Search results for ""author craig""
Magic Cat Publishing The Secret Signs of Nature: How to uncover hidden clues in the sky, water, plants, animals and weather
Meet two young adventurers as they discover the ancient art of reading outdoor clues. Join them as they learn to read a full moon, decode the colour of the ocean and forecast the weather with a rainbow, uncovering the secret signs of nature and a world of forgotten skills. With a foreword from naturalist Steve Backshall.
HarperCollins Publishers Beano Dennis & Gnasher: Battle for Bash Street School (Beano Fiction)
Can a group of ten year old mates (and one scruffy dog) really outwit the most fiendish, cunning teachers in the universe and, after millions of years, finally make school cool?! When mysterious new teachers arrive to lay down the law at notoriously naughty Bash Street School, Dennis, Gnasher and friends finally face a classroom test they simply can’t afford to fail … Dennis and Gnasher are back for another adventure. An adventure story, told with funny pictures …
Guilford Publications Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention
*A hands-on manual for one of the three evidence-based approaches to preventing suicide. *Brief CBT is more intensive than CAMS, and less resource- and time-intensive than DBT. *Empirically supported: BCBT yields a 60% decrease in suicidal behaviors. *Easy to follow, with step-by-step treatment procedures, the book helps clinicians implement the approach rapidly. *Includes sample scripts, vivid cases, troubleshooting tips, and downloadable handouts and forms. *From experienced, respected authorities.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Intellectual Property and Business
The law and economics of intellectual property is attracting increased attention as technological innovation continues to have a major impact on economic growth. This authoritative two-volume set brings together the most significant scholarship on intellectual property. It provides comprehensive coverage, with a mix of theory, empirics and institutional details. The emphasis is on more recent writings, although it also includes some early work that continues to provide the platform for contemporary scholarship.This book will be an essential source of reference for both academics, students and practitioners concerned with this exciting new field of research.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development, Second Edition presents an authoritative and up-to-date overview of research and theory concerning a child's social development from pre-school age to the onset of adolescence. Presents the most up-to-date research and theories on childhood social development Features chapters by an international cast of leaders in their fields Includes comprehensive coverage of a range of disciplinary perspectives Offers all new chapters on children and the environment, cultural influences, history of childhood, interventions, and neuro-psychological perspectives Represents an essential resource for students and researchers of childhood social development
John Wiley & Sons Inc Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader: How You and Your Organization Can Manage Conflict Effectively
The Second Edition of this classic resource on conflict resolution combines research, conceptual models, practitioner experience, and stories that highlight the core conflict competencies. The book underscores the importance for leaders to develop the critical skills they need to help them, their colleagues, and their organizations deal more effectively with conflict and move their organizations forward. This new edition expands on the conflict competence model, includes new tools and techniques, shows how to develop conflict competent teams and organizations, and offers a new online assessment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Disaster Psychiatry: Intervening When Nightmares Come True
Disaster Psychiatry: Intervening When Nightmares Come True captures the state of disaster psychiatry in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This emergent psychiatric specialty, which is increasingly separated from trauma and grief psychiatry on one hand and military psychiatry on the other, provides psychotherapeutic assistance to victims during, and in the weeks and months following, major disasters. As such, disaster psychiatrists must operate in the widely varying locales in which natural and man-made disasters occur, and they must establish their role among the chaotic array of organizations involved in direct disaster response. Editors Anand Pandya and Craig Katz have captured the challenge and promise of disaster psychiatry through first-person narratives. We hear from psychiatrists who have encountered disasters at various stages of their career and in widely varying social, political, and personal contexts. Accounts of psychiatric involvement with adults and children during and after 9/11 have understandable pride of place in this collection. But they are balanced by richly informative narratives about other domestic and international disasters. Fraught with the drama attendant to the events they describe, these essays delineate the dizzying array of challenges that confront the disaster psychiatrist. They range from the intense emotional responses that are part of the aftermath of any disaster, to the need to legitimize a psychiatric presence within diverse cultural and medical contexts, to the subtle task of providing therapeutic boundaries at a time when all rules seem to be suspended. Special attention is given to the daunting task of working with children whose parents' are disaster victims. What emerges from these testimonies is compelling documentation of skilled and compassionate psychiatrists at the outer limits of their specialty, pursuing their calling into uncharted realms of therapeutic engagement.
Pluto Press Data Power: Radical Geographies of Control and Resistance
In recent years, popular media have inundated audiences with sensationalised headlines recounting data breaches, new forms of surveillance and other dangers of our digital age. Despite their regularity, such accounts treat each case as unprecedented and unique. This book proposes a radical rethinking of the history, present and future of our relations with the digital, spatial technologies that increasingly mediate our everyday lives. From smartphones to surveillance cameras, to navigational satellites, these new technologies offer visions of integrated, smooth and efficient societies, even as they directly conflict with the ways users experience them. Recognising the potential for both control and liberation, the authors argue against both acquiescence to and rejection of these technologies. Through intentional use of the very systems that monitor them, activists from Charlottesville to Hong Kong are subverting, resisting and repurposing geographic technologies. Using examples as varied as writings on the first telephones to the experiences of a feminist collective for migrant women in Spain, the authors present a revolution of everyday technologies. In the face of the seemingly inevitable dominance of corporate interests, these technologies allow us to create new spaces of affinity, and a new politics of change.
Columbia University Press Social-Ecological Resilience and Law
Environmental law envisions ecological systems as existing in an equilibrium state, reinforcing a rigid legal framework unable to absorb rapid environmental changes and innovations in sustainability. For the past four decades, "resilience theory," which embraces uncertainty and nonlinear dynamics in complex adaptive systems, has provided a robust, invaluable foundation for sound environmental management. Reforming American law to incorporate this knowledge is the key to sustainability. This volume features top legal and resilience scholars speaking on resilience theory and its legal applications to climate change, biodiversity, national parks, and water law.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cancer: Basic Science and Clinical Aspects
“... Useful background information is displayed in blue boxes, and good use is made of numerous tables and diagrams... a useful book for the undergraduate medical or allied health professional...” –Oncology News, May/June 2010 This forward looking cancer biology book appeals to a wide ranging audience. Introductory chapters that provide the molecular, cellular, and genetic information needed to comprehend the material of the subsequent chapters bring unprepared students up to speed for the rest of the book and serve as a useful refresher for those with previous biology background. The second set of chapters focuses on the main cancers in terms of risk factors, diagnostic and treatment methods and relevant current research. The final section encompasses the immune system’s role in the prevention and development of cancer and the impact that the Human Genome Project will have on future approaches to cancer care. While best suited to non-majors cancer biology courses, the depth provided satisfies courses that combine both majors and non-majors. Also, and deliberately, the authors have incorporated relevant information on diagnosis and treatment options that lend appeal to the lay reader.
HarperCollins Publishers National 5 English: Preparation and Support for SQA Exams (Leckie Complete Revision & Practice)
Exam Board: SQA Level: National 5 Subject: English Two books in one! Combining a revision guide and a full set of practice test papers, this fantastic resource is all you need to revise for the exam. The revision guide• Covers all of the topics in the CfE National 5 English curriculum, broken down into manageable chunks for easy revision• Clearly explains key concepts, research evidence and real-life applications• Contains Quick Tests to let students check their knowledge and understanding as they go along The practice test papers• Are in the format and the style of the SQA exam, giving students an opportunity to practice taking the National 5 English exam• Marking instructions and sample answers are provided online, so students can check their progress
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Manual of Valvular Heart Disease
Portable and clinically oriented, this full-color handbook is a unique and timely guide to valvular heart disease and percutaneous coronary interventions. A structured, standardized format helps you quickly find the information you need, while numerous illustrations and videos online provide visual support for key concepts and procedures.Key Features: Numerous tables, diagrams, and images highlight concepts, procedures, and devices related to valvular heart disease. Structured outline format lists landmark articles, key reviews, and relevant book chapters at the end of each chapter. Online chapter self-assessment questions and answers allow you to self-test and review key concepts. Authored by current or former Cleveland Clinic trainees and clinicians, as well as international experts in the field. Ideal for interventional cardiologists, fellows, cardiothoracic surgeons, anesthesiologists, cardiac technicians, sonographers, nurses, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options offer the ability to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Nova Science Publishers Inc To Build an Afghan Nation
Nova Science Publishers Inc Intubation: Preparation, Procedures & Complications
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Athenian Agora: Site Guide (fifth edition)
This definitive guide to the archaeological remains in the civic and commercial centre of ancient Athens is an essential companion to the interested visitor, as well as to students of the topography of the classical city. A large-scale map provides an overview of the site, keyed to descriptions and plans of every monument still visible from the majestic Temple of Hephaistos to the utilitarian Great Drain. The fifth edition retains many of the elements that made the earlier editions so popular, but also takes full account of new discoveries and recent scholarship. It is intended for visitors touring the site, and is arranged topographically, monument by monument. Also included are an overview of the historical development of the site and a history of the excavations. A companion guide to the Agora Museum in the Stoa of Attalos is also available (The Athenian Agora: Museum Guide, by Laura Gawlinski, 2014).
Brookings Institution Behavioral Science & Policy, Volume 4, Number 1
Grupo Nelson Eres extraordinario Bilingüe
En Eres extraordinario, Craig y Samantha Johnson le dicen a cada niño que Dios tiene un propósito para su vida, que es amado y que es extraordinario. Este libro es un hermoso mensaje para los niños, especialmente aquellos con necesidades especiales, problemas de salud u otras diferencias.
PCCS Books This is Madness: A Critical Look at Psychiatry and the Future of Mental Health Services
This is Madness examines the past, present and possible future of the British mental health system. In this volume, users of services, professionals and academics come together to explore the roles and practices of the mental health service, its place within society and the experiences of those in the system. In eighteen chapters the authors discuss the history of psychiatry, the validity of diagnostic systems and the value of traditional medical and alternative approaches to emotional distress and crisis. Recent changes in mental health legislation and their likely impact on the future shape of mental health services are presented in a way accessible to lay readers, students and mental health practitioners alike. This book will be an invaluable resource for all those involved with, or training for a career in mental health services.
CSIRO Publishing The Gold Coast Transformed: From Wilderness to Urban Ecosystem
The Gold Coast is Australia's premier tourism destination, a city cut out of coastal vegetation, including paperbark swamps, mangroves and rainforests of worldwide significance. The Gold Coast Transformed is a collection of integrated chapters identifying and assessing the environmental impacts of the building of Australia's sixth largest city. It traces the cumulative impacts from the day the first timber-getter entered what is now World Heritage-listed rainforest through to the present.The city's natural and engineered environments are both fascinating and vulnerable. The construction of massive high-rise apartment blocks, on what were frontal beach dunes, is one of the fundamental mistakes not to be repeated. The book illustrates how and why major environmentally destructive development took place and discusses the impacts of such development on the Gold Coast's beaches, wildlife, and terrestrial and marine environments, such as the destruction of riparian mangrove forest.The Gold Coast Transformed also shows the possibility of sustaining natural populations and reducing the city's ecological footprint. It will be of interest to ecologists, environmental scientists and managers, town planners, economists, policy-makers and the general public.
Aladdin Paperbacks Cronus and the Threads of Dread: Volume 8
Simon & Schuster Ares and the Spear of Fear
Aladdin Paperbacks Hyperion and the Great Balls of Fire, 4
Aladdin Paperbacks Zeus and the Thunderbolt of Doom
Aladdin Paperbacks Hades and the Helm of Darkness, 3
John Wiley and Sons Ltd India: Continuity and Change in the Twenty-First Century
India has been catapulted to the centre of world attention. Its rapidly growing economy, new geo-political confidence, and global cultural influence have ensured that people across the world recognise India as one of the main sites of social dynamism in the early twenty-first century. In this book, research leaders John Harriss, Craig Jeffrey and Trent Brown explore in depth the economic, social, and political changes occurring in India today, and their implications for the people of India and the world. Each of the book’s fourteen chapters seeks to answer a key question: Is India’s democracy under threat? Can India’s Growth be sustained? How are youth changing India? Drawing on a wealth of scholarly and popular material as well as their own experience researching the country during this period of major transformation, the authors draw the reader into key debates about economic growth, poverty, environmental justice, the character of Indian democracy, rights and social movements, gender, caste, education, and foreign policy. India, they conclude, has undergone some extraordinary and positive changes since the early 1990s but deeply worrying threats remain: increasing authoritarianism, growing inequality, entrenched poverty, and environmental vulnerability. How India responds to these crucial challenges will shape the world’s largest democracy for years to come.
Marvel Comics New Warriors Classic Omnibus Vol. 2
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Contemporary Sociological Theory
The new edition of the definitive undergraduate guide to contemporary sociological theory, with updated reading selections throughout The fourth edition of Contemporary Sociological Theory offers a thorough introduction to current perspectives and approaches in sociology and social science. Covering a broad range of essential topics, this comprehensive volume provides students with the foundation necessary for understanding the theoretical underpinnings of present-day debates in the diverse field. In-depth yet accessible readings address micro-sociological analysis, symbolic interactionism, network theory, phenomenology, critical theory, structuralism, feminist theory, and more. This classic text is fully revised to incorporate the most representative and up-to-date material, including new readings addressing debates on gender, power, and inequality. New editorial introductions clarify and contextualize the selected readings, while up-to-date examples highlight connections to today’s theoretical discussions. This authoritative survey of contemporary sociological theory: Presents substantial primary source texts with detailed introductions, rather than brief excerpts and basic overviews Examines the sociological theories of Foucault, Giddens, Bourdieu, and Habermas Discusses debates over modernity and postmodernity, crisis and change, and race and difference Provides historical and intellectual perspective to each selected reading in the book Includes extensive references to further readings and resources Contemporary Sociological Theory, Fourth Edition provides the depth of coverage students require for undergraduate courses in social and sociological theory as well as courses in wider social science programs such as human geography, anthropology, criminology, and urban studies. In combination with its complement Classical Sociological Theory, Fourth Edition, Contemporary Sociological Theory remains the most complete overview of sociological theory available.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives
This volume presents the best critical appraisal of Bourdieu's work currently available. It raises a variety of crucial theoretical questions that are important to understanding Bourdieu and includes an essay by Bourdieu in reply to his critics.
University of California Press Beyond Recognition: Representation, Power, and Culture
Perhaps more than any other recent writer, Craig Owens explored the relations among the discourses of contemporary art, sexuality, and power. His familiarity with the New York art world and its practitioners in the 1970's and 1980's makes his writing an unparalleled guide to one of the most riveting periods of contemporary culture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mathematics and Science for Exercise and Sport: The Basics
Mathematics and Science for Sport and Exercise introduces students to the basic mathematical and scientific principles underpinning sport and exercise science. It is an invaluable course companion for students who have little prior experience of maths or science, and an ideal revision aid for higher level undergraduate students.The book explains the basic scientific principles that help us to understand sport, exercise and human movement, using a wide range of well-illustrated practical examples. Written by three leading sport scientists with many years experience teaching introductory courses, the book guides beginning students through those difficult to grasp areas of basic maths and science, and identifies the common problems and misconceptions that students often experience. It includes coverage of key areas such as: science of physical states – gas, liquid and solid science of biomechanics, motion and energy mathematical formulae, calculus, and differential equations statistics scientific report writing key concepts such as pressure, torque and velocity self-test features and highlighted key points throughout each chapter. Fully referenced, with guides to further reading, this book is an essential companion for all students on foundation or undergraduate level courses in sport and exercise science, kinesiology, and the human movement sciences.
Columbia University Press The Columbia Guide to South African Literature in English Since 1945
From the outset, South Africa's history has been marked by division and conflict along racial and ethnic lines. From 1948 until 1994, this division was formalized in the National Party's policy of apartheid. Because apartheid intruded on every aspect of private and public life, South African literature was preoccupied with the politics of race and social engineering. Since the release from prison of Nelson Mandela in 1990, South Africa has been a new nation-in-the-making, inspired by a nonracial idealism yet beset by poverty and violence. South African writers have responded in various ways to Njabulo Ndebele's call to "rediscover the ordinary." The result has been a kaleidoscope of texts in which evolving cultural forms and modes of identity are rearticulated and explored. An invaluable guide for general readers as well as scholars of African literary history, this comprehensive text celebrates the multiple traditions and exciting future of the South African voice. Although the South African Constitution of 1994 recognizes no fewer than eleven official languages, English has remained the country's literary lingua franca. This book offers a narrative overview of South African literary production in English from 1945 to the postapartheid present. An introduction identifies the most interesting and noteworthy writing from the period. Alphabetical entries provide accurate and objective information on genres and writers. An appendix lists essential authors published before 1945.
HarperCollins Publishers Beano The Day The Teachers Disappeared (Beano Fiction)
Join Dennis, Gnasher and all of the Beanotown kids, and discover what it’s like to become a Bash Street Kid on the best school day ever! It’s your first day at Bash Street School and there’s something strange going on. No, it’s not the boy in a red-and-black jumper carrying a dog as if it were a backpack. Where are the teachers?! In this epic new Beanotown adventure, YOU are the main character. Choose which direction you’d like the story to go in and discover what it truly means to become a Bash Street Kid.
HarperCollins Publishers Primary Maths for Scotland Textbook 2B: For Curriculum for Excellence Primary Maths (Primary Maths for Scotland)
Primary Maths for Scotland Textbook 2B is the second of 3 second level textbooks. These engaging and pedagogically rigorous books are the first maths textbooks for Scotland completely aligned to the benchmarks and written specifically to support Scottish children in mastering mathematics at their own pace. Primary Maths for Scotland Textbook 2B is the second of 3 second level textbooks. The books are clear and simple with a focus on developing conceptual understanding alongside procedural fluency. They cover the entire second level mathematics Curriculum for Excellence in an easy-to-use set of textbooks which can fit in with teacher’s existing planning, resources and scheme of work.- Packed with problem-solving, investigations and challenging problems- Diagnostic check lists at the start of each unit ensure that pupils possess the required pre-requisite knowledge to engage on the unit of work- Worked examples and non-examples help pupils fully understand mathematical concepts- Includes intelligent practice that reinforces pupils’ procedural fluency
HarperCollins Publishers Primary Maths for Scotland Textbook 1B: For Curriculum for Excellence Primary Maths (Primary Maths for Scotland)
Primary Maths for Scotland Textbook 1B is the second of 3 first level textbooks. These engaging and pedagogically rigorous books are the first maths textbooks for Scotland completely aligned to the benchmarks and written specifically to support Scottish children in mastering mathematics at their own pace. Primary Maths for Scotland Textbook 1B is the second of 3 first level textbooks. The books are clear and simple with a focus on developing conceptual understanding alongside procedural fluency. They cover the entire first level mathematics Curriculum for Excellence in an easy-to-use set of textbooks which can fit in with teacher’s existing planning, resources and scheme of work.- Packed with problem-solving, investigations and challenging problems- Diagnostic check lists at the start of each unit ensure that pupils possess the required pre-requisite knowledge to engage on the unit of work- Worked examples and non-examples help pupils fully understand mathematical concepts- Includes intelligent practice that reinforces pupils’ procedural fluency
HarperCollins Publishers National 3/4 Applications of Maths: Comprehensive textbook for the CfE (Leckie Student Book)
Exam Board: SQALevel: N3/4Subject: Maths The National 3/4 Maths Lifeskills Student Book provides teachers and students with comprehensive guidance for the entire CfE course. Student Books give a practical, supportive approach to help deliver the new curriculum and offer a blend of sound teaching and learning with assessment guidance. Full coverage of National 3/4 course specifications with list of learning intentions Attractive layout with clear text features Key questions highlight crucial concepts and techniques that need to be grasped by students in order to progress to the next learning intention
Patagonia Books Simple Fly Fishing (Revised Second Edition)
When it comes to fly fishing, simpler is better. Modern-day fly fishing, like much in life, has become exceedingly complex, with high-tech gear, a confusing array of flies and terminal tackle, accompanied by high-priced fishing guides. This book reveals that the best way to catch trout is simply, with a rod and a fly and not much else. The wisdom in this book comes from a simpler time, when the premise was: the more you know, the less you need. It teaches the reader how to discover where the fish are, at what depth, and what they are feeding on. Then it describes the techniques needed to present a fly at that depth, make it look lifelike, and hook the fish. With chapters on wet flies, nymphs, and dry flies, its authors employ both the tenkara rod as well as regular fly fishing gear to cover all the bases. Illustrated by renowned fish artist James Prosek, with inspiring photographs and stories throughout, Simple Fly Fishing reveals the secrets and the soul of this captivating sport. Winner, Guidebooks, Banff Mountain Book Competition 2014
Metropolitan Museum of Art Play It Loud: Instruments of Rock & Roll
A brash and dazzling celebration of the instruments that created the sounds of rock and roll from the 1940s to the present dayPlay It Loud celebrates the musical instruments that gave rock and roll its signature sound—from Louis Jordan’s alto saxophone and John Lennon’s Rickenbacker to the drum set owned by Metallica’s Lars Ulrich, Lady Gaga’s keytar, and beyond. Seven engrossing essays by veteran music journalists and scholars discuss the technical developments that fostered rock’s seductive riffs and driving rhythms, the thrilling innovations musicians have devised to achieve unique effects, and the visual impact their instruments have had. Abundant photographs depict rock’s most iconic instruments—including Jerry Lee Lewis’s baby grand piano, Chuck Berry’s Gibson ES-350T guitar, Bootsy Collins’s star-shaped bass, Keith Moon’s drum set, and the white Stratocaster Jimi Hendrix played at Woodstock—as works of art in their own right. Produced in collaboration with the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, this astounding book goes behind the music to offer a rare and in-depth look at the instruments that inspired the musicians and made possible the songs we know and love.Published by The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Distributed by Yale University PressExhibition Schedule:The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (04/08/19–09/15/19)The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland (11/20/19–09/13/20)
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Classical Sociological Theory
A world-class introduction to the historical and continuing impact of classical theory on sociological debate The latest edition of Classical Sociological Theory offers students a definitive guide to the theoretical foundations of sociology and the continuing impact of the ideas explored by early theorists, including Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Mead, Simmel, Freud, Du Bois, Adorno, Marcuse, Parsons, and Merton. The prestigious editors have integrated several readings on the most influential theories arising out of the Enlightenment era and the work of de Tocqueville. Readers are introduced to seminal works in classical sociological theory by way of editorial introductions that lend historical and intellectual perspective to the included readings. The readings themselves have been selected based on their combinations of theoretical sophistication and accessibility. From analyses of self and society to examinations of critical theory and structural-functional analysis, Classical Sociological Theory remains the gold standard in classical theory readers. The Fourth Edition of this widely taught book includes: Selections that trace the history of classical sociological theory, from its undisciplined roots to its modern influence on contemporary sociological debate Readings describing the “pre-history” of sociology, including ideas from the Enlightenment and de Tocqueville Editorial introductions that place selected works firmly in their intellectual, philosophical, and historical contexts for the benefit of the student A distinguished and scholarly team of editors with a wide and deep range of expertise Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students of social and sociological theory, Classical Sociological Theory is also a thought-provoking resource ideal for use in courses taught in human geography, anthropology, criminology, and urban studies programs.
Baker Publishing Group The Mission of the Church – Five Views in Conversation
Leading Voices from across Christian Traditions Discuss the Mission of the Church What is the mission of the church? Every seminarian and church leader must wrestle with that question. No matter what designation a church uses to describe itself, it must also think critically about why it exists and what it should be doing. In this book, five leading voices representing a range of Christian traditions engage in an enlightening conversation as they present and compare their perspectives on the mission of the church. Each contributor offers his or her view and responds to the other four views. Contributors include Stephen B. Bevans, Darrell L. Guder, Ruth Padilla DeBorst, Edward Rommen, and Ed Stetzer. The book's format is ideal for classroom use and will also benefit pastors and church leaders.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Developmental Juvenile Osteology
Developmental Juvenile Osteology was created as a core reference text to document the development of the entire human skeleton from early embryonic life to adulthood. In the period since its first publication there has been a resurgence of interest in the developing skeleton, and the second edition of Developmental Juvenile Osteology incorporates much of the key literature that has been published in the intervening time. The main core of the text persists by describing each individual component of the human skeleton from its embryological origin through to its final adult form. This systematic approach has been shown to assist the processes of both identification and age estimation and acts as a core source for the basic understanding of normal human skeletal development. In addition to this core, new sections have been added where there have been significant advances in the field.
HarperCollins Publishers Primary Maths for Scotland First Level Problem Solving Pack: For Curriculum for Excellence Primary Maths (Primary Maths for Scotland)
The Problem Solving Pack supports teachers in developing children’s problem solving skills within the 1st level numeracy and mathematics Curriculum for Excellence. It is a flexible resource which can be used to teach problem solving strategies and provides a ready-made bank of rich problem-solving activities for children working within 1st level. Each photocopiable Problem Solving Pack contains:· Comprehensive introduction· Problem solving and reasoning teaching strategies· Bank of problem solving activities· Resource sheets (online) This Problem Solving Pack:• Is written to the Scottish curriculum and linked to benchmarks• Focuses on the development of the skills rather than teaching the content• Gives teachers the tools to teach problem solving skills to their children• Supports the mastery approach to have all children working on the same topic at the same time• Allows flexibility for children working at different levels within a topic, by providing support and extension options where required• Can be used independently or as part of the Primary Maths for Scotland programme
Simon & Schuster Counting the Cost
For the first time, discover the unedited truth about the Duggars, the traditional Christian family that captivated the nation on TLC’s hit show 19 Kids and Counting. Jill Duggar and her husband Derick are finally ready to share their story, revealing the secrets, manipulation, and intimidation behind the show that remained hidden from their fans.Jill and Derick knew a normal life wasn’t possible for them. As a star on the popular TLC reality show 19 Kids and Counting, Jill grew up in front of viewers who were fascinated by her family’s way of life. She was the responsible, second daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle’s nineteen kids; always with a baby on her hip and happy to wear the modest ankle-length dresses with throat-high necklines. She didn’t protest the strict model of patriarchy that her family followed, which declares that men are superior, that women are expected to be wives and mothers and are discouraged from attaining a higher education, and that parental authority over their children continues well into adulthood, even once they are married.But as Jill got older, married Derick, and they embarked on their own lives, the red flags became too obvious to ignore.For as long as they could, Jill and Derick tried to be obedient family members—they weren’t willing to rock the boat. But now they’re raising a family of their own, and they’re done with the secrets. Thanks to time, tears, therapy, and blessings from God, they have the strength to share their journey. Theirs is a remarkable story of the power of the truth and is a moving example of how to find healing through honesty.
Bristol University Press What Works in Improving Gender Equality: International Best Practice in Childcare and Long-term Care Policy
Publishing rationale • A topical short which fits with our existing list • Draws on original and international ESRC research • Written by respected authors with a clear vision for the project • Has a clear focus on what works and policy recommendations Unique selling point: This is the only book that provides accessible information on international best practice in childcare and longterm care, and discusses what works and why in achieving gender equality and how it can be applied elsewhere
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Strategic Management: Strategists at Work
Focusing on the practicalities of developing business strategy, this textbook provides an intuitive approach to developing a strategic plan. The authors share what they have learned through two decades of strategy work with a myriad of organisations, presenting theory and delivering key insights into the strategist's role. The authors demonstrate their unique Strategy Cycle approach, which combines strategic logic (in the form of detailed plans) with the aesthetic, creative and interpretive process of bringing a strategy to life by storytelling. They examine familiar planning tools to identify where value truly lies, while introducing new ideas and methods, culminating in a simple and succinct 10-component strategy. Visit the authors' website at
Baker Publishing Group The Character of Christian Scripture – The Significance of a Two–Testament Bible
The early church received the Scriptures of Israel as Christian Scriptures and did not change them. The older testament was received as a witness to God, and when a newer testament emerged, the older was not dismissed, harmonized, or edited. Rather, the church moved forward with a two-testament witness. Christopher Seitz, an internationally renowned expert in canonical interpretation, illuminates the two-testament character of Scripture and its significance for the contemporary church. He interacts critically with current interest in the New Testament's use of the Old Testament and addresses an issue of perennial concern: how to hear both testaments as Christian witness.
Ecliptic Publishing Relevant Selling: Research Proves Customers Value More Than Just Price