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Open University Press Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
This popular introductory textbook is ideal for anyone working or training to work in the lifelong learning sector. The new edition has been comprehensively revised to reflect recent developments in the sector and current research in learning and teaching.The book covers key topics such as reflective teaching, communication, learning theories, and assessment for learning. In addition there are new chapters on: Behaviour for learning; A curriculum for inclusive learning; The lifelong learning sector and Functional skills. This edition also includes more student journal extracts, case studies and developmental activities.Common elements of good practice in teaching and learning spanning the lifelong learning, further education and skills sector and are fully explored so that you will: Gain a thorough understanding of learners and their needs Understand the importance of effective communication Appreciate the role of reflective practice and continuing professional development Achieve a good grasp of theory and practice including methods of active learning and assessment for learning Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector is essential reading for those teaching or training to teach in further and higher education, adult and community learning, and work-based learning. With contributions from Kelly Briddon and Lynn Senior.“The new edition contains some really useful additional material. It signposts to key policies and is brought up to date in identifying current influences and debates within the HE and FE sector. There is reference to views on the curriculum. More attention is given to Functional Skills. I liked the positive emphasis placed on classroom management as Behaviour for Learning. New developments and inclusions are well judged. It remains an accessible and sufficiently detailed book for all those who are on teacher education programmes.”Victoria Wright, Senior Lecturer in Post Compulsory Education, University of Wolverhampton, UK“This is a valuable resource that can be used by both trainee and recently qualified teachers, who are considering a career in the Further Education sector. It contains a mixture of both theory and practical activities which have been mapped to the LLUK standards. The contents key at the beginning of each chapter means it can be used for reference purposes. The text is easily readable and, therefore accessible to all.”Cheryl Hine, Lecturer on Teacher Training, Leeds City College, UK“This accessible second edition offers comprehensive, contemporary and stimulating insights into the theories of teaching and learning, whilst also providing a firm framework of meaningful and innovative strategies for trainee and qualified teachers to expand their knowledge and drive their practice forward to outstanding. I can see students dipping into the book again and again.”Dr Vicky Duckworth, Edge Hill University, UK
Antoni Bosch Editor, S.A. El choque de ideas económicas: Los grandes debates de política económica de los últimos cien años
Este libro nos acerca a las más señaladas disputas entre economistas, y a la relación entre los planteamientos teóricos y los grandes experimentos de política económica de los últimos cien años. White nos ofrece una lúcida visión del liberalismo económico, la economía mixta, el socialismo y el fascismo, los locos años veinte, las teorías del ciclo económico y la Gran Depresión, la economía institucionalista y el New Deal, la revolución keynesiana, la influencia de la guerra en las doctrinas económicas, las nacionalizaciones y la planificación centralizada.En definiva, un viaje por las ideas que han marcado el pensamiento económico hasta su forma actual: ¿Cómo combatir la pobreza, la desigualdad, el paro? ¿Cómo promover un crecimiento equilibrado? ¿Austeridad, gasto público, regulación, privatizaciones? ¿Una política monetaria restrictiva o laxa? ¿Qué tipo de reforma del mercado laboral? ¿Ahorro, consumo, inversión, productividad? En la actualidad, cuando el eje central de todo proyecto político es su programa económico, la lectura de esta obra ayuda a entender la raíz de las opciones que pugnan por el poder.
Guernica Editions,Canada The Massacre Confirmed Our Worst Suspicions
The poems in The Massacre Confirmed Our Worst Suspicions were written over a 25-year period between about 1993 and 2018. They were written as they came to me. Where they came from I have no idea. Something strikes me, bugs me for a period of time, and gets written as a kind of relief. The poems seem, to me, to be a curious mixture of whimsy, longing and outrage about the passage of time, memory, relics, unrequited love and death. Most of them, if not all, are more or less objective, or attempt to be. This is because of a conscious effort by me to strip personal pronouns from my poems. The damn things get in the way. They say, in effect, that the poet has had some ultra-special experience that the reader can't possibly have had, and that the poet, in her or his magnanimity, has deigned to bestow them on less special people. I think of myself as a reporter whose reporting just happens to take the form of poems.
Rutgers University Press Embodied Politics: Indigenous Migrant Activism, Cultural Competency, and Health Promotion in California
Embodied Politics illuminates the influential force of public health promotion in indigenous migrant communities by examining the Indigenous Health Project (IHP), a culturally and linguistically competent initiative that uses health workshops, health messages, and social programs to mitigate the structural vulnerability of Oaxacan migrants in California. Embodied Politics reconstructs how this initiative came to exist and describes how it operates. At the same time, it points out the conflicts, resistances, and counter-acts that emerge through the IHP’s attempts to guide the health behaviors and practices of Triqui and Mixteco migrants. Arguing for a structurally competent approach to migrant health, Embodied Politics shows how efforts to promote indigenous health may actually reinforce the same social and political economic forces, namely structural racism and neoliberalism, that are undermining the health of indigenous Oaxacans in Mexico and the United States.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling, Second Edition
The definitive one-stop resource on structural equation modeling (SEM) from leading methodologists is now in a significantly revised second edition. Twenty-three new chapters cover model selection, bifactor models, item parceling, multitrait–multimethod models, exploratory SEM, mixture models, SEM with small samples, and more. The book moves from fundamental SEM topics (causality, visualization, assumptions, estimation, model fit, and managing missing data); to major model types focused on unobserved causes of covariance between observed variables; to more complex, specialized applications. Each chapter provides conceptually oriented descriptions, fully explicated analyses, and engaging examples that reveal modeling possibilities for use with the reader's data. The expanded companion website presents full data sets, code, and output for many of the chapters, as well as bonus selected chapters from the prior edition. New to This Edition *Chapters on additional topics not mentioned above: SEM-based meta-analysis, dynamic SEM, machine-learning approaches, and more. *Chapters include computer code associated with example analyses (in Mplus and/or the R package lavaan), along with written descriptions of results. *60% new material reflects a decade's worth of developments in the mechanics and application of SEM. *Many new contributors and fully rewritten chapters.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Engineering Research. Volume 48: Volume 48
This book includes nine chapters detailing recent advances in engineering research. Chapter One considers the factors affecting fuel consumption in the open pit mining model by investigating the existing equipment and machinery, and examines the results and consequences of reducing the effects of fuel mismanagement and increasing energy efficiency. Chapter Two aims to address the coaxial mixer principle and comprehensively discuss its agitation mechanism applied to the single and multiphase flows considering Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Chapter Three presents a methodological framework for the implementation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the management of cultural heritage. Chapter Four considers 182 licensed wind farms that are under operation in various parts of Turkey using the Data Envelopment Analysis. Chapter Five discusses the influence of cooling rate on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties for a thermomechanically processed near eutectoid steel, particularly with Nb microalloying. Chapter Six concerns a non-standard multicopter design. Chapter Seven reports on pulse generation via mode-locking and Q-switching. Chapter Eight proposes an energy-efficient write scheme for phase change memory. Finally, Chapter Nine reveals the orbiting satellite dynamics in the form of nonlinear stochastic differential equation (SDE) and state vectors.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Gang of Four's Entertainment!
Following hard on the explosion of British punk, in 1979 Gang of Four produced post-punk’s smartest record, Entertainment! For the first time, a band wedded punk’s angry energy to funk’s propulsive beats—and used that music to put across lyrics that brought a heady mixture of Marxist theory and situationism to exposing the cultural politics of everyday life. But for an American college student from the suburbs—and, one expects, for many, many others, including British youth—Jon King’s and Andy Gill’s mumbled lyrics were often all but unintelligible. Political rock ‘n’ roll is always something of an oxymoron: rock audiences by and large don’t tune in to be lectured to. But what can it mean that a band that made pop songs as political theory actively resisted making that theory legible? Coming to terms with the impact of Entertainment! requires us to take the mondegreen—the misunderstood lyric—seriously. The old joke has it that the title of R.E.M.’s debut album should have been not Murmur, but Mumble: true, so far as it goes. But that’s the title, too, of rock ‘n’ roll’s Greatest Hits compilation—and that strategic inarticulateness itself, which creates such an important role for the listener, has an important politics.
Oxford University Press An Introduction to Thermal Physics
Thermal physics deals with collections of large numbers of particles - typically 10 to the 23rd power or so. Examples include the air in a balloon, the water in a lake, the electrons in a chunk of metal, and the photons given off by the sun. We can't possibly follow every detail of the motions of so many particles. So in thermal physics we assume that these motions are random, and we use the laws of probability to predict how the material as a whole ought to behave. Alternatively, we can measure the bulk properties of a material, and from these infer something about the particles it is made of. This book will give you a working understanding of thermal physics, assuming that you have already studied introductory physics and calculus. You will learn to apply the general laws of energy and entropy to engines, refrigerators, chemical reactions, phase transformations, and mixtures. You will also learn to use basic quantum physics and powerful statistical methods to predict in detail how temperature affects molecular speeds, vibrations of solids, electrical and magnetic behaviors, emission of light, and exotic low-temperature phenomena. The problems and worked examples explore applications not just within physics but also to engineering, chemistry, biology, geology, atmospheric science, astrophysics, cosmology, and everyday life.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Forschungen zur Kirchen- und Dogmengeschichte: Eine Studie zu Walter Hilton auf dem Hintergrund der romanischen Mystik
Walter Hilton (ca. 1343-1395) ist in England seit Jahrhunderten ein vielgelesener geistlicher Autor. Mit der Studie liegt erstmals eine deutschsprachige Monographie vor, die die Lëcken der ëberwiegend aus der Anglistik des angelsächsischen Sprachraums stammenden Hilton-Forschung aus theologischer Perspektive fëllt. Dazu wird nach einem ausfëhrlichen Forschungsëberblick Hiltons Leben und Werk umfassend vorgestellt und in den historischen Kontext eingeordnet. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit bietet eine Untersuchung der Theologie Hiltons. Die Studie wählt einen primär traditionsgeschichtlichen Ansatz, der ergänzt wird um mentalitäts-, kultur- und sozialgeschichtliche Perspektiven. Anhand einer Untersuchung des fër Hilton zentralen Begriffs der "Liebe (Gottesliebe, Nächstenliebe, Selbstliebe)" und der bei ihm damit eng verflochtenen Vorstellung von der Gottebenbildlichkeit/-ähnlichkeit des Menschen wird gezeigt, dass Hilton in der augustinisch-zisterziensischen Traditionslinie (Bernhard von Clairvaux, Wilhelm von St. Thierry, Richard von St. Viktor) steht. Hiltons Eigenart profiliert ein Vergleich mit den anderen Vertretern der mittelalterlichen Mystik in England (Richard Rolle, Verfasser der Wolke des Nichtwissens, Juliana von Norwich, Margery Kempe). Hilton ist bedeutend als Übersetzer und Vermittler. Er gibt komplexe theologische Gedankenfiguren in der Volkssprache an Laien weiter und propagiert die im Mittelalter Geistlichen mit weltlicher Verantwortung vorbehaltene vita mixta als Lebensform fër Nicht-Kleriker. Anders als seinem Zeitgenossen Wyclif geht es Hilton als Kritiker und Reformer weniger um kirchliche Strukturen, sein Augenmerk liegt auf dem einzelnen Gläubigen.
University of Pennsylvania Press God's Country: Christian Zionism in America
The United States is Israel's closest ally in the world. The fact is undeniable, and undeniably controversial, not least because it so often inspires conspiracy theorizing among those who refuse to believe that the special relationship serves America's strategic interests or places the United States on the side of Israel's enduring conflict with the Palestinians. Some point to the nefarious influence of a powerful "Israel lobby" within the halls of Congress. Others detect the hand of evangelical Protestants who fervently support Israel for their own theological reasons. The underlying assumption of all such accounts is that America's support for Israel must flow from a mixture of collusion, manipulation, and ideologically driven foolishness. Samuel Goldman proposes another explanation. The political culture of the United States, he argues, has been marked from the very beginning by a Christian theology that views the American nation as deeply implicated in the historical fate of biblical Israel. God's Country is the first book to tell the complete story of Christian Zionism in American political and religious thought from the Puritans to 9/11. It identifies three sources of American Christian support for a Jewish state: covenant, or the idea of an ongoing relationship between God and the Jewish people; prophecy, or biblical predictions of return to The Promised Land; and cultural affinity, based on shared values and similar institutions. Combining original research with insights from the work of historians of American religion, Goldman crafts a provocative narrative that chronicles Americans' attachment to the State of Israel.
University of Texas Press A Spy in the House of Loud: New York Songs and Stories
Popular music was in a creative upheaval in the late 1970s. As the singer-songwriter and producer Chris Stamey remembers, “the old guard had become bloated, cartoonish, and widely co-opted by a search for maximum corporate profits, and we wanted none of it.” In A Spy in the House of Loud, he takes us back to the auteur explosion happening in New York clubs such as the Bowery’s CBGB as Television, Talking Heads, R.E.M., and other innovative bands were rewriting the rules. Just twenty-two years old and newly arrived from North Carolina, Stamey immersed himself in the action, playing a year with Alex Chilton before forming the dB’s and recording the albums Stands for deciBels and Repercussion, which still have an enthusiastic following.A Spy in the House of Loud vividly captures the energy that drove the music scene as arena rock gave way to punk and other new streams of electric music. Stamey tells engrossing backstories about creating in the recording studio, describing both the inspiration and the harmonic decisions behind many of his compositions, as well as providing insights into other people’s music and the process of songwriting. Photos, mixer-channel and track assignment notes, and other inside-the-studio materials illustrate the stories. Revealing another side of the CBGB era, which has been stereotyped as punk rock, safety pins, and provocation, A Spy in the House of Loud portrays a southern artist’s coming-of-age in New York’s frontier abandon as he searches for new ways to break the rules and make some noise.
Sonicbond Publishing 1967: A Year In Psychedelic Rock: The Bands And The Sounds Of The Summer Of Love
It was the year the Sixties really started swinging - the Summer of Love, when the Rolling Stones said 'We Love You' and The Beatles pointed out that 'All You Need Is Love'. The piper was at the gates of dawn, a strange brew was bubbling in the mellow, yellow mind gardens and a purple haze air was in the air. At the centre of the year's tumultuous social and cultural change was the mind-expanding music called psychedelic rock, a multi-coloured mixture of amazing sounds, when imagination and experimentation ran riot and the old musical boundaries were torn down in a haze of hallucinogenic abandon. In this fascinating book, Kevan Furbank looks at the roots of psychedelic rock and examines the contributions made by some of the biggest bands of the year, including The Beatles, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, Love, Pink Floyd and The Beach Boys. He examines the hits and misses, the successes and failures, the bands that were born to be psychedelic and those that had psychedelia thrust upon them - sometimes with disastrous results. And he shows how the genre planted the seeds for other forms of popular music to take root and flourish. If you love music, and want to know why 1967 was such a watershed year, then you will want this book. It is eye-popping, mind-opening and horizon-expanding - and a splendid time is guaranteed for all
Hodder & Stoughton The Secret Life of a Vet: A heartwarming glimpse into the real world of veterinary from TV vet Rory Cowlam
Honest and heart-warming account of the highs and lows of life as a vet, by lovable TV star Rory Cowlam.Rory Cowlam, otherwise known as Rory the Vet, has had a passion for animals for as long as he can remember. As a young boy, growing up in the countryside, he fell in love with the creatures that could be found both at home and in the neighbouring farms and fields. There was never any doubt in his mind as to what he wanted to do when he grew up.Now Rory's dreams of becoming a vet are a reality. He works in a busy London practice where his honest and emotional relationships with the animals and their owners have made him the relatable and approachable face of veterinary work. But, as Rory describes here with a mixture of his trademark openness and humour, what he couldn't have known as a small boy with his heart set on becoming the next James Herriot, was what becoming a vet really entails.In an era when doctors and nurses are talking more openly about the realities of saving human lives, Rory shows what a vital service vets offer in caring for the animals that often form the very heart of the household. He describes the demanding experience of veterinary school, and offers a very human take on what it's like to treat animals, and the little talked about mental health implications that this pressured life or death industry holds. This is a frank and heart-warming account of chasing a childhood dream and learning to love the reality.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Key Figures Aboard RMS Titanic: Superstars and Scapegoats
Titanic. The Marilyn Monroe of ocean liners. A sleek, sultry beauty, taken out way before her time. A kind of 21st century Flying Dutchman, with interiors by Cesar Ritz, still striving to achieve the waters of a port she can never reach. Fuelled by a subtle mixture of horror, fascination and sheer, fatal glamour, she surges heedlessly across the still, starlit calm of our collective subconscious, hell bent on achieving her chilling, near midnight rendezvous with her killer. Titanic is a brilliantly lit stage, carrying her cast of exotic, terminally endangered extras toward an abyss at once both unfathomable and inconceivable. Here's where any similarity with any other tome about the Titanic ends. For the first time ever, a succession of key characters and groups of individuals come to the fore. Centre stage, over seventeen chapters, we meet the men whose decisions, actions and omissions combined like some slow burning powder trail to trigger a final, cataclysmic conclusion; the foundering, in mid Atlantic, of the biggest moving object ever seen on the face of the planet. One by one, a series of individuals take a bow. Seemingly omnipotent owners and hugely experienced ship's officers. Engineers and designers. Would be rescuers and embattled wireless operators. We meet them as individuals, not supermen. Their histories, backgrounds and life experiences are assessed for the first time ever, putting their actions on the night that Titanic sank into a context, a light as stark as that of the distress rockets, arcing into the sky
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc The Art of Paint Pouring: Tips, Techniques, and Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating Colorful Poured Art – Kit Includes: 48-page Project Book, Acrylic Paint (3 Bottles), Glue (1 Bottle), Craft Sticks (10), Canvas Board
Learn the creative, innovative technique of making art by pouring paint with The Art of Paint Pouring kit. What is paint pouring? It’s an acrylic painting technique where you don’t apply the paint with a brush or palette knife, but rather use gravity to move the paint across a canvas. The results are unlike anything you can get with a brush: fluid flows of paint without any brush marks or texture. Featuring all the supplies you need to get started, easy step-by-step projects, practical tips, and inspirational photos of beautiful art from well-established paint-pouring expert and YouTube artist Amanda VanEver, this all-in-one kit helps artists of any skill level make colorful, textured art. The kit includes: 48-page project book 3 bottles of acrylic paint in cool jewel tones 1 bottle of glue 10 craft sticks Canvas board There are many techniques for making poured art. With this kit, you will learn swiping, pouring, dipping, pulling, and more using the many how-to projects provided in the project book. The book also covers: Tools and materials, including affordable options for items that will help you create poured art Basic color theory and how to choose paint colors that will create pleasing mixtures Eye-catching full-page artwork Tips for creating the right paint consistency Instructions for keeping your work area clean, even while working with a potentially messy technique If you are new to paint pouring, you will love the beginners’ tips and instructions that allow anyone to master this contemporary craft. With VanEver’s easy step-by-step projects, practical tips, and beautiful textured art, this kit will make an expert out of anyone. Start creating stunning works of poured art with The Art of Paint Pouring kit!
Skyhorse Publishing Golf University: Become a Better Putter, Driver, and More—the Smart Way
Here is comprehensive advice to excelling on the golf course. Scott Weems goes beyond traditional tips on putting and driving. Divided into four academic years, Scott Weems incorporates the disciplines of physics, math, medicine, sociology, geology, and more to help you improve your game and have more fun on the linksThe many lessons that Weems offers include: Achieving maximum efficiency in the golf swing, meaning no loss of kinetic energy from club to ball, would require a driver 72 feet long. And a club the same weight as the ball. Twelve percent of business executives rate golf as more important than sex. Players shot half a stroke higher when paired with Tiger Woods in his prime. The effect was even worse on the final day of competition. Putting against the direction of the grain (i.e., opposite the most recent mowing) leaves the ball 15 percent shorter than putting in the opposite direction. Closing your eyes occasionally while putting will leave your ball almost 10 percent closer to the pin. And more! Golf University uses a mixture of research, interviews, and Weems’s own experiences as a scientist and golfer to introduce readers to the latest discoveries in the sport.
Batsford Ltd New Illustration with Type
Over 200 of the best illustrated typographical designs in the world today Over 35 of the most innovative designers and illustrators from around the world Features a range of techniques, from traditional drawing, collage and graffiti to the latest software packages The world of design and contemporary illustration is one of the fastest-growing and exciting creative fields in the world today. Illustrative and decorative type is at the core of much of the work of both illustrators and designers. This important book showcases some of the very best illustrated typography in the world today. Over 35 of the most interesting artists and designers from around the world – from South America to Japan, Spain to Australia – are featured in this book, producing a rich resource for those working in design and anyone who loves good illustration. Their work shows a mixture of technique, from traditional drawing and watercolours, to collage, Photoshop, Illustrator and other software. Their typographical work comes in a variety of languages, but all the work has application as well as inspiration for designers worldwide. This is the latest in the hugely successful New Illustration series and should be on the shelf of any designer or illustrator.
Bodleian Library Typographic Firsts: Adventures in Early Printing
How were the first fonts made? Who invented italics? When did we work out how to print in colour? Many of the standard features of printed books were designed by pioneering typographers and printers in the latter half of the fifteenth century. Although Johannes Gutenberg is credited with printing the first books in Europe with moveable type, at the height of the Renaissance many different European printers and publishers found innovative solutions to replicate the appearance of manuscript books in print and improve on them. The illustrated examples in Typographic Firsts originate in those early decades, bringing into focus the influences and innovations that shaped the printed book and established a Western typographic canon. From the practical challenges of polychromatic printing or printing music staves and notes to the techniques for illustrating books with woodcuts, producing books for children and the design of the first fonts, these stories chart the invention of the printed book, the world’s first means of mass communication. Also covering title pages, maps, printing in gold and printing in colour, this book shows how a mixture of happenstance and brilliant technological innovation came together to form the typographic and design conventions of the book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Crisis of Expertise
In recent political debates there has been a significant change in the valence of the word “experts” from a superlative to a near pejorative, typically accompanied by a recitation of experts’ many failures and misdeeds. In topics as varied as Brexit, climate change, and vaccinations there is a palpable mistrust of experts and a tendency to dismiss their advice. Are we witnessing, therefore, the “death of expertise,” or is the handwringing about an “assault on science” merely the hysterical reaction of threatened elites? In this new book, Gil Eyal argues that what needs to be explained is not a one-sided “mistrust of experts” but the two-headed pushmi-pullyu of unprecedented reliance on science and expertise, on the one hand, coupled with increased skepticism and dismissal of scientific findings and expert opinion, on the other. The current mistrust of experts is best understood as one more spiral in an on-going, recursive crisis of legitimacy. The “scientization of politics,” of which critics warned in the 1960s, has brought about a politicization of science, and the two processes reinforce one another in an unstable, crisis-prone mixture. This timely book will be of great interest to students and scholars in the social sciences and to anyone concerned about the political uses of, and attacks on, scientific knowledge and expertise.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Alternative Energy Resources: The Quest for Sustainable Energy
A balanced introduction to tomorrow's energy sources Over the course of the next fifty years, there will be a shift in the quest for sustainble energy, including a major change in transportation from internal combustion engines burning petroleum-derived fuels to newer technology engines using new transportation fuels. Alternative Energy Reources examines our options for energy sources with a focus on hydrogen as a large-scale, secondary energy vector parallel to electricity. As the price of petroleum products increases, the world is scrambling to find a suitable replacement energy source. In this comprehensive primer, Professor Paul Kruger examines energy use throughout history and the exponential expansion of our energy use beginning with the Industrial Revolution through the present day. The book then analyzes the various alternative energy sources available, including renewable energy (hydroelectric, solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal), nuclear, and hydrogen. He addresses each energy source's pros and cons based on our needs, availability, and environmental impact aspects. Finally, Dr. Kruger proposes the use of hydrogen as a fuel to sustain our energy supply produced by appropriate technology mixtures of renewable and nuclear energy.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC No One Is Talking About This: Shortlisted for the Booker Prize 2021 and the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2021
‘Patricia Lockwood is the voice of a generation’ Namita Gokhale ‘A masterpiece’ Guardian ‘I really admire and love this book’ Sally Rooney ‘An intellectual and emotional rollercoaster’ Daily Mail ‘I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much reading a book’ David Sedaris ‘A rare wonder . . . I was left in bits’ Douglas Stuart * WINNER OF THE DYLAN THOMAS PRIZE 2022 * * SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2021 * * SHORTLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2021 * * A BBC BETWEEN THE COVERS BOOK CLUB PICK * ______________________________________________ This is a story about a life lived in two halves. It’s about what happens when real life collides with the increasing absurdity of a world accessed through a screen. It’s about living in world that contains both an abundance of proof that there is goodness, empathy, and justice in the universe, and a deluge of evidence to the contrary. It's a meditation on love, language and human connection from one of the most original voices of our time. ______________________________________________ ‘An utterly distinctive mixture of depth, dazzling linguistic richness, anarchic wit and raw emotional candour’ Rowan Williams A 2021 Book of the Year: Sunday Times, Guardian, Daily Mail, Telegraph, Evening Standard, The Times, New Statesman, Red, Observer, Independent, Daily Telegraph
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Holy Land in the Era of the Crusades: Kingdoms at the Crossroads of Civilizations, 1100–1300
The Near East in the era of the Crusades was home to diverse populations Orthodox and Latin Christians, Shia and Sunni Muslims, Jews and Samaritans. It was the meeting-point for Arab, Turkish, Byzantine and Frankish culture, the latter itself a mixture of Western traditions adapted to circumstances in the crusader states by the Europeans who had settled in the Holy Land. While the Crusades have become a synonym for brutality and bigotry, the crusader states represented a positive example of harmonious coexistence across two centuries. Likewise, while scholars from a wide range of disciplines including archaeology, art history, and medicine have shed light on diverse aspects of the crusader states, to date there is no single introductory source that provides a comprehensive overview of these unique states as a starting point for the uninitiated. _The Holy Land in the Era of the Crusades_ aims to fill this gap while correcting common misconceptions by bringing together recent scholarly research on a range of topics to create a comprehensive description. It covers the history, demography, state institutions, foreign policy, economy, art, architecture, and lifestyle of the people who lived in the crusader states in the period from 1100 to 1300\. It is organized in two main parts: a chronological historical overview, and a topical discussion of key features of these unique kingdoms. An additional, final chapter describes the rise and fall of the House of Ibelin to give the entire history a human face. _The Holy Land in the Era of the Crusades_ would make an ideal textbook for undergraduates while offering hobby historians an introduction to the crusader states with tips for further research.
Museum of Fine Arts,Boston Paul Revere: Sons of Liberty Bowl
American patriot Paul Revere is wrapped in the swirling mixture of myth and poetry through which history often descends, but as a craftsman and artist, he left behind more tangible traces, as well. In this volume, esteemed art historian Gerald W. R. Ward tells the true story of Revere’s most iconic creation, the Sons of Liberty bowl, bravely made and marked by the rebel and silversmith on the threshold of the Revolutionary War. John Singleton Copley’s portrait of Revere, created the same year, 1768, helps introduce the man he was and the legend he became. The painting and the silver bowl are both popularly reproduced and have joined re-tellings of his Midnight Ride to define Revere in the American imagination, in turn signifying the Revolution and the young country’s values.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes: Applications to Diffusion and Rheology
Thermodynamics of irreversible Processes provides a thoroughtreatment of the basic axioms of irreversible systems and dealswith specific applications to diffusion of liquids and matter inflow. This volume will prove to be invaluable reading for anyoneworking in the field of irreversible phenomena. Thermodynamics ofIrreversible Processes, presents :- * A lucid review of classical thermodynamics * Rigorous derivations of the fundamental principles ofirreversible thermodynamics * In-depth studies of multicomponent diffusion, with applicationsto non-ideal systems * Thorough treatments of relaxation phenomena and linearviscoelasticity * An essential text for anyone working with irreversiblethermodynamics, rheology and multi-component mixtures Thermodynamics of irreversible Processes is the first advanced textdealing with the applications of irreversible thermodynamics tomulticomponent diffusion and viscoelasticity. Gerard Kuiken haswritten a book which will appeal to students and researchers inchemistry, chemical technology, polymer and materials science,physics and rheology.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co Botanical Bar Craft
For cocktail enthusiasts, foragers, bartenders and herbalists, Botanical Bar Craft serves up truly original, spirited recipes plus invaluable plant knowledge inspired by adventures in the garden and forest. In Botanical Bar Craft, you'll discover original recipes that tie together the creative arts of herbal medicine and craft cocktail making. Herbalist and mixologist Cassandra Sears blends herbal tinctures, teas, and botanical infusions into modern-classic cocktails as well as sensational and unique nonalcoholic drinks that hit the spot for relaxation. Cassandra's work is infused by her close connection to nature. Whether in the garden, field or forest, she discovers inspiration for delicious concoctions among the trees and plants and shares her delicious discoveries in this essential new guide. Her tonic libations harness the power of phytochemistry and place-based consciousness while easing stress and comforting the body, mind and spirit. Inside Botanical Bar Craft, you'll a
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Australian Women's Weekly Vegan: Nutritious, Delicious Planet-friendly Meals
DK brings you a curated collection of all-new triple-tested vegan recipes from The Australian Women's Weekly. Take your vegan cooking to new heights with more than 90 balanced and enticing plant-based recipes to be enjoyed by all.Australian Women's Weekly (AWW) is one of the most popular magazines in Australia, with an impressive collection of recipes too - helping you to create balanced and healthy meals each and every day, without compromising on flavour! From meat-free meals to plant-based puddings, take your cooking game to the next level with over 90 simple recipes perfect for finishing dinner with a flourish. A must-have volume for anyone seeking easy vegan recipes without slaving away in the kitchen all day! Sure to get your taste buds tingling, this quick vegan cookbook promises:- Over 90 vegan recipes suitable for all times of the year and a range of occasions.- Ingredients are recognizable and readily available in all markets.- Every recipe is triple-tested in The Australian Women's Weekly test kitchen and by their external recipe testers.- Including a mixture of classic recipes and innovative ideas.Create impressive and flavoursome everyday meals using fresh, versatile, and nourishing ingredients that will leave you feeling satisfied and your guests impressed. With beautifully photographed recipes, inspired by cuisine from all over the world - discover the exciting range of flavours you can create with your favourite plant-based foods.At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop there? The Australian Women's Weekly's triple-tested, fuss-free recipes are trusted favourites around the world, and now you can also enjoy them with this collectible series of creative, accessible, and reliable recipe books. Each book in the series features 80-100 recipes all photographed and with a fresh, modern design, covering a range of cuisines, types of dishes and dietary needs, creating balanced everyday meals. Discover a broad range of bread, biscuits and baked goods with Australian Women's Weekly - Bakery and hone your health like never before with Australian Women's Weekly - Healthy Eating. Your taste buds are sure to thank you for it!
Rutgers University Press Metroburbia, USA
Decades of economic prosperity in the United States have redefined the American dream. Paul Knox explores how extreme versions of this dream have changed the American landscape. Increased wealth has led America's metropolitan areas to develop into vast sprawling regions of "metroburbia"ùfragmented mixtures of employment and residential settings, combining urban and suburban characteristics.Upper-middle-class Americans are moving into larger homes in greater numbers, which leads Knox to explore the relationship between built form and material culture in contemporary society. He covers changes in home design, real estate, the work of developers, and the changing wishes of consumers. Knox shows that contemporary suburban landscapes are a product of consumer demand, combined with the logic of real estate development, mediated by design and policy professionals and institutions of governance. Suburban landscapes not only echo the fortunes of successive generations of inhabitants, Knox argues, they also reflect the country's changing core values.Knox addresses key areas of concern and importance to today's urban planners and suburban residents including McMansions, traffic disasters, house design, homeowner's associations, exclusionary politics, and big box stores. Through the inclusion of examples and photos, Metroburbia, USA creates an accessible portrait of today's suburbs supported by data, anecdotes, and social theory. It is a broad interpretation of the American metropolitan form that looks carefully at the different influences that contribute to where and how we live today.
Edinburgh University Press The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 1: Beginnings and Consolidation 1640 1800
Comprehensively sets out the cross-regional and transnational dimension of press history in early-modern Britain and Ireland Provides an exhaustive history of the British and Irish Press from the outbreak of the British Civil Wars to the eve of the Act of Union, reflected upon in a mixture of core chapters, substantive chapters, and focused case studies Expert contributors examine features regarding the production, transmission and reception of not just newspapers but also the more specialised press Offers unique and important reassessments of the seventeenth and eighteenth-century British and Irish periodical press within social, cultural, technological, economic, linguistic and historical contexts Consisting of twenty-eight chapters and numerous case studies the volume examines the history of the British and Irish press from its seventeenth-century beginnings up until the end of the eighteenth century. Five core chapters regard the Business of the Press (including advertising), Production and Distribution, Legal Constraints and Opportunities, Readers and Readerships, and the Emerging Identities and Communities of news writers and journalists. Other contributions focus on particular national realities such as those in Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The contributions examine features relating to the production, transmission and reception of not just news publications but also the more specialised press such as periodical essays, women's periodicals, literary and review journalism, medical journals, and the criminal and religious press. As much early modern news was a transnational phenomenon the volume includes studies on European and trans-Atlantic networks as well as the role of translation in news transmission and output.
Pennsylvania State University Press Simon Hantaï and the Reserves of Painting
The Hungarian-born French painter Simon Hantaï (1922–2008) is best known for abstract, large-format works produced using pliage: the painting of a crumpled, gathered, or systematically pleated canvas that the artist then unfolds and stretches for exhibition. In her study of this profoundly influential artist, Molly Warnock presents a persuasive historical account of his work, his impact on a younger generation of French artists, and the genesis and development of the practice of pliage over time. Simon Hantaï and the Reserves of Painting covers the entirety of Hantaï’s expansive oeuvre, from his first aborted experiments with folding around 1950 to his post-pliage experiments with digital scanning and printing. Throughout, Warnock analyzes the artist’s relentlessly searching studio practice in light of his no less profound engagement with developments in philosophy, psychoanalysis, and critical theory. Engaging both Hantaï’s art and writing to support her argument and paying particular attention to his sustained interrogation of religious painting in the West, Warnock shows how Hantaï’s work evinces a complicated mixture of intentionality and contingency. Appendixes provide English translations of two major texts by the artist, “A Plantaneous Demolition” and “Notes, Deliberately Confounding, Accelerating, and the Like for a ‘Reactionary,’ Nonreducible Avant-Garde.”Original and insightful, this important new book is a central reference for the life, art, and theories of one of the most significant and exciting artists of the twentieth century. It will appeal to art historians and students of modernism, especially those interested in the history of abstraction, materiality and Surrealism, theories of community, and automatism and making.
Casemate Publishers Fire in the Streets: The Battle for Hue, Tet 1968
The Tet Offensive of January 1968 was the most important military campaign of the Vietnam War. The ancient capital city of Hue, once considered the jewel of Indochina’s cities, was a key objective of a surprise Communist offensive launched on Vietnam’s most important holiday. But when the North Vietnamese launched their massive invasion of the city, instead of the general civilian uprising and easy victory they had hoped for, they faced a devastating battle of attrition with enormous casualties on both sides. In the end, the battle for Hue was an unambiguous military and political victory for South Vietnam and the United States. In Fire in the Streets, the dramatic narrative of the battle unfolds on an hour-by-hour, day-by-day basis. The focus is on the U.S. and South Vietnamese soldiers and Marines–from the top commanders down to the frontline infantrymen–and on the men and women who supported them. With access to rare documents from both North and South Vietnam and hundreds of hours of interviews, Eric Hammel, a renowned military historian, expertly draws on first-hand accounts from the battle participants in this engrossing mixture of action and commentary. In addition, Hammel examines the tremendous strain the surprise attack put on the South Vietnamese-U.S. alliance, the shocking brutality of the Communist “liberators,” and the lessons gained by U.S. Marines forced to wage battle in a city–a task for which they were utterly unprepared and which remains highly relevant today. Re-issued in the fiftieth anniversary year of the battle, with an updated photo section and maps this is the only complete and authoritative account of this crucial landmark battle.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc The Art of Paint Pouring: Tips, techniques, and step-by-step instructions for creating colorful poured art in acrylic
Learn the creative, innovative technique of making art by pouring paint with The Art of Paint Pouring. Featuring easy step-by-step projects, practical tips, and beautiful art from an established paint-pouring expert, this book helps artists of any skill level make colorful, textured art by pouring acrylic paint onto a canvas. There are many techniques for making poured art, and this book details them all. You will learn to swipe, pour, and more using the manyhow-to projects provided in this book. Also included are chapters on the following: Tools and materials, including affordable options for items that will help you create poured art Basic color theory and how to choose paint colors that will create pleasing mixtures Eye-catching full-page artwork Tips for creating the paint consistency that you want Instructions for keeping your work area clean, even while working with a potentially messy technique Written and illustrated by a well-recognized paint-pouring artist, The Art of Paint Pouring is a comprehensive reference that eliminates the need to search online for multiple videos that you would continually have to pause and re-watch. If you are new to paint pouring, you will love the beginners’ tips and instructions that allow anyone to master this contemporary craft. Start creating stunning works of poured art with The Art of Paint Pouring. Also from the Fluid Art series, refresh your paint-pouring skills and learn new techniques with: The Art of Paint Pouring: Swipe, Swirl & Spin and The Art of Paint Marbling.
Penguin Books Ltd Tropic of Capricorn
A cult modern classic, Tropic of Capricorn is as daring, frank and influential as Henry Miller first novel, Tropic of Cancer -- new to Penguin Modern Classics with a cover by Tracey EminA story of sexual and spiritual awakening, Tropic of Capricorn shocked readers when it was published in 1939. A mixture of fiction and autobiography, it is the story of Henry V. Miller who works for the Cosmodemonic telegraph company in New York in the 1920s and tries to write the most important work of literature that was ever published. Tropic of Capricorn paints a dazzling picture of the life of the writer and of New York City between the wars: the skyscrapers and the sewers, the lust and the dejection, the smells and the sounds of a city that is perpetually in motion, threatening to swallow everyone and everything.'Literature begins and ends with the meaning of what Miller has done' Lawrence Durrell 'The only imaginative prose-writer of the slightest value who has appeared among the English-speaking races for some years past' George Orwell 'The greatest American writer' Bob Dylan Henry Miller (1891-1980) is one of the most important American writers of the 20th century. His best-known novels include Tropic of Cancer (1934), Tropic of Capricorn (1939), and the Rosy Crucifixion trilogy (Sexus, 1949, Plexus, 1953, and Nexus, 1959), all published in France and banned in the US and the UK until 1964. He is widely recognised as an irreverent, risk-taking writer who redefined the novel and made the link between the European avant-garde and the American Beat generation.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Play Therapy with Abused Children
Praise for the first edition:'Ann Cattanach writes with enormous empathy and warmth, and with a refreshing lack of sentimentality... [This] is an unpretentious and optimistic book, and a very positive addition to recent publications.'- British Association of Play Therapists'I would recommend the book to anyone working in this field. This is a well presented, clear and easy-to-read book, providing a balanced mixture of factual information and case material.' - British Journal of Occupational Therapy'What impressed me so much about this work was Cattanach's knowledge of children and their inherent strengths as well as their vulnerabilities. This practical and easy to apply book is recommended for anyone who works with abused children and would like further insight as well as practical and informative advice on healing the traumatized child.'- Trauma and Loss: Research and Interventions'Her accounts of the way in which play is used to make sense of traumatic experiences are full of insight and often moving. All aspects of the work are covered. This is an exceptional volume - goes far beyond a mere text book.' - Therapy WeeklyThis second edition of Ann Cattanach's highly commended book explores the use of play therapy with abused children as a way of helping them heal their distress and make sense of their experiences through expanding their own creativity in play.The book provides practical ways of starting play therapy with abused children and explains how the child can use this process for healing. Models of intervention are described with consideration given to the particular needs of the child and the work setting of the therapist. Suggestions include short and medium term interventions, individual/group and sibling work. This edition provides new case study material, up-to-date information on relevant legislation on children's rights and welfare and recent developments in research in the field.This book is essential reading for professionals working with abused children, as well as those interested in the use of creative therapies.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Tracheostomy: Indications, Safety and Outcomes
Tracheostomy is one of the simplest, most valuable operations in surgical practice. In tracheostomy an opening is made in the anterior wall of the trachea and this opening is used for insufflation of oxygen- air mixture into the lungs. A tracheostomy may be performed on an emergency or elective basis; it may be a temporary or a permanent one. Over the past several years the indications for a tracheostomy have radically evolved. Earlier tracheostomies were mostly done to relieve an upper airway obstruction; now tracheostomies are mostly done in critical care settings to facilitate mechanical ventilation. Open surgical tracheostomy (OST) is usually done in an operation theatre. A detailed description is given in the relevant chapter of the book, but a certain salient point needs to be emphasized here. First and foremost, neck anatomy is to be clearly defined and structures should be identified, as most of the complications occur when the surgeon deviates from the midline. Percutaneous tracheostomy (PCT) has certain distinct advantages over open surgical tracheostomy (OST); PCT is faster to perform, easier to learn and can be performed at the point of care. In most adult ICU patients, a percutaneous tracheostomy (PCT) is the preferred technique unless contraindicated. Compared to surgical tracheostomy it leads to significantly lesser wound infections, but it is associated with a higher rate of accidental decannulation and obstruction. Use of real time ultrasonography while performing percutaneous tracheostomy has also helped in better identification of tracheal rings and hence in improving its safety for obese patients. Tracheostomies are usually straightforward, but complications still occur, often due to improper technique. Complications may be due to structural damage to vital structures of the neck leading to hemorrhage, tracheal damage, esophageal damage, failure to proceed, air embolism, aspiration, hypoxemia, tube misplacement, pneumothorax, tracheal stenosis, trachea-arterial and trachea-esophageal fistula. This book encompasses many clinically relevant scenarios in which a tracheostomy may be needed. However, certain situations demand special expertise; tracheostomy in pregnancy is one such situation. The aim of this book is to apprise readers with all the practical aspects of tracheostomy from patient's selection to tracheostomy in special situations.
Flashlight Press Maya Was Grumpy
An artful mixture of fantasy and reality, humor and heart, Maya Was Grumpy celebrates the power of imagination and humor to improve moods. Maya wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, tangled in her blanket, and in a crispy, cranky, grumpy, grouchy mood. She doesn’t want to color or wear her favorite shorts or go outside to play. What’s worse, she’s determined to share her grumpiness with everyone as she glumps, clumps, and thumps around the house. But when Maya growls at her grandmother, she graciously takes Maya’s mood in stride, and even has a solution: Gramma suggests a series of unusual activities that Maya will probably not want to do since she’s feeling grumpy—and then dismisses her own silly suggestions before Maya can reject them. Children will find it hard to keep from smiling as they watch Maya’s grouchiness dissolve into glee at Gramma’s giggle-inducing ideas, while adults will find Gramma’s clever tactic a useful strategy to add to their repertoire when kids are grumpy.
Page Street Publishing Co. 125 Best Juices, Smoothies and Healthy Snacks: Easy Recipes for Natural Energy and Delicious, Plant-Based Nutrition
Standout Healthy and Satisfying Juices, Smoothies and Snacks Juices and smoothies are packed with the vitamins and nutrients you need to nourish your body. And in this updated version of 100 Best Juices, Smoothies and Healthy Snacks, you'll receive 25 all-new recipes for delicious green smoothies and juices. Recipes include: . Superpowered Matcha Latte . All the Greens Juice . Savory Veggie Juice . Spirulina Vanilla Mylkshake . Banana Spinach Almond Dream . Pineapple Berry Mixer . Vanilla Melon Magic . Strawberry Mylkshake . Dark Chocolate Chip, Oat and Hemp Cookies . Dare to Date Squares . Hippie Hemp Hummus . Cheezy Garlic Kale Chips Each sip or bite will boost your metabolism, strengthen your immune system and help you get your daily-recommended intake of fruits and vegetables. With recipes that are not only good for you and easy to make, but tasty and portable as well, you'll be clinging to this healthy living companion with both hands.
Scarecrow Press The A to Z of Shinto
Shinto is the ancient religion of Japan. Indeed, it is one of the oldest religions in the world that is still followed. Over the centuries it has evolved out of the worship of kami, the divine within the world. Shinto has assumed many forms ranging from its origins as a folk religion to its gradual mixture with Buddhism over six centuries, and from its redefining after the Meiji Reformation in the interests of nationalism to the end of World War II, when it again became a more personal choice. As one of the few ancient religions that still thrives, it is of interest to greater circles than Japan specialists, although it remains difficult to understand and even harder to characterize in western terms. Fortunately however, understanding is greatly facilitated by The A to Z of Shinto, which traces its long historical evolution in the book's chronology and carefully considers the religion from different angles in the introduction. The dictionary includes hundreds of cross-referenced entries on significant institutions, concepts, writings, thinkers, and most importantly, the kami. The bibliography provides an outlet for further study.
Nick Hern Books Never Have I Ever
Jacq and Kas's boutique restaurant has gone bust, and telling their oldest friends Adaego and her rich husband Tobin that his investment is toast is only the start of the evening. Cash, class, identity and infidelity are all on the menu. As the last of the expensive wine flows, a dangerous drinking game reveals long-hidden truths and provokes an unspeakable dare. Never Have I Ever is an explosive, savagely funny play which brilliantly skewers the contradictions of contemporary society, and the shifting sands of power and sexual politics. It premiered at the Minerva Theatre, Chichester, in 2023, directed by Emma Butler and starring Alex Roach, Amit Shah, Greg Wise and Susan Wokoma. Deborah Frances-White is a comedian, screenwriter and host of the global hit podcast The Guilty Feminist. This is her first play. '[Deborah Frances-White's] mixture of wit, fallibility and inclusivity is immensely appealing' Sunday Times on The Guilty Feminist 'Hilarious, irreverent, eternally surprising, classy as hell, genius' Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Unbridled Books A Season of Fire and Ice
From the heartlands of the 1880s Upper Midwest comes a morality tale of survival and destiny told in the convincing language of a patriarch's journal, evoking a real sense of the time and place. Gerhardt Praeger, a farmer of some education and plenty experience, understands the mixture of hard work, ingenuity, ethic, grace and steadiness of spirit needed to hold his settler family and neighboring community together while homesteading the hard territory of the Dakotas. He, along with his wife and seven sons, must constantly contend with natural disasters and manmade challenges to carve out their holdings in an unforgiving environment that has defeated so many of their neighbors, sending them home to their families back east. Praeger believes that God will provide sufficiently if not in abundance to those who can resist over-reaching. But a new neighbor, the bold Beidermann, who seems at times almost larger than life, stirs both his curiosity and envy, and tests Praeger's moral beliefs. Between his remarkable journal entries that observe the increasingly tense events between them, is also a narrative that moves the everyone toward calamity. What results is an almost biblical story of moral imperatives and self-revelation, of man striving to civilize his own impulses along with the wild land.
Peepal Tree Press Ltd The Merchant of Feathers
This second collection of poems confirms why Tanya Shirley is so much in demand for readings. The stories she tells have their finger on the pulse of contemporary Jamaica in all its exuberance and brokenness. She tells these stories with a winning mixture of acute observation, outrage, outrageousness, tenderness and understanding. They present a poetic persona of a woman who is "sometimes dangling from high wires/ but always out in the open". So that whilst there is no one who so wittily skewers the misogynistic, she is also honest about the complicity of women in their own acts of submission, of how "I danced flat-footed in your dense air". There is joy in the energy and delights of the body but also a keen awareness of ageing and the body's derelictions. If there is one overarching vision it is that love is "larger than the space we live in", a love represented by the "merchant of feathers - now a woman/ selling softness in these hard times", or the mother who tends the battered face of her son, the victim of a homophobic beating. There is scarcely a line without some memorable phrase - the madman who chants his "lullaby of badwords", the father who "became the water within him" - but these are much more than an assembly of sharp images; closer reading shows just how shapely and elegant these poems are.
MOIST Florilegia
"The blue and white print has the night-time glow of a Joseph Cornell ice-cube box or a Stan Brakhage film, the poppy glows candescent but is gone. Anna Atkins' dirty fingernails are pressing the damp skin of the poppy into cotton wadding and blotting paper until the life has dried out of it..." Amateur botanist Anna Atkins is now widely considered to be the first woman ever to have taken a photograph. The introduction to one of her albums states that she uses the photographic medium in order to "depict with the most accuracy possible," and so assist other scientists. Yet visual artist Annabel Dover's investigations led her to believe that Atkins doctored and adulterated certain specimens, collaging different sections of different plants together. In the subversive, scrapbook narrative that follows both historic and imaginary characters' stories are woven together: Henry James 'drowns' the clothes of a friend post-suicide; Joe Orton's cleaning lady considers the collaged wall in his bedsit; and Anna Atkins makes the seaweed prints that will then appear in the first photographic book to be published. A complex mixture of scientific observation and tender, girlish enthusiasm Florilegia is above all else a profound meditation on memory, loss, and our relationship to images.
Pan Macmillan Danubia: A Personal History of Habsburg Europe
Longlisted for the Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction 2013'Funny, erudite, frequently irritating . . . and never boring' Sarah Bakewell, Financial Times 'An excellent, rich and amusing read' The Times, Book of the WeekFor centuries much of Europe was in the hands of the very peculiar Habsburg family. An unstable mixture of wizards, obsessives, melancholics, bores, musicians and warriors, they saw off – through luck, guile and sheer mulishness – any number of rivals, until finally packing up in 1918. From their principal lairs along the Danube they ruled most of Central Europe and Germany and interfered everywhere – indeed the history of Europe hardly makes sense without them.Danubia plunges the reader into a maelstrom of alchemy, skeletons, jewels, bear-moats, unfortunate marriages and a guinea-pig village. Full of music, piracy, religion and fighting, it is the history of a dynasty, but it is at least as much about the people they ruled, who spoke many different languages, lived in a vast range of landscapes, believed in many rival gods and often showed a marked ingratitude towards their oddball ruler in Vienna. Joining Germania and Lotharingia in Simon Winder's endlessly fascinating retelling of European history, Danubia is a hilarious, eccentric and witty saga.
Pan Macmillan Ghost Stories
Bringing together all Charles Dickens' ghost stories – twenty in all – including several longer tales. Here are chilling histories of coincidence, insanity and revenge. To paraphrase Joe in The Pickwick Papers: Charles Dickens 'wants to make your flesh creep'.Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. Ghost Stories is illustrated by various artists, with an afterword by David Stuart Davies.Throughout his illustrious writing career, Dickens often turned his hand to fashioning short pieces of ghostly fiction. Even in his first successful work, The Pickwick Papers, you will find five ghost stories, all of which are included in this collection. Dickens began the tradition of 'the ghost story at Christmas', and many of his tales in this genre are presented here, including the brilliant novella 'The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain', which deserves to be as well-known as A Christmas Carol. While all his supernatural tales aim to send a shiver down the spine, they are not without the usual traits of Dickens' flamboyant style: his subtle wit, biting irony, humorous incidents and moral observations. It is a mixture that makes these stories fascinating and entertaining as well as unsettling.
i2i Publishing The Lights Came on for Marcia Duncan
Marcia Duncan, a young girl with learning difficulties, lives with her alcoholic mother in a small terrace house on a rundown council estate, manages to survive her non eventful life with a mixture of hilarity, ignorance and naivety. The only solace and comfort she has outside of her own little world is her best friend Molly, who, despite not being the idol Marcia perceives, takes her under her wing, protecting and guiding her through the highs and lows of growing up, moving forward from childlike activities in the park to the likes of disco's, alcohol and fashion. The day that Marcia was dragged by her mother to the doctors to find out that she was seven months pregnant changed her life forever. She genuinely had no idea how it happened, and after Molly explains the gory details, and Lily constantly bombards her with questions, the hunt for the father begins. The consequent birth of her daughter is a blessing in disguise, giving her motivation for life, bringing family bonds to the surface and eventually a level of independence and self-worth. However the journey is far from smooth, and the frequent times when Marcia's clumsiness and accident prone comical antics, hamper any kind of progress do not help in the least.
Hodder & Stoughton Once Upon A Time In The West...Country
Waking in the middle of the night whilst on holiday, Tony Hawks declares an epiphany to his barely conscious partner Fran. Fed up of living in a city where the only contact with his neighbours in three years was a dispute over a boundary fence, his mind has been made up and it's time for a change... of postcode. At the age of 53, Tony is finally ready to renounce his London lifestyle and head for the countryside, and to his enormous surprise, Fran agrees. Once Upon a Time in the West... Country tells the story of how a series of events lead Tony and Fran to uproot their city lives for a rural alternative in deepest Devon. Full of Tony's trademark mixture of humour, hope, adventure and absurdity, this book will chart their journey as they adapt from the relative ease of city life to the vagaries of a village community. But between organic gardening courses, attending village meetings and the impending birth of his first child, Tony still has time for one last adventure, cycling coast to coast with a mini pig called Titch. Full of eclectic characters - including the best neighbour in the world - Once Upon a Time in the West... Country is the heartwarming and hilarious tale of Tony Hawks' new life in the country.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Branding of the American Mind: How Universities Capture, Manage, and Monetize Intellectual Property and Why It Matters
Universities generate an enormous amount of intellectual property, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, Internet domain names, and even trade secrets. Until recently, universities often ceded ownership of this property to the faculty member or student who created or discovered it in the course of their research. Increasingly, though, universities have become protective of this property, claiming it for their own use and licensing it as a revenue source instead of allowing it to remain in the public sphere. Many universities now behave like private corporations, suing to protect trademarked sports logos, patents, and name brands. Yet how can private rights accumulation and enforcement further the public interest in higher education? What is to be gained and lost as institutions become more guarded and contentious in their orientation toward intellectual property? In this pioneering book, law professor Jacob H. Rooksby uses a mixture of qualitative, quantitative, and legal research methods to grapple with those central questions, exposing and critiquing the industry's unquestioned and growing embrace of intellectual property from the perspective of research in law, higher education, and the social sciences. While knowledge creation and dissemination have a long history in higher education, using intellectual property as a vehicle for rights staking and enforcement is a relatively new and, as Rooksby argues, dangerous phenomenon for the sector. The Branding of the American Mind points to higher education's love affair with intellectual property itself, in all its dimensions, including newer forms that are less tied to scholarly output. The result is an unwelcome assault on the public's interest in higher education. Presuming no background knowledge of intellectual property, and ending with a call to action, The Branding of the American Mind explores applicable laws, legal regimes, and precedent in plain English, making the book appealing to anyone concerned for the future of higher education.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Structural Equation Modeling: A Bayesian Approach
***Winner of the 2008 Ziegel Prize for outstanding new book of the year*** Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a powerful multivariate method allowing the evaluation of a series of simultaneous hypotheses about the impacts of latent and manifest variables on other variables, taking measurement errors into account. As SEMs have grown in popularity in recent years, new models and statistical methods have been developed for more accurate analysis of more complex data. A Bayesian approach to SEMs allows the use of prior information resulting in improved parameter estimates, latent variable estimates, and statistics for model comparison, as well as offering more reliable results for smaller samples. Structural Equation Modeling introduces the Bayesian approach to SEMs, including the selection of prior distributions and data augmentation, and offers an overview of the subject’s recent advances. Demonstrates how to utilize powerful statistical computing tools, including the Gibbs sampler, the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm, bridge sampling and path sampling to obtain the Bayesian results. Discusses the Bayes factor and Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) for model comparison. Includes coverage of complex models, including SEMs with ordered categorical variables, and dichotomous variables, nonlinear SEMs, two-level SEMs, multisample SEMs, mixtures of SEMs, SEMs with missing data, SEMs with variables from an exponential family of distributions, and some of their combinations. Illustrates the methodology through simulation studies and examples with real data from business management, education, psychology, public health and sociology. Demonstrates the application of the freely available software WinBUGS via a supplementary website featuring computer code and data sets. Structural Equation Modeling: A Bayesian Approach is a multi-disciplinary text ideal for researchers and students in many areas, including: statistics, biostatistics, business, education, medicine, psychology, public health and social science.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Land of Fish and Rice: Recipes from the Culinary Heart of China
‘Fuchsia Dunlop, our great writer and expert on Chinese gastronomy, has fallen in love with this region and its cuisine – and her book makes us fall in love too’ Claudia Roden ‘Fuchsia Dunlop’s erudite writing infuses each page and her delicious recipes will inspire any serious cook to take up their wok’ Ken Hom The Lower Yangtze region or Jiangnan, with its modern capital Shanghai, has been known since ancient times as a ‘Land of Fish and Rice’. For centuries, local cooks have been using the plentiful produce of its lakes, rivers, fields and mountains, combined with delicious seasonings and flavours such as rice vinegar, rich soy sauce, spring onion and ginger, to create a cuisine that is renowned in China for its delicacy and beauty. Drawing on years of study and exploration, Fuchsia Dunlop explains basic cooking techniques, typical cooking methods and the principal ingredients of the Jiangnan larder. Her recipes are a mixture of simple rustic cooking and rich delicacies – some are famous, some unsung. You’ll be inspired to try classic dishes such as Beggar’s chicken and sumptuous Dongpo pork. Most of the recipes contain readily available ingredients and with Fuchsia’s clear guidance, you will soon see how simple it is to create some of the most beautiful and delicious dishes you’ll ever taste. With evocative writing and mouth-watering photography, this is an important new work about one of China’s most fascinating culinary regions.