Search results for ""Author Leonard"
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Guillermo del Toro. Su cine, su vida y sus monstruos / Guillermo del Toro. His F ilmmaking, His Life, and His Monsters
Tusquets Editores La neblina del ayer
Tusquets Editores Vientos de cuaresma
Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza Historia literaria Historia de la literatura
Historia y Literatura son dos conceptos que han mantenido una relación prolongada y conflictiva. Aunque con anterioridad al siglo XVIII pueden señalarse bastantes acercamientos entre Historia y Literatura, la cultura moderna fue la que aproximó ambas nociones para originar una clase de actividad intelectural en la que la Literatura se incorporó a los prosupuestos teóricos y técnicos de la Historia. Desde entonces se ha hablado de Historia literaria y de Historia de la literatura como disciplinas humanísticas cuyo estatuto epistemológico ha sido y es aún ampliamente discutido.
Arco Libros - La Muralla, S.L. La Impersonalidad Gramatical Descripcion Y Norma
Es frecuente agrupar bajo la denominación de impersonalidad fenómenos muy heterogéneos sintáctica y semánticamente. Además, son muchos los casos de impersonalidad sintáctica que no recogen los manuales. La intención de esta obra es poner orden en el campo de la impersonalidad y diferenciar diversos tipos. El tratamiento del tema es en parte descriptivo y en parte normativo, pues con ciertos aspectos de impersonalidad se incurre con alguna frecuencia en algunas incorrecciones y/o agramaticalidades. En este trabajo, pues, el autor trata de aunar sintaxis y norma.
Arco Libros - La Muralla, S.L. Valores Gramaticales De Se
Este trabajo trata de presentar y explicar una clasificación de los muy variados usos de /SE/ en la sintaxis española, aunque la línea que separa sus valores no siempre es nítida. Asimismo, aborda aspectos normativos de /SE/ a lo largo del trabajo, de manera especial en la parte última. En realidad, son sólo tres los valores generales sintácticos de SE, aunque hay que hablar de usos como variantes de cada uno de ellos. En efecto, existe un SE pronombre personal, un SE reflexivo (con sus variantes) con carácter pronominal y un SE no pronominal (con sus variantes de impersonalidad y pasiva refleja entre otros).
Tusquets Editores La transparencia del tiempo
Tusquets Editores Regreso a \Itaca
Tusquets Editores El hombre que amaba a los perros
Ohio University Press Citizenship, Belonging, and Political Community in Africa: Dialogues between Past and Present
Africa, it is often said, is suffering from a crisis of citizenship. At the heart of the contemporary debates this apparent crisis has provoked lie dynamic relations between the present and the past, between political theory and political practice, and between legal categories and lived experience. Yet studies of citizenship in Africa have often tended to foreshorten historical time and privilege the present at the expense of the deeper past. Citizenship, Belonging, and Political Community in Africa provides a critical reflection on citizenship in Africa by bringing together scholars working with very different case studies and with very different understandings of what is meant by citizenship. By bringing historians and social scientists into dialogue within the same volume, it argues that a revised reading of the past can offer powerful new perspectives on the present, in ways that might also indicate new paths for the future. The project collects the works of up-and-coming and established scholars from around the globe. Presenting case studies from such wide-ranging countries as Sudan, Mauritius, South Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, and Ethiopia, the essays delve into the many facets of citizenship and agency as they have been expressed in the colonial and postcolonial eras. In so doing, they engage in exciting ways with the watershed book in the field, Mahmood Mamdani’s Citizen and Subject. Contributors: Samantha Balaton-Chrimes, Frederick Cooper, Solomon M. Gofie, V. Adefemi Isumonah, Cherry Leonardi, John Lonsdale, Eghosa E.Osaghae, Ramola Ramtohul, Aidan Russell, Nicole Ulrich, Chris Vaughan, and Henri-Michel Yéré.
La cena secreta
Enero de 1497. Durante semanas, una serie de cartas anónimas enviadas a la corte del papa Alejandro VI advierten que en Milán el controvertido Leonardo da Vinci está ejecutando una obra diabólica: un mural de La Última Cena en el que no sólo ha pintado a los apóstoles sin su preceptivo halo de santidad sino que el propio artista se ha retratado entre ellos, dando la espalda a Jesucristo.Gray Agustín Leyre, inquisidor dominico experto en la interpretación de mensajes cifrados, es enviado a la corte de los Sforza para supervisar esa pintura y tratar de descifrar la clave que protege la identidad del remitente de las cartas. Lo que está a punto de descubrir conseguirá cambiar nuestra forma de ver la pintura del genio del Renacimiento? para siempre.Con la maestría de los grandes escultores de novelas de intriga, Javier Sierra recupera uno de los enigmas más fascinantes de la historia del arte.
De Gruyter Marginale Zeichentechniken: Pause, Abklatsch, Cut&Paste als ästhetische Strategien in der Vormoderne
Motorisch-mechanische Zeichentechniken wie Pause, Abklatsch und Cut&Paste gehören zu den elementaren Werkstattpraktiken der Vormoderne. Sie wurden ebenso in der Ausbildung wie von renommierten Künstler:innen wie Leonardo, Dürer, Michelangelo und Rubens eingesetzt, um Entwürfe zu verändern, den Motivvorrat zu erweitern und neue Kunstwerke herzustellen. In der damaligen Kunsttheorie waren sie jedoch weitgehend unbedacht oder gar herabgesetzt. Nur wenige Positionen der Wertschätzung bis hin zur entschiedenen Nobilitierung von Abklatschen im 18. Jahrhundert sind zu verzeichnen. Die Diskrepanz zwischen der Bedeutung der Zeichentechniken in der Praxis und ihrer Thematisierung in der Kunsttheorie blieb lange unbeachtet. Der vorliegende Band unternimmt in dieser Hinsicht eine unverzichtbare Neuperspektivierung der Zeichnungsforschung und bindet dabei transdisziplinäre Kontexte wie kunsttechnologische und philosophische Gesichtspunkte ein.
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Da Vinci Code: (Robert Langdon Book 2)
Harvard professor Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call while on business in Paris: the elderly curator of the Louvre has been brutally murdered inside the museum. Alongside the body, police have found a series of baffling codes. As Langdon and a gifted French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, begin to sort through the bizarre riddles, they are stunned to find a trail that leads to the works of Leonardo Da Vinci - and suggests the answer to a mystery that stretches deep into the vault of history.Unless Langdon and Neveu can decipher the labyrinthine code and quickly assemble the pieces of the puzzle, a stunning historical truth will be lost forever...Origin, the spellbinding new Robert Langdon thriller from Dan Brown, is out now
La Galatea una novela de novelas
Situada en la tradición de la novela pastoril española y en deuda tanto con la Arcadia de Jacopo Sannazaro como con la lírica eclógica clásica y moderna, La Galatea es un cercado laberinto de amor y de poesía y un lazo de narraciones. Es, ciertamente, una novela de novelas en la que, sobre un relato primario esencialmente pastoril que oficia de hilo conductor, se suspenden, en ponderado equilibrio, hasta cuatro secundarios: el de Lisandro y Leonida; el de Teolinda, Artidoro, Leonarda y Galercio; el de Timbrio y Silerio, y el de Rosaura, Grisaldo y Artandro. La Galatea, una novela de novelas no solo pretende ofrecer una visión renovada de la estructura de la novela pastoril de Cervantes, sino también, y sobre todo, analizar en profundidad los cuatro episodios, haciendo especial hincapié en la función trascendental que desempeñan en el texto.
Ediciones Atalanta, S.L. Filosofía para desencantados
Ediciones Martínez Roca No te calientes manual para evitar las cosas que nos ponen de mal humor
Libro de humor a cuatro manos: Leo Harlem y Sinacio, monologuistas que están arrasando en el teatro. En esta vida a todos nos pasa lo mismo. Y solo hay dos maneras de afrontar este ?mismo?: una, pensando que eres un desgraciado al que le caen todos los marrones; y la otra, buscando el lado positivo de las cosas.Cualquier problema puede afrontarse con BUEN HUMOR. Los autores abordarán con mucha dosis de humor temas de la vida cotidiana en los que nos sentiremos refl ejados: la comida, las redes sociales, las rutinas diarias? Si te vas a morir, que te pille cenao.
Tusquets Editores Mascaras
Orion Publishing Co A Spectacle of Dust: The Autobiography
Vibrant and candid memoirs of the late, great British character actor, Pete Postlethwaite.After training as a teacher, Pete Postlethwaite started his acting career at the Liverpool Everyman Theatre where his colleagues included Bill Nighy, Jonathan Pryce, Antony Sher and Julie Walters. After routine early appearances in small parts for television programmes such as THE PROFESSIONALS, Postlethwaite's first success came with the acclaimed British film DISTANT VOICES, STILL LIVES in 1988. He then received an Academy Award nomination for his role in THE NAME OF THE FATHER in 1993. His performance as the mysterious lawyer "Kobayashi" in THE USUAL SUSPECTS is well-known, and he appeared in many successful films including ALIEN 3, BRASSED OFF, THE SHIPPING NEWS, THE CONSTANT GARDENER, as Friar Lawrence in Baz Luhrmann's ROMEO + JULIET, and in INCEPTION with Leonardo diCaprio. Pete Postlethwaite was one of the best-loved and widely admired performers on stage, TV (SHARPE, THE SINS) and in cinema. In THE ART OF DISCWORLD, Terry Pratchett said that he had always imagined Sam Vimes as 'a younger, slightly bulkier version of Pete Postlethwaite', while Steven Spielberg called him 'the best actor in the world', about which Postlethwaite said: 'I'm sure what Spielberg actually said was, "the thing about Pete is that he thinks he's the best actor in the world."' This is the story of a diverse and multi-talented actor's eventful life, told in his own candid and vibrant words.
Oneworld Publications Renaissance Art: A Beginner's Guide
The fifteenth century saw the evolution of a distinct and powerfully influential European artistic culture. But what does the familiar phrase Renaissance Art actually refer to? Through engaging discussion of timeless works by artists such as Jan van Eyck, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo, and supported by illustrations including colour plates, Tom Nichols offers a masterpiece of his own as he explores the truly original and diverse character of the art of the Renaissance.
University of California Press Brunelleschi's Egg: Nature, Art, and Gender in Renaissance Italy
Feminist historians of science and philosophy have shown that during the Italian Renaissance, the profound shift in the concept of nature - from an organic worldview to the scientific - was assisted by the gender metaphor that defined nature as female. In this provocative and groundbreaking book, Mary D. Garrard extends this analysis to the history of art and proposes that the larger shift was both anticipated and mediated by the visual arts. In case studies of such major figures as Brunelleschi, Masaccio, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Pontormo, Giorgione, and Titian, Garrard examines the changing relationship of art and nature in the Renaissance, and shows how they were cast by artists and theorists as gendered competitors in a steadily escalating rhetoric.
DK How to Be an Engineer
Clearly explained engineering concepts and fun, simple projects give kids ages 7-9 the chance to put their STEAM knowledge to the test!Teach kids to think like an engineer! The engaging projects in this book will encourage kids to investigate using items from around the house. Build a robot arm out of rulers; learn about jet propulsion with balloons; crush toilet-paper rolls to explore materials; and much more. Read about how engineers use STEAM subjects and their imaginations to think critically and solve problems. Be inspired by engineering heroes such as Leonardo da Vinci, Mae Jemison, and Elon Musk. Fun questions, engineering experiments, and real-life scenarios come together to make engineering relevant. In How to Be an Engineer, the emphasis is on inspiring kids, which means less time at a computer and more time exploring in the real world.
Adams Media Corporation Art 101
Explore the beautiful and complex world of art!Too often, textbooks obscure the beauty and wonder of fine art with tedious discourse that even Leonardo da Vinci would oppose. Art 101 cuts out the boring details and lengthy explanations, and instead, gives you a lesson in artistic expression that keeps you engaged as you discover the world''s greatest artists and their masterpieces.From color theory and Claude Monet to Jackson Pollock and Cubism, this primer is packed with hundreds of entertaining tidbits and works of art that you won''t be able to get anywhere else.So whether you''re looking to master classic painting techniques, or just want to learn more about popular styles of art, Art 101 has all the answers--even the ones you didn''t know you were looking for.
Reaktion Books The Art Public: A Short History
Although the idea of a collective audience for art – an ‘art public’ – is highly significant in the art world, this is the first book to enquire into the actual history of the art public. The book explores both written and pictorial evidence of its behaviour, and disentangles the connections between art production, the expectations of the audience and a work’s reception. Two aspects shape the narrative: first, the transformation of the audience from passive recipient to active agent; and second, the mockery of the audience by satirists such as George Cruikshank, Thomas Rowlandson, Honoré Daumier and many others. This sweeping account moves from the Greek artist Apelles to Leon Battista Alberti and Leonardo da Vinci, and from Oscar Wilde to film stars, art tourists and leading art museums and galleries worldwide.
Princeton University Press Do Plants Know Math
A breathtakingly illustrated look at botanical spirals and the scientists who puzzled over themCharles Darwin was driven to distraction by plant spirals, growing so exasperated that he once begged a friend to explain the mystery “if you wish to save me from a miserable death.” The legendary naturalist was hardly alone in feeling tormented by these patterns. Plant spirals captured the gaze of Leonardo da Vinci and became Alan Turing’s final obsession. This book tells the stories of the physicists, mathematicians, and biologists who found themselves magnetically drawn to Fibonacci spirals in plants, seeking an answer to why these beautiful and seductive patterns occur in botanical forms as diverse as pine cones, cabbages, and sunflowers.Do Plants Know Math? takes you down through the centuries to explore how great minds have been captivated and mystified by Fibonacci patterns in nature. It presents a powerful new geometrical solution, li
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Da Vinci Code: (Robert Langdon Book 2)
Harvard professor Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call while on business in Paris: the elderly curator of the Louvre has been brutally murdered inside the museum. Alongside the body, police have found a series of baffling codes. As Langdon and a gifted French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, begin to sort through the bizarre riddles, they are stunned to find a trail that leads to the works of Leonardo Da Vinci - and suggests the answer to a mystery that stretches deep into the vault of history.Unless Langdon and Neveu can decipher the labyrinthine code and quickly assemble the pieces of the puzzle, a stunning historical truth will be lost forever...Origin, the spellbinding new Robert Langdon thriller from Dan Brown, is out now
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Mirror Mirror: The Astrology of Famous People and the Actors who Portrayed Them
Have you ever reached the end of a film and thought, "Wow! That actor really nailed it. How did they do that?" Synastry, that's how, and this is the perfect way to learn it. Think Julia Roberts and Erin Brockovich; Leonardo DiCaprio and Howard Hughes; Daniel Day Lewis and Abraham Lincoln; Taron Egerton and Elton John. In this true labour of love, for which Alex Trenoweth sat through many, many hours of films, the astrological links between a wide range of famous characters and the actors who portrayed them are revealed in all their glory. 'Mirror Mirror' contains over 100 case studies, is suitable for all levels of astrologer, and will literally keep you entertained for hours as well as changing the way you watch films forever.
Duke University Press Cumbia!: Scenes of a Migrant Latin American Music Genre
Cumbia is a musical form that originated in northern Colombia and then spread throughout Latin America and wherever Latin Americans travel and settle. It has become one of the most popular musical genre in the Americas. Its popularity is largely due to its stylistic flexibility. Cumbia absorbs and mixes with the local musical styles it encounters. Known for its appeal to workers, the music takes on different styles and meanings from place to place, and even, as the contributors to this collection show, from person to person. Cumbia is a different music among the working classes of northern Mexico, Latin American immigrants in New York City, Andean migrants to Lima, and upper-class Colombians, who now see the music that they once disdained as a source of national prestige. The contributors to this collection look at particular manifestations of cumbia through their disciplinary lenses of musicology, sociology, history, anthropology, linguistics, and literary criticism. Taken together, their essays highlight how intersecting forms of identity—such as nation, region, class, race, ethnicity, and gender—are negotiated through interaction with the music.Contributors. Cristian Alarcón, Jorge Arévalo Mateus, Leonardo D'Amico, Héctor Fernández L'Hoeste, Alejandro L. Madrid, Kathryn Metz, José Juan Olvera Gudiño, Cathy Ragland, Pablo Semán, Joshua Tucker, Matthew J. Van Hoose, Pablo Vila
Vintage Publishing Muse: Uncovering the Hidden Figures Behind Art History's Masterpieces
'Exhilarating and fascinating' KATY HESSEL | 'Rich and detailed' CHLOË ASHBY | 'Enlightening' TABISH KHAN | 'Sheds light on an uncharted area of art history' JENNY PERY | 'An essential read' EDWARD BROOKE-HITCHINGMeet the unexpected, overlooked and forgotten models of art history.Who was Picasso's 'Weeping Woman'?Why was Grace Jones covered in graffiti?How did Francis Bacon meet the burglar who became his muse?The perception of the muse is that of a passive, powerless model, at the mercy of an influential and older artist. But is this trope a romanticised myth? Far from posing silently, muses have brought emotional support, intellectual energy, career-changing creativity and practical help to artists.Muse tells the true stories of the incredible muses who have inspired art history's masterpieces. From Leonardo da Vinci's studio to the covers of Vogue, art historian, critic and writer Ruth Millington uncovers the remarkable role of muses in some of art history's most well-known and significant works. Delving into the real-life relationships that models have held with the artists who immortalised them, it will expose the influential and active part they have played and deconstruct reductive stereotypes, reframing the muse as a momentous and empowered agent of art history.
Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica de la Universidad de Málaga El ser temporal Doctrina del Mtodo Otras Publicaciones Spanish Edition
El título de este libro juega con el de Heidegger con vistas a la inversión de sus implicaciones histórico?filosóficas. Sobre la base de algunas de las principales averiguaciones de la fenomenología de la temporalidad, particularmente en Max Scheler, y en seguimiento del método del abandono del límite mental propuesto por Leonardo Polo, Fernando Haya plantea una imponente propuesta teórica, la reducción metódica del tiempo, en orden al conocimiento explícito del ser temporal, tema de la metafísica.
Faber & Faber The Faber Book of Science
The Faber Book of Science introduces hunting spiders and black holes, gorillas and stardust, protons, photons and neutrinos. In his acclaimed anthology, John Carey plots the development of modern science from Leonardo da Vinci to Chaos Theory. The emphasis is on the scientists themselves and their own accounts of their breakthroughs and achievements. The classic science-writers are included - Darwin, T.H. Huxley and Jean Henri Fabre tracking insects through the Provencal countryside. So too are today's experts - Steve Jones on the Human Genome Project, Richard Dawkins on DNA and many other representatives of the contemporary genre of popular science-writing which, John Carey argues, challenges modern poetry and fiction in its imaginative power.
University Press of America Moral Essays on the High Renaissance: Art in Italy in the Age of Michelangelo
Moral Essays on the High Renaissance consist of critical essays on the art and thought of major figures of sixteenth-century Italian Renaissance art. Looking at these artists from an ethical point of view, these provocative essays set out to discover and describe the moral basis of High Renaissance art. Important areas of focus include the paintings and sculpture of Michelangelo, the artistic style and sense of the life of Raphael, and the ethical approach of the Cinquecento biographer Giorgio Vasari. Consideration is given also to the worldly, graceful art of Leonardo da Vinci and the painterly hedonism of the Venetians. The volume concludes with a semi-autobiographical essay that restates the underlying moral principles behind the earlier chapters. The book is well illustrated with numerous black-and-white reproductions of important works of High Renaissance art and architecture.
Canongate Books Letters of Note: Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience
Letters of Note, the book based on the beloved website of the same name, became an instant classic on publication in 2013, selling hundreds of thousands of copies. This new edition sees the collection of the world's most entertaining, inspiring and unusual letters updated with fourteen riveting new missives and a new introduction from curator Shaun Usher.From Virginia Woolf's heart-breaking suicide letter to Queen Elizabeth II's recipe for drop scones sent to President Eisenhower; from the first recorded use of the expression 'OMG' in a letter to Winston Churchill, to Gandhi's appeal for calm to Hitler; and from Iggy Pop's beautiful letter of advice to a troubled young fan, to Leonardo da Vinci's remarkable job application letter, Letters of Note is a celebration of the power of written correspondence which captures the humour, seriousness, sadness and brilliance that make up all of our lives.
Everyman Art and Artists
Painting and sculpture have inspired great poetry, but so also have photography, calligraphy, tapestry and folk art. Included here are poems celebrating Leonardo da Vinci's 'Mona Lisa', Monet's 'Waterlilies' and Grant Wood's 'American Gothic'; well-known poems such as Keats's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' and Auden's 'Musée de Beaux-Arts', Homer's immortal account of the forging of the Shield of Achilles and Garcia Lorca's breathtaking ode to the surreal paintings of Salvador Dali. Allen Ginsberg writes about Cézanne, E. E. Cummings about Picasso, Billy Collins about Hieronymous Bosch, and Joyce Carol Oates about Edward Hopper. Here too are poems that take on the artists themselves, from Michelangelo and Rembrandt to Georgia O'Keeffe and Andy Warhol. Altogether, this brilliantly curated anthology proves that a picture can be worth a thousand words - or a few very well-chosen ones.
Reino de Cordelia S.L. El gran Gatsby
Encuadernación: Rústica con sobrecubiertaColección: LiteraturaEscrita por Francis Scott Fitzgerald en Francia durante una tormentosa etapa de la relación con su mujer, Zelda Sayre, El gran Gatsby es su mejor novela, considerada actualmente un clásico de la literatura norteamericana. Fue publicada en 1925, cuatro años antes de que estallara la gran depresión económica de 1929, y narra una historia de amor imposible entre Jay Gatsby, un hombre de origen humilde que ha hecho fortuna tras combatir en la I Guerra Mundial, y Daisy Fay, emblema de una generación de jóvenes "ricos y descontrolados" que viven rápido, inmersos en una resaca colectiva que acabará por destruirlos. Definida por la crítica como "la traición del sueño americano", ha sido llevada al cine en varias ocasiones, la última de ellas en 2012 por Baz Luhrmann, con Leonardo Di Caprio y Carey Mulligan de protagonistas.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU
This ambitious Handbook covers the history, functioning and impact of cohesion policy, arguably the most tangible presence of the European Union in its twenty-eight member states. The contributions combine world-renowned scholars and country experts to discuss, in six parts, the policy's history and governing principles; the theoretical approaches from which it can be assessed; the inter-institutional and multi-level dynamics that it elicits; its practical implementation and impact on EU Member States; its interactions with other EU policies and strategies; and the cognitive maps and narratives with which it can be associated. This Handbook will be an invaluable resource to students and scholars of EU policies and politics and other related disciplines. In particular, they will benefit from the clarity with which the history and functioning of cohesion policy is laid out. Policy makers and other practitioners will also find this book of interest, due to its presentation of relevant debates.Contributors include: A. Ágh, J. Aprans, R. Atkinson, J. Bachtler, J. Balsiger, J. Baudner, I. Begg, M. Brunazzo, R.L. Bubbico, A. Catalina Rubianes, D. Charles, N. Charron, R. Crescenzi, M. Dabrowski, A. Dahs, F. De Filippis, S. Gänzle, D. Hübner, A. Faiña, A. Faludi, V. Fargion, U. Fratesi, P.R. Graziano, E. Gualini, E. Hepburn, C. Holguin, G. Karakatsanis, E. Kazamaki Ottersten, A. Kovács, A. Lenschow, R. Leonardi, J. Lopez-Rodriguez, E. Massetti, P. McCann, C. Mendez, P. Montes-Solla, T. Muravska, T. Notermans, R.l Ortega-Argilés, I. Pálné Kovács, S. Piattoni, L. Polverari, S. Profeti, A.H. Schakel, J. Schönlau, M.K. Sioliou, P. Stephenson, I. Tömmel, M. Weber, K. Zimmermann
White Star Vincent van Gogh: Genius
A new series of illustrated books specifically designed for children in elementary education, narrating the stories of those great historical figures who have left their mark on humanity in fields such as science, art, exploration, music and other subjects. Young readers will be able to read all about these famous people's main achievements, experiencing the main steps of their lives through Isabel Munoz's engaging illustrations, and finding out some curious facts about their work and success. In the six volumes of the series, children will be fascinated by the genial and revolutionary intuition of Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci's vast breadth of expertise, the incredible discoveries about space made by Galileo Galilei, Mozart's infinite musical creativity, the masterpieces created by Picasso and Van Gogh. There is an index at the end of each volume listing the main biographical events and some simple quizzes will help children to further understand and test their knowledge. Ages: 6 plus
Princeton University Press Italo Calvino: Letters, 1941-1985 - Updated Edition
This is the first collection in English of the extraordinary letters of one of the great writers of the twentieth century. Italy's most important postwar novelist, Italo Calvino (1923-1985) achieved worldwide fame with such books as Cosmicomics, Invisible Cities, and If on a Winter's Night a Traveler. But he was also an influential literary critic, an important literary editor, and a masterful letter writer whose correspondents included Umberto Eco, Primo Levi, Gore Vidal, Leonardo Sciascia, Natalia Ginzburg, Michelangelo Antonioni, Pier Paolo Pasolini, and Luciano Berio. This book includes a generous selection of about 650 letters, written between World War II and the end of Calvino's life. Selected and introduced by Michael Wood, the letters are expertly rendered into English and annotated by well-known Calvino translator Martin McLaughlin. The letters are filled with insights about Calvino's writing and that of others; about Italian, American, English, and French literature; about literary criticism and literature in general; and about culture and politics. The book also provides a kind of autobiography, documenting Calvino's Communism and his resignation from the party in 1957, his eye-opening trip to the United States in 1959-60, his move to Paris (where he lived from 1967 to 1980), and his trip to his birthplace in Cuba (where he met Che Guevara). Some lengthy letters amount almost to critical essays, while one is an appropriately brief defense of brevity, and there is an even shorter, reassuring note to his parents written on a scrap of paper while he and his brother were in hiding during the antifascist Resistance. This is a book that will fascinate and delight Calvino fans and anyone else interested in a remarkable portrait of a great writer at work.
Headline Publishing Group The National Gallery Masters of Art Puzzle Book: Explore the World's Greatest Artists in 100 Stunning Puzzles
Featuring 150 iconic artworks, The National Gallery Masters of Art Puzzle Book is a visually spectacular puzzle challenge perfect for any art-enthusiast. This must-buy gift book contains 100 puzzles reproducing and inspired by the world's most famous paintings, making it a truly one-of-a-kind decorative delight.From pictorial puzzles such as Fake or Fortune, Jigsaw and Scrambled Image, to cryptic puzzles like Odd One Out or The Missing Link, through logic puzzles, riddles and even a series of progressively more difficult art knowledge quizzes, there is something for everyone, from the puzzle master to the art aficionado.Featured paintings include Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh, The Fighting Temeraire by J.M.W. Turner, The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck, The Hay Wain by John Constable, The Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci, Bathers at La Grenouillère by Claude Monet and many, many more.
SPCK Publishing Sister Wendy's Bible Treasury: Stories And Wisdom Through The Eyes Of Great Painters
The Bible contains some of the greatest stories and teachings of all time. It is also the inspiration for some of the greatest pictures ever painted. Sister Wendy's Bible Treasury captures some of the Bible's most dramatic scenes and memorable characters, as depicted by artists such as Botticelli, Caravaggio, Degas, Duccio, Durer, El Greco, Giotto, Leonardo, Raphael, Rembrandt, Rubens Rublev, Titian and Van Gogh. From the majesty of Genesis to the mystery of Revelation, Sister Wendy invites you to share her delight in the way these painters have interpreted and depicted the Bible over two thousand years. This beautifully presented volume includes 55 illustrations.
Rizzoli International Publications The Hermitage: 250 Masterworks
For 250 years the State Hermitage has been one of Europe's most palatial museums. The Hermitage collections were developed beginning in 1764 by Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, and now encompass more than three million works of art and artifacts displayed within a spectacular architectural ensemble, the heart of which is the famed Winter Palace. Now, on this important anniversary, this stunning volume captures the masterpieces that make this world-famous institution a cultural destination and a global treasure. 250 Masterpieces explores this sumptuous collection in the manner of a private tour showcasing works by Italian Renaissance artists including Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Titian; Spanish artists such as Velazquez, Ribera, and Murillo; Flemish Baroque artists from van Dyck, Rubens, Rembrandt, and Jan Brueghel the Elder; Impressionist and post-Impressionist works from Renoir, Monet, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cezanne, and Degas; and modern painting by Matisse, Picasso, Malevich, and Kandinsky. Priceless antiquities, feats of mechanical engineering, such as the famous Peacock Clock, and works of sculpture and decorative arts will also be shown both in situ and as works in focus. With lavish reproductions accompanied by texts from the museum's leading curators, this amazing volume is sure to become an instant classic, cherished by art lovers around the world.
Random House Publishing Group The Greatest Nobodies of History
“All at once funny, touching, dazzlingly informative and fascinating, brilliantly imaginative and altogether wonderful. Capable of switching between divine silliness and genuinely tender sweetness, tragedy, and wonder.”—STEPHEN FRYHistory belongs to the heroes. But to get the full story, sometimes you have to ask the side characters. The lives of Leonardo da Vinci, Henry VIII, and Queen Victoria fill bookshelves and fascinate scholars all over the world. But little attention is given to the ferret who posed for the Renaissance master, the servant who oversaw the Tudor’s toilet time, or the famous horse who thrilled the miserable old monarch. These supporting cast members have been waiting in the wings for too long, and Adrian Bliss thinks it’s high time they join their glory-hogging contemporaries in the spotlight. Fortunately—thanks to some recently discovered ancient complaint letters, court transcrip
Profile Books Ltd Mastery
Around the globe, people are facing the same problem - that we are born as individuals but are forced to conform to the rules of society if we want to succeed. To see our uniqueness expressed in our achievements, we must first learn the rules - and then how to change them completely. Charles Darwin began as an underachieving schoolboy, Leonardo da Vinci as an illegitimate outcast. The secret of their eventual greatness lies in a 'rigorous apprenticeship': by paying close and careful attention, they learnt to master the 'hidden codes' which determine ultimate success or failure. Then, they rewrote the rules as a reflection of their own individuality, blasting previous patterns of achievement open from within. Told through Robert Greene's signature blend of historical anecdote and psychological insight and drawing on interviews with world leaders, Mastery builds on the strategies outlined in The 48 Laws of Power to provide a practical guide to greatness - and how to start living by your own rules.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Medici Seal
A gloriously rich and authentic story of the Renaissance, The Medici Seal is perfect for fans of The Da Vinci Code, The Borgias or Netflix hit Medici: Masters of Florence!Romagna, Italy 1502.On the run and fleeing for his life, a young boy - Matteo - is saved from drowning by mysterious men, who turn out to be companions of Leonardo da Vinci. From this moment on, Matteo's life is changed forever, and he thrills at working alongside Da Vinci as he carries out his incredible work.But Da Vinci's cruel and ruthless employer, Cesare Borgia, seems set to ruin Matteo's happines, and as Da Vinci and Matteo travel across Italy on the Borgia's business, murder, deceit and revenge follow in their trail. For Matteo carries with him a secret - a life-changing secret that both the Borgia and Medici families would kill to obtain. A secret that must, finally, come to light for all to see . . .
University Press of America Moral Essays on the High Renaissance: Art in Italy in the Age of Michelangelo
Moral Essays on the High Renaissance consist of critical essays on the art and thought of major figures of sixteenth-century Italian Renaissance art. Looking at these artists from an ethical point of view, these provocative essays set out to discover and describe the moral basis of High Renaissance art. Important areas of focus include the paintings and sculpture of Michelangelo, the artistic style and sense of the life of Raphael, and the ethical approach of the Cinquecento biographer Giorgio Vasari. Consideration is given also to the worldly, graceful art of Leonardo da Vinci and the painterly hedonism of the Venetians. The volume concludes with a semi-autobiographical essay that restates the underlying moral principles behind the earlier chapters. The book is well illustrated with numerous black-and-white reproductions of important works of High Renaissance art and architecture.
Watson-Guptill Publications Drawing Lessons from the Great Masters
A book whose sales have not diminished but rather increased dramatically since its publication 45 years ago, this bestselling classic is the ultimate manual of drawing taught by the late Robert Beverly Hale, who’s famed lectures and classes at New York City’s Art Student League captivated artists and art educators from around the world.Faithfully producing and methodically analyzing 100 master drawings—including works of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Rodin, Goya, and Rembrandt among others—Hale shows how these artists tackled basic problems such as line, light and planes, mass, position and thrust, and anatomy. With detailed analytical captions and diagrams, every lesson is clearly delineated and illustrated. Throughout, also, is commentary that sheds light on the creative process of drawing and offers deep insight into the unsurpassed achievements of the masters.
Headline Publishing Group Surrender Yourself (The Desires Unlocked Trilogy Part Three)
For fans of FIFTY SHADES OF GREY and BARED TO YOU comes the emotionally charged final instalment in the erotic and addictive DESIRES UNLOCKED trilogy.Valentina Rosselli is heartbroken - she has lost Theo, her true love, seemingly forever. Yet, with the help of good friend Leonardo, Valentina gradually rediscovers her liberated sexual self, unlocking her deepest erotic desires and reaching a level of passion she'd never thought possible. And then a shock from the past sends her reeling...In Berlin in 1984, Tina Rosselli risks everything for a steamy, highly charged romance with a charismatic young cellist. Their brief but explosive affair will affect Tina for the rest of her life. As the stories of the two women converge in the trilogy's thrilling and intensely passionate conclusion, both must surrender themselves: to desire, and to love.
University of Texas Press America: Icons and Ingenuity
Winner of the 2012 Los Angeles Book Festival Photography/Art Book Award, Dan Winters’ America: Icons and Ingenuity is the first retrospective of the career of this talented artist. Winters has spent more than two decades creating memorable photographs for such publications as the New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, GQ, and Rolling Stone. Best known for his iconic celebrity portraits, Winters has photographed public figures ranging from the Dalai Lama to President Barack Obama, Hollywood celebrities from Leonardo DiCaprio to Helen Mirren, and artistic luminaries from Jeff Koons to William Christenberry. His style of portraiture is instantly recognizable, characterized by impeccable lighting, muted backgrounds, and the contemplative postures of his sitters.Winters’ lifelong fascination with science, technology, and human ingenuity finds similar expression in significant groups of photographs: close-up studies of honeybees and airplanes and a magnificent series devoted to the last three launches of NASA’s space shuttles. These photographs reveal an aspect of Winters’ career that is less familiar than his commercial work but equally compelling.In addition to the popular icons, America includes expressions of Winters’ personal vision. This lyrical body of work shows the same keen eye for lighting and composition, but with a decidedly more intimate ambiance: photographs of his wife and son, spare cityscapes, and elegant collages.America: Icons and Ingenuity also includes a biographical essay that traces his development in a varied and productive career that is, itself, a work in progress.
Paperblanks Rubedo (Cockerell Marbled Paper) Ultra Unlined Hardcover Journal
For over a century, the Cockerell family name represented the highest quality bookmaking. Though no longer in business, the Cockerell and Son Bindery remains celebrated for their unique style of paper marbling, developed by the late Sydney (Sandy) M. Cockerell.Described as a “latter-day Leonardo,” Sandy Cockerell possessed not only an artist’s talents, but a scientist’s mind and engineer’s skill as well. He took the painstaking tradition of handmade marbled papers and found a way to produce the strikingly complex designs at high speeds and volumes. By improving existing equipment and creating his own gadgets and tools when that which he needed did not already exist, Cockerell embraced new mass production techniques.For his contributions to the paper arts, Sandy Cockerell was awarded an OBE and an honourary doctorate from Cambridge. When we launched Paperblanks journals in the early 1990s, a selection of his designs graced some of our first covers. We are honoured to return these iconic marbled papers to our collection with this black, white and red Rubedo design.