Search results for ""author rainer"
Imperial College Press Black Hole At The Center Of The Milky Way, The
Reviewing the fundamental instrumental techniques and current observational results, this book unveils the mysteries of the physical processes in the central parsec of our Milky Way: the super-massive black hole embedded in a central stellar cluster as well as the gas and dust in the circumnuclear region.The observations described cover the entire electromagnetic spectrum from decimeter radio-waves to high energy X-ray and γ-rays, and a comprehensive summary of up-to-date astrophysical interpretations is given.The emphasis is put on observational techniques, image processing aspects, and a detailed presentation of the most cutting-edge work carried out in the near-infrared wavelength regime. These recent results include both the first orbits of stars around the central black hole and the multiwavelength variability of the central source.
Taschen GmbH Seba. Cabinet of Natural Curiosities. 40th Ed.
The Cabinet of Natural Curiosities is one of the 18th century’s greatest natural history achievements and remains one of the most prized natural history books of all time. Though scientists of his era often collected natural specimens for research purposes, Amsterdam-based pharmacist Albertus Seba (1665–1736) was unrivalled in his passion. His amazing collection of animals, plants and insects from all around the world gained international fame during his lifetime. In 1731, after decades of collecting, Seba commissioned careful and often scenic illustrations of every specimen. With these meticulous drawings, he arranged for the publication of a four-volume catalog, covering the entire collection from strange and exotic plants to snakes, frogs, crocodiles, shellfish, corals, birds, and butterflies, as well as now extinct creatures. This reproduction is taken from a rare, hand-colored original. The introduction supplies background information about the fascinating tradition of natural collections to which Seba’s curiosities belonged.
Klarant Baljenmord. Ostfrieslandkrimi
Lehmanns Media GmbH INTERRAIL 72
Verlag Der Autoren Theaterstcke
Eschbach Verlag Am Wenn jedes Haus ganz stille wird
Ars Vivendi Rosen Les Roses
Anaconda Verlag RilkeRMGesammelte Werke
Snoeck Verlagsges. Georg Baselitz Peintre Graveur III IV
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Briefwechsel 19071919
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Gesammelte Gedichte
Vahlen Franz GmbH Das Coachinggesprch Grundlagen und Trainingsprogramm beratender Gesprchsfhrung Mit Audiodateien zum Download
Nomos Verlags GmbH Ökologie der Teilhabe
Books on Demand Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge
St. Benno Verlag GmbH Zeit für leise Wunder
St. Benno Verlag GmbH Sanft gehalten
St. Benno Verlag GmbH Königin bist du
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Historische Pfade Eifel
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Zeit zum Wandern Altmühltal und Fränkisches Seenland
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Panoramawege Bayerischer Wald
Anaconda Verlag RilkeRMGesammelte Werke Gedichte
Anaconda Verlag Als du mich einst gefunden hast Die schnsten Gedichte
Haufe Lexware GmbH Erfolgsstrategien für den verdeckten Stellenmarkt
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Excel Tipps und Tricks für Dummies
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Excel noch schneller, besser und effizienter arbeiten! Zeigen Sie im Excel-Alltag richtiges Fachwissen. Verwenden Sie gelungene Mixturen aus raffinierten Formeln und Funktionen. Holen Sie zum Beispiel mehr aus WENN-Funktionen heraus, ohne dass es ein ABER gibt. Nutzen Sie im Programm Verborgenes. Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen neben vielen Tipps, Tricks und Tastenkombinationen auch Top-Secrets für den direkten Einsatz, die nicht jeder kennt und im Geheimen schlummern.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Das Buch der Bilder
Insel Verlag GmbH Meine geheimnisvolle Heimat Rilke und Russland
Insel Verlag GmbH Es gibt nur die Liebe ber die Liebe
Insel Verlag GmbH Wie soll ich meine Seele halten Liebesgedichte
Herder Verlag GmbH Wenn der Wind vom Leben singt
Herder Verlag GmbH barmHerz.ig
Herder Verlag GmbH Die schönste Zeit
DIN Media Verlag Bauformen von der Romanik bis zur Gegenwart Ein Bildhandbuch
C.H. Beck Handbuch Sportstrafrecht
Aufbau Verlage GmbH Hundert Gedichte
Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc Poetry of Rilke
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Markus Raetz. The Prints 1957-2013
Markus Raetz is one of the most renowned contemporary artists in Switzerland. Initially educated and working as a primary school teacher, he became an artist in his early twenties. Since the 1970s, his work, including solo exhibitions, has been been on the international stage. Raetz works with a variety of materials and media. The phenomenon of perception is his main focus, rather than how something is represented. Prints form a major part of his work. Markus Raetz.The Prints 1951-2013 covers his complete body of work in this genre.; the Catalogue Raisonne is complemented by a separate volume, with essays on his work and artistic development. Exhibitions: Museum of Fine Arts Bern, early 2014 (date TBC). Markus Raetz is represented with works also in the permanent collections of museums such as: Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel; Museum fur Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt (Main); San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla CA; Tate Gallery, London; MoMA, New York; Musee national d art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Schaulager, Munchenstein near Basel; Moderna Museet, Stockholm.
Peter Lang AG Europaeisches Privatrecht: Die Rechtsvergleichung
Nova Science Publishers Inc Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Amphibian Evolution: The Life of Early Land Vertebrates
This book focuses on the first vertebrates to conquer land and their long journey to become fully independent from the water. It traces the origin of tetrapod features and tries to explain how and why they transformed into organs that permit life on land. Although the major frame of the topic lies in the past 370 million years and necessarily deals with many fossils, it is far from restricted to paleontology. The aim is to achieve a comprehensive picture of amphibian evolution. It focuses on major questions in current paleobiology: how diverse were the early tetrapods? In which environments did they live, and how did they come to be preserved? What do we know about the soft body of extinct amphibians, and what does that tell us about the evolution of crucial organs during the transition to land? How did early amphibians develop and grow, and which were the major factors of their evolution?The Topics in Paleobiology Series is published in collaboration with the Palaeontological Association, and is edited by Professor Mike Benton, University of Bristol. Books in the series provide a summary of the current state of knowledge, a trusted route into the primary literature, and will act as pointers for future directions for research. As well as volumes on individual groups, the series will also deal with topics that have a cross-cutting relevance, such as the evolution of significant ecosystems, particular key times and events in the history of life, climate change, and the application of a new techniques such as molecular palaeontology. The books are written by leading international experts and will be pitched at a level suitable for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates, and researchers in both the paleontological and biological sciences.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Filme machen für Dummies
Heute kann jeder einen Film drehen, nur eine gute Idee braucht es dazu. Der Regisseur und Drehbuchautor Brian Michael Stoller erklärt Ihnen in diesem Buch, wie Sie ein Drehbuch schreiben und ein Storyboard entwickeln, den richtigen Drehort aussuchen, die passende Crew und Darsteller finden, den Film so drehen, dass er gut aussieht. Außerdem erläutert er, was Sie nach dem Dreh beachten sollten: Soundtrack, Special Effects und vieles mehr. Zuletzt gibt er Ihnen noch Tipps, wie Sie den Film an den Zuschauer bringen, sei es im Internet, über einen Vertrieb oder über andere Kanäle.
Human Kinetics Publishers Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out: An Illustrated Guide to Personalizing Participation
As a person involved in the care and development of individuals with disabilities, you have both the opportunity and challenge to provide movement experiences that fit within the scope of each person’s abilities. Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out: An Illustrated Guide to Personalizing Participation helps you create physical activity options that encourage success by honoring the capabilities of each person under your care. Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out is an illustrated book of games, skills, and activities for individuals with severe or multiple disabilities who may or may not use wheelchairs. The book can also be used with students who have normal developmental skills. By suggesting ways that many familiar skills, games, and activities might be performed, Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out offers opportunities for those with mobility challenges and disabilities to participate on their own terms. Written by E. Ann Davis, with a foreword by Lauren Lieberman,Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out emphasizes the importance of creating movement experiences that offer participants with physical limitations a sense of confidence and increased self-esteem. Rather than require individuals to follow preconceived activity patterns, Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out offers you the tools to help each participant enjoy movement while working according to his or her own abilities. This easy-to-use reference organizes activities and skills as individual and partner actions focusing on body awareness, body actions, and basic manipulative skills. You’ll find simple ideas and guidelines for modifying each activity to fit the needs of each person. Following the basic guidelines, these activities allow each individual to participate to the extent he or she is able. Whether you are a teacher, therapist, recreation specialist, caregiver, or parent, Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out offers a wealth of ideas to help you encourage people with disabilities to develop basic movement skills in ways that meet their unique abilities: • Over 450 skills and activities for individuals with severely limited or low mobility and disabilities • 25 illustrated games focusing on body awareness, body actions, and basic manipulative skills • Flexible design of activities and games offering modifications for individuals seated in chairs or wheelchairs or on the floor • More than 450 illustrations conveying the accompanying instructions in an easy-to-follow visual format • Over 100 additional activity ideas to try on your own or incorporate within the games presented in the book Activities are specifically designed for those with delayed or poor motor coordination and control and limited physical skill. The activites can be easily incorporated within adapted physical education, therapeutic recreation, and home settings. Most important, the activities and games in Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out offer the experience of physical success—and enjoyment—for those whose physical limitations create daily movement challenges.
Kregel Academic & Professional Persuasive Apologetics: The Art of Handling Tough Questions Without Pushing People Away
Eglantyne Books Sonnets to Orpheus
Brand new English translations of this classic cycle of poems by Rilke dedicated to Orpheus
Kohlhammer Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EUROPEAN MIGRATION IN THE LATE TWENTIETH CENTURY: Historical Patterns, Actual Trends, and Social Implications
Migration in Europe is a pressing social and political issue for the policy makers of the 1990s. Drawing upon a wide body of knowledge, expertise and analysis, European Migration in the Late Twentieth Century combines an important survey with a series of detailed country studies on migration in Europe.The authoritative overview essay by the editors examines migration to and within Europe. They compare the flows during the last forty years with the present situation, detailing both the magnitude and geography of migration over this period. This is followed by thirteen individual country studies each of which features an historical introduction to emigration and immigration in the featured country, quantitative data sets and a detailed assessment of the social and political implications. These studies - specially prepared by leading scholars - cover the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Israel, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, the former Yugoslavia and the former USSR.This comprehensive and scholarly book will be welcomed by teachers and researchers of social sciences and history for presenting new insights on one of the key political, social and economic issues facing modern Europe.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Perception and the Physical World: Psychological and Philosophical Issues in Perception
The focus of this book is on conceptual and philosophical issues of perception including the classic notion of unconscious inferences in perception. The book consists of contributions from a group of internationally renowned researchers who spent a year together as distinguised fellows at the German Centre for Advanced Study. Each chapter concludes with a lively, informative debate in the form of comments and replies from the contributors of the book. ? Contributors are of prominent international reputation ? Each chapter concludes with comments and replies from the contributors of the book to give informative debate ? The only book available to blend perception and philosophy in this fashion
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Psycholinguistik: Eine Einführung
Anhand der leitenden Fragestellung Welche kognitiven Voraussetzungen und Prozesse machen die menschliche Sprachfähigkeit aus? bietet der Band eine umfassende Einführung in die Psycholinguistik. Er präsentiert die folgenden Teilgebiete: Sprachliches Wissen, Spracherwerb, Sprechen, Sprachverstehen sowie Störung und Krankheit des Sprachsystems. Eine umfangreiche Bibliographie und ein Sachregister schließen den Band ab. - Die dritte Auflage wurde vollständig neu bearbeitet sowie aktualisiert und berücksichtigt insbesondere neuere neurowissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse. Im zweifarbigen Layout.