Search results for ""Forum""
Princeton University Press The Contentious Public Sphere: Law, Media, and Authoritarian Rule in China
Since the mid-2000s, public opinion and debate in China have become increasingly common and consequential, despite the ongoing censorship of speech and regulation of civil society. How did this happen? In The Contentious Public Sphere, Ya-Wen Lei shows how the Chinese state drew on law, the media, and the Internet to further an authoritarian project of modernization, but in so doing, inadvertently created a nationwide public sphere in China—one the state must now endeavor to control. Lei examines the influence this unruly sphere has had on Chinese politics and the ways that the state has responded.Using interviews, newspaper articles, online texts, official documents, and national surveys, Lei shows that the development of the public sphere in China has provided an unprecedented forum for citizens to influence the public agenda, demand accountability from the government, and organize around the concepts of law and rights. She demonstrates how citizens came to understand themselves as legal subjects, how legal and media professionals began to collaborate in unexpected ways, and how existing conditions of political and economic fragmentation created unintended opportunities for political critique, particularly with the rise of the Internet. The emergence of this public sphere—and its uncertain future—is a pressing issue with important implications for the political prospects of the Chinese people.Investigating how individuals learn to use public discourse to influence politics, The Contentious Public Sphere offers new possibilities for thinking about the transformation of state-society relations.
Princeton University Press The Literary Channel: The Inter-National Invention of the Novel
The Literary Channel defines a crucial transnational literary "zone" that shaped the development of the modern novel. During the first two centuries of the genre's history, Britain and France were locked in political, economic, and military struggle. The period also saw British and French writers, critics, and readers enthusiastically exchanging works, codes, and theories of the novel. Building on both nationally based literary history and comparatist work on poetics, this book rethinks the genre's evolution as marking the power and limits of modern cultural nationalism. In the Channel zone, the novel developed through interactions among texts, readers, writers, and translators that inextricably linked national literary cultures. It served as a forum to promote and critique nationalist cliches, whether from the standpoint of Enlightenment cosmopolitanism, the insurgent nationalism of colonized spaces, or the non-nationalized culture of consumption. In the process, the Channel zone promoted codes that became the genre's hallmarks, including the sentimental poetics that would shape fiction through the nineteenth century. Uniting leading critics who bridge literary history and theory, The Literary Channel will appeal to all readers attentive to the future of literary studies, as well as those interested in the novel's development, British and French cultural history, and extra-national patterns of cultural exchange. Contributors include April Alliston, Emily Apter, Margaret Cohen, Joan DeJean, Carolyn Dever, Lynn Festa, Francoise Lionnet, Deidre Shauna Lynch, Sharon Marcus, Richard Maxwell, and Mary Helen McMurran.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The IT Manager's Survival Guide
Accessible, refreshingly candid, but above all helpful, this pragmatic guide addresses a real need by dealing with the problems that face the new IT manager. By providing a number of practical recommendations and approaches including how to make the transition from technical professional to manager and dealing with people, to giving advice and guidance on organization structure, architecture and planning approaches, this book covers a whole raft of issues essential to managing an IT unit. If you have chosen to move from the safe haven of technology to the unpredictable world of management, this book could make the difference between success and failure. "The IT Manager's Survival Guide is well named. Aimed at the techie becoming an IT Manager it covers the many alligators of IT management - from legacy systems to managing vendors - in easy chunks with checklists. It also provides the new manager with help to get ahead of the game by including articles from experts on what is wrong with IT management and a set of short reviews of management theorists from Strassman to Mayo. I recommend this book for those who would like to buck the trend - the average tenure of an IT Manager is about 900 days - and run an IT outfit appreciated by customers and staff." Gill Ringland, Fellow of the British Computer Society and Member of the BCS Management Forum. Author of Scenario Planning: Managing for the Future.
Taylor & Francis Ltd eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction: ECPPM 2012
Since 1994, the European Conferences of Product and Process Modelling ( have provided a review of research, development and industrial implementation of product and process model technology in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facilities Management (AEC/FM) industry. Product/Building Information Modelling has matured significantly in the last few years and has never been closer to having a permanent impact on the AEC/FM industry as a mainstream technology. In this context the 9th European Conference of Product and Process Modelling provided a forum for leading experts to discuss the latest achievements, emerging trends and future directions in product and process modelling technology in this dynamic and fragmented industry, focusing on integrated project working, value-based life cycle management and intelligent and sustainable buildings and construction. eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction 2012 provides a comprehensive overview of topics including BIM in all life-cycle stages, ICT for energy efficiency, smart buildings and environmental performance, energy and building simulation, knowledge and semantic modelling, visualization technologies as well as tools and methods to support innovations in design and construction processes. It further includes the proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on eeBuildings Data Models (Energy Efficiency Vocabularies), which aim to identify ICT Energy Efficiency Vocabularies and Ontologies to foster interoperability of Energy Efficiency Management Systems. eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction 2012 will be of interest to academics and professionals working in the interdisciplinary area of information technology in architecture, engineering and construction.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Safety Insights: Success and Failure Stories of Practitioners
Public safety, as well as the safety of products and services, is of paramount importance and interest to individuals, organisations and society. Safety successes are achieved every second, but we take them for granted and we do not appreciate the challenges professionals meet to make the world as safe as possible. Safety failures are less frequent but become focal points of stakeholders and the public with a tendency to blame and not comprehend the context and the hard decisions professionals have to make when balancing safety with competing goals.This edited book includes case studies from industry practitioners exactly as they experience them without relying on the understanding of researchers who conduct studies and try to map the overall situation per case based on multiple interviews, observations and questionnaires. Included are case studies from the aviation, construction, oil and gas, telecommunications, transportation, health and public safety industries. They are stories told by frontline practitioners who work to keep the public safe.In each chapter, the author, based on his/her professional experience, shares two real cases, one "success" and one "failure", explaining the background and approach, and critically reflecting why his/her initiatives and activities worked or didn’t work. They are descriptive of the case, context and tools, techniques, methods and approaches followed and include the valuable safety lesson learned. This book is a forum for professionals to express and share with others their knowledge and experience usually found implicitly or hidden under formal and informal practices.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Gravity of Wisdom in International Criminal Law
In this comprehensive work, Malekianintroduces the importance of the nobleprinciple of the population of wisdom,which relates to the far-reaching foundations of the systems of international human rights law and international criminal justice. This principle is not dependent upon the norm of inequality, nor upon the threat of use of force and the killing of millions, nor does it seek to destroy the truth in order to exploit nations. Malekiantrusts that an equitable system of international law based in wisdom can provide a forum for a deeper philosophical understanding of the value of our perception, which struggles to establish quality standards, rather than an exorbitant number of human rights provisions. If international human rights law and international criminal law do not uphold moral values, they cannot make ethically wise decisions or attain long-term legal efficiency. We may successfully increase the significance of legal disciplines such as human rights law, the law of the United Nations, and the moral capacity of the norm of perception through the magnificent power of wisdom. This book discusses original theories addressing serious questions concerning the ethical, normative, and moral values of human essence concerning a variety of issues, in order to decrease violations and increase perceptions of true humanisation. The musings on the distinctive values of this book are presented to those who are not afraid to honour the truth. Read the book with a vigilant heart and scrutinise it with an open-mind.
Peeters Publishers Women, Ritual and Liturgy - Ritual Und Liturgie Von Frauen - Femmes, La Liturgie Et Le Rituel
This volume offers a broad reflection on women's engagement in ritual and liturgy. The Central Theme section opens with a multi-faith dialogue on women and ritual. Denise J.J. Dijk discusses the Feminist Liturgical Movement in the Netherlands and the US. Teresa Berger explores the implications of the ancient axiom "lex orandi, lex credendi" for women's liturgical practice. Brigitte Enzner-Probst considers the role of the body in worship. Annette Esser encourages dynamic dialogue between women artists and women engaged in liturgy. Gabriella Lettini examines the concept of syncretism in the light of the relationship between gospel and culture. The Forum focuses on translation: Judith Hartenstein and Silke Petersen highlight the problems of inclusive-language translation of St John's Gospel, while Caroline Vander Stichele presents recent discussions of the Dutch translation of JHWH. In Women's Traditions, Rosine Lambin traces the adoption of the veiling of women in the early church. Bettina Kratz-Ritter discusses the decline and modern renewal of ancient Jewish women's birth rites intended to protect the newborn child. From the countries, Angela Berlis tracks the evolution of the German Old Catholic 'Women's Sunday' service from 1920 to the present. Charlotte Methuen reflects on issues of power and authority raised by women's presidency at the Eucharist. Finally, the Book Market lists recently-published works as well as reviews.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Eingreifende Denkerinnen: Weibliche Intellektuelle im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
Wer ein Intellektueller ist, ist umstritten. In einem aber gleichen sich die Studien zur Geschichte der Intellektuellen: Sie blenden Frauen aus. Dieser Band gibt Frauen ein Forum, die als Kulturproduzentinnen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert mit öffentlichen Stellungnahmen in die politische Arena eingegriffen und damit die Rolle der Intellektuellen wahrgenommen haben. Was forderte ihre Einmischungen heraus? Wie griffen sie ein? Orientierten sie sich an männlichen Vorbildern? Oder begründeten sie eigene Formen gesellschaftspolitischen Engagements? Die Autoren der Studien untersuchen Interventionsstrategien weiblicher Intellektueller in Konstellationsanalysen und entfalten das facettenreiche Rollenrepertoire und die Waffen der Kritik von 14 "Eingreifenden Denkerinnen": Käthe Kollwitz, Erika Mann, Margarete Buber-Neumann, Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir, Rita Levi Montalcini, Rossana Rossanda, Carla Lonzi, Susan Sontag, Yoko Ono, Jeanne Hersch, Elfriede Jelinek, Judith Butler und Naomi Klein. Als widerständige Zeitdiagnostikerinnen stellten sie, sich einmischend in die Politik, etablierte Weltanschauungen, Wahrnehmungsschemata, Werte und Einstellungen in Frage, um einen 'neuen'' 'anderen' Blick auf die Gesellschaft freizulegen. Sie ergriffen das Wort in Verteidigung der Rechte anderer. Sie artikulierten Unbehagen, klagten Missstände an, deckten Diskriminierungen und Menschenrechtsverletzungen auf. Sie provozierten durch Widerspruch, Dissens, Eigensinn. Das gesellschaftspolitische Engagement Eingreifender Denkerinnen überdauerte, wie die Studien zeigen, den vermeintlichen "Tod des intellektuellen" (Lyotard) in den 1980er Jahren. Es zeigt vielmehr Kontinuitäten und Wandel in der Wahrnehmung der Rolle der Intellektuellen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert auf.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gottesbewußtsein: Exegetische Studie zur Soteriologie und Mystik bei Philo von Alexandria
Christian Noack legt seiner Studie die formgeschichtliche Beobachtung zugrunde, daß die drei großen exegetischen Schriftenreihen Philos jeweils einen anderen soziokulturellen 'Sitz im Leben' haben. Er interpretiert die 'Expositio Legis' als Dokument einer politischen Missionstheologie, die sich an die jüdische wie auch nichtjüdische Öffentlichkeit richtet und aus Synagogenvorträgen hervorgegangen ist. Die 'Quaestiones et Solutiones' versteht er als ein Werk, das zwischen unterschiedlichen weisheitlichen Schulmilieus vermittelt und für die mystische Allegorese wirbt. Den 'Allegorischen Kommentar' deutet er als Dokument einer esoterischen Schultradition, die anspruchsvolle exegetische und philosophische Kenntnisse voraussetzt und kritisch reflektiert.In drei exegetischen Analysen zeigt Christian Noack, daß jede Kommentarreihe ein besonderes soteriologisches Profil besitzt. Die soteriologische Funktion der 'Expositio Legis' liegt in der öffentlichen Werbung für ein monotheistisches Gottesbewußtsein. Mystische Erfahrungen werden mit einer synergistischen Tendenz dargestellt, um sie vor dem Forum der hellenistisch-römischen Öffentlichkeit als vernünftig erscheinen zu lassen. Die 'Quaestiones et Solutiones' haben die soteriologische Aufgabe, zu mystischen Allegoresen hinzuführen, in denen Philo ekstatische Erfahrungen beschreibt, die mit dem Begriff 'monadisches Gottesbewußtsein' charakterisiert werden können. Die soteriologische Funktion des 'Allegorischen Kommentars' besteht darin, in eine nichtekstatische Mystik der Gotteshingabe einzuüben, in der die geschöpfliche, auch leibliche Wirklichkeit ganz aus Gott heraus erfahren wird. Philo arbeitet dabei mit einem macht- und vernunftkritischen Bewußtseinsdualismus. In diesem Dualismus stehen sich ein sich selbst absolut setzendes Ichbewußtsein und ein von Gott gesetztes und auf Gott ausgerichtetes Gottesbewußtsein unversöhnlich gegenüber.
Oxford University Press Inc Debating Truth: The Barcelona Disputation of 1263
In the summer of 1263, Nahmanides (Rabbi Moses ben Nahman, ca 1195-1270), who was Aragon (1213-1276) to debate with a Dominican Friar named Paul about specific claims concerning the Messiah in Judaism and Christianity. Friar Paul had converted from Judaism to Christianity as an adult, so he brought with him some knowledge of rabbinic texts, which he used to challenge the faith of Jews in Provence and northern Spain. His strategy was entirely innovative. Using passages from the Talmud, a foundation of Jewish life in the diaspora claimed that Jewish leaders recognized that Jesus was the messiah. The Barcelona dispuation was an officially sanctioned opportunity for Friar Paul to perform this kind of argument. it was conducted in a public forum at the roayal palace before an audience of Jewish and Christian dignitaries The two disputants, each thoroughly convinced of the indisputable truth of his own religious faith and theological interpretations, argued for his position before a panel of judges headed by James I himself. Nina Caputo's new graphic history tells the story of the Barcelona Disputation from Nahmanides' perspective. By combining the visual power of graphics with primary sources, contextualizing essays, historiography, and study questions, Debating Truth explores issues of the nature of truth, interfaith relations, and the complicated dynamics between Christians, Jews and Muslims in the medieval Mediterranean.
Lars Muller Publishers Davos Is a Verb: A World in Disruption
In the context of the World Economic Forum (WEF), an absurd practice has emerged in Davos over the last few years: for the short time of the event, the main street is almost entirely rebuilt. Thus, a pop-up industry has grown up that generates an enormous short-term demand for reusable spaces, blank walls and empty rooms. The street scene of the alpine city is altered in favor of the self-representation of companies, corporations and organizations. The existing infrastructure is transformed, at horrendous prices, into a space of communication for the respective agenda. In his most recent series Davos Is a Verb, the Swiss photo artist Jules Spinatsch focuses on something that is typical of events around the world: the temporary appropriation of local spaces and infrastructures by major international corporations. In view of the debates over the WEF’s future, this photobook gains its relevance and presents itself as a contemporary witness of the WEF in Davos. By using photo-essayistic, conceptual and investigative artistic strategies, Spinatsch documents the aesthetics and actions of the financial, technological and new media industries as well as the various political agents. The British ecological economist Tim Jackson, known for his critical attitude towards growth, comments on the hegemonic practices in Davos and the world in an extensive essay.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Unpacking the G20: Insights from the Summit
With a novel focus on the individual members of the G20, this innovative book explores the perspectives and behaviours of those within the global summit, unpacking what they are seeking to achieve, how they go about doing this, and the domestic impact of the G20.Providing insights from the summit, Hugo Dobson comprehensively analyses the G20’s development and practices from the perspectives of the nineteen member states and one inter-governmental organisation that have shaped it. Chapters examine members’ reactions to the upgrading of the G20 to a summit of leaders in 2008, its development thereafter into the premier forum for international economic cooperation, and the expansion of its agenda beyond macroeconomic issues to a range of global collective action problems. Looking at its future from a country-specific perspective, Dobson concludes that the G20 will continue to engage with stakeholders and evolve in terms of its membership, as seen in the decision at the 2023 Delhi summit to include the African Union, thereby providing a basis for future research on its members’ perspectives, positions and behaviours.This multidisciplinary book will be an invigorating read for students of international relations and politics, global governance, sustainable development, climate change and energy transitions, and security and terrorism. Its exclusive insights will also be of use to policymakers and third sector organisations who are stakeholders in the G20 process.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Film History for the Anthropocene: The Ecological Archive of German Cinema
From its beginnings, some of German film's most prominent genres and directors have focused on the natural world and its transformations by humans. Heimat films, "city symphonies," mountain films, and rubble films all blend the boundary between landscape documentary and fiction film. Yet German film studies has been slow to adopt an environmental focus, concentrating (understandably) on its subject matter's political implications. This book reveals critical connections between German film, sociopolitical context, and environment, showing it to have been a creative catalyst for the social and ecological transformation of the Anthropocene. The book first considers the interplay between German film and environmental history in films and discourses of Heimat. Weimar-era films such as E. A. Dupont's Die Geierwally (1921), Carl Ludwig Achaz-Duisberg's Sprengbagger 1010 (1929), and Phil Jützi's Hunger in Waldenburg (1929) document and create a forum for discussing environmental change. The book then looks at film as a visual archive of and catalyst for infrastructure development, focusing on Metropolis (Fritz Lang, 1927), the mountain films of Arnold Fanck, and the Berlin films Stadt der Millionen (Adolf Trotz, 1925), Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (Walter Ruttmann, 1927), and Menschen am Sonntag (1930). Nazi-era and postwar films are also examined. By exploring German film history alongside environmental history and theory, this book provides a case study of the power of film within processes of environmental transformation.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care: Case Studies in Client Communication, Morbidity and Mortality
Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care: Case Studies in Client Communication, Morbidity and Mortality provides a unique opportunity to learn from real-life case examples. Presented as a collection of short case studies, the book examines a wide range of situations likely to arise in emergency practice. The approach is modeled on the Morbidity and Mortality Conferences which were first established as a training and educational tool for medical doctors. They have now been successfully adopted in veterinary medicine as a forum for case review and learning opportunities, encouraging thorough review from different perspectives. Each chapter presents a real case, and highlights the pitfalls that both novice and experienced veterinarians can encounter. A key theme of the book is on communication issues. Owner perspectives are discussed, as well as how communications between clinicians and owners can be optimized to allow veterinarians to better meet owner expectations. The cases were provided by a variety of experienced veterinarians, primarily specialists in veterinary emergency and critical care, as well as other specialties, general practice, universities, and private institutions. This highly readable book is suitable either to absorb from cover to cover, or for reference to a specific case or situation. It highlights a number of common clinical problems and communication issues that either did or may lead to difficulties in case management, helping you to avoid these situations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Family Fragments?
This exciting new book engages with the recent resurgence of interest in the family, offering empirical material and theoretical analysis which give rise to a fresh understanding of the nature of family practices in modern societies. The past decade has seen the emergence of an orthodoxy which depicts the family as being in moral decline and 'blames' parents for the harms of divorce. Family Fragments? takes issue with this political vision and with the idea that divorce is inevitably a harmful process. Although some households are fragmenting, the authors argue that moral commitments are not simply sundered. Instead they put forward a different perspective on divorce as well as formulating principles of policy based on an ethic of care. Family Fragments? draws on a qualitative study of separating parents and examines the diverse and fluid patterns of parenthood that are negotiated and re-negotiated in the aftermath of separation. The authors show that the quality of parental relationships, both before and after separation, are vital for achieving joint parenting after divorce. They examine the moral reasoning of parents and explain how this may vary considerably with the sort of solutions imposed in a legal forum. This book has a direct bearing on current debates concerning the family and will be essential reading for those studying gender and family relations in sociology, social policy, law and social work.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 46
Capturing today's scientific imagination...PROGRESS in InorganicChemistry Nowhere is creative scientific talent busier than in the world ofinorganic chemistry experimentation. And the traditional forum forexchanging innovative research has been the respected Progress inInorganic Chemistry series. With contributions from internationallyrenowned chemists, this latest volume offers an in-depth,far-ranging examination of the changing face of the field,providing a tantalizing glimpse of the emerging state of thescience. CONTENTS OF VOLUME 46 * Anion Binding and Recognition by Inorganic Based Receptors (PaulD. Beer and David K. Smith) * Copper (I), Lithium and Magnesium Thiolate Complexes: An Overviewwith Due Mention of Selenolate and Tellurolate Analogues andRelated Silver (I) and Gold (I) Species (Maurits D. Janssen, DavidM. Grove, and Gerard van Koten) * The Role of the Pyrazolate Ligand in Building PolynuclearTransition Metal Systems (Girolamo La Monica and G. AttilloArdizzoia) * Recent Trends in Metal Alkoxide Chemistry (Ram C. Mehrotra andAnirudh Singh). "This series is distinguished not only by its scope and breadth,but also by the depth and quality of the reviews." --Journal of theAmerican Chemical Society. "This series is a valuable addition to the library of thepracticing research chemist, and is a good starting point forstudents wishing to understand modern inorganic chemistry."--Canadian Chemical News. "[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelfof the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of originalpapers on inorganic chemistry." --Chemistry in Britain.
Yale University Press The Age of Guilt: The Super-Ego in the Online World
How Freud’s concept of the super-ego can help us to understand the harsh cultural climate of the digital age Cancellation, scapegoating, raving on Twitter. How did the Internet, which began as a place for open thought and exchange, become a forum for cruelty and judgment? Can a whole culture become mentally ill? How do we understand and respond to this problem? Mark Edmundson views contemporary culture and discourse through Freud’s concept of the super-ego, the moralistic and frequently irrational inner judge. The poet William Blake was attuned to this “dark pressure of self-condemnation,” and Nietzsche knew its power as well. One way to mitigate (temporarily) the self-judgment of the super-ego is to aim it outward instead, judging and even punishing others for supposed infractions. Naturally these targets fight back, resulting in a cascade of bitterness and even hatred. Edmundson traces the destructive passion of the super-ego on politics, race, gender, class, education, and more, drawing on psychological studies, classroom experience, and the work of Adam Phillips and Slavoj Žižek. Edmundson proposes ways to manage the super-ego and even to transform it into an affirmative power. In The Age of Guilt, Edmundson renews the promise of Freudian theory as he explores our unique social moment with psychological insight, humanity, and erudition.
The University of Chicago Press Women of the Far Right: The Mothers' Movement and World War II
The majority of American women supported the Allied cause during World War II and made sacrifices on the home-front to benefit the war effort. But US intervention was opposed by a movement led by ultra-right women whose professed desire to keep their sons out of combat was mixed with militant Christianity, anticommunism and anti-Semitism. This book is a history of the self-styled "mothers' movement", so called because among its component groups were the National Legion of Mothers of America, the Mothers of Sons Forum and the National Blue Star Mothers. Unlike leftist antiwar movements, the mothers' movement was not pacifist; its members opposed the war on Germany because they regarded Hitler as an ally against the spread of atheistic communism. They also differed from leftist women in their endorsement of patriarchy and nationalism. God, they believed, wanted them to fight the New Deal liberalism that imperiled their values and the internationalists, communists and Jews, whom they saw as subjugating Christian America. Drawing on files kept by the FBI and other confidential documents, Jeansonne examines the motivations of these women, the political and social impact of their movement, and their collaborations with men of the Far Right and also with mainstream isolationists such as Charles Lindbergh. Glen Jeansonne's books include "Transformation and Reaction: America, 1921-45" and biographies of Huey P. Long, Gerald L.K. Smith and Leander Perez.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Abbott Touch: Pal Joey, Damn Yankees, and the Theatre of George Abbott
This in-depth and original study examines 100 productions and analyses why George Abbott's name became synonymous with the 'golden age' of Broadway. What did Abbott contribute? How did he work? How did he innovate the industry? How did he survive so long? All of these inquiries, and more, lead to the most fundamental question of all: what exactly was the famous “Abbott touch”? For sixty years, George Abbott was a vital force in the American theatre. As an actor, playwright, director, librettist, play doctor, and producer, he laid his "touch" on approximately 100 New York productions, from The Pajama Game and Damn Yankees through to Once Upon a Mattress and A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. Spanning this incredible figure’s work chronologically, each chapter of The Abbott Touch examines a period of creativity in his life, culminating in how he became the famous multi-hyphenate artist he is now celebrated as. Beginning with his early career in 1913 through to his work on the 1994 revival of Damn Yankees, this book analyses his key contributions to his primary works, all of which have relied on his genius. The first study of its kind, The Abbott Touch provides key insights into the working life of one of the 20th Century's most prolific theatre practitioners, as well as a vital history for theatre scholars and fans alike.
Amberley Publishing Historic England: Dorset: Unique Images from the Archives of Historic England
This illustrated history portrays one of England’s finest counties. It provides a nostalgic look at Dorset’s past and highlights the special character of some of its most important historic sites. The photographs are taken from the Historic England Archive, a unique collection of over 12 million photographs, drawings, plans and documents covering England’s archaeology, architecture, social and local history. Pictures date from the earliest days of photography to the present and cover subjects from Bronze Age burials and medieval churches to cinemas and seaside resorts. Dorset is justly renowned as one of the most beautiful counties in England, with a varied landscape ranging from its Jurassic Coast to chalk and limestone hills. The landscape of Dorset is still largely rural but it has been shaped by its inhabitants for thousands of years, from the Iron Age Maiden Castle to the large towns of Bournemouth and Poole in the south-east of the county. Visitors are drawn to famous natural landmarks on the coast such as Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door and further west Chesil Beach and the Isle of Portland, as well as the seaside towns of Lyme Regis, Swanage and Weymouth. Dorchester is the county town of Dorset. Other historic towns such as Bridport, known in the past for rope making, Shaftesbury, Blandford Forum, Sherborne and Wareham have retained their historic fabric but are thriving communities today.
T.M.C. Asser Press Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2020: Global Solidarity and Common but Differentiated Responsibilities
This volume of the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (NYIL) addresses the question how the assumption that states have a common obligation to achieve a collective public good can be reconciled with the fact that the 195 states of today’s world are highly diverse and increasingly unequal in terms of size, population, politics, economy, culture, climate and historical development. The idea of common but differentiated responsibilities is on paper the perfect bridge between the factual inequality and formal equality of states. The acknowledgement that states can have common but still different – more or less onerous – obligations is predicated on the moral and legal concept of global solidarity. This book encompasses general contributions on the function and the content of the related principles, chapters that describe and evaluate how the principles work in a specific area of international law and chapters that address their efficiency and broader ramifications, in terms of compliance, free-rider behaviour and shifting balances of power. The originality of the book resides in the integration of conceptual, comparative and practical dimensions of the principles of global solidarity and common but differentiated responsibilities. The book is therefore highly recommended reading for both academics with a theoretical interest and those working within international organisations. The Netherlands Yearbook of International Law was first published in 1970. It offers a forum for the publication of scholarly articles in a varying thematic area of public international law.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Post-Wall German Cinema and National History: Utopianism and Dissent
German history films that focus on utopianism and political dissent and their effect on German identity since 1989. Since unification, a radical shift has taken place in Germans' view of their country's immediate past, with 1989 replacing 1945 as the primary caesura. The cold-war division, the failed socialist state, the '68 student movement, and the Red Army Faction -- historical flashpoints involving political oppression, civil disobedience, and the longing for utopian solutions to social injustice -- have come to be seen as decisive moments in a collective history that unites East and West even as it divides them. Telling stories about a shared past, establishing foundational myths, and finding commonalities of experience are pivotal steps in the construction of national identity. Such nation-building is always incomplete, but the cinema provides an important forum in which notions of German history and national identity can be consumed, negotiated, and contested. This book looks at history films made since 1989, exploring how utopianism and political dissent have shaped German identity. It studies the genre - including popular successes, critical successes, and perceived failures - as a set of texts and a discursive network, gauging which conventions and storylines are resilient. At issue is the overriding question: to what extent do these films contribute to a narrative that legitimizes the German nation-state? Mary-Elizabeth O'Brien is Professor of Germanand The Courtney and Steven Ross Chair in Interdisciplinary Studies at Skidmore College.
Taylor & Francis Inc Evaluation of Human Work
Written by experts with real-world experience in applying ergonomics methodology in a range of contexts, Evaluation of Human Work, Fourth Edition explores ergonomics and human factors from a "doing it" perspective. More than a cookbook of ergonomics methods, the book encourages students to think about which methods they should apply, when, and why. Now in its fourth edition, the editors have again brought together a team of world-renowned experts and created a forum for them to discuss and debate their most valued approaches.See What’s New in the Fourth Edition: Significant change of authorship and content in each chapter Five new chapters covering inclusive design, situation awareness, neuroergonomics, ergonomics and quality, and standards in ergonomics design and evaluation Discussion of the idea of reflective practice and Ergonomics/Human Factors Examination of the systems perspective now prevalent in the field Coverage of new tools and the relationship between these physiologically measured parameters and theoretical concepts such as workload, fatigue, stress, or effort In addition to being a foundational text, the book is an authoritative reference for practising ergonomists. Completely revised and updated, this fourth edition retains the features that have made the book a perennial favorite. After reading each chapter you will feel as though you understand the context of how to practise ergonomics and what aspects of method selection and implementation you should consider. The book provides a guide to the benefits ergonomics and human factors can offer industry, business, or human service professionals.
Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture
A fascinating look at communication in the eighteenth century.This volume addresses questions of communication in several media, from the oral, printed, and visual to the physical. It encompasses essays featuring France, Germany, Early America, Scotland, and Britain more generally.The first section, "Manuscript Communications," opens with Dena Goodman's presidential address on the secret history of learned societies. It is followed by a panel on manuscript and print circulation introduced by Colin Ramsey, which includes essays by Ryan Whyte, Chiara Cillerai, and Jürgen Overhoff. This section concludes with an essay by Carla J. Mulford on Benjamin Franklin's electrification of London politics.The second section, "Arts and Manufactures," opens with David Shields's Clifford Lecture on the flavors of the eighteenth century. It contains essays by Hanna Roman on Buffon's language of heat and Jason Pearl on the perspective of aerostatic bodies and concludes with essays by Matthew Mauger and Michael C. Amrozowicz on the languages of physical disciplines and social organization.The final section, "Devotion and Other Passions," begins with essays on silence and spectacle as means of convening the passions, by Adam Schoene and Anne Vila respectively, and it concludes with a forum introduced by Laura M. Stevens on Enlightenment representations of devotion. This section includes presentations by Clare Haynes, Penny Pritchard, Jennifer L. Airey, Sabine Volk-Birke, Megan E. Gibson, Laura Davies, and Theresa Schoen and an afterword by Emma Salgard Cunha.
Taylor & Francis Inc Biomedical Photonics Handbook: Therapeutics and Advanced Biophotonics
Shaped by Quantum Theory, Technology, and the Genomics RevolutionThe integration of photonics, electronics, biomaterials, and nanotechnology holds great promise for the future of medicine. This topic has recently experienced an explosive growth due to the noninvasive or minimally invasive nature and the cost-effectiveness of photonic modalities in medical diagnostics and therapy. The second edition of the Biomedical Photonics Handbook presents recent fundamental developments as well as important applications of biomedical photonics of interest to scientists, engineers, manufacturers, teachers, students, and clinical providers. The third volume, Therapeutics and Advanced Biophotonics, focuses on therapeutic modalities, advanced biophotonic technologies, and future trends. Represents the Collective Work of over 150 Scientists, Engineers, and CliniciansDesigned to display the most recent advances in instrumentation and methods, as well as clinical applications in important areas of biomedical photonics to a broad audience, this three-volume handbook provides an inclusive forum that serves as an authoritative reference source for a broad audience involved in the research, teaching, learning, and practice of medical technologies. What’s New in This Edition:A wide variety of photonic biochemical sensing technologies has already been developed for clinical monitoring of early disease states and physiological parameters, such as blood pressure, blood chemistry, pH, temperature, and the presence of pathological organisms or biochemical species of clinical importance. Advanced photonic detection technologies integrating the latest knowledge of genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics allow sensing of early disease states, thus revolutionizing the medicine of the future. Nanobiotec
Kogan Page Ltd The Rebuilders: Going from Setback to Comeback in Business and Beyond
SHORTLISTED: Business Book Awards 2023 - Business Self-Development Failure...we've all been there. In business and in life. Whether you've done it to yourself or have been negatively impacted by external situations, this book is a guide to building resilience and turning obstacles into opportunities. Failure can often be the first step forward. The Rebuilders is here to help us accept setbacks for what they are and explores not just how to get back up and get through to the other side, but also recognize the creative potential found in the rubble of disappointment. This book is your companion to facing challenges at work and in life with pragmatism and a healthy dose of inspiration. With exclusive interviews with business leaders from organizations like Google, the NHS and The World Economic Forum, as well as personal stories of setbacks from people like England Rugby Coach Sir Clive Woodward, human rights activist Mandy Sanghera and Unilever's Chief brand Officer Aline Santos, The Rebuilders will show you how to overcome setbacks and put learnings to good use in your professional and personal journey. Authors Sara Tate and Anna Vogt have experienced the challenge of rebuilding in spades. The force and duo behind the recent turnaround of renowned creative agency TBWA London, and co-hosts of the podcast The Rebuilders, they bring personal stories of growth to show you how to rebuild yourself and overcome whatever life and work throw at you next.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd For a New West: Essays, 1919-1958
At a recent meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, it was reported that a ghost was haunting the deliberations of the assembled global elite - that of the renowned social scientist and economic historian, Karl Polanyi. In his classic work, The Great Transformation, Polanyi documented the impact of the rise of market society on western civilization and captured better than anyone else the destructive effects of the economic, political and social crisis of the 1930s. Today, in the throes of another Great Recession, Polanyi’s work has gained a new significance. To understand the profound challenges faced by our democracies today, we need to revisit history and revisit his work. In this new collection of unpublished texts - lectures, draft essays and reports written between 1919 and 1958 - Polanyi examines the collapse of the liberal economic order and the demise of democracies in the inter-war years. He takes up again the fundamental question that preoccupied him throughout his work - the place of the economy in society - and aims to show how we might return to an economy anchored in society and its cultural, religious and political institutions. For anyone concerned about the danger to democracy and social life posed by the unleashing of capital from regulatory control and the dominance of the neoliberal ideologies of market fundamentalism, this important new volume by one of the great thinkers of the twentieth century is a must-read.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reengaging the Prospects of Rhetoric: Current Conversations and Contemporary Challenges
Reengaging the Prospects of Rhetoric reanimates the debate over the function and scope of rhetoric. Providing a contemporary response to the volume The Prospect of Rhetoric (1971), this volume reconceptualizes that classic work to address the challenges facing the study of rhetoric today. With contributions from today’s leading rhetorical scholars, Reengaging tje Prospects of Rhetoric offers "response" essays to each chapter of the original work. Each scholar uses his/her essay as a forum in which to address three questions: As a historical document, why is this essay important? In terms of contemporary theory and/or practice, what is the significance of the essay? How can the issues raised therein be profitably addressed in the future? These provocative engagements suggest that, while the study of rhetoric has gained much ground in the intervening decades, there is more work to be done to reestablish the primacy of rhetoric in contemporary society. This volume provides students and scholars of rhetoric with a strong foundation in the issues that have shaped contemporary rhetorical theory and criticism. It offers them an accessible introduction to the challenges facing future iterations of rhetorical theory and criticism. As a standalone text or a supplemental resource for undergraduate and graduate courses in the history, theory, and criticism of rhetoric or contemporary rhetorical theory, it will help to shape rhetoric’s future role in communication studies and will foster interdisciplinary dialogues about the topic.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Frontiers in Enterprise Integration
Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) integrate and support business processes across functional boundaries in a supply chain environment, and have become increasingly popular over the last 15 years. In recent years, more and more enterprises world-wide have adopted EIS such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for running their businesses. Previously, information systems such as CAD, CAM, MRPII and CRM were widely used for partial functional integration within a business organization. With global operation, global supply chain, and fierce competition in place, there is a need for suitable EIS such as ERP, E-Business or E-Commerce systems to integrate extended enterprises in a supply chain environment with the objective of achieving efficiency, competency, and competitiveness. As a result, there is a growing demand for researching EIS to provide insights into challenges, issues, and solutions related to the design, implementation and management of EIS.The papers in Advances in Enterprise Information Systems were selected from two premier international conferences: the International Forum of Information Systems Frontiers—Xian International Symposium (IFISF), June 29-30, 2006, Xian, China and the IFIP TC 8.9 International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (Confenis 2007), October 14-16, Beijing, China. Both events provided an excellent opportunity for EIS academicians and practitioners in the world to gather and exchange ideas, and present original research in their fields. Advances in Enterprise Information Systems will be invaluable to scientists, researchers and professionals in EIS.
University Press of America Contemporary Explorations in the Culture of the Low Countries: Publications of the American Association for Netherlandic Studies, Vol. 9
Contents: Multatuli's Woutertje Pieterse and Vorstenschool: The (Un) poetic Truth of Upward Mobility; A.W. de Groot's Strukturele syntaxis and Modern Language Theory; Rewriting the History of the Dutch: On the Use of Social History to Explain Linguistic Change; The Moral Economy of Natural History and Medicine in the Dutch Golden Age; Poet after the Death of God; Forum Aesthetics and Incorrectness of F.C. Terborgh; Mennonite Martyrdom in Amsterdam and the Art of Rembrandt and His Contemporaries; The Discovery of the External World in the Short Stories of Carry van Bruggen (1881-1932); Afrikaans Literature in the Netherlands; Color Versus Comportment in the Middle Dutch Moraien; Romeyn de Hooghe: Porno-graveur? A Peek at Seventeenth-Century Dutch Erotica; Determinism versus Contingency and Synchrony versus Diachrony: Explaining "Holes" in Dutch Grammatical Patterns; De Stijl and the Amsterdam School: A Historiographic Dilemma; Stress in Dutch and Afrikaans: A Comparison; Dreams and Pieter Breughel the Elder's Dulle Griet; The Idea of Being a Dutchman; Normative Self-Reflection in Early 17th-Century Amsterdam; Contemporary Afrikaans Literature and the Legacy of Apartheid: The Afrikaner in Search of a New Identity; Body Expressivity in Dutch and Flemish Modern Dance of the Early 1990s; Alexander Morus and John Milton II: Milton, Morus, and Infanticide; Jeroen Brouwers' Sunken Red: The Function of Fiction within the Novel; The Curse of the Missions: Jacob Haafner (1754-1809) and the Christian Missions; "So That It Will Not Happen All Over Again": Narrative Technique in Maria Dermout's The Ten Thousand Things. Co-published with the American Association for Netherlandic Studies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Service Modelling: Principles and Applications
Learn how to use service modelling to streamline and optimize processes! Information about customer needs, the technical composition of services, and service performance are fundamental to effective service management. Service modelling is a structured approach to utilizing this information to improve the way services are delivered. Consistent application of service modelling provides the automation of processes and timely access to information. Service Modelling presents a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the topic, presented in the context both of business processes, and of requirements stemming from the need to manage network resources. Vilho Raisanen delivers a justification for service modelling, and explains state-of-the-art concepts, frameworks and standards in detail. Service Modelling: Provides a complete and illustrated overview of state-of-the-art concepts for service modelling, covering requirements and frameworks. Includes industry initiatives, conceptual frameworks, and the work of standardisation bodies. Discusses different modelling approaches, and the positioning of modelling of services in service management and in the wider operational context. Sets the modelling framework in the context of business drivers and modelling paradigms. Illustrates principles with real-world use cases, providing both fixed Internet and mobile network examples. Relates concepts to the work of TeleManagement Forum, giving practical examples throughout. Service Modelling: Principles and Applications is an invaluable guide to service modelling for telecommunications and data communications professionals, including vendors, operators, consultants, training organizations, service and content providers, system architects and engineers for IP-based services. Educational organizations, advanced undergraduate and graduate students on telecommunications and networking courses will also find this text invaluable.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Classification - the Ubiquitous Challenge: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., University of Dortmund, March 9-11, 2004
This volume contains revised versions of selected papers presented during the 28th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft fur .. Klassi?kation (GfKl), the German Classi?cation Society. The conference was held at the Universit. at Dortmund in Dortmund, Germany, in March 2004. Wolfgang Gaul chaired the program committee, Claus Weihs and Ernst-Erich Doberkat were the local organizers. Patrick Groenen, Iven van Mechelen, and their colleagues of the Vereniging voor Ordinatie en Classi?catie (VOC), the Dutch-Flemish Classi?cation Society, organized special VOC sessions. The programcommittee recruited17 notable and internationallyreno- ed invited speakers for plenary and semi-plenary talks on their current - search work regarding classi?cation and data analysis methods as well as - plications.Inaddition,172invitedandcontributedpapersbyauthorsfrom18 countrieswerepresentedatthe conferencein 52parallelsessionsrepresenting the whole ?eld addressed by the title of the conference "Classi?cation: The Ubiquitous Challenge". Among these 52 sessions the VOC organizedsessions on Mixture Modelling, Optimal Scaling, Multiway Methods, and Psychom- ricswith18papers.Overall,theconference,whichistraditionallydesignedas an interdisciplinary event, again provided an attractive forum for discussions and mutual exchange of knowledge. Besides the results obtained in the fundamental subjects Classi?cation and Data Analysis, the talks in the applied areas focused on various app- cation topics. Moreover, along with the conference a competition on "Social Milieus in Dortmund", co-organized by the city of Dortmund, took place. Hence the presentation of the papers in this volume is arranged in the f- lowing parts: I. (Semi-)Plenary Presentations II. Classi?cation and Data Analysis III. Applications, and IV. Contest: Social Milieus in Dortmund.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Good Works!: Marketing and Corporate Initiatives that Build a Better World...and the Bottom Line
Businesses can do well by doing good -- Kotler, Hessekiel, and Lee show you how! Marketing guru Philip Kotler, cause marketing authority David Hessekiel, and social marketing expert Nancy Lee have teamed up to create a guide rich with actionable advice on integrating marketing and corporate social initiatives into your broader business goals. Businesspeople who mix cause and commerce are often portrayed as either opportunistic corporate "causewashers" cynically exploiting nonprofits, or visionary social entrepreneurs for whom conducting trade is just a necessary evil in their quest to create a better world. Marketing and corporate social initiatives requires a delicate balancing act between generating financial and social dividends. Good Works is a book for business builders, not a Corporate Social Responsibility treatise. It is for capitalists with the hearts and smarts to generate positive social impacts and bottom-line business results. Good Works is rich with actionable advice on integrating marketing and corporate social initiatives into your broader business goals. Makes the case that purpose-driven marketing has moved from a nice-to-do to a must-do for businesses Explains how to balance social and business goals Author Philip Kotler is one of the world's leading authorities on marketing; David Hessekiel is founder and President of Cause Marketing Forum, the world's leading information source on how to do well by doing good; Nancy Lee is a corporate social marketing expert, and has coauthored books on social marketing with Philip Kotler With Good Works, you'll find that you can generate significant resources for your cause while achieving financial success.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 41
Alongside the usual wide-ranging lineup of research articles, volume 41 features an interview with Berliner Ensemble actor Annemone Haase and an extensive special section on teaching Brecht. Now published for the International Brecht Society by Camden House, the Brecht Yearbook is the central scholarly forum for discussion of Bertolt Brecht's life and work and of topics of particular interest to Brecht, especially the politics of literature and of theater in a global context. It includes a wide variety of perspectives and approaches, and, like Brecht himself, is committed to the concept of the use value of literature, theater, and theory. Volume 41 features an interview with longtime Berliner Ensemble actor Annemone Haase by Margaret Setje-Eilers. A special section on teaching Brecht, guest-edited by Per Urlaub and Kristopher Imbrigotta, includes articles on creative appropriation in the foreign-language classroom (Caroline Weist), satire in Arturo Ui and The Great Dictator (Ari Linden), performative discussion (Cohen Ambrose), Brecht for theater majors (Daniel Smith), teaching performance studies with the Lehrstück model (Ian Maxwell), Verfremdung and ethics (Elena Pnevmonidou), Brecht on the college stage (Julie Klassen and Ruth Weiner), and methods of teaching Brechtian Stückschreiben (Gerd Koch). Other research articles focus on Harry Smith's Mahagonny (Marc Silberman), inhabiting empathy in the contemporary piece Temping (James Ball), Brecht's appropriation of Kurt Lewin's psychology (Ines Langemeyer), and Brecht's collaborations with women, both across his career (Helen Fehervary) and in exile in Skovsbostrand (Katherine Hollander). Editor Theodore F. Rippey is Associate Professor of German at Bowling Green State University.
Rizzoli International Publications From Soul to Sole: The Adidas Sneakers of Jacques Chassaing
Often called the father of modern running and basketball sneakers, Jacques Chassaing has shaped and influenced sports and street fashion like few designers ever will. For the first time, Chassaing reveals what an entire culture has been waiting to hear: the story behind the forty-year career of a pioneering designer who has continually pushed boundaries and led the creation of many of the world s most beloved sneakers. Chassaing thrills and provokes readers with his life experiences, taking them on a journey of continual evolution and revolution. We learn about those who have inspired him and meet those he has inspired. We discover what drove his design philosophy and the process behind some of the greatest sneakers and sports technology ever created: the Forum, Rivalry, Lendl, Edberg, ZX series, Predator, EQT line, Torsion, and his Porsche Design collabs, to name but a few. And we see how Chassaing s designs have impacted modern culture and won a place on the feet and in the hearts of millions of people. This book features stories about and contributions from athletes, celebrities, and designers who have worked with and been influenced by Chassaing and his work, including Michael Jordan, Stefan Edberg, Patrick Ewing, Run DMC, Gary Aspden, Paul Gaudio, and many more. Art directed by Peter Moore, designer of the Nike Air Jordan 1 and creator of the adidas Originals line, From Soul to Sole is a story, a statement, an experience, and a celebration of a life and career that is still impacting how we think about sneakers and street fashion design today.
Avalon Travel Publishing Rick Steves Rome (Twenty-third Edition)
Now more than ever, you can count on Rick Steves to tell you what you really need to know when traveling in Rome. Explore ancient ruins and view Renaissance masterpieces in this truly modern Eternal City. Inside Rick Steves Rome you'll find:* Fully updated, comprehensive coverage for spending a week or more exploring Rome* Rick's strategic advice on how to get the most out of your time and money, with rankings of his must-see favorites* Top sights and hidden gems, from the Colosseum and the Sistine Chapel to corner trattorias, cozy wine bars, and the perfect scoop of gelato* How to connect with local culture: Indulge in the Italian happy hour tradition of aperitivo, savor a plate of cacio e pepe, or chat with fans about the latest soccer match* Beat the crowds, skip the lines, and avoid tourist traps with Rick's candid, humorous insight* The best places to eat, sleep, and experience la dolce far niente* Self-guided walking tours of lively neighborhoods and sights like the Roman Forum, St. Peter's Basilica, and the Vatican Museums* Detailed neighborhood maps and a fold-out city map for exploring on the go* Useful resources including a packing list, Italian phrase book, a historical overview, and recommended reading* Coverage of Central Rome, Vatican City, Trastevere, and more, plus day trips to Ostia Antica, Tivoli, Naples, and Pompeii* Covid-related travel info and resources for a smooth tripMake the most of every day and every dollar with Rick Steves Rome.Spending just a few days in the city? Try Rick Steves Pocket Rome.
Editions Heimdal Chasseurs Et Gladiateurs: L'éPopéE Des héRos De L'ArèNe
Panem et circenses, “bread and circuses”. Juvenal’s expression denouncing the Roman plebs whose only ambitions were the distribution of free wheat and a passion for games gives a rather good idea of Roman society’s rather special character in the days of the first emperors. But you mustn’t be taken in: the picture of the Circus Maximus holding gladiator fights is sheer fiction. Except for chariot races and athletics competitions, the only fights held there involved men in arms equipped with helmets and swords (bestiarii) and hunters with spears (venatores) against ferocious beasts in the context of the venationes. The Forum was the circus during the Republic. This public space – reorganised for the occasion – was used as the showcase for the first gladiator fights well before the amphitheatre in Pompeii was created. Later, the amphitheatre was to become the inescapable symbol of town urbanism, like the Coliseum in Rome. This book offers the reader almost 800 years of history, from the “proto” ethnic gladiators (4th Century B.C.) to the imperial gladiator fights organised under Augustus, from hunting in the circus (mid 3rd Century B.C.) to the various arena shows, from the gladiator emperors to the Christian authors denouncing the amphitheatre’s sacrileges. Based on archaeological documentation (terra sigillata, baked earthen lamps, painted coatings, graffiti, glasswork, lapidary elements, etc.) and on solid literary sources, this study provides the most recent historical research on the subject so as to offer a more original study of this prodigious social phenomenon.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Enabling Technologies for Mobile Services: The MobiLife Book
The expected future evolution of mobile and wireless communication technologies will enable a whole new generation of mass-market-scale ubiquitous services and applications. The challenge now is to research and develop applications and services addressing the true needs of the end-users, and to provide engaging and sustaining added value to them. Enabling Technologies for Mobile Services takes a comprehensive approach on these challenges and provides practical guidelines on building new, innovative applications and services. It shares knowledge gained from a collaborative research project where the methods and technologies were applied and utilised. This book is ideal for professionals working with enabling technologies and service architecture in companies. It will also be of interest to academics and students studying applications/services, enabling technologies and service architectures at the universities and to anyone interested in the general issues surrounding mobile technology. Key features: Covers key topics in the B3G area including applications and services from the users, key enabling technologies, regulatory and business models, end-user evaluations and applications/services creation points of view Explains the results of major collaborative (industry-academia-SMEs) MobiLife research project Builds on previous and parallel interaction with the Wireless World Research Forum Explores pioneering legal/regulatory analysis of the challenges related to new, advanced application/service solutions including personalisation and DRM Presents qualitative evaluations and field studies of more than 250 end-users in Italy and Finland Additional material available on companion website
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd National Innovation, Indicators and Policy
This book takes stock of what is known about the process of innovation and its effects, and the policy interventions that influence both. It provides insights into future research required to support evidence-based policy-making and makes clear the need to take a systems approach to the analysis of innovation, its outcomes and its impacts. The contributors explore the fact that economic theory, statistical measurement and the need to achieve targets are combining to shift policy focus towards the economic and social impacts of innovation. This is forcing economists and statisticians to look for new measures, indicators, and analytical frameworks to support the public policy debate and the implementations of change necessary for success. The book emphasizes the importance of linkages and communities of practice in measuring and analyzing innovation, and focuses on: the importance of social sciences as well as natural sciences to the activity of innovation. policy-relevant discussions on the measurement gaps in the activity of innovation quantitative results of analysis relating to the output of innovation activities theoretical frameworks and concepts for measurement of the activity of innovation suggestions for new measurement directions for the activity of innovation which will lead into an international forum to discuss indicator development at the OECD over the next decade. Illustrating that the expectations of innovation policies are being raised, this book will prove fascinating reading for policy analysts, economists, academics and students with an interest in innovation, industrial dynamics and science and technology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ‘Observing’ the Arctic: Asia in the Arctic Council and Beyond
Addressing the growing economic, political, and cultural presence of Asian states in the Arctic region, this timely book looks at how that presence is being evaluated and engaged with by Arctic states and their northern communities. A diverse range of authors addresses the question that underpins so much of this interest in Asian engagement with the northern latitudes: what do Asian countries want to gain from the Arctic? Although China, Japan, India, Singapore and South Korea were only accepted as formal observers to the Arctic Council in 2013, this book outlines a longer history of Asian-Arctic engagement that spans centuries. It highlights how this role as observer generates new challenges, dangers and opportunities for Arctic states and their northern communities. Climate change, energy and other resources such as fish, global geopolitical change and northern autonomy are shown to all play a part in mediating how Asian states are observed and evaluated in the Arctic Council and beyond. Students of Asian and Arctic studies will find the exploration of the roots of religion, culture and trade in the long-standing Asian interest in the Arctic to be compelling. This will also be a beneficial read particularly for scholars in geopolitics, international relations and political science as it shows how an intergovernmental forum can have global, national and local impacts. Contributors include: M.M. Bennett, S. Chaturvedi, K. Dodds, N. Filimonova, N. Hong, S. Knecht, N. Liu, I.A. Medby, Y.-K. Park, U. Sinha, C.Y. Woon
Penguin Books Ltd The Confession Room: The jaw-dropping and twisty new thriller: If you have a secret, they’ll find you …
'Thrilling, chilling, heart-stopping . . . impossible to put down' CHRIS WHITAKER'Terrifying, dark and original with a brilliantly shocking ending - loved this book' CATHERINE COOPER 'Non-stop thrills. Perhaps the best psychological thriller I've read' 5* READER REVIEW 'A full-tilt thriller . . . original, timely and very clever. Lia's best yet!' EMILY FREUD 'Bristles with dread and threat – it is not for a dark autumn night' DAILY MAIL'Fast-paced and topical . . . a total page-turner' ALLIE REYNOLDS WELCOME TO THE CONFESSION ROOM.An online forum for admitting your sins.Some people confess to affairs, others to stealing. Some admit deep, dark wishes. And former police officer Emilia Haines, reading strangers' secrets is the perfect distraction from the past.But one day, Emilia stumbles on the darkest confession yet:MURDER.At first, it seems like a hoax. But when a body is found, then another victim is named, Emilia can't look away.How are the victims linked? Who is confessing to murder to publicly?And how do you catch a serial killer who is hiding in plain sight? **** Praise for Lia Middleton: 'Tense, jaw-dropping, clever' CLAIRE DOUGLAS'Keeps you guessing from start to finish' JANE FALLON'I loved it. Huge twists' GILLIAN McALLISTER'Brilliantly written . . . I'll be recommending it to everyone I know' SARAH PEARSE'A stand-out psychological thriller' ASHLEY AUDRAIN'Superb. Assured, elegant and utterly gripping' WILL DEAN'Couldn't put it down' CATHERINE COOPER
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Ceramics for Environmental, Functional, Structural, and Energy Applications
This volume contains 20 manuscripts presented during the Materials Science & Technology 2017 Conference (MS&T'17), held October 8-12, 2017 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA. Papers from the following symposia are included in this volume: 9th International Symposium on Green and Sustainable Technologies for Materials Manufacturing and Processing Advances in Dielectric Materials and Electronic Devices Construction and Building Materials for a Better Environment Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites Materials Issues in Nuclear Waste Management in the 21st Century Materials Development for Nuclear Applications and Extreme Environments Materials for Nuclear Energy Applications Nanotechnology for Energy, Healthcare and Industry Processing and Performance of Materials Using Microwaves, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Ultrasound, Lasers, and Mechanical Work – Rustum Roy Symposium These symposia provided a forum for scientists, engineers, and technologists to discuss and exchange state-of-the-art ideas, information, and technology on advanced methods and approaches for processing, synthesis, characterization, and applications of ceramics, glasses, and composites. Each manuscript was peer-reviewed using The American Ceramic Society's review process. The editors wish to extend their gratitude and appreciation to their symposium co-organizers, to all of the authors for their valuable submissions, to all the participants and session chairs for their time and effort, and to all the reviewers for their comments and suggestions. We hope that this volume will serve as a useful reference for the professionals working in the field of materials science.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis: The Silver / Gold Jubilee International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry Celebratory Book
A contemporary compilation of recent achievements in organometallic chemistry The prestigious International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC) was launched in 1963, providing a forum for researchers from around the world to share their findings and explore new paths to advance our knowledge and application of organometallic chemistry. The 25th ICOMC, held in Lisbon in 2012, gathered more than 1,200 participants from 54 countries. This volume celebrates the 25th Silver Edition and the 50th Gold Year of the ICOMC. Featuring contributions from invited 25th ICOMC speakers, Advances in Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis highlights recent achievements and new and emerging areas of research in the field. Its seven sections cover: Activation and Functionalization of Carbon Single Bonds and Small Molecules Organometallic Synthesis and Catalysis Organometallic Polymerization Catalysis Organometallic Polymers and Materials Organometallic Chemistry and Sustainable Energy Bioorganometallic Chemistry Organometallic Electrochemistry Chapters discuss fundamental underlying concepts, offer illustrative examples and cases, and explore future avenues for continued research. Readers will discover basic principles and properties of organometallic compounds, reaction mechanisms, and detailed descriptions of current applications. Collectively, these chapters underscore the versatility, richness, and potential of modern organometallic chemistry, including its interrelationships with other scientific disciplines. All the contributions are extensively referenced, providing a gateway to the most important original research papers and reviews in organometallic chemistry. Presenting a contemporary understanding of organometallic chemistry and its many applications, Advances in Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis is recommended for all researchers in the field, from students to advanced investigators.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto
The great demonstrations at Seattle and Genoa have shown that we are in a new era of protest. The neo-liberal economic policies pursued by the Group of Seven leading industrial countries and the international institutions they control are provoking widespread resistance. Growing numbers of people in all five continents are rejecting the values of the market and the vision of a world made safe for the multinational corporations. But what does the anti-globalization movement stand for? Is it, as its most common name suggests, against globalization itself? Is it opposed merely to the neo-liberal Washington Consensus that became dominant in the 1980s and 1990s, or is its real enemy the capitalist system itself? The World Social Forum at Porto Alegre has popularized the slogan ‘Another World is Possible’. But what is that world?Alex Callinicos seeks to answer these questions in An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto. He analyses the development of the movement, distinguishes between the different political forces within it, and explores the strategic dilemmas – notably over violence and the nation-state – that it increasingly confronts. He argues that the movement is directed against capitalism itself. The logic of competitive accumulation that drives this system is not only increasing global inequality and economic instability, but threatens ecological catastrophe and appalling conflict. To meet the challenge of global capitalism the new protest movement requires, according to Callinicos, a creative synthesis of its own inclusive and dynamic style and the best of the classical Marxist tradition.
Emerald Publishing Limited Partial Saturation in Compacted Soils
Compacted soils are relevant to many geotechnical applications, from earth dams to infrastructure embankments, nuclear waste disposal and rammed-earth buildings. Every geotechnical structure made of compacted soils will include sections that remain partly saturated at least for a period of its service life. Improved understanding of this fast growing area can contribute to the improved design of earth structures/fills by maximizing the use of locally sourced soils, with consequent gains in safety, cost and sustainability of future building practice. The sixteenth Géotechnique Symposium in Print focused on the study of compacted unsaturated soils, which are at the core of geotechnics and have been at the forefront of research for many years, providing a unique scientific forum for the exchange of the latest knowledge and best practice between academia and industry. This book brings together all the Symposium papers from leading international researchers, published in Geotechnique, the keynote speeches presented at the Symposium, at the Institution of Civil Engineers on 20 June 2011, and a selection of questions posed by delegates during the Symposium, together with answers from presenters. Partial Saturation in Compacted Soils provides a comprehensive overview of recent advances in unsaturated soil mechanics, ranging from material testing to modelling and analysis of engineering boundary value problems, providing further insight into the rapidly developing topic of unsaturated soil mechanics and its application to compacted fills and serving as an invaluable reference for engineers and researchers for years to come.
Princeton University Press Social States: China in International Institutions, 1980-2000
"Constructive engagement" became a catchphrase under the Clinton administration for America's reinvigorated efforts to pull China firmly into the international community as a responsible player, one that abides by widely accepted norms. Skeptics questioned the effectiveness of this policy and those that followed. But how is such socialization supposed to work in the first place? This has never been all that clear, whether practiced by the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Japan, or the United States. Social States is the first book to systematically test the effects of socialization in international relations--to help explain why players on the world stage may be moved to cooperate when doing so is not in their material power interests. Alastair Iain Johnston carries out his groundbreaking theoretical task through a richly detailed look at China's participation in international security institutions during two crucial decades of the "rise of China," from 1980 to 2000. Drawing on sociology and social psychology, this book examines three microprocesses of socialization--mimicking, social influence, and persuasion--as they have played out in the attitudes of Chinese diplomats active in the Conference on Disarmament, the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban, the Convention on Conventional Weapons, and the ASEAN Regional Forum. Among the key conclusions: Chinese officials in the post-Mao era adopted more cooperative and more self-constraining commitments to arms control and disarmament treaties, thanks to their increasing social interactions in international security institutions.
Pennsylvania State University Press Philosophy and Rhetoric in Dialogue: Redrawing Their Intellectual Landscape
Philosophy and Rhetoric, one of Penn State Press’s longest-running journals, was conceived at a time of immense philosophical upheaval: rhetoric as a field of study—first dismissed by Descartes—was being reexamined after decades of neglect. Now, nearly forty years later, Philosophy and Rhetoric continues to hold pride of place in this reinvigorated discipline. The brainchild of Penn State professors Carroll Arnold and Henry Johnstone, Philosophy and Rhetoric boasts work from dozens of international luminaries from a broad spectrum of specializations. To commemorate the fortieth year of publication, current series editor Gerard Hauser assembled a volume of the journal’s most noteworthy articles, beginning with Henry Johnstone’s gem of an essay underscoring the essential relationship between the art of rhetoric and philosophy. Donald Verene elaborates that initial thesis and suggests that rhetoric and philosophy are not distinct entities in conversation, but instead that rhetoric provides a forum in which philosophy can exist. Jean Goodwin looks at the theory in terms of a teacher/student relationship, and Barbara Biesecker looks at how governments in the war on terror employ rhetoric to manipulate the social consciousness. A concluding article by Carroll Arnold casts rhetoric as a dramatic device essential to establishing personal sovereignty. During its forty years, Hauser writes, the journal “radically altered the relationship between philosophy and rhetoric from irreconcilable antagonists to interlocutors in a shared inquiry into the constitutive powers of discourse.” This series of essays brilliantly traces the arc of that accomplishment.
Columbia University Press China, Cambodia, and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
Why would China jeopardize its relationship with the United States, the former Soviet Union, Vietnam, and much of Southeast Asia to sustain the Khmer Rouge and provide hundreds of millions of dollars to postwar Cambodia? Why would China invest so much in small states, such as those at the China-Africa Forum, that offer such small political, economic, and strategic return? Some scholars assume pragmatic or material concerns drive China's foreign policy, while others believe the government was once and still is guided by Marxist ideology. Conducting rare interviews with the actual policy makers involved in these decisions, Sophie Richardson locates the true principles driving China's foreign policy since 1954's Geneva Conference. Though they may not be "right" in a moral sense, China's ideals are based on a clear view of the world and the interaction of the people within it-a philosophy that, even in an era of unprecedented state power, remains tied to the origins of the PRC as an impoverished, undeveloped state. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence--mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty; nonaggression; noninterference; equality and mutual benefit; and peaceful coexistence--live at the heart of Chinese foreign policy and set the parameters for international action. In this model of state-to-state relations, the practices of extensive diplomatic communication, mutual benefit, and restraint in domestic affairs become crucial to achieving national security and global stability.