Search results for ""schiffer""
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The 4th Fighter Wing in the Korean War
This book covers the history of the 4th Fighter Wing, from re-activation in 1946, through the end of the “short TDY” to Korea in 1957. The early history covers the entire F-80 era, including the first jet aerobatic team, and the introduction of the legendary F-86 Sabre in 1949. From daily squadron diaries, the coverage on Korea begins with the move to Korea in November 1950, through the first operations in December, including a first person account of LtCol Bruce Hinton’s first MiG kill. Dozens of MiG kill reports are included in the various chapters, with another first person account of Capt Jim Jabara’s fifth and sixth kills, making him the first jet ace in history. Pilots from the 4th Wing accounted for 502 of the 792 MiGs shot down in the Korean War, and had twenty-five aces of the total of thirty-nine aces crowned in Korea. Photo coverage includes most of the aces and their aircraft, maintenance, and airfield scenes. A complete list of every victory, and all the losses, is also contained. Interviews with pilots, crew chiefs, and factory tech reps tell the complete story of the “Fourth But First” before, during, and after the Korean War.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Mother of Eagles: War Diary of Baroness von Richthofen
Baroness Kunigunde von Richthofen originally published Mein Kriegstagebuch (My War Diary) in 1937, at a time when tales of heroes of the First World War inspired the youth of a country being prepared for a second war. Mother of Eagles is the culmination of the translation of the war diary, along with numerous facts and information not included in the original work. Follow the youth and wartime exploits of Manfred and Lothar, the leading German aces of World War I, through the eyes of their mother and a nation. Letters to the Barronness from each of her sons intially depict the wartime conditions on the ground, and then evolve into vivid details about the exhiliration of the hunt in the air for ever increasing numbers of enemy planes. This book will not only appeal to those interested in the Red Baron and his ace brother, Lothar, but to anyone who is interested in reading of the civilian life in Germany during the Great War.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Incredible Stackables: Ornamental Scroll Saw Projects
Incredible Stackables* offers the scroll saw artist some innovative and beautiful ways to use the tool to make ornamental, three dimensional decorative objects. After cutting, the pieces come apart so that they can be set in various creative arrangements. Each pattern has several uses, from decorating a pen holder to simple puzzles for children. By using different color woods, the possibilities become limitless. The book has easy-to-follow directions for one of the patterns, with each step illustrated with a full color photograph. Patterns for 30 additional projects are included. A gallery explores the many possiblities for using these creations. Finally, there is useful information on scroll saw techniques and equipment. This is a wonderful book for the newcomer and the old pro alike.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collecting Men's Belt Buckles
455 beautiful color photographs and engaging text showcase men’s belt buckles from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Military, police, fire service, western, and youth group buckles are well represented, along with intriguing multi-function buckles containing cigarette lighters, knives, and guns. Masculine lifestyles are reflected through these personalized buckles, ranging from buckles used by scouting organizations worldwide and bronc riding champions to those employed by the Highway Patrol and Secret Service. Collecting tips and values are included. This is an excellent reference for the dealer and collector, and an inspirational guide for clothing and jewelry designers and fashion historians.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Chase™Era: 1933 & 1942 Catalogs of the Chase Brass & Copper Co.
The rise and fall of American Art Deco coincide neatly with the brief, but glorious, heyday of the Chase Brass & Copper Co.’s Specialty division. Gleaming Chase housewares of chrome, brass, and copper brightened many homes during the Depression years of the 1930s, thanks to the talents of such leading industrial designers as Lurelle Guild, Walter Von Nessen, Russel Wright, and Harry Laylon. The Chase Era presents in full the company’s first (1933) and final (1942) Specialties catalogs, illustrating the development of Deco design as represented by the Chase inventory. Also included are newly discovered pre-1933 Chase flyers, showing previously unseen Chase Specialties! Introductory comments focus on the whys and wherefores of Art Deco’s short reign, and the place of Chase in the Deco continuum. With a current price guide and full inventory information, The Chase Era truly provides the first and last words on Chase Specialties.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The History of German Aviation: Bombers and Reconnaissance Aircraft 1939 to the Present
Shows the developmental history of every German airplane utilized in the aerial attack and reconnaissance roles. The many types, variants, and models - to include those revolutionary, futuristic projects which never took to the air - are comprehensively documented and detailed here.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Creative Patios
This collection of beautiful photographs showcases the artistry of those who sculpt outdoor living environments with solid rock, impressed and tinted concrete, and brick in many forms. You will be both inspired and informed. This practical guidebook will help you choose a patio style suitable for your home, learn to speak your contractor's language, pick a plan that fits your budget and style, furnish and organize outdoor areas for entertaining or intimate family dining, create containers and border areas for dynamic gardens and landscaping displays, and develop outdoor sanctuaries with artfully placed planter boxes, shrubs, and privacy screens. There are also step-by-step instructions for the successful installation of your own paver patio!
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Pacific Pottery: Sunshine Tableware from the 1920s, ‘30s, and ‘40s...and more!
Over 500 color photographs, and an historical text present a beautiful overview of the ceramic table, kitchen, and artwares produced by California’s Pacific Clay Products Company from the 1920s through the 1940s. The company’s famous Hostessware serving pieces, known for their eye-catching solid colored glazes and streamlined forms, are promiently featured. Also provided are the history of this pottery firm, a review of the manufacturer’s marks, a bibliography, and an index. Values accompany the photo captions.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Cerámica: Mexican Pottery of the 20th Century
The ceramics of Mexico embody the diversity and cultural wealth of the country itself. The production of pottery is one of the oldest Mexican crafts. There is not a state in Mexico that does not produce some sort of ceramic ware, whether it be for purposes decorative, functional, religious, or playful. This book displays Mexican ceramics of the twentieth century. It is organized by geographic area, focusing on the eight states with the most important potteries. Within these states, the pieces are further divided by village or town, style, family, and individual artisan. Based upon an exhibition of over 1,200 pieces at the California Heritage Museum in Santa Monica, California, each color picture is accompanied by a detailed description of the pieces, including, when possible, the artist, style, place of origin, date of production, and size of the piece. This book will be a useful resource for the collector, the traveler, the artist, and everyone who wants to explore a wonderful aspect of Mexican culture.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Glass Candleholders: Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Depression Era, Modern
Whether placed in a window, beside the bed, or illuminating the dining table as an elegant centerpiece, glass candle holders provoke a rich symbolism of home, comfort, and welcome. Today, these beautiful candle holders capture the eye of many a collector. With over 500 photographs of single, double, and triple candle holders, all listed alphabetically by manufacturer, this book proves the ideal guide to identification, dating, and valuation of your prized candle holders. The book blends style and origin, providing a comprehensive survey of candle holders by major manufacturers such as Beaumont, Cambridge, Fenton, Duncan & Miller, Jeannette Glass, Morgantown, New Martinsville, and Portieux of France with Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Depression era, and modern examples.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd British Aircraft Before the Great War
For the very first time, the history of British pre-World War I aircraft has been gathered together in one volume, with more than 900 of them well illustrated. This new book constitutes a most valuable contribution about a remarkable period in aviation history and is a memorial to the bravery and inventiveness of the intrepid pioneers of that far off era. Among the many famous manufacturer's covered are Avro, Sopwith, Shorts, and Bristol. Many lesser known designers and builders such as Martin-Handasyde and Howard Wright are also given ample coverage.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The 7th Panzer Division: An Illustrated History of Rommel’s “Ghost Division” 1938-1945
The 7th Panzer Divison was one of the outstanding armored units of World War II, and became famous during the Battle of France in 1940 with Erwin Rommel as its commander. This photographic chronicle, by famed Knight’s Cross holder Hasso v. Manteuffel, traces the path of the 7th PD through its entire war history on a variety of fronts.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Straight Up:: A History of Vertical Flight
This book surveys the technology of all the many VTOL vehicles, and provides an overview of the programs and manufacturers. To take off and land vertically is not an easy task – this is the story of how it has happened thus far.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd United States Naval Aviation 1910-1918
United States Naval Aviation 1910-1918 for the first time provides a comprehensive study of the formation and initial deployment of naval aviation in a world war. The late eminent naval historian R.D. Layman wrote that the subject of naval aviation has, “never been adequately explored, had been often underestimated, ignored, or unrealized.” The author of this book, based upon over thirty years of research into the subject of World War I aviation, and based upon both primary and secondary reference sources, has compiled into one source a complete history of the early development of naval aviation in the United States. He then discusses the manner and role that the naval aviation service applied to the war effort during 1917-1918. The book covers not only the subject of naval aircraft, but also describes the activities of the Navy in the field of lighter-than-air craft. Specific information is provided on each of the Naval Air Stations constructed and operated, both domestically as well as in Foreign Service during the War. Detailed discussion is also provided regarding the role of Marine Corps aviation during this time period.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Kilim Rugs: Tribal Tales in Wool
For those seeking inspiration from these striking, tribal rug designs and those who want to own them, this is the perfect guide. It's packed with 235 big, striking color photos, and simply presented as a guide for both would-be buyers and for rug owners seeking the story behind their precious finds. Buying a rug can be a traumatic experience. Author and rug dealer Susan Gomersall sets out to answer the questions you always wanted to ask a rug dealer, but felt too intimidated to do so. Each chapter tells one tribe's story: a little bit of their history, a little bit about their present-day circumstances, and descriptions of the rugs they weave. Both antique and modern rugs can be found in each chapter, and some indication of what these generally cost in a retail situation.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Popular Royal Bayreuth for Collectors
Royal Bayreuth porcelain’s whimsical shapes and elegant tableware have delighted collectors for decades. Produced in Tettau, Bavaria, for over 200 years, Royal Bayreuth found the global market early and today there are collectors worldwide. With over 500 beautiful and detailed color photographs, the book is visual feast, displaying the Strawberry, Tomato, and Lobster lines, as well as other figural pottery motifs. Also well-represented are the Tapestry lines and scenics in various forms of table and boudoir pieces. Each photo has a concise caption and a current value.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Occupied Japan for the Home
Objects marked "Made in Occupied Japan" were made from February 1947 until April 1952 in Japan for export to America. They are easy to date and identify. This new book presents hundreds of items never published before and over 200 different manufacturers' markings on Occupied Japan collectibles. Many are ceramics--especially detailed figurines and dinnerware sets--as well as baskets, books, tools, lacquerware, clothing, toys, dolls, and much more. Finer pieces, along with more unusual items, are illustrated in 533 color photos taken specifically for this book. Value ranges with the captions reflect the current market.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Washday Collectibles
The story of laundry day, seen though the colorful ephemera of the past! Using over 560 color photos, this engaging book illustrates a host of laundry products--from soaps, starches, and dyes to detergents, bleaches, and softeners--as well as the colorful packaging and advertising used to sell them. Included are store displays, signs, posters, trade cards, postcards, calendars, tin containers, boxes, and more, many beautifully designed and decorated. Some ads date from eras when it was common to depict laundry workers as stereotypes. Although considered inappropriate today, they are among the most highly collectible for their visual documentation of social history. Whether appreciated as social commentary or as fabulous country store decorating, the many items shown here offer a fascinating look at "those low down, Monday morning laundry blues." Values included with the captions.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collecting Toy Premiums: Bread-Cereal-Radio
Toys purchased with box tops and pocket change in days-gone-by abound in this fascinating and sweeping survey. Over 850 color photographs display the wide range of items, including airplanes, badges, booklets, decoders, pins, rings, and whistles, offered to children throughout much of the twentieth century by bread and cereal companies and over the radio. Favorite heroes of the airwaves all had premium toys for their devoted fans to collect. Found here are the premiums of radio’s legendary heroes, including Buck Rogers; Captains Marvel, Midnight and Video; Dick Tracy; Green Hornet; the Lone Ranger; Red Ryder; Sky King; Superman; Tom Corbett; and Tarzan -- among others! Also included in this wide ranging book are methods for dating premiums using patent numbers and area codes, brief reviews of many of the shows upon which so many premiums were based, and values for the toys displayed. Values are conveniently located in the captions. This book is must reading for toy collectors and dealers and for anyone who ever saved their box tops and then waited anxiously by the mailbox for some special item to arrive.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Flow Blue: A Closer Look
This in-depth pictorial survey provides 684 color photographs of Flow Blue ceramic wares produced throughout the Victorian Age. Central to the book is the presentation of the dinner wares, tea sets, and dessert services from four popular Flow Blue patterns: Cashmere, Chapoo, La Belle, and Touraine. Never before have so many pieces from these highly desirable patterns been shown. Also, illustrations display numerous spectacular teapots, syrup pitchers, and children's wares in a wide variety of patterns. Egg cups and butter pats in many popular patterns are also illustrated, identifying the patterns which appear on these tiny forms. Finally, many patterns appearing in none of Mr. Snyder's previous Flow Blue texts are provided. The text defines and briefly traces the ware's history. Further, a very useful Index to Patterns is included. Prices for the items displayed are presented in the captions. Anyone who has ever admired Victorian ceramics, and certainly every Flow Blue collector, will find many pieces to fascinate them in this beautiful new book.
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. Quilting Traditions
Quilts are bold and beautiful, treasured by family members, valued by museums and collectors, and exciting to view. Exceptional quilts were produced by the innovative quilt makers of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. This book features a spectacular array of quilts made by Amish, Mennonite, and other Pennsylvania German groups, but also spotlights significant contributions from the Scots-Irish Presbyterians and the English Quakers. The quilts are presented in 225 gorgeous color photographs, enhanced by close-up details, tools, accessories, and the people surrounding their creation. Carefully researched text breathes life into these individual works of art, and includes accounts of quilt makers that are as vibrant, intricate, and rich as the quilts themselves. For students of the distinct heritage of Lancaster County, this special book is a fascinating perspective of families and folk art. For students of the art of quilting, it is a colorful treasury of timeless and elegant designs. This
Schiffer Publishing Ltd X Planes of the Third Reich - An Illustrated Series on Germany’s Experimental Aircraft of World War II: Tank Ta 154
Rare history of the the secretive and seldom photographed Me 209 V1, V2, V3, and V4 prototypes.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Counterfeiting the Holocaust: A Historical and Archival Examination of Holocaust Artifacts
The collecting of Holocaust artifacts can often result in an emotional and historical dilemma. Survivors and some militaria collectors regard these items as “stained” with the blood of Holocaust victims, and therefore should not be bought and sold. However, to honor the memory of those who perished and to keep a proper historical record, these items must be preserved. While a small contingent of collectors deal in Holocaust artifacts, the vast majority of Holocaust-oriented artifacts are purchased by individuals who intend to donate these items to museums. This book is a reference and resource guide to help determine the authenticity of these artifacts, and provides a detailed look at various Holocaust-related artifacts in a manner that follows the experiences of the survivors and victims. As an example; the Germans identified some individuals with outward markings, forced them to register, pressed them into forced labor, ghettoized, and eventually deported them to concentration camps or labor facilities, and due to the different times that these activities took place in conquered and occupied countries, they are distinguished here by the action rather than by a general timeline (for example, Jews in occupied Poland were forced to wear “Jewish badges” in 1939, while this did not occur in Germany until 1941). The Holocaust is a difficult period of history to examine, and although some of the photographs contained in this book are horrific in nature, this book in no way trivializes the magnitude of the Holocaust by discussing the collection and identification of Holocaust-related artifacts. The issue at hand is the callous disregard by those who profit from the Holocaust by manufacturing and selling counterfeit and fake items. Alec Tulkoff has been a collector of World War II militaria for the past twenty-five years. Over the past seven years he has taken an interest in Holocaust history and artifacts. During the past two years, while working at the SHOAH Visual History Foundation as a cataloguer, he compiled the information and materials contained in this book. As a cataloguer in the Foundation, he had the opportunity to hear hundreds of first hand Holocaust survivor testimonies. Tulkoff has worked hard in combating the vast amount of Holocaust artifact fraud that has spread in the collecting community and has posted a website dealing with this fraud and also publishes a quarterly newsletter on this topic.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Fashionable Fan
Fans--they are mysterious and magical, and have been elevated to an art form by the great artists and decorators. They can be viewed as a tangible extension of femininity, style, and elegance. This book tells the fascinating tale of the fan as both a charming fashion accessory and a sophisticated mirror reflecting the changes in fashion and culture over time. Covering medieval times to the twentieth century, individual chapters trace the history of fans and their relationship to the major fashion trends of each era. Over 255 images, including dramatic original photos as well as historical illustrations, showcase fans made of paper, silk, lace, wood, celluloid, feathers, and more. Different shapes and styles of fans are featured, including fixed, pleated, and brise fans, souvenir fans, even several restored fans shown in "before and after" photos. An outstanding resource for fashion historians, students, designers, collectors, and aficionados, this unique study of the fan and its relationship to fashion will be of great interest to anyone who appreciates beautiful clothing and beautiful accessories.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Historical Staffordshire: American Patriots & Views
Patriotism was rarely more fervently displayed in America than in the early nineteenth century. Enthusiasm for the new country was especially felt in England where goods were produced specifically to commemorate America. This book presents in detail the transfer-printed ceramic dishes made in Staffordshire for the American market from 1820-1860. Here are the patriots, historical events and breathtaking new landscape views captured by fine artists and transferred to ceramics by the best companies in England. Today these dishes are actively collected. Written with a close view of the cultural changes that contributed to the enormous popularity of historical Staffordshire wares, Jeffrey Snyder has documented the scenes and the thinking of the people who so enjoyed displaying American history on their dishes. The makers, their marks, and information about the scenes is woven into this book to identify each of the examples in 485 color illustrations.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Paperweights from Great Britain
Since the 1930s, more than 1.5 million glass paperweights have been made in Britain. Here is the first comprehensive reference to identify them. Whether you have been given one paperweight as a gift and know nothing about the subject, or are a serious collector who owns hundreds of items, this book is certain to prove indispensable. For the beginner, the illustrations and listings will help in identifying your paperweight, as well as giving its value. The production of glass paperweights in Britain is due largely to the initial stimulus of one person, Paul Ysart, whose family settled in Scotland. Many Ysart paperweights never illustrated before are shown here, including a rare signed and dated butterfly, a magnum containing a metal badge, and a scrambled weight with butterfly portrait canes. Strathearn items include miniatures and magnums, and rarely seen illustrated brochures. Whitefriars lovers will appreciate the most comprehensive list ever published. Of the book's 360 color illustrations, over 60 are of Whitefriars, including more than fifteen highly important paperweights never illustrated before, such as the Royal Visit and a footed magnum over five inches in diameter. Caithness, John Deacons, William Manson, and Selkirk's ranges are well covered, as are many studio artists. Humorous stories and tales of production problems add to this book's appeal. By listing over 2,000 British paperweights, the author has provided a notable reference work that will be consulted for years to come.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Beautiful Bauer: A Pictorial Study with Prices
Meet the brightly colored pottery that set the trend for casual mix-and-match dinnerware years before Fiesta! This pictorial overview of the pottery produced from the 1920s through the 1950s by the J. A. Bauer Pottery Company is illustrated with over 450 vibrant color photographs. Items ranging from brilliantly glazed dinnerwares and garden pots to massive oil jars and hand thrown vases are all included. A number of rare pieces are depicted as well. A brief history of the company, several original company brochures, examples of the manufacturer's marks, a bibliography, and an index round out the presentation. Prices are provided in the captions for the items displayed.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Personnel Armor System Ground Troops (PASGT) Helmet: An Illustrated Study of the U.S. Military's Current Issue Helmet
This book presents the history of the U.S. military’s current issue helmet – the PASGT (“pass-get”) Helmet – and provides the most comprehensive look into the research, development, and production of the helmet between 1971 and the present. All aspects of the PASGT Helmet are covered, including the early research and development efforts that resulted in the final helmet design and construction. The book supplements coverage of this early period with photographs of the various helmets. The book also provides a detailed look at helmet production, including the ground troop’s helmet, parachutist’s helmet, and helmet covers. The production history of every major manufacturer is also provided. Every production helmet is covered with full color photographs, including details and production markings. Also included are contract sheets and military specification drawings.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Camouflage Uniforms of European and NATO Armies: 1945 to the Present
This full-color book covers nearly all of the NATO, and other European armies’ camouflaged uniforms, and not only shows and explains the many patterns, but also their efficacy of design. Described and illustrated are the variety of materials tested in over forty different armies, and includes the history of obsolete trial tests from 1945 to the present time. More than two hundred patterns have been manufactured since World War II using various landscapes and seasonal colors for their look. The Vietnam and Gulf Wars, African or South American events, as well as recent Yugoslavian independence wars have been used as experimental terrains to test a variety of patterns. This book provides a superb reference for the historian, reenactor, designer, and modeler.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Yesterday's Structures: Today's Homes: Today's Homes
Explore fifty-six innovative adaptations of old, abandoned structures into modern family homes, apartments, and condominiums. Includes more than 290 images and plans. The accompanying text describes how each historical, industrial, or agricultural structure was spared the wrecking ball, and transformed from derelict to dwelling by an innovative architect. Among the larger buildings rebuilt are churches, schools, factories, barns, a lighthouse, a giant gas tank, and even a missile silo. Smaller structures are not overlooked either, as a smoke house, garage, and a chicken coop are redesigned as cozy cottages and guest houses. The first half of this fascinating text tells the tale of structures redesigned for single family living while the second half describes larger structures retrofitted for multi-family living. The projects also range from commercial enterprises quickly completed to personal labors of love that have taken some twenty-five years of work.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collecting Yo-Yos
Bounce back to the carefree childhood days when you spent hours with your yo-yo learning to "walk the dog" or go "around the world". Yo-yos of many companies, decades (from the 1930s onward), and designs are displayed along with yo-yos that shriek, whistle, and spark. Whether you prefer wood or plastic, butterflies or teenies, Duncans or Whirl Kings, here you will find the yo-yos that you like best in over 275 color photographs. Also, yo-yo championship patches, tricks books, and trophies are displayed. Brief histories of several yo-yo companies such as Cheerio, Duncan, and Royal are provided. Methods are explored for roughly determining a yo-yo's age, through inscribed zip codes and patent numbers. Current market values for each and every yo-yo are found in the captions.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Lenin's Legacy: A Concise History and Guide to Soviet Collectibles
Lenin’s Legacy is a comprehensive, illustrated reference combining a concise history of the Soviet Union with a study of its “symbolism”, which until now has largely been hidden from the West. With over 900 superb color photographs, the book shows nearly 2000 items including pins and badges, orders and medals, busts and statues, table medallions and wall plaques, banners and flags, paintings and coins and many others. This is the first book to show such a wide variety of artifacts from the Soviet Union, and explains the symbolism attached to the items in detailed text and captions. Subjects covered include political, communist party, Aeroflot, Soviet space programs, party congresses, Lenin, Soviet military forces and others. This book is designed not only for the collector of Soviet artifacts, but also the historian, showing many symbols and their relationship to Soviet history. Prices are included as an aid to collectors.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Encyclopedia of American Cut and Engraved Glass
Elegant and utilitarian glasswares have been made for over thirty centuries. The manufacture of cut glass in America stems from a history that reaches back to ancient Egypt, while engraved glass was known in classical Rome. In this excellent new edition of a classic work, the author traces the American phases of this fascinating history by describing the products of major and minor manufacturers. See the American industry evolve from its early days of imitative work, through highly imaginative products in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, to a declining mediocrity in the 1920s and '30s. This book has been established as the "bible" in this field, and the addition of 150 new photos and fully updated text and pricing information make this edition the best yet. Glass collectors will treasure this unequalled reference.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Aloha Attire: Hawaiian Dress in the Twentieth Century
Over the years, various garments have become increasingly popular collectible items as they grant insight into the cultures in which they were made. Collectors who love the sand, sun, and surf will delight in this extraordinary guide to handsome Hawaiian clothing. Filled with over 460 beautiful photos, this book gives a historical account of Hawai`i's fashion industry and its effect on the Western world. Unique island designs, exotic fabrics, and traditional garments--including the holoku and mu`umu`u--are all included within this spectacular display of Hawaiian paradise. Generations of tourists to Hawai`i will enjoy the explanations of clothing designs unique to the islands, and designers will find this an invaluable and inspiring reference tool.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Fun Collectibles of the 1950s, '60s & '70s: A Handbook & Price Guide
Those who grew up in the mid-20th century share many common memories. They had the same teen idols, wore the same groovy clothes, and played with the same toys, thanks to TV commercials. This book has brought out the sentimental streak in all of those people, and has fascinated collectors and students of popular culture. Now in its new and improved second edition, it includes clothing, toys, games, teen magazines, and furniture in color photos with important information and newly updated values. It is a useful book for collectors...and cool!
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Saltbox and Cape Cod Houses
Here is a new, larger edition of a classic reference. From its origins on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in the seventeenth century, this charming and practical style of house has been transplanted and modified to accommodate varying life styles from as far away as Hawai`i. Stanley Schuler has brought together the architectural history of the Cape Cod House with many floor-plans and photographs to be studied and enjoyed by all who live in, restore, or want to build their own Cape Cod House. Examples range from the tiny single style to double, triple, modified and "modern" interpretations--all of which were practical at the time they were built.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Chintz Ceramics
Chintz ceramics were introduced in the late 19th century, and rose to great heights of popularity in the first half of the 20th century as they were exported around the world. This classic work, now in its third edition, is better than ever for dealers and collectors. The brilliant floral bouquets adorning chintz ceramics are displayed in nearly 500 gorgeous color photographs. The major English chintz manufacturers, Royal Winton, James Kent, Lord Nelson, Shelley, Crown Ducal, and Empire, are discussed and many examples of their chintz wares are identified and shown. Over one hundred patterns are amply illustrated, including the popular DuBarry, Rosalynde, and Summertime patterns. Lesser known firms and American importers are also explored, along with the Japanese manufacturers of hand-painted chintz. Manufacturers' marks are identified and dated. A value guide is included with newly updated prices.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd 10 Wire and Canvas Decoy Patterns for Carvers
Wire and canvas decoys were popular around the Eastern shore of Virginia and the Carolinas near the turn of the 20th century. Because an abundance of good carving wood was not handy, decoy makers in this region used ingenuity to create clever replicas of large birds such as the Canada Goose. This book includes patterns for ten different breeds, a colorful gallery, helpful reference charts, and a lot of tried-and-true advice for carvers motivated to take on these projects, or to design their own. Al Streetman guides the reader step-by-step through making one of these wire and canvas decoys, through constructing the body and carving the head, to painting the finished project. He even demonstrates how to antique the decoy for an elegant weathered look.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collectibles 101: Fast Food Toys: Fast Food Toys
Begin your fast food collecting adventures with this pocket-size guide in hand. It displays a multitude of promotional toys distributed by fast food restaurants in approximately 300 full color photos, with current market values, convenient check-off boxes to help you record and organize your collection, and a comprehensive index. From Arby's and Burger King to Wendy's and White Castle, toys from over 24 different fast food restaurants (other than McDonald's) are represented. Whether 3 or 93, all can have fun finding and identifying the hundreds of fast food toys available with this beginner's guide. The one with the most toys wins; so come on, what are you waiting for?
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Luftwaffe Profile Series No.12: Focke-Wulf Ta 154
Kurt Tank’s twin-engine, wooden creation, the German “Moskito”, is covered in detail in this new volume. Numerous photos and line drawing show the various types, and proposed future developments.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Fabulous Fifties: Designs for Modern Living
Step back into the fabulous world of the 1950s! Popular culture was stimulated as products were mass produced and the middle class emerged. After World War II, America prospered and took the lead in popular culture as people rebuilt their lives by looking forward. Designs of whimsy and abstract patterns jump along the pages in bright and exhilarating colors. From furniture and textiles to Hawaiian shirts, poodle skirts, vinyl handbags, gabardine jackets, rayon dresses and more, nearly every aspect of modern living in the 1950s is shown in full color. Over 770 color photographs display this lively period in all its fantastic glory. Never before has such an expansive volume been published from the collector's point of view. Whether a dealer, collector, historian, or just someone interested in the 1950s, you will be delighted as these 224 pages unfold to tell the story of this popular and fun-filled decade.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd McDonald's® Glassware
Starting in the early 1960s, the McDonald's*r restaurant chain has been creatively advertising their popular fast food products through the sale of collectible drinking glasses. A virtual parade of glassware fills the pages of this colorful book, which illustrates and describes McDonald's glassware promotions in the United States from 1963 to 1998. Organized chronologically and featuring convenient check-off boxes to help you organize and document your collection, the book includes glasses, cups, mugs, and steins--with tankards following closely behind. Over 250 color photos highlight glassware featuring Ronald McDonald and his McDonaldland pals; cartoon, movie, and television characters; sports themes; commemoratives; and many more. Values and a helpful index are provided. For a smashing time, don't miss out on the Losonsky team's exciting world of collectible glassware from McDonald's!
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Bear Sightings: In Everyday Life
Images of bears are found throughout the world on many objects in everyday life, from advertising and postage stamps to clothing and tablewares. The intense popularity of stuffed toy Teddy Bears today has ignited the search for images of bears on antiques, in old books, and upon modern items--and many are displayed and identified here. The chapters present old and new images of bears made as both useful and decorative items from diverse materials such as metals, wood, glass, ceramics, paper, and textiles. Over 475 color photographs show bears on, as, and about everyday objects, and each one is dated and identified with historical facts and a current value range. Current bear enthusiasts will cherish this book and skeptical readers will be converted. Beware of increasing bear sightings!
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Soap Carving for Children of All Ages
When first invited to give talks and demonstrations on carving techniques to school children, Howard K. Suzuki quickly found out that wood was not the most suitable medium. It took too long to show much progress in the limited time available. He decided to use bars of soap to demonstrate basic techniques on carving and sculpturing. Soap is an inexpensive and very desirable carving medium. Soon demonstrations developed into hands-on experiences for his students. In this book, Dr. Suzuki describes and illustrates with color photographs how to make safe and simple wooden carving tools. He demonstrates basic soap-carving techniques using several stepwise how-to examples, from a simple heart to a more complex turtle. Dr. Suzuki integrates art and science into his instructions and combines them to produce a super learning experience for children (of all ages) who do learn to carve through his methods.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd 15 Elf and Gnome Patterns
Once you finish carving your first gnome, the little guy will surely want you to carve some more elfin friends for him! It’s a good thing Al Streetman has included 15 different patterns for well-dressed elves and gnomes of all shapes and sizes--drawn up with the beginner in mind, but with plenty of potential for the experienced carver’s creativity to build on. With step-by-step instructions and color photography, Al demonstrates how to carve and paint the first project from start to finish. He also provides some helpful general advice about technique, finer details, and painting; his reference charts are handy for any carving. A full-color gallery of finished projects will bring a smile to your face and a spark to your imagination. His laid-back style and straightforward techniques make Al Streetman a pleasure to carve with--enjoy!
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Antique Advertising Encyclopedia
Although advertising has a history that goes back thousands of years, it is the Americans who have made it into an art form. Advertisements were put on everything from pocket mirrors to memo pads, the sides of barns to the sides of carriages and buses. A history of advertising printed in the 1880s even show an advertisement on a tombstone. With the advent of color lithography in the late 1800s, some of the most beautiful and highly collectible items were created. Tin signs with colorful, strong images, often embossed, were made for stores, and often found their way into homes. Paper advertising in calendars, trade cards, and posters reached new levels of artistry in the latter years of the 19th century. This new book explores advertising in all its media: tin, paper, celluloid, and enamel. In full color it portrays the creativity of its makers, while at the same time bringing to life the styles of the past 120 years. Included are signs, three dimensional designs, smalls, and novelties. With some tin signs bringing in excess of $100,000 (a Campbell Soup sign included in this book), it is clear that this is an active and exciting area for collectors. At the same time, it is a good field for the new collector, who can find many pieces of advertising for under $50. Both ends of the spectrum are nicely covered in this book, and its up-to-date pricing information makes it an even more important book for all collectors.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Best of Collectible Dinnerware
Here at last is a thorough guide of the most collected dinnerware. In one volume this book provides an excellent survey of the best companies and their most popular lines. The important California companies, including the Wallace China Company, Catalina Pottery, B.J. Brock & Co., and Gladding, McBean & Co. along with other companies nationwide including the Crooksville Art Pottery Co., Frankoma, and the Hall China Company, are among the many potteries represented. The contributions of famous designers such as Ben Seibel, Russel Wright, Eva Zeisel, and Sascha Brastoff are explored. Extensive research has uncovered new information on many of the companies and designers. Over 300 clear photos, extracts from catalogs and advertisements, historical photos, and a well-documented text will help to identify dinnerware, to trace changing technological and design trends, and to showcase an industry in its heyday. As the journey to uncover and identify all the American produced dinnerware from the twentieth century continues, this book serves as an important milestone and an important reference.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd A Trekker's Guide to Collectibles with Prices
In 1996, Star Trek and the crew of the Enterprise celebrate their 30th anniversary. Today, the Star Trek world is a multi-million dollar adventure with three spin-off television series and seven movies to date with thousands of loyal fans. The mountain of collectibles Star Trek has left in its wake are presented here in newly revised text, lists of items and almost 600 color photographs with captions chronicling the field, and price listings to include 500 new items not appearing in the last edition! Brief synopses of the series and films put the collectibles in perspective.