Search results for ""transcript Verlag""
Transcript Verlag Securitization of Islam – Vicious Circle – Counter–Terrorism and Freedom of Religion in Central Asia
Diverse Islamic groups have triggered a "revival of Islam" in Central Asia in the last decades. As a result, there has been a general securitization of Islam by the governments: not only do they combat the terrorist Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan but also outlaw popular groups such as the Gülen movement. However, strong repression of religion might lead to radicalization.Kathrin Lenz-Raymann tests this hypothesis with an agent-based computer simulation and enriches her study with interviews with international experts, leaders of political Islam and representatives of folk Islam. She concludes that ensuring religious rights is essential for national security.
Transcript Verlag Vergleichendes Lesen
Transcript Verlag Transformation von Mittelstädten
Transcript Verlag Nach dem Gefängnis
Transcript Verlag Digitaler Nihilismus Thesen zur dunklen Seite der Plattformen
Transcript Verlag Fünfzig Jahre Nelkenrevolution
Transcript Verlag Mediterrane Räume
Transcript Verlag Religion in der digitalen Gesellschaft
Transcript Verlag Kinder und Jugendliche pflegen lernen
transcript Verlag ManyValued Aesthetics
transcript Verlag East Central European Art Histories and Austria
transcript Verlag Afrodiasporic Identities in Germany
Transcript Verlag Afghanistan 20012021
Transcript Verlag Deutsche Jüdinnen in Chile
transcript Verlag Teaching Artistic Strategies
Transcript Verlag Lebensqualitäten
Transcript Verlag Imaginationen des Körpers
Transcript Verlag Leistungsvergleiche und evaluative Praktiken
Transcript Verlag Kritische Theorie aktualisieren
Transcript Verlag Autobiographisches Wiedererzählen
Transcript Verlag Mythen des Lesens
Transcript Verlag Die private und die verteilte Person
Transcript Verlag Feldforschung auf dem Sofa
Transcript Verlag Gender Literatur und Film
Transcript Verlag Audiovision zwischen Hand und Haut
Transcript Verlag Schulleitung und Digitalisierung
Transcript Verlag Mittelalter und Populärkultur
Transcript Verlag Wer zählt
transcript Verlag Patrimonialization on the Ruins of Empire
Transcript Verlag Die liberale Kraft Europas
transcript Verlag World Construction via Networking
Transcript Verlag Bildung dekonstruieren
Transcript Verlag Sowjetisches Gerichtstheater
Transcript Verlag Detroit Amerikas Niederlage
Transcript Verlag Grüner Sozialismus
Transcript Verlag Ästhetiken des Engagements
Transcript Verlag Update Liberalism: Liberal Answers to the Challenges of Our Time
Liberal democracy is under pressure worldwide. It is challenged by anti-liberal movements and parties as well as by authoritarian regimes. Liberalism as a cross-party movement and a broad way of thinking has fallen into the defensive and is often associated with market radicalism, social coldness, and ecological ignorance. The contributors show that liberalism as a school of thought is not dead. In their essays, they present ideas and approaches for new liberal concepts to cope with the great challenges of our time: from climate change, globalization, and the digital revolution to transnational migration and the increasing systemic competition between democracies and authoritarian regimes.
Transcript Verlag Inneres Erleben erzählen
Transcript Verlag Eltern und erwachsene Kinder
Transcript Verlag Von der Natur
Transcript Verlag Migrationspolitik auf der Flucht
Transcript Verlag Das Inspection Panel der Weltbank
Transcript Verlag Wozu fasten
Transcript Verlag Lesen im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz
Transcript Verlag IMMOBIL Schnittstellen zwischen Architektur und Technik
transcript Verlag Masculinities Ageing between Cultures
Transcript Verlag Conceptual Change in den weichen Schulfächern
transcript Verlag Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies