Search results for ""author manny"
Reclam Philipp Jun. Hiob Roman eines einfachen Mannes Reclam XL Text und Kontext
Bocola Verlag GmbH Tarzan Die kompletten Russ Manning Strips Band 8 1976 1979
Crecy Publishing Q-Birds: The Impact of American Manned Aircraft as Drones
Manning Publications Five Lines of Code: How and when to refactor
Improving existing code—refactoring—is one of the most common tasks you’ll face as a programmer. Five Lines of Code teaches you clear and actionable refactoring rules that you can apply without relying on intuitive judgements such as “code smells.” It’s written for working developers, guiding you step by step through applying refactoring patterns to the codebase of a 2D puzzle game. Following the author’s expert perspective—that refactoring and code smells can be learned by following a concrete set of principles—you’ll learn when to refactor your code, what patterns to apply to what problem, and the code characteristics that indicate it’s time for a rework. Thanks to this hands-on guide, you’ll find yourself programming faster while still delivering high-quality code that your teammates will love to work with. about the technologyRefactoring is a fact of life. All code is imperfect, and refactoring is a systematic process you can use to improve the quality of your codebase. Whatever your architecture, choice of OO language, or skill as a programmer, the continuous design improvements of refactoring make your code simpler, more readable, and less prone to bugs. You’ll be amazed at the productivity boost of adding refactoring to your code hygiene routine—it’s quicker to hammer out bad code and then improve it than spending hours writing good code in the first place! about the book Five Lines of Code teaches working developers the shortcuts to quality code. You’ll follow author Christian Clausen’s unique approach to teaching refactoring that’s focused on concrete rules, and getting any method down to five lines or less to implement! There’s no jargon or tricky automated-testing skills required, just easy guidelines and patterns illustrated by detailed code samples. Chapter by chapter you’ll put techniques into action by refactoring a complete 2D puzzle game. Before you know it, you’ll be making serious and tangible improvements to your codebase. what's inside The symptoms of bad code The extracting method, introducing strategy pattern, and many other refactoring patterns Modifying code safely, even when you don’t understand it Writing stable code that enables change-by-addition Proper compiler practices Writing code that needs no comments Real-world practices for great refactoring about the readerFor developers who know an object-oriented programming language. about the author Christian Clausen works as a Technical Agile Coach teaching teams how to properly refactor their code. Previously he worked as a software engineer on the Coccinelle semantic patching project, an automated refactoring tool. He has an MSc in computer science, and five years’ experience teaching software quality at a university level.
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Angstbeisser, Trauerkloss, Zappelphilipp?: Seelische Gesundheit Bei Mannern Und Jungen
Black Classic Press A Lie of Reinvention: Correcting Manning Marable's Malcolm X
Catholic Record Society Essay on the Life and Manners of Robert Grosseteste
Bassermann, Edition Kochen für Männer Über 50 einfache aber raffinierte Rezepte
S. Hirzel Verlag Kompass Mannergesundheit: Gesund, Fit Und Potent in Jedem Alter
Taylor & Francis Ltd Regarding Manneken Pis: Culture, Celebration and Conflict in Brussels
This book examines how the 'Manneken Pis' statue has come to symbolize the Brussels city and focuses on the multiplicity of interpretations to which the statue has been subjected. It explores that celebratory uses of the statue and ones which articulate the conflicts in society are related.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Elite, Mannlichkeit und Krieg: Tubinger und Cambridger Studenten 19001929
What effects did the First World War have on German and English society? The book answers this question from a new perspective: Sonja Levsen examines how English and German students designed themselves as a national elite before and after the First World War. By making a double comparison, Levsen can show that before 1918 both sides of the canal had similarities. The decisive factor for the radically divergent development after 1918 are the consequences of victory and defeat in the world war: while the military victory in England enabled a process of pluralization and individualization, the defeat among German students led to a fixation on community, nation and the ideal of military masculinity .
HarperCollins Publishers Inc As the Wicked Watch: The First Jordan Manning Novel
HarperCollins Publishers Inc As the Wicked Watch: The First Jordan Manning Novel
Singliesel GmbH Das große Beschäftigungs und Ideenbuch für Männer mit Demenz
University of Toronto Press Mannerist Fiction: Pathologies of Space from Rabelais to Pynchon
In Mannerist Fiction, William Donoghue re-conceptualizes the history of formalism in western literature. Rather than presuming that literary experimentation with form - distorting space and time - began in the twentieth century with Modernism, Donoghue identifies the age of Copernicus as the crucible for the first experiments in spatial de-formation, which appeared in mannerist painting and literature. With wide-ranging erudition, Mannerist Fiction connects these literary and pictorial developments and traces their repetition and evolution over the next five hundred years. Time and again, Donoghue explains, scientific and literary paradigm shifts have occurred in parallel. Rabelais and Jonson wrote in the aftermath of changes in the western sense of space wrought by Copernicus and the voyages of discovery, Jonathan Swift and the Marquis de Sade in the age of Newton, Thomas Pynchon in the age of Einstein. With his analysis, Donoghue establishes disfigurement and deformation as perennial sources of literary fascination.
University of California Press Walking Mannequins: How Race and Gender Inequalities Shape Retail Clothing Work
In malls across the United States, clothing retail workers navigate low wages and unpredictable schedules. Despite these problems, they devote time and money to mirror the sleek mannequins stylishly adorned with the latest merchandise. Bringing workers' voices to the fore, sociologists Joya Misra and Kyla Walters demonstrate how employers reproduce gendered and racist "beauty" standards by regulating workers' size and look. Interactions with customers, coworkers, and managers further reinforce racial hierarchies. New surveillance technologies also lead to ineffective corporate decision-making based on flawed data. By focusing on the interaction of race, gender, and surveillance, Walking Mannequins sheds important new light on the dynamics of retail work in the twenty-first century.
University of California Press Walking Mannequins: How Race and Gender Inequalities Shape Retail Clothing Work
In malls across the United States, clothing retail workers navigate low wages and unpredictable schedules. Despite these problems, they devote time and money to mirror the sleek mannequins stylishly adorned with the latest merchandise. Bringing workers' voices to the fore, sociologists Joya Misra and Kyla Walters demonstrate how employers reproduce gendered and racist "beauty" standards by regulating workers' size and look. Interactions with customers, coworkers, and managers further reinforce racial hierarchies. New surveillance technologies also lead to ineffective corporate decision-making based on flawed data. By focusing on the interaction of race, gender, and surveillance, Walking Mannequins sheds important new light on the dynamics of retail work in the twenty-first century.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Table Manners for Tigers: A kindness and empathy book for children
Katie Crocodile is having a tea party, when in storm three naughty tigers. "They gurgled and they guzzled and chortled till they spat! They drank straight from the milk jug... Then used it as a hat." It's time the tigers visited Miss Molly's School of Manners or they'll never be invited out to tea again... A perfect introduction to table manners with humour, rhyme and a lively cast of animal characters. With online audio to listen to the story.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Manners Make a Nation: Racial Etiquette in Southern Rhodesia, 1910-1963
Shortlisted for the inaugural award of the ASAUK Fage & Oliver Prize Tells the story of how people struggled to define, refine, reform, and ultimately overturn racial etiquette as a social guide for Southern Rhodesian politics. This book tells the story of how people struggled to define, reform, and overturn racial etiquette as a social guide for Southern Rhodesian politics. Underlying what appears to be a static history of racial etiquette is a dynamicnarrative of anxieties over racial, gender, and generational status. From the outlawing of "insolence" toward officials to a last-ditch "courtesy campaign" in the early 1960s, white elites believed that their nimble use of racialetiquette would contain Africans' desire for social and political change. In turn, Africans mobilized around stories of racial humiliation. Allison Shutt's research provides a microhistory of the changing discourse aboutmanners and respectability in Southern Rhodesia that by the 1950s had become central to fiercely contested political positions and nationalist tactics. Intense debates among Africans and whites alike over the deployment of courtesy and rudeness reveal the social-emotional tensions that contributed to political mobilization on the part of nationalists and the narrowing of options for the course of white politics. Drawing on public records, legal documents,and firsthand accounts, this first book-length history of manners in twentieth-century colonial Africa provides a compelling new model for understanding politics and culture through the prism of etiquette. Allison K. Shutt is professor of history at Hendrix College.
New York University Press Manning the Race: Reforming Black Men in the Jim Crow Era
Manning the Race explores how African American men have been marketed, embodied, and imaged for the purposes of racial advancement during the early decades of the twentieth century. Marlon Ross provides an intellectual history of both famous and lesser-known men who have servedcontroversiallyas models and foils for black masculine competence. Ross examines a host of early twentieth-century cultural sites where black masculinity struggles against Jim Crow: the mobilization of the New Negro; the sexual politics of autobiography in the post-emancipation generation; the emergence of black male sociology; sexual rivalry and networking in biracial uplift institutions; Negro Renaissance arts patronage; and the sexual construction of the black urban folk novel. Focusing on the overlooked dynamics of symbolic fraternity, intimate friendship, and erotic bonding within and across gender, Manning the Race is the first book to integrate same-sexuality into the cultural history of black manhood. By approaching black manhood as a culturally contested arena, this important new work reveals the changing meanings and enactments of race, gender, nation, and sexuality in modern America. Manning the Race opens new approaches to the study of black manhood in relation to U.S. culture. Where previous books tended to emphasize how individual black men's identities have been reactively informed by the U.S. regime of race and sexuality, Manning the Race makes the case for understanding how black men themselves have been primary agents and subjects in formulating the identity and practices of black manhood.
Simon & Schuster 30 Days to a Well-Mannered Dog: The Loved Dog Method
Currency Press Pty Ltd The Jack Manning Trilogy: Face to Face; A Conversation; Charitable Intent
Verso Books The Passion of Bradley Manning: The Story Behind the Wikileaks Whistleblower
Bradley Manning was arrested, imprisoned in solitary confinement for nine months, and court-martialed for leaking nearly half a million classified government documents, including the infamous "Collateral Murder" gunsight video. He was an intelligence analyst in the US Army's 10th Mountain Division, is twenty-four, and comes from Crescent, Oklahoma.But who is Private First Class Bradley Manning? Why did he commit the largest security breach in American history-and why was it so easy? In this book, the astonishing leaks attributed to Bradley Manning are viewed from many angles, from Tunisia to Guantánamo Bay, from Foggy Bottom to Baghdad to small-town Oklahoma. Around the world, the eloquent act of one young man obliges citizens to ask themselves if they have the right to know what their government is doing.
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG Der Countertenor the Countertenor Die Mannliche Falsettstimme Vom Mittelalter Zur Gegenwart
Insel Verlag GmbH Ich bin dann mal im Keller Vom letzten Refugium des Mannes
Page Street Publishing Co. Master the Art of Manners: Modern-Day Etiquette for Any Situation
Manners matter. How you hold yourself, talk to others and engage with your surroundings can make or break an important relationship. When you meet and interact with new people, there are small, largely unspoken factors - like active listening and emotional attractiveness - that influence how much they trust and connect with you. By learning etiquette in both casual and formal settings, you’ll be able to find deeper, more fulfilling relationships. Learn how to cultivate important skills such as: Introducing Yourself to a Group, Dressing to Visit a Home or Party, Communication Etiquette with Cell Phones and Email, How to Taste, Select, and Pair Wine, Setting the Table for a Formal Dinner, Dress Code for Business Travel Abroad, Interview Etiquette. The best part is that everything builds on itself. By mastering personal etiquette - like learning about the arts, cultural differences and global politics - you’ll notice yourself feeling more comfortable in conversations with strangers. And once you nail down the basics of personal and social communication, knowing what to do in more complicated situations like splitting the check when out to dinner or when having a meeting with colleagues from a different country will feel like a breeze. Stop second guessing yourself, and start operating in the world with the confidence you need to succeed.
New York University Press Manning the Race: Reforming Black Men in the Jim Crow Era
Manning the Race explores how African American men have been marketed, embodied, and imaged for the purposes of racial advancement during the early decades of the twentieth century. Marlon Ross provides an intellectual history of both famous and lesser-known men who have servedcontroversiallyas models and foils for black masculine competence. Ross examines a host of early twentieth-century cultural sites where black masculinity struggles against Jim Crow: the mobilization of the New Negro; the sexual politics of autobiography in the post-emancipation generation; the emergence of black male sociology; sexual rivalry and networking in biracial uplift institutions; Negro Renaissance arts patronage; and the sexual construction of the black urban folk novel. Focusing on the overlooked dynamics of symbolic fraternity, intimate friendship, and erotic bonding within and across gender, Manning the Race is the first book to integrate same-sexuality into the cultural history of black manhood. By approaching black manhood as a culturally contested arena, this important new work reveals the changing meanings and enactments of race, gender, nation, and sexuality in modern America. Manning the Race opens new approaches to the study of black manhood in relation to U.S. culture. Where previous books tended to emphasize how individual black men's identities have been reactively informed by the U.S. regime of race and sexuality, Manning the Race makes the case for understanding how black men themselves have been primary agents and subjects in formulating the identity and practices of black manhood.
Vintage Publishing The Bloater: The brilliantly original rediscovered classic comedy of manners
WITH A NEW INTRODUCTION BY STEWART LEE'Should The Bloater be republished? Oh God, absolutely, it's fantastic' Stewart LeeMin works at the BBC as an audio engineer, where she is struggling to replicate the sound of a heartbeat. At home, other matters of the heart are making a mockery of life as Min knows it.Min has found herself the object of her lodger's affection. An internationally renowned opera singer she's nicknamed 'The Bloater', Min is disgusted and attracted to him in equal measure. But with a husband so invisible that she accidentally turns the lights off on him even when he's still in the room, Min can't quite bring herself to silence The Bloater's overtures. Vain, materialistic, yet surprisingly tender, The Bloater is a sparklingly ironic comedy of manners for all flirtatious gossips who love to hate and hate to love.PRAISE FOR THE BLOATER'A wonderfully unromantic romantic comedy' Daily Telegraph'Uncommonly good' Guardian 'It is the perfect aperitif, makes you feel warm and careless and much, much happier' The Times
Amberley Publishing In a Manner of Speaking: The Story of Spoken English
Why do we have so many dialects in England? Why do we not all speak in standard English? How has our history shaped and influenced the language we speak today? In a Manner of Speaking is a fun and fascinating exploration of spoken English that will answer these questions and many more. Following history from the time of the Roman conquest through to the days of the British Empire, chapters explore the beginnings of spoken English, how each invading force brought different sounds to the language, and how the English tongue has evolved over time. This is not a manual on English grammar. It is about how we came to speak our modern English, and why, even in the country of its birth, there are so many variations on the way the language is spoken. Witty, interesting and easy to read, In a Manner of Speaking is also superbly illustrated by renowned cartoonist Barrie Appleby.
Random House USA Inc Suppose You Meet a Dinosaur: A First Book of Manners
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Am I Big Enough?: A Fun Little Book on Manners
Finn cautiously observes his family doing all kinds of daily activities and wonders if he is big enough to do them, too. Join the young boy as he goes from cautious to confident and learns when and how to use good manners. Preschool-age children will delight in placing their hand on the clever handprint to see if they, like Finn, are big enough to do things like use their quiet voice at the library, share a cookie, and shake hands with grown-ups.
The History Press Ltd Stepping Stones to the Stars: The Story of Manned Spaceflight
Stepping Stones to the Stars is the story of manned spaceflight from its inception to the era of the Space Shuttle. It begins with a short history of the evolution of the rocket, before describing the first manned rocket flights by both the Americans and the Russians. There is also the little-known story of what is thought to be the earliest manned rocket flight, said to have taken place in 1933 on the island of Rügen in the Baltic under the control of the German War Ministry. The story continues through Yuri Gagarin becoming the first person in space and Neil Armstrong’s ‘giant leap for mankind’ to the first space stations, Skylab, Salyut and Mir. With the development of the Shuttle, the USA moved ahead in the ‘space race,’ but the Americans and Russians soon realised that it was easier to co-operate than compete, and the two nations began to work together for the first time. Terry C. Treadwell’s book is a non-technical history of human spaceflight, that tells the exciting and dramatic story of how we took our early steps towards the stars.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Liebe Zwischen Mannern? Der Deutsche Protestantismus Und Das Thema Homosexualitat
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Thomas Mann's Death in Venice: A Novella and Its Critics
Study of the critical reception of one of the most famous and widely read works of modern literature. Thomas Mann's 1912 novella Death in Venice is one of the most famous and widely read texts in all of modern literature, raising such issues as beauty and decadence, eros and irony, and aesthetics and morality. The amount and variety of criticism on the work is enormous, and ranges from psychoanalytic criticism and readings inspired by Mann's own homosexuality to inquiries into the place of the novella in Mann's oeuvre, its structure and style, and its symbolism and politics. Critics have also drawn connections between the novella and works of Plato, Euripides, Goethe, Schopenhauer, Platen, Wagner, Nietzsche, Gide, and Conrad. Ellis Shookman surveys the reception of Deathin Venice, analyzing several hundred books, articles, and other reactions to the novella, proceeding in a chronological manner that allows a historical perspective. Critics cited include Heinrich Mann, Hermann Broch, D. H. Lawrence, Karl Kraus, Kenneth Burke, Georg Lukàcs, Wolfgang Koeppen, Mario Vargas Llosa, and Thomas Mann himself. Particular attention is paid to Luchino Visconti's film, Benjamin Britten's opera, and to other more recent creative adaptations, both in Germany and throughout the world. Ellis Shookman is associate professor of German at Dartmouth College.
F&W Publications Inc The Art of Manliness: Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Man
Scribner Book Company Letitia Baldrige's New Manners for New Times: A Complete Guide to Etiquette
Arcadia Publishing A Gentleman in Charleston and the Manner of His Death
Austin Macauley Publishers Rotting Man Goes to Town: And conversations with John Manning
Universitatsverlag Winter Civilizing America: Manners and Civility in American Literature and Culture
Taylor Trade Publishing No Plan B: Peyton Manning's Comeback with the Denver Broncos
Peyton Manning won the Super Bowl, hosted Saturday Night Live, and threw 399 touchdown passes during 14 amazing years as an NFL quarterback. Then he got fired. Indianapolis no longer valued Manning, a four-time winner of the league’s Most Valuable Player award. Get this: The Colts cut the most-liked athlete in America. "And I’m glad they did," Denver Broncos executive John Elway said. The Broncos made the most buzz-worthy signing in the history of NFL free agency during March of 2012. Despite missing a season with a neck injury that threatened to end his brilliant career, Manning was acquired to lead the Broncos back to Super Bowl glory. "We don’t have a Plan B," Elway declared, as he presented Manning with an orange No. 18 jersey. "We’re going [with] Plan A!" Even for a quarterback as decorated as Manning, his task in Denver was daunting. At age 36, Manning had to relearn to throw the football with a right arm that had suffered extensive nerve damage. The new quarterback in town had to convert devout fans of Tim Tebow, who won games in the name of Jesus. A brutal early season schedule left the Broncos with a 2-3 record, as whispers grew the old Pro Bowler had lost his touch. What happened next is one of those great comeback stories that make us fall in love with sports. Manning went from washed up to nearly unbeatable. He led Denver to 11 consecutive victories to close the regular season. More important, Manning lifted the Broncos back to the elite status that had been slip-sliding away since Elway retired as quarterback in 1999. How did Manning do it? On the practice field, he can be a perfectionist who is a pain in the ass. On the team plane, he can be a comedian who has teammates rolling in the aisles. To get inside football’s most beautiful mind, award-winning journalist Mark Kiszla takes readers from raucous locker rooms to quiet film rooms for a behind-the-scenes look at Manning’s remarkable revival. Football is a violent game. Life can be a contact sport. Before moving to Denver, Manning was sacked 231 times by NFL defenders, but never harder than the 232nd, when Colts owner Jim Irsay hit him with a shot that shook the veteran QB to his core. So the toughest question for Manning was the same as the uncertainty facing any proud worker who has been slapped with a termination note: How does a man respond after he gets knocked on his butt? Manning is the master of the no-huddle offense. But, with his physical ability fading and anything less than a championship considered failure, Manning has never had to beat the clock with such urgency. There's no time to waste. No excuses. No looking back. No Plan B.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Bystander-Experience von Arbeitnehmenden in männerdominierten Berufsfeldern: Eine figurationssoziologische Betrachtung
Hat die Täter-Betroffenen-Dyade in der Diskriminierungsforschung ausgedient? Die Studie zeichnet anhand einer umfassenden Betrachtung des „Bystander-Experience“ nach, dass nicht nur die Verursachenden und die Betroffenen von Diskriminierung und Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz betrachtet werden sollten, sondern auch die umstehenden Zuschauenden: Auch sie sind von negativen Auswirkungen auf körperliche und geistige Gesundheit, Produktivität und Arbeitsplatzzufriedenheit betroffen, sobald sie Diskriminierung und Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz wahrnehmen oder beobachten. Dieser Effekt äußert sich am gravierendsten in männerdominierten Teams, Abteilungen und Berufsfeldern, ohne jedoch nach Geschlecht der Zuschauenden zu unterscheiden. Worin besteht die Ursache für dieses Phänomen? Die vorliegende Studie nimmt zur Beantwortung dieser Frage besonders die „Bystander“ beider Geschlechter in männerdominierten Berufsfeldern aus einer akteurszentrierten Machttheorie-Perspektive in den Blick und macht damit den prozess- und figurationssoziologischen Zugang nach Norbert Elias fruchtbar zugänglich zur Erforschung von Diskriminierungsprozessen und Interventionsverhalten in männerdominierten Berufsfeldern.
Bonnier Books Ltd Infamous: 'Bridgerton's wild little sister. So much fun!' Sarra Manning
'Ferociously witty and joyously unrepentant, Infamous wraps a rollicking story of Regency revelry excess around a heart of queer love and the power of self-authorship' Kat Dunn22-year-old aspiring writer Edith 'Eddie' Miller and her best friend Rose have always done everything together-climbing trees, throwing grapes at boys, sneaking bottles of wine, practising kissing . . .Now that they're out in society, Rose is suddenly talking about marriage, and Eddie is horrified.When Eddie meets charming, renowned poet and rival to Lord Byron, Nash Nicholson, he invites her to his crumbling Gothic estate in the countryside. The entourage of eccentric artists indulging in pure hedonism is exactly what Eddie needs in order to finish her novel and make a name for herself.But Eddie might discover that trying to keep up with her literary heroes isn't all poems and pleasure . . .
Hachette Children's Group How Elephant Learnt Some Manners Independent Reading 12 Reading Champion
Simon & Schuster Eating the Plates: A Pilgrim Book of Food and Manners
Austin Macauley Publishers Rotting Man Goes to Town: And conversations with John Manning
Eichborn Verlag Mikroorgasmen berall Von der Raffinesse und Mannigfaltigkeit der Natur vor unserer Haustr
Taylor Trade Publishing Mommy Man: How I Went from Mild-Mannered Geek to Gay Superdad
As a teenager growing up in the 1980s, all Jerry Mahoney wanted was a nice, normal sham marriage: 2.5 kids and a frustrated, dissatisfied wife living in denial of her husband’s sexuality. Hey, why not? It seemed much more attainable and fulfilling than the alternative—coming out of the closet and making peace with the fact that he’d never have a family at all. Twenty years later, Jerry is living with his long-term boyfriend, Drew, and they’re ready to take the plunge into parenthood. But how? Adoption? Foster parenting? Kidnapping? What they want most of all is a great story to tell their future kid about where he or she came from. Their search leads them to gestational surrogacy, a road less traveled where they’ll be borrowing a stranger’s ladyparts for nine months. Thus begins Jerry and Drew’s hilarious and unexpected journey to daddyhood. From then on, they’re in uncharted waters. They’re forced to face down homophobic baby store clerks, a hospital that doesn’t know what to do with them, even members of their own family who think what they’re doing is a little nutty. One thing’s for sure. If this all works out, they’re going to have an incredible birth story to tell their kid. With honesty, emotion, and laugh-out-loud humor, Jerry Mahoney ponders what it means to become a Mommy Man . . . and discovers that the answer is as varied and beautiful as the concept of family itself.