Search results for ""Transcript Verlag""
Transcript Verlag Recht im Exil
Transcript Verlag Grüne Öffentlichkeiten
Transcript Verlag Wissen über Arbeit in Krisenzeiten
Transcript Verlag Hass teilen
Transcript Verlag Theater Terror Tod
Transcript Verlag Protestkleider
Transcript Verlag Die bedrohte Ordnung der Vielfalt
Transcript Verlag Bühne und Möglichkeitsraum
Transcript Verlag Reise ins bekannte Fremde
Transcript Verlag Starker Liberalismus
Transcript Verlag Strategien der Moderne
Transcript Verlag Die Kunst der Universität
Transcript Verlag Unwriting Nature
Transcript Verlag Theorie beruflicher Didaktik
Transcript Verlag Transformationspolitik
Transcript Verlag Interventionswissenschaft
transcript Verlag Materialities in Dance and Performance
transcript Verlag Fantasy Aesthetics
transcript Verlag Remixing the HipHop Narrative
Transcript Verlag Narrationen der Herabsetzung
Transcript Verlag Rassismus und Altenpflege in Ostdeutschland
Transcript Verlag Mehr Mut wagen
Transcript Verlag Nationalsozialismus auf dem Dorf
Transcript Verlag The Youth Climate Uprising: Greta Thunberg's School Strike, Fridays For Future, and the Democratic Challenges of Our Time
Species are going extinct, forests are burning, and children are worried about the future and their peers worldwide. But that is not the whole story: One Friday in 2018, a few young people joined Greta Thunberg to protest, and the global climate strike movement was born. Scientist David Fopp spent 250 Fridays with the newly formed grassroots movement. Together with activists Isabelle Axelsson and Loukina Tille, he offers an insider perspective on this fight for a globally just and sustainable society. They also turn their focus to science and our political engagement: How can research in all disciplines help with this struggle? And how can we all fight the climate crisis by transforming and deepening democracy?
Transcript Verlag Wut auf Differenz
Transcript Verlag Ökonomie der Großzügigkeit
Transcript Verlag O My Friends, There is No Friend: The Politics of Friendship at the End of Ecology
Can friendship as a political practice offer enough traction to imagine a borderless world? The startling contemporary rise in aggressive ethno-nationalism and end-times ecological crises have the same root: an inability to be together with humans as much as the natural world. Matt Hern and Am Johal suggest that porous renditions of being-together animated by friendship can spark a repoliticization of the political to surpass the foreclosures of the state, speak to a freedom of movement, and find renovated relationships with the more-than-human. This volume includes interviews with Jean-Luc Nancy, Leela Gandhi and Leanne Simpson.
Transcript Verlag Universität und militärische Sicherheit
transcript Verlag Cultures of Citizenship in the TwentyFirst Century
transcript Verlag The Good Bad and Challenging Migrant
transcript Verlag Rethinking Infrastructure Across the Humanities
Transcript Verlag Tanz und kulturelle Bildung erforschen
Transcript Verlag Faszinosum 1950er Jahre
Transcript Verlag Studies in the Arts II Künste Design und Wissenschaft im Austausch
Transcript Verlag Leben und Altern mit geistiger Behinderung
Transcript Verlag The Making of Modern Subjects: Public Discourses on Korean Female Spectators in the Early Twentieth Century
Under Japanese colonial rule in the early 20th century, Korean women began to expand their realm from the domestic to the public sphere. Sung Un Gang examines how the women's gaze was reimagined in public discourse as they began attending plays and movies, and investigates the complex negotiation process surrounding women's public presence. As the first extensive study of Korean female spectators of the colonial era, it analyses newspapers, magazines, fictions, and images and argues that public discourse aimed to mold them into a male-driven and top-down modernization project. This study reconceptualizes colonial Korean female spectators as diverse active agents with their own politics.
Transcript Verlag Rettende Umweltphilosophie
Transcript Verlag Gehirn und menschliche Natur
Transcript Verlag Salvaging Buildings: Reclaiming a Livelihood from the Excesses of Istanbul's Mass Urbanization
For at least two decades, major cities in Turkey have been subjected to endless waves of urban development that has left scores of building demolitions in its wake. The construction waste produced is immense but its removal or abatement is completely ignored by the state. Who will deal with all this waste? Enter the reclaimers (çıkmacıs), an informal network of building salvagers who have stepped in to create a new form of assemblage that fills this gap. Erdogan Onur Ceritoglu makes an in-depth ethnographic study of the under-the-radar livelihood of the reclaimers long-term. He also focuses on incremental architecture through the reuse of second-hand building elements.
Transcript Verlag Von der Sinnlichkeit des Menschen
Transcript Verlag Queere Fanfictions Queere Utopien
Transcript Verlag Weihnachtsfilme lesen II
Transcript Verlag Digitale Lerntechnologien
Transcript Verlag Schulmusik für alle
Transcript Verlag Digitale Kommunikationsstrukturen
Transcript Verlag Performance und Irritation
Transcript Verlag unBinding Bodies Zur Geschichte des Füßebindens in China
Transcript Verlag Für das Sagbare