Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Bayeux Tapestry: Collected Papers
This collection of fifteen papers ranges from the author's initial interest in the Tapestry as a source of information on early medieval dress, through to her startling recognition of the embroidery's sophisticated narrative structure. Developing the work of previous authors who had identified graphic models for some of the images, she argues that not just the images themselves but the contexts from which they were drawn should be taken in to account in 'reading' the messages of the Tapestry. In further investigating the minds and hands behind this, the largest non-architectural artefact surviving from the Middle Ages, she ranges over the seams, the embroidery stitches, the language and artistry of the inscription, the potential significance of borders and the gestures of the figures in the main register, always scrutinising detail informatively. She identifies an over-riding conception and house style in the Tapestry, but also sees different hands at work in both needlecraft and graphics. Most intriguingly, she recognises an sub-contractor with a Roman source and a clownish wit. The author is Professor of Anglo-Saxon Culture at The University of Manchester, UK, a specialist in Old English poetry, Anglo-Saxon material culture and medieval dress and textiles.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Power and Its Problems in Carolingian Europe
A key theme in this collection of thirteen essays is the creative tension between the Carolingian dynasty and its aristocratic followers across 250 years. The first section explores the rising dynasty's attempts to consolidate its power through war and rewards. The second section focuses on the exercise of authority through a complex system of governance and representation, and the pivotal role played by the courts of Charlemagne and his successors. In the third section, we see the Carolingian system undergoing a crisis of legitimacy, challenged by civil war, royal divorce, and aristocratic encroachment on dynastic exclusivity. These essays anatomise the dynamics of power relations in the greatest empire of the early medieval west.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Performing Salome, Revealing Stories
With its first public live performance in Paris on 11 February 1896, Oscar Wilde's Salomé took on female embodied form that signalled the start of 'her' phenomenal journey through the history of the arts in the twentieth century. This volume explores Salome's appropriation and reincarnation across the arts - not just Wilde's heroine, nor Richard Strauss's - but Salome as a cultural icon in fin-de-siècle society, whose appeal for ever new interpretations of the biblical story still endures today. Using Salome as a common starting point, each chapter suggests new ways in which performing bodies reveal alternative stories, narratives and perspectives and offer a range and breadth of source material and theoretical approaches. The first chapter draws on the field of comparative literature to investigate the inter-artistic interpretations of Salome in a period that straddles the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the Modernist era. This chapter sets the tone for the rest of the volume, which develops specific case studies dealing with censorship, reception, authorial reputation, appropriation, embodiment and performance. As well as the Viennese premiere of Wilde's play, embodied performances of Salome from the period before the First World War are considered, offering insight into the role and agency of performers in the production and complex negotiation of meaning inherent in the role of Salome. By examining important productions of Strauss's Salome since 1945, and more recent film interpretations of Wilde's play, the last chapters explore performance as a cultural practice that reinscribes and continuously reinvents the ideas, icons, symbols and gestures that shape both the performance itself, its reception and its cultural meaning.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Chaucer, Langland, and Fourteenth-Century Literary History
Anne Middleton's essays have been among the most vigorous, learned, and influential in the field of medieval English literature. Their 'crux-busting' energies have illuminated local obscurities with generous learning lightly wielded. Their historically- and theoretically-informed meditations on the nature of poetic discourse traced how the generation of Chaucer and Langland devised a category of the literary that could embody a ethos of engaged, worldly consensus and make that consensus available to imaginative and rational consideration. And their reflections on the enterprise of literary study found a rational way, free of cant, to understand the work of the literary scholar. This volume reprints eight essays: ’The Idea of Public Poetry in the Reign of Richard II,’ ’Chaucer's 'New Men' and the Good of Literature in the Canterbury Tales,’ ’The Physician's Tale and Love's Martyrs: 'Ensamples Mo than Ten' as a Method in the Canterbury Tales,’ ’The Clerk and His Tale: Some Literary Contexts,’ ’Narration and the Invention of Experience: Episodic Form in Piers Plowman,’ ’Making a Good End: John But as a Reader of Piers Plowman,’ ’William Langland's 'Kynde Name': Authorial Signature and Social Identity in Late Fourteenth-Century England,’ ’Life in the Margins, or, What's an Annotator to Do?’ It includes one essay previously unpublished, ’Playing the Plowman: Legends of Fourteenth-Century Authorship.’
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Chanson des Chétifs and Chanson de Jérusalem: Completing the Central Trilogy of the Old French Crusade Cycle
The First Crusade was arguably one of the most significant events of the Middle Ages. It was the only event to generate its own epic cycle, the Old French Crusade Cycle. The central trilogy at the heart of the Cycle describes the Crusade from its beginnings to the climactic battle of Ascalon, comprising the Chanson d’Antioche, the Chanson des Chétifs and the Chanson de Jérusalem. This translation of the Chétifs and the Jérusalem accompanies and completes the translation of the Antioche and makes the trilogy available to English readers in its entirety for the first time. The value of the trilogy lies above all in the insight it gives us to medieval perceptions of the Crusade. The events are portrayed as part of a divine plan where even outcasts and captives can achieve salvation through Crusade. This in turn underlies the value of the Cycle as a recruiting and propaganda tool. The trilogy gives a window onto the chivalric preoccupations of thirteenth-century France, exploring concerns about status, heroism and defeat. It portrays the material realities of the era in vivid detail: the minutiae of combat, smoke-filled halls, feasts, prisons and more. And the two newly translated poems are highly entertaining as well, featuring a lubricious Saracen lady not in the first flush of youth, a dragon inhabited by a devil, marauding monkeys, miracles and much more. The historian will find little new about the Crusade itself, but abundant material on how it was perceived, portrayed and performed. The translation is accompanied by an introduction examining the origins of the two poems and their wider place in the cycle. It is supported by extensive footnotes, a comprehensive index of names and places and translations of the main variants.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Emergency Law: Volume II
The essays selected for this volume provide a comprehensive overview of the philosophical, ethical, historical, legal and practical issues in the diverse field of emergency law. The essays focus on terrorist attacks and natural disasters and highlight the roles of a vast variety of actors, such as the military, fire services, health services, police, volunteers and many more. The volume reveals legislative trends in emergency law by combining different national, international and comparative legal perspectives on a number of different types of emergency situations. In addition, essays taken from a practitioner perspective provide insight into civilian and military emergency management on the ground and the frequently reoccurring legal challenges. By comparing different national approaches to emergency law and emergency management, this collection of essays goes beyond the narrow view of one political system and draws instructive conclusions relating to the similarities and differences between a variety of common law and civil law systems and constitutional set-ups.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Essays on Medieval Rhetoric
Originally published between 1981 and 2003, the thirteen essays collected here cover topics in medieval rhetoric from its origins in late antiquity through the end of the Middle Ages. Most of the essays are concerned with the teaching of prose composition, especially the art of letter writing known as the ars dictaminis, and many of them focus on specific textbooks that were used for such instruction, in particular those composed in England from the twelfth through the fifteenth centuries. Individual essays are devoted to works by major figures such as Saint Augustine, Peter of Blois, and Geoffrey of Vinsauf; to teaching programmes at important academic centres such as Oxford and Bologna; and to such topics as the relationship between the art of letter writing and the art of poetry, the oral dimension of medieval epistolography, the manuscript traditions of influential textbooks, medieval genre terminology, and the position of medieval rhetoric within a continuous disciplinary history rooted in classical rhetoric.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Apostolic Iconography and Florentine Confraternities in the Age of Reform
Focusing on artists and architectural complexes which until now have eluded scholarly attention in English-language publications, Apostolic Iconography and Florentine Confraternities in the Age of Reform examines through their art programs three different confraternal organizations in Florence at a crucial moment in their histories. Each of the organizations that forms the basis for this study oversaw renovations that included decorative programs centered on the apostles. At the complex of Gesù Pellegrino a fresco cycle represents the apostles in their roles as Christ’s disciples and proselytizers. At the oratory of the company of Santissima Annunziata a series of frescoes shows their martyrdoms, the terrible price the apostles paid for their mission and their faith. At the oratory of San Giovanni Battista detta dello Scalzo a sculptural program of the apostles stood as an example to each confratello of how Christian piety had its roots in collective effort. Douglas Dow shows that the emphasis on the apostles within these corporate groups demonstrates how the organizations adapted existing iconography to their own purposes. He argues that their willful engagement with apostolic themes reveals the complex interaction between these organizations and the church’s program of reform.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Gender and Equality Law
This volume draws on several decades of advocacy for law reform to advance gender equality. The essays illustrate the evolution of dominant theoretical approaches and trace their application to core issues, such as the meaning of gender, family formation and roles, equality in the workplace, reproductive rights and violence. The selections are international in their range and include recent works that summarize foundational discussions as well as less well-known articles and essays which capture defining issues with enduring resonance. Taken together, these articles form the basis for discussions of recurring themes such as: how best to define and account for biological, social or cultural differences based on gender; how the law can recognize historic and ongoing gender subordination while supporting individuals’ autonomy and agency; and the nature and role of women’s sexuality. They exemplify the ongoing dialectic between well-intentioned reform and unintended consequences that characterizes ongoing efforts to advance equality based on gender.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Choosing Leaders and Choosing to Lead: Science, Politics and Intuition in Executive Selection
Some of the worst selection practices to be found anywhere can be found at the top of organisations. Even when senior selection is not egregiously bad, rarely is it as good as it could be. Front-line staff and middle managers are selected with much more rigour today than 30 years ago - but not the chairmen, chief executives and chief officers who lead them. So says Douglas Board in Choosing Leaders and Choosing to Lead. Dr Board draws on his extensive experience in executive search and in leadership, coupled with his own academic research embracing the sociology and psychology of scholars such as Pierre Bourdieu and Karl Weick to offer ground-breaking insight into the value and limitations of established selection practice. This book illuminates ways in which senior roles differ from other positions and will help those charged with selecting individuals for senior positions, as well as potential candidates, those concerned with regulating selection policy, and researchers. Examining the classic mix of competency frameworks and selection tools such as psychological and skills assessments, simulations, reference-checking and interviews, the author concludes that senior selection choices are holding back organisations and individual careers, with implications for diversity, effectiveness, and social justice. He contends that while complacent, self-regarding elites will always need vigilant challenge, the scientific approach to selection has weaknesses as well as strengths. Those weaknesses become more pronounced at senior levels, posing particular questions about, amongst other things, the role of intuition and politics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Current Issues in Law and Religion: Volume IV
This volume focuses on issues that have only recently come to the forefront of the discipline such as freedom from religion, ordination of homosexuals, apostasy, security and fundamentalism, issues that are linked to the common themes of secularism and globalization. Although these subjects are not new to the academic debate, they have become prominent in law and religion circles as a result of recent and rapid changes in society. The essays in this volume present multiple points of view, facilitate scholars in understanding this evolving discipline and act as a stimulus for further research.This collection gives the reader a sense of the key topics and current debates in law and religion and is of interest to law, politics, human rights, and religion scholars.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Patricia Johanson and the Re-Invention of Public Environmental Art, 1958-2010
Impeccably researched and richly detailed, this book addresses the issue of translation between visual arts and landscape design in the 50 more years career of Patricia Johanson, an important artist in the second half of the twentieth-century. Examining the artist’s search for an "art of the real" as a member of the post-World War II New York art world, and how such pursuit has led her from painting and sculpture to public garden and environmental art, Xin Wu argues for the significance of the process of art creation, challenging the centrality of art objects. This book is an insightful study to confront a crucial question in the history of art through the work of a contemporary artist. It therefore converses with art historians and critics alike, as well as advanced readers of twentieth-century art. Following Johanson's artistic development, from its formation in the 1960s American art scene to the very present day, across the fields of art, architecture, garden, civil engineering and environmental aesthetics, it investigates the process of creation in a transdisciplinary perspective, and reveals a view of art as a domain of exploration of key issues for the contemporary world. The artist's concept of nature is highlighted, and particular impacts of Chinese aesthetics and thought unveiled. Based on extensive analysis of unpublished private archives, Xin Wu offers us the first ever comprehensive scholarly interpretation of Patricia Johanson's oeuvre, including drawings, paintings, sculptures, installations, garden proposals, and built and unbuilt projects in the United States, Brazil, Kenya, and Korea.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Musical Pathways in Recovery: Community Music Therapy and Mental Wellbeing
"Music triggered a healing process from within me. I started singing for the joy of singing myself and it helped me carry my recovery beyond the state I was in before I fell ill nine years ago to a level of well-being that I haven't had perhaps for thirty years." This book explores the experiences of people who took part in a vibrant musical community for people experiencing mental health difficulties, SMART (St Mary Abbotts Rehabilitation and Training). Ansdell (a music therapist/researcher) and DeNora (a music sociologist) describe their long-term ethnographic work with this group, charting the creation and development of a unique music project that won the 2008 Royal Society for Public Health Arts and Health Award. Ansdell and DeNora track the 'musical pathways' of a series of key people within SMART, focusing on changes in health and social status over time in relation to their musical activity. The book includes the voices and perspectives of project members and develops with them a new understanding of how music promotes their health and wellbeing. A contemporary ecological understanding of 'music and change' is outlined, drawing on and further developing theory from music sociology and Community Music Therapy. This innovative book will be of interest to anyone working in the mental health field, but also music therapists, sociologists, musicologists, music educators and ethnomusicologists. This volume completes a three part 'triptych', alongside the other volumes, Music Asylums: Wellbeing Through Music in Everyday Life, and How Music Helps: In Music Therapy and Everyday Life.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Humanism and Renaissance Civilization
The essays collected in this volume represent many years of Professor Nauert's research and teaching on the history of Renaissance humanism, and more particularly on humanism north of the Alps. Much of the early work involved the significant but often-overlooked history of humanism at the University of Cologne, notoriously the most anti-humanist of the German universities. Later essays deal with the most famous humanist of the early sixteenth century, Erasmus of Rotterdam, and natural philosophy, a broad term covering many subjects now associated with natural science, is the topic of three of the pieces published here. Taken as a whole, the book presents a detailed study of intellectual development among European elites.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Music and Identity Politics
This volume brings together for the first time book chapters, articles and position pieces from the debates on music and identity, which seek to answer classic questions such as: how has music shaped the ways in which we understand our identities and those of others? In what ways has scholarly writing about music dealt with identity politics since the Second World War? Both classic and more recent contributions are included, as well as material on related issues such as music's role as a resource in making and performing identities and music scholarship's ambivalent relationship with scholarly activism and identity politics. The essays approach the music-identity relationship from a wide range of methodological perspectives, ranging from critical historiography and archival studies, psychoanalysis, gender and sexuality studies, to ethnography and anthropology, and social and cultural theories drawn from sociology; and from continental philosophy and Marxist theories of class to a range of globalization theories. The collection draws on the work of Anglophone scholars from all over the globe, and deals with a wide range of musics and cultures, from the Americas, Australasia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. This unique collection of key texts, which deal not just with questions of gender, sexuality and race, but also with other socially-mediated identities such as social class, disability, national identity and accounts and analyses of inter-group encounters, is an invaluable resource for music scholars and researchers and those working in any discipline that deals with identity or identity politics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Studies on Eighteenth-Century Geology
In a scholarly career spanning five decades, Rhoda Rappaport published perceptive analyses of science in the culture of early Modern Europe, France in particular, with strong emphasis on geology's early development. Of the sixteen papers in this volume, most focus on aspects of geology's cultivation during the 'long' 18th century, from the times of Hooke, Leibniz, and Fontenelle to those of Lavoisier, Werner, and Cuvier. Among the topics most closely treated here are the French mineralogical mapping project initiated by Guettard; contemporary efforts to interpret the earth historically (such as through Noah's Flood); and difficulties presented by the vocabulary often used in traditional histories of geology. Much of Rappaport's research addressed two problems prevalent within 18th-century earth science: the proper understanding of petrifactions, or fossil objects; and struggles to establish reliable knowledge of the earth's past. She also examined the chemistry of G.-F. Rouelle, which she saw as effectively an attempt at systematic comprehension of the entire mineral realm; trans-national features of scientific pursuits as illustrated in the careers of the naturalist Vallisneri and the mineralogist (and philosophe) d'Holbach; and aspects of science's promotion in France through government patronage and academic privilege.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Hooked Rugs: Encounters in American Modern Art, Craft and Design
Through a close look at the history of the modernist hooked rug, this book raises important questions about the broader history of American modernism in the first half of the twentieth century. Although hooked rugs are not generally associated with the avant-garde, this study demonstrates that they were a significant part of the artistic production of many artists engaged in modernist experimentation. Cynthia Fowler discusses the efforts of Ralph Pearson and of Zoltan and Rosa Hecht to establish modernist hooked rug industries in the 1920s, uncovering a previously undocumented history. The book includes a consideration of the rural workers used to create the modernist narrative of the hooked rug, as cottage industries were established throughout the rural Northeast and South to serve the ever increasing demand for hooked rugs by urban consumers. Fowler closely examines institutional enterprises that highlighted and engaged the modernist hooked rugs, such as key exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the 1930s and '40s. This study reveals the fluidity of boundaries among art, craft and design, and the profound efforts of a devoted group of modernists to introduce the general public to the value of modern art.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Ashgate Research Companion to Chinese Foreign Policy
The Ashgate Research Companion to Chinese Foreign Policy draws out the full range of topics and issues that characterise China's external affairs. The volume is intended to provide an overview of Chinese foreign policy that will be relevant both to experts in the field as well as those that are just starting to grapple with Beijing's international outlook. The investigation of Chinese foreign policy offered by the volume is divided into seven parts: - Part I focuses on the historical evolution of Chinese foreign policy by detailing the specific traditions and the altering paradigms of Beijing's external outlook proffered for the explanation and understanding of Chinese foreign policy - Part II discusses the different analytical perspectives proffered for the explanation and understanding of Chinese foreign policy - Part III considers the domestic sources of Chinese foreign policy - Part IV analyses the international impact of Beijing's outreach - Part V of the volume begins the exploration of China's relations with specific international actors - Part VI investigates the regional interactions of Chinese foreign policy - Part VII of the volume draws attention to several issues impacting both the practice and the understanding of Chinese foreign policy This Companion draws a vivid picture of the full spectrum of topics, issues, and relationships that define China's international interactions. The collection therefore provides a relevant point of departure for anyone interested in learning about Beijing's external affairs. Owing to the wide range of themes and ideas, this volume is essential reading for students of Chinese foreign policy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights is a collection of seminal papers examining legal, conceptual and practical questions regarding the international legal protection of economic, social and cultural rights. The volume discusses what human rights obligations economic, social and cultural rights entail for states and non-state actors; the nature and scope of substantive economic, social and cultural rights such as education, health, work, water, enjoyment of the benefits of scientific progress, and cultural rights; as well as the justiciability of these rights at an international level and at the national level. The paramount importance of such questions is illustrated, among other things, by the catastrophic situation of economic, social and cultural rights as human rights in developing and developed states. The volume is divided into three main parts which focus on human rights obligations for states and non-state actors arising from treaties protecting economic, social and cultural rights; analysis of selected substantive rights; and finally the justiciability of economic, social and cultural rights in various contexts such as within the United Nations, Europe, Inter-American, and African systems, as well as within the domestic system.
Taylor & Francis Ltd On the Economic Encounter Between Asia and Europe, 1500-1800
The history of the economic contacts between Asia and Europe dates back to at least the early years of the Common Era. But it was only after the overcoming of the transport technology barrier to the growth of trade between the two continents following the discovery by the Portuguese at the end of the 15th century of the all-water route to the East Indies that these contacts became regular and quantitatively significant. The Portuguese were joined at the beginning of the 17th century by the Dutch and the English East India companies. The Europeans operated in the Indian Ocean alongside the Indian and other Asian merchants with no special privileges being available to them. The present collection of essays by Professor Om Prakash first deals with the Indian merchants’ participation in the Indian Ocean trade on the eve of the Europeans’ arrival in the Ocean. The subsequent essays include a discussion of the Portuguese involvement in the Euro-Asian and the Indian Ocean trade. Attention is then turned to the trading activities of the Dutch and the English East India companies. The volume also contains essays on textile manufacturing and trade as well as on coinage and wages in India. The concluding essay deals with trade and politics in the province of Bengal.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Women's Work and Pensions: What is Good, What is Best?: Designing Gender-Sensitive Arrangements
How different are fe/male life courses, and why? What is good, bad, or best for women under these or probable future circumstances? This ground-breaking book explores the difficulties women face in working life and retirement - and asks what can be done to achieve more gender equality and fairness for women and men alike. Leading pension experts from across Europe analyse the basic challenges through single and comparative country studies. The editors provide facts and figures on women's lives, work and pensions and draw theoretical lessons and practical policy conclusions from the studies and gendered statistical indicators.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Giovanni Gabrieli and His Contemporaries: Music, Sources and Collections
For more than three decades Richard Charteris has researched European music, sources and collections, focusing particularly on late Renaissance England, Germany and Italy. This group of essays, many concerning previously unknown or unexplored works and materials, covers the 16th and early to mid 17th centuries. The studies involve variously 'new' compositions, music manuscripts and editions, and documents that relate to figures such as the Italians Giovanni Gabrieli, Claudio Monteverdi and Alfonso Ferrabosco the Elder, the Germans Hans Leo Hassler and Adam Gumpelzhaimer, as well as the Englishmen John Coprario, John Dowland, John Jenkins, Henry Lawes, William Lawes, Peter Philips, and the French composer Marin Marais. In addition, Charteris elucidates contemporary performance practice in relation to works by Gabrieli, investigates printed music editions that originated from the Church of St Anna, Augsburg, and evaluates materials in collections, inlcuding ones in Berlin, Hamburg, Kraków, London, Regensburg and Warsaw.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Ethnic Penalty: Immigration, Education and the Labour Market
Populations of visible ethnic minorities have steadily increased over the past few decades in immigrant-receptive societies. While a complex calculus of push and pull factors has motivated this increase, one of the main impetuses for this migration has been the search for employment, better wages and a higher standard of living. It is therefore not surprising that the educational attainments of the first generation and beyond have achieved convergence with, or exceeded the non-ethnic minority cohort. These outcomes may suggest a greater propensity for visible ethnic minorities to attain labour market success and to fully integrate within the community. However, the narrative derived from statistical analysis, interviews and participant observation suggest an uneasiness boldly to claim this as the most convincing conclusion at this juncture. The Ethnic Penalty argues that a penalty has impeded the occupational success of ethnic minorities during the job search, hiring and promotion process. As a result, ethnic minorities have a lower income, higher unemployment and a general failure to convert their high educational attainments into comparable occupational outcomes. In this context, the book examines whether explanatory factors such as discrimination, an individual's social network, a firm's working culture, and a community's social trust are major contributing reasons behind this apparent penalty, whilst also making suggestions for improving the integration, education delivery, and labour market outcomes of visible ethnic minorities.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Crime and Society in Twentieth Century England
Crime and Society in Twentieth-Century England traces the broad pattern of criminal offending over a hundred year period that experienced unprecedented levels of upheaval and change. This period included two world wars, the end of the British Empire, significant shifts in both gender relations and ethnic mix and a decline in the power of the economy. In this new textbook, Professor Clive Emsley provides an up-to-date assessment of changes in attitudes to crime as well as of the developments in policing, in the courts and in penal sanctions over the course of the century. He explores the impact of growing gender equality and ethnic diversity on crime and criminal justice, and looks at the way in which crime became increasingly central to political agendas in the last third of the century.Written in a clear and accessible manner, the book examines: Perceptions of crime and criminality across the century Varieties of offending from murder to benefit fraud The role of the media in constructing and reinforcing the understanding of crime and the criminal The decline and demise of corporal and capital punishment The shift from largely progressive to more punitive penal practice The first serious attempt to explore the history of crime and criminal justice in twentieth-century England, this book will be an invaluable introduction to the student and interested general reader alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Conversations on Conflict Photography
In today’s image-saturated culture, the visual documentation of suffering around the world is more prevalent than ever. Yet instead of always deepening the knowledge or compassion of viewers, conflict photography can result in fatigue or even inspire apathy. Given this tension between the genre’s ostensible goals and its effects, what is the purpose behind taking and showing images of war and crisis? Conversations on Conflict Photography invites readers to think through these issues via conversations with award-winning photographers, as well as leading photo editors and key representatives of the major human rights and humanitarian organizations. Framed by critical-historical essays, these dialogues explore the complexities and ethical dilemmas of this line of work. The practitioners relate the struggles of their craft, from brushes with death on the frontlines to the battles for space, resources, and attention in our media-driven culture. Despite these obstacles, they remain true to a purpose, one that is palpable as they celebrate remarkable success stories: from changing the life of a single individual to raising broad awareness about human rights issues. Opening with an insightful foreword by the renowned Sebastian Junger and richly illustrated with challenging, painful, and sometimes beautiful images, Conversations offers a uniquely rounded examination of the value of conflict photography in today’s world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Photography: A 21st Century Practice
Finally, here is a photography textbook authored in the 21st century for 21st century audiences.Photography: A 21st Century Practice speaks to the contemporary student who has come of age in the era of digital photography and social media, where every day we collectively take more than a billion photographs. How do aspiring photographers set themselves apart from the smartphone-toting masses? How can an emerging photographic artist push the medium to new ground?The answers provided here are innovative, inclusive, and boundary shattering, thanks to the authors’ framework of the "4Cs": Craft, Composition, Content and Concept. Each is explored in depth, and packaged into a toolbox the photographic student can immediately put into practice. With a firm base in digital imaging, the authors also shed new light on chemical-based photographic processes and address the ways in which new technology is rapidly expanding photographic possibilities.In addition, Photography: A 21st Century Practice features:• 12 case studies from professional practice, featuring established photographic artists and showcasing the techniques, concepts, modes of presentation, and other professional concerns that shape their work.• Over 40 student assignments that transform theory into hands-on experience.• 800 full-color images and 200 illustrations, including photographs by some of the world’s best-known and most exciting emerging photographic artists, and illustrations that make even complex processes and ideas simple to understand.• More than 50 guided inquiries into the nature of photographic art to jump start critical thinking and group discussions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Hate Crime
In the United Kingdom, an official definition of hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone based on a personal characteristic', but this critical criminological concept is increasingly recognized, theorized, and researched beyond British and North American jurisidictions. The archetypal hate crime is a racist offence, but the category can also include religiously motivated, homophobic, disablist, and transphobic crimes, and may extend to other types of victimization such as gendered hostility', elder abuse', and even attacks on alternative subcultures and violence against prostitutes and the homeless. Hate crime is widely recognized as a particularly wicked form of behaviour, not least because of the especially deleterious impact it can have upon its victims, their families, and wider communities.Now, to enable users to make sense of a complex and contested corpus
Taylor & Francis Ltd Madness and Crime
Madness raises intriguingand complexcriminological questions, not least the famous trio of triability, responsibility, and punishability'. Furthermore, law-enforcement agencies frequently face a choice between invoking the criminal law or using mental-health remedies. And if and when sentences are passed, not all mentally disordered offenders receive treatment. That prompts a number of additional questions, such as: how effective are institutions to which these offenders are sent? And: do mentally disordered offenders differ qualitatively from the criminal population as a whole?As serious research on and around madness and crime continues to flourish, this new four-volume collection from Routledge's Critical Concepts in Criminology series addresses these and other questions. Indeed, Madness and Crime provides an authoritative and highly readable anthology of major works, compiled by one of the leading authorities in the field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Russian Economy
As Russia aggressively tries to regain the status of a Great Power', whether it has the economic capacity to do so has become a matter of enormous topical importance, not just for those with a long-standing professional interest in the Russian economy, but also for a wider range of economists, political scientists, and foreign-policy specialists who need to understand the workings of this majorif somewhat unusualstate. Moreover, to determine if Russia can meet and sustain its apparent ambitions requires a knowledge not just of its current economic circumstances, but also of its economic past. What, if any, is the legacy of the Soviet period? How did Russia approach the transition from central planning to a market-type economy (a question which is relevant not just to our understanding of Russia itself, but also of transitional, emerging, and developing countries more generally)? And, leaving aside its Great Power ambitions, does the contemporary Russian economy possess the resources
Taylor & Francis Ltd Stanislavsky and Yoga
This book deals with one of the most important sources of the Stanislavsky System - Yoga, its practice and philosophy. Sergei Tcherkasski carefully collects records on Yoga in Stanislavsky's writings from different periods and discusses hidden references which are not explained by Stanislavsky himself due to the censorship in his day. Vivid examples of Yoga based training from the rehearsal practice of the Moscow Art Theatre and many of Stanislavsky's studios (the First Studio in 1910s, the Second Studio and Opera Studio of the Bolshoi Theatre in 1920s, Opera-Dramatic Studio in 1930s) are provided.The focus of Tcherkasski's research consists of a comparative reading of the Stanislavsky System and Yogi Ramacharaka's books, which were a main source for Stanislavsky. Accordingly, Tcherkasski analyzes elements of the System based on Yoga principles. Among them are: relaxation of muscles (muscular release), communication and prana, emission of rays and reception of rays, beaming of aura, sending of prana, attention, visualizations (mental images). Special attention is paid to the idea of the superconscious in Yoga, and in Ramacharaka's and Stanislavsky's theories.Tcherkasski's wide-ranging analysis has resulted in new and intriguing discoveries about the Russian master. Furthermore, he reveals the extent to which Stanislavsky anticipated modern discoveries in neurobiology and cognitive science.In this book Tcherkasski acts as a researcher, historian, theatre director, and experienced acting teacher. He argues that some forty per cent of basic exercises in any Stanislavsky based actor training program of today are rooted in Yoga. Actors, teachers, and students will find it interesting to discover that they are following in the footsteps of Yoga in their everyday Stanislavsky based training and rehearsals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reconfiguring Class, Gender, Ethnicity and Ethics in Chinese Internet Culture
New information technologies have, to an unprecedented degree, come to reshape human relations, identities and communities both online and offline. As Internet narratives including online fiction, poetry and films reflect and represent ambivalent politics in China, the Chinese state wishes to enable the formidable soft power of this new medium whilst at the same time handling the ideological uncertainties it inevitably entails.This book investigates the ways in which class, gender, ethnicity and ethics are reconfigured, complicated and enriched by the closely intertwined online and offline realities in China. It combs through a wide range of theories on Internet culture, intellectual history, and literary, film, and cultural studies, and explores a variety of online cultural materials, including digitized spoofing, microblog fictions, micro-films, online fictions, web dramas, photographs, flash mobs, popular literature and films. These materials have played an important role in shaping the contemporary cultural scene, but have so far received little critical attention. Here, the authors demonstrate how Chinese Internet culture has provided a means to intervene in the otherwise monolithic narratives of identity and community. Offering an important contribution to the rapidly growing field of Internet studies, this book will also be of interest to students and scholars of Chinese culture, literary and film studies, media and communication studies, and Chinese society.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Feminist Economics and Public Policy
Professor Ailsa McKay, who was known not only for her work as a feminist economist but also her influence on Scottish social and economic policy, died in 2014 at the height of her academic career and impact on public life. Organised around the key themes of Ailsa McKay’s work, this collection brings together eminent contributors to argue for the importance of making women's roles and needs more visible in economic and social policies. Feminist Economics and Public Policy presents a uniquely coherent analysis of key issues including gender mainstreaming, universal childcare provision and universal basic income security, in the context of today’s challenging economic and political environments. It draws on international perspectives to look at the economic role of women, presenting readers with interrelated sections on gender budgeting and work and childcare, before concluding with a discussion on Citizens Basic Income and how it could contribute towards a more efficient, equitable social security system. The theoretical, empirical and practice based contributions assembled here present recommendations for more effective public policy, working towards a world in which women’s diverse roles are recognized and fully accounted for. This book is a unique collection, which will be of great relevance to those studying gender and economics, as well as to researchers or policy makers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Global Human Resource Management Casebook
This casebook is a collection of international teaching cases focusing on contemporary human resource management issues. Each case centers primarily on one country and illustrates a significant challenge faced by managers and HR practitioners, helping students to understand how the issues they learn about in class play out in the real world.The cases emphasize the national and cultural contexts of HR management, providing readers with a global understanding of employee motivation, reward systems, recruitment and selection, career development, and more. In this edition, the editors and authors have made significant updates to reflect recent developments in the field and cover a broader range of countries in Eastern Europe and Africa. The authors also delve into new industries like food service, clothing manufacturing, and transportation as well as IT and academia. Recommendations for further reading and relevant videos provide readers with practical insights into the modern HRM field.With more than 30 cases followed by questions and tasks to encourage reflection, this is a valuable companion for any student of human resource management.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Design Computing: An Overview of an Emergent Field
Design Computing will help you understand the rapidly evolving relationship between computing, designers, and the many different environments they create or work in. The book introduces the topic of design computing, and covers the basics of hardware and software, so you don’t need to be an expert. Topics include the fundamentals of digital representation, programming and interfaces for design; the shifting landscape of opportunity and expectation in practice and pedagogy; placing sensors in buildings to measure performance; and the challenge of applying information effectively in design. The book also includes additional reading for those who wish to dig deeper into the subject. Design Computing will provide you with a greater awareness of the issues that permeate the field, opportunities for you to investigate, and perhaps motivation to push the boundaries.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Artists in the Archive: Creative and Curatorial Engagements with Documents of Art and Performance
Artists in the Archive explores the agency and materiality of the archival document through a stunning collection of critical writings and original artworks. It examines the politics and philosophy behind re-using remains, historicising this artistic practice and considering the breadth of ways in which archival materials inform, inflect and influence new works.Taking a fresh look at the relationships between insider know-how and outsider knowledge, Artists in the Archive opens a vital dialogue between a global range of artists and scholars. It seeks to trouble the distinction between artistic practice and scholarly research, offering disciplinary perspectives from experimental theatre, performance art, choreography and dance, to visual art making, archiving and curating.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intern Insider: Getting the Most Out of Your Internship in the Entertainment Field
Internships have all but became a requirement when starting out in the fields of entertainment and broadcasting. Students need these internships not only to get their foot in the door, but to gain valuable experience that gives them an advantage when going for that first job in the industry. Intern Insider helps students navigate the often daunting task of finding an internship, and equips readers to use the experience learned to begin a strong career in the entertainment world. As both a professional broadcaster and college professor, author Tammy Trujillo approaches the topic of internships from both sides: what the student and intern site hope to gain. She provides various valuable perspectives throughout the book, including student assessments on their internship experiences, case studies of those who have turned their internships into careers, and interviews with internship site coordinators. Her breadth of knowledge and experience make for a ground-level book both informative and useful. In the competitive landscape of today’s entertainment and broadcasting worlds, Intern Insider provides students with all the tools they need to make the most of their internships and jumpstart their careers!Also visit
Taylor & Francis Ltd Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice
Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice is the definitive work on litigation in the Admiralty Court. It provides unrivalled commentary and analysis of the key principles of admiralty law, from jurisdiction and procedure to forms and precedents, and is firmly established as the leading reference guide for today’s maritime practitioner. The authors also deal with several topics not covered elsewhere, including the impact of insolvency, the interplay between jurisdiction and practice, limitation periods, the role of international conventions, and collision action rules.The fifth edition has been fully updated to include new case law and vital changes in Commercial Court practice and procedure. It also includes brand new material on the topical jurisdictions of Hong Kong and South Africa, including a comparison to English law and expert commentary on important issues such as ship arrest.This book is a first choice for all those concerned with admiralty law.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry: Principles of sustainable operations
Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry, Third Edition, is the only book available to introduce students to economic, environmental and socially sustainable issues specifically facing the industry as well as exploring ideas, solutions and strategies of how to manage operations in a sustainable way. Since the second edition of this book, there have been many important developments in this field and this latest edition has been updated in the following ways: Updated content including sustainable food systems, hotel energy solutions, impacts of technology, water and food waste management, green hotel design, certification and ecolabelling systems and the evolving nature of corporate social responsibility strategies. New chapters exploring environmental accounting and the internalization of externalities as well as the management of accessibility in hospitality. Updated and new international case studies with reflective questions throughout to explore key issues and show real-life operational responses to sustainability within the hospitality industry. This accessible and comprehensive account of Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry is essential reading for all students and future managers in the hospitality industry.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Religion and Politics in the Ancient Americas
This exciting collection explores the interplay of religion and politics in the precolumbian Americas. Each thought-provoking contribution positions religion as a primary factor influencing political innovations in this period, reinterpreting major changes through an examination of how religion both facilitated and constrained transformations in political organization and status relations. Offering unparalleled geographic and temporal coverage of this subject, Religion and Politics in the Ancient Americas spans the entire precolumbian period, from Preceramic Peru to the Contact period in eastern North America, with case studies from North, Middle, and South America. Religion and Politics in the Ancient Americas considers the ways in which religion itself generated political innovation and thus enabled political centralization to occur. It moves beyond a "Great Tradition" focus on elite religion to understand how local political authority was negotiated, contested, bolstered, and undermined within diverse constituencies, demonstrating how religion has transformed non-Western societies. As well as offering readers fresh perspectives on specific archaeological cases, this book breaks new ground in the archaeological examination of religion and society.
Taylor & Francis Ltd On the Way to Collaborative Psychological Assessment: The Selected Works of Constance T. Fischer
This collection of articles by Constance T. Fischer represents many of her major contributions to Collaborative Therapeutic Assessment. Fischer’s work on the conceptual foundations and practices for individualized/ collaborative psychological assessment are assembled in this volume. Also included are her thoughts about how to teach individualized assessment to students. This monograph will serve mental health professionals interested in Collaborative Therapeutic Assessment and instructors and students in graduate courses on psychological assessment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Adaptation for Animation: Transforming Literature Frame by Frame
Talented animation artists often neglect successful storytelling in favor of strong visuals, but now you can have both with this complete guide to adaptation for animation. Veteran independent filmmaker Hannes Rall teaches you how to draw and adapt inspiration from copyright-free materials like fairy tales, myths, and classic literature, making it easier than ever to create your own compelling narrative. Particular focus is given to making the adequate narrative and visual choices when transferring a text from page to screen: How to create a successful adaptation. With sections on subjects like transcultural adaptations, visual poetry and production design, this book is just the right mix of practical advice, lavish illustrations, and industry case studies to give you everything you need to start adapting your story today. Key features: Learn to apply concepts of adapting classic and modern literature for animation in different techniques Exclusive interviews with animation legends Giannalberto Bendazzi, John Canemaker, Ishu Patel and Georges Schwizgebel Lavishly illustrated with 325 color images (mostly never published before) that give thrilling insights into the visual development of award-winning animated adaptations
Taylor & Francis Ltd Leadership Across the Globe
Leadership Across the Globe aims to serve a growing interest in how to lead in a global or cross-cultural environment. This book focuses on the corporate setting, with illustrations, theories, and evidence from various regions around the world. The book includes coverage of culture and diversity issues in leadership, as well as a comprehensive, detailed exploration of the comparative aspects of leadership.Generously illustrated with cases, boxed profiles, figures, and examples from a wide range of organizations, this is a relevant resource for anyone seeking a leadership career on a global scale, in multinational enterprises, or in a multi-cultural context.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society
This volume features the complete text of all regular papers, posters, and summaries of symposia presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Papers have been loosely grouped by topic, and an author index is provided in the back. In hopes of facilitating searches of this work, an electronic index on the Internet's World Wide Web is provided. Titles, authors, and summaries of all the papers published here have been placed in an online database which may be freely searched by anyone. You can reach the Web site at: You may view the table of contents for this volume on the LEA Web site at:
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Union Law
The fourth edition of this well established and highly regarded work on EU law maintains its character by combining comprehensive yet accessible coverage with in-depth analysis of the law and student-friendly pedagogy. It is fully up to date so encompassing critical examination of new important judgments of EU and national courts and developments in institutional, constitutional and substantive EU Law. The book keeps its unique style in that it is both a textbook and a casebook. Case summaries are highlighted in colour-tinted boxes for ease of reference, and are accompanied by key facts and critical analysis, often in the light of subsequent developments.The student-friendly approach is enhanced by market-driven pedagogical features, including: Concise outlines, at the beginning of each chapter describing its content and assisting in revision; An aide-mémoire, often presented in diagrammatic form, at the end of each chapter to highlight and reinforce key points; End of chapter recommended reading lists to encourage and facilitate further research; End of chapter problem and essay questions testing the students’ ability to apply what they have learnt; Cross-references to show how topics are interrelated; and A map identifying EU Member States, candidate States; and, potential candidate States. The book’s companion website offers a range of teaching and learning resources including an interactive timeline of the EU, useful web links, self-test questions and much more. This book is essential reading for those studying EU law on both undergraduate and postgraduate courses and will be of interest to students of political science, social science and business studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd How to Help Your Clients Get the Most Out of CBT: A therapist's guide
How to Help Your Clients Get the Most Out of CBT: A therapist's guide is a practical guide, which will show therapists, both experienced and novice, how to assist clients and help them decide whether CBT is suitable for them and, if so, to help them get the most out of therapy. Rather than concentrating on skills, the book covers the realities of practice, with chapters on how to make therapeutic agreements with the client, helping clients prepare for sessions, and how to deal with lack of therapeutic progress should that occur. The book can be used in conjunction with a book for clients, How to Get the Most Out of CBT: A client’s guide, which is written for those considering using or already consulting a cognitive behaviour therapist. This concise and highly practical book will be an invaluable resource to Cognitive Behaviour Therapists in practice and training.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Merkin and Flannery on the Arbitration Act 1996
This book is an essential resource for anybody involved in arbitration. It is an updated section-by-section commentary on the Arbitration Act 1996, split into a separate set of notes for each section, and subdivided into the relevant issues within that section. It contains elements of international comparative law, citing authorities from many other common law and civil law jurisdictions.Beyond the development of law since the last edition, this sixth edition contains new practical features to aid the reader. Each section now has a new contents table, with each separate topic set out clearly and in a logical order, which acts as reminder for the reader. Further, each separate topic now has a specific individual reference, and the topics are grouped in a more systematic and logical way within each section, to improve readability. The book is primarily aimed at practitioners of arbitration both in the UK and abroad, including solicitors, barristers, arbitrators and judges who are involved in the practice of arbitration (whether domestic or international). It is also aimed at UK and international students of international arbitration, especially in relation to the sections with comparative legal analysis and comprehensive discussions on the interaction between the Arbitration Act 1996 and institutional arbitration rules.Erratum: The authors regret that the new version of the LCIA Rules will not now be published (or be applicable) until early 2020, due to unexpected circumstances. It is understood that those Articles referred to in the text as the 2019 Rules will remain unchanged, albeit that the Rules when in force should be and will be cited as the 2020 LCIA Rules. The authors accept responsibility for and apologise for this error.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Low Car(bon) Communities: Inspiring car-free and car-lite urban futures
With increasing awareness of the urgent need to respond to global warming by reducing carbon emissions and recognition of the social benefits of car-free and car-lite living, more and more city planners, advocates, and everyday urban dwellers are demanding new ways of building cities. In Low Car(bon) Communities, authors Nicole Foletta and Jason Henderson examine seven case studies in Europe and the United States that aim explicitly to reduce dependency on cars. Innovative and inspirational, these communities provide a rich array of data and metrics for comparison and analysis. This book considers these low car(bon) communities’ potential for transferability to cities around the world, including North America.Aimed at practicing city planners, sustainable transportation advocates, and students in planning, geography, and environmental studies, this book will be an invaluable benchmark for gauging the success of sustainable urban futures.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Responsive Web Design Toolkit: Hammering Websites Into Shape
Responsive Web Design Toolkit: Hammering Websites into Shape focuses on the nuts and bolts of responsive web design, showing you how to better build and how to debug websites that use the responsive technique. This book guides you through the technology that programmers use to build, test, and debug responsive websites. Covering what engineers do, how localhost can help, and DIY-testing, this book shows technically-minded designers how to create digital objects that lead to shorter development times, quicker testing cycles, and more insight into users and their mobile devices, ultimately leading to better products.