Search results for ""author jean""
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Kant, l'Annee 1798: Sur l'Anthropologie
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Democrite: Grains de Poussiere Dans Un Rayon de Soleil
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin de l'Existentialisme a Heidegger: Introduction Aux Philosophies de l'Existence
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Les Origines Du Jansenisme: IV. Lettres Inedites de Jean Duvergier de Hauranne
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Jean Calvin: Institution de la Religion Chrestienne Livre Quatrieme
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Poetiques Francaises
Les Belles Lettres La Veritable Histoire de Pericles
Les Belles Lettres Homere, Hymnes
Tumblehome Learning The Nature Explorer's Sketchbook
This sketchbook helps kids look more closely at nature and capture what they discover with pencil, pen, and paint. The Nature Explorer’s Sketchbook inspires exploration, creativity and observation, with beautiful sketchbook illustrations, ideas and tips, and plenty of space for kids to draw. 20 [ages of instruction andcolor illustrations followed by blank pages, with more hints and examples every ten pages. A perfect tool for home schoolers, environmental education programs, STEAM programs, or to give as a gift to young artists and nature lovers. Ages 10+
Dalkey Archive Press No Harm Done
A collection of fifteen stories, Jean McGarry’s No Harm Done, depicts family life at its worst, best, and funniest, as if the author had conjoined the lunacy of Cold Comfort Farm with the bitter grievances of Dubliners. As the author writes in “Strong Boy,” this might be “…because every family, rich or poor, is roughage.” The characters, gallant, goofy, gifted, and grim, include sickly mothers of a dozen children, boozy fathers with a gift of the gab, kids aspiring to be nuns and priests, or just to get out of town with a whole skin. A section is devoted to one marriage made in heaven: a Jewish psychoanalyst devoted to his ex-nun wife. Another set of stories reworks familiar fairy tales, setting them in the wild present. No Harm Done (whose title is Irish code for wishful thinking) concludes with a truce to the war between the sexes, and indeed a `solution’ to the tragicomedy that is marriage and family.
Playwrights Canada Press Two Spirit Acts: Queer Indigenous Performances
American Medical Publishers Blood and Marrow Transplantation: Role of Nursing
Barbour Kidz God Made You YOU girls
Arcade Publishing Still Time: A Novel
Arcade Publishing Still Time: A Novel
Dogwise Publishing Culture Clash: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding the Relationship Between Humans and Domestic Dogs
The New Press Betting on Famine Why the World Still Goes Hungry
Penguin Putnam Inc Girl in Translation
Burford Books,U.S. Come Hell and High Water: Extraordinary Stories of Wreck, Terror and Triumph on the Sea
Penguin Putnam Inc Becket
Barricade Books Inc Turnabout: New Help for the Woman Alcoholic
Arsenal Pulp Press The Ghost of Understanding
Random House USA Inc How to Babysit a Grandma and a Grandpa boxed set
Simon & Schuster Be Fearless 5 Principles for a Life of Breakthroughs and Purpose
A must-read for leaders who are seeking an inspirational road map... philanthropist, investor, and technology pioneer Jean Case brings to life the five Be Fearless principles common to the people and organisations that change the world.
Hay House Inc The Five-Element Solution: Discover the Spiritual Side of Chinese Medicine to Release Stress, Clear Anxiety, and Reclaim Your Life
Discover your personality type according to Traditional Chinese Medicine to find tailored solutions to all your problems - from nutrition to spirituality. The ancient Chinese discovered a secret that remains little-known in the West to this day: the map of how your life is meant to work. And just like an acupuncturist treats energy points in the body for overall healing, this book will show you how to make small changes in your everyday activities to heal your life. Based on the traditional wisdom of the Chinese Five Elements - Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal - the personality quizzes and step-by-step guidance within this book will allow you to discover how to regain balance. Drawing from over 30 years of experience, Jean Haner offers specific strategies from the spiritual side of Chinese medicine - ranging from changes to your clothing, incorporating feng shui in your home, and advice on daily schedule and select activities. She provides remedies for any problem at three different levels - quick-fix, prescription and a five-week 'reboot' plan - to get your entire life flowing again.
Hay House Inc The Wisdom of Your Face: Change Your Life with Chinese Face Reading!
What if you could tell, just by looking at others, how they tend to think, feel, and behave? What if your partner's face revealed the best way to resolve any conflicts between you? And what if you could discover in your own face the wisdom that you need in order to be the best you that you can be? Based on the same ancient foundation as acupuncture and Chinese medicine, face reading has been in the "research and development" phase for over 3,000 years. When translated to make it meaningful for our Western lives, it's a powerful source of wisdom that we can all access. Chinese face reading shows you how to live your life in alignment with your own natural flow, find the life path that gives you joy, attract relationships that nurture you, and most of all, enable you to feel compassion for yourself and others. This book will forever change how you see yourself . . . and all the people in your life!
Zephyr Press Enthusiasm: Odes & Otium
Alice James Books Wolf Moon
Quest Books,U.S. Godseed: The Journey of Christ
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Edie: American Girl
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Voces Intimae in D Minor Op 56 Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Concerto in D Minor Op 47 Kalmus Edition
Rowman & Littlefield Food Lovers' Guide to® Sonoma: The Best Restaurants, Markets & Local Culinary Offerings
The ultimate guide to Sonoma Valley's food scene provides the inside scoop on the best places to find, enjoy, and celebrate local culinary offerings.
Alfred Music Piano Album: For Piano
Putnam Publishing Group,U.S. Around the World in a Hundred Years: From Henry the Navigator to Magellan
Random House USA Inc Daddy-Long-Legs
Dover Publications Symphonies Nos 3 and 4 in Full Score Dover Music Scores
Random House USA Inc Crux: A Daughter's Quest for Her Border-Crossing Father
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Penguin Putnam Inc The Orphanmaster: A Novel of Early Manhattan
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The New German Cookbook
Le Lys Bleu Rémi
Baerenreiter-Verlag Zéphire RCT 61 Acte de ballet
Justfiction Edition Receive the Spirit of life
Morstadt, A. Die Linden von Lautenbach Eine elsssische Lebensgeschichte im Spannungsfeld zweier Nationen