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Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd Building Great Relationships: All About Emotional Intelligence
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Tax Receipts, Taxpayers, and Taxes in Early Ptolemaic Thebes
The author lays out the early Ptolemaic tax system, describes the changes in the capitation taxes during the reign of Ptolemy II, discusses the other state and temple revenues, and then reconstructs the prosopography and provenance of thirty-nine tax payers whose names occur frequently in these initial studies. Having set the stage, the author then provides editions of sixty-one ostraca from Harold Nelson's collection that include an important group of early Ptolemaic Demotic, Greek, and bilingual ostraca, mostly tax receipts. One late Ptolemaic account ostracon (Cat. no. 3) is also published here since it concerns the business of choachytes, who figure prominently in the group of early Ptolemaic ostraca. The book concludes with full indices, and each of the ostraca is illustrated in drawing and photograph.
Kath Univ Leuven Dep Oriental Redt Tyrus / Sauvons Tyr - Histoire Phenicienne / Fenicische Geschiedenis
In part I of the book equal attention is given to the history, philology, numismatics and archaeology of Tyre and its surroundings. In the contributions of part II, Near Eastern, Greek and Latin philology play an important role. Attention is paid also to the Phoenician settlements in Cyprus, especially to the A"Carthage de ChypreA", and to the problem of locating Byrsa in the great Carthage of North Africa.
Peeters Publishers Priests and Prophets Among Pagans, Jews and Christians
The emperor Julian pointed out that the duties of priesthood were better understood among 'the impious Galileans' (i.e. Christians) than among his pagan contemporaries. Like the emperor, the essays in this volume look in both directions. Its pages are populated by very diverse figures: Plutach, Aelius Aristides, Alexander of Abonouteichos, Daniel the Stylite, Gregory of Nazianzus, Shenoute of Atripe, Mani, Muhammad, and a host of anonymous Greek and Roman priests, prophets, and diviners. The priests of second temple Judaism are considered too. Both in the Greco-Roman and the early Christian worlds the neat division between priests and prophets proves hard to sustain. But in terms of fame and influence a strong contrast emerges between Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian prophets; this is why it is only among Jews and Christians that 'false prophets' are feared. Two recurrent preoccupations are the relation of priests and prophets to secular power, and the priest/prophet not as reality but as idea, an imagined figure. Leading scholars of the religions of antiquity come together in this wide-ranging and innovative volume.
Peeters Publishers "Noli Me Tangere". Maria Magdalena in Veelvoud: Tentoonstelling Maurits Sabbebibliotheek, 23 Februari - 30 April 2006, Faculteit Godgeleerdheid, K.U.Leuven
Noli me tangere', zegt de verrezen Christus tegen Maria Magdalena volgens de Latijnse bijbelvertaling van Johannes 20,17. Weinig bijbelse uitspraken hebben zoveel interesse gewekt van zowel kunstenaars als theologen als deze drie intrigerende woorden. Het "Noli me tangere"-motief ligt aan de basis van het door het Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen gefinancierde interdisciplinaire onderzoeksproject 'Maria Magdalena en het aanraken van Jezus. Een intra- en interdisciplinair onderzoek naar de interpretatie van Johannes 20,17 in exegese, iconografie en pastorale begeleiding'.In samenwerking met het Centrum Vrouwenstudies Theologie van de Faculteit Godgeleerdheid van de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven organiseerde de onderzoeksgroep in de Maurits Sabbebibliotheek een tentoonstelling onder de titel '"Noli me tangere". Maria Magdalena in veelvoud' (23 februari tot 30 april 2006). In het eerste deel van deze tentoonstellingscatalogus exploreren de vier promotoren van dit project, Sabine Van den Eynde, Raimund Bieringer, Karlijn Demasure en Barbara Baert de betekenis van het "Noli me tangere"-motief elk vanuit de eigen discipline. In het tweede deel van de catalogus worden de bijna dertig tentoongestelde stukken telkens met een kleurenafbeelding geillustreerd en besproken. De kunstwerken zijn afkomstig uit diverse periodes, gaande van de vijftiende tot de eenentwintigste eeuw. Diversiteit is ook troef als men de genres en de artistieke media bekijkt: grafiek, schilderkunst, beeldhouwkunst en miniatuurkunst naast volkse reproducties.De onderzoeksgroep heeft ook hedendaagse kunstenaars uitgenodigd om hun visie weer te geven op het "Noli me tangere"-motief. De Indiase kunstenares Lucy D'Souza maakte een schilderij op het snijpunt van christendom en hindoeisme. De fotografe Malou Swinnen portretteert een Filippijns model, terwijl de kalligraaf Brody Neuenschwander een sculptuur gemaakt heeft bedekt met een sluier met letters. De schilderes Claire Vanden Abbeele en de schilder Jan Vanriet waren bereid om hun reeds bestaande "Noli me tangere" ter beschikking te stellen. Op deze manier verbindt de tentoonstelling artistieke periodes, artistieke media en diverse werelddelen. "Noli me tangere: Maria Magdalena in veelvoud" wil u een Maria Magdalena aanbieden die verleden en heden verbindt.
Peeters Publishers Resurrection in the New Testament: Festschrift J. Lambrecht
"Resurrection in the New Testament" is a Festschrift offered to J. Lambrecht on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday. Among the many scholarly interests of Professor Lambrecht the theme of the resurrection seemed best suited to honour his academic achievement. The 27 contributions cover many of the books of the New Testament. The first two articles in this volume discuss influences on the New Testament treatment of resurrection from the Greco-Roman (Dieter Zeller) and Jewish (Daniel J. Harrington) backgrounds. H.J. de Jonge considers visionary experiences of the Old Testament as an interpretive clue for understanding New Testament references to appearances. The articles by Martin Rese, Benoit Standaert, Otfried Hofius, and Gergely Juhasz deal with interpretive questions that range through several books of the New Testament and to varying degrees again bring into discussion previously debated issues. From this point, with the exception of the final two, the articles appear in canonical order. Adelbert Denaux and Wim J.C. Weren treat issues in Matthew, John Gillman in Luke-Acts, Maarten J.J. Menken and Thomas Soding in John, John J. Kilgallen and Florence Morgan Gillman in Acts, Veronica Koperski, Margaret E. Thrall, and Johan S. Vos in the Pauline letters in general, Morna D. Hooker and Eduard Lohse in Romans, Joel Delobel and Peter J. Tomson in 1 Corinthians, Frank J. Matera in 2 Corinthians, John Reumann in Philippians, Raymond F. Collins in the Pastoral Epistles, and Jacques Schlosser in 1 Peter. Joseph Verheyden discusses the witness of Mary Magdalene and the Women at the tomb in the extra-canonical Gospel of Peter. Finally, Barbara Baert contributes a discussion on how the Resurrection was portrayed in visual art during the Middle Ages, with striking illustrative examples.
Peeters Publishers Women, Ritual and Liturgy - Ritual Und Liturgie Von Frauen - Femmes, La Liturgie Et Le Rituel
This volume offers a broad reflection on women's engagement in ritual and liturgy. The Central Theme section opens with a multi-faith dialogue on women and ritual. Denise J.J. Dijk discusses the Feminist Liturgical Movement in the Netherlands and the US. Teresa Berger explores the implications of the ancient axiom "lex orandi, lex credendi" for women's liturgical practice. Brigitte Enzner-Probst considers the role of the body in worship. Annette Esser encourages dynamic dialogue between women artists and women engaged in liturgy. Gabriella Lettini examines the concept of syncretism in the light of the relationship between gospel and culture. The Forum focuses on translation: Judith Hartenstein and Silke Petersen highlight the problems of inclusive-language translation of St John's Gospel, while Caroline Vander Stichele presents recent discussions of the Dutch translation of JHWH. In Women's Traditions, Rosine Lambin traces the adoption of the veiling of women in the early church. Bettina Kratz-Ritter discusses the decline and modern renewal of ancient Jewish women's birth rites intended to protect the newborn child. From the countries, Angela Berlis tracks the evolution of the German Old Catholic 'Women's Sunday' service from 1920 to the present. Charlotte Methuen reflects on issues of power and authority raised by women's presidency at the Eucharist. Finally, the Book Market lists recently-published works as well as reviews.
Brepols N.V. Transregional Territories: Crossing Borders in the Early Modern Low Countries and Beyond
Verlag Unser Wissen Wasserdestillation mit einer hexagonalen Solaranlage
Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart Das Testbuch Wirtschaftsdeutsch: Testheft
CABI Publishing Arthropod Pests of Horticultural Crops in Tropical Asia
Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the economy of tropical Asia, but arthropod pests are major constraints to production. This book consolidates the research on pests of South and Southeast Asia, providing useful data for the establishment of sustainable pest management programs. It covers the main arthropod pests of twenty five major crops, with colour photographs of their adult and immature stages, their distribution, biology, disease vectors, symptoms of the damage they cause and their natural enemies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for Governance
Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.This incisive Research Agenda for Governance draws together unique contributions from leading scholars to examine the two distinct models of governance: the traditional model, based on the state and exercise of control through law and bureaucracy, and an alternative model centred on the collaboration of public and private sector actors.Introducing the essential principles and rationale of these alternative models of governance, both of which can be seen operating at all levels of government in democratic as well as non-democratic regimes, the chapters evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the two systems. Drawing conclusions from critical areas of inquiry, including multi-level governance, the nature of governance in democratic and authoritarian regimes, and digital innovations in governance, the book offers a richly detailed insight into the respective workings of the models of governing by control and by collaboration.This Research Agenda will be an invaluable resource for academics and graduate students of public policy, regulation and governance, and public administration management. Its measured consideration of the possibilities for enhancing public innovation via alternative models of governance will also be of significant interest to employees within the public sector.
Catholic Record Society Victorian Churches and Churchmen: Essays Presented to Vincent Alan McClelland
Articles on religion and the religious during the Victorian period, showing its unity and disunity. The major themes of Catholic historiography and the history of education during the Victorian era unite the essays collected here, as is fitting for a volume honouring the work in these fields of Professor Vincent Alan McClelland.There is a particular emphasis upon the life and work of Cardinal Manning; other figures and topics considered include Father Randal Lythgoe, Cardinal Newman, the English Benedictine contribution to the British Empire, modern Scottish Catholic history, and Victorian Christianity in its various forms, as in the essays on Methodism and the Church of Ireland.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Application of Electrospun Fibers in Tissue Engineering
Nova Science Publishers Inc Modelling Flows in Environmental & Civil Engineering
Peeters Publishers Disciples and Disciplines. European Debate on Human Rights in the Roman Catholic Church
Peeters Publishers Healthy Thoughts: European Perspectives on Health Care Ethics
This book, edited by a team of leading European bioethicists, is in all respects an innovative publication. As part of the core materials project of the European Ethics Network, this book collects European perspectives on health care ethics reflecting both the rich philosophical tradition and the broad interdisciplinary network in the field of European health care ethics. In the first part of the book on the physician-patient relationship, the authors present different views on the integration of patient autonomy in the relational structure of the medical profession. Here, the focus is on the reception of patient autonomy in the European context and on European alternatives for the radical understanding of patient autonomy. In the second part of this book, the contributions deal with the ethical problems of clinical research with patients and with the ethical values involved in human experimentation. In the third part of the book, the just organisation of the health care system and the consequent resource allocation are critically examined. With their common European background, the authors want to enrich and encourage the ongoing discussion on the physician-patient relationship, human experimentation and justice in health care from various perspectives and different points of departure. Therefore, this volume is suitable for the interested reader as well as for educational purposes.
Brepols N.V. Functions and Decorations: Art and Ritual at the Vatican Palace in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Groundwood Books We Are Lions!
Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts B. Ingrid Olson: History Mother, Little Sister
A sculptural and photographic dialogue with embodiedness and Le Corbusier's Carpenter Center This first monograph on the Chicago-based multimedia artist B. Ingrid Olson (born 1987) accompanies two simultaneous exhibitions: History Mother and Little Sister, each on a separate floor of the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts. Informed by notions of doubling and mirroring, unexpected uses of footnotes and architectural fixtures as well as the work of figures such as Madeline Gins and Eileen Gray, the exhibitions insinuate her own objects and images into a sometimes tense, playfully knowing relationship with Le Corbusier’s famous building, probing the normative, gendered and material experiments of the structure’s modular elements of concrete, glass, plywood and primary colors. The book’s innovative design brings together documentation of the site-specific installation, sketches and reproductions of other works made over the last decade, putting them into conversation with a selection of poetry and criticism that informs Olson’s practice.
St Martin's Press Ghosts of Segregation: American Racism, Hidden in Plain Sight
CABI Publishing Avocado, The: Botany, Production and Uses
Although the avocado has been cultivated and consumed for more than 9000 years in its native Latin America, world production and trade have only developed over the past few decades, and now exceed 3.5 million tonnes. The avocado is now widely traded between warmer and colder countries as a result of the global community becoming increasingly aware of its versatility and nutritional value. For the past decade, the global avocado industry has been going through a period of rapid technological change and innovation. The dietary value of 'the most nutritious of all fruit' is also receiving more attention.
Emerald Publishing Limited Promises Fulfilled and Unfulfilled in Management Education
This is the first of two volumes written to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of EFMD. Through an open-ended interview research process, it seeks to explore the perspectives and views of a wide range of experts drawn not only from the European environment but also from the United States and other global players in the management education field. Understanding the relations and interactions between the various actors in management education is fundamental to any rich analysis of the roles, value and purposes of management education as well as the unfulfilled promises in its evolution. The focus in this first volume is on the challenges, issues, themes and lessons learned in the 40 years of EFMD's evolution. The second volume will concentrate on the future of management education.
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection Designing Wildlife Habitats
Waterbrook Press (A Division of Random House Inc) Building a Marriage that Really Works
Nova Science Publishers Inc Role of Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) in Pathological Angiogenesis & Prostate Tumor Growth
John Libbey & Co Obesity in Europe 91
Legare Street Press The Responsibility of Women Workers for Dependants [microform]
Peeters Publishers Le Droit Ecclesiastique En Europe Et a Ses Marges (XVIIIe-XXe Siecles): Actes Du Colloque Du Centre Droit Et Societes Religieuses, Universite De Paris-Sud Sceaux, 12-13 Octobre 2007
Cet ouvrage collectif a ete realise a partir des actes du colloque organise par le centre Droit et Societes religieuses de l'Universite de Paris Sud, les 12 et 13 octobre 2007, a la Faculte Jean Monnet, a Sceaux. Dans une perspective historique mais tout en menant leurs investigations jusqu'a nos jours, les auteurs abordent les questions fondamentales relatives a la place des religions dans la societe ou a leurs relations avec les pouvoirs publics et autorites politiques, en France, dans divers pays europeens (Italie, Espagne, Suisse, Belgique, Roumanie) ou aux marges de l'Europe (Russie, Turquie). Partout, les societes se sont secularisees; quels sont les courants ideologiques qui ont accompagne ces mutations? Ces evolutions ont-elles modifie le fonctionnement d'institutions sociales comme le systeme d'education ou de sante? Partout la liberte religieuse est proclamee; doit-on en deduire que les pouvoirs publics traitent toutes les religions sur un meme mode? Certains Etats signent des concordats avec le Saint-Siege, ou promulguent des lois de liberte religieuse; d'autres se disent laiques; quels furent les processus selon lesquels les laicites italienne, turque, francaise ou autres se sont construites? Telles sont quelques-unes des interrogations auxquelles ce livre repond.
Peeters Publishers Eutychii Patriarchae Alexandrini Annales, II. Accedunt Annales Yahia Ibn Said Antiochensis: (Ar. III, 7), T.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Turbo Coding, Turbo Equalisation and Space-Time Coding: EXIT-Chart-Aided Near-Capacity Designs for Wireless Channels
Covering the full range of channel codes from the most conventional through to the most advanced, the second edition of Turbo Coding, Turbo Equalisation and Space-Time Coding is a self-contained reference on channel coding for wireless channels. The book commences with a historical perspective on the topic, which leads to two basic component codes, convolutional and block codes. It then moves on to turbo codes which exploit iterative decoding by using algorithms, such as the Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP), Log-MAP and Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA), comparing their performance. It also compares Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM), Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation (TTCM), Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) and Iterative BICM (BICM-ID) under various channel conditions. The horizon of the content is then extended to incorporate topics which have found their way into diverse standard systems. These include space-time block and trellis codes, as well as other Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) schemes and near-instantaneously Adaptive Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (AQAM). The book also elaborates on turbo equalisation by providing a detailed portrayal of recent advances in partial response modulation schemes using diverse channel codes. A radically new aspect for this second edition is the discussion of multi-level coding and sphere-packing schemes, Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts, as well as an introduction to the family of Generalized Low Density Parity Check codes. This new edition includes recent advances in near-capacity turbo-transceivers as well as new sections on multi-level coding schemes and of Generalized Low Density Parity Check codes Comparatively studies diverse channel coded and turbo detected systems to give all-inclusive information for researchers, engineers and students Details EXIT-chart based irregular transceiver designs Uses rich performance comparisons as well as diverse near-capacity design examples
Springer Verlag, Singapore Recent Developments in Geotechnics and Structural Engineering: Select Proceedings of TRACE 2022
This book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (TRACE 2022). It focuses on the latest research developments in structural engineering, structural health monitoring, rehabilitation and retrofitting of structures, geotechnical engineering, and earthquake-resistant structures. The book also covers the latest innovations in building repair and maintenance, AI and blockchain in structural engineering, advancements in the design of earthquake-resistant structures, and sustainable materials for rehabilitation and retrofitting. The contents of this book are useful for researchers and professionals working in structural and geotechnical engineering and allied areas.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Norman Studies XXVIII: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2005
`A series which is a model of its kind.' EDMUND KING, HISTORY The latest volume in the series concentrates, as always, on the half century before and the century after 1066, with papers which have many interconnections and range across different kinds of history. There is a particular focuson church history, with contributions on an Anglo-Saxon archiepiscopal manual, architecture and liturgy in post-Conquest Lincolnshire, Anglo-Norman cathedral chapters, and twelfth-century views of the tenth-century monastic reform. Other topics considered include social history (the Anglo-Norman family), gender (William of Malmesbury's representation of Bishop Wulfstan of Worcester), and politics (the sheriffs of Northumberland and Cumberland 1170-1185). The volume is completed with articles on Domesday Book and the post-Domesday Evesham Abbey surveys, and a double paper on land tenure and royal patronage. Contributors: STEPHEN BAXTER, JOHN BLAIR, HOWARD CLARKE, TRACEY-ANN COOPER,HUGH DOHERTY, PAUL EVERSON, DAVID STOCKER, KIRSTEN FENTON, VANESSA KING, JOHN MOORE, NICOLA ROBERTSON, DAVID ROFFE
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Success and Failure in Public Governance: A Comparative Analysis
Why do some policies succeed so well while others, in the same sector or country, fail dramatically? The aim of this book is to answer this question and provide systematic research on the nature, sources and consequences of policy failure. The expert contributors analyse and evaluate the success and failure of four policy areas (Steel, Health Care, Finance, HIV and the Blood Supply) in six European countries, namely France, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Spain and Sweden. The book is therefore able to compare success and failure across countries as well as policy areas, enabling a test of a variety of theoretical assumptions about policy making and government. The book also sheds more light on the legitimacy of governance in Western Europe and goes beyond understanding the concepts of success and failure to explaining their genesis empirically.Success and Failure in Public Governance will be of interest to academics and researchers of political science, public policy and public administration as well as to practitioners of public policy.
American Psychological Association Mental Health Practice With Immigrant and Refugee Youth: A Socioecological Framework
This book provides a framework to guide mental health providers who work with refugees and immigrants. Nearly 70 million people today are refugees or forcibly-displaced migrants. More than half of them are children suffering from the effects of dislocation and violence. The authors describe the unique needs and challenges of serving these populations, and offer concrete steps for providing evidence-based, culturally-responsive care. Using the socioecological model, the authors conceptualize the developing child as living within concentric circles that include family, school, neighborhood, and society, embedded within a cultural context. Mental health providers identify and provide targeted support to combat disruptions within any or all of these ecological layers. Chapters examine the complex ways in which culture impacts the refugee experience, barriers to engagement in mental health practice and strategies for overcoming them, assessment, collaborative and integrated mental health interventions, and efforts to increase resilience in children, families, and communities. The book is an essential guide for mental health providers, and all who seek to help children in need.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Friction and Wear of Ceramics: Principles and Case Studies
This book covers the area of tribology broadly, providing important introductory chapters to fundamentals, processing, and applications of tribology. The book is designed primarily for easy and cohesive understanding for students and practicing scientists pursuing the area of tribology with focus on materials. This book helps students and practicing scientists alike understand that a comprehensive knowledge about the friction and wear properties of advanced materials is essential to further design and development of new materials. The description of the wear micromechanisms of various materials will provide a strong background to the readers as how to design and develop new tribological materials. This book also places importance on the development of new ceramic composites in the context of tribological applications. Some of the key features of the book include: Fundamentals section highlights the salient issues of ceramic processing and mechanical properties of important oxide and non-oxide ceramic systems; State of the art research findings on important ceramic composites are included and an understanding on the behavior of silicon carbide (SiC) based ceramic composites in dry sliding wear conditions is presented as a case study; Erosion wear behavior of ceramics, in which case studies on high temperature erosion behavior of SiC based composites and zirconium diboride (ZrB2) based composites is also covered; Wear behavior of ceramic coatings is rarely discussed in any tribology related books therefore a case study explaining the abrasion wear behavior of WC-Co coating is provided. Finally an appendix chapter is included in which a collection of several types of questions including multiple choice, short answer and long answer are provided.
Taylor & Francis Inc A Radiologic Atlas of Abuse, Torture, Terrorism, and Inflicted Trauma
The results of aggression against humans can be hideously obvious, but may also be entirely concealed from casual inspection. Often, only exploration of the hidden recesses of the mind via psychiatric evaluation, or radiologic exploration of the inner recesses of the body can reveal the evidence of such violence. This book focuses on the latter.A Radiologic Atlas of Abuse, Torture, Terrorism, and Inflicted Trauma combines the lifetime experience of two distinguished radiologists and a renowned odontologist to provide an unprecedented collection of radiographs depicting the results of violence on the human body.Victims of aggression range from the tiniest infant to entire populations. Hopefully you will never encounter every situation covered in this book. However, should you come across any, you will want A Radiologic Atlas of Abuse, Torture, Terrorism, and Inflicted Trauma within reach.
MTG Learning Media India's Growth Resurgence: Sectoral Issues and Governance Risks
Libri Publishing DrExam Part B MRCS OSCE Revision Guide: Book 1
The DrExam series has been developed to comprehensively address the revised Part B MRCS OSCE syllabus. Material is presented in structured question–answer format throughout, covering the most commonly asked, most complicated and most important OSCE topics. Book 1covers the important aspects of Surgical Radiology, Applied Surgical Science, Critical Care, Anatomy, Surgical Pathology, Operative Surgery, Surgical Skills, Principles of Surgery and Patient Safety. Book 2 presents Approved Structured Clinical Examination Protocols supplemented with a Clinical Examination DVD. Important chapters on Communication Skills, Ethics and History Taking Skills are included, each tailored towards the new OSCE syllabus. Together, both volumes address each of the specific domains that are assessed throughout the examination. DREXAM TICKS ALL THE BOXES WHEN IT COMES TO REVISION: § Comprehensive Structured Answers to Questions § Written by Specialists in Their Field § Contributions from Many UK Teaching Hospitals § Original Clinical Photographs § Original Radiological Images § Original Anatomical Specimens § Clear Diagrams § Useful Memory Aids § Handy Examination Tips § Full Colour Throughout § Competitively Priced DrExam Part B MRCS OSCE revision courses have become successful due to their unique approach to lecturing and teaching. Candidates come from all over the world in order to attend these highly positively reviewed revision courses. Furthermore, these courses are run in association with, and are supporters of the Plastic Surgery & Burns Research Unit, Bradford. This research unit evolved from the Bradford City Football Club fire disaster in 1985 where hundreds of people were killed or injured and many more lives were tragically affected. Twenty-five per cent of the royalties from these books are being donated to the research unit. The academic nature of the DrExam project has attracted support and chapter contributions from numerous institutions across the country.
Sweetmeats Press Made for Hire
Peeters Publishers Perspectives on Islamic Culture: Essays in Honour of Emilio G. Platti
Eighteen colleagues of i.a. KU Leuven, IDEO, UCL, Universite de Provence, University of Birmingham and Institut Catholique de Paris have contributed to this Liber Amicorum, offered to Prof. em. Emilio Platti o.p. Perspectives on Islamic Culture consists of three parts, reflecting the threefold academic interest of Emilio Platti, expressed both in his numerous lectures and publications. The volume opens with a number of textcritical studies that offer a detailed analysis of primary Muslim sources, ranging from the Quran itself to a late nineteenth-century collection of majalis (mourning gatherings). A second part of this volume discusses, from different perspectives, the historical and contemporary relations and dialogue between Islam and Christianity. A third and final part is devoted to a series of studies on the emerging European Islam and the challenges it faces.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Global Leadership
Advances in Global Leadership collects insights from leading scholars and practitioners and fresh ideas from promising newcomers to the field. In addition to traditional research, Volume 15 focuses on power and global leadership, an under-researched topic in the field of global leadership. This volume features: • An insightful, comprehensive literature review of power and global leadership. • Two ground-breaking research articles on factors that influence global power and change. • The editors' analysis of the field of power in global leadership and suggested future directions. • A comparison of the 2015-2020 global leadership publication patterns with a prior literature review to map the field's growth. • A cognitive approach to understanding global leadership effectiveness, featuring a conceptual model of trigger events in intercultural sensemaking. • Interviews with two luminaries in the field of global leadership. • An academic-practitioner collaboration of a popular Danish global leadership development training program that is available to the public. • Reflections by recent Emerald Literati Award Winners who made the most outstanding contributions to the field of global leadership in past volumes of Advances in Global Leadership. Given its multidisciplinary focus, this book is a must-read for scholars from a diverse set of scholarly fields and practitioners with a diverse set of global leadership roles. The Advances in Global Leadership series, with its finger firmly on the pulse of this exciting field, is an indispensable compendium of knowledge on global leadership.
Guilford Publications Trauma Systems Therapy for Children and Teens
This highly practical book has helped thousands of clinicians make the most of limited resources to support children and families struggling with chronic, multiple adversities. Trauma systems therapy (TST) is grounded in cutting-edge research on traumatic stress and child development. It provides a roadmap for integrating individualized treatment with services at the home, school, and community levels. Effective assessment and intervention strategies are accompanied by vivid case material and reproducible worksheets and forms. Purchasers get access to a webpage where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. (First edition title: Collaborative Treatment of Traumatized Children and Teens.) New to This Edition *Restructured to reflect significant conceptual and clinical advances. *Even more clinician friendly: increased emphasis on practical aspects of assessment and treatment. *Chapter on organizational planning. *Chapters on TST innovations, including applications for diverse trauma populations and for problems other than trauma. *More reproducible clinical tools--now downloadable.
Shambhala Publications Inc Back Care Basics: A Doctor's Gentle Yoga Program for Back and Neck Pain Relief
Stanford University Press Education in a Research University
A Stanford University Press classic.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Business Survey Methods
Consists of invited papers, from internationally recognized researchers, chosen for their quality as well as their overall unity. Describes current methods along with innovative research and presents new technologies for solving problems unique to establishment surveys. Stages of the survey process are addressed in the first five parts with cross-cutting topics in the last section.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Head-Space Analysis and Related Methods in Gas Chromatography
Treats the new and rapidly developing independent field in gas chromatographic analysis based on the use of ?out of column? phase equilibria and partition coefficients in gas-liquid systems. Describes new methods of head space analysis for the first time, plus related methods based on the equilibrium between liquid and gas states. Describes physico-chemical applications of this new method. Considers new principles of investigating chemical equilibria solutions and describes the determination of impurities in gases and the calibration of chromatographs. Covers original devices and up-to-date automatic instruments for head-space analysis.