Search results for ""ISTE Ltd and John Wiley Sons Inc""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Reliability for Industry 3
Applied Reliability for Industry 3 illustrates the multidisciplinary state-of-the-art science of operational reliability. Many experts are now convinced that reliability is not limited to statistical sciences. In fact, many different disciplines interact in order to bring a product to its highest possible level of reliability, made available through today’s technologies, developments and production methods. These three books, of which this is the third, propose new methods for analyzing the lifecycle of a system, enabling us to record the development phases according to development time and levels of complexity for its integration. Operational reliability, as presented in Applied Reliability for Industry 3, verifies the reliability performance of the mechatronic system in real life through an analysis of field data.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Hybrid Excited Synchronous Machines: Topologies, Design and Analysis
Our transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable future has seen an increase in the use of electrical energy in the functioning of our society. This implies the need to develop tools and methods which allow us to study electromagnetic devices and ensure their functioning for as long as possible. This requires us to use these tools to understand their behavior, not just as one component, but also in the entire systems in which they can be found, throughout their life cycle. This book provides electrical engineering students and researchers with the resources to analyze how synchronous machines behave over their entire field of operation, particularly focusing on hybrid excited synchronous machines (HESMs). The field of HESMs, although not a fundamental problem in the strict sense of the term, provides answers to a range of fundamental problems: the flux weakening of permanent magnet machines, energy optimization, and lastly the increasing costs of rare-earths permanent magnets.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Euclidean to Hilbert Spaces: Introduction to Functional Analysis and its Applications
From Euclidian to Hilbert Spaces analyzes the transition from finite dimensional Euclidian spaces to infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, a notion that can sometimes be difficult for non-specialists to grasp. The focus is on the parallels and differences between the properties of the finite and infinite dimensions, noting the fundamental importance of coherence between the algebraic and topological structure, which makes Hilbert spaces the infinite-dimensional objects most closely related to Euclidian spaces.The common thread of this book is the Fourier transform, which is examined starting from the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), along with its applications in signal and image processing, passing through the Fourier series and finishing with the use of the Fourier transform to solve differential equations.The geometric structure of Hilbert spaces and the most significant properties of bounded linear operators in these spaces are also covered extensively. The theorems are presented with detailed proofs as well as meticulously explained exercises and solutions, with the aim of illustrating the variety of applications of the theoretical results.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Scattering and Diffraction by Wedges 2: The Wiener-Hopf Solution - Advanced Applications
The book has a dual purpose. The first is to expose a general methodology to solve problems of electromagnetism in geometries constituted of angular regions. The second is to bring the solutions of some canonical problems of fundamental importance in modern electromagnetic engineering with the use of the Wiener-Hopf technique. In particular, the general mathematical methodology is very ingenious and original. It is based on sophisticated and attractive procedures exploiting simple and advanced properties of analytical functions. Once the reader has acquired the methodology, she/he can easily obtain the solution of the canonical problems reported in the book. The book can be appealing also to readers who are not directly interested in the detailed mathematical methodology and/ or in electromagnetics. In fact the same methodology can be extended to acoustics and elasticity problems. Moreover, the proposed practical problems with their solutions constitute a list of reference solutions and can be of interests in engineering production in the field of radio propagations, electromagnetic compatibility and radar technologies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation in Sport: Innovation Trajectories and Process Optimization
Whether in terms of practices, equipment or services, the sports sector is characterized by intense inventiveness and is an excellent subject to study innovation processes. This book provides a sociological reading of these processes, illustrated by case studies that allow us to grasp the complexity of innovation trajectories. The case studies highlight the astonishing pathways, from the origin of inventions to their effective dissemination and use, and including the bifurcations of projects. The “surprises” thus presented refer to an invariant of innovation processes, namely that trajectories are rarely linear and that the control exercised over them is relative. Innovation in Sport concludes with a set of recommendations for optimizing the management of sport innovation. This book is intended for students of sports science and management, as well as for professionals and entrepreneurs in the sports markets.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Emotions and Values in Equity Crowdfunding Investment Choices 2: Modeling and Empirical Study
Equity crowdfunding is a new way for seed stage start-ups to generate initial capital and, as such, raises questions around the choices made by investors within this area. Understanding it is important for investor protection, as investors are generally unaware of the factors that can influence their decisions. However, investing in equity crowdfunding places the investor in a unique decision-making framework, in which resources such as images, videos and storytelling are all mobilized by entrepreneurs and platforms as tools of persuasion. This context thus seems to favor more holistic and emotional decision-making, rather than a process that is rational and analytical. Volume 1 presents a transdisciplinary theoretical analysis, combining different fields within the social sciences, primarily finance, marketing and psychology. In this second volume, an explanatory model is developed on the basis of this theoretical framework, which is then empirically tested using data from laboratory experiments. This book also proposes the original theory of �emotional matching�, which is both justified and substantiated. It personalizes behavior and offers a new perspective based on project characteristics and investor preferences.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mankind and Deserts 2: Water and Salts
The wild beauty of deserts has always been a source of fascination the world over. Mankind and Deserts 2 the second of three volumes focuses on water, its absence or indeed its extreme scarcity, as well as on the ways in which salts come to be formed in areas such as these. Aridity of the climate does not exclude rainfall, after which deserts flourish; wet mists, dew, exceptional events separated by years of total drought. Water flows into temporary and disorganized networks but, occasionally, large rivers cross the deserts, giving rise to vibrant civilizations: the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates, Niger, to name a few. Temporary or permanent lakes collect water in basins without outlet to the ocean, referred to as endorrheic basins, such as Lake Chad. This results in salt accumulation and evaporitic formations. A large variety of salts crystallize, in addition to halite, among which is potash. Halite common salt is an essential resource and its trade leads to the creation of salt caravans, used to exchange it with gold, even on a 1-1 weight basis, generating subsequent wealth. From ancient, almost mythical, exploration to modern scientific studies, deserts have come to be better known yet still hold great appeal. This book traces the history of their knowledge while providing a basis for understanding their features and the tools needed for their protection, in an ever-changing world.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Electronics 2: Applications and Marketing
Due to their special properties, organic semiconductors enable the development of large-area, low-cost devices, paving the way for flexible and nomadic applications that advantageously replace those made with traditional semiconductors. In this second volume, we study the main applications of organic semiconductors, such as organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), solar cells (OPVs) and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs).The commercialization of these new devices is then discussed within the Brabec triangle framework, in which yield, stability and production costs are the key factors. We also address the environmental impact of organic devices for their future development. This book presents the application side of organic electronics from a technological, economic and environmental perspective. It is intended for researchers and students in university programs or engineering schools specializing in electronics, energy and materials.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Software Networks: Virtualization, SDN, 5G, and Security
Software Networks describe new concepts for the Internet�s next generation. This architecture is based on virtual networking using Cloud and datacenter facilities. The main problems to be dealt with are the placement of virtual resources for opening a new network on the fly, and the urbanization of virtual resources implemented on physical network equipment. The digital architecture also deals with mechanisms capable of automatically controlling the placement of all virtual resources within the physical network. This book describes how to create and delete virtual networks on the fly. Indeed, the system is able to create any new network with any kind of virtual resource (e.g. switches, routers, LSRs, optical paths, firewalls, SIP-based servers, devices, servers, access points, etc.). Software Networks shows how this architecture is compatible with new advances in SDN (Software Defined Networking), new high-speed transport protocols such as TRILL (Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links) and LISP (Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol), NGN, IMS, new generation Wi-Fi, and 4G/5G networks. Finally, the author introduces Clouds of security and the virtualization of secure elements (smartcards) that could certainly transform how to secure the Internet. For this second edition, the author addresses in five new chapters the importance of open source software for networks, mobile edge computing, fog networking, tactile internet a network environment allowing remote access, and security the use of Cloud of security, secure elements and the emergence of the blockchain.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Economics, Engineering and Management Handbook 1: Main Themes
Innovation, in economic activity, in managerial concepts and in engineering design, results from creative activities, entrepreneurial strategies and the business climate. Innovation leads to technological, organizational and commercial changes, due to the relationships between enterprises, public institutions and civil society organizations. These innovation networks create new knowledge and contribute to the dissemination of new socio-economic and technological models, through new production and marketing methods. Innovation Economics, Engineering and Management Handbook 1 is the first of the two volumes that comprise this book. The main objectives across both volumes are to study the innovation processes in today�s information and knowledge society; to analyze how links between research and business have intensified; and to discuss the methods by which innovation emerges and is managed by firms, not only from a local perspective but also a global one. The studies presented in these two volumes contribute toward an understanding of the systemic nature of innovations and enable reflection on their potential applications, in order to think about the meaning of growth and prosperity.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multi-physics Modeling of Technological Systems
The development of mechatronic and multidomain technological systems requires the dynamic behavior to be simulated before detailed CAD geometry is available. This book presents the fundamental concepts of multiphysics modeling with lumped parameters. The approach adopted in this book, based on examples, is to start from the physical concepts, move on to the models and their numerical implementation, and finish with their analysis. With this practical problem-solving approach, the reader will gain a deep understanding of multiphysics modeling of mechatronic or technological systems – mixing mechanical power transmissions, electrical circuits, heat transfer devices and electromechanical or fluid power actuators. Most of the book's examples are made using Modelica platforms, but they can easily be implemented in other 0D/1D multidomain physical system simulation environments such as Amesim, Simulink/Simscape, VHDL-AMS and so on.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation, Research and Development Management
In today’s business environment, as organizations constantly seek to growth and develop through the optimization of their innovative and creative potential, understanding the critical issues and management practices in R & D is essential. This book provides a critical revaluation of the state of the art issues and concepts in R&D management. The views expressed are those of leading French researchers and professionals in this field, fed by empirical studies in national and international firms.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Numerical Methods with Matlab 2: Resolution of Nonlinear, Differential and Partial Differential Equations
The purpose of this book is to introduce and study numerical methods basic and advanced ones for scientific computing. This last refers to the implementation of appropriate approaches to the treatment of a scientific problem arising from physics (meteorology, pollution, etc.) or of engineering (mechanics of structures, mechanics of fluids, treatment signal, etc.). Each chapter of this book recalls the essence of the different methods resolution and presents several applications in the field of engineering as well as programs developed under Matlab software.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Controlled Branching Processes
The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive discussion of the available results for discrete time branching processes with random control functions. The independence of individuals’ reproduction is a fundamental assumption in the classical branching processes. Alternatively, the controlled branching processes (CBPs) allow the number of reproductive individuals in one generation to decrease or increase depending on the size of the previous generation. Generating a wide range of behaviors, the CBPs have been successfully used as modeling tools in diverse areas of applications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Numerical Methods with Matlab 1: Function Approximation and System Resolution
Most physical problems can be written in the form of mathematical equations (differential, integral, etc.). Mathematicians have always sought to find analytical solutions to the equations encountered in the different sciences of the engineer (mechanics, physics, biology, etc.). These equations are sometimes complicated and much effort is required to simplify them. In the middle of the 20th century, the arrival of the first computers gave birth to new methods of resolution that will be described by numerical methods. They allow solving numerically as precisely as possible the equations encountered (resulting from the modeling of course) and to approach the solution of the problems posed. The approximate solution is usually computed on a computer by means of a suitable algorithm. The objective of this book is to introduce and study the basic numerical methods and those advanced to be able to do scientific computation. The latter refers to the implementation of approaches adapted to the treatment of a scientific problem arising from physics (meteorology, pollution, etc.) or engineering (structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, signal processing, etc.) .
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc City Logistics 2: Modeling and Planning Initiatives
This volume of three books presents recent advances in modelling, planning and evaluating city logistics for sustainable and liveable cities based on the application of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). It highlights modelling the behaviour of stakeholders who are involved in city logistics as well as planning and managing policy measures of city logistics including cooperative freight transport systems in public-private partnerships. Case studies of implementing and evaluating city logistics measures in terms of economic, social and environmental benefits from major cities around the world are also given.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Civil Engineering Structures According to the Eurocodes: Inspection and Maintenance
"This standard assumes that the structure, after completion, is used as intended in the project and subject to planned inspection and maintenance to meet the expected project lifetime and to detect any unforeseen weakness or behavior" (EN 13670 §4.1) An important decision factor in the design of new structures and repairs to existing structures is the lifetime or expected service life. This concept, which is common for civil engineering works, has been extended to all engineering and building works by applying the European Structural Design Codes. This book tries to take stock of the inspection methodologies related to each type of civil engineering work, the various pathologies of concrete structures, and gives examples of the writing of reports.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Algebraic Structures to Tensors
Nowadays, tensors play a central role for the representation, mining, analysis, and fusion of multidimensional, multimodal, and heterogeneous big data in numerous fields. This set on Matrices and Tensors in Signal Processing aims at giving a self-contained and comprehensive presentation of various concepts and methods, starting from fundamental algebraic structures to advanced tensor-based applications, including recently developed tensor models and efficient algorithms for dimensionality reduction and parameter estimation. Although its title suggests an orientation towards signal processing, the results presented in this set will also be of use to readers interested in other disciplines. This first book provides an introduction to matrices and tensors of higher-order based on the structures of vector space and tensor space. Some standard algebraic structures are first described, with a focus on the hilbertian approach for signal representation, and function approximation based on Fourier series and orthogonal polynomial series. Matrices and hypermatrices associated with linear, bilinear and multilinear maps are more particularly studied. Some basic results are presented for block matrices. The notions of decomposition, rank, eigenvalue, singular value, and unfolding of a tensor are introduced, by emphasizing similarities and differences between matrices and tensors of higher-order.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Signals and Control Systems: Application for Home Health Monitoring
The aim of this book is the study of signals and deterministic systems, linear, time-invariant, finite dimensions and causal. A set of useful tools is selected for the automatic and signal processing and methods of representation of dynamic linear systems are exposed, and analysis of their behavior. Finally we discuss the estimation, identification and synthesis of control laws for the purpose of stabilization and regulation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Reading and Writing Knowledge in Scientific Communities: Digital Humanities and Knowledge Construction
Practices associated with the culture of “scholarly” reading have been developed over many centuries and annotations themselves have become the subject of study, either as additional elements in connection with the original texts or as documents in their own right. The first “scholarly” reading techniques, seen historically from the 12th Century onwards, combine reading and writing in a process known as lettrure, involving both attentive reading and commentary. The Internet has transformed this activity, adding technical layers that relate both to the reading and writing process as well as to the circulation of texts; their potential and effective augmentation, diffusion, and reception. This book examines digitized reading and writing by focusing primarily on the conditions for the co-construction of scientific knowledge and its augmentation. The authors present numerous examples of studies and personal feedback concerning the intellectual process, open critical spaces, collaborative scholarly publishing, methods for the circulation and mediatization of knowledge, as well as the techniques and tools employed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fourier Analysis
This book aims to learn to use the basic concepts in signal processing. Each chapter is a reminder of the basic principles is presented followed by a series of corrected exercises. After resolution of these exercises, the reader can pretend to know those principles that are the basis of this theme. "We do not learn anything by word, but by example."
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Uncertain Digital Revolution
Digital information and communication technologies can be seen as a threat to privacy, a step forward for freedom of expression and communication, a tool in the fight against terrorism or the source of a new economic wealth. Computerization has unexpectedly progressed beyond our imagination, from a tool of management and control into one of widespread communication and expression. This book revisits the major questions that have emerged with the progress of computerization over nearly half a century, by describing the context in which these issues were formulated. By taking a social and digital approach, the author explores controversial issues surrounding the development of this "digital revolution", including freedom and privacy of the individual, social control, surveillance, public security and the economic exploitation of personal data. From students, teachers and researchers engaged in data analysis, to institutional decision-makers and actors in policy or business, all members of today's digital society will take from this book a better understanding of the essential issues of the current "digital revolution".
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Transformation: Information System Governance
The main aim of this book is to offer companies a simple and practical method to assess their maturity in the Governance Information System, so that they are in working order to face the challenges of Digital Transformation. How can companies effectively manage their investment in IT systems and make the most of their development?
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Robust Control Optimization with Metaheuristics
In the automotive industry, a Control Engineer must design a unique control law that is then tested and validated on a single prototype with a level of reliability high enough to to meet a number of complex specifications on various systems. In order to do this, the Engineer uses an experimental iterative process (Trial and Error phase) which relies heavily on his or her experience. This book looks to optimise the methods for synthesising servo controllers ny making them more direct and thus quicker to design. This is achieved by calculating a final controller to directly tackle the high-end system specs.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Geometric and Topological Mesh Feature Extraction for 3D Shape Analysis
Three-dimensional surface meshes are the most common discrete representation of the exterior of a virtual shape. Extracting relevant geometric or topological features from them can simplify the way objects are looked at, help with their recognition, and facilitate description and categorization according to specific criteria. This book adopts the point of view of discrete mathematics, the aim of which is to propose discrete counterparts to concepts mathematically defined in continuous terms. It explains how standard geometric and topological notions of surfaces can be calculated and computed on a 3D surface mesh, as well as their use for shape analysis. Several applications are also detailed, demonstrating that each of them requires specific adjustments to fit with generic approaches. The book is intended not only for students, researchers and engineers in computer science and shape analysis, but also numerical geologists, anthropologists, biologists and other scientists looking for practical solutions to their shape analysis, understanding or recognition problems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Meshing, Geometric Modeling and Numerical Simulation 1: Form Functions, Triangulations and Geometric Modeling
Triangulations, and more precisely meshes, are at the heart of many problems relating to a wide variety of scientific disciplines, and in particular numerical simulations of all kinds of physical phenomena. In numerical simulations, the functional spaces of approximation used to search for solutions are defined from meshes, and in this sense these meshes play a fundamental role. This strong link between the meshes and functional spaces leads us to consider advanced simulation methods in which the meshes are adapted to the behaviors of the underlying physical phenomena. This book presents the basic elements of this meshing vision.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fatigue of Textile and Short Fiber Reinforced Composites
This book covers several aspects of the fatigue behavior of textile and short fiber reinforced composites. The first part is dedicated to 2D and 3D reinforced textile composites and includes a systematic description of the damage evolution for quasi-static and tensile-tensile fatigue loadings. Acoustic emissions and digital image correlation are considered in order to detect the damage modes’ initiation and development. The acoustic emission thresholds of the quasi-static loading are connected to the “fatigue limit” of the materials with distinctions for glass and carbon reinforcements.The second part is devoted to the fatigue behavior of injection molded short fiber reinforced composites. Experimental evidence highlights the dependence of their fatigue response on various factors: fiber and matrix materials, fiber distribution, environmental and loading conditions are described. A hybrid (experimental/simulations) multi-scale method is presented, which drastically reduces the amount of experimental data necessary for reliable fatigue life predictions.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Heat and Moisture Transfer between Human Body and Environment
Human adaptation under cold or hot temperatures has always required specific fabrics for clothing. Sports or protective garment companies propose to improve performance or safety. Behind thermal comfort lays many physical/physiological topics: human thermoregulation loop, natural or forced convection, heat and vapor transfer through porous textile layers, solar and infrared radiation effects. This book leads through progressive and pedagogic stages to discern the weight of all the concerned physical parameters.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Design Constraints for NFC Devices
Near field communication (NFC) can appear to be a simple intuitive technology for exchanging data between close devices. In reality, these contactless structures that combine components and antennas must respect important and specific working constraints. Illustrated by a number of detailed technological examples, this book discusses the multiple normative (ISO, CEN, NFC Forum, EMVCo, etc.) and regulatory (ERC, FCC, ETSI, radiofrequency, private and ecological pollution, etc.) constraints, as well as the applied, typological, functional, structural, environmental or interoperability constraints that a NFC device might face. Design Constraints for NFC Devices also presents techniques that enable us to free ourselves from the technological constraints of current NFC operations encountered in banking, public transport, administration, automotive, industrial, communicating object and Internet of Things applications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Phase Transformations
This book is part of a set of books which offers advanced students successive characterization tool phases, the study of all types of phase (liquid, gas and solid, pure or multi-component), process engineering, chemical and electrochemical equilibria, and the properties of surfaces and phases of small sizes. Macroscopic and microscopic models are in turn covered with a constant correlation between the two scales. Particular attention has been given to the rigor of mathematical developments. This fifth volume is devoted to the study of transformations and equilibria between phases. First- and second-order pure phase transformations are presented in detail, just as with the macroscopic and microscopic approaches of phase equilibria. In the presentation of binary systems, the thermodynamics of azeotropy and demixing are discussed in detail and applied to strictly-regular solutions. Eutectic and peritectic points are examined, as well as the reactions that go with them. The study of ternary systems then introduces the concepts of ternary azeotropes and eutectics. For each type of solid-liquid system, the interventions of definite compounds with or without congruent melting are taken into account. The particular properties of the different notable points of a diagram are also demonstrated.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Metaheuristics for String Problems in Bio-informatics
So-called string problems are abundant in bioinformatics and computational biology. New optimization problems dealing with DNA or protein sequences are constantly arising and researchers are highly in need of efficient optimization techniques for solving them. One obstacle for optimization practitioners is the atypical nature of these problems which require an interdisciplinary approach in order to solve them efficiently and accurately.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Metaheuristics for Air Traffic Management
Air Traffic Management involves many different services such as Airspace Management, Air Traffic Flow Management and Air Traffic Control. Many optimization problems arise from these topics and they generally involve different kinds of variables, constraints, uncertainties. Metaheuristics are often good candidates to solve these problems. The book models various complex Air Traffic Management problems such as airport taxiing, departure slot allocation, en route conflict resolution, airspace and route design. The authors detail the operational context and state of art for each problem. They introduce different approaches using metaheuristics to solve these problems and when possible, compare their performances to existing approaches
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Systems Dependability Assessment: Modeling with Graphs and Finite State Automata
Presents recent developments of probabilistic assessment of systems dependability based on stochastic models, including graph theory, finite state automaton and language theory, for both dynamic and hybrid contexts.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Rapid Prototyping Software for Avionics Systems: Model-oriented Approaches for Complex Systems Certification
The design, implementation and validation of avionics and aeronautical systems have become extremely complex tasks due to the increase of functionalities that are deployed in current avionics systems and the need to be able certify them before putting them into production. This book proposes a methodology to enable the rapid prototyping of such a system by considering from the start the certification aspects of the solution produced. This method takes advantage of the model-based design approaches as well as the use of formal methods for the validation of these systems. Furthermore, the use of automatic software code generation tools using models makes it possible to reduce the development phase as well as the final solution testing. This book presents, firstly, an overview of the model-based design approaches such as those used in the field of aeronautical software engineering. Secondly, an original methodology that is perfectly adapted to the field of aeronautical embedded systems is introduced. Finally, the authors illustrate the use of this method using a case study for the design, implementation and testing of a new generation aeronautical router.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Network Security
This book introduces the security mechanisms deployed in Ethernet, Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi), Internet Protocol (IP) and MultiProtocol Label Switching (MPLS) networks. These mechanisms are grouped throughout the book according to the following four functions: data protection, access control, network isolation, and data monitoring. Data protection is supplied by data confidentiality and integrity control services. Access control is provided by a third-party authentication service. Network isolation is supplied by the Virtual Private Network (VPN) service. Data monitoring consists of applying rules to data in order to authorize its transfer or detect attacks. The chapters of the book cover cryptography, 802.1x mechanism, WPA mechanisms, IPSec mechanism, SSL/TLS/DTLS protocols, network management, MPLS technology, Ethernet VPN, firewalls and intrusion detection.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc COBOL Software Modernization: From Principles to Implementation with the BLU AGE Method
Nowadays, billions of lines of code are in the COBOL programming language. This book is an analysis, a diagnosis, a strategy, a MDD method and a tool to transform legacy COBOL into modernized applications that comply with Internet computing, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the Cloud. It serves as a blueprint for those in charge of finding solutions to this considerable challenge.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Performance Evaluation by Simulation and Analysis with Applications to Computer Networks
This book is devoted to the most used methodologies for performance evaluation: simulation using specialized software and mathematical modeling. An important part is dedicated to the simulation, particularly in its theoretical framework and the precautions to be taken in the implementation of the experimental procedure. These principles are illustrated by concrete examples achieved through operational simulation languages (OMNeT ++, OPNET). Presented under the complementary approach, the mathematical method is essential for the simulation. Both methodologies based largely on the theory of probability and statistics in general and particularly Markov processes, a reminder of the basic results is also available.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrochemical Energy Storage
The electrochemical storage of energy has become essential in assisting the development of electrical transport and use of renewable energies. French researchers have played a key role in this domain but Asia is currently the market leader. Not wanting to see history repeat itself, France created the research network on electrochemical energy storage (RS2E) in 2011. This book discusses the launch of RS2E, its stakeholders, objectives, and integrated structure that assures a continuum between basic research, technological research and industries. Here, the authors will cover the technological advances as well as the challenges that must still be resolved in the field of electrochemical storage, taking into account sustainable development and the limited time available to us.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrostatic Kinetic Energy Harvesting
Harvesting kinetic energy is a good opportunity to power wireless sensor in a vibratory environment. Besides classical methods based on electromagnetic and piezoelectric mechanisms, electrostatic transduction has a great perspective in particular when dealing with small devices based on MEMS technology. This book describes in detail the principle of such capacitive Kinetic Energy Harvesters based on a spring-mass system. Specific points related to the design and operation of kinetic energy harvesters (KEHs) with a capacitive interface are presented in detail: advanced studies on their nonlinear features, typical conditioning circuits and practical MEMS fabrication.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Development of Marine Resources
Marine resources and their exploitation, recovery and economic networks they generate are here from the perspective now inevitable growing environmental constraints, policy management and technical innovation. A historical perspective shows that Ocean and its adjacent seas at all times, allowed coastal communities to adapt to a very volatile environment through many technological changes. The recent development of marine biotechnology , the discovery of a great pharmacopoeia especially in reef environments , the development of marine renewables , are examples which show that man can develop through these new technologies property and services of the ocean. But this development resources under pressure of global change requires not only taking into account technical, but also social and political. This is the price that the analysis of maritime activities will assess the sustainability and development of various economic sectors and coastal populations, faced with the objectives of a "blue growth" associated with a return to the "good state "of the marine environment.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Value and Economy of Marine Resources
Marine resources and their exploitation, recovery and economic networks they generate are here from the perspective now inevitable growing environmental constraints, policy management and technical innovation. The recent development of marine biotechnology , the discovery of a great pharmacopoeia especially in reef environments , the development of marine renewables , are examples which show that man can develop through these new technologies property and services of the ocean. But this development resources under pressure of global change requires not only taking into account technical, but also social and political. This is the price that the analysis of maritime activities will assess the sustainability and development of various economic sectors and coastal populations, faced with the objectives of a "blue growth" associated with a return to the "good state" of the marine environment.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Vulnerability of Coastal Ecosystems and Adaptation
The vulnerability of socio-ecosystem combines the probability of exposure to natural or anthropogenic pressure, sensitivity and resilience. This book presents a systemic view of the diversity of pressures and impacts produced by climate change and human actions. Erosion of biodiversity by changing ocean chemistry, the intensification of global change raises the problem of the adaptation of living resources.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Automatic Text Summarization
Textual information in the form of digital documents quickly accumulates to create huge amounts of data. The majority of these documents are unstructured: it is unrestricted text and has not been organized into traditional databases. Processing documents is therefore a perfunctory task, mostly due to a lack of standards. It has thus become extremely difficult to implement automatic text analysis tasks. Automatic Text Summarization (ATS), by condensing the text while maintaining relevant information, can help to process this ever-increasing, difficult-to-handle, mass of information. This book examines the motivations and different algorithms for ATS. The author presents the recent state of the art before describing the main problems of ATS, as well as the difficulties and solutions provided by the community. The book provides recent advances in ATS, as well as current applications and trends. The approaches are statistical, linguistic and symbolic. Several examples are also included in order to clarify the theoretical concepts.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wireless Power Transfer via Radiowaves
Recent advances in Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) technologies have enabled various engineering applications with potential product implementation. WPT can be utilized to charge batteries in various pieces of equipment without the need for a wired connection. Energy can be harvested from ambient RF and microwave radiation and 1 million kW microwaves can be transmitted from space to the ground.This book covers all the theory and technologies of WPT, such as microwave generators with semi-conductors and microwave tubes, antennas, phased arrays, beam efficiency, and rectifiers (rectenna). The authors also discuss coupling WPT. Applications, such as energy harvesting, sensor networks, point-to-point WPT, WPT to moving targets (airplane, vehicle, etc.) and Solar Power Satellite are also presented.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Tracking with Particle Filter for High-dimensional Observation and State Spaces
This title concerns the use of a particle filter framework to track objects defined in high-dimensional state-spaces using high-dimensional observation spaces. Current tracking applications require us to consider complex models for objects (articulated objects, multiple objects, multiple fragments, etc.) as well as multiple kinds of information (multiple cameras, multiple modalities, etc.). This book presents some recent research that considers the main bottleneck of particle filtering frameworks (high dimensional state spaces) for tracking in such difficult conditions.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Electronics
Scientists largely attribute the recent deterioration of the electromagnetic environment to power electronics. This realization has spurred the study of methodical approaches to electromagnetic compatibility designs as explored in this text. The book addresses major challenges, such as handling numerous parameters vital to predicting electro magnetic effects and achieving compliance with line-harmonics norms, while proposing potential solutions.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Spatial Econometrics using Microdata
This book provides an introduction to spatial analyses concerning disaggregated (or micro) spatial data. Particular emphasis is put on spatial data compilation and the structuring of the connections between the observations. Descriptive analysis methods of spatial data are presented in order to identify and measure the spatial, global and local dependency. The authors then focus on autoregressive spatial models, to control the problem of spatial dependency between the residues of a basic linear statistical model, thereby contravening one of the basic hypotheses of the ordinary least squares approach. This book is a popularized reference for students looking to work with spatialized data, but who do not have the advanced statistical theoretical basics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Information-Centric Networks: A New Paradigm for the Internet
Since its inception, the Internet has evolved from a textual information system towards a multimedia information system, in which data, services and applications are consumed as content. Today, however, the main problem faced is that applications are now content-oriented but the protocol stack remains the same, based on the content location. Thus, it is clear that the Internet’s current architecture must change. This new architecture should take into account aspects to improve content location and delivery efficiency and also content availability. Fulfilling these requirements is the main goal of information-centric networks (ICNs). ICN is a new communication paradigm to increase the efficiency of content delivery and also content availability. In this new concept, the network infrastructure actively contributes to content caching and distribution. This book presents the basic concepts of ICNs, describes the main architecture proposals for these networks, and discusses the main challenges to their development. Information Centric-Networks looks at the current challenges for this concept, including: naming, routing and caching on the network-core elements, several aspects of content security, user privacy, and practical issues in implementing ICNs. Contents 1. Content Distribution on the Internet. 2. Information-Centric Networks. 3. Main ICN Architectures. 4. Challenges. 5. Practical Issues. About the Authors Gabriel M. Brito is an Engineer at Petrobras in Brazil and studying for a Master’s degree at the Universidade Federal Fluminense in Brazil. Pedro Braconnot Velloso is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Brazil. He worked for Bell Labs France as a research engineer from 2009 to 2011. Igor M. Moraes is an Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal Fluminense in Brazil.