Search results for ""author alfred""
Echter Verlag GmbH Im Angesicht des Todes
Diogenes Verlag AG Die Rote
FISCHER, S. Hamlet oder Die lange Nacht nimmt ein Ende
FISCHER, S. November 1918 Eine deutsche Revolution Erzhlwerk in drei Teilen Zweiter Teil Erster Band Verratenes Volk
Birkhauser Basics Systèmes porteurs
Loadbearing systems are the basis of any structure. In order to provide architecture students with an easily understandable introduction to the field of supporting structures, this volume begins with the fundamentals of loads and forces and then moves on to building components and finally to loadbearing systems, together with their characteristic attributes.Subjects: Loads; Forces; Structural building components; Supporting structures and systems; Presizing.
Granta Books The Fatherland and the Jews: Two Pamphlets by Alfred Wiener, 1919 and 1924
The inaugural title in a collaboration between the Wiener Library and Granta Books. These two pamphlets, 'Prelude to Pogroms? Facts for the Thoughtful' and 'German Judaism in Political, Economic and Cultural Terms' mark the first time that Alfred Wiener, the founder of the Wiener Holocaust Library, has been published in English. Together they offer a vital insight into the antisemitic onslaught Germany's Jews were subjected to as the Nazi Party rose to power, and introduce a sharp and sympathetic thinker and speaker to a contemporary audience. Tackling issues such as the planned rise of antisemitism and the scapegoating of minorities, these pamphlets speak as urgently to the contemporary moment as they provide a window on to the past.
CRC Press Essential Surgical Practice
Floris Books The Unknown in the Gospels
Alfred Heidenreich addresses the puzzling apparent contradictions in the Gospels head on, and argues that these difficulties are necessary to encourage us to make an active spiritual effort to understand.
CABI Publishing Soil Fertility Decline in the Tropics: With Case Studies on Plantations
Wide coverage of soils and perennial cropping systems in the tropicsSynthesis of decades of researchChallenges assumptions on the benefits of plantations for soil fertilityIt is generally assumed that soil fertility decline is widespread in the tropics and that this is largely associated with annual cropping and subsistence farming. In contrast, perennial plant cover (as in plantation agriculture) provides better protection for the soil.This book reviews these concepts, focusing on soil chemical changes under different land-use systems in the tropics. These include perennial crops, annual crops and forest plantations. Two case studies, on sisal plantations in Tanzania and sugar cane in Papua New Guinea, are presented for detailed analysis. The author demonstrates that soil fertility decline is also a problem on plantations.
Ohio University Press War and Society in Colonial Zambia, 1939–1953
Written from a Zambian perspective, this leading study shows how the British colony of Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia) organized and deployed human, military, and natural resources during and after the Second World War. The Second World War brought unprecedented pressures to bear on Britain’s empire, which then included colonial Northern Rhodesia. Through new archival materials and oral histories, War and Society in Colonial Zambia tells—from an African perspective—the story of how the colony organized its human and natural resources on behalf of the imperial government. Alfred Tembo first examines government propaganda and recruitment of personnel for the Northern Rhodesia Regiment, which served in East Africa, Palestine, Ceylon, Burma, and India. Later, Zambia’s economic contribution to the Allied war effort would foreground the central importance of the colony’s mining industry as well as its role as supplier of rubber and beeswax following the fall of the Southeast Asian colonies to the Japanese in early 1942. Finally, Tembo presents archival and oral evidence about life on the home front, including the social impact of wartime commodity shortages, difficulties posed by incoming Polish refugees, and the more interventionist forms of colonial governance that these circumstances engendered.
Ohio University Press War and Society in Colonial Zambia, 1939–1953
Written from a Zambian perspective, this leading study shows how the British colony of Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia) organized and deployed human, military, and natural resources during and after the Second World War. The Second World War brought unprecedented pressures to bear on Britain’s empire, which then included colonial Northern Rhodesia. Through new archival materials and oral histories, War and Society in Colonial Zambia tells—from an African perspective—the story of how the colony organized its human and natural resources on behalf of the imperial government. Alfred Tembo first examines government propaganda and recruitment of personnel for the Northern Rhodesia Regiment, which served in East Africa, Palestine, Ceylon, Burma, and India. Later, Zambia’s economic contribution to the Allied war effort would foreground the central importance of the colony’s mining industry as well as its role as supplier of rubber and beeswax following the fall of the Southeast Asian colonies to the Japanese in early 1942. Finally, Tembo presents archival and oral evidence about life on the home front, including the social impact of wartime commodity shortages, difficulties posed by incoming Polish refugees, and the more interventionist forms of colonial governance that these circumstances engendered.
Rutgers University Press New Jersey and The Revolutionary War
This is the complete account of New Jersey's important role in tile American Revolutionary War, as only the accomplished novelist and historian Alfred Hoyt Bill could tell it. Not only does he survey the major military developments, but he also covers the social and economic effects or the war in New Jersey. Bill tells the story of the war and provides in-depth explanations of war-related problems-victory and defeat, Jerseymen defecting 10 the British, recruitment difficulties, troop discipline problems, the outbreak of disease and a smallpox epidemic-everything that led to the eventual surrender of Cornwallis. Bill introduces us to the people who were responsible for winning the war and shaping the future of our country, people such as George Washington, General Hugh Mercer, Thomas Paine, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe, and Thomas Marshall. He also portrays other colorful figures, such as Benedict Arnold, and British officers, including Howe, Cornwallis, and RaIl. Alfred Bill has produced that rare species of history book that reads like an exciting adventure story. He not only presents the facts, but clearly illuminates them with pertinent background information. Clearly written and highly readable, this book will be enjoyed by everyone from students 10 serious historians.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cold Plasma Materials Fabrication: From Fundamentals to Applications
Cold plasma research and development activities, as well as its applications in materials processing have grown enormously in the past decade. Cold Plasma in Materials Fabrication is a comprehensive, up-to-date monograph which presents all aspects of cold, low-pressure plasmas. The eight extensive chapters in this book cover the following topics: The main parameters and classifications of different types of plasma Reactions within cold plasmas and between cold plasmas and solid surfaces State-of-the-art methods for generation and diagnostics of cold plasmas and their application for processing of materials This invaluable reference tool provides a helpful bibliography with suggestions for further reading on each subject. The book will be of importance to manufacturing engineers and scientists, as well as advanced students in engineering, materials, physics, and chemistry programs.
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Tell Everyone: Why We Share and Why it Matters
Columbia University Press The Social Work Interview: Fifth Edition
The only textbook to outline the skills social workers need to conduct effective client interviews, this volume synthesizes recent research on interviewing and demonstrates its value in unique settings and with a variety of clients and issues. Connecting evidence-based approaches to the quality of practitioner-client relationships and the achievement of different objectives at each phase of the interview, the text shows students how to apply their learning systematically and develop specialized techniques for culturally competent interviewing and challenging client situations. For this fifth edition, the authors have updated the text's research throughout and have adopted a more coherent chapter organization for teaching. The volume also includes new sections on breaking bad news and interviewing with aged, racial/ethnic, and sexual minority populations. Revised vignettes reflect the challenges practitioners now face in the field and represent the interests of diverse students and scholars.
Columbia University Press Adopting Older Children
Reports on the reactions of adoptive parents to the advantages, drawbacks, joys, and disappointments of accepting older children.
Biotech Books Diseases of Grasses, Legumes and Ornaments
Chop McKean Mapping Wainwright Maps of the Lakeland Fells: Map 2: Far Eastern Fells
Chop McKean Mapping Wainwright Maps of the Lakeland Fells: Map 6: North Western Fells
Chop McKean Mapping Wainwright Maps of the Lakeland Fells: Map 4: Southern Fells
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The HG Panzer Division
Luftwaffe Panzer division formed from the paratroop corps was one of the elite units in the Wehrmacht and fought in North Africa and Italy.
Prometheus Books Math Tricks: The Surprising Wonders of Shapes and Numbers
It is no secret that most people avoid mathematics, in large measure because elementary school teachers have never done much to motivate a love of the subject matter. In his latest book, mathematician Alfred S. Posamentier provides easily understandable, easily presentable and easily replicated tricks that one can do with mathematics. All that is required is the ability to do arithmetic, understand the very basics of algebra and geometry and have an open mind for probability. From geometrical puzzles to numerical quirks, Mathematical Tricks will give readers that "aha!" moment they may never have received at school.
Quarto Publishing PLC The North Western Fells: A Pictorial Guide to the Lakeland Fells
The North Western Fells are bounded by the River Derwent and the River Cocker – an area lauded by Wainwright as first-class fell-walking territory. The ridge walking here is some of the finest in the Lake District, offering views of unsurpassed beauty. There is something for all walkers: steep, high mountains such as Grasmoor, rugged individualists such as Castle Crag, and destinations such as Catbells, which Wainwright calls 'a family fell where grandmothers and infants can climb the heights together, a place beloved'. This is the original Pictorial Guide to the North Western Fells of Lakeland, freshly reproduced from Wainwright's original pages. These popular Pictorial Guides have been treasured by generations of walkers and are as enchanting and inspiring now as when they were written, half a century ago.
Austin Macauley Publishers The Hero's Apprentice
Orion Publishing Co The Stars My Destination
Gully Foyle, Mechanic's Mate 3rd Class.EDUCATION: noneSKILLS: none MERITS: noneRECOMMENDATIONS: noneThat's the official verdict on Gully Foyle, unskilled space crewman.But right now he is the only survivor on his drifting, wrecked spaceship, and when another space vessel - the Vorga - ignores his distress flares and sails by, Gully becomes obsessed with revenge. He endures 170 days alone in deep space before finding refuge on the Sargasso Asteroid and returning to Earth to track down the crew and owners of the Vorga. But, as he works out his murderous grudge, Gully Foyle also uncovers a secret of momentous proportions ...
MP-SPI SPIE Press Optical Imaging in Projection Microlithography
An integrated mathematical view of the physics and numerical modeling of optical projection lithography that covers the full spectrum of the important concepts. Readers with a good working knowledge of calculus can follow the development, technologists can gather concepts and the equations that result. The casual reader will gain a perspective.
Dover Publications Inc. Science and the Modern World
Editorial Barcanova Una hora al cretaci
Una hora al cretaci és un retorn a la novella curta d?aventures en estat pur, que arrenca quan un grup de paleontòlegs descobreix un fòssil de dinosaure carnívor amb les restes d?una noia del nostre segle. Com pot ser, si ens separen milions i milions d?anys dels dinosaures? A partir d?aquí, es desenvolupa una història trepidant gairebé sense descans, que inclou un viatge en el temps, molta acció, bon humor, força corredisses i un xic d?amor.
Ediciones Cátedra Confesiones de un hijo del siglo
Alfred de Musset nace a finales de 1810 en el seno de una familia de la pequeña aristocracia francesa. Según la tradición familiar, completamente falsa, descendían de Juana de Arco e incluso de la Casandra cantada por Ronsard. Esta tradición le haría mantener a Musset durante toda su vida el orgullo de su nombre y sus. Poesía y amor, amor por la literatura y sed de amor absoluto, irán asociados desde sus inicios en su vida y en su obra. Alfred de Musset y George Sand se conocieron a finales de la primavera de 1833. Él era idealista y libertino, melancólico y alegre, introvertido y cínico, con un porte aristocrático. Ella realista, de clase burguesa y con distinto sistema de valores y diversa manera de entender la literatura. Sin embargo, una simpática complicidad se crea entre ellos dando paso a una relación amorosa apasionada y dolorosa. El proyecto de Confesiones de un hijo del siglo nace con la separación de los amantes. El objetivo de Musset era realizar un homenaje a George Sand,
Clarity Press The Human Rights Industry
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Crecy War
Crecy, the Black Prince's most famous victory, was the first of two major victories during the first part of the Hundred Years War. This was followed ten years later by his second great success at the Battle of Poitiers. The subsequent Treaty of Bretigny established the rights of the King of England to hold his domains in France without paying homage to the King of France. In this hugely-acclaimed military history Colonel Burne re-establishes the reputation of Edward III as a grand master of strategy, whose personal hand lay behind the success of Crecy. He convincingly demonstrates that much of the credit for Crecy and Poitiers should be given to Edward and less to his son, the Black Prince, than is traditionally the case. With his vigorous and exciting style, Colonel Burne has chronicled for the general reader as well as for the military enthusiast, one of the most exceptional wars in which England has ever been engaged. This book firmly restores the Crecy campaign to its rightful place near the pinnacle of British military history. 'A most important book - a work of original research, written by a master of his subject ...A model of how history should be written, packed with accurate information and common sense. ' Sir Arthur Bryant in The Sunday Times
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. 20002009 Best Pop Songs PianoVocalguitar
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. 2008 Greatest Pop Rock Hits PianoVocalChords
Oxford University Press Storms over the Balkans during the Second World War
In a new interpretation of the history of the Balkans during the Second World War, Alfred J. Rieber explores the tangled political rivalries, cultural clashes, and armed conflicts among the great powers and the indigenous people competing for influence and domination. The study takes an original approach to the region based on the geography, social conditions, and imperial rivalries that spans several centuries, culminating in three wars during the first half of the twentieth century. Against this background, Rieber focuses on leadership - personified by Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Churchill, and Tito - as the key to explaining events. For each one the Balkans represented a strategic prize vital for the fulfilment of their ambitious war aims. For the local forces the destabilization of the war offered the opportunity to reorder societies, expel ethnic minorities, and expand national borders. Storms over the Balkans during the Second World War illustrates how the leaders of the external powers were forced to improvise their tactics and compromise their ideologies under the pressure of war and the competing claims of their allies and clients. Neither the Axis nor the Allied camps were uniform blocs, and deep divisions ran through the ranks of the resistance and those collaborating with the occupying powers. These tensions contributed to the failure of all the participants in the struggle to achieve their aims. The complexities of the wartime experiences help to explain the persistence of memories and unfulfilled aspirations that continue to haunt the region. The study is based on extensive research in new sources in seven languages.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Jewish Book of Why
Ca Ira Verlag Die deutsche Wirtschaftspolitik im bergang zum Nazifaschismus Analysen 19321948 und ergnzende Texte
Czernin Verlags GmbH Von Familie bis Humor
Motorbuch Verlag Heeresfeldbahnen im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939 bis 1945
Fordham University Press Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect
Whitehead's response to the epistemological challenges of Hume and Kant in its most vivid and direct form.
New York University Press Liberty Tree: Ordinary People and the American Revolution
With the publication of Liberty Tree, acclaimed historian Alfred F. Young presents a selection of his seminal writing as well as two provocative, never-before-published essays. Together, they take the reader on a journey through the American Revolution, exploring the role played by ordinary women and men (called, at the time, people out of doors) in shaping events during and after the Revolution, their impact on the Founding generation of the new American nation, and finally how this populist side of the Revolution has fared in public memory. Drawing on a wide range of sources, which include not only written documents but also material items like powder horns, and public rituals like parades and tarring and featherings, Young places ordinary Americans at the center of the Revolution. For example, in one essay he views the Constitution of 1787 as the result of an intentional accommodation by elites with non-elites, while another piece explores the process of ongoing negotiations would-be rulers conducted with the middling sort; women, enslaved African Americans, and Native Americans. Moreover, questions of history and modern memory are engaged by a compelling examination of icons of the Revolution, such as the pamphleteer Thomas Paine and Boston's Freedom Trail. For over forty years, history lovers, students, and scholars alike have been able to hear the voices and see the actions of ordinary people during the Revolutionary Era, thanks to Young's path-breaking work, which seamlessly blends sophisticated analysis with compelling and accessible prose. From his award-winning work on mechanics, or artisans, in the seaboard cities of the Northeast to the all but forgotten liberty tree, a major popular icon of the Revolution explored in depth for the first time, Young continues to astound readers as he forges new directions in the history of the American Revolution.
Baker Publishing Group The Expanded Panorama Bible Study Course
Designed to help the reader better visualize the continuity and significance of Bible events. Illustrated.
Princeton University Press Freud, the Reluctant Philosopher
Freud began university intending to study both medicine and philosophy. But he was ambivalent about philosophy, regarding it as metaphysical, too limited to the conscious mind, and ignorant of empirical knowledge. Yet his private correspondence and his writings on culture and history reveal that he never forsook his original philosophical ambitions. Indeed, while Freud remained firmly committed to positivist ideals, his thought was permeated with other aspects of German philosophy. Placed in dialogue with his intellectual contemporaries, Freud appears as a reluctant philosopher who failed to recognize his own metaphysical commitments, thereby crippling the defense of his theory and misrepresenting his true achievement. Recasting Freud as an inspired humanist and reconceiving psychoanalysis as a form of moral inquiry, Alfred Tauber argues that Freudianism still offers a rich approach to self-inquiry, one that reaffirms the enduring task of philosophy and many of the abiding ethical values of Western civilization.
Princeton University Press New World Monkeys: The Evolutionary Odyssey
A comprehensive account of the origins, evolution, and behavior of South and Central American primatesNew World Monkeys brings to life the beauty of evolution and biodiversity in action among South and Central American primates, who are now at risk. These tree-dwelling rainforest inhabitants display an unparalleled variety in size, shape, hands, feet, tails, brains, locomotion, feeding, social systems, forms of communication, and mating strategies. Primatologist Alfred Rosenberger, one of the foremost experts on these mammals, explains their fascinating adaptations and how they came about.New World Monkeys provides a dramatic picture of the sixteen living genera of New World monkeys and a fossil record that shows that their ancestors have lived in the same ecological niches for up to 20 million years—only to now find themselves imperiled by the extinction crisis. Rosenberger also challenges the argument that these primates originally came to South America from Africa by floating across the Atlantic on a raft of vegetation some 45 million years ago. He explains that they are more likely to have crossed via a land bridge that once connected Western Europe and Canada at a time when many tropical mammals transferred between the northern continents.Based on the most current findings, New World Monkeys offers the first synthesis of decades of fieldwork and laboratory and museum research conducted by hundreds of scientists.
Princeton University Press Self-Deception Unmasked
Self-deception raises complex questions about the nature of belief and the structure of the human mind. In this book, Alfred Mele addresses four of the most critical of these questions: What is it to deceive oneself? How do we deceive ourselves? Why do we deceive ourselves? Is self-deception really possible? Drawing on cutting-edge empirical research on everyday reasoning and biases, Mele takes issue with commonplace attempts to equate the processes of self-deception with those of stereotypical interpersonal deception. Such attempts, he demonstrates, are fundamentally misguided, particularly in the assumption that self-deception is intentional. In their place, Mele proposes a compelling, empirically informed account of the motivational causes of biased beliefs. At the heart of this theory is an appreciation of how emotion and motivation may, without our knowing it, bias our assessment of evidence for beliefs. Highlighting motivation and emotion, Mele develops a pair of approaches for explaining the two forms of self-deception: the "straight" form, in which we believe what we want to be true, and the "twisted" form, in which we believe what we wish to be false. Underlying Mele's work is an abiding interest in understanding and explaining the behavior of real human beings. The result is a comprehensive, elegant, empirically grounded theory of everyday self-deception that should engage philosophers and social scientists alike.