Search results for ""author scott""
Duke University Press Gay Liberation after May '68
In Gay Liberation after May ’68, first published in France in 1974 and appearing here in English for the first time, Guy Hocquenghem details the rise of the militant gay liberation movement alongside the women’s movement and other revolutionary organizing. Writing after the apparent failure and eventual selling out of the revolutionary dream of May 1968, Hocquenghem situates his theories of homosexual desire in the realm of revolutionary practice, arguing that revolutionary movements must be rethought through ideas of desire and sexuality that undo stable gender and sexual identities. Throughout, he persists in a radical vision of the world framed through a queerness that can dismantle the oppressions of capitalism and empire, the family, institutions, and, ultimately, civilization. The articles, communiques, and manifestos that compose the book give an archival glimpse at the issues queer revolutionaries faced while also speaking to today’s radical queers as they look to transform their world.
Edinburgh University Press Mapping the Rockumentary: Images of Sound and Fury
Establishes the importance of the rockumentary in documentary studies and in popular music studies Transforms the study of rockumentaries, documentary studies and popular music studies Provides in-depth discussions of different sub-genres and forms Case studies include Long Strange Trip, Truth or Dare, Some Kind of Monster, Shut Up and Sing and I'm Not There Mapping the Rockumentary: Images of Sound and Fury is the first anthology to explore the rockumentary as a central component of both the documentary and world cinema. The book includes case studies of bands and performers such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, The Clash, Madonna and Metallica and performers from Asia, Europe and the Americas, making the case for rockumentaries as part of an established and ever-evolving cinematic tradition. With an international and transdisciplinary approach, and addressing rocumentaries in film, television and on the internet, the book explores the form's rich history from the 1950s to the present day and beyond.
Kogan Page Ltd A Marketer's Guide to Digital Advertising: Transparency, Metrics, and Money
How can individual marketers and their teams navigate the complex issues that seem to overwhelm the digital advertising industry today? They can learn about the metrics worth using, the importance of measurement and the technology available. With contradictory rules surrounding data privacy, measurement constraints, changes to supply chains and other complexities often too difficult to approach, the world of marketing is more complex than ever before. A Marketer's Guide to Digital Advertising helps marketers navigate the complicated world of digital advertising by diving into the metrics, money and technology fueling the marketing industry. Digital advertising consultants Shailin Dhar and Scott Thomson outline the forces shaping the current digital landscape and the common responses from advertisers trying to design their digital strategy. Walking readers through the common missteps made within digital advertising, they provide useful insight into measurement and thoughtful alternatives to practices often found lower on a company's priorities list. A Marketer's Guide to Digital Advertising offers ways to minimize waste and improve outcomes for brands and their business partners. The book illuminates the gap between in-house marketing teams, agency professionals and tech partners whilst helping readers make sense of the way money flows through the global ad industry.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Picnic Pigs
As Porky and Petunia settle in for a picnic in the park, nature crashes their party. Can Porky overcome the elements in time to get some cake and eat it too? Get ready to giggle with a hilarious Looney Tunes wordless graphic novel!
Capstone Global Library Ltd High-Rise Hijinks
When Tweety moves into Sylvester’s apartment building, the poor putty-tat finds himself put out. Can Sylvester slip past Tweety’s defences to return to his home-sweet-home? Get ready to giggle with a hilarious Looney Tunes wordless graphic novel!
John Wiley & Sons Inc OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer Practice Tests: Exam 1Z0-819 and Upgrade Exam 1Z0-817
NOTE: The OCP Java SE 11 Programmer I Exam 1Z0-815 and Programmer II Exam 1Z0-816 have been retired (as of October 1, 2020), and Oracle has released a new Developer Exam 1Z0-819 to replace the previous exams. The Upgrade Exam 1Z0-817 remains the same.Improve your preparation for the OCP Java SE 11 Developer exam with these comprehensive practice tests OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer Practice Tests: Exam 1Z0-819 and Upgrade Exam 1Z0-817 offers readers over 1000 practice questions to help them hone their skills for the challenging 1Z0-819 exam as well as the 1Z0-817 upgrade exam. Covering all the objective domains that help readers master the crucial subject areas covered by the exam, OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer Practice Tests provides domain-by-domain questions as well as additional bonus practice exams to further solidify the reader’s mastery of its subjects. This book covers topics like: Understanding Java Technology and Environment Working with Java Operators, Primitives, and Strings Creating Methods and Lambda Expressions Designing Classes, Interfaces, Enums, and Annotations Writing Functional Interfaces and Streams Building Modules and Migrating Applications to Modules Applying I/O, NIO.2, JDBC, Threads, and Concurrency Secure Coding in Java SE Application And much more Perfect for anyone studying for the OCP Java SE 11 Developer and Upgrade exams, as well as all those who wish to brush up on their Java programming skills, OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer Practice Tests: Exam 1Z0-819 and Upgade Exam 1Z0-817 is an indispensable resource that has a place on the bookshelf of every Java enthusiast, professional, and student.
John Wiley & Sons Inc UnMarketing: Everything Has Changed and Nothing is Different
UnMarket to build trust and make lifelong customers! In 2009, Scott Stratten and Alison Stratten wrote the bestselling UnMarketing: Stop Marketing, Start Engaging and began a journey that would take them around the world sharing their message of engagement with corporations, entrepreneurs, and students.They are now back with this second edition, because Everything has Changed and Nothing is Different, with all the brilliance of the first edition, plus new content and commentary to reflect the rapidly changing landscape we all live, buy, and work in today. For generations, marketing has been hypocritical. We've been taught to market to others in ways we hate being marketed to (cold-calling, flyers, ads, etc.). So why do we still keep trying the same stale marketing moves? UnMarketing shows you how to unlearn the old ways and consistently attract and engage the right customers. You'll stop just pushing out your message and praying that it sticks somewhere. Potential and current customers want to be listened to, validated, and have a platform to be heard-especially online. With UnMarketing, you'll create a relationship with your customers, and make yourself the logical choice for their needs. We know you've been told to act like other people, talk like other people, and market like all the people, but it is time for you to unlearn everything and start to UnMarket yourself. UnMarketing includes the latest information on: Idea Creation, Viral Marketing and Video, Marketing to Millennials, Authenticity, Transparency and Immediacy, Ethics and Affiliates, Social Media Platforming, UnPodcasting, Word of Mouth, Customer Service, Consumer Advocacy and Leadership. With examples of what to do, and what not to do, from small business right up to worldwide corporations in areas such as real estate, travel, service, retail, and B2B.
John Wiley & Sons Inc OCA: Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-808
Full coverage of functional programming and all OCA Java Programmer exam objectives OCA, Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I Study Guide, Exam 1Z0-808 is a comprehensive study guide for those taking the Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I exam (1Z0-808). With complete coverage of 100% of the exam objectives, this book provides everything you need to know to confidently take the exam. The release of Java 8 brought the language's biggest changes to date, and for the first time, candidates are required to learn functional programming to pass the exam. This study guide has you covered, with thorough functional programming explanation and information on all key topic areas Java programmers need to know. You'll cover Java inside and out, and learn how to apply it efficiently and effectively to create solutions applicable to real-world scenarios. Work confidently with operators, conditionals, and loops Understand object-oriented design principles and patterns Master functional programming fundamentals
John Wiley & Sons Inc Intelligent M & A: Navigating the Mergers and Acquisitions Minefield
Almost 70% of mergers fail, yet deals are essential for growing world-class companies. Therefore they must use all the tools and techniques at their disposal to improve their chances of success. Applying the techniques advocated in this book can help managers beat the odds - and employees themselves - to have an impact on whether a deal will be successful both for the company and for themselves. This book looks at the process of a merger or acquisition and pinpoints the areas where business intelligence can raise the odds of success in each phase of the deal. Using techniques developed by governmental intelligence services and a wide range of recent case studies, quotations and anecdotes, the expert authors from the renowned Cass Business School show how to build success into any M&A situation. The first edition of Intelligent M&A was written in 2006 and published in 2007. This preceded the peak year (2007) of the last merger wave, including the excesses in a number of industries and deals (e.g., financial services with RBS’ dramatically failed acquisition of ABN AMRO as a key example), and the global economic downturn that led to a completely new way of operating for many industries and companies. Therefore, there is a need to update the book to incorporate not just more relevant and up-to-date case studies of deals but to show the ‘new’ way of operating in a post-Lehman environment. Chapters will be comprehensively re-written and populated with new and relevant case studies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design
Methods for managing complex software construction following the practices, principles and patterns of Domain-Driven Design with code examples in C# This book presents the philosophy of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in a down-to-earth and practical manner for experienced developers building applications for complex domains. A focus is placed on the principles and practices of decomposing a complex problem space as well as the implementation patterns and best practices for shaping a maintainable solution space. You will learn how to build effective domain models through the use of tactical patterns and how to retain their integrity by applying the strategic patterns of DDD. Full end-to-end coding examples demonstrate techniques for integrating a decomposed and distributed solution space while coding best practices and patterns advise you on how to architect applications for maintenance and scale. Offers a thorough introduction to the philosophy of DDD for professional developers Includes masses of code and examples of concept in action that other books have only covered theoretically Covers the patterns of CQRS, Messaging, REST, Event Sourcing and Event-Driven Architectures Also ideal for Java developers who want to better understand the implementation of DDD
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The United States: A Brief Narrative History
This third edition of The United States: A Brief Narrative History remains a basic, readable, and highly affordable core text for the introductory survey of United States history. While not intended as the only resource for students enrolled in such courses, it remains the most concise U.S. survey on the market—its length, approach, and price encouraging the use of supplementary readings, novels, research projects, and primary documents (many of which are available on the Internet) all for a price that falls well below the list price of a traditional survey text. In addition to taking the engaging narrative all the way up through the second decade of the twenty-first century, the new edition features new maps. Loyal users will appreciate that fact that the book retains its cultural literacy approach, its lively narrative style, and highly effective highlighting of the names, terms, and concepts common to an educated person’s understanding of American history. Finally, its appendices comprise a useful, annotated text of The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and a list of U.S. Presidents.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Spell Crafts
When you concoct magical simmering pot-pourris, bead a psychic mandala or fashion a magical spell broom, the connection between the craftsperson and divinity grows more intense. This guide to magical craft demonstrates how to make your own powerful tools for self-transformation, from shaman's arrows, Corn Mothers and flower garlands, to magic mirrors and protective hex signs. This new edition features a new preface by David Harrington and new illustrations.
Fordham University Press Material Phenomenology
This book is Michel Henry’s most sustained investigation of Husserlian phenomenology. With painstaking detail and precision, Henry reveals the decisive methodological assumptions that led Husserlian phenomenology in the direction of Idealism. Returning to the materiality of life, Henry’s material phenomenology situates central phenomenological themes—intentionality, temporality, embodiment, and intersubjectivity—within the full concreteness of life. One of the most accessible of Henry’s books, Material Phenomenology is essential reading for those interested in the future of phenomenology or in a philosophy of life in the truest sense.
Citadel Press Inc.,U.S. The Watchmakers: A Powerful WW2 Story of Brotherhood, Survival, and Hope Amid the Holocaust
Cornell University Press Aquinas's Moral Theory: Essays in Honor of Norman Kretzmann
Aquinas's discussions of moral issues are extensive, and range well beyond the narrowly defined set of issues in the modern tradition of moral philosophy. This volume explores the ethical dimensions of a wide selection of philosophical and theological topics in Aquinas's texts. It covers topics central to ethics, such as happiness, moral virtue, and natural law, as well as related topics pertaining to the metaphysical basis of Aquinas's account of goodness, the ramifications of his ethical concerns for his philosophy of language, and the significance of his philosophical psychology for his ethics.The volume is divided into three sections focusing, respectively, on issues concerning moral theory and moral theology, moral psychology and practical reason, and moral theory in philosophy of language and metaphysics. The authors—distinguished scholars of medieval philosophy—bring to these issues a variety of approaches and viewpoints. By creatively sampling the breadth of Aquinas's reflections on ethical issues and exploring some of the significant connections that tie his moral thought to other parts of his philosophical and theological system, they display the richness and depth of Aquinas's moral thinking. Contributors: Jan A. Aertsen, Thomas-Institut, Cologne; E. Jennifer Ashworth, University of Waterloo; John Boler, University of Washington; Mark D. Jordan, Emory University; Anthony Kenny, Oxford University; Peter King, University of Toronto; Scott MacDonald, Cornell University; Gareth B. Matthews, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Paul Vincent Spade, Indiana University; Eleonore Stump, Saint Louis University
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Global Culture Industry: The Mediation of Things
In the first half of the twentieth century, Theodor Adorno wrote about the 'culture industry'. For Adorno, culture too along with the products of factory labour was increasingly becoming a commodity. Now, in what they call the 'global culture industry', Scott Lash and Celia Lury argue that Adorno's worst nightmares have come true. Their new book tells the compelling story of how material objects such as watches and sportswear have become powerful cultural symbols, and how the production of symbols, in the form of globally recognized brands, has now become a central goal of capitalism. Global Culture Industry provides an empirically and theoretically rich examination of the ways in which these objects - from Nike shoes to Toy Story, from global football to conceptual art - metamorphose and move across national borders. This book is set to become a dialectic of enlightenment for the age of globalization. It will be essential reading for students and scholars across the social sciences.
Hachette Books The Carpal Tunnel Helpbook
There are more than 500,000 carpal tunnel surgeries done annually in the United States but approximately 30 percent of these patients will be no better as a result. The truth is, most physicians are too quick to consider surgery as the first line of defence against carpal tunnel and other repetitive-strain injuries. In this comprehensive guide to recognizing and treating these debilitating conditions, Dr. Scott Fried takes a strong position against surgery and offers self-healing alternatives that have better results. From understanding the signs and symptoms at an early stage to modifying work and lifestyle from proven alternative therapies and helpful medications to nutrition and exercise, The Carpal Tunnel Helpbook provides authoritative advice and practical, up-to-date information to spare many patients the ordeal of surgery to treat their injuries.
Princeton University Press The Warbler Guide
Warblers are among the most challenging birds to identify. They exhibit an array of seasonal plumages and have distinctive yet oft-confused calls and songs. The Warbler Guide enables you to quickly identify any of the 56 species of warblers in the United States and Canada. This groundbreaking guide features more than 1,000 stunning color photos, extensive species accounts with multiple viewing angles, and an entirely new system of vocalization analysis that helps you distinguish songs and calls. The Warbler Guide revolutionizes birdwatching, making warbler identification easier than ever before. For more information, please see the author videos on the Princeton University Press website. * Covers all 56 species of warblers in the United States and Canada* Visual quick finders help you identify warblers from any angle* Song and call finders make identification easy using a few simple questions* Uses sonograms to teach a new system of song identification that makes it easier to understand and hear differences between similar species* Detailed species accounts show multiple views with diagnostic points, direct comparisons of plumage and vocalizations with similar species, and complete aging and sexing descriptions* New aids to identification include song mnemonics and icons for undertail pattern, color impression, habitat, and behavior* Includes field exercises, flight shots, general identification strategies, and quizzes* A complete, page-by-page audio companion to all of the 1,000-plus songs and calls covered by the book is available for purchase and download from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Macaulay Library by using the link at
Faber & Faber The MEATliquor Chronicles: Chapter and Verse
Bull-free recipes, from the Backyard Burger to Turbo Prawn Cocktail? Yes.Sobriety-baiting cocktails, like the New Cross Negroni and Corpse Reviver No. 69? Check.Guest recipes from a host of like-minded chefs and restaurants, including Bone Daddies and Gizzi Erskine? Indeed.Tales of drunkenness, excess and abject humiliation at the hands of megaphone-touting barmaids in bikini tops? Got it.Disquisitions on subjects as diverse as the etiquette of queuing and the benefits of beer cans over bottles, especially for dolphins? Naturally.A running treatise on aesthetics by Man Booker Prize-winning author DBC Pierre allied to the history of MEATliquor, from Peckham car park to Britain's best meat and liquor restaurants? But of course!A total and absolute disregard for the conventions of cookery-book writing? Do you really need to ask?
University of California Press Imperial Benevolence: U.S. Foreign Policy and American Popular Culture since 9/11
This is a necessary and urgent read for anyone concerned about the United States' endless wars. Investigating multiple genres of popular culture alongside contemporary U.S. foreign policy and political economy, Imperial Benevolence shows that American popular culture continuously suppresses awareness of U.S. imperialism while assuming American exceptionalism and innocence. This is despite the fact that it is rarely a product of the state. Expertly coordinated essays by prominent historians and media scholars address the ways that movies and television series such as Zero Dark Thirty, The Avengers, and even The Walking Dead, as well as video games such as Call of Duty: Black Ops, have largely presented the United States as a global force for good. Popular culture, with few exceptions, has depicted the U.S. as a reluctant hegemon fiercely defending human rights and protecting or expanding democracy from the barbarians determined to destroy it.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Economic Justice, Labor and Community Practice
Facing economic upheaval and growing inequality, people in local communities are fighting for economic justice. Coalitions from labor, grassroots community organizations, the faith community, immigrant communities and other progressive forces are emerging across the U.S. and Canada and winning better jobs, benefits from local development and better working conditions. A multi-disciplinary group of scholars and activists provide background and analysis of these struggles and offer insights into successful community practice.From the vantage points of community organizing, labor studies, political science, urban studies, social policy and active practitioners, this volume presents both background on the problem of economic and social inequality and portrays cases of how community practice is being redefined, how unions are pursuing their goals via labor-community coalitions, and the issues confronted as these new and vital alliances form. Community practitioners from social work, urban planning, active union members and leaders, labor educators, and those in the partnerships they have formed all will find useful insights from these analyses.This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Community Practice.
Yale University Press Owens, Laura
A richly illustrated, expansive mid-career survey of the stand-out American artist’s pioneering and influential work Published to coincide with a major exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art that travels to Dallas and Los Angeles, this book on the work of Laura Owens (b. 1970) features an incisive introduction by Scott Rothkopf, critical essays, literary texts, and short commentaries on a variety of subjects related to the artist’s broad interests, which range from folk art and needlework to comics and wallpaper. Reflections by more than twenty of Owens’s fellow artists, collaborators, assistants, dealers, family members, and friends offer an array of perspectives on her work at different periods in her life, beginning with her high school years in Ohio and ending with her current exhibition. A rich trove of more than a thousand images, drawn from the artist’s personal archive and largely unpublished before now, includes personal correspondence, journals, academic transcripts, handwritten notes, source material, exhibition announcements, clippings, and installation photographs. Together, all of these elements provide a rare and intimate look at how an artist might make her way in the world as well as how art gets made, movements take hold, and relationships evolve over time. Each book includes a specially designed set of stickers that readers can use to customize their own cover.Distributed for the Whitney Museum of American ArtExhibition Schedule:Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (11/10/17–02/04/18)Dallas Art Museum (03/25/18–07/29/18)The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (11/01/18–03/01/19)Dallas Museum of Art (03/25/18–07/29/18)The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (11/04/18–03/25/19)
Indiana University Press Wildflowers of the Indiana Dunes National Park
Indiana Dunes, located on the picturesque coast of Lake Michigan, is one of the most biologically diverse parks in the US national park system. Keen hikers can spot white mayapple blooms, orange-fringed orchids, pink lady slippers, and more.Wildflowers of the Indiana Dunes National Park offers visitors a unique handbook highlighting over 160 of the common and exceptional wildflowers found along the trails of Indiana Dunes National Park and the surrounding area. This accessible field guide bypasses the dry nature of many wildflower guides. In addition to the usual scientific species names, descriptions, and bloom periods, Nathanael Pilla and Scott Namestnik offer deeper narratives—folklore surrounding the flowers, look-alikes, animals associated with the plants—that will be remembered much more easily than the length of a petal.Illustrated with over 350 color photographs, Wildflowers of the Indiana Dunes National Park will be an asset to the casual hiker of Indiana Dunes National Park, a useful tool to the experienced botanist, and a delight to anyone interested in wildflowers.
Columbia University Press Cinephilia in the Age of Digital Reproduction: Film, Pleasure, and Digital Culture, Volume 2
Much has shifted since the emergence of the first volume of Cinephilia in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Many of the postmillennial innovations in digital cinema and digital culture which prompted its publication have today become commonplace to the point of invisibility. This development ironically evokes memories of the classic Hollywood continuity system, a structure designed to close off space for the discussion of politics, identity or history. Thus, the original contributions in this new volume seek to illuminate those larger historical and global contexts which the emergence of digital cinema highlights in the process of its erasure. Chapters cover everything from digital spectacles of the US Civil Rights movement to the cinephiliac politics of Wong Kar-Wai, from the transnational cinephilia of Bernardo Bertolucci and Adrian Lyne to the cultural politics of race and media transition in Michel Gondry's Be Kind Rewind. Also included are sustained discussions of what the digital age will mean in the long term for the critical and academic study of film. Contributors include Chris Cagle, David Church, Susan Felleman, Kristi McKim, Adrian Martin, James Morrison, Ted Pigeon, Catherine Russell, Greg Singh and Steve Spence.
Columbia University Press Cinephilia in the Age of Digital Reproduction: Film, Pleasure, and Digital Culture, Volume 2
Much has shifted since the emergence of the first volume of Cinephilia in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Many of the postmillennial innovations in digital cinema and digital culture which prompted its publication have today become commonplace to the point of invisibility. This development ironically evokes memories of the classic Hollywood continuity system, a structure designed to close off space for the discussion of politics, identity or history. Thus, the original contributions in this new volume seek to illuminate those larger historical and global contexts which the emergence of digital cinema highlights in the process of its erasure. Chapters cover everything from digital spectacles of the US Civil Rights movement to the cinephiliac politics of Wong Kar-Wai, from the transnational cinephilia of Bernardo Bertolucci and Adrian Lyne to the cultural politics of race and media transition in Michel Gondry's Be Kind Rewind. Also included are sustained discussions of what the digital age will mean in the long term for the critical and academic study of film. Contributors include Chris Cagle, David Church, Susan Felleman, Kristi McKim, Adrian Martin, James Morrison, Ted Pigeon, Catherine Russell, Greg Singh and Steve Spence.
The University of Chicago Press Education in a New Society: Renewing the Sociology of Education
In recent decades, sociology of education has been dominated by quantitative analyses of race, class, and gender gaps in educational achievement. And while there's no question that such work is important, it leaves a lot of other fruitful areas of inquiry unstudied. This book takes that problem seriously, considering the way the field has developed since the 1960s and arguing powerfully for its renewal. The sociology of education, the contributors show, largely works with themes, concepts, and theories that were generated decades ago, even as both the actual world of education and the discipline of sociology have changed considerably. The moment has come, they argue, to break free of the past and begin asking new questions and developing new programs of empirical study. Both rallying cry and road map, Education in a New Society will galvanize the field.
The University of Chicago Press Code of the Suburb: Inside the World of Young Middle-Class Drug Dealers
When we think about young people dealing drugs, we tend to picture it happening on urban streets, in disadvantaged, crime-ridden neighborhoods. But drugs are used everywhere - even in upscale suburbs and top-tier high schools - and teenage users in the suburbs tend to buy drugs from their peers, dealers who have their own culture and code, distinct from their urban counterparts. In Code of the Suburb, Scott Jacques and Richard Wright offer a fascinating ethnography of the culture of suburban drug dealers. Drawing on fieldwork among teens in a wealthy suburb of Atlanta, they carefully parse the complicated code that governs relationships among buyers, sellers, police, and other suburbanites. That code differs from the one followed by urban drug dealers in one crucial respect: whereas urban drug dealers see violent vengeance as crucial to status and security, the opposite is true for their suburban counterparts. As Jacques and Wright show, suburban drug dealers accord status to deliberate avoidance of conflict, which helps keep their drug markets more peaceful - and, consequently, less likely to be noticed by law enforcement. Offering new insight into both the little-studied area of suburban drug dealing, and, by extension, the more familiar urban variety, Code of the Suburb will be of interest to scholars and policy makers alike.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Just Getting Started
At ninety, musician and singer Tony Bennett is as vibrant and productive as ever. In addition to his prodigious musical output, including albums, concerts, and personal appearances, this beloved and enduring artist has written his second book. In 2012's Life Is a Gift, Tony reflected on the lessons he has learned over the years. Now, in Just Getting Started, he pays homage to the remarkable people who inspired those lessons. In his warm and inviting voice, Tony talks about who and what have enriched his own life, including Charlie Chaplin, Judy Garland, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Cole Porter, Amy Winehouse, Fred Astaire, Lady Gaga, members of his family, significant places, and more. Just Getting Started chronicles the relationship Tony has enjoyed with each one of these legends, entertainers, humanitarians, and loved ones, and reveals how the lessons and values they imparted have invaluably shaped his life. As enchanting and unforgettable as his music, Just Getting Started is a beautiful compilation of reflections every Bennett fan will treasure, and a perfect introduction for those just getting to know this remarkable star and humanitarian.
Human Kinetics Publishers Swimming: Steps to Success
Be confident in the pool or open water with Swimming: Steps to Success. This proven program will help you master these techniques: • Freestyle • Backstroke • Breaststroke • Butterfly • Starts and Turns • Open Water • Survival Swimming Step-by-step instruction and color photos show basic arm and leg movements along with proper body position for each skill. Drills reinforce the instruction and help you practice each stroke. There’s even a scoring system for gauging success and determining readiness to advance to new skills. Whether you’re instructing, learning to swim, or looking to improve your aquatic skills, Swimming: Steps to Success will let you develop at your own pace. Part of the highly successful Steps to Success Sport Series with more than 2.5 million copies sold, it’s your guide to in-water excellence.
Rizzoli International Publications The Art of Outdoor Living: Gardens for Entertaining Family and Friends
Pools made private by lush plantings, bedrooms open to the back yard, bar seating by the outdoor oven. California native and exterior architect Scott Shrader is known for creating covetable outdoor rooms for clients including Ellen DeGeneres and Patrick Dempsey. In his first book, he shares the grounds of twelve beautiful properties, all designed to be lived in and enjoyed as extensions of the homes they surround, rich with creature comforts. Shrader shows us how to connect the landscape outside with interior decor; resulting in an exterior environment that flows naturally, stylishly and serenely from this core. He also inspires us to think of the way these outdoor spaces will be used, and plan ahead for ways to keep our family and guests fed, warm, and entertained in them. Folded in between the featured gardens which range in style from Hollywood Regency to Modern Moroccan are meditative essays on topics including Sustainability, Lifestyle, and Pathways, as Shrader reflects on the ways that gardens change constantly in small ways, shifting mood with the light and the weather, transforming dramatically with the cycle of the seasons and the passage of years. These are modern, chic gardens and outdoor entertainment spaces specifically designed for cooking, entertaining, playing, and relaxing.
American Library Association Student-Created Media: Designing Research, Learning, and Skill-Building Experiences
This book will guide librarians, learning technologists, and their faculty partners in designing assignments for authentic learning and supporting students in multimedia production.Reinforcing the ACRL Framework’s calls for information creation in a range of formats, a 2020 LinkedIn survey rated “video production” as a top 10 skill sought by employers. Your library has an opportunity to partner with faculty to foster student-created media, which can be the perfect showcase for students’ ideas, research, subject knowledge, and media literacy skill set development.
Vajra Publications The Ambassador's Dog
Georgetown University Press Russian Cyber Operations: Coding the Boundaries of Conflict
Russia has deployed cyber operations to interfere in foreign elections, launch disinformation campaigns, and cripple neighboring states—all while maintaining a thin veneer of deniability and avoiding strikes that cross the line into acts of war. How should a targeted nation respond? In Russian Cyber Operations, Scott Jasper dives into the legal and technical maneuvers of Russian cyber strategies, proposing that nations develop solutions for resilience to withstand future attacks. Jasper examines the place of cyber operations within Russia’s asymmetric arsenal and its use of hybrid and information warfare, considering examples from French and US presidential elections and the 2017 NotPetya mock ransomware attack, among others. A new preface to the paperback edition puts events since 2020 into context. Jasper shows that the international effort to counter these operations through sanctions and indictments has done little to alter Moscow’s behavior. Jasper instead proposes that nations use data correlation technologies in an integrated security platform to establish a more resilient defense. Russian Cyber Operations provides a critical framework for determining whether Russian cyber campaigns and incidents rise to the level of armed conflict or operate at a lower level as a component of competition. Jasper’s work offers the national security community a robust plan of action critical to effectively mounting a durable defense against Russian cyber campaigns.
Nova Science Publishers Inc American Indian & Alaska Native Students: Education Assessments
Nova Science Publishers Inc Job Leave Benefits: Types, Policies & Laws in the U.S.
Aperture Seeing Science: How Photography Reveals the Universe
Seeing Science offers an insightful and reader-friendly collection of essays and pictures about photography’s role in visualizing science and building human knowledge—from micro to macro levels and everything in between. Photography and science have long been intertwined, helping to shape the way we look at the world. Scientists use photography as a way to gather information, explore, and learn, but just as important, photography is also used to promote scientific advances and has long served as an interface between the sciences and the public. Our understanding of outer space depends on images sent to Earth from the Hubble Space Telescope, just as our understanding of our own bodies depends on X-rays. Images make visible what lies beyond human perception. Science is less an edifice of facts than a process of discovery and inquiry. In this way, it is not dissimilar to art; artists have engaged with some of the same scientific principles, using photography to imagine the world differently and present us with new experiences and ways of seeing. This volume presents both perspectives exploring how science is made perceptible, featuring over three hundred images and sixty short texts. Together they engage readers in a timely exploration of the extent to which our knowledge is formed and transformed through our interactions with photographic imagery.
Hachette Children's Group The Kids' Guide: Understanding Autism
This book is for children wanting to find out more about autism. Having Autism is a 'way of being' which influences thinking, feeling and reactions to people and situations. It is a lifelong condition which affects girls and boys. A lot of people with autism say the struggle with communication skills and they find interacting with the world very confusing and difficult. Being autistic is made up of lots of different aspects - some will feel like strengths and some will feel difficult and hard to live with. These will be explored throughout the book. Content covered includes: what is autism?, anxiety, plans and changes, senses, routines and repetitive behaviour, sensory overload, friendships, teachers and school, masking, dream worlds and escaping, talents and interests.Other titles in The Kids' Guide series:Anti-BullyingAnti-RacismDealing with AnxietyDealing with DivorceDealing with Death
Orion Publishing Co On Tour
'There is me trailing home 131st and, for all I know, I might be a top 50 rider if we all started on a level playing field . . . Bollocks to you all. You are a bunch of cheating bastards. At least I can look myself in the mirror.'Bradley Wiggins contemplates Floyd Landis testing positive for testosterone in the 2006 Tour de France.This 2010 account was an instant book published in the autumn following the Tour. Part day-by-day diary, it includes wider, deeper reflections on the history of the Tour, its famous figures and what they mean to him and is also illustrated with Scott Mitchell's atmospheric, black and white photography. The Tour was featured in Wiggins's 2008 autobiography, In Pursuit of Glory, but really only in the light of a scandal he was caught up in at the time. The emphasis of his previous memoir was very much on his childhood, his father and track cycling at the Olympics; here, Wiggins' new found love of road racing, and its pinnacle, the Tour de France, take centre stage, particularly the gruelling 2010 race, which although played out somewhat in the shadow of his high finish in 2009, was nevertheless an exemplary exercise in true grit and fighting spirit against the odds.
Design Studio Press How to Draw: Drawing and Sketching Objects and Environments from Your Imagination
The Good Book Company The Littlest Watchman: Watching and Waiting for the Very First Christmas
DC Comics Absolute Batman: The Court of Owls: 2023 Edition
The best-selling epic that introduced Gotham City s dread Court of Owls is back in stunning Absolute format! After a series of brutal murders rocks Gotham City, Batman begins to realize that perhaps these crimes go far deeper than appearances suggest. As the Caped Crusader begins to unravel this deadly mystery, he discovers a conspiracy going back to his youth and beyond to the origins of the city he's sworn to protect. Could the Court of Owls, once thought to be nothing more than an urban legend, be behind the crime and corruption? Or is Bruce Wayne losing his grip on sanity and falling prey to the pressures of his war on crime?
DC Comics The Flash by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 3
Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver, the writer/artist team behind the blockbuster Green Lantern: Rebirth and The Sinestro Corps War, brought Barry Allen back after his death in Crisis On Infinite Earths in an explosive, jaw-dropping epic that reintroduces the modern age Flash. The Fastest Man came speeding back and his breakneck pace never slowed down with all-new unforgettable adventures. This collection features the epics stories that followed his return that no fan of the Scarlet Speedster should miss out on reading including Flashpoint where Barry Allen wakes up to a world that is not his own. A place where his mother was never killed and the Flash never existed. The history of Barry s life is not as he remembers it, and the people he cares about most are now strangers, vanished, or worse. This altered universe is on the brink of a cataclysmic war. No human has ever wielded the Green Lantern s light, and no one has ever heard of Superman. Batman has as much blood on his hands as his enemies do, and America s last hope is Cyborg. Powerless and alone, Barry Allen desperately tries to hold on to his memories of the reality that once was. If there is any hope of setting things right, he must convince this world s strange, dangerous heroes to help him fix what was broken. Includes: Final Crisis: Rogue s Revenge #1-3; The Flash: Rebirth #1-6; Flash #1-12; Blackest Night: The Flash #1-3; The Flash: Rebirth #1; Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #1; The Flash Secret Files and Origins 2010 #1; Flashpoint #1-5.
DC Comics The Batman Who Laughs
A Batman who laughs is a Batman who always wins. He unleashed the Dark Multiverse in the epic series Dark Nights: Metal. Now superstar writer Scott Snyder reunites with acclaimed artist Jock (Batman: Black Mirror) to set that evil alternate reality s deadliest denizen loose in Gotham City and the original Dark Knight will never be the same! Half Batman. Half Joker. Combining everything that makes the Caped Crusader a hero and the Clown Prince a killer, the Batman Who Laughs is the Dark Multiverse s deadliest criminal mastermind. Now he s come to Gotham to turn Bruce Wayne s home into an incubator for evil. And he hasn t come alone. Emerging from another of the Dark Multiverse s myriad realities comes the Grim Knight. This vicious vigilante will use any weapon at his disposal to ensure those he has marked for death stay down. A war like no other a war of the Batmen has begun. As Batman s closest friends, deadliest enemies, and doppelgangers from across the Multiverse get caught in the crossfire, only one question remains: Who will have the last laugh? Discover the answer in The Batman Who Laughs a terrifying reimagining of one of comics greatest heroes and villains from the premier Batman writer of our time! Collects the full seven-issue miniseries and the one-shot special issue The Batman Who Laughs: The Grim Knight.
McGraw-Hill Education CompTIA Network+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Eighth Edition (Exam N10-008)
This up-to-date Mike Meyers exam guide delivers complete coverage of every topic on the N10-008 version of the CompTIA Network+ Certification examTake the latest version of the CompTIA Network+ Certification exam with complete confidence using the hands-on information contained in this fully updated self-study system. You will get clear instruction and real-world examples from training expert and bestselling author Mike Meyers along with hundreds of accurate practice questions.CompTIA Network+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Eighth Edition (Exam N10-008) features a sample of interactive hands-on labs and simulations and video training from Mike Meyers. A valuable pre-assessment test enables you to gauge your familiarity with the test’s objectives and tailor an effective course for study. Fulfilling the promise of the All-in-One series, this comprehensive reference serves both as a study tool and a valuable on-the-job reference that will serve you well beyond the exam.• 100% coverage of every objective for the CompTIA Network+ Certification exam• Written by CompTIA training and certification guru Mike Meyers• Online content includes 100 practice questions in the Total Tester exam engine, 22 interactive labs and simulations, more than an hour of training videos selected from Mike’s full video training course, and a collection of Mike’s favorite freeware and shareware utilities