Search results for ""Author Merchant"
HarperCollins Publishers Houston Then and Now® (Then and Now)
Part of the 4-miliion-selling-trademark series from Pavilion Books – a vivid historical tour of Houston, with the same view photographed today, from a great local author. In 1836 revolutionaries routed the Mexican army at the Battle of San Jacinto and the nearby town took the name of the battle’s victor, General Sam Houston. Since that time Houston has become America’s fourth largest city, and its magnificent cityscape of concrete, glass, and steel bears little resemblance to traditional Texas imagery. It’s easy to see why its residents, showing allegiance to their unique heritage, proudly refer to themselves as Houstonians rather than Texans. It was an entrepreneurial New York family who first promoted Houston’s lush landscape and vast potential in the Northeast and Europe, and the town expanded from a handful of tents into a place of over 10,000 residents by 1900. Oil was discovered nearby in 1901 and from then on Houston never looked back. Sites include: City Hall, Carnegie Library, Houston Courthouse, Merchants and Manufacturers Building, Allen’s Landing, Houston Chronicle, Main and Preston, Sam Houston Hotel, USS Texas, San Jacinto Monument, Congress Avenue, Houston Water Works, Hermann Building, Texas Capitol Building, Majestic Metro, Old Cotton Exchange, Gulf Building, Moorish Federal Building, Carter’s Folly, Kress Building, Union Station, Esperson Building, Antioch Church, Houston Light Guard Armory, Magnolia Brewery, Grand Central Station, Rice University, Museum of Fine Arts, Hermann Park, Miller Outdoor Theatre and Warwick Hotel.
Cornell University Press The Witness and the Other World: Exotic European Travel Writing, 400–1600
Surveying exotic travel writing in Europe from late antiquity to the age of discover, The Witness and the Other World illustrates the fundamental human desire to change places, if only in the imagination. Mary B. Campbell looks at works by pilgrims, crusaders, merchants, discoverers, even armchair fantasists such as Mandeville, as well as the writings of Marco Polo, Columbus, and Walter Raleigh. According to Campbell, these travel accounts are exotic because they bear witness to alienated experiences; European travelers, while claiming to relate fact, were often passing on monstrous projections. She contends that their writing not only documented but also made possible the conquest of the peoples whom she travelers described, and she shows how travel literature contributed to the genesis of the modern novel and the modern life sciences.
Islamic Foundation The Bowing of the Stars
Allah says, “Be!” And it is. Amidst the chaotic symphony of bustling life — donkeys braying, merchants calling out their wares, great carts groaning along laden with clucking hens and crowing roosters, this book invites you to taste the unwavering patience and triumphant victory of Prophet Yusuf and his grieving yet persevering father, Prophet Yaqub, peace be upon him. A shepherd boy dreams that his brothers and parents bow down before him in a far-off land. But he finds pain and hardship instead, stretching out before him for years, until at last, at the Hand of the Great Fashioner, he emerges to save a great nation from starvation. His remarkable journey culminates in a breathtaking act of forgiveness that echoes through the ages, resonating with us even today. &
Johns Hopkins University Press Money, Language, and Thought: Literary and Philosophic Economies from the Medieval to the Modern Era
In Money, Language, and Thought, Marc Shell explores the interactions between linguistic and economic production as they inform discourse from Chretien de Troyes to Heidegger. Close readings of works such as the medieval grail legends, The Merchant of Venice, Goethe's Faust, and Poe's "The Gold Bug" reveal how discourse has responded to the dissociation of symbol from thing characteristic of money, and how the development of increasingly symbolic currencies has involved changes in the meaning of meaning. Pursuing his investigations into the modern era, Shell points out significant internalization of economic form in Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger. He demonstrates how literature and philosophy have been driven to account self-critically for a "money of the mind" that pervades all discourse, and concludes the book with a discomforting thesis about the cultural and political limits of literature and philosophy in the modern world.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Soviet Airmen in the Spanish Civil War: 1936-1939
Between September 1936 and February 1939, the Soviet Union was covertly aiding the Spanish Republic in its civil war with the right wing forces of General Francisco Franco, which had revolted against the government and were being aided semi-covertly by Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The Soviets were not only supplying the Republic with oil, gasoline, and food stuffs, but also the aircraft, tanks, artillery pieces, and small arms they needed to conduct the war. The Soviets also began sending military advisers and personnel from all branches of the service, plus engineers, translators, merchant seamen and war industry factory workers. Of the approximately 3,000 people sent from the Soviet Union, 772 were from the air force, and of these 100 were killed in action or died as a result of accidents or wounds received in battle.
Manchester University Press Women, Credit, and Debt in Early Modern Scotland
This text provides the first full-length consideration of women’s economic roles in early modern Scottish towns. Drawing on tens of thousands of cases entered into burgh court litigation between 1560 and 1640 in Edinburgh, Dundee, Haddington and Linlithgow, Women, credit and debt explores how Scottish women navigated their courts and their communities. The employments and by-employments that brought these women to court and the roles they had in the economy are also considered. In particular, this book explores the role of women as merchants, merchandisers, producers and sellers of ale, landladies, moneylenders and servants. Comparing the Scottish experience to that of England and Europe, Spence shows that over the course of the latter half of the sixteenth century and into the seventeenth century women were conspicuously active in burgh court litigation and, by extension, were engaged participants in the early modern Scottish economy.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Reeds Vol 8 General Engineering Knowledge for Marine Engineers
The essential coursebook for all students studying general marine engineering.General Engineering Knowledge for Marine Engineers considers the different needs of those studying general' marine engineering, including the most recent changes to the Merchant Navy syllabus and current pathways to a sea-going engineering career.Accessibly written and clearly illustrated with technical engineering drawings, it covers all the latest equipment, practices and trends in marine engineering. It incorporates the 2010 Manila Amendments, particularly relating to management.This latest edition reflects all the developments in the field, including updates and additions on, amongst other things:- Sustainable ships systems- Hybrid power and energy management systems- Battery technology and hydrogen fuel cells- Biofuels- Waste heat recovery- Corrosion of metals in sea water- SOLAS rules on steering ships- Electric vehicle battery firesT
HarperCollins Publishers Starport
Law & Order meets Men in Black in this graphic novel adaptation of a TV pilot script by the author of A Game of Thrones. Ideal for fans of Saga. Second City. First Contact. Ten years ago, representatives from an interstellar collective of 314 alien species landed on Earth, inviting us to become number 315. Now, after seemingly endless delays, the Starport in Chicago is operational, a destination for diplomats, merchants, and tourists alike. Inside, visitors are governed by intergalactic treaty. Outside, the streets belong to Chicago’s finest. Charlie Baker, newly promoted to the squad that oversees the Starport district, is eager to put to practical use his enthusiasm for all things extraterrestrial; he just never expected to arrive on his first day in the back of a police cruiser. Lieutenant Bobbi Kelleher is married to the job, which often puts her in conflict with Lyhanne Nhar-Lys, security champion of Starport and one of the galaxy’s fiercest warriors. Undercover with a gang of anti-alien extremists, Detective Aaron Stein has no problem mixing business with pleasure – until he stumbles upon evidence of a plot to assassinate a controversial trade envoy with a cache of stolen ray guns. Now the Chicago PD must stop these nutjobs before they piss off the entire universe. Based on a TV pilot script written by George R.R. Martin and adapted and illustrated by Hugo Award–nominated artist Raya Golden, this bold and brilliant graphic novel adaptation brings Martin’s singular vision to rollicking life. With all the intrigue, ingenuity, and atmosphere that made A Game of Thrones a worldwide phenomenon, Starport launches a new chapter in the career of a sci-fi/fantasy superstar.
Hoaki Japanese Tattoo The History and Evolution of an Art Form
In the world of tattoo art, few traditions can rival the elaborate and refined artistry of Japanese tattoos. In this richly illustrated book, readers will find a wealth of detailed information about the history of this unique folk art, its relation to literature and art as well as great colour photographs of their work. Remarkable for the richness of their iconography, the balance of their compositions, and their refinement in details, Japanese tattoos have seduced since the fifteenth century Western travellers, merchants and later, in the 18th and 19th century sailors, soldiers, eccentrics and artists such as Degas, Monet, and Toulouse-Lautrec. The book shows the historical influence of Japanese tattooing on the worldwide tattoo community and its integration into the modern global cultural landscape. With over 270 illustrations, this book is a powerful tribute to the artistry, skill, and enduring charm of Japanese tattooing. Perfect for tattoo enthusiasts, this comprehensive and visua
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Glasgow Boys in Your Pocket
The Glasgow Boys revolutionized Scottish painting from 1880 until around 1895, although their influence lasted until just before World War 1. Painters such as Sir John Lavery, Sir James Guthrie, George Henry, Edward Atkinson Hornel, Joseph Crawhall, Edward Arthur Walton, and William Kennedy formed the main group of painters, although there were 18 in total. They were a loose group, with various friendships and painting groups among them. Influenced by the Impressionists and post-Impressionists, they were also inspired by Japanese and Dutch art. Their style went against Victorian sentimentality and they brought the look of some forms of Impressionism and post-Impressionism to Scotland, with fresh views of the Scottish countryside and typical scenes from Scottish life. They painted outdoors, and captured a way of life that changed Scottish painting. Many settled after their early rebellious phase into quieter styles, or moved away as the art scene evolved into the Scottish Colourists' phase. As Glasgow became the fourth largest city in Europe, with a massive explosion in its population, money from wealthy industrialists, publishers and merchants became available to support the art commissioned from The Glasgow Boys. New walls needed art, as Glasgow celebrated its prosperity in a new phase of building - the city centre saw a new Art School, and City Chambers, and industrialists built homes in the country. The author's understanding of the art world and the importance of financial support and also painting techniques makes this book a unique contribution to books written on The Glasgow Boys. The Glasgow Boys are the subject of an exhibition at Kelvingrove Art Gallery in spring/summer 2010, and then at the Royal Academy, London until January 2011.
San Diego Museum of Art Dreams and Diversions: Essays on Japanese Woodblock Prints
With the advent of ukiyo-e woodblock prints, art became accessible to Japan’s burgeoning merchant classes. Though a uniquely Japanese art form, the prints reveal interests in celebrity, fashion, entertainment, and travel that have a universal human appeal, regardless of time or place. Dreams and Diversions celebrates Japanese woodblock prints with a collection of ten original essays by an international team of scholars. They draw attention to the unique and longstanding relationship between the port city of San Diego, its collectors, and the nation of Japan. The essays not only advance the field of art history with new research and discussions of rare prints but also tell engaging stories for all readers interested in Japanese art and culture from the 17th to the early 20th centuries. The contributors to Dreams and Diversions include Michael S. Inoue, Hiroko Johnson, Andreas Marks, Junichi Okubo, and Sonya Rhie Quintanilla.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Reeds Maritime Meteorology
Written primarily for serving and trainee deck officers, those studying for certificates of competency in merchant shipping and fishermen, Reeds Maritime Meteorology analyses the elements and forces which contribute to maritime meteorology and the principles which govern them. Updated to include the latest developments in the use of satellite technology in forecasting, Navtext and the ramifications of GMDSS, the book examines: · cloud formation and development · precipitation and thunderstorms · atmospheric pressure and wind · ocean currents and swell · tropical revolving storms · the development and distribution of sea ice · weather routeing · passage planning · the management and care of cargo in heavy weather This revised edition covers significant developments in the variety of forecasts available for the seafarer, coverage of global warming and weather routing options, as well as updates throughout in line with technological advancements and research discoveries, and updates to the exam questions at the end of each chapter.
Stackpole Books Landon Mayer's Guide Flies: Easy-to-Tie Patterns for Tough Trout
Fly tying book featuring 16 successful patterns by Landon Mayer (an Umpqua Feather Merchants signature tier) as well as a few of his favorite flies by other tiers that haven’t been covered in books before. Instructions for each fly are covered in detailed step by step photos. Includes fishing and rigging tips.Tails Up Trico (dry) USFMayer’s Mini Leech USFTitan Tube Midge (nymph) USFTube Midge (nymph) USFMayer’s Mysis (nymph) USFMini Leech Jig USFDamsel Mini Leech Jig USFWho’s Your Daddy (streamer) USFCruising Crane (dry)Purple Thing (emerger)Landon’s Larvae (nymph)Mini Mr Hankey (dry)Matt’s Lawn Dart (streamer)Best Dry Ever (dry)Pablo’s Cripple (emerger)Tereyla’s Lite Saber (nymph)
Penguin Books Ltd Master and Man and Other Stories
The ten stories collected in this volume demonstrate Tolstoy's artistic prowess displayed over five decades - experimenting with prose styles and drawing on his own experiences with humour, realism and compassion. Inspired by his experiences in the army, 'The Two Hussars' contrasts a dashing father and his mean-spirited son. Illustrating Tolstoy's belief that art must serve a moral purpose, 'What Men Live By' portrays an angel sent to earth to learn three existential rules of life, and 'Two Old Men' shows a peasant abandoning his pilgrimage to the Holy Land in order to help his neighbours. And in the highly moving 'Master and Man', Tolstoy depicts a mercenary merchant travelling with his unprotesting servant through a blizzard to close a business deal - little realizing he may soon have to settle accounts with his maker.
Flipped Eye Publishing Limited Abolition
Set in 1792, amongst the merchant princes and cut-throat backstreets of Liverpool, in the Palace of Westminster in London and aboard the Blackamoor Jenny - a guineaman making its sixth "African voyage" to stock its foetid hold with human beings - Gabriel Gbadamosi's play Abolition unfolds a dark, inglorious undercurrent of 'Enlightenment' Britain. Arresting and deeply troubling, Abolition gives us the voices of people caught up in the original sin of slavery and fighting to survive it, profit from it, ignore it, or end it. Underpinned by impeccable research and uncanny fidelity to the language of its time, the play depicts a society both conflicted and very comfortable with the trade in African bodies. In Parliament, there is debate over moral hygiene and economic turbulence in the ship of state, whilst at sea the Blackamoor Jenny struggles with storms and depraved acts, driven on by the ever-urgent imperatives of money.
The History Press Ltd From Cabin ‘Boys’ to Captains: 250 Years of Women at Sea
Traditionally, a woman’s place was never on stormy seas. But actually thousands of dancers, purserettes, doctors, stewardesses, captains and conductresses have taken to the waves on everything from floating palaces to battered windjammers. Their daring story is barely known, even by today’s seawomen. From before the 1750s, women fancying an oceangoing life had either to disguise themselves as cabin ‘boys’ or acquire a co-operative husband with a ship attached. Early pioneers faced superstition and discrimination in the briny ‘monasteries’. Today women captain cruise ships as big as towns and work at the highest level in the global maritime industry. This comprehensive exploration looks at the Merchant Navy, comparing it to the Royal Navy in which Wrens only began sailing in 1991. Using interviews and sources never before published, Jo Stanley vividly reveals the incredible journey across time taken by these brave and lively women salts.
Fernhurst Books Limited Diesels Afloat: The Essential Guide to Diesel Boat Engines
Diesel engines are installed in just about every yacht and in most large motorboats and, while professional help is often at hand, sometimes it is not. Indeed, engine failure is one of the most frequent causes of RNLI launches. This book explains how to prevent problems, troubleshoot and make repairs using safe techniques. It could also help you save money on expensive bills for yard work you could do yourself. Diesels Afloat covers everything from how the diesel engine works to engine electrics, from fault finding to out of season layup. With this guide and your engine’s manual you can get the best performance from your boat’s engine and be confident in dealing with any problem. The book covers the syllabus of the RYA Diesel Engine and MCA Approved Engine (AEC-1) courses. This edition has been thoroughly modernised and updated by former course lecturer and currently chief engineer on merchant ships, Callum Smedley.
Yale University Press Edward IV
In his own time Edward IV was seen as an able and successful king who rescued England from the miseries of civil war and provided the country with firm, judicious, and popular government. The prejudices of later historians diminished this high reputation, until recent research confirmed Edward as a ruler of substantial achievement, whose methods and policies formed the foundation of early Tudor government. This classic study by Charles Ross places the reign firmly in the context of late medieval power politics, analyzing the methods by which a usurper sought to retain his throne and reassert the power of a monarchy seriously weakened by the feeble rule of Henry VI. Edward's relations with the politically active classes—the merchants, gentry, and nobility—form a major theme, and against this background Ross provides an evaluation of the many innovations in government on which the king's achievement rests.
Little, Brown Book Group Saint Peter's Fair: 4
Saint Peter's Fair is a grand festive event, attracting tradesmen from across England and beyond. There is a pause in the civil war racking the country in the summer of 1139, and the fair promises to bring some much needed gaiety to the town of Shrewsbury. Until, that is, the body of a wealthy trader is found in the River Severn. Was Thomas of Bristol the victim of murderous thieves? And if so, why were his valuables abandoned nearby? Brother Cadfael offers to help the merchant's lovely niece Emma. But while he is seaching for the killer, the man's wares are ransacked and two more men are murdered. Emma almost certainly knows more than she is telling, as others will soon realise. Cadfael desperately races to save the young girl, knowing that in a country at war with itself, betrayal can come from any direction, and even good intentions can kill.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Star Wars Super Collector's Wish Book, Vol. 3: Merchandise, Collectibles, Toys, 2011-2022
A new addition to expert collector Geoffrey T. Carlton's Star Wars Super Collector's Wish Book series of merchandise guides, volume 3 takes Star Wars enthusiasts into the vast galaxy of items that celebrate the beloved film franchise and pop culture juggernaut. Volume 3 unifies toys and nontoy products into a single book, covering 70,000 items released from 2011 to 2022. Also included are some of the more common and popular items, along with older pieces not previously featured in the first two volumes of the series. Through 14,000 color images and directory-style categorization, this guide provides identification and values for a vast array of Star Wars items from around the world, including art and cards, coins and stickers, party decorations, clothing, action figures, games and toys, home decor items, and much, much more. From ticket stubs to statues and ice cream wrappers to rockets, if it was made with a Star Wars logo on the package, you'll be able to find it here. In both quantity and quality, the volumes of the Star Wars Super Collector's Wish Book surpass all others to form the largest Star Wars collectibles identification and reference series ever produced. Though massive, the volumes boast an easy-to-use, directory-style format and thousands of color photographs that make them valuable and quick resource guides.
Princeton University Press Jerusalem: The Holy City in the Eyes of Chroniclers, Visitors, Pilgrims, and Prophets from the Days of Abraham to the Beginnings of Modern Times
This remarkable portrayal of Jerusalem has become a favorite of many readers interested in this city's dramatic past. Through a collection of firsthand accounts, we see Jerusalem as it appeared through the centuries to a fascinating variety of observers--Jews, Christians, Muslims, and secularists, from pilgrim to warrior to merchant. F. E. Peters skillfully unites these moving eyewitness statements in an immensely readable narrative commentary. Originally published in 1995. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
The History Press Ltd Titanic Captain: The Life of Edward John Smith
Commander Edward John Smith's career had been a remarkable example of how a man from a humble background could get far in the world. Born to a working-class family in the landlocked Staffordshire Potteries, he went to sea at the age of 17 and rose rapidly through the ranks of the merchant navy, serving first in sailing vessels and later in the new steamships of the White Star Line. By 1912, he as White Star's senior commander and regarded by many in the shipping world as the 'millionaire's captain'. In 1912, Smith was given command of the new RMS Titanic for her maiden voyage, but what should have been among the crowning moments of his long career at sea turned rapidly into a nightmare following Titanic's collision with an iceberg. In a matter of hours the supposedly unsinkable ship sank, taking over 1,500 people with her, including Captain Smith.
Nick Hern Books Speaking the Speech: An Actor's Guide to Shakespeare
Why does Shakespeare write in the way he does? And how can actors and directors get the most out of his incomparable plays? In Speaking the Speech, Giles Block – ‘Master of the Words’ at Shakespeare’s Globe – sets out to answer these two simple questions. The result is the most authoritative, most comprehensive book yet written on speaking Shakespeare’s words. Throughout the book, the author subjects Shakespeare’s language to rigorous examination, illuminating his extraordinary ability to bring his characters to life by a simple turn of phrase, a breath or even a pause. Block shows how we can only fully understand these characters, and the meaning of the plays, by speaking the words out loud. Drawing on characters from across all of Shakespeare’s plays – and looking in detail at Macbeth, The Winter’s Tale, Hamlet, The Merchant of Venice and Much Ado About Nothing – Block covers everything the actor needs to know, including: the essential distinctions between prose, rhymed verse and unrhymed verse, and the different strategies to be used when speaking them; the difference between ‘you’ and ‘thou’; Shakespeare’s use of silence; and the vital importance of paying attention to Shakespeare’s ‘original’ punctuation. Speaking the Speech is a book for actors and directors who want to improve their understanding of Shakespeare’s language in order to speak it better. It is also a fascinating read for anyone who wants to deepen their appreciation of Shakespeare’s language and the way it comes to life when spoken aloud. ‘We call Giles our ‘Text Guru’ at the Globe, partly in jest, and partly out of respect for the depth of his knowledge, the gentleness of his teaching, and the sudden illuminations he can throw across a play. If this book can afford even a small part of the pleasure and insight Giles can provide in person, then it will be a great asset.’ Dominic Dromgoole, Artistic Director, Shakespeare’s Globe ‘Giles deepened my love for Shakespeare and for the way we all speak. I trust you will have a similar experience reading his book.’ Mark Rylance, from his Foreword
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Ancient Silk Trade Routes: Selected Works From Symposium On Cross Cultural Exchanges And Their Legacies In Asia
As key nodes that connected ancient silk routes traversing China, Japan and India, trading hubs, towns and cities in Java and Sumatra and other places in Asia were key destination points for merchants, monks and other itinerants plying these routes.Recent archaeological excavations in countries bordering the South China Sea and around the Indian Ocean unveiled remarkable similarities in artifacts recovered both on land and from the sea. The similarities underlined the many facets of regional exchanges and cross-cultural influences among people and places in these networks. Some of the findings indicate a distinct Chinese presence in the commercial, social and religious activities of these early Asian trading posts.This book collects papers from the symposium on Ancient Silk Trade Routes — Cross Cultural Exchanges and Their Legacies in Asia. It explores several threads arising from this regional exchange of goods and ideas, in particular, the cross-cultural dimensions of the exchanges in the areas of textile trade, ceramic routes, trading hubs, arts and artifacts and Buddhism.
Scholastic All at Sea
Discover all the foul facts behind the story of Britain and Ireland’s seafaring heritage with history's most horrible headlines: cruise edition. Find your horrible sea legs with Terry Deary, the master of making history fun. From the early explorers to the Pilgrim Fathers, the horrors of the slave trade to the particular appeal of a piratical life, the Royal Navy to the Merchant Navy, ship-building tales, fishing traditions and beyond, it's all in Horrible Histories: All at Sea: fully illustrated throughout and packed with hair-raising stories with all the horribly hilarious bits included with a fresh take on the classic Horrible Histories style, perfect for fans old and new the perfect series for anyone looking for a fun and informative read Horrible Histories has been entertaining children and families for generations with books, TV, stage show, magazines, games and 2019's brilliantly funny Horrible Histories: the Movie - Rotten Romans. Get your history right here and collect the whole horrible lot Read all about it!
The History Press Ltd Boeing in Photographs: A Century of Flight
Founded in 1916 by William E. Boeing, a wealthy timber merchant, the mighty Boeing Company’s long history spans decades of rich achievement and technological development. Beginning with the manufacture of seaplanes, fighters and, from the 1930s onwards, huge bombers, Boeing pioneered innovative transports – gigantic airliners, missiles, rockets and, most recently, vehicles for space exploration and satellites.Constantly evolving, Boeing set out to develop an entirely new jet transport, and in 1954 the innovative 707 appeared. The 727 and 737 airliners quickly followed and in 1969 the revolutionary 747. By 1975 the ‘Jumbo Jet’ was being produced in seven different models and new versions continue to be developed to this day.Boeing in Photographs is a glorious photographic history, detailing the story of the company from its humble side-project beginnings to its ascent into being one of the world’s largest aircraft manufacturers.
Georgetown University Press Spies for the Sultan
Translated into English for the first time, this is a fascinating history of intelligence practices and their impact on great power rivalries in the early modern eraIn the sixteenth century, an intense rivalry between the Ottoman Empire and the Spanish Habsburg Empire and its allies spurred the creation of early modern intelligence. Translated into English for the first time, Emrah Safa Gürkan's Spies for the Sultan reconstructs this history of Ottoman espionage, sabotage, and bribery practices in the Mediterranean world. Then as now, collecting political, naval, military, and economic information was essential to staying one step ahead of your rivals. Porous and shifting borders, the ability to assume multiple identities, and variable allegiances made conditions in this era ripe for espionage around the Mediterranean. The Ottomans used networks of merchants, corsairs, soldiers, and other travelers to move among their enemies and report intelligence from points far and wide. The Otto
Transworld Publishers Ltd The One Device: The Secret History of the iPhone
The secret history of the invention that changed everything and became the most profitable product in the world.Odds are that as you read this, an iPhone is within reach. But before Steve Jobs introduced us to 'the one device', as he called it, a mobile phone was merely what you used to make calls on the go.How did the iPhone transform our world and turn Apple into the most valuable company ever? Veteran technology journalist Brian Merchant reveals the inside story you won't hear from Cupertino - based on his exclusive interviews with the engineers, inventors and developers who guided every stage of the iPhone's creation.This deep dive takes you from inside 1 Infinite Loop to nineteenth-century France to WWII America, from the driest place on earth to a Kenyan pit of toxic e-waste, and even deep inside Shenzhen's notorious 'suicide factories'. It's a first-hand look at how the cutting-edge tech that makes the world work - touch screens, motion trackers and even AI - made its way into our pockets.The One Device is a road map for design and engineering genius, an anthropology of the modern age and an unprecedented view into one of the most secretive companies in history. This is the untold account, ten years in the making, of the device that changed everything.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Conquest: The Destruction of the American Indios
The arrival of Europeans in the Americas brought with it a demographic catastrophe of vast proportions for the native populations. What were the causes? The surviving documentation is extraordinarily rich: conquistadors, religious figures, administrators, officials, and merchants kept records, carried out inquiries, and issued edicts. The native world, for its part, has also left eloquent traces of events as well as direct testimony of its harsh subjugation at the hands of the Europeans. Drawing on these sources, Livi-Bacci shows how not only the 'imported' diseases but also a series of economic and social factors played a role in the disastrous decline of the native populations. He argues that the catastrophe was not the inevitable outcome of contact with Europeans but was a function of both the methods of the conquest and the characteristics of the subjugated societies. This gripping narrative recounts one of the greatest tragedies of human history, one whose protagonists include figures like Columbus, Montezuma, Atahuallpa, Pizarro, Corts and Tupac Amaru.
University of Illinois Press Syrian and Lebanese Patricios in São Paulo: From the Levant to Brazil
Syrian and Lebanese immigrants to Brazil chose to settle in urban areas, a marked contrast to many other migrant groups. In São Paulo, these newcomers embraced new lives as merchants, shopkeepers, and industrialists, making them a dominant force in the city's business sector. Oswaldo Truzzi's original work on these so-called patrícios changed the face of Brazilian studies. Now available in an English translation, Truzzi's pioneering book identifies the complex social paths blazed by Syrian and Lebanese immigrants and their descendants from the 1890s to the 1960s. He considers their relationships to other groups within São Paulo's kaleidoscopic mix of cultures. He also reveals the differences--real and perceived--between Syrians and Lebanese in terms of religious and ethnic affinities and in the economic sphere. Finally, he compares the two groups with their counterparts in the United States and looks at the wave of Lebanese Muslims to São Paulo that began in the 1960s.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Othello
Edited, Introduced and Annotated by Cedric Watts, M.A., Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of English, University of Sussex. The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series, with Henry V and The Merchant of Venice as its inaugral volumes, presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare's works. The textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal. Othello has long been recognised as one of the most powerful of Shakespeare’s tragedies. This is an intense drama of love, deception, jealousy and destruction. Desdemona’s love for Othello, the Moor, transcends racial prejudice; but the envious Iago conspires to devastate their lives. In its vivid rendering of racism, sexism, contested identities, and the savagery lurking within civilisation, Othello is arguably the most topical and accessible tragedy from Shakespeare’s major phase as a dramatist. Productions on stage and screen regularly renew its power to engross, impress and trouble the imagination.
Signal Books Ltd The Camel's Neighbour: Travel and Travellers in Yemen
In 2014, a coup d'état in Sanaa paved the way for a devastating conflict in Yemen. Doctor Andrew Moscrop cancelled plans to return to the country that he had once called home. Instead, he returned to his diaries and delved into memories of a time when he lived in a rambling old tower house in Sanaa. As the war unfolded, he re-read the accounts of past travellers to the country. And while working in Greece, treating refugees from other Middle Eastern war zones, he began writing a book set in Yemen. Both a personal travelogue and a thought-provoking study of past travellers in Yemen, The Camel's Neighbour offers a unique window into the country. Importantly, it delivers a context and a valuable corrective to the dehumanising stories of conflict and crisis that have characterised this corner of Arabia in recent years. Evocative descriptions of Sanaa and its unique cityscape, as well as empathetic portrayals of people encountered and events experienced, all create a narrative by turns contemplative and unexpected. The author finds himself caught up in the fallout of the Danish Cartoon Crisis, is involved in an outbreak of polio, and witnesses close-up the distinctly undemocratic re-election of Yemen's President. Meanwhile, his sense of humour is tested when he gatecrashes the Queen's birthday party at the British Embassy and is urinated upon by a goat during a hair-raising car journey. Examining the impressions of earlier visitors, Moscrop explores how Yemen has been seen and understood by foreigners from Europe and America. These past visitors include blundering missionaries, avaricious merchants, aristocratic Englishmen, and unlikely spies such as Norman Lewis and Freya Stark. Moscrop delivers an intriguing and original perspective on Western encounters with the Islamic world, examining the imagery and clichés by which Yemen has been represented from the sixteenth century to the present. Ultimately, he unravels a story of how Yemen became an 'unknown country' with a 'forgotten war'.
Orion The Doors of Midnight
A breathtaking Silk Road-inspired epic fantasy, an ode to the power of storytelling and an adventure story filled with magic - this is the captivating sequel to The First Binding.Some stories are hidden for a reason. All tales have a price. And every debt must be paid.I killed three men as a child and earned myself the name Bloodletter. Then I set fire to the fabled Ashram. I''ve been a bird and robbed a merchant king of a ransom of gold. And I have crossed desert sands and cutthroat alleys to repay my debt.I''ve stood before the eyes of god, faced his judgement, and cast aside the thousand arrows that came with it. And I have passed through the Doors of Midnight and lived to tell the tale.I have traded one hundred and one stories with a creature as old as time, and survived with only my cleverness, a candle, and a broken promise.And most recently of all, I have killed a prince, though the stories say I have kille
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Burmese Days
Honest and evocative, George Orwell’s first novel is an examination of the debasing effect of empire on occupied and occupier.Burmese Days focuses on a handful of Englishmen who meet at the European Club to drink whisky and to alleviate the acute and unspoken loneliness of life in 1920s Burma—where Orwell himself served as an imperial policeman—during the waning days of British imperialism. One of the men, James Flory, a timber merchant, has grown soft, clearly comprehending the futility of England’s rule. However, he lacks the fortitude to stand up for his Indian friend, Dr. Veraswami, for admittance into the whites-only club. Without membership and the accompanying prestige that would protect the doctor, the condemning and ill-founded attack by a bitter magistrate might bring an end to everything he has accomplished. Complicating matters, Flory falls unexpectedly in love with a newly arrived English girl, Elizabeth Lackersteen. Can he find the strength to do right not only by his friend, but also by his conscience?
Orion Publishing Co The Doors of Midnight
A breathtaking Silk Road-inspired epic fantasy, an ode to the power of storytelling and an adventure story filled with magic - this is the captivating sequel to The First Binding.Some stories are hidden for a reason. All tales have a price. And every debt must be paid.I killed three men as a child and earned myself the name Bloodletter. Then I set fire to the fabled Ashram. I''ve been a bird and robbed a merchant king of a ransom of gold. And I have crossed desert sands and cutthroat alleys to repay my debt.I''ve stood before the eyes of god, faced his judgement, and cast aside the thousand arrows that came with it. And I have passed through the Doors of Midnight and lived to tell the tale.I have traded one hundred and one stories with a creature as old as time, and survived with only my cleverness, a candle, and a broken promise.And most recently of all, I have killed a prince, though the stories say I have kille
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Jellicoes War
In February 1917, German U-boats launched a savage unrestricted campaign against both Allied and neutral shipping. At its peak in April, 860,000 tons of Allied merchant shipping was sunk. Britain's supremacy at sea was being severely challenged and with it the chances of victory in the wider war. Taking up the challenge was Britain's new First Sea Lord, Sir John Jellicoe, until the previous December C-in-C of the Grand Fleet famously described by Churchill as the only man who could have lost the war in an afternoon. The battle he now faced was equally critical, although the timeline of defeat was a matter of months rather than hours Britain's food stocks were dangerously low with wheat reserves down to six weeks and sugar to only two, while wide-scale shortages were crippling the industrial economy. Jellicoe outlined the gravity of the situation with total candor to Rear Admiral William Sims, USN, sent over before America officially declared war by Franklin Roosevelt, the Assista
Pan Macmillan Invisible Sun
In this chillingly resonant dystopian adventure, two versions of America are locked in conflict. Invisible Sun concludes Charles Stross’s Empire Games trilogy. Two twinned worlds are facing attack The New American Commonwealth is caught in a deadly arms race with the USA, its parallel-world rival. And the USA’s technology is decades ahead. Yet the Commonweath might self-combust first – for its leader has just died, leaving a crippling power vacuum. Minister Miriam Burgeson must face allegations of treason without his support, in a power grab by her oldest adversary. However, all factions soon confront a far greater danger . . . In their drive to explore other timelines, high-tech USA awakened an alien threat. This force destroyed humanity on one version of Earth. And if the two superpowers don’t take action, it will do the same to them. Invisible Sun follows Empire Games and Dark State. This trilogy is set in the same dangerous parallel world as Charles Stross’s Merchant Princes sequence.
Pan Macmillan Invisible Sun
In this chillingly resonant dystopian adventure, two versions of America are locked in conflict. Invisible Sun concludes Charles Stross’s Empire Games trilogy. Two twinned worlds are facing attack The New American Commonwealth is caught in a deadly arms race with the USA, its parallel-world rival. And the USA’s technology is decades ahead. Yet the Commonweath might self-combust first – for its leader has just died, leaving a crippling power vacuum. Minister Miriam Burgeson must face allegations of treason without his support, in a power grab by her oldest adversary. However, all factions soon confront a far greater danger . . . In their drive to explore other timelines, high-tech USA awakened an alien threat. This force destroyed humanity on one version of Earth. And if the two superpowers don’t take action, it will do the same to them. Invisible Sun follows Empire Games and Dark State. This trilogy is set in the same dangerous parallel world as Charles Stross’s Merchant Princes sequence.
University of California Press Cuisine and Empire: Cooking in World History
Rachel Laudan tells the remarkable story of the rise and fall of the world's great cuisines - from the mastery of grain cooking some twenty thousand years ago, to the present - in this superbly-researched book. Probing beneath the apparent confusion of dozens of cuisines to reveal the underlying simplicity of the culinary family tree, she shows how periodic seismic shifts in "culinary philosophy" - beliefs about health, the economy, politics, society and the gods - prompted the construction of new cuisines, a handful of which, chosen as the cuisines of empires, came to dominate the globe. "Cuisine and Empire" shows how merchants, missionaries, and the military took cuisines over mountains, oceans, deserts, and across political frontiers. Laudan's innovative narrative treats cuisine, like language, clothing, or architecture, as something constructed by humans. By emphasizing how cooking turns farm products into food and by taking the globe rather than the nation as the stage, she challenges the agrarian, romantic, and nationalistic myths that underlie the contemporary food movement.
The University of Chicago Press Money Has No Smell: The Africanization of New York City
In February 1999 the tragic New York City police shooting of Amadou Diallo, an unarmed street vendor from Guinea, brought into focus the existence of West African merchants in urban America. In Money Has No Smell, Paul Stoller offers us a more complete portrait of the complex lives of West African immigrants like Diallo, a portrait based on years of research Stoller conducted on the streets of New York City during the 1990s. Blending fascinating ethnographic description with incisive social analysis. Stoller shows how these savvy West African entrepreneurs have built cohesive and effective multinational trading networks, in part through selling a simulated Africa to African Americans. These and other networks set up by the traders, along with their faith as devout Muslims, help them cope with the formidable state regulations and personal challenges they face in America. As Stoller demonstrates, the stories of these West African traders illustrate and illuminate ongoing debates about globalization, the informal economy, and the changing nature of American communities.
John Murray Press Foreign Devils on the Silk Road: The Search for the Lost Treasures of Central Asia
The Silk Road, which linked imperial Rome and distant China, was once the greatest thoroughfare on earth. Along it travelled precious cargoes of silk, gold and ivory, as well as revolutionary new ideas. Its oasis towns blossomed into thriving centres of Buddhist art and learning. In time it began to decline. The traffic slowed, the merchants left and finally its towns vanished beneath the desert sands to be forgotten for a thousand years. But legends grew up of lost cities filled with treasures and guarded by demons. In the early years of the last century foreign explorers began to investigate these legends, and very soon an international race began for the art treasures of the Silk Road. Huge wall paintings, sculptures and priceless manuscripts were carried away, literally by the ton, and are today scattered through the museums of a dozen countries. Peter Hopkirk tells the story of the intrepid men who, at great personal risk, led these long-range archaeological raids, incurring the undying wrath of the Chinese.
Baker Publishing Group The Shepherd`s Wife
Yeshua of Nazareth has two sisters: Damaris, married to a wealthy merchant's son, and Pheodora, married to a simple shepherd from Bethlehem. When Pheodora's husband suffers an unexpected reversal of fortune and is thrown into debtor's prison, she returns to Nazareth, where she pins her hopes on two she-goats who should give birth to spotless white kids that would be perfect for the upcoming Yom Kippur sacrifice. In the eighteen months between the kids' birth and the opportunity to sell them and redeem her husband from prison, Pheodora must call on her wits, her family, and her God in order to provide for her daughters and survive. But when every prayer and ritual she knows is about God's care for Israel, how can she trust that God will hear and help a lowly shepherd's wife?
Stanford University Press Unmentionables
As weavers, garment workers, and peddlers, Syrian immigrants in the Americas fed the early twentieth-century transnational textile trade. These migrants and the commodities they producedsilk, linen, and cotton; lace and embroidery; undergarments and ready-wear clothingmoved along steamship routes from Beirut through Marseille and Madeira to New York City, New England, and Veracruz. As migrants and merchants crisscrossed the Atlantic in pursuit of work, Syrian textile manufacturing expanded across the hemisphere. Unmentionables offers a history of the global textile industry and the Syrians, Lebanese, and Palestinians who worked in it.Stacy Fahrenthold examines how Arab workers navigated processes of racialization, immigration restriction, and labor contestation. She writes women workersthe majority of Syrian garment workersback into US labor history. She also situates the rise of Syrian American industrial elites, who exerted supply chain power to combat labor uprising
Granta Books How To Read Shakespeare
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is perhaps the most famous as well as strangest and most inventive poet and dramatist of all time. Although dead for hundreds of years, he is everywhere - in books and movies, in love and war, in the public world of politics and the intimacies of everyday speech. What makes his writings so persistently powerful and fascinating? The most effective way of exploring this question is to focus on what (as far as we are able to determine) he actually wrote. Nicholas Royle conveys the richness and complexity of Shakespeare's work through a series of unusually close readings. His primary concern is with letting the reader experience - anew or for the first time - the extraordinary pleasure and stimulation of reading Shakespeare. There are extracts from some of Shakespeare's most popular plays, including The Merchant of Venice, Julius Caesar, As You Like It, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth and Antony and Cleopatra.
University of Toronto Press The American Retail Value Proposition: Crafting Unique Experiences at Compelling Prices
The American economy is profoundly dependent on the success of its retailers and the strength of its consumer spending. Yet, how do leading retailers create value for their customers? To a large extent this has been accomplished by streamlining operations and a decades-long focus on cost cutting and price competitiveness. Today, retailers realize that they need to discover new ways to differentiate themselves and attract consumer spending. The American Retail Value Proposition provides the framework for building that differentiation and establishing a competitive advantage that goes beyond price discounting. This framework is based on more than a decade of research, including hundreds of hours of interviews with executives from the world's leading retailers, including Starbucks, Walmart, Apple, Amazon, and Lowe's. Whether you are an aspiring merchant or an industry veteran, this book's strategic framework will help you build a solid foundation for your business in today's ever-evolving retail marketplace.
Orion Publishing Co Tulipomania: The Story of the World's Most Coveted Flower and the Extraordinary Passions it Aroused
'A fascinating exploration of human greed and self-delusion and also a tribute to our ageless search for beauty' DEBORAH MOGGACH.In 1630s' Holland thousands of people, from the wealthiest merchants to the lowest street traders, were caught up in a frenzy of buying and selling. The object of the speculation was not oil or gold, but the tulip, a delicate and exotic bloom that had just arrived from the east. Over three years, rare tulip bulbs changed hands for sums that would have bought a house in Amsterdam: a single bulb could sell for more than £300,000 at today's prices. Fortunes were made overnight, but then lost when, within a year, the market collapsed.Mike Dash recreates this bizarre episode in European history, separating myth from reality. He traces the hysterical boom and devastating bust, bringing to life a colourful cast of characters, and beautifully evoking Holland's Golden Age.
Edinburgh University Press Glasgow: The Forming of the City
Glasgow is the prime British example of the industrial city, and this lavishly illustrated book traces its architectural and socio-economic history from its merchant origins, right through the nineteenth- and twentieth-century urban decline, and onwards to its present, much celebrated regeneration. This new edition offers the reader an insight to Glasgow at the Millennium, covering the most recent scholarship and opinion, and looking to the future of Glasgow in the coming century. Key Features * Published to coincide with Glasgow's year as City of Architecture and Design in 1999 * Every chapter has been updated to cover new developments and to look to the future of Glasgow in the twenty-first century * Includes a completely new chapter covering three sites crucial to the future forming of the city * Covers Glasgow's rich architectural history from the Medieval period to the present day, as well as looking forward to the next century
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Sea Wolves: Savage Submarine Commanders of WW2
From the heart-rending account of the sinking of the German liner Wilhelm Gustloff in 1945 the worst maritime disaster in world history through to a variety of other brutal actions carried out by numerous submarine commanders, including the sinking of the hospital ship Centaur in 1943, this book comes from the deep shadows of a tragic past to reveal the terrible truth of a secretive war that was responsible for the deaths of unimaginable numbers of innocent people. Discover how merchant seamen were savagely machine-gunned in the water, callously slaughtered with hand-grenades or simply left to the circling sharks. Elsewhere, hundreds of doctors, nurses, ship's crew, ambulance drivers and hospital orderlies were viciously killed without compassion, despite being protected by the Geneva Convention. Sea Wolves: Savage Submarine Commander of WW2 features true stories of deeply murderous intent that lurked menacingly beneath the waves.