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Candlewick Press,U.S. The Bugliest Bug
Zondervan Beyond Integrity: A Judeo-Christian Approach to Business Ethics
Beyond Integrity is neither excessively theoretical nor simplistic and dogmatic. Rather, it offers a balanced and pragmatic approach to a number of concrete ethical issues. Readings from a wide range of sources present competing perspectives on each issue, and real-life case studies further help the reader grapple with ethical dilemmas. The authors conclude each chapter with their own distinctly Christian commentary on the topic covered. This third edition has been revised to provide the most up-to-date introduction to the issues Christians face in today’s constantly changing business culture. Revisions include: • 30 new case studies • Numerous new readings • 50% substantially revised • Sidebars reflecting issues in the news and business press • Summaries and material for discussion With the goal of helping readers arrive at their own conclusions, this book provides a decision-making model. Beyond Integrity equips men and women to develop a biblically-based approach to the ethical challenges of twenty-first century business.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Scary School
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Betsy Red Hoodie
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest: Coaching Secrets for Life and Work
leverage (lev'r ij) The power to act or influence. ditch (dich) Slang, to get rid of; discard. Finally, here is a powerful tool that will show you how to take full advantage of your strengths and most positive qualities, while at the same time discarding or getting around whatever gets in your way. Scott Blanchard and Madeleine Homan, co-founders of, share their groundbreaking program, honed by fourteen years of high-level executive coaching and consulting. They offer new perspectives on how to spend your precious and limited resources, time, emotions, passions, and energy to generate the best results. The three-part process begins with a twenty-five-question self-assessment, then moves on to the Three Perspectives -- major life queries that focus on how you are perceived, your own self-image, and self-imposed limitations. The final step, the Seven Leverage Points, offers fresh insight into the choices you make and how you conduct yourself in business and in life. You will find immediately applicable tools to appraise and manage your work environment and personal gifts. You will be guided to make tiny but crucial shifts in getting needs met and drawing boundaries. Leverage Your Best, Ditch The Rest eliminates the stupid stuff that distracts you and gets in your way. It shows you how to capitalize on what you've got going for you and how to invest in yourself like a hot new stock.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Mastering Medical Photography of the Head and Neck
With contributions from an esteemed otolaryngologist, talented photographer, and multidisciplinary specialists, Mastering Medical Photography of the Head and Neck demystifies the process of medical photography. The succinct text and high quality images serve as a practical primer for physicians without any prior photographic background to learn techniques specific to photography for facial surgery and otolaryngology. Understanding the basic techniques of photography for medical documentation is useful-for speaking at medical conferences, publishing in journals, and settling insurance claims. These situations typically require inclusion of well-defined anatomical images. Furthermore, head and neck photography is an educational tool to explain specific procedures to patients prior to undergoing surgery. Key Highlights Comprehensive coverage of standard external anatomy, with smaller sections on endoscopic photography and intraoperative photography Ancillary online content including more than 150 high quality photographs and 8 instructional videos supplement the text Sample comparative photographs illustrate the potential to create stellar results using several different camera systems Each photograph extensively annotated with relevant camera and lighting settings Recommendations provided for image archiving, organization, and processing Visually rich and practical, this step-by-step guide of medical photographic techniques is an essential tool for all physicians who treat diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat, and related head and neck structures.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Facts and Fictions in Mental Health
Written in a lively and entertaining style, Facts and Fictions in Mental Health examines common conceptions and misconceptions surrounding mental health and its treatment. Each chapter focuses on a misconception and is followed by a discussion of related findings from scientific research. A compilation of the authors' "Facts and Fictions" columns written for Scientific American Mind, with the addition of six new columns exclusive to this book Written in a lively and often entertaining style, accessible to both the undergraduate and the interested general reader Each chapter covers a different "fiction" and allows readers to gain a more balanced and accurate view of important topics in mental health The six new columns examine myths and misconceptions of considerable interest and relevance to undergraduates in abnormal psychology courses Introductory material and references are included throughout the book
Duke University Press Four Decades On: Vietnam, the United States, and the Legacies of the Second Indochina War
In Four Decades On, historians, anthropologists, and literary critics examine the legacies of the Second Indochina War, or what most Americans call the Vietnam War, nearly forty years after the United States finally left Vietnam. They address matters such as the daunting tasks facing the Vietnamese at the war's end—including rebuilding a nation and consolidating a socialist revolution while fending off China and the Khmer Rouge—and "the Vietnam syndrome," the cynical, frustrated, and pessimistic sense that colored America's views of the rest of the world after its humiliating defeat in Vietnam. The contributors provide unexpected perspectives on Agent Orange, the POW/MIA controversies, the commercial trade relationship between the United States and Vietnam, and representations of the war and its aftermath produced by artists, particularly writers. They show how the war has continued to affect not only international relations but also the everyday lives of millions of people around the world. Most of the contributors take up matters in the United States, Vietnam, or both nations, while several utilize transnational analytic frameworks, recognizing that the war's legacies shape and are shaped by dynamics that transcend the two countries.Contributors. Alex Bloom, Diane Niblack Fox, H. Bruce Franklin, Walter Hixson, Heonik Kwon, Scott Laderman, Mariam B. Lam, Ngo Vinh Long, Edwin A. Martini, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Christina Schwenkel, Charles Waugh
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Secrets of Happily Married Men: Eight Ways to Win Your Wife's Heart Forever
Praise for The Secrets of Happily Married Men "Manly men rest assured: You can hope to become a better husband without having to get in touch with your feminine side. . . . Lively and entertaining, this broad guidebook provides Haltzman's insights illuminated by anecdotes from his online discussion forum for married men." —Psychology Today "Haltzman . . . launches his eight strategies with remarkable vigor. More important, they are extraordinarily well fleshed out and convincingly supported with useful 'to do' lists and a multitude of examples. They will no doubt prove helpful to many men struggling to build a happy marriage." —Publisher's Weekly "Scott Haltzman, a psychiatrist and Brown University professor, has been studying marriages good and bad for a long time. . . . View marriage as your most important task, Haltzman urges men, and pursue success as you would anything else that matters." —Washington Post "Men are good at fixing problems, not talking about them, so Haltzman advises playing to your strength. The genius of this book is that it . . . asks politically incorrect questions about men and women at home—the neglected front in the gender wars." —New York Times "The insights in this book reveal a new and effective way for men and women to understand and appreciate each other. It shows what it really takes to create a loving and lasting relationship." —John Gray, author, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus Marriage and relationships are in crisis. The breakup and divorce rate remain incredibly high, despite all the couples therapy, afternoon talk shows, and other books in the marketplace, many of which describe men as abusive commitment phobic creeps who'd better change fast or else. But this new book is totally different, a whole different way of looking at how to build a successful long-lasting relationship from a man's point of view, men who are happy in their partnerships, who have figured out what works for them in accomplishing the goal of a loving, intimate, lifetime commitment. Dr. Scott Haltzman, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Brown University, and founder of, has devised a proven method for improving relationships, based on a man's special and unique skills, strengths, powers—as a responsible and motivated worker, manager, leader, problem-solver, partner, husband, and father. Men are different, Dr. Haltzman says. They don't approach relationships with the same skills and techniques that women do—and viva la difference. Dr.Haltzman therefore lays out eight ways, tasks, proven techniques which men have revealed in confidential correspondence to his highly successful website, including The First Way: Make Your Marriage Your Job, The Second Way: Know Your Wife, The Third Way: Be Home Now, The Fourth Way: Expect Conflict and Deal With It, The Fifth Way: Learn to Listen, The Sixth Way: Aim to Please, The Seventh Way: Understand the Truth About Sex, The Eighth Way: Introduce Yourself, and finally, Celebrate Your Love. Within each of these steps, he provides both specific analysis, guidelines and techniques based on male biology, neuro-science, brain differences, unique developmental stages from youth to seniority. To illustrate these ideas in action, he's included wonderful true stories, anecdotes, and confessions from the website. The result is a practical, very entertaining, totally original way to build successful relationships for men and their partners, girlfriends, and wives. For a lasting commitment, a continuing guide to solving inevitable problems and bumps in the road, for more fun, better sex, genuine intimacy, and a life-long partnership—this dynamic new author shows the way in a manner that finally includes an authentic male perspective.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Ashgate Research Companion to Modern Theory, Modern Power, World Politics: Critical Investigations
Deliberately eschewing disciplinary and temporal boundaries, this volume makes a major contribution to the de-traditionalization of political thinking within the discourses of international relations. Collecting the works of twenty-five theorists, this Ashgate Research Companion engages some of the most pressing aspects of political thinking in world politics today. The authors explore theoretical constitutions, critiques, and affirmations of uniquely modern forms of power, past and present. Among the themes and dynamics examined are textual appropriation and representation, materiality and capital formation, geopolitical dimensions of ecological crises, connections between representations of violence and securitization, subjectivity and genderization, counter-globalization politics, constructivism, biopolitics, post-colonial politics and theory, as well as the political prospects of emerging civic and cosmopolitan orders in a time of national, religious, and secular polarization. Radically different in their approaches, the authors critically assess the discourses of IR as interpretive frames that are indebted to the historical formation of concepts, and to particular negotiations of power that inform the main methodological practices usually granted primacy in the field. Students as well as seasoned scholars seeking to challenge accepted theoretical frameworks will find in these chapters fresh insights into contemporary world-political problems and new resources for their critical interrogation.
Princeton University Press The Shape of the New: Four Big Ideas and How They Made the Modern World
This panoramic book tells the story of how revolutionary ideas from the Enlightenment about freedom, equality, evolution, and democracy have reverberated through modern history and shaped the world as we know it today. A testament to the enduring power of ideas, The Shape of the New offers unforgettable portraits of Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Charles Darwin, and Karl Marx--heirs of the Enlightenment who embodied its highest ideals about progress--and shows how their thoughts, over time and in the hands of their followers and opponents, transformed the very nature of our beliefs, institutions, economies, and politics. Yet these ideas also hold contradictions. They have been used in the service of brutal systems such as slavery and colonialism, been appropriated and twisted by monsters like Stalin and Hitler, and provoked reactions against the Enlightenment's legacy by Islamic Salafists and the Christian Religious Right. The Shape of the New argues that it is impossible to understand the ideological and political conflicts of our own time without familiarizing ourselves with the history and internal tensions of these world-changing ideas. With passion and conviction, it exhorts us to recognize the central importance of these ideas as historical forces and pillars of the Western humanistic tradition. It makes the case that to read the works of the great thinkers is to gain invaluable insights into the ideas that have shaped how we think and what we believe.
Princeton University Press Beethoven and His World
Few composers even begin to approach Beethoven's pervasive presence in modern Western culture, from the concert hall to the comic strip. Edited by a cultural historian and a music theorist, Beethoven and His World gathers eminent scholars from several disciplines who collectively speak to the range of Beethoven's importance and of our perennial fascination with him. The contributors address Beethoven's musical works and their cultural contexts. Reinhold Brinkmann explores the post-revolutionary context of Beethoven's "Eroica" Symphony, while Lewis Lockwood establishes a typology of heroism in works like Fidelio. Elaine Sisman, Nicholas Marston, and Glenn Stanley discuss issues of temporality, memory, and voice in works at the threshold of Beethoven's late style, such as An die Ferne Geliebte, the Cello Sonata op. 102, no. 1, and the somewhat later Piano Sonata op. 109. Peering behind the scenes into Beethoven's workshop, Tilman Skowroneck explains how the young Beethoven chose his pianos, and William Kinderman shows Beethoven in the process of sketching and revising his compositions. The volume concludes with four essays engaging the broader question of reception of Beethoven's impact on his world and ours. Christopher Gibbs' study of Beethoven's funeral and its aftermath features documentary material appearing in English for the first time; art historian Alessandra Comini offers an illustrated discussion of Beethoven's ubiquitous and iconic frown; Sanna Pederson takes up the theme of masculinity in critical representations of Beethoven; and Leon Botstein examines the aesthetics and politics of hearing extramusical narratives and plots in Beethoven's music. Bringing together varied and fresh approaches to the West's most celebrated composer, this collection of essays provides music lovers with an enriched understanding of Beethoven--as man, musician, and phenomenon.
Princeton University Press The African Wild Dog: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation
With only 5,000 surviving, the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) is one of the world's most endangered large carnivores--and one of the most remarkable. This comprehensive portrait of wild dogs incorporates previously scattered information with important new findings from a six-year study in Tanzania's Selous Game Reserve, Africa's largest protected area. The book emphasizes ecology, concentrating on why wild dogs fare poorly in protected areas that maintain healthy populations of lions, hyenas, or other top carnivores. In addition to conservation issues, it covers fascinating aspects of wild dog behavior and social evolution. The Creels use demographic, behavioral, endocrine, and genetic approaches to examine how and why nonbreeding pack mates help breeding pairs raise their litters. They also present the largest data set ever collected on mammalian predator-prey interactions and the evolution of cooperative hunting, allowing them to account for wild dogs' prowess as hunters. By using a large sample size and sophisticated analytical tools, the authors step well beyond previous research. Their results include some surprises that will cause even specialists to rethink certain propositions, such as the idea that wild dogs are unusually vulnerable to infectious disease. Several findings apply broadly to the management of other protected areas. Of clear appeal to ecologists studying predation and cooperation in any population, this book collects and expands a cache of information useful to anyone studying conservation as well as to amateurs intrigued by the once-maligned but extraordinary wild dog.
University of California Press New Arctic Cinemas: Media Sovereignty and the Climate Crisis
For centuries, the Arctic was visualized as an unchanging, stable, and rigidly alien landscape, existing outside twenty-first-century globalization. It is now impossible to ignore the ways the climate crisis, expanding resource extraction, and Indigenous political mobilization in the circumpolar North are constituent parts of the global present. New Arctic Cinemas presents an original, comparative, and interventionist historiography of film and media in twenty-first-century Scandinavia, Greenland, Russia, Canada, and the United States to situate Arctic media in the place it rightfully deserves to occupy: as central to global environmental concerns and Indigenous media sovereignty and self-determination movements. The works of contemporary Arctic filmmakers, from Zacharias Kunuk and Alethea Arnaquq-Baril to Amanda Kernell and Inuk Silis Høegh, reach worldwide audiences. In examining the reach and influence of these artists and their work, Scott MacKenzie and Anna Westerstahl Stenport reveal a global media system of intertwined production contexts, circulation opportunities, and imaginaries—all centering the Arctic North.
University of California Press Dinosaur Odyssey: Fossil Threads in the Web of Life
This captivating book, laced with evocative anecdotes from the field, gives the first holistic, up-to-date overview of dinosaurs and their world for a wide audience of readers. Situating these fascinating animals in a broad ecological and evolutionary context, leading dinosaur expert Scott D. Sampson fills us in on the exhilarating discoveries of the past twenty-five years, the most active period in the history of dinosaur paleontology, during which more 'new' species were named than in all prior history. With these discoveries - and the most recent controversies - in mind, Sampson reconstructs the odyssey of the dinosaurs from their humble origins on the supercontinent Pangaea, to their reign as the largest animals the planet has ever known, and finally to their abrupt demise. Much more than the story of who ate whom way back when, "Dinosaur Odyssey" places dinosaurs in an expansive web of relationships with other organisms and demonstrates how they provide a powerful lens through which to observe the entire natural world. Addressing topics such as extinction, global warming, and energy flow, "Dinosaur Odyssey" finds that the dinosaurs' story is, in fact, a major chapter in our own story.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Secrets of Happily Married Women: How to Get More Out of Your Relationship by Doing Less
From the authors of the best-selling The Secrets of Happily Married Men comes the much-anticipated follow-up book The Secrets of Happily Married Women. In their first book, Dr. Haltzman and his coauthor Theresa Foy DiGeronmio outlined a recipe for men about growing a happy marriage: treat marriage with the same sense of purpose, resolve, and single-minded devotion that they have for their job. Although that workplace formula works well for men, an entirely different set of criteria resonate with women. In The Secrets of Happily Married Women, Dr. Haltzman tells us stories from real women who are happy in their relationships. These women know how to get more out of their partners by doing less, by not trying so hard to make men perfect, not dragging them to couples therapy, not expecting them to think or behave like a woman. These are women from Dr. Haltzman's clinical practice and culled from thousands of contributors to his Web site They have learned to understand how men really work and tap into men's powerful hard-wired desire to please women and "be a better man."
Yale Center for British Art The Idea of Italy: Photography and the British Imagination, 1840-1900
A unique portrait of nineteenth-century Italy as seen through the eyes of the first generation of British photographers This book examines the ways in which the new medium of photography influenced the British experience, appreciation, and perception of Italy in the nineteenth century. Setting photography within a long history of image making—beginning with the eighteenth-century Grand Tour and transformed by the inventions of William Henry Fox Talbot and Louis Daguerre—this beautifully illustrated book features many previously unpublished images alongside the work of well-known photographers. The sixteen essays in this volume explore photography as a vehicle for visual translation and cultural exchange.Distributed for the Yale Center for British Art
Indiana University Press Islamic Central Asia: An Anthology of Historical Sources
Islamic Central Asia is the first English-language anthology of primary documents for the study of Central Asian history. Scott C. Levi and Ron Sela draw from a vast array of historical sources to illustrate important aspects of the social, cultural, political, and economic history of Islamic Central Asia. These documents—many newly translated and most not readily available for study—cover the period from the 7th-century Arab conquests to the 19th-century Russian colonial era and provide new insights into the history and significance of the region.
Columbia University Press William Greaves: Filmmaking as Mission
William Greaves is one of the most significant and compelling American filmmakers of the past century. Best known for his experimental film about its own making, Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One, Greaves was an influential independent documentary filmmaker who produced, directed, shot, and edited more than a hundred films on a variety of social issues and on key African American figures ranging from Muhammad Ali to Ralph Bunche to Ida B. Wells. A multitalented artist, his career also included stints as a songwriter, a member of the Actors Studio, and, during the late 1960s, a producer and cohost of Black Journal, the first national television show focused on African American culture and politics.This volume provides the first comprehensive overview of Greaves’s remarkable career. It brings together a wide range of material, including a mix of incisive essays from critics and scholars, Greaves’s own writings, an extensive meta-interview with Greaves, conversations with his wife and collaborator Louise Archambault Greaves and his son David, and a critical dossier on Symbiopsychotaxiplasm. Together, they illuminate Greaves’s mission to use filmmaking as a tool for transforming the ways African Americans were perceived by others and the ways they saw themselves. This landmark book is an essential resource on Greaves’s work and his influence on independent cinema and African-American culture.
Columbia University Press Pragmatism and Naturalism: Scientific and Social Inquiry After Representationalism
Most contemporary philosophers would call themselves naturalists, yet there is little consensus on what naturalism entails. Long signifying the notion that science should inform philosophy, debates over naturalism often hinge on how broadly or narrowly the terms nature and science are defined. The founding figures of American Pragmatism—C. S. Peirce (1839–1914), William James (1842–1910), and John Dewey (1859–1952)—developed a distinctive variety of naturalism by rejecting reductive materialism and instead emphasizing social practices. Owing to this philosophical lineage, pragmatism has made original and insightful contributions to the study of religion as well as to political theory.In Pragmatism and Naturalism, distinguished scholars examine pragmatism’s distinctive form of nonreductive naturalism and consider its merits for the study of religion, democratic theory, and as a general philosophical orientation. Nancy Frankenberry, Philip Kitcher, Wayne Proudfoot, Jeffrey Stout, and others evaluate the contribution pragmatism can make to a viable naturalism, explore what distinguishes pragmatic naturalism from other naturalisms on offer, and address the pertinence of pragmatic naturalism to methodological issues in the study of religion. In parts dedicated to historical pragmatists, pragmatism in the philosophy and the study of religion, and pragmatism and democracy, they display the enduring power and contemporary relevance of pragmatic naturalism.
The University of Chicago Press Biological Individuality: Integrating Scientific, Philosophical, and Historical Perspectives
Individuals are things that everybody knows or thinks they do. Yet even scholars who practice or analyze the biological sciences often cannot agree on what an individual is and why. One reason for this disagreement is that the many important biological individuality concepts serve very different purposes defining, classifying, or explaining living structure, function, interaction, persistence, or evolution. Indeed, as the contributors to Biological Individuality reveal, nature is too messy for simple definitions of this concept, organisms too quirky in the diverse ways they reproduce, function, and interact, and human ideas about individuality too fraught with philosophical and historical meaning. Bringing together biologists, historians, and philosophers, this book provides a multifaceted exploration of biological individuality that identifies leading and less familiar perceptions of individuality both past and present, what they are good for, and in what contexts. Biological practice and theory recognize individuals at myriad levels of organization, from genes to organisms to symbiotic systems. We depend on these notions of individuality to address theoretical questions about multilevel natural selection and Darwinian fitness; to illuminate empirical questions about development, function, and ecology; to ground philosophical questions about the nature of organisms and causation; and to probe historical and cultural circumstances that resonate with parallel questions about the nature of society. Charting an interdisciplinary research agenda that broadens the frameworks in which biological individuality is discussed, this book makes clear that in the realm of the individual, there is not and should not be a direct path from biological paradigms based on model organisms through to philosophical generalization and historical reification.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Social Development in the World Bank: Essays in Honor of Michael M. Cernea
This open access book honors the work of Michael Cernea, who was the World Bank’s first professional sociologist, by taking on and extending his arguments for "putting people first.” Cernea led a community of social scientists in formulating and promoting a comprehensive set of innovative and original social policies on development issues, which the World Bank adopted and implemented. This book includes globally significant work on urban and rural development, the epistemology of using social science knowledge in national and international development, methodologies for using social organization for more effective poverty reduction, and the experience of crafting social policies to become normative frameworks for purposive collective social action. And by including contributions from senior policy makers in the World Bank who helped shepherd social science's entry into development policy and practice, it provides a unique look at how organizational change can happen.
Riverfeet Press Beyond the Rio Gila: A Novel
Beyond the Rio Gila is, quite simply, a compelling coming-of-age story that brings history to life. It’s highly recommended reading that should be in any collection strong in historical novels.—D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book ReviewAn epic adventure of hardship and endurance, Beyond the Rio Gila follows Moses Cole, a young Virginia farmboy, who runs away from home to join the First Dragoons and their expedition from Pennsylvania to California during the Mexican-American War. He discovers mentorship under a fellow private, Abner Black, a former professor chased by personal demons. A concurrent journey by Latter-day Saints fleeing religious persecution—the Mormon Battalion, which includes four laundresses, two of whom were pregnant—soldiers through the longest march in U.S. infantry history. Their stories converge in the daunting wilderness of the American southwest, where man was not master of the landscape, and the sanity, courage, and perseverance of each is tested.Based on events preceding the American Civil War, this literary historical novel places readers in the vast frontiers of the west ablaze with battles over land, religion, and politics.As an enthusiastic history buff, I was captivated by the retelling of this epic military expedition and its significance in the unfolding formation of the United States.—Susan Brown, Pacific Book Review
Wolters Kluwer Health Orthobiologics: Scientific and Clinical Solutions for Orthopaedic Surgeons
Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and edited by internationally renowned experts Drs. Scott P. Bruder and Roy K. Aaron, Orthobiologics: Scientific and Clinical Solutions for Orthopaedic Surgeons provides authoritative, comprehensive coverage of this fast-growing field. This one-stop reference is an ideal resource, covering technology and basic science through specific clinical applications. Covers the basic science clinicians need to know to understand the mechanisms of action of orthobiologic therapies for tissue repair and regeneration, as well as technology development, regulation, and the commercialization pathway Provides thorough discussions of current standards of care and clinical applications across all subspecialty areas, including upper and lower extremity pathology, as well as spinal pathology Uses a reader-friendly approach with more than 100 illustrations and dozens of helpful tables throughout Discusses options and solutions for intervertebral disc repair, spinal fusion, rotator cuff repair, peripheral nerve regeneration in the hand, challenging bone repairs and nonunion, skeletal muscle repair, meniscal repair and replacement, articular cartilage repair, knee and ankle osteoarthritis, ligament regeneration, and more. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Welsh Academic Press Vitae Sanctorum Britanniae Et Genealogiae: The Lives and Genealogies of the Welsh Saints: v. 1: Classic Texts in Medieval Welsh Studies
This work, first published in 1944, provides the most reliable texts of the Lives of Welsh Saints based upon the Cotton MS in the British Library from 1200. Out of print for over 50 years, this work is still the standard edition of these Lives and is still widely used by scholars today. As well as being the major text for our information concerning the Welsh saints it also contains some of the earliest Arthurian material and is the first to make Arthur a king.
Rowman & Littlefield Restoring Your Historic House: The Comprehensive Guide for Homeowners
Although there are other books about renovating old houses, this is the first that prioritizes the identification and preservation of the historic, character-defining features of a house as a starting point in the process. That is the purpose of this book: to describe and illustrate a best-practices approach for updating historic homes for modern life in ways that do not attempt to turn an old house into a new one. The book also suggests many ways to save money in the process, without settling for cheap or inappropriate solutions. Scott Hanson is a historic-building preservation professional and has 40 years' experience rehabilitating historic houses. He has illustrated this authoritative book with hundreds of step-by-step photos, illustrations, charts, and decision-making guides. Interspersed throughout are photo essays of 13 restored historic houses representing a range of periods and architectural styles: Italianate, Victorian, Queen Anne, Federal, Colonial, Colonial Revival, Greek Revival, Ranch, Adobe, Craftsman, Shingle, and Rustic. With interior and exterior photography by David Clough, these multi-page features show what can be achieved when a historic home is renovated with a desire to preserve or restore as much historic character as possible.
Nova Science Publishers Inc International Food Aid: Select Assessments
Medieval Institute Publications The Dialogue of Solomon and Marcolf: A Dual-Language Edition from Latin and Middle English Printed Editions
The two texts of the Dialogue presented here, a Latin version printed ca. 1488 and a Middle English translation printed in 1492, preserve lively, entertaining, and revealing exchanges between the Old Testament wisdom figure Solomon and Marcolf, a medieval peasant who is ragged and foul-mouthed but quick-witted and verbally astute. The Dialogue was a best-seller of its day; Latin versions survive in some twenty-seven manuscripts and forty-nine early printed editions and the work was translated into a wide variety of late medieval vernaculars, including German, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, English, and Welsh.
DC Comics Batman & Robin Eternal Omnibus
Five years ago, Batman and Robin worked the most disturbing case of their crimefighting careers... Bringing down the organization of the ultimate human trafficker, the mysterious woman known only as Mother. At the time, Dick Grayson never quite understood the scope of that case, but now its darkest secrets are coming back to haunt him and everyone else who ever worked with Batman! With Bruce Wayne now lost to them, Dick and all his allies are out in the cold! Who can they trust? Is someone among them not who they say they are? And who is the deadly, silent young woman in black who s come to Gotham City looking for Batman?
Feminist Press at The City University of New York Beijing Comrades
Guilford Publications Treating Substance Abuse, Third Edition: Theory and Technique
This state-of-the-art text and clinical resource captures the breadth of current knowledge about substance abuse and its treatment. For each of the major evidence-based treatment approaches, a chapter on basic assumptions and theories is followed by a chapter on clinical applications, including illustrative case material. Expert contributors cover motivational, contingency management, cognitive-behavioral, 12-step, family, and pharmacological approaches. Concluding chapters discuss effective ways to integrate different treatments in a range of clinical settings. New to This Edition *Reflects significant advances in research and clinical practice. *Chapter on the biology of substance use disorders. *Chapter on an additional treatment setting: primary care. *Chapter on case management.
Scholastic US Five Nights at Freddy's: The Fourth Closet
The pulse-pounding conclusion to the bestselling Five Nights At Freddy’s trilogy. What really happened to Charlie? It’s the question that John can’t seem to shake, along with the nightmares of Charlie’s seeming death and miraculous reappearance. John just wants to forget the whole terrifying saga of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, but the past isn’t so easily buried. Almost twelve years after the horrific murders at Freddy’s, there’s a new animatronic pizzeria opening in Hurricane, along with new rash of kidnappings that feel all too familiar. Bound together by their childhood loss, John reluctantly teams up with Jessica, Marla, and Carlton to solve the case and find the missing children. Along the way, they’ll unravel the twisted mystery of what really happened to Charlie, and the haunting legacy of her father’s creations. Original stories based on the hit computer game of the same name The perfect gift for all FNAF fans Check out the full-colour fact books which acompany the novels OTHER TITLES IN THE SERIES Five Nights at Freddys: The Silver Eyes Five Nights at Freddys: The Twisted Ones Five Nights at Freddys: The Freddy Files Five Nights at Freddys: Survival Logbook
Scholastic US Five Nights at Freddy's: The Silver Eyes
The first book in the bestselling Five Nights at Freddy's series, based on the wildly popular horror computer game. Ten years after the horrific murders at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza that ripped their town apart, Charlie, whose father owned the restaurant, and her childhood friends reunite on the anniversary of the tragedy and find themselves at the old pizza place which had been locked up and abandoned for years. After they discover a way inside, they realize that things are not as they used to be. The four adult-sized animatronic mascots that once entertained patrons have changed. They now have a dark secret . . . and a murderous agenda. written by the creator of the computer game not suitable for younger readers
Princeton University Press Complex Adaptive Systems: An Introduction to Computational Models of Social Life
This book provides the first clear, comprehensive, and accessible account of complex adaptive social systems, by two of the field's leading authorities. Such systems--whether political parties, stock markets, or ant colonies--present some of the most intriguing theoretical and practical challenges confronting the social sciences. Engagingly written, and balancing technical detail with intuitive explanations, Complex Adaptive Systems focuses on the key tools and ideas that have emerged in the field since the mid-1990s, as well as the techniques needed to investigate such systems. It provides a detailed introduction to concepts such as emergence, self-organized criticality, automata, networks, diversity, adaptation, and feedback. It also demonstrates how complex adaptive systems can be explored using methods ranging from mathematics to computational models of adaptive agents. John Miller and Scott Page show how to combine ideas from economics, political science, biology, physics, and computer science to illuminate topics in organization, adaptation, decentralization, and robustness. They also demonstrate how the usual extremes used in modeling can be fruitfully transcended.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Everything Token: How NFTs and Web3 Will Transform the Way We Buy, Sell, and Create
Oxford University Press Tarr
'The nearest the general run get to art is Action: sex is their form of art: the battle for existence is their picture.' Tarr tells the blackly comic story of the lives and loves of two artists, played out against the backdrop of Paris before the start of the First World War - the English enfant terrible Frederick Tarr, and the middle-aged German Otto Kreisler, a failed painter who finds himself in a widening spiral of militaristic self-destruction. When both become interested in the same two women - Bertha Lunken, a conventional German, and Anastasya Vasek, the ultra-modern international devotee of 'swagger sex' - Wyndham Lewis sets the stage for a scathing satire of national and social pretensions, the fraught relationship between men and women, and the incompatibilities of art and life. In his introduction and notes Scott W. Klein explores Lewis's stylistic experimentation within the context of avant-garde movements in painting, and offers new insights into Tarr as a work of mordent wit and enduringly ferocious irony. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Independent Publishers Group Woodworker's Guide to Handplanes: How to Choose, Setup and Master the Most Useful Planes for Today's Workshop
Skyhorse Texas Wildlife Encyclopedia
Johns Hopkins University Press Secrets to Surviving Infidelity
Simon Pulse Pretties
Penguin Random House Group XMen Road To Onslaught Omnibus Vol. 1
Running Press,U.S. Millennial Tarot
Random House USA Inc Plastic
Oxford University Press Dominoes Three The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Audio Pack
Arkano Books Enciclopedia de las hierbas mgicas
La naturaleza nos ha regalado, por medios de las hierbas, la solución para una gran cantidad de afecciones físicas, emocionales y espirituales. Sus poderes mágicos y curativos ?ya utilizados en la antigüedad- residen en sus fragancias, colores y formas.Quiere atraer el amor? Lleve consigo una bolsa de pétalos de rosa o raíces de iris florentina. Necesita dinero extra? Queme clavo en forma de incienso. Quiere conocer el futuro? Prepare té con capullos de rosa, tómelo antes de ir adormir y luego recuerde sus sueños. Esta es la clase de magia que encontrará en estas páginas.La Enciclopedia de las hierbas mágicas es una obra que reúne la colección práctica más completa sobre los usos y propiedades mágicas de las hierbas, su aplicación, su preparación y los utensilios necesarios que le ayudarán a aprovechar al máximo los beneficios de más de quinientas plantas diferentes.Aplique estos simples procedimientos para mejorar sus problemas cotidianos y disfrute de mayor protección, amor,
Arkano Books Enciclopedia de cristales gemas y metales mágicos
Como todos los estudios han demostrado, los minerales poseen poderes mágicos y curativos capaces de realizar cambios positivos en la vida de las personas. Por ello, sus propiedades como generadores de energía se emplean cada vez más con fines curativos y psíquicos.Sabía usted, por ejemplo, que el zafiro desarrolla los poderes psíquicos y actúa como guardián del amor? O que la amatista representa la paz y contiene propiedades curativas, y que el cuarzo se emplea para la protección y estimula los estados de conciencia mágicos?Utilice las piedras, cristales y metales que tiene en casa y aprenda cómo puede realizar magia natural sin necesidad de rituales extensos ni costosos! También descubrirá cómo emplear sus poderes naturales para mejorar la salud, las situaciones financieras, los estudios, las relaciones personales y mucho más.Basado en una extensa investigación, Scott Cunningham nos revela secretos que han permanecido ocultos durante siglos, y le ayudará a aprender todo sobre