Search results for ""Author Ralph""
The History Press Ltd The Making of the Tudor Dynasty: Classic Histories Series
The peculiar origins of the Tudor family and the improbable saga of their rise and fall and rise again in the centuries before the Battle of Bosworth have been largely overlooked. Based on both published and manuscript aources from Britain and France, The Making of the Tudor Dynasty sets the record straight by providing the only coherant and authoritative account of the ancestors of the Tudor royal family from their beginnings in North Wales at the start of the thirteenth century, through royal English and French connections in the fifteenth century, to Henry Tudor's victory at Bosworth Field in 1485.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Paranasal Sinuses: Anatomy, Development & Biological Function
Guilford Publications The Psychology of Religion: An Empirical Approach
Keeping up with the rapidly growing research base, the leading graduate-level psychology of religion text is now in a fully updated fifth edition. It takes a balanced, empirically driven approach to understanding the role of religion in individual functioning and social behavior. Integrating research on numerous different faith traditions, the book addresses the quest for meaning; links between religion and biology; religious thought, belief, and behavior across the lifespan; experiential dimensions of religion and spirituality; the social psychology of religious organizations; and connections to coping, adjustment, and mental disorder. Chapter-opening quotations and topical research boxes enhance the readability of this highly instructive text. New to This Edition *New topics: cognitive science of religion; religion and violence; and groups that advocate terrorist tactics. *The latest empirical findings, including hundreds of new references. *Expanded discussion of atheism and varieties of nonbelief. *More research on religions outside the Judeo-Christian tradition, particularly Islam. *State-of-the-art research methods, including techniques for assessing neurological states.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cerebrovascular Disease: Momentum at the End of the Second Millennium
In this book, an international group of investigators from a broad array of clinical and basic disciplines present the ideas and concepts in the foreground of cerebrovascular disease. Included in their discussion are perspectives on topics that continue to guide current investigations, such as white matter injury, newer imaging approaches, delayed neuronal death, and recovery after stroke, as well as continuing disagreements on the value of heparin or MRI endpoints in the management of stroke patients. Further topics include a proposal for a major multicenter re-study of the utility of extracranial-intracranial bypass surgery in light of additional diagnostic information available through PET scanning; examination of how processes such as apoptosis, inflammation, free radicals, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase activation, and alterations in glutamate receptor function contribute to the pathogenesis of ischemic brain injury; and finally an exploration of how estrogens or cholesterol-lowering agents might be used therapeutically.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Injury and Violence Prevention: Behavioral Science Theories, Methods, and Applications
Injury and Violence Prevention: Behavioral Science Theories, Methods, and Applications is a cutting-edge volume that provides a comprehensive understanding of injury and violence prevention. This detailed resource draws on the breadth and depth of many scientific disciplines and public health practice experiences. Written by internationally renowned experts in the field, Injury and Violence Prevention emphasizes the specific theories, methods, and applications that make behavioral science approaches relevant and central to reducing injury-related harm. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the most frequently used behavior change theories and models and shows how they have been¾or could be¾applied to injury problems, the most commonly used research methods for understanding and influencing behavior change, behavior change issues for specific injury topic areas, and a variety of cross-cutting issues important to the field.
Harvard University Press Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume VIII: 1841–1843
In July 1841, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote to Thomas Carlyle: “My whole philosophy…teaches acquiescence and optimism.” The journals in this volume, beginning in the summer of 1841, record the spiritual history of two years that can be viewed as the most critical test in Emerson’s life of his ability to maintain the two aspects of that philosophy.Early in 1842 his son Waldo died, and the man who only months before had described himself as “professor of the joyous Science” found himself once again confronting the full implications of grief. Seeking to comprehend the loss, he used his journals to articulate and rediscover the vital faith upon which his philosophy rested. In passages that went eventually into “Experience,” and in the earliest drafts of the poem “Threnody,” which appear for the first time in these pages, he discovered that even this harsh event had its “compensations.” Waldo’s death forced a reassessment of the convictions that gave life to his earlier writings. He transformed his numb responses into his most moving poetry and prose, giving new and significant meaning to his “old motto”: “I am Defeated all the time, yet to Victory I am born.”Emerson’s motto is revealing, for its concepts display aptly the bipolarity that characterizes so much of his thought during these crucial years. He carried on at length an internal debate between the active and passive life styles. He saw his friends committed in their various ways to a more emphatic practice of their philosophies than he was able to undertake. Moving between engagement and withdrawal, commitment and aloofness, action and passivity, he consistently sought that point of equilibrium where the opposing forces of his thought could be held in creative tension.As Emerson’s private experience deepened, he was becoming more completely the public man of letters: writing, publishing, editing The Dial, and lecturing. His travels brought him in contact with the leading men of his day, and with sights and exposures which even his beloved New England could not offer. Amidst the public duties, however, it was Concord which remained the still, vital center of his life. A brilliant and widely diversified range of visitors brought the world to Emerson’s home and inspired him to explore personal and literary issues which he would develop in his journals and later utilize in lectures and essays.Emerson saw his calling as that of a poet; these journals are abundant in verse. Working versions of some of his most noted poems reveal the complex relationship between his private and literary life and the manner in which he attempted to fuse the diversities of his thought. In the eight regular journals and three miscellaneous notebooks of this volume is the record of these fusions. This period of his life closes, as it opened, with “acquiescence and optimism.” But the creative skepticism which is so characteristic of the second series of essays and the poems of 1841–1843 is the mark of a “very real philosophy,” tempered and tried by adversity, by success, and by “Experience.”
Harvard University Press Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume II: 1822–1826
Ralph Waldo Emerson, the man and thinker, will be fully revealed for the first time in this new edition of his journals and notebooks. The old image of the ideal nineteenth-century gentleman, created by editorial omissions of his spontaneous thoughts, is replaced by the picture of Emerson as he really was. His frank and often bitter criticisms of men and society, his “nihilizing,” his anguish at the death of his first wife, his bleak struggles with depression and loneliness, his sardonic views of woman, his earthy humor, his ideas of the Negro, of religion, of God—these and other expressions of his private thought and feeling, formerly deleted or subdued, are here restored. Restored also is the full evidence needed for studies of his habits of composition, the development of his style, and the sources of his ideas.The second volume prints the exact texts of nine journals and three notebooks. It reveals the shape of some of Emerson’s enduring interests, in embryo “essays” on the moral sense, moral beauty, taste, greatness and fame, friendship, compensation, and the unity of God and the universe. Restored from oblivion are suppressed passages on the Negro and revelations of acute melancholy and rebelliousness. These records of his developing thought are also the history of his early obscurity, when the fame he sought was still painfully remote.
Harvard University Press Early Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume III: 1838–1842
In July 1839 Emerson wrote in his journal: "A lecture is a new literature...only then is the orator successful when he is himself agitated & is as much a hearer as any of the assembly. In that office you may & shall...yet see the electricity part from the cloud & shine from one part of heaven to the other." In this final volume of the early lectures we see the mature lecturer, directing himself toward that eloquence to which he aspired and finding a new vocation. With these lectures—ten from the series "Human Life," nine from the series "The Present Age," the "Address to the People of East Lexington," and two surviving lectures from the series "The Times"—Emerson produced virtually all his earned income from 1838-1842. The volume includes a biographical and critical introduction. A comprehensive index has been carefully prepared for the three volumes.
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume IV: Representative Men
In 1845 Emerson delivered a series of lectures entitled "Uses of Great Men; Plato, or the Philosopher; Swedenborg, or the Mystic; Montaigne, or the Skeptic; Shakespeare, or the Poet; Napoleon, or the Man of the World; and Goethe, or the Writer." Emerson's approach to his great men stands in interesting contrast to that of his friend Carlyle in his Heroes and Hero Worship of 1841.Although by 1845 Emerson had been lecturing for over ten years, Representative Men, published in 1850, was the first of his works to consist of his lectures as delivered, with only minima! revision and expansion. The book retains the immediacy of the spoken word, and the freedom and daring inspired by a live audience.This critical edition is based on Emerson's holograph manuscript, which served as printer's copy for the first American edition, collated with subsequent editions and with Emerson's own corrections. The historical introduction relates the book to Emerson's life and times and discusses its literary origins, composition, and contemporary reception. A textual introduction and apparatus have been provided by the textual editor, and there are full informational notes. The volume has been awarded the seal of the Center for Scholarly EditionsJoseph Slater, General EditorDouglas Emory Wilson, Textual Editor
West Academic Publishing Racial Justice and Law: Cases and Materials
White Supremacy pervades American history. Moreover, notwithstanding landmark civil rights gains and egalitarian aspirations, America remains segregated and unequal. This book examines the role of law in reinforcing and ameliorating racial injustice. Although surveying key historical precedents, its primary focus is the present. The book examines contemporary controversies across a variety of settings, animated by three fundamental questions: What is the current racial order? To what extent is it unjust? How can law and legal actors advance a more racially just order? The book uses cases, statutes and other sources of law, supplemented by problems and exercises, to equip students to both critique and construct pragmatic solutions to race-related controversies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Pancreas: An Integrated Textbook of Basic Science, Medicine, and Surgery
The PANCREASThe newest edition of the essential guide to pancreatic medicine The fourth edition of The Pancreas: An Integrated Textbook of Basic Science, Medicine, and Surgery integrates the cutting-edge research of recent years to update its presentation of this fast-growing subject. It details every known disorder of the pancreas, grounding them in a thorough understanding of pancreatic function, enhanced with high quality illustration and graphs. It also includes step-by-step guidance for relevant endoscopic techniques and surgical procedures. The Pancreas readers will also find: New comprehensive insights into three pancreatic diseases: autoimmune pancreatitis, cystic neoplasms, and neuroendocrine tumors An editorial team with decades of clinical and research experience in the US, Europe, and Asia Over 500 downloadable illustrations for use in scientific presentations The Pancreas is a foundational reference for clinicians and researchers in gastroenterology and gastrointestinal surgery.
SAGE Publications Inc IR - International Student Edition: Seeking Security, Prosperity, and Quality of Life in a Changing World
IR: Seeking Security, Prosperity, and Quality of Life in a Changing World invites students into the debates in world politics and supports them as they engage with ideas and events by providing a clear introduction to not just what happens, but why and how it happens. Assuming no prior knowledge about international relations, award-winning teachers and scholars James M. Scott, Ralph G. Carter, and A. Cooper Drury meet students where they are and provide them with a framework to make sense of the complicated events and interactions of world politics. The latest edition is thoroughly updated to provide insights into recent world developments.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Pferde in Asien: Geschichte, Handel Und Kultur / Horses in Asia: History, Trade and Culture
History Press Transforming the James River in Richmond
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Internationale Führung: Das GLOBE-Brevier in der Praxis
In diesem leicht verständlichen Werk sind zwanzig Jahre interkulturelle Führungs- und Organisationsforschung des GLOBE Projekts auf das Wesentliche zusammengefasst und für den Einsatz in der Praxis globaler Führung und Organisation aufbereitet. Die GLOBE Ergebnisse werden vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Führungsforschung, der Kulturforschung und weiterer globaler Studien über interkulturelle Führung erläutert. Durch zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele und Gestaltungsansätze erfahren Sie, wie man mit GLOBE Ergebnissen erfolgreich arbeiten kann.Einige der inhaltlichen Highlights mit starkem Praxisbezug•• Universelle und kulturspezifische Merkmale effektiver Führung•• Entwicklung von Führungsleitbildern in globalen Unternehmen•• internationales 360 Grad Feedback•• deutsche Führungskultur im weltweiten Vergleich•• was macht Gesellschaftskulturen besonders attraktiv für Organisationen?•• effektive internationale Führung von CEOs
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Context-Marketing: Der Schlüssel zum Verbraucherverhalten
In Zeiten der Zuvielfalt wird das Konsum- und Entscheidungserhalten der Menschen immer intuitiver, automatisierter und weniger differenziert. Auch die Markenwahl erscheint sprunghafter und das Kaufverhalten der Verbraucher wirkt illoyal. Rückt aber der Kontext einer Entscheidungssituation in den Fokus der Betrachtung, lässt sich nachweisen, dass sich die Konsumenten weiterhin durchaus konsistent verhalten. Alltagskontexte steuern über den Autopilot menschliche Entscheidungen und öffnen dadurch Verbraucher schneller für Marken. Consumer Insights sind deshalb heute ohne Context Insights nur die Hälfte wert. Dieses Buch zeigt anhand von Best-Practice-Beispielen neue Wege für erfolgreiche Markenführung trotz Informationstsunami und digitaler Schnelllebigkeit auf. Alltagskontexte und neueste Forschungsergebnisse der Behavioral Economics werden berücksichtigt. Die Praxisperspektive von Marketingexperten aus Agenturen, Beratungen und Unternehmen steht im Vordergrund und faszinierende Erkenntnisse und vielversprechende Ansätze helfen, Marken mittels Context-Marketing für die Zukunft relevanter und marktwirksamer zu entwickeln. Branchenübergreifende Markenerfolgsbeispiele sowie ausgewählte Expertenbeiträge aus Zukunftsforschung, Digitalmarketing, Sozialpsychologie und Kommunikationsdesign runden das Werk ab.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Wohnimmobilien: Lebenszyklus, Strategie, Transaktion
Die Wohnungswirtschaft hat eine immense Bedeutung für die deutsche Volkswirtschaft. Dieses Grundlagenwerk vermittelt den Beschäftigten in der institutionellen Wohnungswirtschaft Überblicks- und Detailwissen zu allen relevanten Feldern des Grundstücks- und Wohnungswesens. So hilft es dem Leser, dem zeitgemäßen Anforderungsprofil eines Wohnimmobilienmanagers gerecht zu werden, indem es das Management sowohl im kaufmännischen als auch im technischen und infrastrukturellen Bereich ausführlich darstellt. Die Beiträge im Teil Transaktion sind darauf ausgerichtet, dass die Leser die entscheidenden wirtschaftlichen, rechtlichen und steuerlichen Aspekte verstehen und zielgerichtet steuern.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Sacrality and Materiality: Locating Intersections
Christian theology traditionally regards the sacramental as the polar opposite of the profane. The polarity is a memorial of contemporary desacralisation, profanisation, and sacralisation that stands as a portal to the story of modern reality. In our liminal space, we neither de-sacralise our environs nor re-sacralise the world. The lines are blurred and our perception of spirituality is neither immanent nor transcendent. While words fail to articulate the condition, stories are told and tales of experiences come together to form new theoretical nets, systems and categories. The conference volume, Sacrality and Materiality: Locating Intersections seeks to reply to the questions: Where does the sacred intersect with the material? What happens when they meet? First, however, does the sacral even exist? Would it be more productive to ignite sacramental discourse at the intersections of a new matrix? Historically, materiality is other than spirituality -- an intersection of the two is an intangible event of the intellect and spirit. We must engage a bipolar setting in the context of its own history in order to speak about the unspeakable. Despite that spirituality and materiality refuse to assume the categories assigned to the initial polarities of sacrality and profanity, the volume addresses the constrictions. Sacral materialism and sacral spiritualism both exist in their own right, and Christian theology has more to offer than polarities. The sacral is the meeting point for the fission of thought. Is the sacramental a topos for telling a postmodern story of spiritual experience? Is Evangelical sacramental theology relevant? Does theological talk about holy materiality belong in denominational and inter-religious dialogue?
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Rameau's Nephew, and Other Works
This anthology features unabridged translations of Diderot's best work as a literary artist, including those writings that embody his most original and influential ideas.
Hatje Cantz Strange Clay: Ceramics in Contemporary Art
Few materials have experienced a similar revaluation in contemporary art as clay has in the past few years. This timely publication accompanies a large-scale exhibition at the Hayward Gallery, London, exploring how contemporary artists are using clay and ceramics in inventive and surprising ways, and pushing the boundaries of the medium. Featuring the work of over 20 international artists—from Grayson Perry to Woody De Othello—an introductory essay by curator Cliff Lauson, a text on the history of fine art and ceramics by writer and critic Amy Sherlock, and a round table discussion with artists from the exhibition, this catalogue is a meaningful contribution to the ongoing conversation about the relationship between art and craft.
Peeters Publishers Fiction Sacree: Spiritualite Et Esthetique Durant Le Premier Age Moderne
Le present volume explore les echanges entre esthetique et spiritualite au premier age moderne. Alors qu'on a eu tendance a etudier ces deux champs independamment ou a les penser dans leur succession chronologique (l'ere de l'image/l'ere de l'art), comme dans leur opposition structurelle et ideologique (discours laic/discours religieux), il s'agit ici d'envisager leur dialogue et leur confrontation a travers differents lieux, parmi lesquels la litterature artistique, la litterature spirituelle, la litterature ekphrastique, l'emblematique, la poetique, la rhetorique...En portant l'attention sur le role de l'inspiration, de la contemplation, de l'imitation, du prodige, du langage, de l'imagination, de l'entendement..., sont mises ainsi en evidence les modalites selon lesquelles les arts et la litterature ont pu s'approprier certains elements du discours theologique relatif a la representation, et comment, en retour, la litterature spirituelle a pu reconnaitre et exploiter sa dimension esthetique en empruntant a la theorie litteraire et artistique.
Laurenz Foundation, Schaulager Future Present: The Collection of the Emanuel Hoffmann Foundation
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Diversitat Und Interessenvertretung - Zwischen Beharrung Und Bewegung: Geschlechterpolitik Und Generationswechsel Im Betriebsrat
Dr Ludwig Reichert Glaswerk: Beitrage Zur Erforschung Von Glas Und Glashutten
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Das Ende der Zuversicht?: Die siebziger Jahre als Geschichte
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Gemeinsames Gebet: Form Und Wirkung Des Gottesdienstes
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Rockville
Cengage Learning, Inc The Global West: Connections & Identities, Volume 1: To 1790
Intimidated by the thought of taking Western civ? You may be in for a pleasant surprise because THE GLOBAL WEST isn't a typical Western civ textbook. Developed by authors who've spent years helping a diverse range of students understand history, the book uses stories of ordinary people and their impact on history, along with stunning images and maps that make the subject interesting. You'll also have lots of help learning concepts with learning objectives, an easy-reading narrative and a clear message that helps you "get" the origins of today's interconnected world.
Gary Snyder Gallery Ralph Humphrey
University of Pennsylvania,Institute of Contemporary Art Charles Ledray: Sculpture 1989-2002
Documenting this American artist's first solo museum exhibition, Charles LeDray will focus on his obsessively crafted miniature sculptures in a variety of media, including textiles, ceramics, seashells, and bone, that reflect on childhood, gender, sexuality, and autobiography.
Cengage Learning, Inc Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice
ETHICAL DECISIONS FOR SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE will help you recognize ethical issues and dilemmas, reason carefully about ethical issues, clarify your ethical aspirations at the level demanded by the profession, and achieve a more ethical stance in your practice. It places ethical decision making within the context of professional ethics and provides guidelines, including two ethical screens, to help you identify priorities among competing ethical obligations.
University of New Mexico Press 3 Toes
“Yip, Yippy Yap Yippy Yay, I’m a clever fellow, they say,” howls Three-Toes the cunning coyote. Quiet as the shadow of a floating cloud, he gets around to escaping Rancher Brown’s trap, tricking Towser the dog, and sending Hop-a-long jumping for shelter on his long jack rabbit legs. The final book of the Mesaland Series follows Three-Toes as he pops in and out of mischief on the sunny mesa.First published between 1943 and 1949 and now available again, the seven books in the Mesaland Series introduce a new generation of readers to the animals and plants of the great Southwest.
Marvel Comics Eternals: A History Written In Blood
Marvel Comics X-men: The Animated Series - The Adaptations Omnibus
New Directions Publishing Corporation Early Light
Early Light offers three very different aspects of Osamu Dazai's genius: the title story relates his misadventures as a drinker and a family man in the terrible fire bombings of Tokyo at the end of WWII. Having lost their own home, he and his wife flee with a new baby boy and their little girl to relatives in Kofu, only to be bombed out anew. "Everything's gone," the father explains to his daughter: "Mr. Rabbit, our shoes, the Ogigari house, the Chino house, they all burned up," "Yeah, they all burned up," she said, still smiling. "One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji," another autobiographical tale, is much more comic: Dazai finds himself unable to escape the famous views, the beauty once immortalized by Hokusai and now reduced to a cliche. In the end, young girls torment him by pressing him into taking their photo before the famous peak: "Goodbye," he hisses through his teeth, "Mount Fuji. Thanks for everything. Click." And the final story is "Villon's Wife," a small masterpiece, which relates the awakening to power of a drunkard's wife. She transforms herself into a woman not to be defeated by anything, not by her husband being a thief, a megalomaniacal writer, and a wastrel. Single-handedly, she saves the day by concluding that "There's nothing wrong with being a monster, is there? As long as we can stay alive."
Stanford University Press The Mosaic of Economic Growth
A Stanford University Press classic.
Phaidon Press Ltd Paul McCarthy
Definitive monograph on America's most challenging and influential artist Los-Angeles-based artist Paul McCarthy (b.1945) creates Disneyesque installations, sculptures of animal/vegetable/human hybrids and slapstick performances in a purge of a national subconscious. The psycho-sexual desires and anxieties induced by the media and the built environment of contemporary America emerge in his collisions of plastic prosthetic limbs and condiments that stand in for bodily fluids. These works have been variously deployed: through live actions, often documented on video, and more recently in outsized figures and artificial rural environments, combined in overtly sexual ways. McCarthy's work echoes that of European artists such as Joseph Beuys or the Viennese Aktionistes, but gives 'action art' a postmodern twist. This new revised and expanded edition includes contributions by luminaries such as Kristine Stiles, Ralph Rugoff, Massimiliano Gioni and Robert Storr.
Aurora Metro Publications On the Trail of Americana Music
In this thorough exploration of the history and spread of Americana Music around the world, Ralph Brookfield goes beyond the headlines to uncover what drives singer songwriters to go to Nashville, play in small clubs and create their music against the increasingly difficult backdrop of Covid-19, dwindling recording revenues and fragmentation of the music industry. With so many music venues closed and incomes reduced, musicians speak of their hopes and fears for the future of the industry in challenging times. Based on numerous interviews with leading musicians and music industry professionals, this book explores the illusive genre and movement that is Americana. From its historical roots in Country, Folk and other rebel music, the story of Americana music is told by those who are taking it in new directions today. Extracts from interviews with: Emily Barker, Yola, Troy Cassar-Daley, Kasey Chambers, Dave Cobb, Paul Kelly, Lindi Ortega, Wildwood Kin and many more. --Publisher "Publisher website"
Institute of Economic Affairs Brexit: Directions for Britain Outside the EU: 2015
During 2013-14, the IEA ran a competition to find the best blueprint for Britain outside the EU, with the objective of securing a free and prosperous economy should it choose to leave. The IEA does not have a position on whether Britain should leave the EU. However, it is part of their educational mission to promote a wider understanding of the importance of a free economy and the institutions that are necessary for a free economy. They therefore regarded it as important to promote debate on the best way to achieve this in the event of the British people choosing to leave the EU: that was the main purpose of the competition. To provide a longer-lasting contribution to this debate, the IEA decided to publish this monograph examining the various options using, in the main, entries to the British Exit ('Brexit') competition. There was a wide range of possible approaches suggested by entrants to that competition.Some proposed that Britain should promote free trade and openness through the unilateral removal of trade and other barriers to economic activity; others proposed maintaining formal relationships with European countries through the European Free Trade Association and/or the European Economic Area; still other entrants took the view that Britain should seek to form economic and political alliances and partnerships with countries outside Europe - for example with the Commonwealth or the --Anglosphere - normally with a view to that being a gateway to free trade with as much of the world as would be willing. The winner was Foreign Office diplomat Iain Mansfield, who received most of the publicity at the end of the competition. However, in understanding how Britain can be free and prosperous in the event that it leaves the EU, it is worthwhile considering a range of other approaches to 'Brexit'. It is only through determining the best destiny for Britain outside the EU that the correct decision will be taken about whether to leave the EU and, if so, how. This book therefore brings together Iain Mansfield's submission with edited versions of two other entries.One of those, by Robert Oulds, proposes that the UK remains a member of the European Economic Area and rejoins the European Free Trade Association; another, by Ralph Buckle and Tim Hewish, proposes that Britain pursues free trade through the route of the Commonwealth and the Anglosphere. The final contribution, by John Hulsman, was not an entry to the competition but re-examines an approach to promoting free trade first proposed in his IEA monograph published in 2001, The World Turned Rightside Up. This involved the development of a global free-trade association. Overall, this book is an important contribution to the debate about how Britain should leave the EU, should it choose to do so. It distils clearly the different options and the advantages and disadvantages of alternative approaches with reference to the objective of promoting a free and prosperous economy. The authors have different views about how to achieve the same objective. It is hoped that, by presenting those different views in this volume, the debate will move beyond 'Britain - in or out?' to a debate about something just as important: 'If Britain should leave, how should it leave?'
Cengage Learning EMEA Principles of Business Information Systems
The new fourth edition of Principles of Business Information Systems features new cases, new questions and assignments and the latest technologies, whilst retaining its comprehensive coverage of Information Systems issues. It also boasts a wealth of real world examples from a broad range of countries and updated coverage of IT and technological issues, making it perfect for courses that prepare students for the modern corporate world.
Fantom Films Limited Who Talk: The Web of Fear
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Wine Culture in Iran and Beyond