Search results for ""Author Howard""
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Selected Keyboard Works, Book II: Miscellaneous Pieces
C.P.E. Bach's Selected Keyboard Works have been published as part of ABRSM's 'Signature' Series - a series of authoritative performing editions of standard keyboard works, prepared from original sources by leading scholars. Includes informative introductions and performance notes.
Rowman & Littlefield The World Court in Action: Judging among the Nations
Over a century ago, a precursor to the International Court of Justice, usually called the World Court, was created. The United States had an important role in founding the Court, and a U.S. citizen—Andrew Carnegie-funded the Peace Palace, the building in which the World Court still convenes. But in 1985, during the second Reagan-Bush Administration, the U.S. effectively withdrew its support and authority from the Court in respose to its ruling on the U.S. use of force in Nicaragua. Since that time, the role of the World Court has grown in importance internationally even though the U.S. refuses to participate fully. And because the U.S. role has been so attenuated, the full story of the World Court has not been told, especially to U.S. citizens and students whose ignorance of it is a national embarrassment. Howard N. Meyer-longtime legal authority, activist, and champion of untold or misunderstood histories-traces the World Court all the way back to The Hague Conference of 1899 and shows its development through World War I, the League of Nations, World War II, and the Cold War, all the way up to the contemporary challenges of East Timor and Kosovo. More recently, Meyer distinguishes between the nation-state oriented work of the World Court and the work of the International Criminal Court which was proposed in 1998 to prosecute individual war criminals like Milosevic and others coming out of the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. As different as they are, the World Court and the ICC have a common problem that this book seeks to address: resistance in Washington to the international rule of law, especially when it comes to authority surrounding the use of force.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success
REVISED AND UPDAT ED WITH NEW RESEARCH INTO EQ AND PERSONAL AND CAREER SUCCESS What is the formula for success at your job? As a spouse? A parent? A Little League baseball coach or behind the bench of a minor hockey team? What does it take to get ahead? To separate yourself from the competition? To lead a less stressful and happier existence? To be fulfilled in personal and professional pursuits? What is the most important dynamic of your makeup? Is it your A) intelligence quotient? or B) emotional quotient? If you picked "A", you are partly correct. Your intelligence quotient can be a predictor of things such as academic achievement. But your IQ is fixed and unchangeable. The real key to personal and professional growth is your emotional intelligence quotient, which you can nurture and develop by learning more about EQ from the international bestseller The EQ Edge. Authors Steven J. Stein and Howard E. Book show you how the dynamic of emotional intelligence works. By understanding EQ, you can build more meaningful relationships, boost your confidence and optimism, and respond to challenges with enthusiasm-all of which are essential ingredients of success. The EQ Edge offers fascinating-and sometimes surprising-insights into what it takes to be a top law-enforcement officer, lawyer, school principal, student, doctor, dentist or CEO. You will learn what the top EQ factors are across many different kinds of jobs, from business managers and customer service representatives to HR professionals and public servants. The EQ Edge will help you determine which personnel are the right fit for job opportunities and who among your staff are the most promising leaders and drivers of your business. And because all of us have other roles-parent, spouse, caregiver to aging parents, neighbor, friend-The EQ Edge also describes how everyone can be more successful in these relationships. "Finally, a practical and usable guide to what emotional intelligence is all about. This book peels the onion on what EQ really is and teaches the reader to assess their own EQ and how to increase it. This is the holy grail for career success."—Michael Feiner, Professor, Columbia Graduate School of Business and author of The Feiner Points of Leadership
Columbia University Press Social Value Investing: A Management Framework for Effective Partnerships
Social Value Investing presents a new way to approach some of society’s most difficult and intractable challenges. Although many of our world’s problems may seem too great and too complex to solve — inequality, climate change, affordable housing, corruption, healthcare, food insecurity — solutions to these challenges do exist, and will be found through new partnerships bringing together leaders from the public, private, and philanthropic sectors.In their new book, Howard W. Buffett and William B. Eimicke present a five-point management framework for developing and measuring the success of such partnerships. Inspired by value investing — one of history’s most successful investment paradigms — this framework provides tools to maximize collaborative efficiency and positive social impact, so that major public programs can deliver innovative, inclusive, and long-lasting solutions. It also offers practical insights for any private sector CEO, public sector administrator, or nonprofit manager hoping to build successful cross-sector collaborations.Social Value Investing tells the compelling stories of cross-sector partnerships from around the world — Central Park and the High Line in New York City, community-led economic development in Afghanistan, and improved public services in cities across Brazil. Drawing on lessons and observations from a broad selections of collaborations, this book combines real life stories with detailed analysis, resulting in a blueprint for effective, sustainable partnerships that serve the public interest. Readers also gain access to original, academic case material and professionally produced video documentaries for every major partnerships profiled — bringing to life the people and stories in a way that few other business or management books have done.
Columbia University Press The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature has long been a definitive resource for Chinese literature in translation, offering a complete overview of twentieth-century writing from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and making inroads into the twenty-first century as well. In this new edition Joseph S. M. Lau and Howard Goldblatt have selected fresh works from familiar authors and have augmented the collection with poetry, stories from the colonial period in Taiwan, literature by Tibetan authors, samplings from the People's Republic of China during the Cultural Revolution, stories by post-Mao authors Wang Anyi and Gao Xingjian, literature with a homosexual theme, and examples from the modern "cruel youth" movement. Lau and Goldblatt have also updated their notes and their biographies of featured writers and poets. Now fully up to date, this critical resource more than ever provides readers with a thorough introduction to Chinese society and culture.
Emerald Publishing Limited Silicon Valley North: A High-Tech Cluster of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Silicon phenomenon was, is, and will be an extremely important phenomenon in the accelerated technological, scientific, and economic development of countries and regions. Silicon Valley North (SVN) is the high tech capital of Canada, the nations most developed and dynamic technology sector, which includes multiple clusters in telecommunications, software, photonics, and life sciences. It gave birth to many well-known companies such as Corel, JDS Uniphase, Mitel, Newbridge Networks, Nortel Networks, Digital Equipment of Canada, just to mention a few. A lot of literature describes Silicon Valley and Silicon Alley in the US, Silicon Islands in Asia, and so on. Despite the quite evident importance of Silicon Valley North for the regional, national, and international technological development (especially when Nortel Networks and JDS Uniphase became global leaders in their fields and expanded in explosive fashion), this phenomenon is far from being well understood.Because of this, a book on the Canadian Silicon Valley is an exceptionally timely endeavor. "Silicon Valley North: A High-Tech Cluster of Innovation and Entrepreneurship" is devoted to the multidimensional and multifaceted nature of SVN, its history, current state and future developments. The book offers a broad and deeply thematic analysis of one particular innovative clusterSilicon Valley North. The reader will obtain expert insight into what SVN is all about by acquiring a comprehensive and "panoramic picture" of SVN within a single book. The reader will develop an accurate sense of what spurs high tech start-up companies in SVN toward their exceptional performances, and how to apply these insights to his or her unique regional context.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Writings, XXIII, Volume 23: The Moment and Late Writings
Kierkegaard, a poet of ideals and practitioner of the indirect method, also had a direct and polemical side. He revealed this in several writings throughout his career, culminating in The Moment, his attack against the established ecclesiastical order. Kierkegaard was moved to criticize the church by his differences with Bishop Mynster, Primate of the Church of Denmark. Although Mynster saw in Kierkegaard a complement to himself and his outlook, Kierkegaard challenged Mynster to acknowledge the emptying and estheticizing of Christianity that had occurred in modern Christendom. For three years Kierkegaard was silent, waiting. When Mynster died, he was memorialized as "an authentic truth-witness" in the "holy chain of truth-witnesses that stretches through the ages from the days of the apostles." This struck Kierkegaard as blasphemous and inspired him to write a series of articles in Faedrelandet, which he followed with ten numbers of the pamphlet The Moment. This volume includes the articles from Faedrelandet, all numbers of The Moment, and several other late pieces of Kierkegaard's writing.
Workman Publishing The Recovery Book: Answers to All Your Questions About Addiction and Alcoholism and Finding Health and Happiness in Sobriety
“A classic. Read it. Use it. It can help guide you step by step into the bright light of the world of recovery.” —from the Foreword by Harry Haroutunian, M.D., Physician Director, Betty Ford Center “The Recovery Book is the Bible of recovery. Everything you need to know you will find in here.” —Neil Scott, host, Recovery Coast to Coast radio Hope, support, and a clear road map for people with drug or alcohol addiction. Announcing a completely revised and updated second edition of The Recovery Book, the Bible of addiction recovery. The Recovery Book provides a direct and easy-to-follow road map to every step in the recovery process, from the momentous decision to quit to the emotional, physical, and spiritual issues that arise along the way. Its comprehensive and effective advice speaks to people with addiction, their loved ones, and addiction professionals who need a proven, trusted resource and a supportive voice. This new edition features the revolutionary Recovery Zone System, which divides a life in recovery into three chronological zones and provides guidance on exactly what to do in each zone. First is the Red Zone, where the reader is encouraged to stop everything, activate their recovery and save their life. Next is the Yellow Zone, where the reader can begin to rebuild a life that was torn apart by addiction. Finally, the reader reaches the Green Zone, where they can enjoy a life of recovery and help others. And the Recovery Zone ReCheck is a simple and effective relapse prevention tool. The Recovery Zone System works hand-in-hand with the 12-step philosophy and all other recovery methods.The Recovery Book covers new knowledge about addiction mechanisms and neuroplasticity, explaining how alcohol and drugs alter the brain. The authors outline a simple daily practice, called TAMERS, that helps people to use those same processes to “remold their brains” around recovery, eventually making sobriety a routine way of life. Written by Al J. Mooney, M.D., a recovery activist who speaks internationally on recovery, and health journalists Catherine Dold and Howard Eisenberg, The Recovery Book covers all the latest in addiction science and recovery methods. In 26 chapters and over 600 pages, The Recovery Book tackles issues such as: ·Committing to Recovery: Identifying and accepting the problem; deciding to get sober. ·Treatment Options: Extensive information on current options and how to choose a program. ·AA and other 12-Step Fellowships: How to get involved in a mutual-support group. ·Addiction Science and Neuroplasticity: How alcohol and drugs alter pathways in the brain, and how to remold the brain around recovery. ·Relapse Prevention: The Recovery Zone ReCheck, a simple new technique to anticipate and avoid relapses. ·Rebuilding Your Life: How to handle relationships, socializing, work, education, and finances. ·Physical and Mental Health: Tips for getting healthy and handling common ailments. ·Pain Control: How to deal with pain in recovery and avoid a relapse if you need pain control for medical care. ·Family and Friends: How to help a loved one with addiction, and how to help yourself. ·Raising Substance-Free Kids: How to “addiction-proof” your child. ·The Epidemic of Prescription Drugs: Now a bigger problem than illegal drugs.The Recovery Book will help millions gain control of their mind, their body, their life, and their happiness.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Writings, XXIII, Volume 23: The Moment and Late Writings
Kierkegaard, a poet of ideals and practitioner of the indirect method, also had a direct and polemical side. He revealed this in several writings throughout his career, culminating in The Moment, his attack against the established ecclesiastical order. Kierkegaard was moved to criticize the church by his differences with Bishop Mynster, Primate of the Church of Denmark. Although Mynster saw in Kierkegaard a complement to himself and his outlook, Kierkegaard challenged Mynster to acknowledge the emptying and estheticizing of Christianity that had occurred in modern Christendom. For three years Kierkegaard was silent, waiting. When Mynster died, he was memorialized as "an authentic truth-witness" in the "holy chain of truth-witnesses that stretches through the ages from the days of the apostles." This struck Kierkegaard as blasphemous and inspired him to write a series of articles in Faedrelandet, which he followed with ten numbers of the pamphlet The Moment. This volume includes the articles from Faedrelandet, all numbers of The Moment, and several other late pieces of Kierkegaard's writing.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Writings, II, Volume 2: The Concept of Irony, with Continual Reference to Socrates/Notes of Schelling's Berlin Lectures
A work that "not only treats of irony but is irony," wrote a contemporary reviewer of The Concept of Irony, with Continual Reference to Socrates. Presented here with Kierkegaard's notes of the celebrated Berlin lectures on "positive philosophy" by F.W.J. Schelling, the book is a seedbed of Kierkegaard's subsequent work, both stylistically and thematically. Part One concentrates on Socrates, the master ironist, as interpreted by Xenophon, Plato, and Aristophanes, with a word on Hegel and Hegelian categories. Part Two is a more synoptic discussion of the concept of irony in Kierkegaard's categories, with examples from other philosophers and with particular attention given to A. W. Schlegel's novel Lucinde as an epitome of romantic irony. The Concept of Irony and the Notes of Schelling's Berlin Lectures belong to the momentous year 1841, which included not only the completion of Kierkegaard's university work and his sojourn in Berlin, but also the end of his engagement to Regine Olsen and the initial writing of Either/Or.
University of California Press A Picture Gallery of the Soul
A vivid and moving celebration of the ways that Black Americans have shaped and been shaped by photography, from its inception to the present day. A Picture Gallery of the Soul presents the work of more than one hundred Black American artists whose practice incorporates the photographic medium. Organized by the Katherine E. Nash Gallery at the University of Minnesota, this group exhibition samples a range of photographic expressions produced over three centuries, from traditional photography to mixed media and conceptual art. From the daguerreotypes made by Jules Lion in New Orleans in 1840 to the Instagram post of the Baltimore Uprising made by Devin Allen in 2015, photography has chronicled Black American life, and Black Americans have defined the possibilities of photography. Frederick Douglass recognized the quick, easy, and inexpensive reproducibility of photography and developed a theoretical framework for understanding its impact on public discourse, which he delivered as a series of four lectures during the Civil War. It has been widely acknowledged that Douglass, the subject of 160 photographic portraits and the most photographed American of the nineteenth century, anticipated that the history of American photography and the history of Black American culture and politics would be deeply intertwined. A Picture Gallery of the Soul honors the diverse visions of Blackness made manifest through the lens of photography. Published in association with the Katherine E. Nash Gallery. Exhibition dates: Katherine E. Nash Gallery: September 13–December 10, 2022.
WW Norton & Co Emotions, Learning, and the Brain: Exploring the Educational Implications of Affective Neuroscience
A neuroscience revolution is making its way into classrooms around the country, changing the way we understand how emotions influence thinking and learning. This book makes available the most pertinent scientific information in a way classroom teachers can understand and apply.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Classics of American Political and Constitutional Thought, Volume 2: Reconstruction to the Present
Volume 2 of a 2-volume set. Volume 2 covers reconstruction to the present. Volume 1 covers origins through the Civil War. Together the two-volume set offers an unparalleled selection of key texts from the history of American political and constitutional thought. North American rights only.Note about the current 2021 printing: Selections from the following texts have been removed from the 2021 revised printing of this book (2021 edition ISBN: 978-1-64792-012-8): E. B. White, Freedom; Langston Hughes, selected poems; Hannah Arendt, Reflections on Little Rock; Whittaker Chambers, Witness; C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite; Kurt Vonnegut, Harrison Bergeron; Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Family and Nation. In all other respects, this printing is identical to the original edition published in 2007 (paperback ISBN of the now out of print 2007 edition: 978-0-87220-885-8).
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Lurking Fear: Collected Short Stories Volume Four
‘The thing came abruptly and unannounced; a demon, rat-like, scurrying from pits remote and unimaginable, a hellish panting and stifled grunting, and then from that opening beneath the chimney a burst of multitudinous and leprous life - a loathsome night-spawned flood of organic corruption more devastatingly hideous than the blackest conjurations of mortal madness and morbidity.’ Only the expansive imagination of H.P. Lovecraft could conceive the delicious and spine-tingling horrors you will find within the pages of this unique collection. In addition to such classics as The Picture in the House, The Music of Erich Zann and The Rats in the Walls, this volume contains some fascinating rarities: examples of Lovecraft's earliest weird fiction and material unpublished during his lifetime. H.P. Lovecraft's creation of the Cthulhu Mythos has influenced many modern authors, and still remains at the forefront of supernatural literature.
Brookes Publishing Co Instructional Technology in Early Childhood: Teaching in the Digital Age
Videos, apps, web-based games, SMART boards—how can you use instructional technology options like these to strengthen teaching and learning in your early childhood programme? Discover the answers in this accessible, problem-solving guide for pre-K and kindergarten, your key to choosing and using instructional technology to improve outcomes and ensure that children with and without disabilities are actively engaged. Aligned with the recent NAEYC policy statement on technology in early childhood programmes, this book gives you a clear, step-by-step ""EXPECT IT-PLAN IT-TEACH IT"" framework for integrating instructional technology into everyday classroom activities. Also a great textbook for preservice early childhood educators!
David C Cook Publishing Company Disciples Are Made Not Born: Helping Others Grow to Maturity in Christ
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Patch Testing and Prick Testing: A Practical Guide Official Publication of the ICDRG
The fourth edition of this important book, which includes additional color illustrations, has been extensively revised, updated, and expanded to reflect the most recent developments. These include advances in patch testing methodology, in particular the new chambers that are appearing on the market, revision of the baseline series of patch tests to reflect the latest evidence-based work, and additional testing procedures. Other additions include sections on key allergens and concentrations, with the result is a superb guide to the current management of positive and negative patch test and prick test reactions that will be invaluable for all practicing dermatologists, from the beginner to the well-trained expert.The fourth edition continues the tradition of partnering with the ICDRG (International Contact Dermatitis Research Group). The ICDRG was formed in 1966 to promote the understanding of contact dermatitis. It has had major roles in the standardization of patch testing and the facilitation of regular scientific meetings, for over forty years and thirty five years respectively. It has also been involved in the authorship of a number of publications on contact dermatitis. Both Drs. Maibach and Lachapelle are members and the ICDRG is now comprised of representatives from all over the world, and currently includes members from Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, USA, Germany, Singapore, Korea, India, Japan, Canada, Uruguay and Australia.From the reviews of the previous editions:"The aim is to balance brevity and clarity with sufficient details for beginners in the field of diagnostic patch and prick testing. … the book also will be of use to dermatology residents or anyone wishing to gain better knowledge of contact dermatitis. … There are many high-quality photographs and useful algorithms and tables. … It is clearly and concisely written and will serve as an indispensable guide for any dermatologist interested in contact dermatitis." (Renata H. Mullen, Doody’s Review Service, August, 2009)
This book provides a concise yet rigorous discussion of the main issues in modern macroeconomics. In particular, it examines the controversy over the role and conduct of macroeconomic stabilization policy.While the book is written in such a way as to allow students to read individual chapters in isolation, according to their interests and needs, the book follows a structured direction. After providing a review of mainstream macro-models and the chief areas of controversy between Keynesian, Monetarist and New Classical approaches to stabilization policy, subsequent chapters focus on selected key controversies: the balance of payments and exchange rates; inflation and unemployment; money and economic activity; fiscal policy and aggregate demand; and business cycles.The approach adopted by the authors make this book highly responsive to teaching and student needs. This authoritative state-of-the-art survey of modern macroeconomics will be essential reading for intermediate level courses in macroeconomics.
Emerald Publishing Limited William A. Paton: A Study of His Accounting Thought
For more than 70 years, William Paton contributed his considerable energy and knowledge to the development of accounting thought. He was one of the early accounting educators to express the high purpose of accounting and its importance in the university, and he was among the early theorists in accounting to argue that accounting needed a coherent, theoretical structure that would guide the accountant in preparing financial statements. Yet a full account of his life, career, and ideas has not yet appeared. Kelly L. Williams and Howard J. Lawrence address this gap, painting an intimate and comprehensive portrait of this deeply influential figure. Their groundbreaking study not only explores major influences on Paton’s thoughts on accounting, but also shows how Paton was an active participant in the professional accounting organizations of his day, how early on he urged the societies to conduct research to develop a consistent and rational body of knowledge, and how, with other early scholars, he was instrumental in developing the first issues of The Accounting Review—a beginning that helped make the Review the outstanding publication it is today. Ultimately, the authors demonstrate why Paton received practically every major honor an accounting educator could receive, including recognition in 1987 by the AICPA as the “Educator of the Century.” As the only comprehensive study of Paton’s life and thought, this is a must-have for graduate students of accountancy and researchers of accounting history and theory, and it is of keen interest to anyone who wishes to develop their own research methodology and pedagogy through a study of one of the greatest thinkers and educators in the history of accountancy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ethics and Global Climate Change
The planet is undergoing a global change in climate that has begun to negatively affect populations and is predicted to accelerate in the coming decades. The human beings now on Earth are the first to exist when the climatic dynamics of the planet are scientifically understood. That understanding makes patently clear that the aggregate effects of human activities have a distinct impact on planetary climate and the way humans will live, if they survive, in the future. This appears to be a tipping point time in human history when future climatic catastrophes that threaten generations of humans might be preventable if governments, institutions, and organizations now take mitigating actions. That suggests that the people currently alive on the planet bear a collective responsibility to address the negative human impact on climate.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Forward-Looking Collective Responsibility, Volume XXXVIII
• Explores various aspects of the concept of forward-looking collective responsibility and its application • Presents fifteen articles written by leading philosophers from around the world • Extends the philosophical discussion of collective responsibility and collective morality towards future collective action
The Peterson Institute for International Economics Why Global Commitment Really Matters!
Cornell University Press Insects that Feed on Trees and Shrubs
This comprehensive handbook, acclaimed when it was first published in 1976 as "one of the most useful reference manuals on diagnostic entomology yet produced," has now been completely revised and expanded to reflect recent advances in technology and the wealth of new information affecting the "Green Industry."Augmented by 241 full-color plates, it gives the essential facts about more than 900 species of insects, mites, and other animals that injure woody ornamental plants in the United States and Canada, and provides means of quick visual identification of both the pests and the damage they cause.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chemical Instrumentation: A Systematic Approach
The Third Edition of this established work on chemical instrumentation has been completely rewritten and updated to account for the advances made since the Second Edition came out in 1973. More main methods of measurement are presented, and there is extended coverage of chromatography and electrochemistry. Most of the material is new--including coverage of microprocessors and microcomputers, statistical control of measurement quality, quantification and extraction of information, x-ray fluorescence spectrometry, surface spectrometric techniques, and chromatography and HPLC. The quality and range of the worked examples have been improved, and there are end-of-chapter exercises.
University of Illinois Press Spaceflight and the Myth of Presidential Leadership
Setting the tone for the collection, NASA chief historian Roger D. Launius and Howard McCurdy maintain that the nation's presidency had become imperial by the mid-1970s and that supporters of the space program had grown to find relief in such a presidency, which they believed could help them obtain greater political support and funding. Subsequent chapters explore the roles and political leadership, vis-à-vis government policy, of presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Vaccinations: Types, Potential Complications & Health Effects
Rowman & Littlefield The Political Science Toolbox: A Research Companion to American Government
The authors of The Political Science Toolbox understand the dilemmas facing political science majors and the dilemmas facing political science instructors. Students yearn for a trusted guide to help them cope with the political science experience—a single reference work that contains the basic tools that an American government major needs to succeed. And instructors desire to help students ask meaningful political science questions, but are concerned about sacrificing valuable class time to 're-teach' basic research concepts. In other words, instructors desire a work that contains the basic tools that they hope their students bring to each class, but that experience tells them their students are unlikely to possess. The Political Science Toolbox is a reliable companion to students of American government as they navigate their undergraduate programs. It serves as a bridge between research methods classes and student research, making it a valuable supplement for an applied research methods class, as well as a useful supplement for introduction to American government courses or introduction to Political Science courses. Moreover, students completing honors papers, capstone assignments, or any substantial research projects in the field of American government will find the ideas and guidance provided in this work to be invaluable.
Contrapoint Publishing American Compacts of the Art Deco Era: The Art of Elgin American, J.M. Fisher, and Others
Karnac Books Psychoanalysis and Covidian Life: Common Distress, Individual Experience
Showcasing a diverse range of contributions from psychoanalysts of many different countries and theoretical orientations, Psychoanalysis and Covidian Life, a collective work edited by Howard B. Levine and Ana de Staal, offers readers the opportunity to explore and reflect upon the ways in which the Covid-19 pandemic has begun to influence analytical practice. From the changes imposed on the framework (online sessions) to the impact of the trauma of isolation and the disruption of our social anchoring (required by confinement and health protection gestures), to the challenge presented to the ‘ordinary’ denial of mortality, this book explores the lessons of what the pandemic can teach us about how to understand and treat collective distress individually and puts psychoanalytical tools to the test of the profound psychosocial upheavals that the twenty-first century may hold in store. This book will be of interest to practising and trainee clinicians and anyone with an interest in the all-consuming effects of a global pandemic. Contributions from Christopher Bollas, Patricia Cardoso de Mello, Bernard Chervet, Joshua Durban, Antonino Ferro, Serge Frisch, Steven Jaron, Daniel Kupermann, Howard Levine, François Lévy, Riccardo Lombardi, Elias & Alberto Rocha Barros, Michael Rustin, Ana de Staal, and Jean-Jacques Tyszler.
Flashlight Press D is for Drool: My Monster Alphabet
A monstrously effective lid-dropper....Being all smiles, and more likely to elicit snorts of amusement than screams of terror, the monstrous marchers crawling, oozing, slithering, or strolling into and out of view with each page turn have the intended soporific effect." - Kirkus ReviewsWhen Ethan can't sleep, he doesn't count sheep – he says his ABCs. But in monster-loving Ethan's alphabet, A is for Arms, B is for Belly, C is for Claws, and D is for Drool! Kids will love pointing out the alphabetical attributes on the silly monsters that parade across Ethan's room – like earlobes, noses, spikes, and wings – and discovering where all of those monsters are headed. By the time Ethan gets to Y, he's Yawning. And by Z, kids will be ready to sleep as Ethan does, surrounded by the tails, tentacles, and drool sticking out from under his bed. ZZzzzzz. D is for Drool is a monstrously magnificent ABC book that offers a new way to fall asleep. With the perfect balance of giggles and shivers, it is a captivating companion to the award-winning I Need My Monster series.
Archaeopress Public Archaeologies of Frontiers and Borderlands
From IndyRef and Brexit to the Refugee Crisis and Trump’s Wall, the construction and maintenance, subversion and traversing of frontiers and borderlands dominate our current affairs. Yet, while archaeologists have long participated in exploring frontiers and borderlands, their public archaeology has been starkly neglected. Incorporating the select proceedings of the 4th University of Chester Archaeology Student conference hosted by the Grosvenor Museum, Chester, on 20 March 2019, this is the first book to investigate realworld ancient and modern frontier works, the significance of graffiti, material culture, monuments and wall-building, as well as fictional representations of borders and walls in the arts, as public archaeology. Key themes include the heritage interpretation for linear monuments, public archaeology in past and contemporary frontiers and borderlands, and archaeology’s interactions with mural practices in politics, popular culture and the contemporary landscape. Together, the contributors show the necessity of developing critical public archaeologies of frontiers and borderlands.
Grand Central Publishing Steal
John Wiley & Sons Inc Calculus
In the newly revised Twelfth Edition of Calculus, an expert team of mathematicians delivers a rigorous and intuitive exploration of calculus, introducing polynomials, rational functions, exponentials, logarithms, and trigonometric functions late in the text. Using the Rule of Four, the authors present mathematical concepts from verbal, algebraic, visual, and numerical points of view. The book includes numerous exercises, applications, and examples that help readers learn and retain the concepts discussed within.
Daylight Community Arts Foundation Bull City Summer: A Season At The Ballpark
Bull City Summer: A Season At The Ballpark unites a group of artists and documentarians (Hiroshi Watanabe, Alec Soth, and Hank Willis Thomas) around the 2013 season of minor league baseball in Durham, North Carolina, evoking an atmosphere described by The New York Times as "lazing out on the porch of a summer's night and meditating to your favorite ball team." Alec Soth (b. 1969) is a photographer born and based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His photographs have been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions, including the 2004 Whitney and São Paulo Biennials. Soth has been the recipient of numerous fellowships and awards, including the Guggenheim Fellowship (2013). In 2008, Soth started his own publishing company, Little Brown Mushroom. Soth is represented by Sean Kelly in New York, Weinstein Gallery in Minneapolis, Fraenkel Gallery in San Francisco, and is a member of Magnum Photos. Hank Willis Thomas is a photo conceptual artist working primarily with themes related to identity, history and popular culture. He received a BFA in Photography and Africana studies from New York University and his MFA/MA in Photography and Visual Criticism from the California College of Arts. Thomas has exhibited throughout the U.S. and abroad, including the International Center of Photography, Galerie Michel Rein in Paris, Studio Museum in Harlem, Galerie Henrik Springmann in Berlin, and the Baltimore Museum of Art, among others. Thomas’ work is in numerous public collections including The Museum of Modern Art New York, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Brooklyn Museum, The High Museum of Art and the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. Hiroshi Watanabe Born in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan in 1951, Hiroshi Watanabe graduated from the Department of Photography of Nihon University in 1975. Watanabe moved to Los Angeles, where he worked as a production coordinator for Japanese television commercials and later co-founded a Japanese coordination services company. Watanabe obtained an MBA from the UCLA Anderson Business School in 1993. Two years later, however, his earlier interest in photography revived, and Watanabe started to travel worldwide, extensively photographing what he found intriguing at each moment and place. As of 2000, Watanabe has worked full-time at photography.
London Town Press A Charm of Dolphins: The Threatened Life of a Flippered Friend
With their distinctive characteristics, dolphins are an unending source of wonder and delight. They breathe air, nurse their young, and are both highly communicative and deeply intelligent. This fun and informative book from the Jean-Michel Cousteau Presents series introduces 40 species of dolphins through breathtaking color photographs, fascinating facts, and the author’s exciting accounts of his own encounters with these beloved mammals. Children learn about dolphins’ keen hunting ability, their characteristic jumps and lively games, the unique sense known as echolocation, and other remarkable traits. The book also describes the impact of fishing and pollution on dolphins’ natural habitats and explains what can be done to save them.
University of Nebraska Press Swords from the West
Beset by enemies on every side and torn by internal divisions, the crusader kingdoms were a hotbed of intrigue, where your greatest ally might be your natural enemy. Because lives and kingdoms often rested on the edge of a sword blade, it was a time when a bold heart and a steady hand would see you far—so long as you watched your back. Here, for the first time, are all seventeen of Harold Lamb’s uncollected crusader stories in one volume. Read now of the fall of kingdoms and the fate of doomed men, of desperate battles and brave comrades, of shrewd maids and scheming nobles. Join Nial O’Gordon, a young crusader riding deep into Asia to forget his past. Venture forth with Sir Robert of Antioch to cross blades with the Mongol hordes. Join King Richard the Lionhearted for his last battle. Stand firm beside Sir John and his Arab friend Khalil against a band of traitors. And sail out with Michael Bearn on a mission of vengeance, as he risks his life to bring down a sultan and his kingdom.
Princeton University Press Political Bubbles: Financial Crises and the Failure of American Democracy
Behind every financial crisis lurks a "political bubble"--policy biases that foster market behaviors leading to financial instability. Rather than tilting against risky behavior, political bubbles--arising from a potent combination of beliefs, institutions, and interests--aid, abet, and amplify risk. Demonstrating how political bubbles helped create the real estate-generated financial bubble and the 2008 financial crisis, this book argues that similar government oversights in the aftermath of the crisis undermined Washington's response to the "popped" financial bubble, and shows how such patterns have occurred repeatedly throughout US history. The authors show that just as financial bubbles are an unfortunate mix of mistaken beliefs, market imperfections, and greed, political bubbles are the product of rigid ideologies, unresponsive and ineffective government institutions, and special interests. Financial market innovations--including adjustable-rate mortgages, mortgage-backed securities, and credit default swaps--become subject to legislated leniency and regulatory failure, increasing hazardous practices. The authors shed important light on the politics that blinds regulators to the economic weaknesses that create the conditions for economic bubbles and recommend simple, focused rules that should help avoid such crises in the future. The first full accounting of how politics produces financial ruptures, Political Bubbles offers timely lessons that all sectors would do well to heed.
Princeton University Press The Higher Law: Thoreau on Civil Disobedience and Reform
These thirteen selections from the polemical writings of Henry D. Thoreau represent every stage in his twenty-two years of active writing. This edition, introduced by writer and historian Howard Zinn, is a microcosm of Thoreau's literary career. It allows the reader to achieve a full sense of Thoreau's evolution as a writer and thinker. Most famous of these essays is "Resistance to Civil Government," better known as "Civil Disobedience." Still a standard text in American high schools, it has long inspired nonviolent protest around the world. It influenced those who opposed apartheid in South Africa and motivated international anti-war demonstrators during 1960s and 1970s. "Civil Disobedience" will surely continue to influence generations of readers for years to come.
Taschen GmbH Norman Mailer. Neil Leifer. Howard L. Bingham. The Fight
On October 30, 1974, in Kinshasa, Zaire, at the virtual center of Africa, two boxers were paid five million dollars apiece to confront each other in an epic match. One was Muhammad Ali, who vowed to reclaim the championship he had lost. The other was George Foreman, who was as taciturn as Ali was voluble and who kept his hands in his pockets “the way a hunter lays his rifle back into its velvet case.” Observing them both was Norman Mailer, whose grasp of the titanic battle’s feints and stratagems—and sensitivity to their deeper symbolism—made his 1975 book The Fight a masterpiece of sportswriting. Whether analyzing the fighters’ moves, interpreting their characters, or weighing their competing claims on the African and American souls, Mailer was a commentator of unparalleled acumen—and surely one of the few intrepid enough to accompany Ali on a late-night run through the bush. Through The Fight he restores our tarnished notions of heroism to a blinding gleam, and establishes himself as a champion in his own right. Over four decades after its original publication, this edition of The Fight has been introduced and abridged by Mailer scholar J. Michael Lennon and illustrated for the first time with principal photography by the two men who captured Ali and Foreman in the ring and in private like no one else: Neil Leifer and Howard L. Bingham. Widely considered to be the greatest sports photographer of his generation, Neil Leifer’s vibrant color coverage dominates from ringside. It also serves as a living testimony to the pageantry, sheer physical power, and deep psychological interplay of the fighters, their camps, and their controversial host, Zaire’s President Mobutu Sese Seko. Behind the scenes, meanwhile, Howard Bingham was Ali’s constant companion, documenting his every move from the moment he stepped off the plane in Zaire, his daily training regime, right through to the dressing room tension as he prepared to face Foreman once and for all. Together with pictures from other photojournalists, reproductions of Mailer’s original manuscript pages, and additional visual documentation of the media frenzy surrounding the “Rumble in the Jungle,” the result is a dazzling tribute to The Champ and a vivid document of one of the most epic, adrenaline-laced events in sporting history.
Island Press Making Healthy Places, Second Edition: Designing and Building for Well-Being, Equity, and Sustainability
The first edition of Making Healthy Places offered a visionary and thoroughly researched treatment of the connections between constructed environments and human health. Since its publication over 10 years ago, the field of healthy community design has evolved significantly to address major societal problems, including health disparities, obesity, and climate change. Most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has upended how we live, work, learn, play, and travel. In Making Healthy Places, Second Edition: Designing and Building for Well-Being, Equity, and Sustainability, planning and public health experts Nisha D. Botchwey, Andrew L. Dannenberg, and Howard Frumkin bring together scholars and practitioners from across the globe in fields ranging from public health, planning, and urban design, to sustainability, social work, and public policy. This updated and expanded edition explains how to design and build places that are beneficial to the physical, mental, and emotional health of humans, while also considering the health of the planet. This edition expands the treatment of some topics that received less attention a decade ago, such as the relationship of the built environment to equity and health disparities, climate change, resilience, new technology developments, and the evolving impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on the latest research, Making Healthy Places, Second Edition imparts a wealth of practical information on the role of the built environment in advancing major societal goals, such as health and well-being, equity, sustainability, and resilience. This update of a classic is a must-read for students and practicing professionals in public health, planning, architecture, civil engineering, transportation, and related fields.
Scarecrow Press Early Twentieth-Century Brass Idioms: Art, Jazz, and Other Popular Traditions
The work of multiple scholars is combined in this single volume, bringing together in conversation the traditions of brass instrumentalism and jazz idiom. Early Twentieth-Century Brass Idioms: Art, Jazz, and Other Popular Traditions, edited by Howard T. Weiner, features articles by some of the most distinguished jazz and brass scholars and performers in the world. The topics covered span continents and decades and bridge gaps that until now remained uncrossed. Two primary themes emerge throughout the book and enter into dialogue with each other: the contribution brass performers made to the evolution of jazz in the early 20th century, and the influence jazz and popular music idioms had on the evolution of brass performance. The 13 articles in this volume cover a range of topics from Italian jazz trumpet style to the origins of jazz improvisation to the role of brass in klezmer music. New Orleans becomes a focal point as the essays examine the work of many important musicians, including Louis Armstrong, Buddy Bolden, Bunk Johnson, King Oliver, James Reese Europe, and Newell "Spiegle" Willcox. Included as well is an interview with two legends of jazz trumpet, William Fielder and Joe Wilder, and the renowned performer and teacher Jimmy Owens reveals his practice techniques. Many of the essays include bibliographies, discographies, and other reference information. The meeting of the Historic Brass Society and the Institute of Jazz Studies represents the first time scholars have gathered to bring these two fields into such comprehensive discussion with each other. Early Twentieth-Century Brass Idioms: Art, Jazz, and Other Popular Traditions presents this historic conversation.
Indiana University Press Globalization and the Challenges of a New Century: A Reader
"If you want to catch up on some of the best articles written about globalisation since the topic became fashionable several years ago, this reader is the place to start." —The Economist A blue ribbon collection of major articles and position papers on the concept of globalization. By bringing together a number of major thinkers and different perspectives, this book provides a broad introduction to the topic and lays the groundwork for an interdisciplinary collaborative dialogue. Contributors include Kofi Annan, Benjamin Barber, Francis Fukuyama, Samuel Huntington, Robert Kaplan, Paul Kennedy, Walter Lacqueur, Bill McKibben, Lester Thurow, and Jeffrey Sachs.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Plant Spirit Shamanism: Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul
In Plant Spirit Shamanism, Ross Heaven and Howard G. Charing explore the use of one of the major allies of shamans for healing, seeing, dreaming, and empowerment--plant spirits. After observing great similarities in the use of plants among shamans throughout the world, they discovered the reason behind these similarities: Rather than dealing with the “medical properties” of the plants or specific healing techniques, shamans commune with the spirits of the plants themselves. From their years of in-depth shamanic work in the Amazon, Haiti, and Europe, including extensive field interviews with master shamans, Heaven and Charing present the core methods of plant shamanism used in healing rituals the world over: soul retrieval, spirit extraction, sin eating, and the Amazonian tradition of pusanga(love medicine). They explain the techniques shamans use to establish connections to plant spirits and provide practical exercises as well as a directory of traditional Amazonian and Caribbean healing plants and their common North American equivalents so readers can ex-plore the world of plant spirits and make allies of their own.
Harvard University Press The Writer of Modern Life: Essays on Charles Baudelaire
Walter Benjamin's essays on the great French lyric poet Charles Baudelaire revolutionized not just the way we think about Baudelaire, but our understanding of modernity and modernism as well. In these essays, Benjamin challenges the image of Baudelaire as late-Romantic dreamer, and evokes instead the modern poet caught in a life-or-death struggle with the forces of the urban commodity capitalism that had emerged in Paris around 1850. The Baudelaire who steps forth from these pages is the flâneur who affixes images as he strolls through mercantile Paris, the ragpicker who collects urban detritus only to turn it into poetry, the modern hero willing to be marked by modern life in its contradictions and paradoxes. He is in every instance the modern artist forced to commodify his literary production: "Baudelaire knew how it stood with the poet: as a flâneur he went to the market; to look it over, as he thought, but in reality to find a buyer." Benjamin reveals Baudelaire as a social poet of the very first rank.The introduction to this volume presents each of Benjamin's essays on Baudelaire in chronological order. The introduction, intended for an undergraduate audience, aims to articulate and analyze the major motifs and problems in these essays, and to reveal the relationship between the essays and Benjamin's other central statements on literature, its criticism, and its relation to the society that produces it.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Pop! Lit For Kids (Set 1)
Johns Hopkins University Press Williams-Beuren Syndrome: Research, Evaluation, and Treatment
Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a genetic condition characterized by low IQ, cardiovascular malformations, dysmorphic facial features, and a striking pattern of behaviors, weaknesses, and strengths, such as musical and verbal abilities, extraordinary friendliness, empathy, and social grace. Because the typical psychological and cognitive profile is unique, examination of this syndrome sheds light on how the human brain is organized and how different aspects of cognition and behavior arise. Williams-Beuren Syndrome offers concise, comprehensive coverage of WBS research and its clinical implications, including its genetics and molecular biology, neurobiological and behavioral traits, and medical problems and their management. Each chapter emphasizes how research can be applied to clinical practice. The expertise of the volume editors ranges from pioneering research to personal experience: Colleen Morris played a key role in the breakthrough discovery of the missing elastin gene in patients with WBS; Howard Lenhoff is a biologist, an expert on WBS and musical pitch, and the parent of a WBS musical savant; Paul Wang is a pediatrician and cognitive researcher who works in the WBS community. Researchers and clinicians in genetics, pediatrics, and psychiatry/psychology will find in this volume a wealth of current information on WBS, as well as valuable insights into future research possibilities.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Observational Drawing for Students with Dyslexia: Strategies, Tips and Inspiration
This hands-on practical guide provides dyslexic young people with techniques to improve their observational drawing skills, showing them how they can work around the issues commonly reported by students with SLDs. Many creative and talented individuals with neurological differences report difficulties with short-term memory, co-ordination and planning ahead within a project, and a lack of specialised teaching may even dissuade them from pursuing art at school. This book addresses those challenges.The authors, who have many years' experience of teaching art to dyslexic and dyspraxic students, also include examples not just of the techniques described, but also of the creative ideas other neurodiverse students have come up with. Fully illustrated, with clear explanations, and space to draw and sketch, this much needed book will provide dyslexic art students with the tools and confidence to achieve their goals and become the creative professionals of the future.