Search results for ""author jan"
First Second Plain Jane and the Mermaid
Wave Books Shelley Gave Jane A Guitar
"Basking in the twilight of Late Romanticism, Meier ...finds the rays seductive but damaging ...Meier's sophisticated debut promises further developments."-Publishers Weekly on Terrain Vague Domesticity, nature, and heartbreak inhabit this seriously playful second collection. Through precise description and inventive vocabulary, Meier's poems are relentless in their efforts to sincerely address contemporary uncertainty and love. A great book for readers looking to rediscover Romantic poetry: "Embrace was a word first used of forts, / until the one body fell down inside the other body, and was lost."
Penguin Putnam Inc The Jane Austen Book Club
Acair The Wreck of Annie Jane
Jan Thorbecke Verlag 4.000 Jahre Pfahlbauten
Jan Van Baarle Meridians / Five Elements -- A2
Jan van Baarle Meridiens & the Five Elements -- A2
Jan Van Baarle Intestinal Health -- Double Sided A4
Jan Van Baarle Polarity in the Energetic Body -- A4
Jan Van Baarle Five Elements in Acupuncture -- A4
Jan van Baarle Qi Jing Ba Mai -- A2
Jan van Baarle Cranial Reflexology -- A4
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Residenzstadte Im Alten Reich (1300-1800). Ein Handbuch: Abteilung II: Soziale Gruppen, Okonomien Und Politische Strukturen in Residenzstadten, Teil 1: Exemplarische Studien (Norden)
Egmont Comic Collection Lucky Luke 22 Calamity Jane
Max Hueber Verlag Jana und Dino Kursbuch 2
G2 Entertainment Ltd Little Book of Jane Austen
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc The Complete Novels of Jane Austen: Volume 1
Jane Austen revolutionized the literary romance, using it as a platform from which to address issues of gender politics and class consciousness among the British middle-class of the late eighteenth century. The novels included in this collection from the elegant Knickerbocker Classics series—Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, and Lady Susan—represent all of Austen's complete novels, and provide the reader with an entrance into the world she and her memorable characters inhabited. With witty, unflinching morality, Austen portrays English middle-class life as the eighteenth century came to a close and the nineteenth century began. Austen's heroines find happiness in many forms, each of the novels is a story of love and marriage—marriage for love, financial security, and for social status. In a publishing career that spanned less than ten years, her work brought her little personal fame and only a few positive reviews during her lifetime. It wasn't until the 1940s that she became widely accepted in academia as a great English writer. The second half of the 20th century saw a proliferation of Austen scholarship and the emergence of a fan culture. Austen's works continue to influence the course of the novel even as they charm readers today. The Knickerbocker Classics bring together the works of classic authors from around the world in stunning gift editions to be collected and enjoyed. Complete and unabridged, this hardcover volume is magnificent, and a must-have for any "Janeite." Also included is an original introduction that provides the reader with enlightening information on Jane Austen's life and works.
Classical Comics Classical Comics Study Guide: Jane Eyre: Making the Classics Accessible for Teachers and Students
First published in 1847, Jane Eyre is considered one of the great romances of all time. Now students can appreciate the story in a new way while honing their analytical skills. This teaching guide contains a variety of activities and exercises based on illustrated scenes from the novel. Students learn about the author's background, her literary family, and the place of women in Victorian England, and they address such questions as whether Jane Eyre is a successful heroine and how to re-plot the novel for a Hollywood adaptation.
The University of Chicago Press The Daily Jane Austen: A Year of Quotes
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Jane Austen is eminently, delightfully, and delectably quotable. This truth goes far beyond the first line of Pride and Prejudice, which has muscled out many other excellent sentences. So many gems of wit and wisdom from her novels deserve to be better known, from Northanger Abbey on its lovable, na ve heroine--"If adventures will not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad"--to Persuasion's moving lines of love from its regret-filled hero: "You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late." The 378 genuine, Austen-authored quotations in this book may serve as an introduction to her genius, for those who have yet to discover it, or as a happy reminder of past joys of reading, for those already well-versed in her world. Devoney Looser, a.k.a. Stone Cold Jane Austen, has drawn these passages from a variety of texts across the canon--from Austen's major novels to her epistolary works to the raucous writings of her youth--resulting in an anthology that is compulsively readable and repeatable. Looser provides a brilliant foreword and introduces each month with a longer seasonal quote, while concise bits of wit and wisdom mark each day. Whether you approach the collection on a one-a-day model or in a satisfying binge-read, you will emerge wiser about Austen, if not about life. The Daily Jane Austen will amuse and inspire skeptical beginners, Janeite experts, and every reader in between, by showcasing some of the greatest sentences ever crafted in the history of fiction.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Jane Eyre: Abridged and Retold, with Notes and Free Audiobook
Jane Eyre is a vivid and powerful novel, and tells the story of Jane, a cruelly abused orphan who is cast out by her aunt, and sent to a charity school. When she becomes a governess, in an austere mansion owned by Mr Rochester, Jane's life begins to change as she discovers the terrible secret her employer is hiding. This novel is one of the most read classic novels. This edition is retold by John Kennett, and contains the key elements of the story using the author's language.
New York University Press Passionate Communities: Reading Lesbian Resistance in Jane Rule's Fiction
In this new full-length study of Jane Rule's life and work, Marilyn Schuster argues that Rule's novels provide a way of "writing and reading lesbian" that resists and subverts dominant discourses of gender and sexuality-both those of mainstream culture and of political and sexual subcultures. From her earliest novel, Desert of the Heart (1964), Rule's fiction has provided a challenge to the concept of a fixed identity and to the identity politics founded on such a concept. Incorporating all of Jane Rule's early work-including unpublished manuscripts, letters, magazine and newspaper columns, as well as fan mail she received-Schuster also draws on interviews, conversations, and personal encounters with the author to elicit the ways in which Rule interrogates the meanings and politics of sexuality, the relationship between sexuality and language, and the stakes of communities in individual claims on identity. Passionate Communities is a thorough, engaging, and long-overdue study of an important voice in lesbian literature and gay and lesbian politics.
Abbeville Press Inc.,U.S. Volume the Second by Jane Austen: In Her Own Hand
Forever immortalised as the author of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen actually produced her first 'books' as a teenager. Taking their names from the inscriptions on their covers - Volume the First, Volume the Second, and Volume the Third - these brilliant little collections include the stories, playlets, verses, and moral fragments she wrote likely from the ages of 12 to 18. As a young author, Jane Austen delighted in language, employing it with great humour and surprising skill. She was adept at parodying the popular stories of her day and entertained her readers with outrageous plotlines and characters. Kathryn Sutherland places Austen's earliest works in context and explains how she mimicked even the style and manner in which this contemporary popular fiction was presented and arranged on the page. Volume the Second, housed at the British Library, contains Austen's famous The History of England, illustrated with watercolour portraits by her sister Cassandra, as well as Love and Friendship, Lesley Castle, and several letters and fragments she calls "scraps". This notebook was compiled between June 1790 and June 1793, from ages 14 to 17. None of her six famous novels survives in complete manuscript form. This is a unique opportunity to own likenesses of Jane Austen's notebooks as originally written - in her own hand. Learn more about the other books in the In Her Own Hand series: Volume the First and Volume the Third. All three volumes are also available in the In Her Own Hand series boxed set.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Fashion in the Time of Jane Austen
The broader Regency period 1795 to 1820, stands alone as an incredible moment in fashion history, unlike anything that went before it. For the first time, England became a fashion influence, especially for menswear, and became the toast of Paris, as court dress became secondary to the season-by-season flux of fashion as we know it today. Sarah Jane Downing explores the fashion revolution and the innovation that inspired a flood of fashions taking influence from far afield. It was an era of contradiction immortalised by Jane Austen, who adeptly used the new-found diversity of fashion to enliven her characters: Wickham's military splendour; Mr Darcy's understated elegance; and Miss Tilney's romantic fixation with white muslin.
Graywolf Press,U.S. The Best Poems of Jane Kenyon: Poems
Published twenty-five years after her untimely death, The Best Poems of Jane Kenyon presents the essential work of one of America's most cherished poets-celebrated for her tenacity, spirit, and grace. In their inquisitive explorations and direct language, Jane Kenyon's poems disclose a quiet certainty in the natural world and a lifelong dialogue with her faith and her questioning of it. As a crucial aspect of these beloved poems of companionship, she confronts her struggle with severe depression on its own stark terms. Selected by Kenyon's husband, Donald Hall, just before his death in 2018, The Best Poems of Jane Kenyon collects work from across a life and career that will be, as she writes in one poem, "simply lasting."
Taylor & Francis Ltd Jane Leade: Biography of a Seventeenth-Century Mystic
Jane Leade (1624-1704) is probably the most prolific woman writer and most important female religious leader in late seventeenth-century England, yet, she still remains relatively unknown. By exploring her life and works as a prophetess and mystic, this books opens a fascinating window into the world of a remarkable woman living in a remarkable age. Born in Norfolk into a gentry family, Jane Leade enjoyed a comfortable childhood, married a distant cousin, who was a merchant, and had four children. However, she found herself totally destitute in London when he died, his fortune having been lost abroad. As a widow, she proclaimed herself to be a `Bride of Christ', and eventually became a prolific author and a respected blind, elderly leader of a religious group of well-educated men and women, known as the Philadelphian Society. The structure of this book is informed by the chronological events that happened during her life and is complemented by examining some of the material she published, including her visions of the Virgin Wisdom, or Sophia. She started writing in 1670, but published prolifically in the 1680s and 1690s, and this material offers a fascinating glimpse into the mind of an extraordinary woman. Believing herself to be living in the `End Times' she expected Sophia would return with the second coming of Christ. The Philadelphian Society grew under her charge, until they were buffeted by mobs in London. Jane Leade died in her eighty-first year and is buried in the non-conformist cemetery, Bunhill Fields, in London. By contextualising her and drawing out the nature of her devotions this new book draws attention to her as a figure in her own right. Previous studies have tended to reduce her to one example within a certain tradition, but as this work clearly demonstrates she was in fact a much more complicated character who did not conform to any one particular tradition.
Pan Macmillan Vega Jane and the Maze of Monsters
Full of thrills, mystery and danger, Vega Jane and the Maze of Monsters (previously published as The Keeper) is the second title in the fast-paced fantasy adventure series for children of 10+ by bestselling master storyteller David Baldacci. Illustrated throughout by Tomislav Tomic.Everything Vega Jane has ever known is a lie. But if she and her best friend Delph are to find the truth about who they are and where they came from, they must first survive the Quag, a wild, enchanted place filled with monsters and dark sorcery. It will stretch their courage to the limit. The Quag will throw everything at Vega. It will try to break her. It will try to kill her. And survival might come at a price not even Vega is willing to pay.Vega Jane and the Maze of Monsters (previously published as The Keeper) is the second installment in master storyteller David Baldacci's bestselling Vega Jane series for children, now in a revised and re-illustrated edition. Vega and Delph continue the story that began with Vega Jane and the Secrets of Sorcery.
Pan Macmillan Vega Jane and the Secrets of Sorcery
Full of monsters, magic, danger and mystery, Vega Jane and the Secrets of Sorcery (previously published as The Finisher) is the first title in the thrilling Vega Jane children's fantasy adventure series by bestselling master storyteller David Baldacci. Illustrated throughout by Tomislav Tomic.Vega Jane is fourteen when she is secretly given a map that reveals a mysterious world and dangerous creatures beyond the walls of Wormwood, a place no one has ever left – or wanted to. Until now. The map makes her question everything she has ever been told about the place she calls home. Her friend Delph and her dog, Harry Two, are the only ones Vega trusts. Trapped by secrets and lies, they want freedom and truth. But she will have to fight for freedom. And the truth may cost Vega her life.Continue the adventure series with Vega Jane and the Maze of Monsters.Vega Jane and the Secrets of Sorcery was previously published as The Finisher and has been edited for younger readers and re-illustrated throughout.
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Die Performanz Der Machtigen: Rangordnung Und Idoneitat in Hofischen Gesellschaften Des Spaten Mittelalters
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Social Functions of Urban Spaces Through the Ages / Soziale Funktionen Stadtischer Raume Im Wandel
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Eroberung Und Inbesitznahme: Die Eroberung Des Aargaus 1415 Im Europaischen Vergleich
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Heidelberg in Mittelalter Und Renaissance: Eine Spurensuche in Zehn Spaziergangen
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Musik in Neuzeitlichen Konfessionskulturen (16. - 19. Jahrhundert): Raume - Medien - Funktionen
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Dialog Der Welten: Christliche Begegnung Mit Den Religionen Indiens
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Europaische Musikkultur Im Kontext Des Konstanzer Konzils
Classical Comics Jane Eyre The Graphic Novel: Original Text
Jane Eyre is a plain, determined and intelligent child. Orphaned and poor, she is adopted by her Aunt and Uncle Reed. The death of Uncle Reed allows her unpleasant aunt to send her away to a grim charity school, where she continues her harsh upbringing, but is given the education that finally frees her. Once old enough, she becomes a teacher and takes the role of governess in a large manor house, where she falls in love with her employer. But Rochester is hiding a secret that, when revealed, forces Jane to choose between following her head and her heart. Both critically acclaimed and immensely popular, Jane Eyre dealt with concepts of class discrimination, morality, equality for women, and freedom of choice. Designed to encourage readers to enjoy classical literature, Jane Eyre The Graphic Novel stays true to Brontë's original vision. The book includes 125 pages of story artwork (by the legendary comic book artist, John M. Burns) and fascinating support material detailing the life of Charlotte Brontë.
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Kirchenvogtei Und Adlige Herrschaftsbildung Im Europaischen Mittelalter
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Spruch Von Den Sibnen: Die Altesten Konstanzer Baugerichtsprotokolle (1452-1470)
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Tubingen: Aus Der Geschichte Von Stadt Und Universitat
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Zisterzienserkloster ALS Reichsabteien
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Beamte, Politiker, Journalisten: Akteure Und Erinnerung. Der Sachsische Landtag 1990-1994
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Rastatt 1714 Und Der Traum Vom Frieden
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Spielend Lernen: Spiel Und Spielen in Der Mittelalterlichen Bildung
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Dorothea Von Hof: 'das Buoch Der Gotlichen Liebe Und Summe Der Tugent': Studien Zu Einer Konstanzer Kompilation Geistlicher Texte Des 14. Und 15. Jahrhunderts
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Legitimation Durch Vermittlung: Herrschaftsverdichtung Und Politische Praxis in Wurttemberg Am Beispiel Von Kirchheim/Teck, Schorndorf Und Steinheim/Murr (1482-1608)
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Wir, Vogt, Richter Und Gemeinde: Stadtewesen, Stadtische Fuhrungsgruppen Und Landesherrschaft Im Spatmittelalterlichen Wurttemberg
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Monarchischer Staat Und 'societe Politique': Politische Interaktion Und Staatliche Verdichtung Im Spatmittelalterlichen Frankreich
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Das Burgundische Erbe Der Staufer (1180-1227): Zwischen Akzeptanz Und Konflikt