Search results for ""author craig""
Pennsylvania State University Press Stigma: Marking Skin in the Early Modern World
The early modern period opened a new era in the history of dermal marking. Intensifying global travel and trade, especially the slave trade, bought diverse skin-marking practices into contact as never before. Stigma examines the distinctive skin cultures and marking methods of Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas as they began to circulate and reshape one another in the early modern world. By highlighting the interwoven histories of tattooing, branding, stigmata, baptismal and beauty marks, wounds and scars, this volume shows that early modern markers of skin and readers of marked skin did not think about different kinds of cutaneous signs as separate from each other. On the contrary, Europeans described Indigenous tattooing in North America, Thailand, and the Philippines by referring their readers to the tattoos Christian pilgrims received in Jerusalem or Bethlehem. When explaining the devil’s mark on witches, theologians claimed it was an inversion of holy marks such as those of baptism or divine stigmata. Stigma investigates how early modern people used permanent marks on skin to affirm traditional roles and beliefs, and how they hybridized and transformed skin marking to meet new economic and political demands.In addition to the editors, the contributors to this volume are Xiao Chen, Ana Fonseca Conboy, Peter Erickson, Claire Goldstein, Matthew S. Hopper, Katrina H. B. Keefer, Mordechay Lewy, Nicole Nyffenegger, Mairin Odle, and Allison Stedman.
Smith & Kraus Inc.,U.S. Great Scenes and Monologues for Children
Taylor & Francis Inc Understanding Ecological Programming: Merging Theory, Research, and Practice
Increase the effectiveness of prevention programs by altering community and social settings! Understanding Ecological Programming: Merging Theory, Research, and Practice contains vital information to help you become a better community-based program designer using ecological programming. Focused on the basic concept of the ecological programming modelthat people’s behaviors cannot be separated from their settingsthis book provides examples that clarify how ecological applications in programs increase their effectiveness. With tables, figures, assessment tools, and studies of programs currently using ecological or similar approaches, this book will show you how to change the individual’s environment to prevent further ruinous behavior. This book will help you find the answers to such questions as: what is an ecological social program? what are the components of ecological programming? what do real programs that have implemented these principles look like? how realistic is it to suggest that one should implement an ecological program, is it harder than it seems? what are the outcomes of programming with an ecological model? what is the cost/benefit ratio of an ecological approach? A major innovation presented in Understanding Ecological Programming is the Ecological Programming Scale (EPS), introduced by co-editor Dr. Susan Jakes. This book provides an overview, analysis, and evaluation of the EPS as a useful tool that assesses the ecologicalness of a social program and shows you how to apply it to your work. This valuable resource also offers an example of a successful program that encompasses ecological programmingthe Adolescent Diversion Project (ADP)as well as an example of a now-defunct social program that is evaluated to determine whether it failed due to a lack of ecological design incorporation. Using the information in this book, you can improve on pre-existing social programs and create better ones. Understanding Ecological Programming is a must-read for social program developers/designers, program operators, interventionists, extension agents, community psychologists, human service providers, and extension specialists.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Financial Accounting and Reporting: An International Approach
Financial Accounting and Reporting: An International Approach is an adaptation of McGraw-Hill Australia’s bestselling financial accounting text Australian Financial Accounting by Craig Deegan, authored by Anne Marie Ward of Ulster University. Set within an international context, with a solid grounding in IAS/ IFRS, the book provides students with a detailed grasp of reporting requirements in and accessible and engaging manner. Up to date throughout and complete in theoretical and practical coverage, the book successfully communicates the detail necessary to understand, challenge and critically evaluate financial reporting. The result gives students a strong foundation for current study and their future professional lives.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Carpenter's Exotic Animal Formulary
The only drug formulary on the market created solely for the treatment of exotic animals, Exotic Animal Formulary, 6th Edition addresses the most common questions and medical situations encountered in clinical practice. Using clear, current recommendations on drugs, indications, and dosages, this evidence-based text helps you find the information you need fast. In addition, there are numerous tables containing biologic, hematologic, and biochemical norms of common exotic pets. Species covered include birds, fish, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, rabbits, pocket pets, backyard poultry, and more. Edited by James Carpenter and Craig Harms, each a respected expert in exotic animal, wildlife, and zoo animal medicine, this handbook has been a go-to reference of practicing veterinarians for more than 30 years. More than 300 drug tables provide current recommendations on drugs, indications, and dosages used in treating exotic animals. All drug information is reviewed for accuracy, ensuring that this reference remains authoritative and current. Biologic and hematologic tables provide details on therapies and diets, normal blood parameters of common species, venipunctures sites, and medical protocols for common conditions. Dosage recommendations from pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) studies are clearly indicated. 29 internationally recognized experts contribute chapters in their areas of specialization. More than 3,100 references are cited and provide additional context for dosages. NEW! Updates of drug tables include new information on doses, interactions, indications, adverse reactions, and contraindications for use. NEW! eBook version is included with print purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. NEW! Additional appendices include new topics in exotic animal practice. NEW! Updated and expanded index makes it easier to find drug information.
Indiana University Press The Shaken and the Stirred: The Year's Work in Cocktail Culture
Over the past decade, the popularity of cocktails has returned with gusto. Amateur and professional mixologists alike have set about recovering not just the craft of the cocktail, but also its history, philosophy, and culture. The Shaken and the Stirred features essays written by distillers, bartenders and amateur mixologists, as well as scholars, all examining the so-called 'Cocktail Revival' and cocktail culture. Why has the cocktail returned with such force? Why has the cocktail always acted as a cultural indicator of class, race, sexuality and politics in both the real and the fictional world? Why has the cocktail revival produced a host of professional organizations, blogs, and conferences devoted to examining and reviving both the drinks and habits of these earlier cultures?
Indiana University Press The Shaken and the Stirred: The Year's Work in Cocktail Culture
Over the past decade, the popularity of cocktails has returned with gusto. Amateur and professional mixologists alike have set about recovering not just the craft of the cocktail, but also its history, philosophy, and culture. The Shaken and the Stirred features essays written by distillers, bartenders and amateur mixologists, as well as scholars, all examining the so-called 'Cocktail Revival' and cocktail culture. Why has the cocktail returned with such force? Why has the cocktail always acted as a cultural indicator of class, race, sexuality and politics in both the real and the fictional world? Why has the cocktail revival produced a host of professional organizations, blogs, and conferences devoted to examining and reviving both the drinks and habits of these earlier cultures?
Brookes Publishing Co Instructional Technology in Early Childhood: Teaching in the Digital Age
Videos, apps, web-based games, SMART boards—how can you use instructional technology options like these to strengthen teaching and learning in your early childhood programme? Discover the answers in this accessible, problem-solving guide for pre-K and kindergarten, your key to choosing and using instructional technology to improve outcomes and ensure that children with and without disabilities are actively engaged. Aligned with the recent NAEYC policy statement on technology in early childhood programmes, this book gives you a clear, step-by-step ""EXPECT IT-PLAN IT-TEACH IT"" framework for integrating instructional technology into everyday classroom activities. Also a great textbook for preservice early childhood educators!
Select Books Inc People Tools: 54 Strategies for Building Relationships, Creating Joy, and Embracing Prosperity
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! Getting along well with others is the real secret to success and happiness. In tens of thousands of classrooms we teach reading, writing, and arithmetic and yet we leave solutions to the universal problems of human relationships to be discovered, if at all, by trial and error. The trial is painful and the error is costly. People Tools: 54 Strategies for Building Relationships, Creating Joy, and Embracing Prosperity , provides time-proven techniques that you can use to build a better, happier, more successful life. It is the perfect resource for busy people looking for fast and effective solutions to the challenges we face every day. PRACTICAL WISDOM ON EVERY PAGE People Tools are practical and easy to understand. From developing self-confidence, to improving communication skills, to finding constructive ways to resolve conflict, each People Tool addresses a specific issue and provides a simple, straightforward strategy that you can adopt to bring about a positive result. Some of the useful People Tools in the book include: The Belt Buckle. When words are different than action (The Belt Buckle), trust the Belt Buckle, not the words. Buy a Ticket. To make something good happen in your life you have to participate. Catching a Feather. An alternative to the endless chase, this Tool reveals how to attract people you want to be closer to. Patterns Persist. Prior actions are predictive of future behaviors. Catch Them Being Good. Rewards are more effective than punishments. TIME-TESTED TOOLS TO ENHANCE YOUR WELLBEING Although you may recognize the more intuitive techniques in People Tools , this sourcebook provides explanations and helpful examples from a vast collection of different tools designed to help you further expand your own existing repertoire of skills. Open the book to any page and you will find a useful solution. Each tool is illustrated with insightful stories and amusing anecdotes that are relevant and relatable. The stories will reel you in but the advice will change your life.
Baker Publishing Group The True Story of the Whole World – Finding Your Place in the Biblical Drama
This book provides an overview of the grand narrative of the Bible, showing how God's action in the world gives meaning to our lives and provides us with a foundation for our actions. The authors' bestselling textbook, The Drama of Scripture, presented this message for a student audience. It was then abridged and published at a more popular level as The True Story of the Whole World. This revised edition has been further updated and streamlined throughout for church readers and small groups. It includes contemporary reflection sections and discussion questions for individual or group use in each chapter.
Columbia University Press Discontinuities in Ecosystems and Other Complex Systems
Following the publication of C. S. Holling's seminal work on the relationship between animal body mass patterns and scale-specific landscape structure, ecologists began to explore the theoretical and applied consequences of discontinuities in ecosystems and other complex systems. Are ecosystems and their components continuously distributed and do they adhere to scaling laws, or are they discontinuous and more complex than early models would have us believe? The resulting propositions over the structure of complex systems sparked an ongoing debate regarding the mechanisms generating discontinuities and the statistical methods used for their detection. This volume takes the view that ecosystems and other complex systems are inherently discontinuous and that such fields as ecology, economics, and urban studies greatly benefit from this paradigm shift. Contributors present evidence of the ubiquity of discontinuous distributions in ecological and social systems and how their analysis provides insight into complex phenomena. The book is divided into three sections. The first focuses on background material and contrasting views concerning the discontinuous organization of complex systems. The second discusses discontinuous patterns detected in a number of different systems and methods for detecting them, and the third touches on the potential significance of discontinuities in complex systems. Science is still dominated by a focus on power laws, but the contributors to this volume are convinced power laws often mask the interesting dynamics of systems and that those dynamics are best revealed by investigating deviations from assumed power law distributions. In 2008, a grand conference on resilience was held in Stockholm, hosting 600 participants from around the world. There are now three big centers established with resilience, the most recent one being the Stockholm Resilience Center, with others in Australia (an international coral reef center), Arizona State University's new sustainability center focusing on anthropology, and Canada's emerging social sciences and resilience center. Activity continues to flourish in Alaska, South Africa, and the Untied Kingdom, and a new center is forming in Uruguay.
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Practice Question Book – National 4 Maths: Practise and Learn CfE Topics
Exam Board: SQALevel: National 4Subject: MathsFirst Teaching: 2014, First Exam: 2015 Masses of practice questions for every topic on the curriculum. Essential extra questions for every topic on the curriculum, to reinforce learning and build exam confidence. It can be used either alongside the N5 Maths Student Book or as a flexible standalone resource – for homework, independent study or exam practice. Included in this book: Questions for every topic on the curriculum, with more of the tricky ones Example answers with workings-out help explain difficult concepts Hints and tips throughout give practical advice about the different kinds of question Answers can be downloaded from
Edinburgh University Press The Scottish Enlightenment: Human Nature, Social Theory and Moral Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Christopher J. Berry
Examines the achievements and legacy of the Scottish Enlightenment, drawing inspiration from the work of Christopher Berry Focuses on key Scottish Enlightenment ideas: political economy, the science of human nature, self-interest, commerce, politics and luxury Surveys the achievements of recent literature on the Scottish Enlightenment and identifies areas for future research Draws on a range of disciplines: philosophy, economics, history and politics Contributors include Ana Marta Gonzalez (University of Navarra), Ryan Patrick Hanley (Boston College), Naohito Mori (Kochi University) and Spyridon Tegos (University of Crete) Adds to the history of social and political philosophy This collection of 11 specially commissioned essays examines the transformative contribution of the Scottish Enlightenment to modernity by examining three central themes: the Scots' pioneering conception of commercial society, the equally pioneering development of the Scots 'science of human nature' and the emergence of the modern political economy. An international group of Scottish Enlightenment scholars, from a variety of disciplines, explore these themes with a special focus on Adam Smith and David Hume. They take their launching point from the work of Professor Christopher J. Berry, who is internationally known and respected for his work to establish the coherence and significance of the Scottish Enlightenment. The Scottish Enlightenment has been one of the growth fields in scholarship on 18th-century intellectual history. The era is renowned for its contributions to understanding the emergence of the human sciences, its framing of modern political economy and its pioneering study of commercial society.
Guilford Publications Promoting Academic Success with English Language Learners: Best Practices for RTI
Educators and school psychologists throughout the country are working with growing numbers of English language learners (ELLs), but often feel unprepared to help these students excel. This highly informative book presents evidence-based strategies for promoting proficiency in academic English and improving outcomes in a response-to-intervention (RTI) framework. Illustrated with a detailed case example, the book describes best practices for working with K-5 ELLs in all stages of RTI: universal screening, progress monitoring, data collection, decision making, and intensifying instruction. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes more than two dozen reproducible worksheets. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development
The most up-to-date edition of a leading resource on the research and theory of the social development of children In the newly revised Third Edition of The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development, a team of eminent researchers delivers a current and comprehensive discussion of the research and theory of childhood social development. With chapters written by an international collection of leaders in their respective fields, this edited volume offers robust coverage of a range of disciplinary perspectives, including psychological, sociological, anthropolgical, evolutionary, religious, cultural, ecological, athletic, and more. The latest edition offers brand-new chapters on helping children with autism, the impact of social networking platforms on childhood social development, the influence of mass media, war and famine, the climate crisis, and the influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Containing authoritative explorations of child social development from pre-school to the onset of adolescence, The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development also provides: A thorough introduction to historical perspectives on the social development of children, including the conceptual and empirical precursors of contemporary social development research Comprehensive explorations of various disciplinary perspectives, including behavioral genetics, the brain and social development in childhood, and evolutionary perspectives on social development Practical discussions of the ecological contexts of childhood social development, including the relationship between the physical environment and social development In-depth examinations of culture and immigration, including the social development of immigrant children with a focus on Europe, and on Asian and Latinx children in the US. Perfect for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of courses in child psychology, human development, or educational psychology, The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development will also earn a place in the libraries of researchers seeking a one-stop, comprehensive resource for the social development of children.
Cornell University Press Early Southeast Asia: Selected Essays
A collection of the classic essays of O. W. Wolters, reflecting his radiant and meticulous lifelong study of premodern Southeast Asia, its literature, trade, government, and vanished cities. Included is an intellectual biography by the editor, which covers Wolters's professional lives as a member of the Malayan Civil Service and, later, as a scholar. This volume displays the extraordinary range of Oliver Wolters's work in early Indonesian, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Thai history.
Columbia University Press Discontinuities in Ecosystems and Other Complex Systems
Following the publication of C. S. Holling's seminal work on the relationship between animal body mass patterns and scale-specific landscape structure, ecologists began to explore the theoretical and applied consequences of discontinuities in ecosystems and other complex systems. Are ecosystems and their components continuously distributed and do they adhere to scaling laws, or are they discontinuous and more complex than early models would have us believe? The resulting propositions over the structure of complex systems sparked an ongoing debate regarding the mechanisms generating discontinuities and the statistical methods used for their detection. This volume takes the view that ecosystems and other complex systems are inherently discontinuous and that such fields as ecology, economics, and urban studies greatly benefit from this paradigm shift. Contributors present evidence of the ubiquity of discontinuous distributions in ecological and social systems and how their analysis provides insight into complex phenomena. The book is divided into three sections. The first focuses on background material and contrasting views concerning the discontinuous organization of complex systems. The second discusses discontinuous patterns detected in a number of different systems and methods for detecting them, and the third touches on the potential significance of discontinuities in complex systems. Science is still dominated by a focus on power laws, but the contributors to this volume are convinced power laws often mask the interesting dynamics of systems and that those dynamics are best revealed by investigating deviations from assumed power law distributions. In 2008, a grand conference on resilience was held in Stockholm, hosting 600 participants from around the world. There are now three big centers established with resilience, the most recent one being the Stockholm Resilience Center, with others in Australia (an international coral reef center), Arizona State University's new sustainability center focusing on anthropology, and Canada's emerging social sciences and resilience center. Activity continues to flourish in Alaska, South Africa, and the Untied Kingdom, and a new center is forming in Uruguay.
HarperCollins Publishers Leckie Practice Question Book – Third Level Maths: Practise and Learn CfE Topics
Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: MathsFirst Teaching: 2014, First Exam: 2015 Masses of practice questions for every topic on the curriculum. Essential extra questions for every topic on the curriculum, to reinforce learning and build exam confidence. It can be used either alongside the Third Level Maths Student Book or as a flexible standalone resource – for homework, independent study or exam practice. Included in this book: Questions for every topic on the curriculum, with more of the tricky ones Example answers with workings-out help explain difficult concepts Hints and tips throughout give practical advice about the different kinds of question Answers can be downloaded from
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co God Who Acts in History: The Significance of Sinai
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) From Synagogue to Ecclesia: Matthew's Community at the Crossroads
Charles E. Carlston and Craig A. Evans examine in detail five major motifs in the theology of Matthew: Christology, Law, Church, Scripture and Tradition, as well as History and Eschatology.In this study they reveal a Jewish-Christian author who attempts to mediate the traditions of Judaism and early Christianity to Christian churches in his area that are becoming increasingly composed of former Gentiles. Diversity then, as now, offers both a challenge and an opportunity. The evangelist, moreover, was faced with rejection by the synagogue and strongly voiced skepticism with regard to the proclamation of Jesus as Israel's Messiah. To encourage believers and defend the story of Jesus, the evangelist shows how prophetic Scripture and the demands of Torah have been fulfilled.While not all of the specifics of Matthew's program are immediately usable today, the evangelist offers valuable guidance for the contemporary church in our vastly different historical situation.
Zondervan NKJV, Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, Hardcover, Red Letter: Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture
Discover new dimensions of insight with a behind-the-scenes tour of the ancient worldYou’ve heard many Bible stories hundreds of times, but how many details are you missing? Sometimes a little context is all you need to discover the rich meaning behind even the most familiar stories of Scripture. That’s what the NKJV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible provides. Every page of this NKJV Bible is packed with expert insight into the customs, culture, and literature of biblical times. These fascinating explanations will serve to clarify your study of the Scriptures, reinforcing your confidence and bringing difficult passages of Scripture into sharp focus.The Bible was originally written to an ancient people removed from us by thousands of years and thousands of miles. The Scriptures include subtle culturally based nuances, undertones, and references to ancient events, literature and customs that were intuitively understood by those who first heard the texts read. For us to truly understand the Scriptures as they did, we need a window into their world and language.The NKJV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, with notes from Dr. John H. Walton (Wheaton College) in the Old Testament and Dr. Craig S. Keener (Asbury Theological Seminary) in the New Testament, brings the ancient world of Scripture to life for modern readers. Features: Complete text of the New King James Version (NKJV) 2017 ECPA Bible of the Year Recipient Targeted book introductions explain the context in which each book of the Bible was written Insightful and informative verse-by-verse study notes reveal new dimensions of insight to even the most familiar passages Key Old Testament (Hebrew) and New Testament terms are explained and expanded upon in two helpful reference features Over 300 in-depth articles on key contextual topics 375 full-color photos, illustrations, and images from around the world Dozens of charts, maps, and diagrams in vivid color Words of Jesus in red Cross references, a concordance, indexes and other helps for Bible study 8.9-point type size
Springer International Publishing AG Leader Development Deconstructed
This book examines both academic and practical theories relating to leader development. It broadens the scope of this topic by including data-driven theory and proposals from diverse areas that are either not currently represented or are poorly addressed in existing literature. This 15th volume in the Annals of Theoretical Psychology series aims to propose, identify, and characterize new theoretical, educational, and practical gaps in leader development. The initial chapters explore concepts related to individual or internal aspects of leaders. Subsequent chapters deconstruct leader development by considering behaviors or skills and various environmental factors that affect development. The book also examines shortcomings of our current understanding of this topic that cuts across multiple disciplines. Topics featured in this book include: Cognition, readiness to lead, courage through dialogue, and relationship considerations Behavioral elements and approaches for developing followership, conflict management, creativity, virtue, and epistemic cognition in growing leaders for complex environments. Seven Steps to establish a Leader and Leadership Education and Development Program. The Dark Triad of personality, psychobiosocial perspectives, and mental ability in leaders Leader Development Deconstructed will be of interest to research scholars, academics, educators, and practitioners as well as executive coaches, college or university administrators, military leaders, philanthropic and non-profit organization leaders, and management consultants. ______________________________________________________________________________"Despite the extensive body of knowledge associated with leader and leadership development, significant gaps still exist in our understanding of these processes. This book is a noteworthy effort to help fill in the blanks through empirical research and contextual application. It is worthy of perusal by anyone interested in becoming a more effective leader or leader developer."Bernard Banks, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Leadership Development, Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management "One of the most powerful ways leaders can have an impact on others and their mission is to manage for innovation... This book is a great step in moving towards exploring how you do that, and I'm thrilled to be a part of that conversation!"Frances Hesselbein, President and CEO, Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Organizational Behavior: The Handbook of Evidence-Based Management
Explore invaluable management advice informed by the latest in organizational and industrial behaviour research In the newly revised Third Edition of Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior: Indispensable Knowledge for Evidence-Based Management, world-renowned organizational behaviourists Edwin A. Locke and Craig L. Pearce deliver a comprehensive and authoritative discussion of sound management practices informed by the most recent evidence and research in organizational and industrial psychology. In the book, the authors present: Complimentary and downloadable video material linked to each chapter Executive interviews and author interviews, new cases, assessments, inventories and exercises Updated chapters written by world-leading experts on the covered topics An indispensable resource for students of human resources, organizational behaviour, industrial psychology, public administration and related subjects, Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior will assist students and professionals seeking the latest evidence-based management guidance.
Guilford Publications Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention
*A hands-on manual for one of the three evidence-based approaches to preventing suicide. *Brief CBT is more intensive than CAMS, and less resource- and time-intensive than DBT. *Empirically supported: BCBT yields a 60% decrease in suicidal behaviors. *Easy to follow, with step-by-step treatment procedures, the book helps clinicians implement the approach rapidly. *Includes sample scripts, vivid cases, troubleshooting tips, and downloadable handouts and forms. *From experienced, respected authorities.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Intellectual Property and Business
The law and economics of intellectual property is attracting increased attention as technological innovation continues to have a major impact on economic growth. This authoritative two-volume set brings together the most significant scholarship on intellectual property. It provides comprehensive coverage, with a mix of theory, empirics and institutional details. The emphasis is on more recent writings, although it also includes some early work that continues to provide the platform for contemporary scholarship.This book will be an essential source of reference for both academics, students and practitioners concerned with this exciting new field of research.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development, Second Edition presents an authoritative and up-to-date overview of research and theory concerning a child's social development from pre-school age to the onset of adolescence. Presents the most up-to-date research and theories on childhood social development Features chapters by an international cast of leaders in their fields Includes comprehensive coverage of a range of disciplinary perspectives Offers all new chapters on children and the environment, cultural influences, history of childhood, interventions, and neuro-psychological perspectives Represents an essential resource for students and researchers of childhood social development
John Wiley & Sons Inc Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader: How You and Your Organization Can Manage Conflict Effectively
The Second Edition of this classic resource on conflict resolution combines research, conceptual models, practitioner experience, and stories that highlight the core conflict competencies. The book underscores the importance for leaders to develop the critical skills they need to help them, their colleagues, and their organizations deal more effectively with conflict and move their organizations forward. This new edition expands on the conflict competence model, includes new tools and techniques, shows how to develop conflict competent teams and organizations, and offers a new online assessment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Disaster Psychiatry: Intervening When Nightmares Come True
Disaster Psychiatry: Intervening When Nightmares Come True captures the state of disaster psychiatry in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This emergent psychiatric specialty, which is increasingly separated from trauma and grief psychiatry on one hand and military psychiatry on the other, provides psychotherapeutic assistance to victims during, and in the weeks and months following, major disasters. As such, disaster psychiatrists must operate in the widely varying locales in which natural and man-made disasters occur, and they must establish their role among the chaotic array of organizations involved in direct disaster response. Editors Anand Pandya and Craig Katz have captured the challenge and promise of disaster psychiatry through first-person narratives. We hear from psychiatrists who have encountered disasters at various stages of their career and in widely varying social, political, and personal contexts. Accounts of psychiatric involvement with adults and children during and after 9/11 have understandable pride of place in this collection. But they are balanced by richly informative narratives about other domestic and international disasters. Fraught with the drama attendant to the events they describe, these essays delineate the dizzying array of challenges that confront the disaster psychiatrist. They range from the intense emotional responses that are part of the aftermath of any disaster, to the need to legitimize a psychiatric presence within diverse cultural and medical contexts, to the subtle task of providing therapeutic boundaries at a time when all rules seem to be suspended. Special attention is given to the daunting task of working with children whose parents' are disaster victims. What emerges from these testimonies is compelling documentation of skilled and compassionate psychiatrists at the outer limits of their specialty, pursuing their calling into uncharted realms of therapeutic engagement.
Pluto Press Data Power: Radical Geographies of Control and Resistance
In recent years, popular media have inundated audiences with sensationalised headlines recounting data breaches, new forms of surveillance and other dangers of our digital age. Despite their regularity, such accounts treat each case as unprecedented and unique. This book proposes a radical rethinking of the history, present and future of our relations with the digital, spatial technologies that increasingly mediate our everyday lives. From smartphones to surveillance cameras, to navigational satellites, these new technologies offer visions of integrated, smooth and efficient societies, even as they directly conflict with the ways users experience them. Recognising the potential for both control and liberation, the authors argue against both acquiescence to and rejection of these technologies. Through intentional use of the very systems that monitor them, activists from Charlottesville to Hong Kong are subverting, resisting and repurposing geographic technologies. Using examples as varied as writings on the first telephones to the experiences of a feminist collective for migrant women in Spain, the authors present a revolution of everyday technologies. In the face of the seemingly inevitable dominance of corporate interests, these technologies allow us to create new spaces of affinity, and a new politics of change.
Columbia University Press Social-Ecological Resilience and Law
Environmental law envisions ecological systems as existing in an equilibrium state, reinforcing a rigid legal framework unable to absorb rapid environmental changes and innovations in sustainability. For the past four decades, "resilience theory," which embraces uncertainty and nonlinear dynamics in complex adaptive systems, has provided a robust, invaluable foundation for sound environmental management. Reforming American law to incorporate this knowledge is the key to sustainability. This volume features top legal and resilience scholars speaking on resilience theory and its legal applications to climate change, biodiversity, national parks, and water law.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cancer: Basic Science and Clinical Aspects
“... Useful background information is displayed in blue boxes, and good use is made of numerous tables and diagrams... a useful book for the undergraduate medical or allied health professional...” –Oncology News, May/June 2010 This forward looking cancer biology book appeals to a wide ranging audience. Introductory chapters that provide the molecular, cellular, and genetic information needed to comprehend the material of the subsequent chapters bring unprepared students up to speed for the rest of the book and serve as a useful refresher for those with previous biology background. The second set of chapters focuses on the main cancers in terms of risk factors, diagnostic and treatment methods and relevant current research. The final section encompasses the immune system’s role in the prevention and development of cancer and the impact that the Human Genome Project will have on future approaches to cancer care. While best suited to non-majors cancer biology courses, the depth provided satisfies courses that combine both majors and non-majors. Also, and deliberately, the authors have incorporated relevant information on diagnosis and treatment options that lend appeal to the lay reader.
HarperCollins Publishers National 5 English: Preparation and Support for SQA Exams (Leckie Complete Revision & Practice)
Exam Board: SQA Level: National 5 Subject: English Two books in one! Combining a revision guide and a full set of practice test papers, this fantastic resource is all you need to revise for the exam. The revision guide• Covers all of the topics in the CfE National 5 English curriculum, broken down into manageable chunks for easy revision• Clearly explains key concepts, research evidence and real-life applications• Contains Quick Tests to let students check their knowledge and understanding as they go along The practice test papers• Are in the format and the style of the SQA exam, giving students an opportunity to practice taking the National 5 English exam• Marking instructions and sample answers are provided online, so students can check their progress
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Manual of Valvular Heart Disease
Portable and clinically oriented, this full-color handbook is a unique and timely guide to valvular heart disease and percutaneous coronary interventions. A structured, standardized format helps you quickly find the information you need, while numerous illustrations and videos online provide visual support for key concepts and procedures.Key Features: Numerous tables, diagrams, and images highlight concepts, procedures, and devices related to valvular heart disease. Structured outline format lists landmark articles, key reviews, and relevant book chapters at the end of each chapter. Online chapter self-assessment questions and answers allow you to self-test and review key concepts. Authored by current or former Cleveland Clinic trainees and clinicians, as well as international experts in the field. Ideal for interventional cardiologists, fellows, cardiothoracic surgeons, anesthesiologists, cardiac technicians, sonographers, nurses, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options offer the ability to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Nova Science Publishers Inc To Build an Afghan Nation
Nova Science Publishers Inc Intubation: Preparation, Procedures & Complications
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Athenian Agora: Site Guide (fifth edition)
This definitive guide to the archaeological remains in the civic and commercial centre of ancient Athens is an essential companion to the interested visitor, as well as to students of the topography of the classical city. A large-scale map provides an overview of the site, keyed to descriptions and plans of every monument still visible from the majestic Temple of Hephaistos to the utilitarian Great Drain. The fifth edition retains many of the elements that made the earlier editions so popular, but also takes full account of new discoveries and recent scholarship. It is intended for visitors touring the site, and is arranged topographically, monument by monument. Also included are an overview of the historical development of the site and a history of the excavations. A companion guide to the Agora Museum in the Stoa of Attalos is also available (The Athenian Agora: Museum Guide, by Laura Gawlinski, 2014).
Brookings Institution Behavioral Science & Policy, Volume 4, Number 1
Simon & Schuster Uranus and the Bubbles of Trouble
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Anthropological Perspectives on Migration and Health
In this volume of the NAPA Bulletin, practicing and applied anthropologists along with colleagues in public health examine the interactions of health and migrations in diverse settings around the world. Contributors draw on diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives to examine the various ways in which migration impacts on the health and well-being of migrants.
Simon & Schuster Apollo and the Battle of the Birds
Simon & Schuster Poseidon and the Sea of Fury
Baker Publishing Group Pure Eyes – A Man`s Guide to Sexual Integrity
When it comes to sex and sexuality, men often find themselves in a losing battle against temptation. Whether it's overt pornography or simply oversexualized images of women, media can be a man's worst enemy. In this straightforward book, Craig Gross and Steven Luff help men understand and embrace the true purpose and role of sex in their lives. Whether single or married, all men must cope with sexual temptation--sometimes on a daily basis. This honest treatment of an uncomfortable issue will free men to experience forgiveness and renewal.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Teaching Ethics to Economists: A Plurality of Perspectives
Drawing on the knowledge of highly experienced academics, this authoritative Handbook explains how ethics can inform the teaching of economics. It includes state-of-the-art moral theory alongside traditional approaches to emphasise why ethics should be an important consideration for economic practitioners. The Handbook of Teaching Ethics to Economists keenly demonstrates how economic analysis can reflect implicit moral judgements. Chapters include guidance on course design and lesson content, providing insight into important topics such as ecological and grassroots economics. They offer pedagogical advice alongside philosophical analyses, setting out teaching guidance and significant case-study profiles on key theories, such as Kantian and Aristotelian ethics. Importantly, they reflect on the potential of economics to cause harm and use ethics to mitigate this possibility. This expansive Handbook will be essential for academics preparing to teach courses relating to ethics and economics. Due to its detailed explanations of the societal role of economics, students of economics and finance will additionally find this Handbook to be incredibly useful.
Tommy Nelson You Are Extraordinary
In You Are Extraordinary, Craig and Samantha Johnson use fun rhymes and colorful pictures to celebrate kids who have unique challenges and gifts. Every page in this book focuses on a different ability or diverse circumstance, such as autism, different ethnicities, unique sizes and body types, physical limitations, cancer, adoptions, and more. You Are Extraordinary is an inspiring reminder to treat others with kindness and live out the truth that you are loved! And a letter to parents at the beginning of the book will encourage parents and caregivers and remind them that they're not alone.As the parents of a child with special needs, Craig and Samantha Johnson understand that kids who are a bit different from others sometimes need extra reassurance that God has an amazing purpose for them—not just despite their differences but because of them! The authors are the founders of Champions Club, an international ministry of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, for kids, teens, and adults with special needs. Joel Osteen, the senior pastor of Lakewood, is one of the many well-known supporters of Champions Clubs around the country.With its fun and uplifting message, You Are Extraordinary reminds children and adults alike that the world is a beautiful place when we treat everyone as the exceptional people they are!