Search results for ""o'reilly media""
O'Reilly Media Understanding Computation: Impossible Code and the Meaning of Programs
Finally, you can learn computation theory and programming language design in an engaging, practical way. Understanding Computation explains theoretical computer science in a context you'll recognize, helping you appreciate why these ideas matter and how they can inform your day-to-day programming. Rather than use mathematical notation or an unfamiliar academic programming language like Haskell or Lisp, this book uses Ruby in a reductionist manner to present formal semantics, automata theory, and functional programming with the lambda calculus. It's ideal for programmers versed in modern languages, with little or no formal training in computer science. Understand fundamental computing concepts, such as Turing completeness in languages Discover how programs use dynamic semantics to communicate ideas to machines Explore what a computer can do when reduced to its bare essentials Learn how universal Turing machines led to today's general-purpose computers Perform complex calculations, using simple languages and cellular automata Determine which programming language features are essential for computation Examine how halting and self-referencing make some computing problems unsolvable Analyze programs by using abstract interpretation and type systems
O'Reilly Media Windows 8 Hacks
Ready to bend Windows 8 to your will? With this hands-on guide, bestselling author Preston Gralla helps you unlock the secrets of Microsoft's new, revolutionary operating system. Learn how to customize the new user interface (or disable the parts you don't like), bring back familiar features like the Start menu, hack SkyDrive and other cloud applications, interact with NOOK and Kindle apps, and take control of networking and peripherals. All aspects of Windows 8 are covered. Hack the Windows 8 interface, including the Charm bar Provide protection at wireless hotspots, secure your home network, and track firewall activity Manage multiple Wi-Fi networks, and hack HomeGroup, sharing, and folder permissions Set up multiple monitors, uncover hidden hardware, and manage recovery drives and storage spaces Bring back features from older Windows versions, and run the Windows 8 UI and the Desktop side by side
O'Reilly Media Getting Started with RFID: Identifying Things with Arduino and Processing
Just as we identify things using information from our senses, so do computers. They can identify physical objects only by using information from their sensors. One of the best-known digital identification techniques is radio frequency identification, or RFID. The RFID tag pasted on the side of a book may seem like a universal marker, but what it means depends on who reads it. Based on the projects from the first edition of Making Things Talk (from the same author), this book shows you how to create projects with Arduino, Processing, and the Getting Started with RFID kit from Maker SHED to identify physical objects.
O'Reilly Media Spring Data: The Definitive Guide
As a developer of Java enterprise applications, you can choose among several data access frameworks when working with relational databases. But what do you turn to when working with newer technologies such as NoSQL databases and Hadoop? This book shows you how Spring's data access framework can help you connect to either non-relational or relational databases, or a combination of the two. You'll learn how Spring Data's familiar and consistent programming model greatly reduces the learning curve for creating applications with newer data access technologies. And you'll discover how to use Spring Data's improved JPA and JDBC support to increase your productivity when writing RDBMS-based data access layers. Relational database technologies continue to be predominant in the enterprise, but they're no longer considered a "one size fits all" solution. This book shows you how to increase your options.
O'Reilly Media Testable JavaScript
That's right: JavaScript code is testable, despite the lack of unit test standards for this language. With this book, you'll discover how to devise excellent tests and real-world testing plans for your existing JavaScript code. Developers starting out on a new project will greatly benefit from these guidelines. Testing a language that runs within many different implementations and environments is inherently difficult - and since most JavaScript environments are UI-based, automated testing becomes even more difficult. This guide shows developers and their managers how to overcome these problems to test JavaScript code efficiently. Topics include: Which types of Javascript testing are most effective When and why should you run tests on Javascript code Code patterns and anti-patterns that promote and inhibit Javascript testing Integrating unit tests with your development and build environments (automated test running and reporting) Code coverage: how to get it, interpret it, and automatically generate it
O'Reilly Media HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps
"HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps" is about building web applications with HTML5 and W3C specifications that are widely supported across all devices and browsers - both mobile and desktop. It focuses on practical, real-world usage of HTML5 and JavaScript in everyday programming. The content is intended for programmers who are facing the challenges of moving more code to the front-end with JavaScript, CSS and HTML while providing a back-end infrastructure that is loosely coupled and supportive of offline clients. The way we write web apps is changing - and it will always change. This book attempts to capture the snapshot in time of the HTML5 revolution and covers topics from beginner to advanced. You may be a novice who's just starting to learn web application development, or you may be an expert fine-tuning your existing stack. Either way, this book will give you a baseline for building advanced client-side web applications.
O'Reilly Media Dreamweaver CS6:Missing Manual
Dreamweaver is the tool most website developers use to design and manage professional-looking sites, but it's a complex program to learn on your own. That's where Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manual comes in. With its jargon-free explanations, 13 hands-on tutorials, and savvy advice from Dreamweaver expert Dave McFarland, you'll master this versatile program with ease. The important stuff you need to know: Get A to Z guidance. Go from building simple web pages to complex, interactive sites. Build skills as you learn. Apply your knowledge through tutorials and downloadable practice files. Create a state-of-the-art website. Build visually rich, fast-loading pages with powerful, easy-to-use tools. Bring style with CSS. Add animation to rollovers and enliven your typography with new web fonts. Add instant interactivity. Use pre-packaged JavaScript programs to add forms, drop-down menus, and other features. Go mobile. Use jQuery Mobile to build native mobile apps, and create website designs that re-flow to fit any smartphone or tablet. Discover hidden tips & tricks. Get undocumented workarounds and shortcuts.
O'Reilly Media Photoshop CS6
Photoshop CS6 is truly amazing, but it can also be overwhelming if you're just getting started. This book makes learning Photoshop a breeze by explaining things in a friendly, conversational style - without technical jargon. After a thorough introduction to the program, you'll delve deep into Photoshop's secrets with expert tips and practical advice you can use every day. The important stuff you need to know: Learn your way around. Get a guided tour of Photoshop's beautiful new workspace. Unlock the magic. Discover the most practical ways to use layers, channels, masks, paths, and other tools. Fine-tune your images. Learn techniques for cropping, retouching, and combining photos. Play with color. Drain, change, and add color; and create gorgeous black-and-whites and duotones. Be artistic. Create original illustrations and paintings, use text and filters effectively, and edit video clips. Share your work. Produce great-looking images for print and the Web. Work smarter and faster. Automate common chores and install plug-ins for complex tasks.
O'Reilly Media QuickBooks 2013: The Missing Manual
Your bookkeeping workflow will be smoother and faster with QuickBooks 2013 - but only if you spend more time using the program than figuring out how it works. This Missing Manual puts you in control: You'll not only find out how and when to use specific features, you'll also get basic accounting advice to help you through the learning process. The important stuff you need to know: Set up QuickBooks. Arrange files and preferences to suit your company. Manage your business. Track inventory, control spending, run payroll, and handle income. Follow the money. Examine everything from customer invoices to year-end tasks. Find key info quickly. Take advantage of QuickBooks' reports, Company Snapshot, and search tools. Streamline your workflow. Set up the Home page and Online Banking Center to meet your needs. Build and monitor budgets. Learn how to keep your company financially fit. Share your financial data. Work with your accountant more efficiently.
O'Reilly Media Kinect Hacks: Creative Coding Techniques for Motion and Pattern Detection
Much more than a game controller, Microsoft's Kinect is a bundle of high quality sensors for capturing data on depth, motion, and form. It was only a matter of time before spirited hackers got involved, and this hands-on guide - written by an editor of - highlights the best projects to come out of OpenKinect, the largest and most active Kinect hacking community. Each hack details a Kinect application and explains in detail how to reproduce the project. Most of the projects in this book use the openFrameworks toolkit or the Processing IDE, as well as the OpenKinect driver library. If you're an artist or hobbyist, Kinect Hacks will give you a running head-start on this high quality platform for interactive multimedia. Sections include: * Programming * Gaming * Music * Education * Robotics * 3D Object and Scene Reconstruction * Performance/Visual Arts * Motion Capture * Accessibility * Augmented/Virtual Reality
O'Reilly Media ActionScript Developer's Guide to PureMVC
Gain hands-on experience with PureMVC, the popular open source framework for developing maintainable applications with a Model-View-Controller architecture. In this concise guide, PureMVC creator Cliff Hall teaches the fundamentals of PureMVC development by walking you through the construction of a complete non-trivial Adobe AIR application. Through clear explanations and numerous ActionScript code examples, you'll learn best practices for using the framework's classes in your day-to-day work. Discover how PureMVC enables you to focus on the purpose and scope of your application, while the framework takes care of the plumbing in a maintainable and portable way.Get a detailed overview of the PureMVC process for developing your application Model the domain by designing the schema and creating framework-agnostic value objects Implement framework-agnostic View components that expose an API of events and properties Use the Proxy pattern to keep track of value objects and hide service interaction Facilitate two-way communication between a View component and the rest of the application Stitch the Model and View tiers together with command objects in the Controller Manage problematic View component life cycles, and learn how to reuse the Model tier
O'Reilly Media Google+: The Missing Manual
Google+ offers a new social networking platform that promises to give Twitter and Facebook real competition - but its documentation doesn't help you get past the steep learning curve. This Missing Manual gets you up to speed with crystal-clear, jargon-free explanations of key Google+ features, including Circles, Hangouts, Sparks, and Huddles. You'll find lots of undocumented tips, tricks, and tweaks along the way. * Quickly learn how to set up a Google + account and add contacts * Create Circles to organize contacts into groups for sharing * View and share updates and photos with people in the Stream * Use Hangout to organize group video chats with up to 10 people * Identify search topics that may interest your contacts with Sparks * Get sound advice for managing privacy online with selective sharing
O'Reilly Media Deploying OpenStack
This ebook is aimed at developers, technologists and system administrators eager to understand and deploy cloud computing through the OpenStack Nova project. The ebook would provider readers a better understanding of the OpenStack project, specific design decisions that they need to make before implementing OpenStack Nova and detailed steps to deploy OpenStack Nova in several controlled scenarios. Readers would also learn common pitfalls in architecting, deploying and implementing OpenStack Nova.
O'Reilly Media DIY Comms and Control for Amateur Space: Talking and Listening to Your Satellite
Radio spectrum for commanding and recording from our satellites is a shared resource with subtle hurdles. We walk the path originally paved by AMSATs to discuss the steps and licensing needed to set up and operate both a command uplink and a data download station and network. Find out how playing nicely with others maximizes your ability to get your data down.
O'Reilly Media Functional Programming for Java Developers: Tools for Better Concurrency, Abstraction, and Agility
Software development today is embracing functional programming (FP), whether it's for writing concurrent programs or for managing Big Data. Where does that leave Java developers? This concise book offers a pragmatic, approachable introduction to FP for Java developers or anyone who uses an object-oriented language. Dean Wampler, Java expert and author of Programming Scala (O'Reilly), shows you how to apply FP principles such as immutability, avoidance of side-effects, and higher-order functions to your Java code. Each chapter provides exercises to help you practice what you've learned. Once you grasp the benefits of functional programming, you'll discover that it improves all of the code you write. * Learn basic FP principles and apply them to object-oriented programming * Discover how FP is more concise and modular than OOP * Get useful FP lessons for your Java type design - such as avoiding nulls * Design data structures and algorithms using functional programming principles * Write concurrent programs using the Actor model and software transactional memory * Use functional libraries and frameworks for Java - and learn where to go next to deepen your functional programming skills
O'Reilly Media Using the HTML5 Filesystem API
Several client-side storage options are available to web applications, but one area that's been lacking until now is file I/O - the ability to organize binary data into a true hierarchy of folders. That has changed with the advent of HTML5. With this book, you'll learn how to provide your applications with a file system that enables them to create, read, and write files and folders in a sandboxed section of the user's local filesystem. Author Eric Bidelman, a Senior Developer Programs Engineer on the Google Chrome team, provides several techniques and complete code examples for working with the HTML5 Filesystem API. * Learn common operations for working with files and directories * Become familiar with HTML5's storage use cases and security considerations * Understand the storage options available, including temporary, persistent, and unlimited * Write text or append data to an existing user file * Import files into your application by accessing a user's hard drive * Get techniques for using a file with filesystem, blob, or data URLs * Use the synchronous version of the HTML5 Filesystem API within a Web Worker context
O'Reilly Media Mapping with Drupal
Custom geographical maps are a popular way to represent data on the web. More and more users are comfortable using a web mapping interface thanks mostly to the work of Google Maps. But users also expect sophisticated site design, and not just an embedded map from some other source dropped onto the middle of the page. This concise book shows you how to use out-of-the-box modules such as Drupal's Openlayers to create custom maps, as well as outside services like MapBox and Cloudmade that give you more control over which tile sets you use.
O'Reilly Media Design and Prototyping for Drupal
This will give an overview of how Drupal outputs content, and how to design around that visually, as well as an overview of turning the design into a theme. Less of a comprehensive, "these are all the hooks you'll ever have to deal with" volume, and more of a "this is how to understand how Drupal works so you know *what* you're applying the visuals to" thing.
O'Reilly Media Practical JIRA Administration
If you're familiar with JIRA for issue tracking, bug tracking, and other uses, you know it can sometimes be tricky to set up and manage. In this concise book, software toolsmith Matt Doar clarifies some of the more confusing aspects by answering difficult and frequently asked questions about JIRA administration. Practical JIRA Administration shows you how JIRA is intended to be used, making it an ideal supplement to the extensive documentation already available. The book's chapters are loosely connected, so you can go straight to the information that best serves your needs. * Understand the difference between JIRA groups and JIRA project roles * Discover what JIRA schemes do, and learn how to maintain them * Use a consistent configuration approach to help you use JIRA as a platform * Create a workflow from scratch * Add, modify, and deactivate users * Prepare for a JIRA upgrade, and troubleshoot if necessary * Get remote access to JIRA via email, SQL, REST, and other methods
O'Reilly Media Redis Cookbook
Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets. This book will provide developers with problem and solutions in our useful cookbook style. This is example driven ebook.
O'Reilly Media Making Isometric Social Real-Time Games with HTML5
Walk through the process of designing and implementing from scratch an isometric real time game such as some of the most succesful Facebook Games. Applying HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, this piece shows how to build games using isometric map making, sprite animations, networking, social network integration, high performance rendering and game design.
O'Reilly Media Sinatra - Up and Running
Sinatra gives developers a small but powerful and scalable framework for building web applications with Ruby. This introduction gets readers started, helping them to build, install, and polish a first application. It also explores how Sinatra fits in the web application ecosystem, especially in comparison to its far larger cousin, Ruby on Rails.
O'Reilly Media YUI 3 Cookbook
Solve a wide range of problems in your web application quickly and efficiently with the Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI). With this definitive getting-started guide to version 3 of this popular open source JavaScript library, you'll address many of the most common and challenging problems web developers face when working with YUI. YUI 3 Cookbook introduces specific implementation patterns in the library, and shows you how to use granular solutions for everything from simple Ajax to complex data lifecycles. Experienced users will learn how to create API-driven modules that load on demand, expose an aspect-oriented event-driven API, and generate beautiful documentation. This book also includes simple quick-start templates for common component types.Learn different techniques for loading YUI 3 code onto a web page Apply animations, drag-and-drop, and other UI effects to web page objects Build fast, intuitive interfaces for everything from PCs to touch-enabled mobile phones Make use of tutorials on YUI-powered DOM scripting, event management, and data transport Implement debugging, profiling, and unit testing with your DHTML application Get a technical introduction to YUI 3, including module architecture, sandboxing, and component loading Build custom code on top of YUI 3 and publish it to YUI 3 Gallery
O'Reilly Media Mastering Search Analytics: Measuring Seo, SEM and Site Search
Improve your search strategy, whether it's through SEO, search engine marketing, or site search. With this comprehensive guide, you learn what data to collect, how to analyze it, and how to act upon it. Learn how to develop everything from an executive level dashboard and ROI measurement to a deep analysis of a specific term or word to see how it can improve your overall ranking. The book includes an overview of analytic tools and how they work with either your SEO arsenal or your ability to unearth market opportunity and analyze competitors. Learn how and when you should use each metric presented, and discover how to improve the search experience for both customers and spiders. It's ideal for search specialists, webmasters, and search marketing managers. * Get in-depth coverage of a vital topic that isn't covered in detail elsewhere * Manipulate and correlate different data sets to provide accountable and actionable analytics * Learn the difference between macro, micro, value, and action metrics * Use site audit results to further optimize a page, site section, or the entire site * Provide metrics to help sell the value of search to executives in your company
O'Reilly Media Data Visualization with Microsoft Power Bi
O'Reilly Media Effective Rust
This practical guide helps you make the transition to writing idiomatic Rust-while also making full use of Rust's type system, safety guarantees, and burgeoning ecosystem.
O'Reilly Media HandsOn Large Language Models
Driven by the rapid advances in deep learning, language AI systems are able to write and understand text better than ever before. This trend enables the rise of new features, products, and entire industries. With this book, Python developers will learn the practical tools and concepts they need to use these capabilities today.
O'Reilly Media Hands-On Entity Resolution
O'Reilly Media Architecting IoT Solutions on Azure: Conquering Complexity for Scalable Device and Data Management
How can you make sense of the complex IoT landscape? With dozens of different components, ranging from the devices to metadata about those devices, it's easy to get lost among the possibilities. But it's not impossible if you have the right guide to help you navigate all the complexities. This practical book shows developers, architects, and IT managers how to build IoT solutions on Azure. Author Blaize Stewart presents you with a comprehensive view of the IoT landscape. You'll learn about devices, device management at scale, and the tools Azure provides for building globally distributed systems. You'll also explore ways to organize data by choosing the appropriate dataflow and data storage technologies. The book's final chapters examine data consumption and solutions for delivering data to consumers with Azure. Get the architectural guidance you need to create holistic solutions with devices, data, and everything in between. With this book, you will: Meet the demands of an IoT solution with Azure-provided functionality Use Azure to create complete scalable and secure IoT systems Understand how to articulate IoT architecture and solutions Guide conversations around common problems that IoT applications solve Select the appropriate technologies in the Azure space to build IoT applications
O'Reilly Media Building Serverless Applications on Knative: A Guide to Designing and Writing Serverless Cloud Applications
Explore the theory and practice of designing and writing serverless applications using examples from the Knative project. With this practical guide, mid-level to senior application developers and team managers will learn when and why to target serverless platforms when developing microservices or applications. Along the way, you'll also discover warning signs that suggest why serverless might cause you more trouble than joy. Drawing on author Evan Anderson's 15 years of experience developing and maintaining applications in the cloud-and more than six years of experience with serverless platforms at scale-this book acts as your guide into the high-velocity world of serverless application development. You'll come to appreciate why Knative is the most widely adopted open source serverless platform available. With this book, you will: Learn what serverless is, how it works, and why teams are adopting it Understand the benefits of Knative for cloud native development teams Learn how to build a serverless application on Knative Explore the challenges serverless introduces for debugging and the tools that can help improve it Learn why event-driven architecture and serverless compute are complementary but distinct Understand when a serverless approach might not be the right system design
O'Reilly Media Policy as Code
With this practical guide, you'll learn how Policy as Code (PaC) provides the means to manage the policies, related data, and responses to events that occur within the systems we maintain-Kubernetes, cloud security, software supply chain security, infrastructure as code, and microservices authorization, among others.
O'Reilly Media Building Real-Time Analytics Systems: From Events to Insights with Apache Kafka and Apache Pinot
Gain deep insight into real-time analytics, including the features of these systems and the problems they solve. With this practical book, data engineers at organizations that use event-processing systems such as Kafka, Google Pub/Sub, and AWS Kinesis will learn how to analyze data streams in real time. The faster you derive insights, the quicker you can spot changes in your business and act accordingly. In the first part of this book, author Mark Needham from StarTree provides an overview of the real-time analytics space and an understanding of what goes into building real-time applications. The second part offers a series of hands-on tutorials that show you how to combine multiple software products to build real-time analytics applications for an imaginary pizza delivery service. With this book, you will: Learn common architectures for real-time analytics Discover how event processing differs from real-time analytics Ingest event data from Apache Kafka into Apache Pinot Combine event streams with static data using Kafka Streams Write real-time queries against event data stored in Apache Pinot Build a real-time dashboard, fraud detection pipeline, order tracking app, and anomaly detection system Learn how organizations like Uber, Stripe, and Just Eat use real-time analytics
O'Reilly Media PHP Cookbook: Modern Code Solutions for Professional Developers
If you're a PHP developer looking for proven solutions to common problems, this cookbook provides code recipes to help you resolve a variety of coding issues. PHP is a remarkably easy language to work with, which explains why it powers more than 75% of the websites online today. It's also incredibly forgiving of programming mistakes, which can perpetuate reuse of questionable code. By leveraging modern versions of PHP through version 8.2, author Eric Mann provides self-contained recipes that will enable you to solve the problems you face in your day-to-day work. You'll also find established patterns and examples that any developer can follow for addressing common problems with PHP. With these recipes, you'll quickly identify and resolve complicated issues without having to reinvent the wheel. This practical guide will help you: Build efficient applications composed of functions and objects Explore the type system of modern PHP Understand key concepts such as encryption, error handling, debugging, and performance tuning Examine the PHP package/extension ecosystem Learn how to build basic web and command-line applications Work securely with files on a machine, both encrypted and in plain text
O'Reilly Media Artificial Intelligence with Microsoft Power Bi
Advance your Power BI skills by adding AI to your repertoire at a practice level. With this practical book, business-oriented software engineers and developers will learn the terminologies, practices, and strategy necessary to successfully incorporate AI into your business intelligence estate.
O'Reilly Media Learning Modern Linux: A Handbook for the Cloud Native Practitioner
If you use Linux in development or operations and need a structured approach to help you dive deeper, this book is for you. Author Michael Hausenblas also provides tips and tricks for improving your workflow with this open source operating system. Whether you're a developer, software architect, or site reliability engineer, this hands-on guide focuses on ways to use Linux for your everyday needs, from development to office-related tasks. Along the way, you'll gain hands-on experience with modern Linux terminals and shells, and learn how to manage your workloads. You'll understand how to run Linux applications by using containers, systemd, modern filesystems, and immutable distros such as Flatcar and Bottlerocket. Use Linux as a modern work environment, rather than just from an admin perspective Learn critical components such as the Linux kernel, terminal multiplexer, human-friendly shells, and portable shell scripting Become familiar with access control, from file permissions to capabilities, and understand the role of filesystems as a fundamental building block Learn about application dependency management and containers Gain hands-on experience with the Linux networking stack and tooling, including DNS Apply modern operating system observability to manage your workloads Become familiar with interprocess communication, virtual machines, and selected security topics
O'Reilly Media Graph-Powered Analytics and Machine Learning with TigerGraph: Driving Business Outcomes with Connected Data
With the rapid rise of graph databases, organizations are now implementing advanced analytics and machine learning solutions to help drive business outcomes. This practical guide shows data scientists, data engineers, architects, and business analysts how to get started with a graph database using TigerGraph, one of the leading graph database models available. You'll explore a three-stage approach to deriving value from connected data: connect, analyze, and learn. Victor Lee, Xinyu Chan, and Gaurav Deshpande from TigerGraph present real use cases covering several contemporary business needs. By diving into hands-on exercises using TigerGraph Cloud, you'll quickly become proficient at designing and managing advanced analytics and machine learning solutions for your organization. Use graph thinking to connect, analyze, and learn from data for advanced analytics and machine learning Learn how graph analytics and machine learning can deliver key business insights and outcomes Use five core categories of graph algorithms to drive advanced analytics and machine learning Deliver a real-time 360-degree view of core business entities, including customer, product, service, supplier, and citizen Discover insights from connected data through machine learning and advanced analytics
O'Reilly Media Azure AI Services at Scale for Cloud, Mobile, and Edge: Building Intelligent Apps with Azure Cognitive Services and Machine Learning
Take advantage of the power of cloud and the latest AI techniques. Whether you're an experienced developer wanting to improve your app with AI-powered features or you want to make a business process smarter by getting AI to do some of the work, this book's got you covered. Authors Anand Raman, Chris Hoder, Simon Bisson, and Mary Branscombe show you how to build practical intelligent applications for the cloud, mobile, browsers, and edge devices using a hands-on approach. This book shows you how cloud AI services fit in alongside familiar software development approaches, walks you through key Microsoft AI services, and provides real-world examples of AI-oriented architectures that integrate different Azure AI services. All you need to get started is a working knowledge of basic cloud concepts. Become familiar with Azure AI offerings and capabilities Build intelligent applications using Azure Cognitive Services Train, tune, and deploy models with Azure Machine Learning, PyTorch, and the Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) Learn to solve business problems using AI in the Power Platform Use transfer learning to train vision, speech, and language models in minutes
O'Reilly Media Advanced Analytics with PySpark: Patterns for Learning from Data at Scale Using Python and Spark
The amount of data being generated today is staggering--and growing. Apache Spark has emerged as the de facto tool to analyze big data and is now a critical part of the data science toolbox. Updated for Spark 3.0, this practical guide brings together Spark, statistical methods, and real-world datasets to teach you how to approach analytics problems using PySpark, Spark's Python API, and other best practices in Spark programming. Data scientists Akash Tandon, Sandy Ryza, Uri Laserson, Sean Owen, and Josh Wills offer an introduction to the Spark ecosystem, then dive into patterns that apply common techniques--including classification, clustering, collaborative filtering, and anomaly detection--to fields such as genomics, security, and finance. This updated edition also covers NLP and image processing. If you have a basic understanding of machine learning and statistics and you program in Python, this book will get you started with large-scale data analysis. Familiarize yourself with Spark's programming model and ecosystem Learn general approaches in data science Examine complete implementations that analyze large public datasets Discover which machine learning tools make sense for particular problems Explore code that can be adapted to many uses
O'Reilly Media Your Money
With the recent global economic meltdown, keeping your financial house in order is more important than ever. But tackling your finances can seem overwhelming. This book guides you every step of the way. It's packed with practical tips advice for getting - and keeping - your finances in order. Author J.D. Roth, founder of the widely-acclaimed blog GetRichSlowly, covers all the money-management bases, from saving and spending to getting out of debt to investing and planning for retirement. You won't find any get-rich-quick schemes here, just sensible advice for getting the most from your money. Even if you have perfect credit and no debt, you'll learn ways to make your rosy financial situation even better. Get the information you need to make sensible financial decisions, from saving to spending, investing to retiring. Gain solid advice from the viewpoint of someone who's been there (in debt, that is). Learn the best tips that J.D. Roth has compiled on his blog GetRichSlowly, recently named the most inspiring money blog by "Money Magazine". Discover strategies for improving your financial situation and keeping your accounts in order. Find out about sound investment options. Learn about several useful websites that can help you manage your money.
O'Reilly Media Windows 7: The Missing Manual: The Book That Should Have Been in the Box
In early reviews, geeks raved about Windows 7. But if you're an ordinary mortal, learning what this new system is all about will be challenging. Fear not: David Pogue's Windows 7: The Missing Manual comes to the rescue. Like its predecessors, this book illuminates its subject with reader-friendly insight, plenty of wit, and hardnosed objectivity for beginners as well as veteran PC users. Windows 7 fixes many of Vista's most painful shortcomings. It's speedier, has fewer intrusive and nagging screens, and is more compatible with peripherals. Plus, Windows 7 introduces a slew of new features, including better organization tools, easier WiFi connections and home networking setup, and even touchscreen computing for those lucky enough to own the latest hardware. With this book, you'll learn how to: * Navigate the desktop, including the fast and powerful search function * Take advantage of Window's apps and gadgets, and tap into 40 free programs * Breeze the Web with Internet Explorer 8, and learn the email, chat, and videoconferencing programs * Record TV and radio, display photos, play music, and record any of these to DVD using the Media Center * Use your printer, fax, laptop, tablet PC, or smartphone with Windows 7 * Beef up your system and back up your files * Collaborate and share documents and other files by setting up a workgroup network
O'Reilly Media DocBook 5
If you're looking to learn DocBook, this is the most authoritative book you'll find on the topic. "DocBook: The Definitive Guide" offers you complete details on how to use and customize version 5.0, the latest version of the DocBook XML schema. This thoroughly updated edition is ideal for technical writers, developers looking to customize the schema, tools developers, and managers evaluating DocBook.
O'Reilly Media Programming Windows Azure
Learn the nuts and bolts of cloud computing with Windows Azure, Microsoft's new Internet services platform. Written by a key member of the product development team, this book shows you how to build, deploy, host, and manage applications using Windows Azure's programming model and essential storage services. Chapters in Programming Windows Azure are organized to reflect the platform's buffet of services. The book's first half focuses on how to write and host application code on Windows Azure, while the second half explains all of the options you have for storing and accessing data on the platform with high scalability and reliability. Lots of code samples and screenshots are available to help you along the way. * Learn how to build applications using the Windows Azure toolset * Discover how Windows Azure works under the hood, and learn the how and the why behind several features * Choose to write application code in .N ET or other languages such as C/C++, PHP, or Ruby * Understand the various options for managing your service * Get up to speed on Azure's storage services, including blobs, queues, and tables * Build a secure backup system, and learn about cloud application security, cryptography, and performance
O'Reilly Media RESTful Web Services Cookbook
While the REST design philosophy has captured the imagination of web and enterprise developers alike, using this approach to develop real web services is no picnic. This cookbook includes more than 100 recipes to help you take advantage of REST, HTTP, and the infrastructure of the Web. You'll learn ways to design RESTful web services for client and server applications that meet performance, scalability, reliability, and security goals, no matter what programming language and development framework you use. Each recipe includes one or two problem statements, with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for solving them, as well as examples using HTTP requests and responses, and XML, JSON, and Atom snippets. You'll also get implementation guidelines, and a discussion of the pros, cons, and trade-offs that come with each solution. * Learn how to design resources to meet various application scenarios * Successfully design representations and URIs * Implement the hypertext constraint using links and link headers * Understand when and how to use Atom and AtomPub * Know what and what not to do to support caching * Learn how to implement concurrency control * Deal with advanced use cases involving copying, merging, transactions, batch processing, and partial updates * Secure web services and support OAuth
O'Reilly Media Using Google App Engine
With this book, you can build exciting, scalable web applications quickly and confidently, using Google App Engine - even if you have little or no experience in programming or web development. App Engine is one of the most exciting web technologies to appear in the last year, providing a simple, easy-to-use application framework with basic web tools. While Google's own tutorial assumes significant development experience, "Using Google App Engine" is for anyone who wants to get started with this platform. By the end of the book, you'll know how to build complete, interactive applications and deploy them to 'the cloud,' using the same servers that power Google applications. You will: get an overview of all the technologies necessary to use Google App Engine; learn how to use Python, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), HTTP, and DataStore, App Engine's database; grasp the technical aspects necessary to create sophisticated, dynamic web applications; and, understand what's required to deploy your applications to Google servers. In addition to being a foundational resource for beginning programmers, "Using Google App Engine" is also an excellent book for experienced programmers who want to acquire working knowledge of web technologies. Building web applications used to be for experts only, but with Google App Engine - and this book - anyone can create a dynamic web presence.
O'Reilly Media Mercurial
"Mercurial: The Definitive Guide" takes you step-by-step through ways to track, merge, and manage software projects with this flexible, open source version control system. Used by Mozilla, Python, and various open source projects on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and several variants of Unix, Mercurial permits virtually an infinite variety of methods for development and collaboration, including both centralized and distributed version control. This guide starts with the basics, including how to work with a version repository. You'll learn to use Mercurial to collaborate with others, merge streams of work, manage releases, find and fix mistakes, and more. You'll also get up to speed on advanced uses, such as handling repository events with hooks, and customizing Mercurial's output. Like the versioning system it describes, "Mercurial: The Definitive Guide" has a strong focus on simplicity to help you learn Mercurial quickly and thoroughly.
O'Reilly Media Excel 2007 for Starters
Fast-paced and easy to use, this new book teaches you the basics of Excel 2007 so you can start using the program right away. This concise guide shows readers how to work with Excel's most useful features and its completely redesigned interface. With clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, lots of illustrations, and plenty of timesaving advice, "Excel 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual" will quickly teach you to: build spreadsheets; add and format information; print reports; create charts and graphics; use basic formulas and functions and more. The new Excel is radically different from previous versions. Over the years, Excel has grown in power, sophistication and capability, but its once-simple toolbar has been packed with so many features that not even the pros could find them all. For Excel 2007, Microsoft redesigned the user interface completely, adding a tabbed toolbar that makes every feature easy to locate. Unfortunately, Microsoft's documentation is as scant as ever, so even if you find the features you need, you still may not know what to do with them. But with this book, you can breeze through the new user interface and its timesaving features in no time. "Excel 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual" is the perfect primer for small businesses with no techie to turn to, as well as those who want to organize household and office information.
O'Reilly Media Windows Vista
Windows Vista is Microsoft's most important software release in more than a decade. It offers users an abundance of new and upgraded features that were more than five years in the making: a gorgeous, glass-like visual overhaul; superior searching and organization tools; a multimedia and collaboration suite; and above all, a massive, top-to-bottom security-shield overhaul. There's scarcely a single feature of the older versions of Windows that hasn't been tweaked, overhauled, or replaced entirely. But when users first encounter this beautiful new operating system, there's gonna be a whole lotta head-scratchin', starting with trying to figure out which of the five versions of Vista is installed on the PC (Home, Premium, Business, Enterprise, Ultimate). Thankfully, "Windows Vista: The Missing Manual" offers coverage of all five versions. Like its predecessors, this book from New York Times columnist, bestselling author, and Missing Manuals creator David Pogue illuminates its subject with technical insight, plenty of wit, and hardnosed objectivity for beginners, veteran standalone PC users, and those who know their way around a network. Readers will learn how to: navigate Vista's elegant new desktop; locate anything on your hard drive quickly with the fast, powerful, and fully integrated search function; use the Media Center to record TV and radio, present photos, play music, and record any of the above to DVD; chat, videoconference, and surf the Web with the vastly improved Internet Explorer 7 tabbed browser; build a network for file sharing, set up workgroups, and connect from the road; protect your PC and network with Vista's beefed up security; and much more. This jargon-free guide explains Vista's features clearly and thoroughly, revealing which work will and which don't. It's the book that should have been in the box!
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