Search results for ""Schott""
Bertz + Fischer Lob der offenen Beziehung ber Liebe Sex Vernunft und Glck
The Peterson Institute for International Economics Free Trade Agreements – US Strategies and Priorities
The Peterson Institute for International Economics The WTO After Seattle
Cornerstone Jeeves and the King of Clubs
'Peerless in its wit, elegance and silliness.’ Evening Standard BOOKS OF THE YEAR A Sunday Times PAPERBACK OF THE YEAR__________________________________________________________________Storm clouds loom over Europe. Treason is afoot in the highest social circles. The very security of the nation is in peril. Jeeves, it transpires, has long been an agent of British Intelligence, but now His Majesty's Government must turn to the one man who can help . . . Bertie Wooster.'A most thrilling return of Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster . . . it vibrates with the spirit and the rhythms of his heart.''Remarkably good . . . in its similes, pace and general zing, this yarn is eerily Wodehousian.'
ECW Press,Canada Six Ostriches: A Dr. Bannerman Vet Mystery
ECW Press,Canada The Willow Wren: A Novel
ECW Press,Canada The Accidental Veterinarian: Tales from a Pet Practice
Klett Kinderbuch Fritzi war dabei Eine Wendewundergeschichte
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Schott's Original Miscellany
"Schott's Miscellany" makes few claims to be exhaustive or even practical. It does, however, claim to be essential. It will afford you great wisdom in the morning, several conversational bons mots for the afternoon, and many an enlightened smile after dark. Where else can you find, packed on to one page, the thirteen principles of witchcraft, the structure of military hierarchy, all of the clothing care symbols, a list of the countries where you drive on the left, and a nursery rhyme about sneezing? Where else, but "Schott's Miscellany", will you stumble across John Lennon's cat, the supplier of bagpipes to the Queen, and the brutal methods of murder encountered by Miss Marple? An encyclopaedia? A dictionary? An almanac? An anthology? A treasury? An amphigouri? A commonplace? A vade-mecum? Well - yes. "Schott's Original Miscellany" is all these, and, of course, more. A book like no other, "Schott's Original Miscellany" is entertaining, informative, unpredictable and utterly addictive.
Penguin Putnam Inc Schottenfreude: German Words for the Human Condition
Fe-Medienverlags GmbH Einspruch Exzellenzen
Stanford University Press Reconstructing Women’s Thoughts: The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Before World War II
A study of the women who led the United States section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in the interwar years, this book argues that the ideas of these women—the importance of nurturing, nonviolence, feminism, and a careful balancing of people's differences with their common humanity—constitute an important addition to our understanding of the intellectual heritage of the United States. Most of these women were well educated and prominent in their chosen fields: they included Jane Addams and Emily Greene Balch, the only two United States women to win Nobel Prizes for Peace; Jeannette Rankin, the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress; and Dorothy Detzer, the woman who prompted the investigation of the munitions industry in the 1930's. The ideas of these women were not usually expressed in forms conventionally studied by intellectual historians. On the whole, their ideas must be teased out of organizational records, statements of principle and policy, and personal correspondence. When combined with an understanding of the personal backgrounds of the WIL leaders and placed in the context of early-twentieth-century America, these documents tell us what these women thought was important and why. The ideas of the WIL leaders are also analyzed in the context of the intellectual themes of Victorianism and modernism. Our understanding of these themes has been based largely on the work of privileged European and American men, and the ideas of women often fit uncomfortably into these traditional categories. A reconstruction of the ideas of the WIL leaders suggests that historians have overlooked an important, alternative intellectual tradition in the United States. To understand and appreciate women's thoughts, we must dissolve the old constructs and let new, multifaceted ones replace them.
Rockstuhl Verlag JIU JITSU Domrös Style
Berliner Taschenbuch Verl Schotts Sammelsurium Essen Trinken
The Peterson Institute for International Economics Prospects for Free Trade in the Americas
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism and the Implications of Climate Change: Issues and Actions
This volume provides a valuable platform for knowledge exchange between different disciplines and for learning from both theory and practice in the context of tourism and climate change. The academic and case-study chapters in this volume provide a contextualization of tourism and climate change science, an examination of issues and actions in different countries and with different tourism consumers, and looks at the supply, adaptation and innovation of tourism products. Subjects examined are as diverse as: the European hotel sector; the North American cruise tourism industry; New Zealand youth hostels and campervans; Australia's tourism industry's GHG footprint; climate forecasts in the Baltic States; heat stress conditions in Spain; the Tourism Earth Lung initiative in Sri Lanka; and online discussions in cybercommunities. The different disciplinary perspectives presented in this volume include anthropology, climatology, climate change studies, economics, environmental sustainability, hospitality, policy and planning, psychology, scenario planning, and transport studies and contributions originate from eight developed countries across three continents.
Hayle Medical Gluten-Related Disorders: Diagnostic Approaches, Treatment Pathways and Future Perspectives
Neufeld Verlag Klimahelden
Christoph Links Verlag Indonesien Ein Lnderportrt
Hansebooks Grundriss der Waffenlehre
The Peterson Institute for International Economics Trade Relations Between Colombia and the United States
The Peterson Institute for International Economics The World Trading System – Challenges Ahead
Cornerstone Jeeves and the Leap of Faith
'A masterpiece in every sense' Daily MailThe Drones club's in peril. Gussie's in love. Spode's on the warpath. And His Majesty's Government needs a favour. Thank goodness Bertie Wooster is back!From the mean streets of Mayfair to the scheming spires of Cambridge, prepare to meet a joyous cast of characters: chiselling painters and criminal bookies, eccentric philosophers and dodgy clairvoyants, appalling poets and pocket dictators, vexatious aunts and their vicious hounds.Have we ever needed Jeeves and Wooster more?
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Recht Und Humanismus, Wirtschaften Und Humanitat: Rechtskulturelle Und Rechtshistorische Betrachtungen
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Statistics
Explores mathematical statistics in its entirety—from the fundamentals to modern methods This book introduces readers to point estimation, confidence intervals, and statistical tests. Based on the general theory of linear models, it provides an in-depth overview of the following: analysis of variance (ANOVA) for models with fixed, random, and mixed effects; regression analysis is also first presented for linear models with fixed, random, and mixed effects before being expanded to nonlinear models; statistical multi-decision problems like statistical selection procedures (Bechhofer and Gupta) and sequential tests; and design of experiments from a mathematical-statistical point of view. Most analysis methods have been supplemented by formulae for minimal sample sizes. The chapters also contain exercises with hints for solutions. Translated from the successful German text, Mathematical Statistics requires knowledge of probability theory (combinatorics, probability distributions, functions and sequences of random variables), which is typically taught in the earlier semesters of scientific and mathematical study courses. It teaches readers all about statistical analysis and covers the design of experiments. The book also describes optimal allocation in the chapters on regression analysis. Additionally, it features a chapter devoted solely to experimental designs. Classroom-tested with exercises included Practice-oriented (taken from day-to-day statistical work of the authors) Includes further studies including design of experiments and sample sizing Presents and uses IBM SPSS Statistics 24 for practical calculations of data Mathematical Statistics is a recommended text for advanced students and practitioners of math, probability, and statistics.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Moon Signs, Houses & Healing: Gain Emotional Strength and Resilience through Astrology
Find greater passion, fulfillment, and happiness with this book's deep, astrological insights. In a birth chart, your moon sign represents your true personality and emotions. This companion to Sun Signs, Houses, and Healing, reveals how your sign and the house it occupies can heal your greatest emotional wounds and give you more resilience and confidence. Each chapter provides a thorough breakdown of a particular moon sign, from Aries to Pisces, making it simple to look up yours or a loved one's sign. In addition to characteristics, values, affirmations, and self-care guidelines, you'll learn how the signs approach relationships, find comfort, and face challenges. Everything you need to astrologically boost your healing journey is right here.
The Peterson Institute for International Economics NAFTA and Climate Change
Liverpool University Press Macarius, Apocriticus: Introduction, Translation, and Notes
The Apocriticus purports to be the record of a four-day public debate between a pagan philosopher, whom the text calls simply the “Hellene,” and the author, Macarius, a Christian rhetor. The text is a rich, though often neglected, source for the history of intellectual and cultural conflict between Christian and Hellene intellectuals in the fourth century CE. While the Apocriticus has frequently attracted the attention of scholars as a possible source of fragments from Porphyry’s Against the Christians, the text as a whole is significant in its own right. Macarius defends the allegorical reading of scripture and presents interesting discussions concerning ascetic practice and the cult of the martyrs. The philosophical and theological eclecticism of the text should also be of interests to scholars of early Christianity and later ancient philosophy. The fictitious dialogue weaves together philosophical and theological arguments, often in a “popularized” form. The text thus represents an interesting contrast to more formal “high” philosophical and theological texts of the period. As well as a new English translation of an important text, this volume includes notes and introductory essays setting the work in its historical and intellectual contexts.
Duke University Press Horn, or The Counterside of Media
We regularly touch and handle media devices. At the same time, media devices such as body scanners, car seat pressure sensors, and smart phones scan and touch us. In Horn, Henning Schmidgen reflects on the bidirectional nature of touch and the ways in which surfaces constitute sites of mediation between interior and exterior. Schmidgen uses the concept of "horn"—whether manifested as a rhinoceros horn or a musical instrument—to stand for both natural substances and artificial objects as spaces of tactility. He enters into creative dialogue with artists, scientists, and philosophers, ranging from Salvador Dalí, William Kentridge, and Rebecca Horn to Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, and Marshall McLuhan, who plumb the complex interplay between tactility and technological and biological surfaces. Whether analyzing how Dalí conceived of images as tactile entities during his “rhinoceros phase” or examining the problem of tactility in Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49, Schmidgen reconfigures understandings of the dynamic phenomena of touch in media.
Fordham University Press The Helmholtz Curves: Tracing Lost Time
This book reconstructs the emergence of the phenomenon of “lost time” by engaging with two of the most significant time experts of the nineteenth century: the German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz and the French writer Marcel Proust. Its starting point is the archival discovery of curve images that Helmholtz produced in the context of pathbreaking experiments on the temporality of the nervous system in 1851. With a “frog drawing machine,” Helmholtz established the temporal gap between stimulus and response that has remained a core issue in debates between neuroscientists and philosophers. When naming the recorded phenomena, Helmholtz introduced the term temps perdu, or lost time. Proust had excellent contacts with the biomedical world of late-nineteenth-century Paris, and he was familiar with this term and physiological tracing technologies behind it. Drawing on the machine philosophy of Deleuze, Schmidgen highlights the resemblance between the machinic assemblages and rhizomatic networks within which Helmholtz and Proust pursued their respective projects.
Oxford University Press Oxford Textbook of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia
Now in paperback, the Oxford Textbook of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia covers the dramatic developments that have occurred in the basic neuroscience and clinical research in both cognitive neurology and dementia in an integrated fashion. The text is firmly based on the clinical approach to the patient with cognitive impairment and dementia, while also providing the essential background scientific knowledge that is fundamental to clinical practice. Divided into three main sections, this book combines the basic science (Section 1) with different types of cognitive deficit or neuropsychological presentation (Section 2), and disease specific chapters (Section 3). With contributions from a range of international experts, this is essential reading for clinicians with an interest in cognition and dementia including neurologists, geriatricians and psychiatrists. It provides a powerful means of bringing together different aspects of conceptual understanding and factual knowledge, in a way that usually can only come after many years in the field.
The Peterson Institute for International Economics Free Trade Between Korea and the United States?
Springer International Publishing AG Resilience: Militaries and Militarization
This book explores the concept of ‘resilience’ in the context of militaries and militarization. Focusing on the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia, and continental Europe, it argues that, post-9/11, there has been a shift away from ‘trauma’ and towards ‘resilience’ in framing and understanding human responses to calamitous events. The contributors to this volume show how resilience-speech has been militarized, and deeply entrenched in imagined communities. As the concept travels, it is applied in diverse and often contradictory ways to a vast array of experiences, contexts, and scientific fields and disciplines. By embracing diverse methodologies and perspectives, this book reflects on how resilience has been weaponized and employed in highly gendered ways, and how it is central to neoliberal governance in the twenty-first century. While critical of the use of resilience, the chapters also reflect on more positive ways for humans to respond to unforeseen challenges.
Edinburgh University Press Deleuze'S Philosophy of Law
Aggregates and assesses Deleuze's claims about law, decision, judgement and related themes for the first time Develops a complete and self-sustaining Deleuzian philosophy of law where others have found only fragmentation Examines and uses various interdisciplinary connections, including law and literature, law and political theory, law and metaphysics, law and history of philosophy, and legal history Critiques several approaches to the question of Deleuze's legal thought Promises to ignite debate and draw attention to the importance of legal theory for other fields, including social and political philosophy Gilles Deleuze has provided the most fascinating account of law of the 20th century. Yet it is hidden in a just a few clues dispersed throughout his work and no complete reconstruction of it has ever been produced before. Laurent de Sutter gathers all the elements that compose Deleuze's philosophy of law and articulates them for the first time in a real system. The result is the most devastating critique of the very idea of law. But it is also surprising, praising the actual practice of jurisprudence. This is not simply a practice of judgment; it is a practice of radical creation and leads to an intriguing question: what if lawyers were the only true revolutionaries of our time?
Stanford University Press Fraud: The World of Ona'ah
We can calculate financial fraud, but how do we measure bad faith? How can we evaluate the words of the pharmaceutical industry or of eco-scientific ideologies, or the subtle deception found in political scheming? Henri Atlan sheds light on these questions through the concept of ona'ah, which in Hebrew refers to both fraud in financial transactions and the verbal injury inflicted by speech. The world of ona'ah is a world of an "in-between," where the impossible purity of absolute Platonic truth gives way to a more relative notion—the near-theft, the quasi-lie. Today it seems that no discourse is safe from fraudulent excesses, be they intentional or no. As both philosopher and biologist, Atlan works on several registers. He forges links between the Talmud, the Kabbalah, and the big questions of our time, multiplying the bridges between science, philosophy, and current ethical dilemmas. In a context of financial and moral crises that appear to be weakening our democracies, Henri Atlan's work allows us to rethink the status of fraud in the contemporary world.
The University of Chicago Press Critique of Freedom: The Central Problem of Modernity
In this ambitious book, philosopher Otfried Höffe provides a sophisticated account of the principle of freedom and its role in the project of modernity. Höffe addresses a set of complex questions concerning the possibility of political justice and equity in the modern world, the destruction of nature, the dissolving of social cohesion, and the deregulation of uncontrollable markets. Through these considerations, he shows how the idea of freedom is central to modernity, and he assesses freedom’s influence in a number of cultural dimensions, including the natural, economic and social, artistic and scientific, political, ethical, and personal-metaphysical. Neither rejecting nor defending freedom and modernity, he instead explores both from a Kantian point of view, looking closely at the facets of freedom’s role and the fundamental position it has taken at the heart of modern life. Expanding beyond traditional philosophy, Critique of Freedom develops the building blocks of a critical theory of technology, environmental protection, economics, politics, medicine, and education. With a sophisticated yet straightforward style, Höffe draws on a range of disciplines in order to clearly distinguish and appreciate the many meanings of freedom and the indispensable role they play in liberal society.
Stanford University Press Fraud: The World of Ona'ah
We can calculate financial fraud, but how do we measure bad faith? How can we evaluate the words of the pharmaceutical industry or of eco-scientific ideologies, or the subtle deception found in political scheming? Henri Atlan sheds light on these questions through the concept of ona'ah, which in Hebrew refers to both fraud in financial transactions and the verbal injury inflicted by speech. The world of ona'ah is a world of an "in-between," where the impossible purity of absolute Platonic truth gives way to a more relative notion—the near-theft, the quasi-lie. Today it seems that no discourse is safe from fraudulent excesses, be they intentional or no. As both philosopher and biologist, Atlan works on several registers. He forges links between the Talmud, the Kabbalah, and the big questions of our time, multiplying the bridges between science, philosophy, and current ethical dilemmas. In a context of financial and moral crises that appear to be weakening our democracies, Henri Atlan's work allows us to rethink the status of fraud in the contemporary world.
Little Brown and Company Jeeves and the Leap of Faith: A Novel in Homage to P. G. Wodehouse
The Peterson Institute for International Economics Reengaging Egypt – Options for US–Egypt Economic Relations
Collective Ink Mysteries of the Twelfth Astrological House, The: Fallen Angels
The twelfth house is the most spiritual and mystical house in astrology. It rules cosmic consciousness, compassion, service to others, spiritual gifts, addiction, imagination and much more. Having planets placed in this house blesses you with imagination, intuition, empathy and mystical experiences. In The Mysteries of the Twelfth Astrological House we will discuss a basic overview of the key issues and practical ways to overcome the more challenging twelfth house planet placements, sharing stories and words of wisdom. This book will benefit anyone who wants to learn more about the basics of the twelfth house while providing skills in counselling clients with these placements.
Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) Freedom
Henri Bergson (1859- 1941) was a major French philosopher. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1927 and France's highest honor, the Grand-Croix de la Legion d'honneur, in 1930.Alexander Lefebvre (translator) is Professor of Politics and Philosophy at the University of Sydney, Australia.Nils F. Schott (translator) teaches philosophy in the Euro-American Program of the Collège Universitaire de SciencesPo, France.
The Peterson Institute for International Economics Trans–Pacific Partnership – An Assessment
Stanford University Press Artificial Presence: Philosophical Studies in Image Theory
These collected studies on the philosophy of the image offer the fundamental insight that images alone make the artificial presence of things possible. Images present things as exclusively visible, released from the laws of physics. Taking this idea as his point of departure, Wiesing provides an overview of the fundamental positions in contemporary image studies. He describes the use of images as signs from a phenomenological perspective, reconstructs Plato's concept of mimesis by way of the canon of images it presupposes, and demonstrates the special relevance of extreme types of images— virtual reality, desktop windows, or abstract photography—for the philosophical labor of the concept of the image.
Sports Publishing LLC Tales from the Purdue Boilermakers Locker Room: A Collection of the Greatest Boilermaker Stories Ever Told
John Wiley & Sons Inc Large-Scale Computing Techniques for Complex System Simulations
Complex systems modeling and simulation approaches are being adopted in a growing number of sectors, including finance, economics, biology, astronomy, and many more. Technologies ranging from distributed computing to specialized hardware are explored and developed to address the computational requirements arising in complex systems simulations. The aim of this book is to present a representative overview of contemporary large-scale computing technologies in the context of complex systems simulations applications. The intention is to identify new research directions in this field and to provide a communications platform facilitating an exchange of concepts, ideas and needs between the scientists and technologist and complex system modelers. On the application side, the book focuses on modeling and simulation of natural and man-made complex systems. On the computing technology side, emphasis is placed on the distributed computing approaches, but supercomputing and other novel technologies are also considered.