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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Organisation and Bureaucracy
This authoritative and in-depth collection presents seminal papers from leading academics in the field of organisation and bureaucracy. It encompasses sections on organisational boundaries, neo-Schumpeterian theories, hierarchy and international organisation, organisational culture and behaviour, power politics and authority, as well as organisational institutions and practices. Professor Jackson has chosen works which have shaped the views of how the economics of organisation and bureaucracy are viewed today and has included papers from conflicting ends of the spectrum to illustrate the fluid and evolving nature of the subject. This indispensable volume, with an original introduction by the editor, will be of immense value to students, scholars and practitioners interested in this topical and relevant field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Social Protection
This book focuses on arrangements for redistributing consumption opportunities over the life cycle and for providing compensation for income losses or large expenditures due to reasons such as illness and unemployment. After extensive coverage of the nature of inequalities in income and wealth in a market economy, and various notions of social justice, the author discusses public and private transfers in cash or in kind related to old age, childhood, illness and the like. Importantly, the book takes into account both equity and efficiency aspects.This concise discussion of the welfare state and its alternatives will be of great interest to students of economics at the intermediate level as well as to graduate students of sociology, social work and other social sciences. It will also appeal to politicians and civil service managers with an interest in the fundamentals of social policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Marketing and the Country of Origin Effect: The Global Impact of ‘Made in Italy’
The country of origin of goods and services can have positive or negative effect on customers' intentions to purchase. This book analyzes the impact of this effect on the international development of Italian companies in emerging markets.The chapters refer to a wide range of issues, including made-in effects in relation to ethnocentrism and to corporate social responsibility in small and medium-sized enterprises; the interactions and synergistic effects between product-related made-in images and the images of places as tourism destinations; distribution channel issues; 'made-in topics' in relation to emerging markets; and a review of the relevant literature on country of origin effects. The contributors propose strategies and tools that companies might leverage to develop their international marketing and suggest policies that might strengthen these efforts.This original work will prove to be a valuable resource for students and researchers of international marketing and strategy as well as policy makers.Contributors: B. Balboni, L. Battaglia, G. Bertoli, G. Bortoluzzi, T. Bursi, E. Cedrola, A. De Chiara, P. de Luca, A. De Nisco, B. Francioni, S. Grappi, G. Mainolfi, V. Marino, E. Martinelli, M. Matarazzo, F. Musso, M.R. Napolitano, A. Pagano, T. Pucci, R. Resciniti, C. Simoni, D. Vianelli, M. Vignola, L. Zanni
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Energy Efficiency: Barriers to Cost-Effective Investment
Why do organisations 'leave money on the floor' by neglecting highly cost effective measures to improve energy efficiency? This question lies at the heart of policy debates over climate change and is a focus of continuing dispute within energy economics. This book explores the nature, operation and relative importance of different barriers to energy efficiency through a comprehensive examination of energy management practices within a wide range of public and private sector organisations. The authors use concepts from new institutional economics to explain individual and organisational behaviour in relation to energy efficiency, and identify the mechanisms through which such barriers may be overcome. In doing so, they are able to shed new light on the 'barriers debate' and provide a valuable input to the future development of climate policy.Combining a critical evaluation of different theoretical perspectives with detailed case study research, this significant new book analyses how and why organisations waste energy and suggests practical policy measures to help prevent these losses. It will be required reading for professional economists, academics and students with an interest in energy use, environmental policy and organisational economics. It will also be highly relevant for policymakers and consultants working on the important policy issues surrounding energy efficiency and climate change.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Art of Musical Phrasing in the Eighteenth Century: Punctuating the Classical "Period"
Practical suggestions, and documentary evidence, for performers wishing to understand the gestures and nuances embedded in eighteenth-century musical notation. There are, of course, no commas, periods, or question marks in music of the Baroque and Classic eras. Nonetheless, the concept of "punctuating" music into longer and shorter units of expression was richly explored by many of the era's leading composers, theorists, and performers. The Art of Musical Phrasing in the Eighteenth Century gathers and discusses, for the first time, an extensive collection of quotations and musical illustrations relevant tophrase articulation and written and unwritten rests. Among the notable authors cited and discussed are Muffat, Telemann, C. P. E. Bach, Mattheson, Marpurg, Tartini, and Mozart's father Leopold (author of the most important eighteenth-century treatise on string playing). On a larger scale, The Art of Musical Phrasing demonstrates the role of punctuation within the history of rhetoric during the Age of Enlightenment. From this, the performer of todaycan gain a greater appreciation for both the strengths and shortcomings of the analogy that writers of the day drew between punctuation in written language and in music. Modern performers, argues Vial, have the challenge andresponsibility of understanding and conveying the nuances, inflections, and rhythmic gestures deeply embedded in eighteenth-century musical notation. The Art of Musical Phrasing, the fruit of Vial's rich experience as a cellist performing on both period and modern instruments, lays out long-needed practical suggestions for achieving this goal. Stephanie D. Vial performs and records widely as a cellist and has taught at the University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Endogenous Formation of Economic Coalitions
This important book, written by some of the leading scholars in the field, provides a comprehensive overview of recent advances in coalition theory and presents both the latest theoretical developments and novel applications in the field of economics. The authors demonstrate the many uses of coalition theory and its ability to address a whole host of complex economic problems, such as the provision of global public goods, the adoption of co-operative R&D strategies and the emergence of sovereign states. By highlighting important game-theoretic results they are able to compare and contrast the effectiveness of different approaches. Some of the specific topics addressed include: advances in the theory of large co-operative games non co-operative models of coalition formation a survey of the partition function in the formation of coalitions farsightedness in coalition formation coalition stability coalition formation in industrial economics, trade theory, environmental economics, public finance. This essential study of recent theories of coalition and group formation will arm the reader with a new set of tools with which to analyse a variety of problematic economic issues. It will prove invaluable to economists, ecologists, and political and social scientists.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Banking Reforms in South-East Europe
Banking Reforms in South-East Europe gives a critical and detailed overview of banking system restructuring in the transitional countries of South-Eastern Europe - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania and Yugoslavia - and offers suggestions for future reforms. The book opens with a comparison of the experiences of Central European advanced transitional economies with those of the Balkan countries. Proposals are put forward for ways in which positive aspects of the Central European experience can be applied to banking reform in the Balkans. The authors examine the importance of regional collaboration for the overall economic and social transition in the region, and consider whether it can facilitate the next stage of banking reform. They also analyse the results of currency board arrangements as a possible alternative to classical central banking, using the experiences of Bulgaria, Bosnia and the Yugoslav Republic of Montenegro. The book concludes with an analysis of the experience of individual economies and consists of a number of country-specific banking studies, covering all the transitional economies of South-East Europe.The book will be of great interest to both scholars of transition economies and policymakers in finance and financial institutions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurial Action, Public Policy, and Economic Outcomes
This book addresses the central question in economic development: what institutions are conducive to productive entrepreneurship and wealth creation? By exploring the answer to this question from multiple perspectives, this volume is an invaluable resource both to scholars and policymakers concerned with human well-being.'- Christopher J. Coyne, George Mason University, US'Salvino, Tasto and Randolph have put together an impressive and important collection detailing public policy's influence on entrepreneurial outcomes. This book should be required reading for policy makers, who, let us hope, will heed its lessons well.'- Peter Leeson, George Mason University, USEntrepreneurial Action, Public Policy, and Economic Outcomes examines the economics of entrepreneurship from the perspectives of productive versus unproductive entrepreneurial behavior and the role of institutions in economic outcomes. It seeks to advance the research on institutions by providing a simple framework to analyze the broader, long-term consequences of economic policies.The authors examine the relationship between economic freedom and economic outcomes and summarize empirical evidence and theory. Important topics of public debate are covered, and the economic rules of the game are carefully analyzed for clues to provide a better path toward prosperity. The book provides practical policy solutions that are based on the authors cogent analyses which highlight the importance of institutions for economic outcomes. It also focuses specifically on the impact of public policy and provides concrete examples regarding the role of institutions.Providing a clear summary of the institutions and entrepreneurship research this comprehensive and timely book will be of great interest to anyone involved in public policy. It also offers a practical application for academic research and a rich bibliography of the scholarship and will therefore appeal to both graduate and undergraduate students.Contributors: N.D. Campbell, R.L. Coyne, N. Dutta, B.K. Hobbs, P.T Leeson, D.T. Mitchell, T. Ovaska, G.M. Randolph, T.M. Rogers, S. Roy, R.F. Salvino jr, R.S. Sobel, M. Swaleheen, M.T. Tasto, G.K. Turnbull
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Methods in Environmental Law: A Handbook
This timely Handbook brings together a collection of innovative interdisciplinary approaches to explore the use of research methods in environmental law. With chapters on topics ranging from sustainability, climate change and activism to education, actor-network theory and non-human ontologies, this Handbook provides a theoretically informed analysis of methodological approaches to this important field. Taking into consideration issues such as non-human agency, the Anthropocene, and spatial and material turns in law this book builds on key concepts in the subject. The book also considers how environmental law must adapt to the new and urgent needs of a variety of bodies, both human and non-human, that require its protection. It argues that traditional ways of conceiving environmental law, and of accounting for problems brought about through anthropocentric means, have led to the reinstatement of the problem of environmental degradation without imagining different avenues to resolve it. This Handbook is a key addition to the existing literature and provides an invaluable contribution to practical critique and to the reimagining of environmental law. It will be a crucial compendium for graduate students and researchers in the field of environmental law wishing to explore critical approaches.Contributors include: R. Bartel, I. Braverman, V. Brooks, P. Burdon, E. Cloatre, L. Finchett-Maddock, J. Gillespie, A. Grear, J. Holder, A. Kotsakis, L. Kotze, B. Lange, D. Mandic, J. Martel, D. McGillivray, K. Morrow, E. Mussawir, U. Natarajan, M. Nikolic, Y. Otomo, J. Paterson, A. Pavoni, A. Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, I.-J. Sand, F. Venter, B. Woodard
Wordsworth Editions Ltd An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: Second Treatise of Goverment
Notes and Introduction by Mark G. Spencer, Brock University, Ontario John Locke (1632-1704) was perhaps the most influential English writer of his time. His Essay concerning Human Understanding (1690) and Two Treatises of Government (1690) weighed heavily on the history of ideas in the eighteenth century, and Locke’s works are often ? rightly ? presented as foundations of the Age of Enlightenment. Both the Essay and the Second Treatise (by far the more influential of the Two Treatises) were widely read by Locke’s contemporaries and near contemporaries. His eighteenth-century readers included philosophers, historians and political theorists, but also community and political leaders, engaged laypersons, and others eager to participate in the expanding print culture of the era. His epistemological message that the mind at birth was a blank slate, waiting to be filled, complemented his political message that human beings were free and equal and had the right to create and direct the governments under which they lived. Today, Locke continues to be an accessible author. He provides food for thought to university professors and their students, but has no less to offer the general reader who is eager to enjoy the classics of world literature.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economic Analysis of Substance Use and Abuse: The Experience of Developed Countries and Lessons for Developing Countries
Currently developed countries pay much more attention to harmfully addictive substances than developing countries. However, the experience of developed countries is very relevant to the developing world since substance abuse is likely to impose a continually increasing burden of disease in this region in the near future. This book extends the frontiers of research on the economics of substance use and abuse in a variety of extremely significant ways. It focuses on the determinants and consequences of the consumption of cigarettes, alcohol, betel quid, and illicit drugs in the United States, Great Britain and Taiwan. The authors use a variety of empirical techniques to examine the roles of price, advertising, risk perception, time preference and forward-looking behaviour in consumption decisions and the effects of these decisions on labour market outcomes, unintended pregnancies and criminal violence.Economic Analysis of Substance Use and Abuse will be required reading for scholars of economic development and health economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Movements in Academic Entrepreneurship
Focusing on academic entrepreneurship in the university context, the authors explore how researchers, teachers, students, academic managers and administrators make sense of entrepreneurship and of the paradoxes and contradictions involved. The book investigates how these diverse entrepreneurial actors and their stakeholders interpret and analyse entrepreneurial activities within the university ecosystem.New Movements in Academic Entrepreneurship covers research commercialisation, academic start-up companies and entrepreneurship education, as well as university-society relationships more widely. With contributions from Europe, North America and Asia, this book helps to broaden our understanding of academic entrepreneurship using original theoretical insights and rich empirical data.Essential reading for students and researchers of entrepreneurial universities and ecosystems, this book provides fresh theoretical frameworks and an inclusive understanding of academic entrepreneurship.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Geography, Structural Change and Economic Development: Theory and Empirics
The authors in this book regard the process of economic expansion as a non-homogeneous and multifaceted phenomenon, which has deeply affected human welfare, and cultural, social and political change. The book is a bridge between the theorists (Rosenstein-Rodan, Lewis, Myrdal, and Hirschmann) who in the post-war period analyzed regional inequalities, structural change and dualism, and the modern literature on economic growth. The latter has emphasized the existence of multiple equilibria, bifurcations and various types of dynamic complexity, and clarified the conditions for the emergence of phenomena such as cumulative causation, path dependence and hysteresis. These are the typical ingredients of structural change, economic development or underdevelopment.Investigating the 'mechanisms of economic development', this book will be of great interest to researchers and postgraduate students, especially those oriented towards the study of structural and geographical aspects of economic growth and development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Modern Theories of Money: The Nature and Role of Money in Capitalist Economies
This book unites diverse heterodox traditions in the study of endogenous money - which until now have been confined to their own academic quarters - and explores their similarities and differences from both sides of the Atlantic.Bringing together perspectives from post-Keynesians, Circuitists and the Dijon School, the book continues the tradition of Keynes's and Kalecki's analysis of a monetary production economy, emphasising the similarities between the various approaches, and expanding the analytical breadth of the theory of endogenous money. The authors open new avenues for monetary research in order to fuel a renewed interest in the nature and role of money in capitalist economies, which is, the authors argue, one of the most controversial, and therefore fascinating, areas of economics.Providing new theoretical and empirical grounds for the construction of a general, policy oriented theory of money, this thought-provoking collection will appeal to academics, researchers and students interested in monetary economics. It will also be welcomed by monetary policymakers and central bank officials.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Welfare, International Business and Global Institutional Change
Global economic progress in the twentieth century, while generally encouraging, was neither continuous nor uniform. With the exception of some Asian nations, countries that were more developed at the beginning of the twentieth century still rank amongst the wealthiest nations, while countries that were poorer, still lag behind. The distinguished authors in this volume address the fundamental causes for such heterogeneous international experiences, placing particular emphasis on the role of institutions.They demonstrate how the study of economic development is increasingly linked to the development of institutions, which allow for more complex exchanges to occur in markets and societies. Institutions can be understood as rules or constraints that channel individuals' actions in specific directions, and can be formal or informal depending on their genesis. The book highlights the connection between institutions and economic welfare by examining countries at different stages of development. Although the authors' study material effects, they also look at individual well-being which is more strongly influenced by the non-material products of institutions such as opportunity, freedom and relationships. They move on to highlight the role of institutions in global business, in terms of innovation, entrepreneurship and foreign direct investment. In the concluding chapters they focus on the actual process of transition from one institutional framework to another. Amongst other examples, they examine reforms to international financial institutions and constitutional adjustments in transition countries. This varied yet highly topical book will be invaluable to institutional and public-choice economists, students and researchers of the theory and policy of international business, and social and political scientists interested in the role and evolution of institutions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Strategic Management of Innovation: A Sociological and Economic Theory
This book deals with the complex social process of managing an innovative organization. Jon Sundbo presents an original sociology-based theory of innovation in firms which combines developments in markets and other environments with internal organizational processes. The fundamental concept of this theory is understanding innovation processes in the context of strategy. The author regards strategy as both an interpretation of environmental developments and an instrument for managing the innovation process. The book takes an evolutionary perspective and combines an 'out-in' approach (the market situation determines innovations) with an 'in-out' approach (internal organizational processes and entrepreneurship determine innovations). In both cases the implementation of strategy is closely studied and its role as a social process within the firm is emphasised. Significantly, the author combines economic and sociological factors and presents a series of models of the innovation process which are based on empirical studies. The book concludes with a model of macro-innovation factors.Presenting an original theory of innovation within a strategic paradigm, this book will be required reading for all students and academics of economics and business, as well as management consultants and those interested in industrial organization.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Ethics and the Ethics of Economics: Values, Markets and the State
This book makes a rational and eloquent case for the closer integration of ethics and economics. It expands upon themes concerned with esteem, self-esteem, emotional bonding between agents, expressive concerns, and moral requirements. Economists have long assumed that 'value' and 'price' are synonymous and interchangeable. The authors show how disregarding this false assumption and adopting an interdisciplinary approach could improve the economics profession by distinguishing economic values from ethical values. Replete with discussions that will challenge conventional economics, this book offers a corrective argument against the rigid separation of agents' motivation and the purely normative aspects of economic analysis. The various contributions explore the different dimensions at the frontier between the rational and the moral in political economy, ethics and philosophy. Containing a variety of cross-border analyses, this innovative book will be a must-read for economists, political scientists and philosophers. It will also be an invaluable resource for students in the fields of economics and philosophy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurial Strategy: Emerging Businesses in Declining Industries
Entrepreneurial Strategy aims to revive the debate on the role of entrepreneurship in the context of mature business. The authors contend that mature and declining industries are increasingly dominated by the negative pressure of external factors, but they are also embedded with a potential renewed role for entrepreneurship because the industry forces as a whole tend to break up, leaving space for strategic business innovation. The book offers a thorough insight to the entrepreneurial dynamics behind emerging businesses in declining industries, in particular on the roles of resources, processes and people. Using structured business case studies, it illustrates the entrepreneurial strategy of these firms, concluding that emerging firms target growth by: expanding to control key assets using innovation rather than production of new technologies making significant improvements in productivity building a particular customer-oriented reputation. Practitioners, managers and entrepreneurs wishing to better understand the dynamics behind emerging businesses, and policymakers developing industry foresight and setting out policies for the enhancement of entrepreneurial activity will find this book invaluable. It will also be warmly welcomed by students, academics and researchers with an interest in entrepreneurship, industrial economics and business administration.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Handbook of Industrial Ecology
Industrial ecology is coming of age and this superb book brings together leading scholars to present a state-of-the-art overviews of the subject.Each part of the book comprehensively covers the following issues in a systematic style: the goals and achievements of industrial ecology and the history of the field methodology, covering the main approaches to analysis and assessment economics and industrial ecology industrial ecology at the national/regional leve industrial ecology at the sectoral/materials level applications and policy implications. The authors are all experts at the cutting edge of the field and the bibliography alone will prove useful as a comprehensive guide to the literature. This outstanding handbook will be an indispensable reference for students and scholars working in environmental management, industrial ecology and environmental and ecological studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Experiential Exercises in the Classroom
The definitive guide to creating and using experiential exercises in the classroom. For anyone interested in continuously improving their teaching practice, this book provides an overview of the theory and empirical evidence for active learning and the use of experiential exercises.Using a prescriptive model and checklist for creating, adapting or adopting experiential exercises in the classroom, the authors demonstrate evidence-based best practices for each step in the development and use of experiential exercises, including tips, worksheets and checklists to facilitate use of these practices. In addition, the book provides rich examples which illustrate how educators have used this model and practices in their own classrooms, and resources to help find experiential exercises, learn more about effectively using them, and connect with organizations, journals, and people dedicated to the use of experiential exercises in the classroom.Higher education educators seeking to improve their teaching practice, to increase effectiveness and to learn how to develop and use experiential exercises as well as doctoral students learning how to develop and use experiential exercises will find direction and inspiration in Experiential Exercises in the Classroom.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurship, Growth and Economic Development: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research
This timely book presents contemporary research on the key role of entrepreneurship in firm growth and development strategies. The contributors reveal that a high level of entrepreneurial activity contributes to economic growth, innovative activities, competition, job creation and local development. The contents of the book, although varied in terms of the topics covered and research methods used, demonstrate the role of entrepreneurship in relation to growth and economic development in a variety of different contexts. Drawing together leading-edge European research, the expert contributors analyze a number of different issues, such as whether firm growth and performance are different concepts in entrepreneurship studies, growth strategies of IT firms, the start-up funding process, cross-border cooperation between enterprises and SME competitiveness. Entrepreneurship, Growth and Economic Development will appeal to researchers and students of entrepreneurship and small business. Policy makers will also find this book a source of inspiration. Contributors: K. Balaton, K. Becker, M. Brannback, A. Carsrud, T.M. Cooney, H. Crijns, A. Fayolle, D. Finn, V. Gupta, T. Hogan, L. Hortovanyi, E. Hutson, K. Ikeuchi, N. Kiviluoto, F. Kronthaler, J. Lepoutre, C. O Gorman, H. Okamuro, M. Raposo, D. Smallbone, C. Streb, L. Szerb, O. Tilleuil, J. Ulbert, W. Van den Berghe, K. Wagner, F. Welter, O. Witmeur, M. Xheneti
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Strategic Business Alliances: An Examination of the Core Dimensions
Strategic Business Alliances examines key issues in the analysis, management and performance of international joint ventures using a sample of UK-European equity joint ventures. The authors consider the viewpoint of all configurations of the international joint venture - UK parent, European parent and joint venture management. Factors discussed include motives for formation, partner selection criteria, joint venture management, and control and performance, all of which have been identified in the literature as the core dimensions of joint venture activity.The book also explores the emerging issue of learning in strategic alliances, as well as the sensitive question of cultural differences in the mix of factors that surround the complexities of modern international joint ventures. Empirical evidence examined by the authors suggests that learning and cultural differences are vital elements in the operation and performance of these ventures.Given that inter-firm collaborative activity in an increasingly globalised world economy is a crucial aspect of the strategy of many firms, this book will be invaluable to students, researchers and academics with an interest in international business and strategic management. Managers and practitioners who require insight into the core dimensions of international joint venture activity will also find this book very useful.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Technology and the Future of European Employment
What is the potential of the new information and communication technologies? This book assesses the relationship between technological change and employment in all its dimensions, focusing on contemporary economies in Europe.The authors discuss patterns of growth, and the type of employment that countries might expect to be created following the introduction of these new technologies. Also analysed is the extent to which firms should adjust to more favourable production and distribution patterns. Institutional change is another issue addressed in detail as this encompasses the organisation of working time, systems of education and innovation and the welfare state. The final section of the book addresses the future of European employment not only from the competitive position of Europe in a global economy but also the new societal and demographic contexts that will challenge European economies in the future.Technology and the Future of European Employment ends with an overview of the many policy priorities that European societies will have to address. As such, this book will be of interest to scholars of economics, sociology and politics as well as those involved in European studies, technology and innovation, and labour economics. Civil servants in relevant national departments and organisations will also find the book of interest and value.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Industry Studies and Economic Geography
This unique Handbook examines the impacts on, and responses to, economic geography explicitly from the perspective of the behaviour, mechanics, systems and experiences of different firms in various types of industries. The industry studies approach allows the authors to explain why the economic geography of these different industries exhibits such particular and diverse characteristics. The sectors and industries covered include: traditional heavy industry and engineering creative and cultural industries knowledge sectors natural resource-based and environmental sectors knowledge, networks and communications issues. The Handbook of Industry Studies and Economic Geography will strongly appeal to students, scholars and researchers interested in all aspects of industrial location and economic geography.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Dictionary of Environmental Law
This new dictionary makes an important and innovative contribution to the reference literature on the environment. International in scope, it provides up-to-date entries on macro and micro issues in environmental law in both developed and developing countries.Written by an author with both practical experience in the field, and six previous dictionaries to his name, this book adopts non-technical language to improve access to key topics in environmental law. It combines the use of case studies, best practice models, straightforward definitions and clear explanatory boxes.This dictionary will be invaluable to everyone involved with environmental law; including students of law as well as those in engineering and the social sciences. It will also provide essential reference for all official national and international agencies, environmental protection groups and NGOs, plus environment and planning departments at every level.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Education Matters: Selected Essays by Alan B. Krueger
Education Matters presents in one volume many of Alan B. Krueger's contributions to the economics of education. This invaluable collection of papers, based on his groundbreaking research from the 1990s, has been published in a wide range of professional outlets and has influenced public policy and research in the US and throughout the world.The book opens with an introductory essay explaining the importance of the study of the economics of education as well as providing an overview of the book. The author then goes on to discuss and analyse the important topics in the economics of education, including the economic pay off from attending school for longer, the return to investments in school resources, causes of the increased pay off to education, the contribution of education to economic growth, and racial differences in school quality and their consequences. The final chapter provides a framework for evaluating schools.This fascinating collection of work, from a writer at the forefront of economics and educational research, will be warmly welcomed by academics in the areas of human capital, economics and public policy, as well as by educational policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolving Global Trade Architecture
This comprehensive and accessible book examines the evolution of the multilateral trade regime in the ever-changing global economic environment, particularly during the WTO era and the ongoing Doha Round. Professor Das explores how the creation of the multilateral trade regime, or the GATT/WTO system, has been fraught with difficulties. He describes the ways, by means of various rounds of negotiations, the multilateral trade regime has constantly adjusted itself to the new realities of the global economy. One glance at the recent history indicates that the evolution of the multilateral trade regime was far from even-handed and steady. The GATT/WTO system was repeatedly pushed to the brink of utter and ignominious disaster. Yet, as the author illustrates, the participating economies persevered. Consequently, the fabric of multilateral trade regime is stronger, its foundation deeper and its framework wider now than it was a generation ago. Unlike the GATT era, membership of the present trade regime is close to universal. The author concludes that of the two phases, the latter has turned out to be the more arduous, intricate and complex phase of evolution. Students and scholars of economics, international trade, international political economy and international relations will find this study of great interest. The definitions and explanations of terminology and advanced concepts make the book accessible to those without an extensive economic background.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics of Health Law
Ronen Avraham, David Hyman and Charles Silver, leading authorities in their fields, discuss the effects of economic and legal constraints and regulation on healthcare. They examine the impact of access to healthcare on mortality and clinical outcomes and investigate healthcare financing, including payment to providers, expanding costs, health insurance and the provision of long-term care. The distribution of spending and the expansion of provision are also investigated. The regulatory aspect includes discussions on the regulation of healthcare practice, medical malpractice and liability, and public health and ethical issues.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Social Economics, Second Edition
This comprehensive second edition of The Elgar Companion to Social Economics presents an overview of a dynamic and growing field in economics that emphasizes the key role that values play in the economy and in economic life. Social economics treats the economy and economics as being embedded in the larger web of social and ethical relationships. It also regards economics and ethics as essentially connected, and adds values such as justice, fairness, dignity, well-being, freedom and equality to the standard emphasis on efficiency.Leading contributors in the field elucidate a wide range of recent developments across different subject areas and topics. Contributors map the likely trends and directions of future research, making this second edition of the Companion a leading reference source and guide to social economics for many years to come.Providing concise discussion and an indication of what to expect in future decades, this interdisciplinary Companion will be of great interest to students and academics of social economics and socio-economics, as well as institutional, evolutionary and heterodox economics. It will also appeal to management scholars and those concerned with business ethics.Contributors include: R. Aalbers, M. Altman, D.B. Audretsch, P. Bardhan, P.D. Bush, J. C. Caldas, D. Campbell, M.D. Carr, L.F. Carvalho, M.M. Co gel, F.A. Cowell, C. Dannreuther, J.B. Davis, A. Deshpande, G. DeMartino, W. Dolfsma, S.C. Dow, W.M. Dugger, Z. Emami, D.M. Figart, D. George, I. Grabel, S.P. Hargreaves Heap, G.M. Hodgson, M. Keilbach, O. Kessler, S. Kesting, M. Klaes, A. Kleinknecht, E. Kuiper, H. Lopes, C. Lutz, A. Mayhew, B. McMaster, A. Mehmood, P. Mellizo, F. Moulaert, E. Mutari, P.A. O'Hara, J. Paavola, M. Power, I. Ray, J. Rodrigues, I. Røpke, H. Schenk, N. Sirven, M.A. Starr, G. van der Velde, I. van Staveren, J. Vail, M.D. White, L.R. Wray
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reinventing Functional Finance: Transformational Growth and Full Employment
This ambitious book seeks both to revive and revise the idea of 'functional finance'. Followers of this doctrine believe that government budgets should concentrate solely on their macroeconomic impact on the economy, rather than reflecting a concern for sound finance and budgetary discipline.Reinventing Functional Finance examines the origins of this idea and then considers it in a modern context. The authors explore the concept of NAIRU and argue that modern economies can operate at the level of full employment without provoking unmanageable inflation. They also contend that budget deficits do not have the deleterious effects commonly ascribed to them; the belief that they do rests on a misunderstanding of modern money. In this context, they highlight the relevance of Abba Lerner's famous dictum, 'money is a creature of the State'. The authors also debate the merits of various proposals for 'Employer of Last Resort' programs, which combine automatic stabilizers with the buffer stock principle. The book boasts an array of eminent contributors which includes, amongst others, James Duesenberry, Robert Eisner, Robert Heilbroner, Richard Musgrave, Edward Nell and Randall Wray.Financial economists, politicians, policymakers and bankers will welcome this provocative and refreshing book which challenges established economic thinking.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Asian Entrepreneurship
Asia is highly regarded as one of the fastest growing regions in the world, and this unique Handbook focuses on the internationalization process and entrepreneurial dynamics of small business within the continent. Using a clear and consistent style, the Handbook examines more than 40 countries in Asia and allows researchers to compare the environment for entrepreneurship, the internationalization of entrepreneurs and the state of small business in different Asian countries. The chapters are authored by well-known scholars who provide insight into how government policies have affected the internationalization of small firms in Asia. This comprehensive reference work will provide a timely and important basis for scholars to understand entrepreneurship in Asia. Public policy analysts of international entrepreneurship and practitioners wanting to enter or extend their market in Asia will also find this volume of immense interest.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Carbon Pricing: Design, Experiences and Issues
After the drop in the price of oil, the issue of a carbon tax to complement the EU emission trading scheme is coming back to the fore of political debate. In this volume on carbon pricing, the reader can find an excellent mix of economic theory and policy analysis. To anyone interested in this field, this collection of papers represents a very important contribution to an in-depth understanding of the main tools that can be used to successfully fight climate change.'- Alberto Majocchi, University of Pavia, ItalyCarbon Pricing reflects upon and further develops the ongoing and worthwhile global debate into how to design carbon pricing, as well as how to utilize the financial proceeds in the best possible way for society.The world has recently witnessed a significant downward adjustment in fossil fuel prices, which has negative implications for the future of our environment. In light of these negative developments, it is important to understand the benefits of environmental sustainability through well-documented research. This discerning book considers the design of carbon taxes and examines the consequential outcomes of different taxation compositions as regulatory instruments. Expert contributors assess a variety of national experiences to provide an empirical insight into the use of carbon taxes, emissions trading, energy taxes and excise taxes. The overarching discussion concludes that successful policies used by some countries can be implemented in other jurisdictions with minimum new research and experimentation.This astute work will benefit scholars, practitioners and policymakers alike with an interest in the fields of environmental law, environmental economics, sustainable development and taxation law.Contributors: B. Bahn-Walkowiak, J. Bruha, H. Bruhova-Foltýnovà, B. Butcher, M. Calaf Forn, N. Chalifour, S. Cheng, E. Croci, S. Elgie, E. Guglyuvatyy, M. Jofra Sora, C. Kettner, K. Kratena, E. Meyer, I. Meyer, S. Onoda, J. Papy, T.F. Pedersen, V. Pisa, I. Puig Ventosa, A. Ravazzi Douvan, M. Sargl, K. Schlegelmilch, M.W. Sommer, N.P. Stoianoff, P. ten Brink, W.E. Weishaar, H. Wilts, S. Withana, Sirini, G. Wittmann, A. Wolfsteiner
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of European Social Policy
This Handbook brings together leading scholars of European social policy to reinvigorate theoretical, conceptual and substantive debates around European welfare states and societies as well as the 'social dimension' of the European Union. This unique and original collection comes together at a time of substantial economic, social and political turbulence across Europe, changing narratives, ideas and attitudes towards welfare, increasing institutional complexity in the delivery of services, and a 'crisis of legitimacy' for the European project itself compounded by Brexit. It is against this backdrop that the Handbook draws together key commentators in European social policy to engage with and further develop theoretical, conceptual and substantive understandings of social policy in post-crisis Europe. Issues covered include, amongst others, varieties of welfare capitalism, cultural political economy, austerity, territoriality, engendering, multiculturalism, socio-ecological changes, social investment and public attitudes. The Handbook of European Social Policy offers a comprehensive and state-of-the-art reflection on theoretical debates on welfare regimes and the trajectories of the EU's social dimension. It is a key reading and teaching resource for students and academics in social policy.Contributors include: D. Bailey, E. Barberis, D. Béland, A. Borchorst, C. Bruzelius, D. Clegg, M. Daly, C. de la Porte, F. Dukelow, V. Fargion, B. Greve, E. Heins, A. Hemerijck, B. Hvinden, B. Jessop, Y. Kazepov, P. Kennett, B. Kovács, J. Kvist, N. Lendvai-Bainton, T. Meyer, T. Modood, B. Nolan, K. Petersen, B. Pfau-Effinger, F. Roosma, C. Saraceno, M.A. Schoyen, M. Schroeder, M. Seeleib-Kaiser, B. Siim, M. Souto-Otero, N.-L. Sum, W. van Oorschot
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Economics of Renewable Energy
Renewable energy technologies produce many measurable benefits, such as a clear reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. However, it is also apparent that these methods of energy production come with costs. Discussing renewable energy developments within an economic context, this pertinent Handbook provides a comprehensive view of the present and future dimensions of renewable energy use.Divided into six authoritative parts, the Handbook employs economic evaluation to provide an analysis of the benefits and costs of renewable energy, allowing authors to extrapolate potential policy changes. Chapters address the conceptual, methodological and empirical dimensions of renewable energy, providing a broad coverage of key topics while maintaining a clear policy-oriented philosophy.With a structured application of energy economics to renewable energy issues, this enlightening Handbook will be beneficial for environmental and energy policy makers. It will also be an interesting read for academics within such fields as policy regulation, energy economics and environmental economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Quality of Government and Corruption from a European Perspective: A Comparative Study of Good Government in EU Regions
In this book the authors tackle the concept of 'quality of government' (QoG) both conceptually and empirically and apply their focus to EU countries and regions. In a pioneering empirical effort, they map out regional QoG for the first time for 172 NUTS 1 and 2 regions throughout 18 countries in the EU, and provide a detailed methodology. They follow up the quantitative assessment with three case studies demonstrating the wide variation of QoG found within the countries of Italy, Belgium and Romania. The book concludes with important lessons and ideas for future research.Quality of Government and Corruption from a European Perspective will offer a unique insight to an important issue of development within the EU that speaks to students and academics in the field of comparative politics, EU politics, development, governance and corruption.With contributions from: Lewis Dijkstra, Jonas Håkansson and Oana Borcan
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Business Ethics as Practice: Representation, Reflexivity and Performance
This book shows that in business, moral questions are not just theoretical; they arise in practice and have to be dealt with in practice. It illustrates that 'ethics as practice' is an important area of study because it focuses on how ethics are enacted and embedded in everyday organizational reality. In contrast to the approaches dominating mainstream literature, the authors of this thought provoking volume focus on the tensions, paradoxes and ambiguities that underpin ethics in practice.Recent corporate scandals such as those involving Enron, Worldcom and Parmalat have brought to the fore a problem which mainstream economics and management studies have long ignored: the fact that neither rules, regulations, nor the laws of the market can ensure ethical behaviour. The authors of this fascinating book take the tension between 'morals or money' and 'profits or principles' as the starting point of their investigations into how ethical problems emerge and are managed. They show that ethics are at stake in ambiguous situations where different, often contradicting, sets of moral values and rules clash. Business Ethics as Practice will prove a stimulating and fascinating read for scholars of organization theory, organizational behaviour, business and management, and more generally, humanities and the social sciences. Business practitioners will also find much illuminating material to reflect upon and consider within this book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Change in Eastern Europe since 1918
Change in Eastern Europe has too often been seen in narrowly political terms by historians and commentators. Underlying the often dramatic political events of the post-1918 period have been economic and social elements which have both massively influenced and severely constrained the political options of policymakers.Economic Change in Eastern Europe since 1918 presents a concise, authoritative account of the economic history of Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia in the twentieth century. Drawing upon a deep knowledge of the primary literature and the latest research, the authors explain why Eastern Europe was already underdeveloped by 1914 before assessing the impact of two world wars, economic recession and socialist economic planning. The final chapter examines the aftermath of the 1989 revolutions and discusses some scenarios for the future of the region.This important book offers economists, political scientists and historians a unique, authoritative overview of the economic legacy of Eastern Europe’s turbulent past and the political and social factors, including the significant role of agrarian and land issues, which have helped to shape the region’s history.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Ecological Footprint: New Developments in Policy and Practice
Andrea Collins and Andrew Flynn provide a fascinating review of a concept in action. Having engaged with all sides of the debate and carefully followed the development of a new approach for measuring human demand on nature, they provide an insightful account of what worked, what did not, and why. While it may be obvious to many that humanity needs to live within the means of nature, it still is surprisingly unclear how to make this insight truly relevant and practical for policy. How can we overcome this looming gap? Collins and Flynn show ways how we might succeed with this challenge. Get this book and help design the next generation of sustainability policy that can bridge this gap.'- Mathis Wackernagel, President, Global Footprint NetworkThe ecological footprint is one of the most prominent tools used to measure environmental sustainability, and its rise in academic and policy debates since the early 1990s has been remarkable. Drawing upon research and examples from around the world, the authors critically examine the claims made of the Ecological Footprint and how it has been applied in practice.Offering an up-to-date account, this book provides a unique insight into the ways in which environmental knowledge is used within organizations, and how it is able to carry authority in policy making processes. It further discusses the changing status of the Ecological Footprint and the growth of other footprint tools, such as the Carbon Footprint.This book will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students studying human geography, ecology, environmental science and urban studies. National and international policy makers concerned with developing sustainable strategies, measuring the environmental impact of key policy decisions and selecting indicators to measure progress towards sustainable development, will also find this to be a useful read.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Ecosystems and Nature: Economics, Science and Policy
Ecosystems and Nature brings together the work of leading authorities in biodiversity research. It provides readers with a broad interdisciplinary perspective on the major issues in biodiversity, including economics, natural science, management and ethics.The collection is divided into four main sections: part I introduces some fundamental scientific and socio-economic concepts and analysis in order to illustrate the complexities involved in the human-ecosystems interface; part II deals with the valuation of ecosystems with special emphasis on the main biomes, faults, wetlands, marine systems, grasslands and agriculture; part III covers the problem of value appropriation and the relevant constraints and available policy instruments; the final section focuses on the difficult ethical issues that surround utilization and conservation of biodiversity.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The New Democracies in Eastern Europe: Party Systems and Political Cleavages
Now fully revised and updated for the second edition, this unique and authoritative account of the party systems in Eastern Europe examines their development from the revolutions of the late 1980s to the present day. The New Democracies in Eastern Europe presents a genuinely comparative perspective on the old and new party systems. Featuring detailed assessment and analysis of the situation in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, the volume draws upon research and opinion from a distinguished group of European scholars. Recognising that many of the social and political problems of the inter-war period continue to make themselves felt, the authors contend that the breakdown of the old authoritarian system was a by-product of a built-in and progressively worsening legitimacy crisis. Despite the great progress made by some East European countries, recent events confirm the view that authoritarianism has not lost its appeal.As an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of political change and development in Eastern Europe - rapidly produced to present the most recent information - this book will be welcomed by researchers, teachers and students.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Theory of Environmental Agreements and Taxes: CO2 Policy Performance in Comparative Perspective
Although there is a huge demand for accurate analysis of environmental policy outcomes in both the academic and policy-making communities, there is currently very little theoretical research on this issue. This ambitious book redresses the balance by constructing a new theoretical framework at the crossroads between economics and political science to account for the effectiveness of environmental governance. Drawing on insights from new institutional economics, environmental economics, collective action theory and social capital theory, the author analyses how policy outcomes are influenced by institutional factors that constrain and empower the target groups of environmental regulation. This is the first attempt towards a general theoretical treatise of voluntary environmental agreements, based on a dual institutionalist approach that allows for comparisons between environmental taxes and agreements. The author systematically compares the performance of the radically different CO2 policy strategies of Austria, Denmark and the Netherlands - non-intervention, earmarked CO2 taxes and energy agreements. From this unique cross-national study, it is concluded that CO2 taxes are generally more effective than voluntary energy agreements which, if practised in specific institutional settings, will outperform laissez-faire policy alternatives.This book will be required reading for environmental economists, political scientists and climate change researchers. It will also provide policymakers with useful empirical evidence and advice on how to design voluntary environmental agreements and green taxes to maximize environmental benefits.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Fiscal Sociology and the Theory of Public Finance: An Exploratory Essay
This book advances a social-theoretic treatment of public finance, which contrasts with the typical treatment of government as an agent of intervention into a market economy. To start, Richard Wagner construes government not as an agent but as a polycentric process of interaction, just as is a market economy. The theory of markets and the theory of public finance are thus construed as complementary components of a broader endeavor of social theorizing, with both seeking to provide insight into the emergence of generally coordinated relationships within society. The author places analytical focus on emergent processes of development rather than on states of equilibrium, and with much of that development set in motion by conflict among people and their plans. Some of the book's defining characteristics include: Budgets emerge through organizationally constituted political entrepreneurship Government is construed as a process of interaction and participation and not as a unitary entity of intervention Government and markets are incorporated into a unified theory of property which is traced to human nature and its requirements for both autonomy and solidarity. Richard Wagner's book will be of interest to researchers in public finance, public choice, Austrian economics, political science and public policy.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Star Wars The Dark Side Pocket Expert
Become an instant dark side expert with this handy pocket-sized guide! If light is to shine, there must also be darkness. In the Star Wars galaxy, the Jedi use the light side of the Force to protect peace and justice. But there are also those who crave power above all. For Sith lords, Imperial Inquisitors, fallen Jedi, and other evil creatures, the dark side of the Force is a mighty, but treacherous, ally. These evildoers seek the dark side in those places where it flows strongest - forgotten temples, sinister caves, ancient tombs, and the sites of tragic events.Packed with facts, stats, and interesting info about the most legendary dark side users and dark side locations in the galaxy, with this book in your pocket you'll be a dark side expert in no time!© AND ™ 2022 LUCASFILM LTD.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Explaining Economic Growth: A New Analytical Framework
In Explaining Economic Growth David Lim presents a new analytical framework for explaining the different growth performances of developing countries.Drawing on the growth experience of the newly industrializing economies of East Asia, the author begins his analysis by identifying the sources of output growth and the factors behind them. Recognizing that no one explanation of economic growth is entirely satisfactory, Professor Lim's analysis enables the strengths of existing explanations to be highlighted and used in the construction of more convincing hypothesis of economic growth. An operational framework for identifying the policies needed to produce greater economic growth is also developed.Explaining Economic Growth presents the large and often unstructured development literature within a systematic framework allowing for a series of policy-oriented conclusions. Accessible and yet rigorous, this major new book will be widely used by students, researchers and policy makers concerned with economic growth and development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Trends in Financing Civil Litigation in Europe: A Legal, Empirical, and Economic Analysis
This unique and timely book analyses the problem of financing civil litigation. The expert contributors discuss the legal possibilities and difficulties associated with several instruments ?- including cost shifting, fee arrangements, legal expense insurance and group litigation. The authors assess the impact of these instruments from a law and economics perspective and provide empirical information on the way in which they work in practice. A transatlantic perspective on financing civil litigation is also provided. New Trends in Financing Civil Litigation in Europe reveals that as well as improving access to justice, several instruments have the potential to screen cases based on their quality. The book also shows how the choice of instrument can affect the behaviour of actors throughout the litigation process.This insightful book will appeal to academics and postgraduates in the fields of private law and law and economics. Law firms and insurance companies offering legal expense insurance will also find this book a valuable read.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Poverty of Territorialism: A Neo-Medieval View of Europe and European Planning
This book explores the ways in which the EU features overlapping spheres of authority. Using territorial ideas prevalent in the Medieval Period, Andreas Faludi offers ways to rethink the current debates surrounding territorialism in the EU.Challenging contemporary European spatial planning, this book explores how modern planning puts the democratic control of state territories and their development in question. The notion of democracy in an increasingly interconnected world is a key issue, and as such Faludi advocates a Europe where national borders are questioned, and ultimately transgressed.Progressive and timely, this book is an invaluable read for academic and practicing planners concerned with European planning and co-operation. Critical social and political geographers will also benefit from the revolutionary insights Faludi offers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Measuring the Global Shadow Economy: The Prevalence of Informal Work and Labour
This book brings together two leading researchers in the field to provide a comprehensive overview of the shadow economy from a global perspective. Reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of measuring the informal sector, the authors evaluate its size and key determinants across the world. Williams and Schneider clearly establish the persistence and prevalence of the shadow economy, analysing the narrowness of existing policy approaches and explaining how these fail to address the key factors for its existence and may even exacerbate the problem.Proposing an alternative way forward, the authors argue that little headway will ever be made in reducing the shadow economy until there are changes not only to the character of formal institutions but also informal institutions (the values, beliefs and norms of citizens) through the introduction of macro-level structural changes.This timely, cutting-edge review of the global shadow economy and how it can be measured and tackled is an invaluable resource for postgraduate students, researchers and policy-makers, particularly those with a interest in tax evasion and informal labour.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Monetary Economies of Production: Banking and Financial Circuits and the Role of the State
The central focus of this book is the relationship between money, the sphere of production, and the State.It explores how best to adapt the fundamental ideas of the circulationist perspective to achieve a better understanding of the financialisation of the production processes within contemporary capitalist economies. Importantly, the expert contributors illustrate that the true challenge ahead is to address how these new emerging forms can be eventually tamed, a challenge that the recent financial crisis has forcefully proven essential.This book will prove an illuminating read for scholars and researchers in the heterodox economics domain.Contributors: R. Bellofiore, H. Bougrine, V. Chick, M. Cingolani, E. Correa, S. Dow, T. Ferguson, M. Forstater, A. Girón, C. Gnos, R. Johnson, M. Lavoie, W.C. Marshall, E. Nell, L.-P. Rochon, M. Seccareccia, J. Smithin, B. Vallageas, G. Vidal, L.R. Wray