Search results for ""People""
Penguin Books Ltd Only Dull People Are Brilliant at Breakfast
'It would be unfair to expect other people to be as remarkable as oneself'Wilde's celebrated witticisms on the dangers of sincerity, duplicitous biographers, the stupidity of the English - and his own genius. One of 46 new books in the bestselling Little Black Classics series, to celebrate the first ever Penguin Classic in 1946. Each book gives readers a taste of the Classics' huge range and diversity, with works from around the world and across the centuries - including fables, decadence, heartbreak, tall tales, satire, ghosts, battles and elephants.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Beyond Work: How Accomplished People Retire Successfully
Silences the worry financially successful people have over retirement while offering them exciting new ways to think about and plan for a life after work Moving beyond the world of work can be an anxious, fearful time for accomplished professionals fraught with uncertainty and indecision. Do I have enough money to live the life I want? Will I be healthy and able to manage any health problems that arise so that I can live the life I want? Will I be lonely? What kind of life do I want to live? These are the pressing questions they ask themselves and seek answers for. Yet most books on retirement focus mainly on the financial aspects of life after work, offering little of value to those who are financially secure. Beyond Work was written for accomplished people who feel financially secure enough to retire, but who are at a loss when it comes to planning their futures. It gives them the tools to think about all the other important aspects of retirement, so they can make a successful transition to and find meaning and satisfaction in retirement. Explores the four challenges that must be met in order to have a fulfilling retirement: financial, physical, social, and personal Packed with inspiring and instructive real-life retirement stories and practical tools that assist readers in making the transition to life after work
Little, Brown Book Group The Five People You Meet In Heaven
THE INSPIRATIONAL CLASSIC FROM THE MASTER STORYTELLER WHOSE BOOKS HAVE TOUCHED THE HEARTS OF OVER 40 MILLION READERS'Mitch Albom sees the magical in the ordinary' Cecilia Ahern_________To his mind, Eddie has lived an uninspiring life. Now an old man, his job is to fix rides at a seaside amusement park.On his eighty-third birthday, Eddie's time on earth comes to an end. When a cart falls from the fairground, he rushes to save a little girl's life and tragically dies in the attempt. When Eddie awakens, he learns that the afterlife is not a destination, but a place where your existence is explained to you by five people - some of whom you knew, others who were ostensibly strangers.One by one, from childhood to soldier to old age, five individuals revisit their connections to Eddie on earth, illuminating the mysteries of his 'meaningless' life and revealing the haunting secret behind the eternal question: 'Why was I here?'__________WHAT READERS SAY ABOUT THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN'Breathtakingly beautiful. A story that will stay with you forever''A beautiful and flawlessly choreographed book . . . No other book may ever compare''One of my favourite books . . . Wonderful, inspirational, and heart-warming! To me, it is a MUST READ!'The book is beyond words . . . Well written, engaging, poignant''This really is a wonderful book. You should read it'
Cornell University Press When Bad Things Happen to Rich People
When Bad Things Happen to Rich People is a novel of social satire, a black comedy set in Chicago in the summer of 1995. The novel's protagonist, Nix Walters, is an adjunct instructor of English at a communications college in the loop with few prospects for advancement. He had become a literary punch line when his novel, touted as the next big literary phenomenon, was universally panned by critics. He and his pregnant wife, Flora, are struggling financially; however, their fortunes change when Nix is asked to ghostwrite the memoirs of publishing magnate Zira Fontaine. While grateful for a lavish author fee, Nix quickly finds his marriage, his career, and his sense of identity threatened as he struggles with a difficult subject, navigates office intrigue of Fontaine's corporation, and faces impending fatherhood. These tensions come to a turbulent climax when a brutal heat wave hits the city. Written in the spirit of great naturalist novelists of the previous century, such as Dreiser, Norris, and Crane, with a black comic twist, Morris's first novel is a study in aspiration and self-deception in the face of unforeseen adversity. Set among the broad lawns of Lake Forest where the domestic staff skim leaves from the pool and the sweltering streets of Chicago's pre-gentrified Wicker Park neighborhood, where children plunge into the raging stream of open fire hydrants, When Bad Things Happen to Rich People is a broad panorama of our current social reality.
PublicAffairs,U.S. Never Alone: Prison, Politics, and My People
A classic account of courage, integrity and most of all, belonging.In 1977, after serving as a leading activist for the democratic dissident movement in the Soviet Union and the movement for free Jewish emigration from there, Natan Sharansky was arrested. He spent nine years as a political prisoner, convicted of treason against the state. In fact, Sharansky was fighting for individual freedom in the face of overt tyranny, a struggle that would come to define the rest of his life. In Never Alone, Natan Sharansky and historian Gil Troy show how Sharansky's years in prison, many spent in harsh solitary confinement, prepared him for a very public life after his release. As an Israeli politician and the head of the Jewish Agency, Sharansky brought extraordinary moral clarity and uncompromising, often uncomfortable, honesty. Never a follower of tradition for tradition's sake, or someone who placed expediency or convenience ahead of consistent values, Sharansky was an often awkward political colleague but always visionary in his appreciation of where the real threats to freedom lay. Never Alone is suffused with reflections from his time as a political prisoner, from his seat at the table as history unfolded in Israel and the Middle East, along with his passionate efforts to unite the Jewish people.Written with frankness, affection, and humor, the book offers us profound insights from a man who embraced the essential human struggle: to find his own voice when it was denied him, his own faith and the people to whom he could belong.
Roaring Brook Press Why the People: The Case for Democracy
Is democracy still the best form of government? Does it ever work like it's supposed to? In the middle of an airport, while waiting for a flight, Julie and Lin wonder aloud how America can ever be a democracy when citizens seem to disagree over everything. From there, the reader is whisked through political history, as Julie and Lin explain the differences between systems of power, including monarchy, theocracy, dictatorship, and oligarchy. In this witty and well-argued political graphic novel, Beka Feathers and Ally Shwed shed light on how democracy works, what makes it more effective, and the way it truly gives power to the people as long as we choose to wield it.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Toolbox Führungskompetenz: People Management in der Praxis
Das Buch von Uwe Reiner-Kolouch liefert eine Sammlung alltagserprobter Tools, die man tagtäglich als Führungskraft benötigt, um Einzelpersonen oder Teams zu führen. Die hier aufgeführten Modelle sollen den Führungskräften helfen, zu besseren Entscheidungen in ihrer Führungsarbeit zu kommen. Die Modelle bieten unbekannte Perspektiven auf bekannte Situationen, aus denen die Führungskraft eine alltägliche und oft gewohnte Führungssituation anders betrachten und damit zu neuen Lösungsansätzen kommen kann. Das Besondere: Das Buch setzt den Fokus nicht auf die wissenschaftliche Erklärung von Führungsmodellen und -konzepten. Die hier gezeigten Modelle und Konzepte haben sich allesamt in der praktischen Führungsarbeit vieler Führungskräfte bewährt. Sie sind erprobt und machen Führungskräfte im Selbst-Management und People Management erfolgreich. Mit ihnen erreichen Führungskräfte und ihre Teams im operativen Management ihre Ziele.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd A Postcolonial People: South Asians in Britain
"A Postcolonial People" is a lively, critical survey of contemporary South Asian Britain that fills a conspicuous gap in the literature. This specially commissioned book combines conceptually innovative analysis with empirically rich studies to map out the diversity of the British Asian way of life. The migration and settlement of South Asians in large numbers in Britain is examined in the context of the postcolonial condition, in which boundaries between the West and Rest, centre and periphery, home and abroad are increasingly blurred. The contributors provide both fresh insights and vital information on the Asian British experience in its socio-economic, historical and cultural dimensions. The topics covered include: identity, the transformation of urban space, policing, healthcare, electoral politics, music, British Asian theatre and cinema.
Signal Books Ltd The Portuguese: A Portrait of a People
Portugal is an established member of the European Union, one of the founders of the euro currency and a founder member of NATO. Yet it is an inconspicuous and largely overlooked country on the continent s south-west rim. Barry Hatton shines a light on this enigmatic corner of Europe by blending historical analysis with entertaining personal anecdotes. He describes the idiosyncracies that make the Portuguese unique and surveys the eventful path that brought them to where they are today. In the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Age of Discovery the Portuguese led Europe out of the Mediterranean into the Atlantic and they brought Asia and Europe together. Evidence of their one-time four-continent empire can still be felt, not least in the Portuguese language which is spoken by more than 220 million people from Brazil, across parts of Africa to Asia. Analyzing present-day society and culture, The Portuguese also considers the nation s often tumultuous past. The 1755 Lisbon earthquake was one of Europe's greatest natural disasters, strongly influencing continental thought and heralding Portugal's extended decline. The Portuguese also weathered Europe's longest dictatorship under twentieth-century ruler Antonio Salazar. A 1974 military coup, called the Carnation Revolution, placed the Portuguese at the centre of Cold War attentions. Portugal's quirky relationship with Spain, and with its oldest ally England, is also scrutinized. Portugal, which claims Europe's oldest fixed borders, measures just 561 by 218 kilometres . Within that space, however, it offers a patchwork of widely differing and beautiful landscapes. With an easygoing and seductive lifestyle expressed most fully in their love of food, the Portuguese also have an anarchical streak evident in many facets of contemporary life. A veteran journalist and commentator on Portugal, the author paints an intimate portrait of a fascinating and at times contradictory country and its people.
Bodleian Library Women & Hats: Vintage People of Photo Postcards
To celebrate the acquisition of the Tom Phillips archive, the Bodleian Library has asked the artist to assemble and design a series of books drawing on his themed collection of over 50,000 photographic postcards. These encompass the first half of the twentieth century, a period in which, thanks to the ever cheaper medium of photography, ‘ordinary’ people could afford to own their portraits. Women in Hats explores the remarkable range in the world of millinery from outrageous Edwardian creations to the inventive austerities of the Second World War. This book contains 200 images chosen with the eye of a leading artist from a visually rich vein of social history. Their covers will also feature a thematically linked painting, especially created for each title, from Tom Phillips’ signature work, A Humument.
Sage Publications Ltd Social Work with Disadvantaged and Marginalised People
Social workers, whatever their specialism, practise with people at the margins of society. It is therefore essential that all social work students not only understand the powers and processes that lead to disadvantage and marginalisation but develop the knowledge and skills needed to bring about change and uphold social justice in all aspects of their professional practice. Split into three parts, this book considers what is meant by disadvantage and marginalisation, how this can come about and the impact this may have on lives, before unpicking the key knowledge and skills needed to practice effectively with individuals and groups. It then goes on to show what good ethical and reflective practice looks like, going step-by-step through the ins and outs of using the law and policy to bring about change before considering key ethical dilemmas in practice.
HarperCollins Publishers 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do
From Amy Morin, author of “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do”, the article that went viral and garnered million views in two weeks, comes the ultimate how-to guide to overcome the obstacles getting in the way of a fabulous, more fulfilling and happier life. Morin knows that of which she speaks. At just 26, while working as a Psychologist and therapist, Morin’s husband died suddenly. Inwardly reeling, she realised what pitfalls she didn’t want to succumb to: self-pity, a sense of entitlement and resentment. In the ten years since then, she’s refined these principles and worked on them with countless patients. The results are impressive. In this book, we learn to identify the 13 common habits that hold us back in life, and how to avoid them. We go to the gym to build up our physical muscles, but we haven’t yet thought about mental strength: the real key to a more productive and meaningful life. This revolutionary book shows you how.
Paulist Press International,U.S. Rebellious Saints: Inspiring Stories for Young People
Twenty-two saints are arranged by their Feast Day from January through December, with up to three saints in a given month. Each saint's distinctive sense of call, service, and mission is described in the first person. A story or two for each highlights the service for which they are known or what they have come to represent in the way of help for believers. Rounding out each one's first-person account is a block of text set off from the rest. This is apart from the saint's own telling and is rather something related to the saint's story: some lesson to derive that is both of historical and spiritual importance. The glossary at the end of the book is in alphabetical order by saint name and gives for each: birthdate, remembrance day, patronages, attributes, name meaning, and other points of interest.The book is appealing for its clear and frank telling of the stories of these saints who fit the profile of going against accepted social mores and fighting injustice clearly at odds with sharing God's love among people.Twenty-two saints tell their own exciting stories of how they the love for God and the desire for truth took them places they never expected to go and empowered them to do remarkable, sometimes very quirky, things.The saints are arranged by their celebrations on the church calendar, from January through December. Each saint's distinctive sense of call, service, and mission is described in the first person. A story or two for each highlights the service for which they are known or what they have come to represent. This is a clear and honest retelling of the stories of saints who have gone against the accepted customs of their time and place in order to share God's love with others.Christian Linker studied theology, but has been working for many years as a successful and award-winning author of books for young people. He lives with his family in Leverkusen, Germany. Julia Dürr is an award-winning artist who studied in both Munster and Brussels. Since 2013 she has been based in Berlin where she works as a freelance illustrator.†
Guilford Publications Latin America, Second Edition: Regions and People
Popular among students for its engaging, accessible style, this text provides an authoritative overview of Latin America's human geography as well as its regional complexity. Extensively revised to reflect the region's ongoing evolution in the first decades of the 21st century, the second edition's alternating thematic and regional chapters trace Latin America's historical development while revealing the diversity of its people and places. Coverage encompasses cultural history, environment and physical geography, urban development, agriculture and land use, social and economic processes, and the contemporary patterns of the Latin American diaspora. Pedagogical features include vivid topical vignettes, end-of-chapter recommended readings and other resources, and 217 photographs, maps, and figures. New to This Edition *Discussions of climate change and its impacts, the demise of the Monroe doctrine, neoliberal agriculture, the growing influence of Chinese investment, and other new topics. *13 new vignettes highlighting current issues such as the thaw in United States-Cuba relations, drug violence in Mexico, aerial gondolas in the Andes, and the first Latin pope. *Annotated website and film recommendations for most chapters. *The latest development trends, population and economic data, and current events of local and global significance. *26 new photographs, maps, and figures.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Jews: The Making of a Diaspora People
This book is a comprehensive account of how the Jews became a diaspora people. The term 'diaspora' was first applied exclusively to the early history of the Jews as they began settling in scattered colonies outside of Israel-Judea during the time of the Babylonian exile; it has come to express the characteristic uniqueness of the Jewish historical experience. Zeitlin retraces the history of the Jewish diaspora from the ancient world to the present, beginning with expulsion from their ancestral homeland and concluding with the Holocaust and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In mapping this process, Zeitlin argues that the Jews' religious self-understanding was crucial in enabling them to cope with the serious and recurring challenges they have had to face throughout their history. He analyses the varied reactions the Jews encountered from their so-called 'host peoples', paying special attention to the attitudes of famous thinkers such as Luther, Hegel, Nietzsche, Wagner, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, the Left Hegelians, Marx and others, who didn't shy away from making explicit their opinions of the Jews. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Jewish studies, diaspora studies, history and religion, as well as to general readers keen to learn more about the history of the Jewish experience.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Futurekind: Design by and for the People
We have grown accustomed to two beliefs: the first, that only experts can be designers; the second, that our everyday activities are harming the natural world. Yet, with new platforms, digital communication and engaged online communities, the products we can now design – and truly need – can be made by anyone for social and environmental good. Social design can see that primary school children learn to code, and uses local information in off-grid locations to create global change. Open-source design is enabling us to re-make our world right now. Structured into eight areas of application, from healthcare to education, this book showcases over sixty projects – not the kind you see in glossy magazines or online, but the ones that have made a genuine difference to communities and lives around the world. Rather than being client-driven, as commercial design often is, each project here is the result of designers who reach out, communities who get involved and the technologies that helping people to realize ideas together. From a playground-powered water pump in South Africa to a DIY budget cellphone, each of these groundbreaking projects is presented through fascinating and life-affirming stories, diagrams that reveal the mechanisms and motivations behind each design approach, and photography that celebrates the humanity of the endeavour.
Amberley Publishing A-Z of Nottingham: Places-People-History
The largest city in the East Midlands, Nottingham has been an important centre in the area since the Middle Ages. The old Saxon borough was built around the area known today as the Lace Market and an adjoining settlement developed around the Norman castle, famously occupied by the Sheriff of Nottingham in the legendary Robin Hood stories. In later centuries Nottingham became a major manufacturer of lace and several other famous names in industry also made their home in Nottingham, including Boots the chemists, Raleigh cycles and Player’s the cigarette manufacturers. The city also has a strong cultural legacy, associated with writers such as D. H. Lawrence and Alan Sillitoe. With two universities, many new industries and commercial developments, a new tram system, and a UK sporting centre with the oldest professional football team in the world, Notts County, and Nottingham Forest, and the test cricket venue of Trent Bridge, Nottingham is a vibrant, modern British city proud of its heritage including the Goose Fair which is still held every year. This fascinating A–Z tour of Nottingham, its interesting people, places and historic events, is fully illustrated and will appeal to all those with an interest in this city in the East Midlands.
Open University Press Understanding Educational Leadership: People, Power and Culture
This book shows how school leaders at all levels – from the most senior manager to the classroom teacher – can help to build learning communities through collaborating and negotiating with their colleagues, students and students’ parents and carers, as well as with external agencies and local communities, to sustain and develop the enjoyment of successful learning among the members of a school. It looks at how positive cultures can be constructed that support inclusive and exciting teaching, enthusiastic teachers and engaged students, parents and carers.Drawing on research, the book examines topics such as the nature of leadership, especially distributed and teacher leadership; the politics of education management; the construction of inclusive cultures in schools; school improvement; and the construction of collaborative and inclusive work groups. It uses a range of critical perspectives to examine processes of change and the relationships of people in school communities to each other and to their social, economic and policy contexts. The book argues that it is essential to develop inclusive education in order to promote student engagement, social justice and equity within formal education.Understanding Educational Leadership is key reading for teachers, headteachers, school leaders, policy makers, Education students and practitioners, and others who have an interest in improving schooling.
Louisiana State University Press Fonville Winans' Louisiana: Politics, People, and Places
This remarkable book, first published twenty years ago, continues to offer a singular window into the customs, politics, and places of twentieth-century Louisiana. This dazzling collection of landscapes and portraits drawn from the lifework of internationally renowned photographer Fonville Winans (1911- 1992) grants readers the opportunity to see his memorable photographs of the people- from oystermen to beauty queens- and the places- from salt mines to cane fields- that exemplify the Pelican State's enchanting culture and ecology. Featuring more than 100 black-and-white photographs spanning Winans' career, this book showcases his eye for authenticity as he captures a wide array of subjects, from politicians to ordinary citizens, and exotic locales to classic Louisiana landscapes. Providing commentary and historical background, Cyril E. Vetter contextualizes Winans' popular images of the state's icons, including Huey P. Long and Edwin Edwards; depictions of festival revelers and fishing rodeos; and glimpses into the Creole and Cajun communities that skirted the Gulf Coast. Yet the photographer's most critical legacy, as Vetter contends in a new introduction, may lie in his scenes of swamps and seascapes that either no longer exist or are currently threatened with extinction. Both nostalgic and refreshing, the perceptive and intriguing images found in Fonville Winans' Louisiana feature the state at its best, as a place of diversity and distinction.
University of California Press The Jivaro: People of the Sacred Waterfalls
Only one tribe of American Indians is known ever to have successfully revolted against the empire of Spain and to have thwarted all subsequent attempts by the Spaniards to reconquer them: the Jivaro (hee'-va-ro), the untsuri suarii of eastern Ecuador. From 1599 onward they remained unconquered in their forest fastness east of the Andes, despite the fact that they were known to occupy one of the richest placer gold deposit regions in all of South America. Tales of their fierceness became part of the folklore of Latin America, and their warlike reputation spread in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when Jivaro "shrunken head" trophies, tsantsa, found their way to the markets of exotica in the Western world. As occasional travelers visited them in the first decades of this century, the Jivaro also became known not as just a warlike group, but as an individualistic people intensely jealous of their freedom and unwilling to be subservient to authority, even among themselves. It was this quality that particularly attracted me when I went to study their way of life in 1956-57 and I was most fortunate, at that time, to find, especially east of the Cordillera de Cutucli, a portion of the Jivaro still unconquered and still living, with some changes, their traditional life style. This book is about their culture.
Union Square & Co. Empath Heart: Relationship Strategies for Sensitive People
Empaths are highly sensitive and feel other people’s energies and emotions as if they were their own. Uniquely intuitive and hyper-perceptive, empaths are also more sensitive to collective energy, the energy of spaces, and in some cases even physical stimuli like noise. Interacting with the world so intimately is a blessing, yet it also means your relationship strategies as an empath—not just regarding romantic love, but in all areas—must be navigated thoughtfully. Romantic partners, friends, coworkers, and family members all present opportunities for uncommonly close connections, though empaths might fall into rescuing, codependency, or people-pleasing as unhealthy relationship coping skills. Instead, learn to: * More mindfully choose between feeling with others or staying in your own energy and emotions. * Support loved ones from a place of healthy detachment and discernment. * Be more assertive about getting your needs and desires met. * Protect and nourish your sensitive system. * Understand and maximize your intuition. * Nurture your relationships to create more healing intimacy. * Engage with collective energy in an empowered way to be of service and live with more purpose. Author and professional intuitive Tanya Carroll Richardson has worked with thousands of empath clients from all over the world. Here she presents a guide to relationships of all kinds with empaths and sensitives specifically in mind, complete with quizzes, interactive exercises, and helpful mantras that make this book a valuable resource for connecting with yourself as well as creating more fulfilling interactions with others.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Land and People in Late Medieval England
This is the third collection of articles by Bruce Campbell to appear in the Variorum series. Late medieval England was an overwhelmingly rural society. Never since has such a large proportion of the population lived in the countryside or relied so directly for its livelihood upon agriculture. The lot of a majority of that population was always a hard one - and never more so than during the first half of the 14th century, when peasants competed with each other for ever-scarcer land and work and a succession of major harvest failures jeopardised the survival of many. Nevertheless, experience varied considerably, both during this era of mounting population pressure and the century and more of population decline and stagnation that followed the demographic disaster of the Black Death. How well individual communities coped during these contrasting conditions of expansion and contraction owed much to the quality and composition of their natural-resource endowment, a good deal to their ability to take advantage of changing commercial opportunities, and sometimes almost everything to how exposed they were to military conflict. Always, however, much hinged upon how the twin feudal institutions of lordship and serfdom were mapped onto land and people via the manorial system. These are the themes variously explored by the eight essays assembled in this volume, which range from a case-study of a single crowded Norfolk manor to a consideration of the broad and, towards the end of the Middle Ages, widening contrasts that persisted between North and South.
Ebury Publishing Rapport: The Four Ways to Read People
'Laurence Alison is one of my academic heroes. He does what every writer longs to do. He makes the difficult clear - without losing his rigour.' Malcolm Gladwell'They are quietly revolutionising the study and practice of interrogation... Their findings are changing the way law enforcement and security agencies approach the delicate and vital task of gathering human intelligence.' GuardianGet what you want from even the most difficult charactersAll of us have to deal with difficult people. Whether we're asking our neighbour to move a fence or our boss for a pay rise, we can struggle to avoid arguments and get what we want.Laurence and Emily Alison are world leaders in forensic psychology, and they specialise in the most difficult interactions imaginable: criminal interrogations. They advise and train the police, security agencies, the FBI and the CIA on how to deal with extremely dangerous suspects when the stakes are high. After 30 years' work - and unprecedented access to 2,000 hours of terrorist interrogations - they have developed a ground-breaking model of interpersonal communication. This deceptively simple approach to handling any encounter works as well for teenagers as it does for terrorists. Now it's time to share it with the world.Rapport reveals that every interaction follows four styles: Control (the lion), Capitulate (the mouse), Confront (the Tyrannosaur) and Co-operate (the monkey). As soon as you understand these styles and your own goals you can shape any conversation at will. And you'll be closer to the real secret: how to create instant rapport.
Johns Hopkins University Press Seductive Delusions: How Everyday People Catch STIs
A 2009 Book of the Year, USA Book News "It can't happen to me." Many high school students and young adults, seduced by their sense of invincibility, are stunned when they are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). But the fact is that anyone can catch an STI: no age group, social class, economic class, culture, religion, gender, or ethnic group is immune. To drive home the risks and realities of unprotected sex, Dr. Jill Grimes shares real-life stories of young people-medical students, college freshmen, teenagers, young parents, talented entrepreneurs-who have gotten an STI. Dr. Grimes narrates the story of Liz, who got syphilis; Sofia, diagnosed with gonorrhea and chlamydia; and Zoe, with pubic lice. She describes how Justin got herpes, Sean got trichomoniasis, and Luke contracted hepatitis C. The accounts of these young men and women and their exam-room conversations with their doctors evoke both the physical symptoms and complicated emotional reactions that often go together with infection. Fact sheets throughout the book explain each sexually transmitted infection and answer frequently asked questions about symptoms, treatment, and prevention. Used in high schools for the past five years, this new edition of Seductive Delusions shows how technological advances have speeded doctor-patient communication, including test results and treatment recommendations. It explains simplified STI testing, explores the frighteningly high incidence of date sexual assault, examines dramatic changes in cervical cancer prevention and Pap tests, and clarifies why HPV vaccines are now routinely recommended for all children-boys and girls. Whether reading the book from cover to cover or jumping directly to a specific disease, readers will relate to the dramatic stories while learning medically reliable information. Making emotionally and physically safe decisions about sex is easier when you know how STIs are spread, how to avoid getting one, what their symptoms are, and how they are diagnosed and treated.
Open Road Integrated Media, Inc. After the People Lights Have Gone Off
Frances Lincoln Ltd Marie Curie 6 Little People BIG DREAMS
Chronicle Books Superfood Slaw: Vegetable Solutions for Busy People
Superslaw includes high-nutrient vegetable-based recipes that will empower habits for a healthier diet, boost your energy, improve your immunity, and help you recover after exercise. The slaws can be whizzed up in any food processor (or with a knife and chopping board) making preparation simple and fun for those with busy lifestyles. In addition to 60 base recipes of nutritionally dense, microc-hopped vegetables, 120 tips suggest how to transform the slaws using tasty toppers such as nuts, grains, and meats, as well as how to morph them into substantial, flavoursome meals including soups, wraps, and bakes. These delicious SuperSlaws provide maximum nutrition, variety, value, and taste, and don’t require any extra time or effort in the kitchen. Organised by nutritional benefits like hydrolyse, immunity, energy booster, revitalise, recovery, thermic & spicy. These recipes are: superFAST, superVERSATILE, superCONVENIENT, superRESOURCEFUL, superTASTY, and superHEALTHY.
Moody Publishers 4 Habits of Joy-Filled People, The
Penguin Putnam Inc The Bog Acitivity Book for Divorced People
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Silver People: Voices from the Panama Canal
WW Norton & Co Joy Ride: Show People and Their Shows
Since 1992 John Lahr has written for The New Yorker, where for twenty-one years he was the senior drama critic, the longest stint in that post in the magazine's history. Joy Ride is a collection of his profiles and reviews that throws open the stage door, taking us behind the scenes both on and off Broadway to introduce such creators of contemporary drama as August Wilson, Arthur Miller, Stephen Sondheim, Tony Kushner, Wallace Shawn, and Mike Nichols. The result is a delightful, literate, and essential crash course in contemporary theater.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Henry & Eva and the Famous People Ghosts
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Secret Lives of People in Love
Midas Collection BIG SHOTS PEOPLE Die Geheimnisse der Portraitfotografie
Dewi Lewis Publishing The Society of Ambianceurs and Elegant People
The History Press Ltd Ledbury: People and Parish before the Reformation
Ledbury is a small town in the lush Herefordshire countryside. How did it come to be here and who and what shaped its development? This volume explores a quiet corner of England from the earliest times until the middle of the 16th century. Hunters, herdsmen and the first farmers left but faint traces to mark their passing. Enigmatic structures like Wall Hills and British Camp stand as monuments to a time before writing. The woods and fields, streets and lanes bear the imprint of countless generations, to be deciphered by archaeologists.By the time it emerges in the written record, the site of Ledbury itself had become the main focus of the area, and in due course it developed into a small town with some remarkable buildings, among them a well-endowed hospital and a lavish church. Events, including the Black Death, conspired to ensure that its full potential was never realised, but it remains marked by its medieval past: to this day an exceptional – and most attractive – place. Using the evidence of the landscape itself, physical remains, artefacts and buildings, and tantalising glimpses from old documents it has been possible to chart the history of this little market town and the surrounding countryside for nearly five hundred years.The story ends in 1558, a Catholic queen on the throne, but religious changes already afoot in the nation at large and in Ledbury. There were new families, new ideas and the glimmerings of a new wealth which would flourish at the end of the century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sub City: Young People, Homelessness and Crime
Youth homelessness increased rapidly during the late 1980s and early 1990s, at a time when street homelessness in particular became increasingly associated in the popular mind with dangerousness and criminality. This book analyzes the construction of homelessness as a social and legal 'problem' and documents young people’s own experiences of homelessness, crime and danger. Drawing on the authors’ own field work in a range of urban and rural locations, the book addresses themes of home and homelessness, of exclusion and marginality and of risk and urban incivilities.
Liverpool University Press Liverpool, 1660-1750: People, Prosperity and Power
Liverpool was unique among English towns in the rate of its commercial development from the late seventeenth century. Liverpool, 1660–1750 provides the first significant detailed published study of the social and political structure of the town during this crucial period. The authors utilize a number of methodological approaches to early modern Liverpool, using parish registers, probate material and town government records to consider the characteristics of marriage, birth and death in a fast-growing and mobile population; the occupational structure, family lives and connections of workers in the town; and the political structures and struggles of the period. It is hoped that this book will provide a stimulus to further investigation of Liverpool’s early and precocious eighteenth-century growth.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Transforming Tales: How Stories Can Change People
The power of story in our lives is far from adequately understood in contemporary culture. Equally the therapeutic power of storytelling, how it can quite literally entrance and even heal, has been ignored until recently. Transforming Tales reveals the true impact of stories on our lives and how stories can create feelings of hope, take away psychological distress and even stimulate the immune system.Written by an experienced professional storyteller, this book contains over 90 short stories, from traditional fables to fascinating modern yarns, and allows readers to understand the hidden patterns storytellers use to captivate attention and learn how truths are often encapsulated in myths, jokes and fairy stories.The author focuses on the therapeutic value of stories and how they can instigate real change in people's lives. The book also reveals everything you need to know to create vibrant, memorable, original stories and short metaphors for yourself.This extraordinary journey into imagination and understanding will be an illuminating read for those professionally concerned with psychological and personal change and anyone who wants to learn more about the power and significance of stories.
Seedbed Publishing How Jesus Saves: Atonement for Ordinary People
Africa World Press People Theater And Grassroots Empowerment In Cameroon
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Across Boundaries – People, Nature, and Regions
Capstone Global Library Ltd Space Survival: Keeping People Alive in Space
As humans continue to make amazing discoveries in outer space, we also face a unique challenge - living in an environment that we're not meant to live in. Find out how long-term exposure to outer space affects the human body and what scientists are doing to combat it.
Hachette Children's Group Info Buzz: People Who Help Us: Firefighters
Find out about work of Firefighters all around the world, from the typical day, the equipment they use and why their work is important. For children following Book Bands, it is suitable for children reading at band 10, white.The Info Buzz series, for age 5+, helps children develop their knowledge and understanding of the world by covering a wide range of topics in a fun, colourful and interactive way. The books have a lively design, engaging text and photos, questions to get children thinking and talking and teaching notes. Each title is written in conjunction with a literacy consultant and features book band guidance and downloadable activity sheets online.
Hachette Books The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Two Dollar Radio The People Who Watched Her Pass By