechte Weltwirtschaftsordnung
Transcript Verlag Mediale Gegenwelten
Transcript Verlag Choreophonien
Transcript Verlag Ich das Gehirn
Transcript Verlag Theater der Distribution
Transcript Verlag Routinen im Tanz
Transcript Verlag Aufklärung zwischen Kritik und Bedarf
Transcript Verlag Geschlecht als Erfahrung
Transcript Verlag Künstliche Intelligenz im Film
Transcript Verlag RuinenÄsthetik
Transcript Verlag The Cultures of Entanglement: On Nonhuman Life Forms in Contemporary Art
The symbolic meaning of plants, their relevance for religion and the metaphorical provocations in the order of knowledge, culture and political power underline the role of plants as something more than passive objects. Current theoretical and artistic discourses have been seeking access to the world independently of man by focusing on the nonhuman other. The contributors to this volume examine the historical, philosophical and scientific findings that generate this idea. In what way are such perspectives manifest in contemporary art? Do artists develop a particular approach that enables nonhuman life forms like plants, insects or animals to have an impact?
Transcript Verlag Obliteration
Transcript Verlag 10 Minuten Soziologie Schweigen
Transcript Verlag Temporäre Architekturen
Transcript Verlag Konkurrenz und Transfer
Transcript Verlag Das Konzert als Resonanzraum
Transcript Verlag Dokumentwerden
Transcript Verlag Mehrdeutigkeit als literarisches Thema
Transcript Verlag Digitale Technik für ambulante Pflege und Therapie III
Transcript Verlag Kriegsküchen in Wien und Berlin
Transcript Verlag Lehrerinnen im Brennpunkt
Transcript Verlag Immigration and Integration in Israel and Beyond
Immigration is a persistent and complex phenomenon intertwined with geographical, political, societal, and economic challenges. The number of international migrants has been continually increasing over the past five decades. The contributors to this volume dedicated to Professor Rebeca Raijman address various types of migrants like economic or labour migrants, forced migration and ethnic migrants. Implementing both qualitative and quantitative data and analyses, they provide insight on why individuals decide to migrate, how their decisions affect their own lives and the lives of their offspring, and how immigrants affect the receiving societies they arrive in.
Transcript Verlag Vergnügen in Besatzungszeiten
Transcript Verlag Soziale Arbeit in der Rehabilitation
Transcript Verlag Reflexionen des stereoskopischen Spielfilms
Transcript Verlag Neurowissenschaften in der Kritik
Transcript Verlag Datafizierung in der Bildung
Transcript Verlag Wie postdigital schreiben
Transcript Verlag Towards a New Enlightenment - The Case for Future-Oriented Humanities
What role can the humanities play in shaping our common future? What are the values that guide us in the 21st century? How can we unleash the potential the humanities offer in a time of multiple crises? This volume tackles some of these fundamental questions, acknowledging and developing the changing role of academic discourse in a turbulent world. This timely book argues that the humanities engender conceptual tools that are capable of reconciling theory and practice. In a bold move, we call for the humanities to reach beyond the confines of universities and engage in the most urgent debates facing humanity today in a multidisciplinary, transformative, and constructive way. This is a blueprint for how societal change can be inclusive and equitable for the good of humans and non-humans alike.
Transcript Verlag Erzählen vom Genozid
Transcript Verlag Theorizing Justice in Contemporary Arabo-Islamic Philosophy: A Transcultural Approach with Fatima Mernissi and Mohammed Arkoun
What is ?justice? from the perspective of contemporary Arabo-Islamic philosophy? Kaouther Karoui takes a transcultural approach, open to different philosophical traditions, and seeks to decenter Western notions of normativity. She focuses on two thinkers, namely the feminist Fatima Mernissi (d.2015) and Mohamed Arkoun (d.2010), a well-known critic of hegemony and orthodoxy. She situates their thinking within current debates among Arab thinkers and brings their ideas into dialog with Western political philosophy. This study thus challenges stereotypes about the Arab-Islamic world by discussing postcolonial theories of gender justice, political freedom, and religion.
Transcript Verlag Widerstand im Arbeitsprozess
Transcript Verlag Europa im Unfrieden
Transcript Verlag Solingen 30 Jahre nach dem Brandanschlag
Transcript Verlag Diversität und Darstellung
Transcript Verlag Kindesvertretung
Transcript Verlag Humanität und gebaute Umwelt
Transcript Verlag Geschichtsphilosophie als Literatur
Transcript Verlag Das Museum dekolonisieren
Transcript Verlag Climate Protection, Resource Efficiency, and Sustainable Engineering: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Design and Manufacturing Technology
The big societal challenges, such as climate change and public health, call for innovative approaches to address them. The contributors of this book present new ways to tackle these challenges by inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations in light weight engineering. They introduce a framework for transdisciplinary collaboration, explore the potential of light weight engineering in the areas of climate protection, resource efficiency, and sustainable mobility. To do so, they exemplify results and limitations of transdisciplinary collaboration based on three case studies: the optimization of rescue tools, the re-design of products to foster re-use and recycling processes in companies and society, and the additive manufacturing of individualized assistive tools and prostheses.
Transcript Verlag Durable Economies: Managing the Material Foundations of Wealth and Prosperity
Leaking water infrastructures, heritage tourism, investments in artworks, failing electronics: durability lies at the heart of a wide range of seemingly unrelated phenomena. Durable things are both a hugely significant source of wealth and a constant source of struggle. The contributors argue that a deeper engagement with durability is essential for reaching an understanding of how economies work; and for envisaging alternative economies built on principles of environmental stewardship and social justice. Placing durability at the core of economic analysis, this volume explores the work and tensions involved in the production and valuation of durability to outline a new agenda for more sustainable economies.
Transcript Verlag Die Problematisierung von Gewalt in Computerspielen
Transcript Verlag Wilhelmsburg is our home!: Racialized Residents on Urban Development and Social Mix Planning in a Hamburg Neighbourhood
In a neighbourhood facing massive redevelopment, racialized residents speak about stigma, social mixing, and what the island community means to them. Based on rich interviews, photographs, and archival research, Julie Chamberlain rejects the usual silence in German urban studies around racialization and examines how constructing some groups as "not belonging" has shaped Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg's past and present. For racialized long-time residents, it is Heimat, a space of belonging in the context of exclusion. As social mix policy threatens that belonging, residents explore their hopes and their fears for the future of an urban space where gentrification looms.
Transcript Verlag Vermittlung
Transcript Verlag Reading Race Relationally: Embodied Dispositions and Social Structures in Colson Whitehead's Novels
What does it mean to write African American literature after the end of legalized segregation? In this study of Colson Whitehead's first six novels, Marlon Lieber argues that this question has permeated the Pulitzer Prize-winning author's writing since his 1999 debut ?The Intuitionist?. Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu's relational sociology and Marxist critical theory, Lieber shows that Whitehead's oeuvre articulates the tension between the persistent presence of racism and transformations in the United States' class structure, which reveals new modes of abjection. At the same time, Whitehead imagines forms of writing that strive to transcend the histories of domination objectified in social structures and embodied in the form of habitus.