Search results for ""fisher""
Penguin Random House Children's UK The World of Peter Rabbit The Complete Collection of Original Tales 123 White Jackets
Discover the timeless tales of Peter Rabbit, now in an iconic collection.With twenty-three books, each presented in a charming white jacket and inscribed with a publisher''s note on how the story came to be, this gift set contains all of Peter Rabbit''s stories.From naughty Peter Rabbit himself, to tidy Mrs. Tittlemouse and unlucky Mr. Jeremy Fisher, these stories will delight and enchant. The perfect gift for a new baby or Christening, this collection of beautifully illustrated titles is made for gentle bedtimes.No nursery bookshelf is complete without Beatrix Potter''s stories, that have enchanted generation after generation.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc AOSpine Masters Series Volume 1: Metastatic Spinal Tumors
A focused guide from the world's experts on metastatic spine tumors" This first volume in the AOSpine Masters Series integrates the expertise of oncologists and radiology interventionalists with that of master spine surgeons, all of whom are actively involved in the care of patients with metastatic spine tumors. The book provides expert guidance to help clinicians make the right treatment decisions and provide the best care for their patients. Chapter topics range from evaluation and decision-making principles to a spectrum of non-operative and operative treatment options that have been rapidly evolving over the past decade. Key Features: Editors are internationally-recognized authorities on metastatic spine tumors Includes contributions from key opinion leaders working in spine oncology Synthesizes the best available evidence and consensus expert advice on metastatic spine tumors, leading to optimal clinical recommendations Each chapter includes clinical pearls, tips on complication avoidance, and "top 5 must-read references" The AOSpine Masters Series, a co-publication of Thieme and the AOSpine Foundation, addresses current clinical issues whereby international masters of spine share their expertise and recommendations on a particular topic. The goal of the series is to contribute to an evolving, dynamic model of an evidence-based medicine approach to spine care. All neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, neuro-oncologists, and orthopedic oncologists specializing in spine, along with residents and fellows in these areas, will find this book to be an excellent guide that they will consult often in their treatment of patients with metastatic spine tumors.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Homecoming's Fall
Orec Blackblade missed the fall of the Kinslayer, tasked instead with leading his elite band of warriors on a diversionary battle where he split the head and pulsating crown of the enemy’s sorcerer, causing a blast that killed almost everyone in a 100-meter radius. Just four months later the broken circlet finds its way to Doctors Catt and Fisher, collectors of rare artefacts, and their innate curiosity and tinkering with the crown unleashes a new terror on the land. Only Orec and his surviving men can stop it, but will the black sword he carries be enough to stop the coming darkness?
Vintage Publishing Starlight
Gladys and Annie Barnes are impoverished sisters who have seen better times. They live in a modest cottage in the backstreets of Highate with Mr Fisher, a mild but eccentric old man living secretively in the attic above them. Their quiet lives are thrown into confusion when a new landlord takes over, a dreaded and unscrupulous 'rackman'. He installs his wife in part of the cottages in the hope that there she will recover from an unspecified malady. With a mounting sense of fear, Gladys and Annie become convinced she is possessed by an evil spirit...
Sternberg Press Design by Accident – For a New History of Design
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Gärtnern für Dummies
Haben Sie ein Stück Erde, das Sie in einen Garten verwandeln möchten, aber außer der Freude an erdverschmierten Händen, sattem Grün und Farbenpracht noch recht wenig Ahnung von Gartenarbeit? Dann ist "Gärtnern für Dummies" das richtige Buch für Sie! Hier erhalten Sie konkrete Hilfestellung bei der Planung Ihres Gartens und der Wahl der für Sie und Ihr Stück Land passenden Pflanzen. Lernen Sie, wie Sie aus Bäumen, Büschen und Blumen ein harmonisches Ganzes schaffen und mit einjährigen und mehrjährigen Pflanzen Ihren Garten zum Blühen bringen. Außerdem enthält das Buch viele nützliche Tipps zum richtigen Gartengerät, zur Hege und Pflege der Pflanzen, zur Schädlingsbekämpfung und zum Kompostieren.
Cottage Door Press John Deere Kids When I Grow Up
Elsevier Health Sciences Pass the PSA
Fully updated for its second edition, Pass the PSA is written specifically for the Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) exam, with one chapter dedicated to each PSA exam section.This latest edition: Introduces a simple, memorable and failsafe approach to prescribing (the 'PReSCRIBER' mnemonic) Specifies the universal basic principles of prescribing for all sections Examines each section's question structure and how to approach it questions (structured identically to the exam) that conclude each chapter Covers all scenarios suggested for questioning in the PSA blueprint Highlights common traps throughout Contains two mock exams Includes finals-level sections on data interpretation and management
University of California Press Ants of North America: A Guide to the Genera
Ants are among the most conspicuous and the most ecologically important of insects. This concise, easy-to-use, authoritative identification guide introduces the fascinating and diverse ant fauna of the United States and Canada. It features the first illustrated key to North American ant genera, discusses distribution patterns, explores ant ecology and natural history, and includes a list of all currently recognized ant species in this large region. It offers: new keys to the 73 North American ant genera illustrated with 250 line drawings ensure accurate identification; 180 colour images show the head and profile of each genus and important species groups; and includes a glossary of important terms.
SAGE Publications Inc How Leadership Works: A Playbook for Instructional Leaders
This easy-to-use playbook prompts educators to clarify, articulate, and actualize instructional leadership goals with the aim of delivering on the promise of equity and excellence for all.
Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation Positive Fragmentation: From the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation
Yorkshire Sculpture Park Fabric-ation
Yellow Pear Press Turtle and Guy: A Jeremy and Jazzy Adventure on Understanding Your Emotions (Age 3-6)
Learn How “I am Confused” FeelsJeremy, Jazzy, Tunebug, and Stu discover how confusion feels in one of the best preschool books about emotions, making mistakes, and so much more in Turtle and Guy.Jeremy and Jazzy meet Mr. Turtle Guy—but wait! Mr. Turtle Guy isn’t one guy, it’s two! What is this feeling? I am confused! In this groundbreaking book about feelings and emotions, tackle what confusion feels like, why we want to blame others, and how to take responsibility for your mistakes while learning from them. A song book about confusion. Travel with Jeremy, Jazzy, and the gang as they go on dazzling adventures to discover how to identify and cope with emotions in healthy ways. The Turtle and Guy story-song makes learning a blast every time! It can be read by itself or as a sing-along with the Jeremy and Jazzy show.In Turtle and Guy: Learn how feelings and emotions such as confusion feel Discover that everybody makes mistakes and how to handle them when you do Celebrate themes like community, mental health, self assurance, and music If you enjoy preschool books about emotions such as The Choices I Make, My Body Sends a Signal, or One Bee Too Many, you’ll love Turtle and Guy.
SAGE Publications Inc The On-Your-Feet Guide to Visible Learning: Assessment-Capable Teachers
All On-Your-Feet Guide orders receive FREE SHIPPING! Use code SHIPOYFG at check out. Developing learners who know where they are in their learning, where they’re going, and how to get there—in other words, learners who are assessment-capable—is one of the principal aims of Visible Learning. However, we cannot help students be assessment-capable learners if teachers are not assessment-capable themselves. Teachers create assessment-capable learners through various targeted "moves" designed to: Increase teacher clarity Use the right teaching strategies at the right time Provide effective feedback to learners Model effective learning strategies themselves On-Your-Feet Guides (OYFGs) provide you with the ultimate "cheat sheet" to implement effective change in your classroom while in the moment of teaching. Designed for accessibility, and providing step-by-step guidance, the OYFGs are written by experts who take research-based practices and make them doable for the busy teacher. Each On-Your-Feet Guide is laminated, 8.5"x11" tri-fold (6 pages), and 3-hole punched. Use the On-Your-Feet Guides When you know the "what" but need help with the "how" As a quick reference to support a practice you learned in a PD workshop or book To learn how to implement foundational practices When you want to help your students learn a specific strategy, routine, or approach, but aren’t sure how to do it yourself
SAGE Publications Inc How Feedback Works: A Playbook
With How Feedback Works: A Playbook, learn to create a culture of feedback in your classroom with the latest research on teaching, engagement, and assessment.
Meze Publishing Den Haag Cook Book: A celebration of the amazing food and drink on our doorstep.
Den Haag Cook Book is the latest in Meze Publishing’s `Get Stuck In’ series of regional cook books, celebrating the best of the city's food scene with over 25 recipes from a wide selection of local foodie businesses. It follows hot on the heels of The Amsterdam Cook Book, released in 2017, and includes some of the city's finest local restaurants, delis, gastro pubs, cafes and suppliers. The book includes recipes and a foreword from Michelin-star holder and owner of four Den Haag restaurants Marcel van der Kleijn, who features Calla's, Oogst, BIT Grill & Café and his latest enterprise, Restaurant Tapisco. Also featured are wine experts André Kerstens, family-run for almost 150 years, trendy Hawaiian sushi eatery Ohana Poké and Bites and Stories, a walking food tour showcasing Den Haag’s eclectic food scene. So whether your taste is fine dining or no nonsense, hearty food, there will be a dish for people of all cooking abilities and tastes.
Wolters Kluwer Health Kielhofner's Model of Human Occupation
Updated throughout with the latest research, Kielhofner’s Model of Human Occupation, 6th Edition, is the definitive resource on the theory and application of the most widely used model in occupational therapy today. A client-centered approach explores what motivates each individual, how they select occupations and establish everyday routines, and how environment influences occupational behavior. This revised 6th Edition reflects the current framework and incorporates the most up-to-date MOHO theory, research, and application practices to give users complete preparation for today’s client care challenges. NEW! Enhanced focus on geriatrics and pediatrics equips students with specific strategies for populations and conditions commonly managed through MOHO. NEW! Full-color presentation clarifies key insights and keeps content engaging. Authoritative coverage empowers students with proven, practical guidance on the complete spectrum of MOHO theory and application.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Diabetes Drug Notes
DIABETES DRUG NOTES Diabetes is becoming more common in both older and younger generations and in keeping with this escalation in cases, there are an ever increasing number of drugs and drug classes that are suitable to treat hyperglycaemia. In a unique blend of diabetes practice, clinical pharmacology, and cardiovascular medicine, Diabetes Drug Notes describes the principles of clinical pharmacology with regards to diabetes prescribing. Each drug class for the treatment of diabetes is covered in detail, along with the effect on the cardiovascular and renal systems caused by each drug. Building upon the success of their “Drug Notes” series for Practical Diabetes and their “Drugs for Diabetes” series in the British Journal of Cardiology, the team of experts focuses on the glycaemic management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with other effects of antidiabetic drugs covered as well. Diabetes Drug Notes also includes: Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the drugs for the glycaemic management of patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes Expert reflection on prescribing considerations for special groups, as well as common pitfalls in prescribing Detailed case histories to illustrate relevant information Summaries of recent guidelines related to diabetic intervention Diabetes Drug Notes is a user-friendly guide for a general diabetes medical, nursing, and pharmacology readership, as well as those who support them.
UEA Publishing Project Other Carnivals: New Stories From Brazil
Other Carnivals is published to coincide with Full Circle's FlipSide festivalof Brazilian and UK Literature, Music and Art at Snape in October 2013. Translated and edited by Ángel Gurría-Quintana this new collection of short stories by some of Brazil's finest authors features work by Milton Hatoum, Bernardo Carvalho, Tatiana Salem Levy, Cristovão Tezza, Andrea del Fuego, Beatriz Bracher, Marcelino Freire, João Anzanello Carrascoza, Ferréz, André Sant'Anna, Adriana Lisboa and Reinaldo Moraes.The twelve stories offer snapshots of Brazilian life, past and present, in all its teeming and vibrant complexity. With contributions by writers from all corners of the country, and ranging from well-established veterans to emerging literary stars, Other Carnivals: New Writing from Brazil is a heady mix of the comic, the tragic, the beautiful, the ugly and the surreal. Subverting the clichés about Brazil even as it finds kernels of truth within them, this is a book that will thrill readers already acquainted with the country's literature, and will make converts of those approaching it for the first time. Other Carnivals is proof, as if any were required, that one of Brazil's greatest natural resources is its wealth of talented storytellers.
Persephone Books Ltd The Home-Maker
SAGE Publications Inc On-Your-Feet Guide: This Is Shared Reading, Grades K-6
All On-Your-Feet Guide orders receive FREE SHIPPING! Use code SHIPOYFG at check out. In this easy-to-use but comprehensive guide to Shared Reading, teachers will learn what shared reading is, how to prepare before, during and after shared reading, and how to assess it. In this On-Your-Feet Guide, teachers will find: Lesson outline included with "What the teacher says/does and What the student does displayed side-by-side. An If-Then chart that helps teachers troubleshoot common problems. Student language frames for narrative and nonfiction text are included. Assessment advice and helpful hints On-Your-Feet Guides (OYFGs) provide you with the ultimate "cheat sheet" to implement effective change in your classroom while in the moment of teaching. Designed for accessibility, and providing step-by-step guidance, the OYFGs are written by experts who take research-based practices and make them doable for the busy teacher. Each On-Your-Feet Guide is laminated, 8.5"x11" tri-fold (6 pages), and 3-hole punched. Use the On-Your-Feet Guides When you know the "what" but need help with the "how" As a quick reference to support a practice you learned in a PD workshop or book To learn how to implement foundational practices When you want to help your students learn a specific strategy, routine, or approach, but aren’t sure how to do it yourself
SAGE Publications Inc How Scaffolding Works: A Playbook for Supporting and Releasing Responsibility to Students
Provide the perfect structure and support to develop student independence. Effective scaffolding leads to learner autonomy—but too many educators have been airlifting students to right answers, perpetuating a generation who don’t know how to learn. Yes, we know the sweet spot for learning involves giving our students the right blend of productive failure and productive success, but how to do it is cloaked in misconceptions. How Scaffolding Works unveils the essential moves and methods. Ten interactive modules help every K-12 educator structure support in new ways, including knowing how to: Gradually release responsibility to students through intentional and purposeful scaffolding Design lessons and experiences that attend to the affective, metacognitive, and cognitive aspects of learning Collect data before, during, and after learning, so we can place, move, and take away scaffolds with greater intention Promote independence with front-end scaffolds, distributed scaffolds, back-end scaffolds, peer scaffolds, and fading scaffolds Use a blend of demonstration, modeling, coaching, explaining, questioning and choice Promote purposeful practice—in which learners knows where they’re going and how to get there Perhaps we rush in to rescue learners because the world seems fraught; we want to help our students reach the safety of academic success. Our intentions are good, but it’s time to step back, gradually and purposefully, and let them pilot their own learning.
SAGE Publications Inc How Tutoring Works: Six Steps to Grow Motivation and Accelerate Student Learning
Build students’ confidence and competence with tutoring strategies that spark meaningful, accelerated learning. Tutoring is much more than telling students information. Effective tutoring begins with the strong and caring relationship a tutor establishes with a learner to build trust, fuel motivation, and drive critical learning. How Tutoring Works distills the complexity of strategic moves effective tutors make to build students’ confidence and competence. Harnessing decades of Visible Learning® research, this easy to read, eye-opening guide details the six essential components of any effective tutoring intervention—establishing a relationship and credibility, addressing student confidence and challenges, setting shared goals, helping a student learn how to learn, teaching and learning content, and establishing a habit of deliberate practice. Indispensable for any educator who intervenes with students, this rich resource includes: Examples of impactful tutoring conversations, including what to say and what not to say when building a relationship with a learner. Specific approaches to use when establishing credibility, addressing challenges to learning, leveraging the relevance of knowledge, setting goals, and ensuring practice. Learning strategies, with effect size, for teaching and learning content, including specific strategies for improving reading, writing, and mathematics. Tips and tools for helping students develop powerful cognitive, metacognitive, and affective study skills. Resources and advice for establishing an effective and transformational tutoring program. Done well, tutoring can repair a student’s damaged relationship to learning, address unrealized potential, and alter the course of a young person’s life. A strong and nurturing relationship between tutor and learner is key.
SAGE Publications Inc On-Your-Feet Guide: This Is Guided Reading, Grades K-2
All On-Your-Feet Guide orders receive FREE SHIPPING! Use code SHIPOYFG at check out. In this easy-to-use but comprehensive guide to Guided Reading, Grades K-2, teachers will learn what guided reading is in the primary grades is, how to prepare before, during and after guided reading, and how to assess it. This On-Your-Feet Guide includes: Lesson outline included with "What the teacher says/does and What the student does displayed side-by-side. An If-Then chart that helps teachers troubleshoot common problems. Student language frames for narrative and nonfiction text are included. Both the why and the how of assessing students included Numerous helpful hints On-Your-Feet Guides (OYFGs) provide you with the ultimate "cheat sheet" to implement effective change in your classroom while in the moment of teaching. Designed for accessibility, and providing step-by-step guidance, the OYFGs are written by experts who take research-based practices and make them doable for the busy teacher. Each On-Your-Feet Guide is laminated, 8.5"x11" tri-fold (6 pages), and 3-hole punched. Use the On-Your-Feet Guides When you know the "what" but need help with the "how" As a quick reference to support a practice you learned in a PD workshop or book To learn how to implement foundational practices When you want to help your students learn a specific strategy, routine, or approach, but aren’t sure how to do it yourself
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Implementing the Precautionary Principle: Perspectives and Prospects
This challenging book takes a broad and thought-provoking look at the precautionary principle and its implementation, or potential implementation, in a number of fields. In particular, it explores the challenges faced by public decision-making processes when applying the precautionary principle, including its role in risk management and risk assessment. Frameworks for improved decision-making are considered, followed by a detailed analysis of prospective applications of the precautionary principle in a number of emerging fields including: nanotechnology, climate change, natural resource management and public health policy. The analysis is both coherent and interdisciplinary, employing perspectives from law, the social sciences and public policy with a view to improving both the legitimacy and effectiveness of public policy at national and international levels.Bringing together authors from both policy making and academia and from a wide range of disciplines and jurisdictions, this book will be of interest to academic scholars interested in environmental policy, law and politics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Partnerships for Empowerment: Participatory Research for Community-based Natural Resource Management
Participatory research has emerged as an approach to producing knowledge that is sufficiently grounded in local needs and realities to support community-based natural resource management (CBNRM), and it is often touted as crucial to the sustainable management of forests and other natural resources. This book analyses the current state of the art of participatory research in CBNRM. Its chapters and case studies examine recent experiences in collaborative forest management, harvesting impacts on forest shrubs, watershed restoration in Native American communities, civic environmentalism in an urban neighborhood and other topics. Although the main geographic focus of the book is the United States, the issues raised are synthesized and discussed in the context of recent critiques of participatory research and CBNRM worldwide. The book's purpose is to provide insights and lessons for academics and practitioners involved in CBNRM in many contexts. The issues it covers will be relevant to participatory research and CBNRM practitioners and students the world over.
Princeton University Press Volcanoes: Crucibles of Change
Whenever a volcano threatens to erupt, scientists and adventurers from around the world flock to the site in response to the irresistible allure of one of nature's most dangerous and unpredictable phenomena. In a unique book probing the science and mystery of these fiery features, the authors chronicle not only their geologic behavior but also their profound effect on human life. From Mount Vesuvius to Mount St. Helens, the book covers the surprisingly large variety of volcanoes, the subtle to conspicuous signs preceding their eruptions, and their far-reaching atmospheric consequences. Here scientific facts take on a very human dimension, as the authors draw upon actual encounters with volcanoes, often through firsthand accounts of those who have witnessed eruptions and miraculously survived the aftermath. The book begins with a description of the lethal May 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens--complete with an explanation of how safety officials and scientists tried to predict events, and how unsuspecting campers and loggers miles away struggled against terrifying blasts of ash, stone, and heat. The story moves quickly to the ways volcanoes have enhanced our lives, creating mineral-rich land, clean thermal energy, and haunting landscapes that in turn benefit agriculture, recreation, mining, and commerce. Religion and psychology embroider the account, as the authors explore the impact of volcanoes on the human psyche through tales of the capricious volcano gods and attempts to appease them, ranging from simple homage to horrific ritual sacrifice. Volcanoes concludes by assisting readers in experiencing these geological phenomena for themselves. An unprecedented "tourist guide to volcanoes" outlines over forty sites throughout the world. Not only will travelers find information on where to go and how to get there, they will also learn what precautions to take at each volcano. Tourists, amateur naturalists, and armchair travelers alike will find their scientific curiosity whetted by this informative and entertaining book.
The American University in Cairo Press Ancient Nubia: African Kingdoms on the Nile
Gloriously illustrated and impressive in scope, this book represents a comprehensive overview of ancient Nubia. It opens with a thematic survey with contributors addressing topics such as the rediscovery of ancient Nubia and the development of archaeological work there, including the widespread destruction in the wake of the construction of the Aswan and Merowe dam, its physical geography, and historical outline. There follow chronological reviews of Nubia's art and architecture, chapters on cultural aspects such as religion, burial practices, texts, daily life, costume and pottery. The second half of the book consists of a gazetteer of sites, following the course of the Nile from North to South: descriptions of the archaeology are accompanied by plentiful plans and photos as well as notes on the history of their excavation.
Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed New York School of Interior Design Home
New York University Press Elie Wiesel: Between Memory and Hope
A deeply reflective work, written by a number of eminent scholars both Jewish and Christian who represent a variety of disciplines and perspectives, this book explores basic issues in Wiesel's work -the nature of God, madness, silence, horror, and hope. With essays by such authorities among others, as Robert McAfee Brown, Eugene J. Fisher, Hary James Cargas, Eva Fleuschner, and Irving Abrahamson, the bool reflects the inspitation of Wiesel's reconstructed belief in God, humanity, and the future. These eminent theologians, literary scholars, and philosophers show how Wiesel's thinking has changed over the past thirty years, and how it has remained the same.
Daylight Books Executive Order: Images of 1970s Corporate America
Executive Order is a trenchant look at corporate America, featuring portraits and office interiors shot during the 1970s in Los Angeles and the Mountain West. A daring critique of wealth and power, Ressler wields photography with humor and insight, and her work is especially relevant today. Susan Ressler is an internationally renowned photographer, author and educator. An NEA fellow, her work is in the Smithsonian American Art Museum and the Library Archives of Canada, among other important collections. Mark Rice is an award-winning author and the founding chair of the American Studies Department at St. John Fisher College near Rochester, New York.
Fordham University Press Roman Catholicism in the United States: A Thematic History
Roman Catholicism in the United States: A Thematic History takes the reader beyond the traditional ways scholars have viewed and recounted the story of the Catholic Church in America. The collection covers unfamiliar topics such as anti-Catholicism, rural Catholicism, Latino Catholics, and issues related to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Vatican and the U.S. government. The book continues with fascinating discussions on popular culture (film and literature), women religious, and the work of U.S. missionaries in other countries. The final section of the books is devoted to Catholic social teaching, tackling challenging and sometimes controversial subjects such as the relationship between African American Catholics and the Communist Party, Catholics in the civil rights movement, the abortion debate, issues of war and peace, and Vatican II and the American Catholic Church. Roman Catholicism in the United States examines the history of U.S. Catholicism from a variety of perspectives that transcend the familiar account of the immigrant, urban parish, which served as the focus for so many American Catholics during the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth centuries.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Moffet's Pediatric Infectious Diseases: A Problem-Oriented Approach
Staying true to the unique, problem-oriented approach of Dr. Hugh Moffet’s previous editions, the fifth edition of Moffet’s Pediatric Infectious Diseases walks the reader step by step through diagnosis and management using a signs and symptoms approach. This patient-oriented structure leads to a logical development of a differential diagnosis and evaluation and treatment plan, offering clear steps to confirm the diagnosis and provide appropriate therapy.Key Features: A patient-focused, problem-oriented approach helps you develop the thought process that leads to more accurate diagnoses and better patient care – no matter how complex the patient presentation. Greatly revised content throughout, including new medications, new names of known pathogens, new practice guidelines, and extensive revisions to chapters on urinary syndromes, hepatitis syndromes, and HIV infection and AIDS. Newly streamlined format features the most notable suggested readings, more boxes and tables, new clinical pearls, and new key points that summarize must-know information in each chapter. New two-color design and updated and expanded illustrations bring the text visually up to date and facilitate faster and easier mastery of the material. An experienced author team now includes Dr. Armando Correa, a pediatric infectious diseases physician who practices general pediatrics. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options offer the ability to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Faber & Faber Fisher's Face
Admiral of the Fleet Lord 'Jacky' Fisher (1841-1920) was one of the greatest naval reformers in history. He was also a colossal figure to contemporaries, both loved and loathed, a man of exceptional charm, presence and charisma. Since the late 1940s, Jan Morris has been haunted by his face - with its startling combination of 'the suave, the sneering and the self-amused.' This evocation is both biography and a love letter, a perfect expression of her passionate interest in mavericks and outsiders, in travel, ships and the glorious pageantry of the British Empire in its prime.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Collecting Classic Girls' Toys
This is the first British study of its kind which focuses on toys made for girls including the spin-off accessories. Susan Brewer explores the world of girls' toys, dividing the book into sections to encompass many kinds; dolls, houses, prams, cuddly toys, outdoor toys, traditional playthings and character toys such as Sylvanian Families, Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony, Flower Fairies. She includes brief biographies of some of the best known firms, amongst them Chad Valley, Hornby, Britain's, Pedigree and Fisher Price but the main focus is on the toys themselves, many of which readers will remember from their own childhood.
Little, Brown Book Group Getting Started at Fly Fishing for Trout
In this newly updated practical, easy-to-understand guide, Allan Sefton explains everything a new fly fisher needs to know.Suitable for all ages and abilities, and featuring step-by-step advice on fly casting, tackle and tactics, this is the perfect book for anyone who wants the technical terms and techniques explained simply and clearly.He covers modern fishing tackle, up-to-the-minute methods, how to develop the correct technical skills, right through to preparing and cooking the catch. He'll help you to understand why techniques work and how to avoid the pitfalls. Gain insight into the world of the trout and understand why they behave as they do.
Canelo Know No Evil
'This is a brilliant read… the story twists and turns to an exciting conclusion and leaves you wanting more’ Mac Reviews BooksOld crimes don’t stay buried forever…It’s high summer, and London sizzles in the grip of a heatwave. But when the body of young mother, Leanne Wyatt, is discovered in an East London park, the heat rises to boiling point for D.I. Matthew Denning. Under pressure to solve the case, and fast, he delves into Leanne’s history and finds that she was close to some dangerous individuals – could one of them have taken her life in an angry rage? But when another woman is found dead in similar circumstances, Denning is forced to consider that a killer stalks the capital’s streets.But when young, ambitious, D.S. Molly Fisher, discovers a horrifying link to these deaths and a killing spree in South London a decade ago – a terrifying summer where young women died at the hands of a psychopath the press dubbed ‘The Bermondsey Ripper’, the case is blown wide open. Anthony Ferguson is serving a life sentence for the crimes, so are these new deaths the result of a copycat killer - or did the police convict the wrong man? Whatever the case, Denning and Fisher need to stop a killer in his tracks – before he sets his sights on them. The launch of a gripping new crime thriller series featuring D.I. Matthew Denning and D.S Molly Fisher, Know No Evil will utterly engross fans of Ian Rankin, Angela Marsons and L.J. Ross.Praise for Know No Evil:‘Wow I really enjoyed this book… It is a complex, intriguing, grabbing book that you can sink your teeth into. I was hooked from beginning to end’ Reading Through the Pain ‘The solving of the crime had me gripped… we’re never sure what is a red herring until the riveting climax’ Cara Merrol Loves Books‘An excellent debut novel, I was drawn in from the start… the twists are clever and I genuinely didn’t guess the ending’ Alex J Book Reviews‘Enough twists to keep you guessing in this solid, engrossing and well-plotted police procedural… thoroughly entertaining’ The Bookwormery‘This story starts with a bang and holds your attention throughout… fast-paced and multi-layered, each twist and turn drawing us further in’ Book Bound
Workman Publishing The Catch of a Lifetime: Moments of Flyfishing Glory
A Gorgeously Illustrated Collection of First-Person Stories on the Sublime Joy of FlyfishingEvery fly fisher has one: that moment-that ineffable, transcendent moment-they can point to and say, That's it. That was when time seemed to stop and I felt fully alive. That's why I fish.Collected and framed by the award-winning writer Peter Kaminsky, The Catch of a Lifetime presents the moving first-person stories of more than seventy anglers recounting their catch of a lifetime. With its tales of brown trout in Montana and bluefish at Montauk Point, smallmouth in Minnesota's Boundary Waters and unforgettable adventures with giant taimen on the steppes of central Asia, bonefish in New Caledonia, white marlin in the Baja, and golden dorado in the tribal lands along the Amazon's headwaters, this gorgeously illustrated anthology is a transporting testament to the call that all anglers heed-to get out there and be one with the water. It distills perfectly the magic of the sport; you can't read it and not want to go fishing.The contributor list is a diverse who's who of writers, artists, sportspeople, and others who've made flyfishing a singular passion, including Carl Hiaasen, Joan Wulff, Tom Colicchio, Charles Gaines, Rachel Maddow, Mark Kurlansky, Brittany Howard, John McPhee, Verlyn Klinkenborg, and Jared Zissu. Their encounters, their memories, the words they use to describe, say, a forty-pound salmon leaping into the air or the sight of a great blue heron soaring down the creek to steal a catch make this the book of a lifetime for any fly fisher.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Road to Successful CRT Implantation: A Step-by-Step Approach
Cardiac resynchronization therapy is a new therapy for advanced heart failure patients. This therapy has been shown to improve quality of life, exercise capacity, NYHA classification, and even reverse the detrimental "reverse remodeling" that occurs in advanced heart failure - in patients already receiving optimal pharmacological therapy. The typical patient has NYHA III/IV HF symptoms, a QRS > 120 ms, LVEDD > 55 mm, without any indication required for pacing. The therapy is available in an ICD device, too. CRT has been shown to be effective in patients with both ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. The implant procedure is part of a learning curve. Many physicians who already perform electrophysiology procedures, or PPM, or ICD implants are the ideal implanter - but are surprised at the challenges this implant presents. This book will help "flatten" the learning curve for new physician implanting, and will provide a "guide' for those who have already started implanting. The success rate is about 90% - so after 10 years of application, we have found that there are still patients who do not get access to this great therapy because of the complexity of the patient's anatomy, or physician skills. The book is written by three authors with a great deal of experience culminating in over 3000 cases between them. This book is intended for cardiologists who currently implant either or both pacemakers and cardioverter defibrillators with cardiac resynchronization therapy (also called bi-ventricular pacing), or plan to implant in the future. This book will be extremely useful for the new cardiologist in training who is learning to implant devices.
Trinity University Press,U.S. West of the Creek: Murder, Mayhem and Vice in Old San Antonio
Thirty-five classic stories fill this book about San Antonio’s seamier side, from the days of the Old West when Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson came by, Rowdy Joe Lowe ran a saloon on Main Plaza and Butch Cassidy got away from Madame Fanny Porter’s in time to escape the fate of fellow train robber Deaf Charley, who found himself at the business end of a lawman’s six-shooter. A map of the 22-block red-light district west of San Pedro Creek shows more than 100 houses of ill repute, inhabitants listed.
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Small Gas Engines
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Small Gas Engines
Trinity University Press,U.S. The Ecopoetry Anthology
Definitive and daring, The Ecopoetry Anthology is the authoritative collection of contemporary American poetry about nature and the environment--in all its glory and challenge. From praise to lament, the work covers the range of human response to an increasingly complex and often disturbing natural world and inquires of our human place in a vastness beyond the human.To establish the antecedents of today's writing,The Ecopoetry Anthology presents a historical section that includes poetry written from roughly the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. Iconic American poets like Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are followed by more modern poets like Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, and even more recent foundational work by poets like Theodore Roethke, Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Hayden, and Muriel Rukeyser. With subtle discernment, the editors portray our country's rich heritage and dramatic range of writing about the natural world around us.
Harvard University Press Transformations in American Legal History: II: Law, Ideology, and Methods: Essays in Honor of Morton J. Horwitz
Over the course of his career at Harvard, Morton Horwitz changed the questions legal historians ask. The Transformation of American Law, 1780–1860 (1977) disclosed the many ways that judge-made law favored commercial and property interests and remade law to promote economic growth. The Transformation of American Law, 1870–1960 (1992) continued that project, with a focus on ideas that reshaped law as we struggled for objective and neutral legal responses to our country’s crises. In more recent years he has written extensively on the legal realists and the Warren Court.Following an earlier festschrift volume by his former students, this volume includes essays by Horwitz’s colleagues at Harvard and those from across the academy, as well as his students. These essays assess specific themes in Horwitz’s work, from the antebellum era to the Warren Court, from jurisprudence to the influence of economics on judicial doctrine. The essays are, like Horwitz, provocative and original as they continue his transformation of American legal history.
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group The Physiology of Taste
Oxford University Press Inc Strategy in 3D: Essential Tools to Diagnose, Decide, and Deliver
Strategy decision making and action used to be off limits to all but the select few at the very top of an organization. It was a largely cerebral activity focused on grand long-terms plans made at annual off-site retreats away from the daily challenges of the business. That is no longer the case. The current business environment does not wait for companies to slowly adjust in an annual meeting. The relentless pace of change renders today's long-term future tomorrow's history. Rapid innovations and ever-increasing complexities limit executives' ability to make decisions with perfect information. Does this mean strategy is no longer useful, or even feasible? No. Good strategists are needed now more than ever. But today's high-performing organizations think of strategy differently than in the past. These companies make strategy part of every manager's role; they strategize continuously and tackle strategic problems through individuals from all parts of the organization. Strategy in this new, fast-paced world is about diagnosing the diverse array of complex challenges confronting organizations, deciding on novel solutions to address those challenges, and delivering by taking action on those solutions. Including a novel organizational framework and never-before-published application examples, Strategy in 3D helps build these foundational skills and prepares the reader for success as a strategist in the 21st century.