Search results for ""author keith"
University of Illinois Press Writers of the Black Chicago Renaissance
Writers of the Black Chicago Renaissance comprehensively explores the contours and content of the Black Chicago Renaissance, a creative movement that emerged from the crucible of rigid segregation in Chicago's "Black Belt" from the 1930s through the 1960s. Heavily influenced by the Harlem Renaissance and the Chicago Renaissance of white writers, its participants were invested in political activism and social change as much as literature, art, and aesthetics. The revolutionary writing of this era produced some of the first great accolades for African American literature and set up much of the important writing that came to fruition in the Black Arts Movement. The volume covers a vast collection of subjects, including many important writers such as Richard Wright, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Lorraine Hansberry as well as cultural products such as black newspapers, music, and theater. The book includes individual entries by experts on each subject; a discography and filmography that highlight important writers, musicians, films, and cultural presentations; and an introduction that relates the Harlem Renaissance, the White Chicago Renaissance, the Black Chicago Renaissance, and the Black Arts Movement.Contributors are Robert Butler, Robert H. Cataliotti, Maryemma Graham, James C. Hall, James L. Hill, Michael Hill, Lovalerie King, Lawrence Jackson, Angelene Jamison-Hall, Keith Leonard, Lisbeth Lipari, Bill V. Mullen, Patrick Naick, William R. Nash, Charlene Regester, Kimberly Ruffin, Elizabeth Schultz, Joyce Hope Scott, James Smethurst, Kimberly M. Stanley, Kathryn Waddell Takara, Steven C. Tracy, Zoe Trodd, Alan Wald, Jamal Eric Watson, Donyel Hobbs Williams, Stephen Caldwell Wright, and Richard Yarborough.
Duke University Press The Politics and Challenges of Achieving Health Equity
The existence of health inequities across racial, ethnic, gender, and class lines in the United States has been well documented. Less well understood have been the attempts of major institutions, health programs, and other public policy domains to eliminate these inequities. This issue, a collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Awards in Health Policy Research Program, brings together respected historians, political scientists, economists, sociologists, and legal scholars to focus on the politics and challenges of achieving health equity in the United States. Articles in this issue address the historical, legal, and political contexts of health equity in the United States. Contributors examine the role of the courts in shaping health equity; document the importance of political discourse in framing health equity and establishing agendas for action; look closely at particular policies to reveal current challenges and the potential to achieve health equity in the future; and examine policies in both health and nonhealth domains, including state Medicaid programs, the use of mobile technology, and education and immigration policies. The issue concludes with a commentary on the future of health equity under the Trump administration and an analysis of how an ACA repeal would impact health equity. Contributors. Alan B. Cohen, Keon L. Gilbert, Daniel Q. Gillion, Colleen M. Grogan, Mark A. Hall, Jedediah N. Horwitt, Tiffany D. Joseph, Alana M.W. LeBron, Julia F. Lynch, Jamila D. Michener, Vanessa Cruz Nichols, Francisco Pedraza, Isabel M. Perera, Rashawn Ray, Jennifer D. Roberts, Sara Rosenbaum, Sara Schmucker, Abigail A. Sewell, Deborah Stone, Keith Wailoo
Taylor & Francis Inc Ensuring Competent Performance in Forensic Practice: Recovery, Analysis, Interpretation, and Reporting
The Need for Professional CompetenceFor all the attention given to the forensic sciences in the media and the law, there is a glaring deficiency in the promotion of standards of competence. In the midst of fascinating scientific advances in the field, forensic science still suffers embarrassments from highly publicized scientific controversies and shoddy or fraudulent practices. The enactment of the Daubert ruling, which questions the qualification of a scientific “expert”, demonstrates the courts’ attempt to regulate a profession that ought to be self-regulating. Libraries of books on technique can do nothing to promote forensic science without common governing standards of practice that ensures professional competence. Common Ground The first book of its kind, Ensuring Competent Performance in Forensic Practice: Recovery, Analysis, Interpretation, and Reporting promotes a common understanding of competence and demonstrates the application of standards and practice in all aspects of forensic science. Authors Fereday and Hadley, esteemed forensic scientists with forty and fifty years experience respectively, address the method and benefit of establishing occupational standards for collection of evidence, interpretation of scientific analysis, and appropriate methods of testimony. Training and Assessment The authors stress the standardization of proper training and testing procedures to ensure that every scientist employed in public and private practice has the credentials they require. They give clear guidelines for effective training programs based on occupational standards that support the development of competent practitioners. The book examines the importance of workplace assessments of competence against occupational standards and emphasizes the role and quality of those involved in the assessment process. The authors include several case studies demonstrating competence in practice and the methods to ensure consistent high standards in the future.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Complete Poetry, Translations & Selected Prose
Bernard Spencer (1909-63) was a distinctive voice in 20th-century English poetry, and a central figure in the Personal Landscape group of wartime Cairo writers. He spent much of his life working for the British Council, in Greece, Egypt, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Austria, the settings for many of his poems. He was among the first translators of George Seferis into English, and his expatriate colleagues included Lawrence Durrell and Olivia Manning. A recurrent theme in his poetry is a particular sense of gregarious loneliness, of being someone apart. Living for many years in non-English-speaking communities, he became, quite consciously, 'a stranger here', a poet whose subtly inventive techniques and 'respect for the Object', as Durrell put it, served to fix and define modes of personal, cultural and political unease. He was to publish just two full collections, 'Aegean Islands and Other Poems' (1946) and 'With Luck Lasting' (1963), during his lifetime. Based on Roger Bowen's pioneering 'Collected Poems' (OUP, 1981), this new edition of Spencer's works is the first to include all his poetry, his translations from George Seferis, Odysseus Elytis and Eugenio Montale (made alone, or in collaboration with Lawrence Durrell and Nanos Valaoritis), and selections of his prose - including critical and travel writings, memoirs, interviews, occasional comments on poetry, and his obituary for Keith Douglas. Wherever possible the texts are derived either from manuscript and typescript holdings in the poet's principal archive at the University of Reading and others dispersed elsewhere, or checked against those various sources. The book has an introduction by poet, translator, and literary critic Peter Robinson as well as extensive notes on the published texts and a complete bibliography of Spencer's writings.
Duke University Press Black Queer Studies: A Critical Anthology
While over the past decade a number of scholars have done significant work on questions of black lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered identities, this volume is the first to collect this groundbreaking work and make black queer studies visible as a developing field of study in the United States. Bringing together essays by established and emergent scholars, this collection assesses the strengths and weaknesses of prior work on race and sexuality and highlights the theoretical and political issues at stake in the nascent field of black queer studies. Including work by scholars based in English, film studies, black studies, sociology, history, political science, legal studies, cultural studies, and performance studies, the volume showcases the broadly interdisciplinary nature of the black queer studies project.The contributors consider representations of the black queer body, black queer literature, the pedagogical implications of black queer studies, and the ways that gender and sexuality have been glossed over in black studies and race and class marginalized in queer studies. Whether exploring the closet as a racially loaded metaphor, arguing for the inclusion of diaspora studies in black queer studies, considering how the black lesbian voice that was so expressive in the 1970s and 1980s is all but inaudible today, or investigating how the social sciences have solidified racial and sexual exclusionary practices, these insightful essays signal an important and necessary expansion of queer studies.Contributors. Bryant K. Alexander, Devon Carbado, Faedra Chatard Carpenter, Keith Clark, Cathy Cohen, Roderick A. Ferguson, Jewelle Gomez, Phillip Brian Harper, Mae G. Henderson, Sharon P. Holland, E. Patrick Johnson, Kara Keeling, Dwight A. McBride, Charles I. Nero, Marlon B. Ross, Rinaldo Walcott, Maurice O. Wallace
Great Northern Books Ltd British Guitarists 1952-1972: Electric Pioneers
Featuring legendary and inspirational guitarists and the equipment they used. This fully illustrated, beautifully produced hardback explores the history of the pioneering British guitarists – their background, career and equipment. Includes many exclusive interviews. From the mid-20th century, no other musical instrument developed faster or had a greater impact than the electric guitar. In Britain, many young lads became enthralled by the look and the sound, leading them to take up the guitar to entertain their peers. Several dozen were able to master the instrument sufficiently to gain national and international recognition, enjoying careers spanning decades which has resulted in a number being awarded Queen's honours. British Guitarists 1952-1972: Electric Pioneers examines a number of musicians that were part of a first wave of new popular music in the second half of the 20th century. A focus is placed on the guitars, amplifiers and effects used by the artists. Starting from their early days, the book looks at the evolution of the guitarist's equipment and how this has impacted on their music. The guitarists featured are: Martin Barre, Syd Barrett, Jeff Beck, Ritchie Blackmore, Marc Bolan, Joe Brown, Eric Clapton, Dave 'Clem' Clempson, Dave Davies, Lonnie Donegan, Andy Fairweather Low, Peter Frampton, Robert Fripp, David Gilmour, Peter Green, George Harrison, Tony Hicks, Steve Howe, Tony Iommi, Brian Jones, Paul Kossoff, Albert Lee, Alvin Lee, John Lennon, Phil Manzanera, Hank Marvin, John McLaughlin, Tony McPhee, Micky Moody, Jimmy Page, Alan Parker, Mike Pender, Andy Powell, Keith Richards, Mick Ronson, Mick Taylor, Pete Townshend, Bert Weedon, Ronnie Wood.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The UFO Paradox
Examines both the physical and the spiritual sides of the UFO debate• Looks at witnesses’ reports as well as the theories of skeptics, revealing how UFOs represent a call from the cosmos to expand our understanding of reality• Explores UFO encounters against the backdrop of visionary experience—angelic visitations, near-death experiences, shamanic journeys, and religious miracles• Shares the author’s UFO discussions with late Harvard psychiatrist John Mack, philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller, and astronaut Edgar MitchellIn case after case related to UFO encounters and other unknown aerial phenomena (UAP), the same impasse is reached: testimony from witnesses on one side, dismissive responses from the authorities on the other. In the fertile void of this deadlock, however, lie extraordinary possibilities about the nature of mind and matter, spirit and soul, transforming the UFO into a celestial, metaphysical eve
University of Toronto Press Maternal Conceptions in Classical Literature and Philosophy
Unlike many studies of the family in the ancient world, this volume presents readings of mothers in classical literature, including philosophical and epigraphic writing as well as poetic texts. Rather than relying on a male viewpoint, the essays offer a female perspective on the lifecycle of motherhood. Although almost all ancient authors are men, this book nevertheless aims to carefully unpack the role of the mother – not as projected by the son or other male relations, but from a woman’s own experiences – in order to better understand how they perceived themselves and their families. Because the primary interest is in the mothers themselves, rather than the authors of the texts in which they appear, the work is organized according to the lifecycle of motherhood instead of the traditional structure of the chronology of male authors. The chronology of the male authors ranges from classical Greece to late antiquity, while the motherly lifecycle ranges from pre-conception to the commemoration of offspring who have died before their mothers.
Cornell University Press Arresting Abuse: Mandatory Legal Interventions, Power, and Intimate Abusers
Over the last decade, police departments and state's attorney's offices across the country have adopted mandatory arrest and no-drop prosecution policies to handle cases of intimate abuse. In addition to protecting victims from future violence, these policies are intended to change abusers by punishing them for their behavior. Emerging at a time when various dimensions of U.S. society are being "governed through crime," mandatory arrest and no-drop prosecution have proven controversial. While critics charge that the policies disempower women by removing decision making from them and aggravate the negative consequences of criminal justice interventions in poor and minority communities, proponents maintain that the measures are needed to protect battered women and provide them the same legal protections afforded to other victims of violent crime. Somewhat overlooked in this debate has been how mandatory arrest and no-drop prosecution affect abusers, a critical question for understanding the power of criminal punishment to combat intimate partner abuse. In Arresting Abuse, Keith Guzik answers this question. Drawing both from firsthand observations of a police department and a criminal court following mandatory policies and extensive interviews with 30 offenders arrested and prosecuted for domestic violence, Arresting Abuse provides a critical assessment. While mandatory arrest and no-drop prosecution allow the state to extend formal legal supervision over an increasing number of violent men and women, thus seemingly increasing its power over them, offenders prove resistant to change. They see themselves as victims of injustice, continue to view their violence as justified, and devise new strategies to preserve their definition and enactment of self. The reasons for these outcomes rest in the nature of power itself—in the state tactics, structures of social inequality, and modes of individual agency through which mandatory arrest and no-drop prosecution are realized. A key contribution to domestic violence literature as well as to socio-legal scholarship on the power of the law as a force for social change, Arresting Abuse argues that the promise for defeating intimate partner abuse lies in better matching the tactics of state power to the goals of victim empowerment and offender responsibility and to exercise such force through mechanisms that do not exacerbate social inequality.
Brown Dog Books THE INVISIBLE PARENT: The Dark Art of Parental Alienation
What happens when the very same system designed to protect children fails? That’s exactly what is happening right now in the UK family courts in cases of Parental Alienation, a form of post-divorce abuse. Cafcass define Parental Alienation as ‘when a child’s resistance or hostility towards one parent is not justified and is the result of psychological manipulation by the other parent’; yet experts, therapists and social workers are not trained to assess or deal with cases involving Parental Alienation. I spent years making my case to judges, experts and lawyers, all of whom failed to agree on what was actually happening between my ex-wife, my kids and myself. At the time it seemed like I was constantly trying to prove a negative, to find a new direction to reach my kids, and while all were promising, all ended in expensive dead ends as my ex-wife pursued her agenda. If I had to sum up the experience of trying to prove Parental Alienation in the courts, I would describe it as being trapped in the backseat of a car while it crashes in slow motion. The system is not fit for purpose. The family courts are slow and busy, burdened by the backlog of cases. Once you do get a hearing, they are often set months away and even then, traditional safeguarding assessments fail to detect Parental Alienation. The longer the child is away from a parent, the harder it is to stop the alienation, and the longer the issue remains unaddressed, the risk of the children suffering mental health and behavioural problems increases. Alienated parents also often display signs of post-traumatic stress: paranoia, anxiety and in some cases are suicidal. It is my hope that this book will not only draw attention to the potential injustice in cases of Parental Alienation and the need for meaningful reform to prevent further irreparable damage, but that it will help a parent going through a family separation spot signs before it’s too late. About the author: The author is a successful businessman, loving father and victim of parental alienation. The author has used a ghost writer to validate his story. The characters have been anonymised to both protect their privacy and lift the veil on the inner workings of the family court, which the author believes is in the public interest of protecting children from harm.
University of Tennessee Press Memphis Hoops: Race and Basketball in the Bluff City,1968-1997
Memphis Hoops tells the story of basketball in Tennessee’s southwestern-most metropolis following the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Keith Brian Wood examines the city through the lens of the Memphis State University basketball team and its star player-turned-coach Larry Finch. Finch, a Memphis native and the first highly recruited black player signed by Memphis State, helped the team make the 1973 NCAA championship game in his senior year. In an era when colleges in the south began to integrate their basketball programs, the city of Memphis embraced its flagship university’s shift toward including black players. Wood interjects the forgotten narrative of LeMoyne-Owen’s (the city’s HBCU) 1975 NCAA Division III National Championship team as a critical piece to understanding this era. Finch was drafted by the Lakers following the 1973 NCAA championship but instead signed with the American Basketball Association’s Memphis Tams. After two years of playing professionally, Finch returned to the sidelines as a coach and would eventually become the head coach of the Memphis State Tigers. Wood deftly weaves together basketball and Memphis’s fraught race relations during the post–civil rights era. While many Memphians viewed the 1973 Tigers’ championship run as representative of racial progress, Memphis as a whole continued to be deeply divided on other issues of race and civil rights. And while Finch was championed as a symbol of the healing power of basketball that helped counteract the city’s turbulence, many black players and coaches would discover that even its sports mirrored Memphis’s racial divide. Today, as another native son of Memphis, Penny Hardaway, has taken the reigns of the University of Memphis’s basketball program, Wood reflects on the question of progress in the city that saw King’s assassination little more than forty years ago. In this important examination of sports and civil rights history, Wood summons social memory from an all-too-recent past to present the untold—and unfinished—story of basketball in the Bluff City.
World Wisdom Books Art from the Sacred to the Profane: East and West
The author's writings on the subject of art, selected and edited by his wife Catherine Schuon, contains over 270 photographs - 200 color and 70 black and white. In this book, he then deals with the spiritual significance of the artistic productions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Far-Eastern world.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Court and Cultural Diversity: Selected Papers from the Eighth Triennial Meeting of the International Courtly Literature Society, 1995
The expression of cultural differences in medieval courtly literature explored. Cultural differences in medieval European literary practice are reflected in many different ways, as this volume illustrates. The essays cover a whole range of courtly topics, in particular questions of context, genre and poetic voice. The five sections explore contexts for courtliness, especially the position of the vernacular poet at or near the court; the ways in which courtly values and political aspirations are reflected in the work of medieval chronicle and romance writers; questions of register, convention, gender, and narrative technique; problems of literary production and reception, particularly the transmission of courtly and quasi-courtly texts among widely differing medieval audiences; and broader issues such as the clues to the courtly mentality provided by peripheral narrative details, the blurring of conventional courtly boundaries, and the perennial fascination of tales with strong folklore or fabliau elements. Dr EVELYN MULLALLY and Dr JOHN THOMPSON are Senior Lecturers at the Queen's University of Belfast. Contributors: GEAROID MAC EOIN, NOLLAIG O MURA-LE, RUPERT T. PICKENS, FRANÇOISE LE SAUX, CATHERINE LÉGLU, BARBARA N. SARGENT-BAUR, AD PUTTER, MICHEL ZINK, DONALD MADDOX, JEANBLACKER, SARA STURM-MADDOX, MICHELLE SZKIILNIK, THEA SUMMERFIELD, HELEN COOPER JOHN SCATTERGOOD, JUNE HALL MCCASH, JOAN BRUMLIK, LESLIE C. BROOKMAUREEN BOULTON, JESSICA COOKE, DIANE M. WRIGHT, G. KOOLEMANS BEYNEN, LORI J. WALTERS, SYLVIA WRIGHT, FRANK BRANDSMA, CARTER REVARD, A S G EDWARDS, HEATHER COLLIER, TERENCE SCULLY, CHRISTOPHER KLEINHENZ, SARA I. JAMES, WILLIAM MACBAIN, SARA I. JAMES, MARY B. SPEER, YASMINA FOEHR-JANSSENS, CAROL J. HARVEY, BART BESAMUSCA, KEITH BUSBY
Hearst Home Books Veranda Elements of Beauty: The Art of Decorating
"This new book by Veranda is a must for anyone's library who is passionate about design." --Bunny Williams, Interior Designer Explore this magnificent global collection of beautiful homes from VERANDA and become inspired by the talented designers and architects who created them.Our innate desire for beauty is every bit as powerful as our yearning for love and happiness. The editors of Veranda spoke with dozens of interior designers, architects and landscape designers--including Ellie Cullman, Celerie Kemble, Thomas A. Kligerman, Brooke and Steve Gianetti, Katie Ridder, Keith Robinson, Stephanie Sabbe, Mark D. Sikes, Ruthi Sommers, Colette van den Thillart, and Bunny Williams--about how they introduce beauty into the spaces they design so lovingly. Organized by room, each chapter displays both the grandeur of interiors and those special details that make a room arresting, reminding readers that some of the most beauteous thrills can happen in any corner of the home. From kitchens and bathrooms to bedrooms and gardens, these are the glorious spaces that feel as good as they look and invite us in with their enthralling combination of color, pattern, and texture, along with stunning architectural features like beamed ceilings, Venetian plaster walls, and an arbor fireplace. Step inside spectacular homes in exclusive locations like Palm Beach, New Orleans, Provence and Mustique to find:Stunning color photographs that illuminate the designers' process, room by roomPersonal advice on creating delightful living environmentsHow balance and scale are achieved in every space, from grand architectural elements to small detailsAn intimate view of light-flooded sunrooms, jewel-colored high-gloss walls, bronze window casings, antique doors, displays of Japanese textiles, and superbly dressed bedsInspiration to live beautifully and gracefully and to establish your own personal style
Duke University Press Shades of Black: Assembling Black Arts in 1980s Britain
In the 1980s—at the height of Thatcherism and in the wake of civil unrest and rioting in a number of British cities—the Black Arts Movement burst onto the British art scene with breathtaking intensity, changing the nature and perception of British culture irreversibly. This richly illustrated volume presents a history of that movement. It brings together in a lively dialogue leading artists, curators, art historians, and critics, many of whom were actively involved in the Black Arts Movement. Combining cultural theory with anecdote and experience, the contributors debate how the work of the black British artists of the 1980s should be viewed historically. They consider the political, cultural, and artistic developments that sparked the movement even as they explore the extent to which such a diverse body of work can be said to constitute a distinct artistic movement—particularly given that “black” in Britain in the 1980s encompassed those of South Asian, North and sub-Saharan African, and Caribbean descent, referring as much to shared experiences of disenfranchisement as to shades of skin.In thirteen original essays, the contributors examine the movement in relation to artistic practice, public funding, and the transnational art market and consider its legacy for today’s artists and activists. The volume includes a unique catalog of images, an extensive list of suggested readings, and a descriptive timeline situating the movement vis-à-vis relevant artworks and films, exhibitions, cultural criticism, and political events from 1960 to 2000. A dynamic living archive of conversations, texts, and images, Shades of Black will be an essential resource.Contributors. Stanley Abe, Jawad Al-Nawab, Rasheed Araeen, David A. Bailey, Adelaide Bannerman, Ian Baucom, Dawoud Bey, Sonia Boyce, Allan deSouza, Jean Fisher, Stuart Hall, Lubaina Himid, Naseem Khan, susan pui san lok, Kobena Mercer, Yong Soon Min, Keith Piper, Zineb Sedira, Gilane Tawadros, Leon Wainwright, Judith Wilson
University of Toronto Press Breathe, Baby, Breathe!: Neonatal Intensive Care, Prematurity, and Complicated Pregnancies
Every year in the United States, 12 per cent of all births are preterm births, 5 per cent of all babies need help to breathe at birth, and 3 per cent of neonates are born with at least one severe malformation. Many of these babies are hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit. Annie Janvier and her husband, Keith Barrington, are both pediatricians who specialize in the care of these sick babies and are internationally known for their research in this area. In 2005, when their daughter Violette was born extremely prematurely, four months before her due date, they faced the situation "from the other side" as parents. Despite knowing the scientific facts, they knew nothing about the experience itself. "Knowing how a respirator works did not help me be the mother of a baby on a respirator," writes Annie. She did not know how to navigate the guilt, the uncertainty, the fears, the predictions of providers, and the responses of friends and family. In a society obsessed with goals, performance, efficiency, and high percentages, she discovered that the daily lack of control that new parents of sick babies face changes their lives. And that, for physician parents, it also changes the way they practice medicine. Most of the articles and books written about premature babies and neonatal intensive care units examine the technological and medical aspects of neonatology. Breathe, Baby, Breathe!, however, is written in the voice of a parent-doctor and tells the story of Violette and her parents, alongside the stories of other fragile babies and their families with different journeys and different outcomes. With the story of Violette at the core of the book, the interwoven stories and empirical articles provide essential insights into the medical world of premature birth. This original and clever blend of narrative and evidence provides a new, experiential view of the way forward during a parental crisis.
University of California Press Stick to the Skin: African American and Black British Art, 1965-2015
The first comparative history of African American and Black British artists, artworks, and art movements, Stick to the Skin traces the lives and works of over fifty painters, photographers, sculptors, and mixed-media, assemblage, installation, video, and performance artists working in the United States and Britain from 1965 to 2015. The artists featured in this book cut to the heart of hidden histories, untold narratives, and missing memories to tell stories that "stick to the skin" and arrive at a new "Black lexicon of liberation." Informed by extensive research and invaluable oral testimonies, Celeste-Marie Bernier’s remarkable text forcibly asserts the originality and importance of Black artists’ work and emphasizes the need to understand Black art as a distinctive category of cultural production. She launches an important intervention into European histories of modern and contemporary art and visual culture as well as into debates within African American studies, African diasporic studies, and Black British studies.Artists featured: Larry Achiampong Hurvin Anderson Benny Andrews Rasheed Araeen Jean-Michel Basquiat Zarina Bhimji Sutapa Biswas Frank Bowling Sonia Boyce Vanley Burke Chila Kumari Burman Eddie Chambers Thornton Dial Godfried Donkor Kimathi Donkor Sokari Douglas Camp Melvin Edwards Mary Evans Nicola Frimpong Joy Gregory Bessiey Harvey Mona Hatoum Lubaina Himid Lonnie Holley Gavin Jantjes Claudette Johnson Tam Joseph Roshini Kempadoo Juginder Lamba Hew Locke Steve McQueen Chris Ofili Keith Piper Ingrid Pollard Thomas J. Price Noah Purifoy Faith Ringgold Donald Rodney Betye Saar Joyce J. Scott Yinka Shonibare Gurminder Sikand Marlene Smith Maud Sulter Barbara Walker Kara Walker Carrie Mae Weems Deborah Willis Hank Willis Thomas Lynette Yiadom-Boakye
Oxford University Press Change Me
Jane Alison, the critically acclaimed author of The Love Artist, now takes on an equally demanding and in some ways more rigorous challenge: translating substantial portions of the Metamorphoses, Ovid's great epic of universal change, into elegant and remarkably faithful blank verse, along with selections from the Amores.
Open University Press Leisure and Everyday Life with Dementia
“This exciting and unique book provides a significant collection of the research base and theory surrounding leisure and dementia.”Dr Mary O’Malley, BSc, PhD, CPsychol, Senior Research Fellow, Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester, UK“This is the most important edited collection to emerge from leisure studies in the last thirty years.” Professor Karl Spracklen, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Leeds Beckett University, UK“This book is a novel collection of works that not only broadens and enriches our understandings of the importance of leisure for people living with dementia, but in demonstrating the possibilities for living well with dementia through engagement with leisure, it helps to build the foundation for developing an ethical standard to support such engagement to the fullest extent possible.”Pia Kontos, Senior Scientist and Professor, KITE Research Institute, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – University Health Network, and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, CanadaThis book examines leisure in the everyday lives of people living with dementia and challenges readers to consider the role of leisure activities beyond their potential for therapeutic benefit. Leisure and Everyday Life with Dementia emphasises how leisure offers people living with dementia opportunity to realise their citizenship through participating in leisure in everyday life. It explores the role of society in enabling this through giving equal chances to make choices about how, when and where people participate. This book:• Examines diverse kinds of leisure, including sports, music, travel, nature, and the online world• Contains accessible summaries and ‘So what does this mean in practice?’ sections at the end of each chapter• Has been co-edited and written with a guiding vision provided by a person living with dementia• Contains contributions from authors across the world and across multiple disciplines.Leisure and Everyday Life with Dementia is essential reading for anyone whose study or work in nursing or social care, occupational therapy, social work, arts therapies, arts, health and wellbeing, sports and exercise, or gerontology includes an interest in dementia.The Reconsidering Dementia Series is an interdisciplinary series published by Open University Press that covers contemporary issues to challenge and engage readers in thinking deeply about the topic. The dementia field has developed rapidly in its scope and practice over the past ten years and books in this series will unpack not only what this means for the student, academic and practitioner, but also for all those affected by dementia.Series Editors: Dr Keith Oliver and Professor Dawn Brooker MBE.Dr Karen Gray is a researcher at the University of Bristol, UK. She has wide-ranging experience in researching and evaluating engagement in arts and creative activity for health and wellbeing. Dr Chris Russell is Senior Lecturer with the Association for Dementia Studies at the University of Worcester, UK, where he is Programme Lead for the Post Graduate Certificate in Dementia Studies. Jane Twigg has a background as a physiotherapist. This was before caring for her mom, who had dementia, including supporting Mom to continue to live in the world. Jane is now living with atypical dementia. She has a passion for life. Long distance walking brings her most joy, giving her a sense of achievement and wellbeing.
New York University Press Enfant Terrible!: Jerry Lewis in American Film
The one thing everybody knows about Jerry Lewis is that he is beloved by the French, those incomprehensible hedonistic strangers across the sea. The French understand him, while in the U.S. he is at best a riddle, not one of us. Lewis is someone we take profound pleasure in excluding, if not ridiculing. Enfant Terrible! Jerry Lewis in American Film is the first comprehensive collection devoted to one of the most controversial and accomplished figures in twentieth-century American cinema. A veteran of virtually every form of show business, Lewis's performances onscreen and the motion pictures he has directed reveal significant filmmaking talents, and show him to be what he has called himself, a "total filmmaker." Yet his work has been frequently derided by American critics. This book challenges that easy reading by taking a more careful look at Lewis's considerable body of work onscreen in 16 diverse and penetrating essays. Turning to such films asThe Nutty Professor, The Ladies Man, The King of Comedy, The Delicate Delinquent, Living It Up, The Errand Boy, The Disorderly Orderly, Arizona Dream, and The Geisha Boy, the contributors address topics ranging from Lewis's on- and offscreen performances, the representations of disability in his films, and the European obsession with Lewis, to his relationship with Dean Martin and Lewis's masculinity. Far from an out of control hysteric, Enfant Terrible! instead reveals Jerry Lewis to be a meticulous master of performance with a keen sense of American culture and the contemporary world. Contributors include: Mikita Brottman, Scott Bukatman, David Desser, Leslie A. Fiedler, Craig Fischer, Lucy Fischer, Krin Gabbard, Barry Keith Grant, Andrew Horton, Susan Hunt, Frank Krutnik, Marcia Landy, Peter Lehman, Shawn Levy, Dana Polan, Murray Pomerance, and J. P. Telotte.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Debt-Free Millionaire: Winning Strategies to Creating Great Credit and Retiring Rich
PRAISE FOR THE MILLIONAIRE DEBT-FREE "The Debt-Free Millionaire is a clarion call for a generation that was brought up on spending tomorrow's money today. As someone who spent time in the financial services industry, I can unequivocally state that Anthony's pragmatic and refreshingly contrarian approach to the real secrets of cash-flow managementand leveraging the credit systemare a breath of fresh air in a smog-choked world of misinformation and confusing financial advice. I can think of a million reasons to read it." MICHAEL DIFRISCO President, BrandXcellence "Read this book. Do what it says. Start living the dream. If you're ready to take charge of your financial future, this is the place to start." KEITH J. CUNNINGHAM Keys to the Vault & Business School for Entrepreneurs "The Debt-Free Millionaire offers unique insights, little known strategies and easy-to-understand practical tools to first manage then eliminate debt. It is a must read for both consumers and financial professionals to better explain the often complex world of debt management. More like getting sensible advice from a good friend than a technical financial advisor." ROY BALFOUR President of Ro???Mart Inc. "Tony has produced a clear and straightforward guide to debt, and how to eliminate it, that is as timely as it is needed. Anyone who follows the program in this book will be glad they did." JEFFREY K. MEEK Former Vice PresidentRecovery Operations, WaMu Card Services "Great for readers of all ages and in all financial stages. This isn't one of those get-rich-quick schemes. This book provides a foundation for a paradigm shift in your thinking process and allows for you to see how to achieve the seemingly unachievable. I was hooked from the beginning!" JENNA KEEHNEN Executive Director,
The University of Chicago Press Elephant Don: The Politics of a Pachyderm Posse
Meet Greg. He's a stocky guy with an outsized swagger. He's been the intimidating, yet sociable don of his posse of friends - including Abe, Keith, Mike, Kevin, and Freddie Fredericks - but one arid summer the tide begins to shift and the third-ranking Kevin starts to get ambitious and seeks a higher position within this social club. But this is no ordinary tale of gangland betrayal - Greg and his entourage are bull elephants in Etosha National Park, Namibia, where, for the last twenty years, Caitlin O'Connell has been a keen observer of their complicated friendships. In Elephant Don, O'Connell, one of the leading experts on elephant communication and social behavior, takes us inside the little-known world of African male elephants, a world that is steeped in ritual, where bonds are maintained by unexpected tenderness punctuated by violence. Elephant Don tracks Greg and his group of bulls as O'Connell tries to understand the vicissitudes of male friendship, power struggles, and play. A frequently heart-wrenching portrayal of commitment, loyalty, and affection between individuals yearning for companionship, it vividly captures the incredible repertoire of elephant behavior and communication. Greg, O'Connell shows, is sometimes a tyrant and other times a benevolent dictator as he attempts to hold on to his position at the top. Though Elephant Don is Greg's story, it is also the story of O'Connell and the challenges and triumphs of field research in environs more hospitable to lions and snakes than scientists. Readers will be drawn into dramatic tales of an elephant society at once exotic and surprisingly familiar, as O'Connell's decades of close research reveal extraordinary discoveries about a male society not wholly unlike our own. Surely we've all known a Greg or two, and through this book we may come to know them in a whole new light.
Genesis Publications Rebel Music: Bob Marley & Roots Reggae
‘This collection of timeless photographs gives us an up close inside look at this uniquely complex man and brilliant iconic artist who forever changed the world. One love…’ – Lenny KravitzRebel Music is a tribute to one of the greatest legends in world music, Bob Marley. In 1975, Kate Simon first photographed Bob Marley and the Wailers at the Lyceum in London, where the now-legendary live performance of ‘No Woman No Cry’ was recorded. They then collaborated throughout the Seventies, with Simon shooting some of the most intimate, enduring and emblematic images ever taken of Marley, including his iconic Kaya album cover.Simon captured it all: portraits of the reggae greats of the Seventies, such as Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry, Bunny Wailer and Peter Tosh; the Exodus Tour, on the road with Bob Marley and The Wailers as they performed across Europe; and the One Love Peace Concert, where Bob famously united Jamaica’s opposing political leaders. Ultimately, in 1981, Simon would ride with the funeral cortege from Kingston to St Ann and Bob Marley’s final resting place.Rebel Music contains over 400 photographs from Simon’s archives, many published here for the first time. Introduced by Patti Smith, with a foreword by Lenny Kravitz and afterword by Keith Richards, a cast of 24 contributors join Simon in sharing the stories behind the images, including ex-Wailers guitarist Junior Marvin and bass player and band leader Aston ‘Family Man’ Barrett; musicians such as Junior Delgado, Steve Jordan, Paul Simonon and Bruce Springsteen; filmmaker Don Letts and producer Danny Sims; and Island Records founder, Chris Blackwell.
York Medieval Press Universal Chronicles in the High Middle Ages
New perspectives on and interpretations of the popular medieval genre of the universal chronicle. Found in pre-modern cultures of every era and across the world, from the ancient Near East to medieval Latin Christendom, the universal chronicle is simultaneously one of the most ubiquitous pre-modern cultural forms and one of the most overlooked. Universal chronicles narrate the history of the whole world from the time of its creation up to the then present day, treating the world's affairs as though they were part of a single organic reality, and uniting various strands of history into a unifed, coherent story. They reveal a great deal about how the societies that produced them understood their world and how historical narrative itself can work to produce that understanding. The essays here offer new perspectives on the genre, from a number of different disciplines, demonstrating their vitality, flexibility and cultural importance, They reveal them to be deeply political texts, which allowed history-writers and their audiences to locate themselves in space, time and in the created universe. Several chapters address the manuscript context, looking at the innovative techniques of compilation, structure and layout that placed them at the cutting edge of medieval book technology. Others analyse the background of universal chronicles, and identify their circulation amongst different social groups; there are also investigations into their literary discourse, patronage, authorship and diffusion. Michele Campopiano is Senior Lecturer in Medieval Latin Literature at the University of York; Henry Bainton is Lecturer in High Medieval Literature at the University of York. Contributors:Tobias Andersson, Michele Campopiano, Cornelia Dreer, Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas, Elena Koroleva, Keith Lilley, Andrew Marsham, Rosa M. Rodriguez Porto, Christophe Thierry, Elizabeth M. Tyler, Steven Vanderputten, Bjorn Weiler, Claudia Wittig.
Cornell University Press Public Jobs and Political Agendas: The Public Sector in an Era of Economic Stress
In many ways the public sector and the private sector share concerns about how best to manage their employment functions: recruitment, evaluation, incentives, discipline, retention, compensation. There are also substantial differences between the two sectors. Not surprisingly, a period such as the Great Recession and its aftermath highlights those differences. Some state and local governments that had engaged in precarious fiscal practices were thrust into public attention as their tax revenues receded. But that is not the whole story. The reasons public sector workers and human resource practices are under scrutiny go beyond the impact of a recession putting the spotlight on already-strained budgets.Public Jobs and Political Agendas spotlights the important public/private differences that account for the special attention visited upon the public sector starting with the Great Recession. The first of these differences was the timing of the response to the recession and its aftermath on revenues. The second difference involves employee compensation and the contrasts between public and private practices in that area. Intertwined with these two factors is the role of politics: social welfare programs have been targeted in recent years, with repercussions for even the most efficient state and local government agencies and their employees.Contributors: Keith A. Bender, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee; Ilana Boivie, National Institute on Retirement Security; Ellen Dannin, Pennsylvania State University; Gloria Davis-Cooper, University of West Indies; Sabina Dewan, Center for American Progress; John S. Heywood, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee; David Lewin, UCLA Anderson School of Management; Daniel J.B. Mitchell, UCLA Anderson School of Management and the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs; Charlene M. L. Roach, The University of The West Indies; William M. Rodgers III, Rutgers University; Mildred E. Warner, Cornell University; Christian Weller, University of Massachusetts Boston and Center for American Progress
University of Washington Press A Pilgrimage through Universities
President of the University of Washington from 1958 to 1973, a time of tremendous change, Charles Odegaard has written an absorbing memoir of his personal and institutional background and his development as a scholar and university administrator. President Richard L. McCormick and Professor of Biomedical Ethics Keith R. Benson further discuss Odegaard’s lasting contributions to the University of Washington. Beginning with his own undergraduate experience, Odegaard came to recognize the importance of the humanities as the vital center of the university tradition. Throughout his career he emphasized that education concerned with the quality of life should be foremost in the minds of university administrators and faculty. After retirement he continued this mission in his book Dear Doctor: A Personal Letter to a Physician, focusing on the need to train physicians in the humanities in order to strengthen the doctor-patient relationship. Growing up in Chicago, Odegaard attended Dartmouth College and then Harvard University, where he studied medieval history and received his doctorate in 1937. He then joined the history department faculty at the University of Illinois. A four-year tour of duty as an officer in the U.S. Navy during World War II deeply influenced his comprehension of how people are motivated to work toward a common goal under difficult conditions. In 1948 he was persuaded to move to Washington, D.C., to head the American Council of Learned Societies. In 1952 he accepted the position of Dean of Arts and Sciences at the University of Michigan, and he moved to the presidency of the University of Washington in the fall of 1958. Under Odegaard’s strong leadership the University of Washington grew into a major institution of higher learning and research. Among his primary concerns were finding superior academic administrators, accommodating rapid growth in enrollment, encouraging interdisciplinary cooperation, fostering greater communication between students and faculty, working to establish a realistic system linking state universities and colleges, and dealing with student discontent during the Vietnam War years and the periods of minority student protests. In A Pilgrimage through Universities, Charles Odegaard conveys his perspective on the role a major university should play in the modern world.
Taylor & Francis Inc Far from the Factory: Lean for the Information Age
If you currently employ knowledge workers who do most of their work on computers or with computers, access the Internet, utilize internal and external databases, use e-mail or other new messaging technology, then this book is for you. Quite simply, this handbook is for any organization with a lot of Web DNA that wishes to cut costs, improve performance, and stay perpetually competitive. It is for change agents or managers within those organizations who work with information and want to leverage the latest crop of tool sets to deliver on the promise of Lean for the modern, information-rich office.… packed with new ideas … breaks new ground in so many directions … .— John Bicheno, Director, Lean Enterprise Research Centre, Cardiff Business School … excellent … on several levels … … teaches us how to visualize the depth of hidden wastes in our complex information flows and the large opportunity for improvement that this suggests.— Keith Russell, PhD, Global Continuous Improvement Leader R&D, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Very interesting view on operational excellence, helpful to readers without a background in this area of expertise.— Bert Nordberg, President and CEO. Sony EricssonCongratulations to all the readers holding this book! ... These Lean ideas must be an integral part of the daily operations of your business. I am going to get each and every one of my management team a copy of this brilliant book at the start for our own Lean journey.— Lennart Käll, CEO, Wasa KreditIt’s one thing to develop a concept. It’s another to make it sing. This is the hymnal.— Dr. Don V. Steward, CEO Problematics, Professor Emeritus, Sacramento State University, inventor of DSM … a must read for CIOs everywhere." — Julian Amey, Principal Fellow, Warwick University
Rowman & Littlefield Elections to Open Seats in the U.S. House: Where the Action Is
Shifting the focal point from incumbency to open seat competition in the U.S. House of Representatives is the task this book embraces. In the process, the authors demonstrate the importance of candidates and competition, and the role of money, gender, and special elections in determining how open seats get filled and when partisan changes occur.
Sports Publishing LLC So You Think You're a Chicago Blackhawks Fan?: Stars, Stats, Records, and Memories for True Diehards
So You Think You’re a Chicago Blackhawks Fan? tests and expands your knowledge of Blackhawks hockey. Rather than merely posing questions and providing answers, you’ll get details behind each—stories that bring to life players and coaches, games and seasons.This book is divided into multiple parts, with progressively more difficult questions in each new section. Along the way, you’ll learn more about what has made the Hawks one of the most popular teams in the NHL. The book includes players and coaches of the past and present, from Stan Mikita to Bill Mosienko, Bobby Hull, Pierre Pilote, Glenn Hall, Tony Esposito, Ed Belfour, Jim Pappin, Keith Magnuson, Jeremy Roenick, Chris Chelios, Denis Savard, Corey Crawford, Jonathan Toews, and so many more. Some of the many questions that this book answers include:• A Chicago star of the 1950s set an NHL record that may never be broken by scoring three goals in 21 seconds in a game against the New York Rangers at Madison Square Garden on March 23, 1952. Who is he?• Which Blackhawks legend appeared in the movies Wayne’s World? and Wayne’s World 2?• True or false: The National Football League once played its championship game in Chicago Stadium?• Patrick Kane set a franchise record in 2015–16 when he had at least one point in 26 consecutive games. Which Chicago Hall of Famer held the previous team record with a 21-game points streak?This book makes the perfect gift for any fan of the Hawks!
Rowman & Littlefield Avenging Pearl Harbor: The Saga of America's Battleships in the Pacific War
It was a miracle three years in the making, a testimony to American fortitude and ingenuity—and perhaps the key to why the United States won a war that after Pearl Harbor seemed hopeless.Impeccably researched deep in the archives at Pearl Harbor and Washington DC, Revenge of the Dreadnoughts is colorfully written, personal, chilling, visceral,Historian Keith Warren Lloyd brings his gift for injecting life and personalities and heretofore untold stories of the men and women involved-–members of what became known as The Greatest Generation—whose heroism and sacrifice brought about the miraculous new life of a sleeping military force that was reeling and on its knees.It is a story has never before been old in such detail and with such vibrancy.On the night of 24 October 1944, a force of two battleships, one heavy cruiser and four destroyers from the Imperial Japanese Navy steamed into Surigao Strait in the Philippines. Their objective: to attack the invasion fleet of General Douglas MacArthur’s army in Leyte Gulf. Alerted by scouting PT boats, the U.S. 7th Fleet under the command of Rear Admiral Jesse Oldendorf prepared a deadly trap. Waiting for the enemy force were five American battleships and supporting cruisers and destroyers. Oldendorf performed the classic naval maneuver of “crossing the T” which allowed the American ships to fire broadsides at the oncoming Japanese vessels, while the enemy could only fire with their forward turrets. When the smoke cleared, the Japanese fleet had been all but annihilated. Only one destroyer escaped. The victorious American battleships were the Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, California, and Tennessee, five of the eight dreadnoughts that had been sunk at Pearl Harbor.The five ships had been raised, repaired, modified and re-manned. After three long years, they finally had their revenge. Revenge of the Dreadnoughts takes readers from the attack on Pearl Harbor, telling the story of the severe damage dealt to each ship and the incredible acts of courage performed by the sailors of each crew that morning. It continues with how each ship was raised and repaired—Herculean in scope-- and the mustering of new commanders, officers and crewmen. The final drama unfolds as of each ship returns triumphantly to the battle fleet, and the ultimate triumph at the battle of Surigao Strait.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Queer: A Collection of LGBTQ Writing from Ancient Times to Yesterday
LGBTQ writing from ancient times to yesterday, selected by award-winning translator Frank Wynne. Since the dawn of literature, queer people have turned to writing to document their existence: to share great triumphs and deep despairs; to praise the virtues of their lover, extol their loneliness and proclaim their lust; to tell of their peculiarities and mundanities. For almost as long, they have been censored and bowdlerised, persecuted and relegated to the margins. No longer. Alive in these pages, readers will hear Homer's Achilles beat his chest in grief for the loss of his Patroclus and Paul Verlaine exalt the arsehole of his lover. They will see Alison Bechdel tiptoe then leap out of the closet and Juno Dawson come out again, but differently. They will bite and lick and groan in sweet surprise with Roz Kaveney, and fall in and out of love alongside Qiu Miaojin in Paris and Taiwan. They will recognise queer saints and icons – Audre Lorde, Larry Kramer, Virginia Woolf – and meet young queer, trans and non-binary writers – Keith Jarrett, Zhang Yueran and Niviaq Korneliussen, among others. Frank Wynne allows their voices to ring out, unashamed and unabashed, in eighty pieces that straddle the spectrum of queer existence: short stories, poems, essays, extracts and scenes from countries the world over, from ancient times to yesterday. Reviews for Queer: 'A landmark anthology of queer writing' BBC Front Row 'A landmark collection of LGBTQ writing from ancient times to yesterday, featuring powerful voices in many literary forms' Spectator, Books of the Year 'A fearless and life-affirming celebration of what Gilbert Adair [...] called 'the second most natural thing in the world'' Review 31, Books of the Year
Milkweed Editions Philomath: Poems
Winner of the 2022 Levis Reading PrizeFinalist for the National Book Critics Circle's 2021 John Leonard Prize for Best First BookA Publishers Weekly “Top Ten Pick” for Fall 2021 Poetry TitlesA Library Journal “Poetry Title to Watch” for 2021A Chicago Review of Books “Must-Read Book of September 2021”Selected by Sally Keith as a winner of the 2020 National Poetry Series, this debut collection is a ruminative catalogue of overgrowth and the places that haunt us.With Devon Walker-Figueroa as our Virgil, we begin in the collection’s eponymous town of Philomath, Oregon. We drift through the general store, into the Nazarene Church, past people plucking at the brambles of a place that won’t let them go. We move beyond the town into fields and farmland—and further still, along highways, into a cursed Californian town, a museum in Florence. We wander with a kind of animal logic, like a beast with “a mind to get loose / from a valley fallowing / towards foul,” through the tense, overlapping space between movement and stillness.An explorer at the edge of the sublime, Walker-Figueroa writes in quiet awe of nature, of memory, and of a beauty that is “merely existence carrying on and carrying on.” In her wanderings, she guides readers toward a kind of witness that doesn’t flinch from the bleak or bizarre: A vineyard engulfed in flames is reclaimed by the fields. A sow smothers its young, then bears more. A neighbor chews locusts in his yard.For in Philomath, it is the poet’s (sometimes reluctant) obligation “to keep an eye / on what is left” of the people and places that have impacted us. And there is always something left, whether it is the smell of burnt grapes, a twelfth-century bronze, or even a lock of hair.
Titan Books Ltd Star Trek Explorer: "The Mission" and Other Stories
A thrilling anthology of short stories from Star Trek Explorer magazine, collected for the first time! Featuring tales by Una McCormack, Gary Russell, Michael Carroll, John Peel, Chris Dows, Chris Cooper, and Greg Cox. This incredible collection features illustrated stories starring iconic characters such as Will Riker, Benjamin Sisko, Jonathan Archer, and Kate Pulaski, plus fan-favourite alien enemies including the Borg. Stories included are: Control by John Peel A take starring Jonathan Archer and his loyal dog, Porthos. The Guardian by Gary Russell A prelude to the classic episode “What are Little Girls Made Of?” The Disavowed by Christopher Cooper The crew of the Enterprise lose all memory of William Riker! Paghabi by Chris Dows Guinan is invaded by a sinister force. Pulaski 2.0 by Greg Cox Doctor Katherine Pulaski experiences life as an android. The Expert by Gary Russell A family is torn apart when the Borg strike. Scramble by Greg Cox A return to the noir world of Dixon Hill The Mission by James Swallow Espionage runs rife aboard Deep Space 9. Things Can Only Get Better by Una McCormack Kira Nerys and Garak discuss their opposing ideologies. Frontier Medicine by Michael Carroll Doctor Julian Bashir embarks on a career defining adventure. By Special Request… by John Peel Miles O’Brien and Julian Bashir enjoy some rest and recreation… with a difference! The Victim by John Peel Garak moves in for the kill, but can he pull the trigger? You Can’t Buy Fate by Keith R.A. Candido A first contact mission doesn’t go according to plan. Summer Days Can Last Forever by Michael Collins The dull 1950’s town of Patterson creek is livened up by some unusual visitors.
Unbound Work in Progress: The untold story of the Crawley Writers' Group, compiled by Peter, writer
'Funny as hell. Formally inventive. Daringly concise' C. M. TaylorThey've all got a book in them, unfortunately.In December 2016, Julia Greengage, aspiring writer and resting actor, puts up a poster in her local library inviting people to join a new writers' group. The group will exchange constructive feedback and 'generally share in the pains and pleasures of this excruciating yet exhilarating endeavour we call Literature'.Seven people, each in their own way a bit of a work in progress, heed the call.There’s Keith, a mercenary sci-fi geek who can write 5,000 words before breakfast and would sell his mother for a book deal. Tom, a suburban lothario with an embarrassing secret. Peter, a conceptual artist whose main goal in life is to make everyone else feel uncomfortable. Alice, who’s been working on her opening sentence for over nine months. Jon, a faded muso with a UFO complex. Blue, whose doom-laden poems include ‘Electrocuted Angel in the Headlights of My Dead Lover’s Eye Sockets’ and the notorious ‘Kitten on a Fatberg’. And Mavinder, who sadly couldn’t make the first meeting. Or the second. But promises to come to the next one…Soon, under Julia's watchful eye, the budding writers are meeting every month to read out their work and indulge each other's dreams of getting published. But it’s not long before the group's idiosyncrasies and insecurities begin to appear. Feuds, rivalries and even romance are on the cards – not to mention an exploding sheep's head, a cosplay stalker, and an alien mothership invasion. They’re all on a journey, and God help the rest of us.A novel-in-emails about seven eccentric writers, written by three quite odd ones, Work in Progress is a very British farce about loneliness, friendship and the ache of literary obscurity.
Liverpool University Press Digitizing Enlightenment: Digital Humanities and the Transformation of Eighteenth-Century Studies
Digitizing Enlightenment explores how a set of inter-related digital projects are transforming our vision of the Enlightenment. The featured projects are some of the best known, well-funded and longest established research initiatives in the emerging area of ‘digital humanities’, a field that has, particularly since 2010, been attracting a rising tide of interest from professional academics, the media, funding councils, and the general public worldwide. Advocates and practitioners of the digital humanities argue that computational methods can fundamentally transform our ability to answer some of the ‘big questions’ that drive humanities research, allowing us to see patterns and relationships that were hitherto hard to discern, and to pinpoint, visualise, and analyse relevant data in efficient and powerful new ways. In the book’s opening section, leading scholars outline their own projects’ institutional and intellectual histories, the techniques and methodologies they specifically developed, the sometimes-painful lessons learned in the process, future trajectories for their research, and how their findings are revising previous understandings. A second section features chapters from early career scholars working at the intersection of digital methods and Enlightenment studies, an intellectual space largely forged by the projects featured in part one. Highlighting current and future research methods and directions for digital eighteenth-century studies, the book offers a monument to the current state of digital work, an overview of current findings, and a vision statement for future research. Featuring contributions from Keith Michael Baker, Elizabeth Andrews Bond, Robert M. Bond, Simon Burrows, Catherine Nicole Coleman, Melanie Conroy, Charles Cooney, Nicholas Cronk, Dan Edelstein, Chloe Summers Edmondson, the late Richard Frautschi, Clovis Gladstone, Howard Hotson, Angus Martin, Katherine McDonough, Alicia C. Montoya, Robert Morrissey, Laure Philip, Jeffrey S. Ravel, Glenn Roe, and Sean Takats.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Turn of the Screw & The Aspern Papers
With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Claire Seymour, University of Kent at Canterbury. The Turn of the Screw is the classic ghost story for which James is most remembered. Set in a country house, it is a chilling tale of the supernatural told by a master of the genre. The Aspern Papers is a tale of Americans in Europe, a theme in which Henry James is at his most assured and accomplished. The author cleverly evokes the drama of comédie humaine against the settings of a Venetian palace.
Atlantic Books How to Be a Rock Star
THE TOP TEN BESTSELLER'Candid, brilliant and bizarre' Guardian'Stories about the frontman and his bandmates are legion ... [like] Peter Kay with menaces' The Sunday TimesAs lead singer of Happy Mondays and Black Grape, Shaun Ryder was the Keith Richards and Mick Jagger of his generation. A true rebel, who formed and led not one but two seminal bands, he's had number-one albums, headlined Glastonbury, toured the world numerous times, taken every drug under the sun, been through rehab - and come out the other side as a national treasure.Now, for the first time, Shaun lifts the lid on the real inside story of how to be a rock star. With insights from three decades touring the world, which took him from Salford to San Francisco, from playing working men's clubs to headlining Glastonbury and playing in front of the biggest festival crowd the world has ever seen, in Brazil, in the middle of thunderstorm. From recording your first demo tape to having a number-one album, Shaun gives a fly-on-the-wall look at the rock 'n' roll lifestyle - warts and all: how to be a rock star - and also how not to be a rock star. From numerous Top of the Pops appearances to being banned from live TV, from being a figurehead of the acid-house scene to hanging out backstage with the Rolling Stones, Shaun has seen it all. In this book he pulls the curtain back on the debauchery of the tour bus, ridiculous riders, run-ins with record companies, drug dealers and the mafia, and how he forged the most remarkable comeback of all time.'There are enough stories about Happy Mondays to keep people talking about them forever. Bands live on through the myth really, myth and legend' (Steve Lamacq)
Johns Hopkins University Press Cave Biodiversity: Speciation and Diversity of Subterranean Fauna
A deep-dive into the evolutionary biology, biogeography, and conservation of the most elusive subterranean creatures in the world.Far from the austere, sparsely populated ecosystems often conjured in the imagination, caves host some of the most mysterious and biodiverse natural systems in the world. Subterranean environments, however, are the least explored terrestrial habitats, contributing to misconceptions about their inhabitants. Edited by cave scientist and conservation ecologist Dr. J. Judson Wynne, Cave Biodiversity explores both the evolution and the conservation of subterrestrial-dwelling fauna. Covering both vertebrates and invertebrates, including mollusks, fishes, amphibians, arthropods, and other troglobionts, this volume brings together ichthyologists, entomologists, ecologists, herpetologists, and conservationists to provide a nuanced picture of life beneath the earth's surface. Broad chapters covering biotic and abiotic factors that influence evolution and support biodiversity precede chapters dedicated to specific taxa, highlighting phylogenetics and morphology, and delving into zoogeography, habitat, ecology, and dispersal mechanisms for each. Considerations for conservation of these fascinating, often bizarre, and often highly sensitive subterranean creatures are emphasized throughout.Cave Biodiversity aims to synthesize the principles of subterranean evolutionary biology and diversity through in-depth case studies of some of the most captivating and imperiled taxonomic groups in the world. Employing a multidisciplinary approach involving systematics, genetics, ecology, biogeography, evolutionary biology, and conservation science, Cave Biodiversity will be of keen interest to evolutionary biologists, ecologists, conservation biologists, and cave scientists, as well as advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Contributors: Maria E. Bichuette, Evin T. Carter, Prosanta Chakrabarty, Kenneth James Chapin, Danté B. Fenolio, Andrew G. Gluesenkamp, Jozef Grego, Francis G. Howarth, Leonardo Latella, Matthew L. Niemiller, Karen A. Ober, T. Keith Philips, John G. Phillips, Stuart Pimm, Daphne Soares, J. Judson Wynne, and Yahui Zhao.
Taschen GmbH Annie Leibovitz. The Early Years. 1970–1983
For more than half a century, Annie Leibovitz has been taking culture-defining photographs. Her portraits of politicians, performers, athletes, businesspeople, and royalty make up a gallery of our time, imprinted on our collective consciousness by both the singularity of their subjects and Leibovitz’s inimitable style. The catalogue to an installation at the LUMA Foundation in Arles, France, Annie Leibovitz: The Early Years, 1970–1983 returns to Leibovitz’s origins. It begins with a moment of artistic revelation: the spontaneous shot that made Leibovitz think she could transition from painting to photography as her area of study at the San Francisco Art Institute. The meticulously and personally curated collection, including contact sheets and Polaroids, provides a vivid document both of Leibovitz’s development as a young artist and of a pivotal era. Leibovitz’s reportage-like photo stories for Rolling Stone, which she began working for when she was still a student, record such heady political, cultural, and counter-cultural developments as the Vietnam War protests, the launch of Apollo 17, the presidential campaign of 1972, Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974, and the Rolling Stones on tour in 1975. Then, as now, Leibovitz won the trust of the prominent and famous, and the book’s pages are animated by many familiar faces, among them Muhammad Ali, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ken Kesey, Patti Smith, Bruce Springsteen, Joan Didion, and Debbie Harry, as well as John Lennon and Yoko Ono, captured in their now iconic embrace just hours before Lennon was assassinated. Throughout the book, the portraits and reportage are linked to images of cars, driving, and even a series on California highway patrolmen. In many ways, it’s a celebration of life on the road—the frenetic rhythms, the chance encounters, the meditative opportunities. And with its rich archival aspects, it is also a tribute to an earlier time and a young photographer enmeshed in a culture that was itself in transition.
University of Notre Dame Press Just War and Christian Traditions
This much-needed anthology contains historically informed insights and analysis about Christian just war thinking and its application to contemporary conflicts. Recent Christian reflection on war has largely ignored questions of whether and how war can be just. The contributors to Just War and Christian Traditions provide a clear overview of the history and parameters of just war thinking and a much-needed and original evaluation of how Christian traditions and denominations may employ this thinking today. The introduction examines the historical development of Christian just war thinking, differences between just war thinking and the alternatives of pacifism and holy war, distinctions among Christian thinkers on issues such as the role of the state and “lesser evil” politics, and shared Christian theological commitments with public policy ramifications (for example, the priority of peace). The chapters that follow outline—from Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, and Anabaptist denominational perspectives—the positions of major church traditions on the ethics of warfare. The contributors include philosophers, military strategists, political scientists, and historians who seek to engage various and distinctive denominational approaches to the issues of church and state, war, peace, diplomacy, statecraft, and security over two thousand years of Christian history. Just War and Christian Traditions presents an essential resource for understanding the Judeo-Christian roots and denominational frameworks undergirding the moral structure for statesmanship and policy referred to as just war thinking. This practical guide will interest students, pastors, and lay people interested in issues of peace and security, military history, and military ethics. Contributors: John Ashcroft, Eric Patterson, J. Daryl Charles, Joseph E. Capizzi, Darrell Cole, H. David Baer, Keith J. Pavlischek, Daniel Strand, Nigel Biggar, Mark Tooley, and Timothy J. Demy.
Columbia University Press Retreat from a Rising Sea: Hard Choices in an Age of Climate Change
Melting ice sheets and warming oceans are causing the seas to rise. By the end of this century, hundreds of millions of people living at low elevations along coasts will be forced to retreat to higher and safer ground. Because of sea-level rise, major storms will inundate areas farther inland and will lay waste to critical infrastructure, such as water-treatment and energy facilities, creating vast, irreversible pollution by decimating landfills and toxic-waste sites. This big-picture, policy-oriented book explains in gripping terms what rising oceans will do to coastal cities and the drastic actions we must take now to remove vulnerable populations. The authors detail specific threats faced by Miami, New Orleans, New York, and Amsterdam. Aware of the overwhelming social, political, and economic challenges that would accompany effective action, they consider the burden to the taxpayer and the logistics of moving landmarks and infrastructure, including toxic-waste sites. They also show readers the alternative: thousands of environmental refugees, with no legitimate means to regain what they have lost. The authors conclude with effective approaches for addressing climate-change denialism and powerful arguments for reforming U.S. federal coastal management policies.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at the Comet Assay
This book opens with a discussion on the clinical applications of comet assay. Comet assay is rapid, simple method which able to assess DNA damage in different samples like blood, cells and tissues. Following this, the authors examine comet assay usage in occupational toxicology studies. Isolated lymphocytes were the most used cell line in these studies, but exfoliated cells such as nasal and buccal cell, liver, kidney and sperm cells may be used. Comet assay may also be used to detect nanoparticles-associated DNA damage. As such, this compilation assesses potential limitations due to the interaction of the nanoparticles with the method. Next, to shed light on the mechanisms of the DNA track formation, the authors apply an original approach based on the kinetic measurements in the comet assay, arguing that in neutral conditions at low levels of DNA damages, the comet tail is formed by extended DNA loops. New applications of the comet assay are described for the detection of aberrant DNA methylation, which is a promising marker in cancer diagnosis and follow-up. The authors go on to describe and analyse the results of in vitro treatment of lymphocytes with insecticide using comet assay under alkaline and neutral conditions, testing the commercial product Calypso® 480SC and its active agent thiacloprid at concentrations of 30; 60; 120; 240 and 480 � In one study, Helianthus annuus (sunflower) seedlings were irrigated with Hoagland solution containing different concentrations of AlCl3. Morphological parameters such as germination rate and stoma number are evaluated. Additionally, the genotoxic effects of endosulfan pesticide at different times and in different concentrations in wheat leaf samples are analyzed in two-week old wheat seedlings in an effort to demonstrate that endosulfan is a genotoxic agent causing DNA breaks in wheat. In the closing chapter, the correlation between the comet assay parameters, cell viability, and hydroquinone concentration is explored. The relationship between comet assay and remaining hydroquinone after fungal treatment is also investigated in order to evaluate its biodegradation efficiency.
ACC Art Books The Rolling Stones: Icons
"Often, we just see the byline of the photographer next to a picture. In this collection, we now learn insider information about the Rolling Stones from the contributors who carried cameras." — Reader's Digest "On the heels of the Rolling Stones' latest album, "Hackney Diamonds", a new coffee-table book collects rare and never-before seen images of the band." — Airmail Weekly Instagram "Perhaps the most interesting of the crowd is the man on the inside, founding member and bassist Bill Wyman...His photos have rawness and vulnerability. From Keith Richards with the black eye he got from Chuck Berry to Mick Jagger reading the Bible, Wyman’s giving us truth." — Airmail The Rolling Stones: Icons brings together the greatest photographs ever taken of the greatest rock ’n’ roll band of all time. The result is the most important anthology of The Rolling Stones’ images ever compiled, featuring the iconic, the awe inspiring and the surprising. Spanning six heady decades, and countless tours and album covers, this thrilling portfolio features imagery from some of the most eminent names in photography, alongside the photographers’ own memories and reflections. From Terry O’Neill’s images of the young, uncompromising new band taken in Tin Pan Alley, through Michael Brennan’s photos of their creative peak in the '70s, and on to the stadium tours of the 21st-century, as shot by Greg Brennan, The Rolling Stones: Icons captures many of the milestone moments of the band’s remarkable career. Includes photographs by: Terry O’Neill, Michael Ward, Gered Mankowitz, Linda McCartney, Michael Joseph, “Spanish Tony” Sanchez, Dominique Tarlé, Ed Caraeff, Barry Schultz, Al Satterwhite, Michael Brennan, Ken Regan, Brian Aris, Denis O’Regan, Douglas Kirkland, Greg Brennan and founding member, bassist and photographer, Bill Wyman.
Sage Publications Ltd Management Theories for Educational Change
`This is an exceptional book. It tempted me to throw out most of my collected works on the management of change, because the author has somehow succeeded by including almost every aspect of educational change that any practitioner would wish to consider....Overall this is a very stimulating book. It is packed with information and the ideas and concepts contained could pack a school development plan for many years′ - School Leadership and Management The theories and practices from the literature on business, manufacturing and commerce which inform principles for managing change in education are identified in this book.The author shows how the complexity of change can be addressed effectively. One principle of effective management of change is its potential to empower the individuals and organizations, its power to create and operate win/win situations. That can only be done by addressing the human side of organizations. The strength of the business literature is that far from advocating the austere, over-rationalized, dehumanized and objective pursuit of profit at all costs, it suggests that the effective management of change is an affirmation of the humanity of business.
Rowman & Littlefield Best Hikes Houston: The Greatest Views, Wildlife, and Forest Strolls
Who says you have to travel far from home to go on a great hike? In Best Hikes Houston, author Matt Forster details the best hikes within an hour's drive of the greater Houston area perfect for the urban and suburbanite hard-pressed to find great outdoor activities close to home. Each featured hike includes detailed hike specs, a brief hike description, trailhead location, directional cues, and a detailed map.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Bang Bang: My Life in Ink
The celebrity tattoo artist takes fans on a tour through his life and art, combining captivating vignettes and stories with more than one hundred color photos. Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Rita Ora, Cara Delevingne, Rihanna, and many more of the hottest celebrities in the world have been seen on the red carpet, on concert stages, and in magazine spreads wearing stunning ink created by Keith "Bang Bang" McCurdy, the most in-demand tattoo artist in the entertainment world. Bang Bang's work has taken him across the country and around the globe, to any and every locale a celebrity client may request. From Rihanna's controversial gun tattoos, to inking Justin Bieber at 40,000 feet-a record-each of Bang Bang's tattoos comes with its own epic story. Now, this creative genius invites readers along on his adventures, sharing amazing tales from his life and career. Named for the duel guns tattooed on his neck, Bang Bang began his career in his mom's tiny Delaware kitchen. Self-taught, he practiced with a kit from an art store before eventually moving to New York. Over the past decade, Bang Bang's talent and vision propelled his rise into the spotlight, and today, his fresh, accessible aesthetic draws men and women, tattoo vets and novices alike eager to experience his ultra-fluid and realistic designs created with the finest needles and inks. Bang Bang's visual style transcends the cliches of the tattoo world; he creates a truly different form of art. Filled with engaging personal stories and striking photographs that bring his bold, vibrant designs into detail, Bang Bang is a must-have for Bang Bang fans and tattoo lovers everywhere.
Orion Publishing Co Wayward: Just Another Life to Live
'Magical and transporting . . . Wayward proves that Bunyan has lived the best possible life, on her own idiosyncratic terms'Maggie O'Farrell'A gorgeous account of outsiderness and survival: a map of how to live outside the boundaries and of striving for an authentic artistic life. A quietly defiant and moving work' Sinéad Gleeson'An epic in miniature . . . I loved - and lived - every sentence' Benjamin MyersIn 1968, Vashti Bunyan gave up everything and everybody she knew in London to take to the road with a horse, wagon, dog, guitar and her then partner. They made the long journey up to the Outer Hebrides in an odyssey of discovery and heartbreak, full of the joy of freedom and the trudge of everyday reality, sleeping in the woods, fighting freezing winters and homelessness. Along the way, Vashti wrote the songs that would lead to the recording of her 1970's album Just Another Diamond Day, the lilting lyrics and guitar conveying innocent wonder at the world around her, whilst disguising a deeper turmoil under the surface. From an unconventional childhood in post-war London, to a fledgling career in mid-sixties pop - recording a single written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards - to the despair and failure to make any headway with her own songs, she rejected the music world altogether and left it all behind. After retreating to a musical wilderness for thirty years, the rediscovery of her recordings in 2000 brought Vashti a second chance to write, record and perform once more. One of the great hippie myths of the 1960s, Wayward, Just Another Life to Live, rewrites the narrative of a barefoot girl on the road to describe a life lived at full tilt from the first, revealing what it means to change course and her emotional struggle, learning to take back control of her own life.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Basic Guide to Industrial Hygiene
The fourth entry in the Basic Guide series, Basic Guide to Industrial Hygiene is an essential reference for anyone needing an elemental understanding of the growing industrial hygiene field. Written in a highly readable, easy-to-understand style, Basic Guide to Industrial Hygiene explains what industrial hygiene is, how it developed to its present professional level, and how to establish an industrial hygiene program. It also contains related information on such subjects of interest as human anatomy and industrial hazards. If you are a safety professional with limited experience in industrial hygiene, or if you are just beginning a career in industrial hygiene, this book will provide you with a thorough introduction to the fundamentals of this important discipline. This is what the reviewers are saying about Basic Guide to Industrial Hygiene: ".will help someone to understand what industrial hygiene is, what it is about, the nature of the problems that industrial hygiene addresses and the general nature of controls." Roger Brauer, PhD, CSP, PE Technical Director, Board of Certified Safety Professionals "Mr. Vincoli is an excellent writer. His writing style holds your interest." Wesley R. VanPelt, PhD, CHP, CIH President, Wesley VanPett Associates "There is nothing like it in the field. It is needed by both higher education and practicing safety professionals who are being thrown into industrial hygiene things for which they have little preparation. This book lays it out for them."Keith E. Barenklau, PhD, PE, CSP Associate Professor and Program Director, Marshall University About the VNR Basic Guide Series The Van Nostrand Reinhold Basic Guide Series focuses on topics of interest to today's safety, health, and environmental professionals. These manuals promote a quick and easy familiarity with certain subject areas that may be outside the professional's main field but are required knowledge on the job.