Search results for ""Springer""
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG The Course of Eating Disorders: Long-Term Follow-up Studies of Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa
More and more clinicians as well as researchers realize that anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa often are extremely difficult to treat and that the short-term outcome can be very misleading. In many cases these disordersprevail for a long period of time and can have serious consequences for the patient's further life. This book gives a detailed over- view oftoday's knowledge regarding the long-term outcome of the treatment of anorexic and bulimic patients, many of whom were treated in highly spezialized centers. Experts from bo- th Europe and the U.S. report on theirmost recent research. Their studies include medical as well as psychosocial and psychiatric aspects of eating disorders. Clinicians with long experience in the treatment of eating disorder patients discuss the important practical implications of these rese- arch findings. The information given in this book is helpful for both treatment and prevention of eating disorders. Finally, concrete guidelines show as how to conduct further follow-up studies in this field.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Exploitation of Marine Communities: Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Exploitation of Marine Communities Berlin 1984, April 1–6
free from any of the overtones that often constrain professional fisheries meetings. The present volume is the result. This volume aims to be useful as an appraisal of the state of the art by a mixed collection of insiders and outsiders. Most interestingly, I think, it aims (especially in the four group reports) to identify some of the major areas of unresolved controversy and some of the major questions yet unanswered. I see the book as essentially a tentative statement - often by several dissonant voices - about directions in which we may be heading; the book is emphatically not a canonical utterance on how to do things. It is intended to stimulate, not to codify. Following the usual Dahlem Workshop format, the discussions were organized under four themes. Although crisp demarcation is not possible, the first two themes broadly deal with biological aspects of the dynamics of single populations and the dynamics of systems with many species. The later two themes take up questions of management under uncertainty and multispecies management. In all this, the word "fish" is interpreted broadly to include such taxonomically varied beasts as whales, shrimp, crabs, shellfish, and squid, along with fish in a strictly zoological sense.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Diagnosis and Therapy of Spinal Tumors
Many different opinions exist as to the appropriate diagnostic workup and therapy for spinal tumors. With the advent of new imaging techniques and therapeutic regimens, an up-to-date reference work has become an urgent requirement. This book is designed to meet this need, and is the first of its kind to offer an overview of the opinions of internationally renowned specialists in the field. By addressing in detail all of the relevant topics and areas of contention, it should prove of great value in establishing rational imaging and therapeutic protocols for spinal tumors.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis: Folgeband 5: Stoffe L-Z
Dieser Band des Gebietes Stoffe enthält in alphabetischer Reihenfolge als Ergänzung zum Hauptwerk Monographien über Arzneistoffe, Hilfsstoffe, Impfstoffe und Sera sowie Reagenzien. In den Monographien werden Aussagen über die Synthese, die Eigenschaften, die Erkennung, die Reinheit, den Gehalt, die Wirkung und die medizinische Anwendung gemacht. Von besonderer Bedeutung sind Stoffe des DAB und von in Europa gültigen Arzneibüchern.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Hybrid Learning and Continuing Education: 6th International conference, ICHL 2013, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 12-14, 2013, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hybrid Learning, ICHL 2013, held in Toronto, ON, Canada, in August 2013. The 35 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The selected articles broadly cover topics on hybrid learning and continuing education, including computer supported collaborative learning, experiences in hybrid learning, pedagogical and psychological issues, e-learning and mobile learning, open education resources and open online courses, and issues in hybrid learning and continuing education.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Green China: Sustainable Growth in East and West
China is creating the third growth wave in the sustainable sector. This greening of the Chinese economy offers threats and opportunities for Western organizations. Getting a piece of this new cake requires strategic innovations in both policy and corporate strategy. Based on the theory of strategic innovation and their extensive practical experiences in doing business with China, the authors propose potential areas and activities for strategic innovation in the West in response to Green China.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential Equations
Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential Equations describes a large number of highly effective and efficient structure-preserving algorithms for second-order oscillatory differential equations by using theoretical analysis and numerical validation. Structure-preserving algorithms for differential equations, especially for oscillatory differential equations, play an important role in the accurate simulation of oscillatory problems in applied sciences and engineering. The book discusses novel advances in the ARKN, ERKN, two-step ERKN, Falkner-type and energy-preserving methods, etc. for oscillatory differential equations.The work is intended for scientists, engineers, teachers and students who are interested in structure-preserving algorithms for differential equations. Xinyuan Wu is a professor at Nanjing University; Xiong You is an associate professor at Nanjing Agricultural University; Bin Wang is a joint Ph.D student of Nanjing University and University of Cambridge.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Global Power Europe - Vol. 2: Policies, Actions and Influence of the EU's External Relations
This two-volume project provides a multi-sectoral perspective over the EU's external projections from traditional as well as critical theoretical and institutional perspectives, and is supported by numerous case studies covering the whole extent of the EU’s external relations. The aim is to strive to present new approaches as well as detailed background studies in analyzing the EU as a global actor.Volume 1: The first volume “Theoretical and Institutional Approaches to the EU’s External Relations” addresses the EU's overall external post-Lisbon Treaty presence both globally and regionally (e.g. in its "neighborhood"), with a special emphasis on the EU’s institutional framework. It also offers fresh and innovative theoretical approaches to understanding the EU’s international position. - With a preface by Alvaro de Vasoncelos (former Director European Union Institute for Security Studies)Volume 2: The second volume “Policies, Actions and Influence of the EU’s External Relations”, examines in both quantitative and qualitative contributions the EU's international efficacy from a political, economic and social perspective based on a plethora of its engagements.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Aralkum - a Man-Made Desert: The Desiccated Floor of the Aral Sea (Central Asia)
Having been the fourth largest lake on the globe roughly 50 years ago, today the Aral Sea no longer exists. Human activities caused its desiccation and the formation of a huge new desert, the Aralkum, which can be regarded as one of the greatest ecological catastrophes and - at the same time - the largest primary succession experiment of mankind. This volume brings together the results of international and interdisciplinary long-term studies on the new desert ecosystem and is divided into four main sections. The first section provides an overview of the physical characteristics of the area and covers geological, pedological, geomorphological and climatological aspects and their dynamics, especially dust-storm dynamics. The second focuses on the biotic aspects and highlights the spatial and temporal patterns of the flora and fauna. In the third section studies and projects aiming to combat desertification by phytomelioration and to develop strategies for the conservation of biodiversity are presented. The book is rounded off with a section providing a synthesis and conclusions.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG A Tiny Handbook of R
This Brief provides a roadmap for the R language and programming environment with signposts to further resources and documentation.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Iridium Catalysis
From the contents: Robert H Crabtree: Introduction and History. - Montserrat Diéguez, Oscar Pàmies and Carmen Claver: Iridium-catalysed hydrogenation using phosphorous ligands. - David H. Woodmansee and Andreas Pfaltz: Iridium Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Olefins with Chiral N,P and C,N Ligands. - Ourida Saidi and Jonathan M J Williams: Iridium-catalyzed Hydrogen Transfer Reactions. - John F. Bower and Michael J. Krische: Formation of C-C Bonds via Iridium Catalyzed Hydrogenation and Transfer Hydrogenation. - Jongwook Choi, Alan S. Goldman: Ir-Catalyzed Functionalization of CH Bonds. - Mark P. Pouy and John F. Hartwig: Iridium-Catalyzed Allylic Substitution. - Daniel Carmona and Luis A. Oro: Iridium-catalyzed 1.3-dipolar cycloadditions.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Decision Making in Radiation Oncology: Volume 1
Decision Making in Radiation Oncology is a reference book designed to enable radiation oncologists, including those in training, to make diagnostic and treatment decisions effectively and efficiently. The design is based on the belief that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Knowledge is conveyed through an illustrative approach using algorithms, schemas, graphics, and tables. Detailed guidelines are provided for multidisciplinary cancer management and radiation therapy techniques. In addition to the attention-riveting algorithms for diagnosis and treatment, strategies for the management of disease at individual stages are detailed for all the commonly diagnosed malignancies. Clinical trials that have yielded “gold standard” treatment and their results are documented in the schemas. Moreover, radiation techniques, including treatment planning and delivery, are presented in an illustrative way. This groundbreaking publication is an essential tool for physicians in their daily clinical practice.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Monopsonistic Labour Markets and the Gender Pay Gap: Theory and Empirical Evidence
1. 1 Wage Setting vs. Wage Taking Inhisground-breakingmonographMonopsonyin Motion:Imperfect Competitionin Labor Markets, Manning (2003a, p. 3) starts his argument in favour of a monop- nistic approach to labour market phenomena with a compelling case against perfect competition: 'What happens if an employer cuts the wage it pays its workers by one cent? Much of labor economics is built on the assumption that all existing workers immediately leave the rm as that is the implication of the assumption of perfect competition in the labor market. ' Taking the model literally, this would indeed be its prediction. Other than in a perfectly competitive labour market where employers are wage takers unable to deviate from the market wage, a monopsonistic approach assumes that employers possess signi cant wage-setting power and actually ex- cise their market power. Put differently, it argues that some of the workers stay with the rm, giving the rm some discretionin wage setting. Technically speaking, the main difference between the two models is that under perfect competition the laboursupply faced by the rm is in nitely elastic, whereas this doesnot hold under 1 monopsony. While Manningis right in stating that the modelof a perfectlycompetitivelabour market still dominates teaching and considerable parts of labour economics, there are of course notable exceptions, for instance, the ef ciency wage (e. g. , Schlicht, 1978; Salop, 1979a; Shapiro and Stiglitz, 1984; Yellen, 1984), the search and eq- librium unemployment (e. g.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Functional Preservation and Quality of Life in Head and Neck Radiotherapy
The emphasis on cancer management in the past was based primarily on control rates from multidisciplinary input in management. There has always been a recognition that one would like to achieve the best result with the least complication, but never has there been any major emphasis on evidence-based outcome studies, nor on functional preservation and quality of life. The authors of this book have dealt very effectively with the various tumor types in head and neck cancer with the experts in the ? eld of management. The contents range from epidemiology and treatment outcome, treatment techniques with the potential impact on the quality of life such as dysphagia, to the various options relative to high technology radiation therapy programs for mana- ment. The potential for improving form and function through surgical care as an integrated part of the program is dealt with very effectively as well as the potentials for chemotherapy and the use of targeted agents have on quality of life issues. The volume also addresses toxicity, quality of life, and techniques for prevention of adverse effects, as well as the potentials for rehabilitation and supportive care. The authors have clearly done an extraordinarily good job in addressing the mul- plicity of problems that impact upon the functional preservation and quality of life in head and neck radiation therapy. Philadelphia Luther W.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Positron Annihilation in Semiconductors: Defect Studies
This comprehensive book reports on recent investigations of lattice imperfections in semiconductors by means of positron annihilation. It reviews positron techniques, and describes the application of these techniques to various kinds of defects, such as vacancies, impurity vacancy complexes and dislocations.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Pathology of the Head and Neck
This is the most up-to-date book yet published on pathology of the head and neck. Its contents have been divided into ten chapters, devoted to the spectrum of precursor and neoplastic lesions of the squamous epithelium; the nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses; oral cavity, maxillofacial skeleton and teeth; salivary glands, nasopharynx and Waldeyer`s ring; larynx and hypopharynx, ear and temporal bone; neck and neck dissection, as well as eye and ocular adnexa.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors
This richly illustrated book provides a comprehensive survey of the growing role of medical imaging studies in the detection, staging, grading, tissue characterization, and post-treatment follow-up of soft tissue tumors. For each tumor group, imaging findings are correlated with clinical, epidemiologic, and histologic data. The relative merits and indications of various imaging modalities are discussed and compared. Particular emphasis is placed on MRI because of its unique contrast resolution and multiplanar imaging capabilities. This third, revised and updated edition includes new chapters on genetics and molecular biology and on pathology of soft tissue tumors, with respect to the new World Health Organization (WHO) classification of soft tissue tumors. It aims to serve both as a systematic, descriptive textbook and as a rich pictorial database of soft tissue masses. The addition of numerous new illustrations of common and rare soft tissue tumors will further increase the scientific and educational value of this third edition.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Innovation Clusters and Interregional Competition
The world's leading experts contribute to our understanding of regional innovation, cluster formation and the factors that influence regional productivity and innovative performance. The text improves our understanding of the reasons why, how and where innovation clusters emerge, as well as the factors that determine their respective success or failure. In doing so, it provides a timely and comprehensive picture on innovation, location, networks and clusters as important means in an environment of intensifying interregional competition. The book is written for professional researchers as well as for students and practitioners in politics, business and consultancy.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Solid-State Physics: An Introduction to Principles of Materials Science
This new edition of the well-received introduction to solid-state physics provides a comprehensive overview of the basic theoretical and experimental concepts of materials science. Experimental aspects and laboratory details are highlighted in separate panels that enrich text and emphasize recent developments. Notably, new material in the third edition includes sections on important new devices, aspects of non- periodic structures of matter, phase transitions, defects, superconductors and nanostructures. Students will benefit significantly from solving the exercises given at the end of each chapter. This book is intended for university students in physics, materials science and electrical engineering. It has been thoroughly updated to maintain its relevance and usefulness to students and professionals.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Powders and Bulk Solids: Behavior, Characterization, Storage and Flow
The book concentrates on powder flow properties, their measurement and applications. These topics are explained starting from the interactions between individual particles up to the design of silos. A wide range of problems are discussed – such as flow obstructions, segregation, and vibrations. The goal is to provide a deeper understanding of the powder flow, and to show practical solutions.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Stochastic Methods: A Handbook for the Natural and Social Sciences
In the third edition of this classic the chapter on quantum Marcov processes has been replaced by a chapter on numerical treatment of stochastic differential equations to make the book even more valuable for practitioners.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG E-Business - Handbuch für Entscheider: Praxiserfahrungen, Strategien, Handlungsempfehlungen
Die modernen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien sind heute in allen Unternehmensbereichen präsent. Wer es versteht, die Möglichkeiten des E-Business effizient zu nutzen und in die Unternehmensstrategie zu integrieren, wird auch auf umkämpften Märkten erfolgreich sein. Dieses Praxishandbuch wendet sich an Fach- und Führungskräfte. Es soll helfen, die Potenziale neuer Technologien zu erkennen und diese gezielt einzusetzen. Das Handbuch beschreibt hierfür Konzepte, gibt Empfehlungen und veranschaulicht beides durch zahlreiche Beispiele aus der Praxis verschiedener Unternehmen.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Hantaviruses
Hantaviruses are found world-wide and are associated with two severe disease syndromes, hemorrhagic fever and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. The recent studies in this volume provide a basis for understanding the high human pathogenicity of theses viruses and their continued maintenance and transmission within rodent populations.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Introduction to the Classical Theory of Particles and Fields
This volume is intended as a systematic introduction to gauge field theory for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in high energy physics. The discussion is restricted to the classical (non-quantum) theory in Minkowski spacetime. Particular attention has been given to conceptual aspects of field theory, accurate definitions of basic physical notions, and thorough analysis of exact solutions to the equations of motion for interacting systems.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Space Weather: Physics and Effects
The editors present a state-of-the-art overview on the Physics of Space Weather and its effects on technological and biological systems on the ground and in space. It opens with a general introduction on the subject, followed by a historical review on the major developments in the field of solar terrestrial relationships leading to its development into the up-to-date field of space weather. Specific emphasis is placed on the technological effects that have impacted society in the past century at times of major solar activity. Chapter 2 summarizes key milestones, starting from the base of solar observations with classic telescopes up to recent space observations and new mission developments with EUV and X-ray telescopes (e.g., STEREO), yielding an unprecedented view of the sun-earth system. Chapter 3 provides a scientific summary of the present understanding of the physics of the sun-earth system based on the latest results from spacecraft designed to observe the Sun, the interplanetary medium and geospace. Chapter 4 describes how the plasma and magnetic field structure of the earth's magnetosphere is impacted by the variation of the solar and interplanetary conditions, providing the necessary science and technology background for missions in low and near earth's orbit. Chapter 5 elaborates the physics of the layer of the earth's upper atmosphere that is the cause of disruptions in radio-wave communications and GPS (Global Positioning System) errors, which is of crucial importance for projects like Galileo. In Chapters 6-10, the impacts of technology used up to now in space, on earth and on life are reviewed.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Cohomology of Sheaves
This text exposes the basic features of cohomology of sheaves and its applications. The general theory of sheaves is very limited and no essential result is obtainable without turn ing to particular classes of topological spaces. The most satis factory general class is that of locally compact spaces and it is the study of such spaces which occupies the central part of this text. The fundamental concepts in the study of locally compact spaces is cohomology with compact support and a particular class of sheaves,the so-called soft sheaves. This class plays a double role as the basic vehicle for the internal theory and is the key to applications in analysis. The basic example of a soft sheaf is the sheaf of smooth functions on ~n or more generally on any smooth manifold. A rather large effort has been made to demon strate the relevance of sheaf theory in even the most elementary analysis. This process has been reversed in order to base the fundamental calculations in sheaf theory on elementary analysis.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Organic Reaction Mechanisms: 40 Solved Cases
Organic Reaction Mechanisms shows readers how to interpret the experimental data obtained from an organic reaction, and specifically how an organic reaction mechanism can be considered or rejected based on the analysis of the experimental evidence. Whilst examining a series of selected examples of mechanisms, the text focuses on real cases and discusses them in detail. The examples are arranged to elucidate key aspects of organic reaction mechanisms. The authors employ all the types of information that the authors of the original work considered useful and necessary, including spectroscopic data, kinetic and thermodynamic data, isotopic labelling and organic reactivity. The book makes an excellent primer for advanced undergraduates in chemistry who are preparing for exams and is also useful for graduate students and instructors.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL): Band 14: Ror–Sez
Darauf haben Interessierte und Kenner gewartet: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon neu aufgelegt. Von den ersten schriftlichen Zeugnissen der Menschheit bis zur Gegenwart versammelt das epochale Nachschlagewerk rund 13.000 Werke aus allen Literaturen der Welt. Völlig neu bearbeitet und um eine Fülle von Einträgen ergänzt, erschließt das Werklexikon in 17 Bänden und einem Registerband Belletristik, Briefe, Tagebücher und Memoiren, Populär-, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie Sachtexte vielfältiger Disziplinen. Neu: Einleitende Biogramme (biografische Kurzinformationen) skizzieren die zentralen Lebensdaten der Autoren. Eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Werkgruppenartikel eröffnet kompakte Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk einzelner Schriftsteller. Die komplett überarbeiteten Literaturangaben schaffen mit Hinweisen auf die wichtigsten weiterführenden Werke eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Basis. Rund 600 anonyme Werke und Artikel zu Stoffen der Weltliteratur runden das Lexikon ab. Ein unentbehrlicher und einzigartiger Wissensfundus.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL): Band 5: Duf–Fuz
Darauf haben Interessierte und Kenner gewartet: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon neu aufgelegt. Von den ersten schriftlichen Zeugnissen der Menschheit bis zur Gegenwart versammelt das epochale Nachschlagewerk rund 13.000 Werke aus allen Literaturen der Welt. Völlig neu bearbeitet und um eine Fülle von Einträgen ergänzt, erschließt das Werklexikon in 17 Bänden und einem Registerband Belletristik, Briefe, Tagebücher und Memoiren, Populär-, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie Sachtexte vielfältiger Disziplinen. Neu: Einleitende Biogramme (biografische Kurzinformationen) skizzieren die zentralen Lebensdaten der Autoren. Eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Werkgruppenartikel eröffnet kompakte Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk einzelner Schriftsteller. Die komplett überarbeiteten Literaturangaben schaffen mit Hinweisen auf die wichtigsten weiterführenden Werke eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Basis. Rund 600 anonyme Werke und Artikel zu Stoffen der Weltliteratur runden das Lexikon ab. Ein unentbehrlicher und einzigartiger Wissensfundus.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL): Band 7: Hai–Hyr
Darauf haben Interessierte und Kenner gewartet: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon neu aufgelegt. Von den ersten schriftlichen Zeugnissen der Menschheit bis zur Gegenwart versammelt das epochale Nachschlagewerk rund 13.000 Werke aus allen Literaturen der Welt. Völlig neu bearbeitet und um eine Fülle von Einträgen ergänzt, erschließt das Werklexikon in 17 Bänden und einem Registerband Belletristik, Briefe, Tagebücher und Memoiren, Populär-, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie Sachtexte vielfältiger Disziplinen. Neu: Einleitende Biogramme (biografische Kurzinformationen) skizzieren die zentralen Lebensdaten der Autoren. Eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Werkgruppenartikel eröffnet kompakte Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk einzelner Schriftsteller. Die komplett überarbeiteten Literaturangaben schaffen mit Hinweisen auf die wichtigsten weiterführenden Werke eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Basis. Rund 600 anonyme Werke und Artikel zu Stoffen der Weltliteratur runden das Lexikon ab. Ein unentbehrlicher und einzigartiger Wissensfundus.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Manifeste und Proklamationen der europäischen Avantgarde (1909–1938): Sonderausgabe
240 Manifeste und Proklamationen der europäischen Avantgarde. Das Buch dokumentiert damit die internationale Breite der Avantgardebewegung, beginnend mit Marinettis erstem futuristischen Manifest 1909, endend am Vorabend des Zweiten Weltkriegs mit dem mexikanischen Manifest von André Breton und Leo Trotzki 1938. Futurismus, Dada, Konstruktivismus und Surrealismus bilden die Schwerpunkte.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Geschichte des politischen Denkens: Band 2.2: Das Mittelalter
Die politische Kultur der westlichen Welt in einer breit angelegten Gesamtschau. Von den Griechen und ihrer Entdeckung von Politik und Demokratie, über die Römer und die christliche Welt bis zur Gegenwart, die vom Kampf um Menschenrechte und dem Totalitarismus zugleich gezeichnet ist, wird das ganze Spektrum des Politischen Denkens vorgestellt. Band 2.2: Das Mittelalter im Widerstreit zwischen geistlicher und weltlicher Macht. Welche Konzepte entwarfen die großen Denker wie Augustinus, John of Salisbury, Thomas von Aquin und Nikolaus von Kues? Welche Vorstellungen sind charakteristisch für die Staufer-Zeit und welche für die politische Philosophie des Islam? Die umfassende Darstellung ruht auf breiter Quellenbasis.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Narcissus: Ein Mythos von der Antike bis zum Cyberspace
Der von Ovid erzählte Mythos von Narcissus, der sich in sein Spiegelbild verliebt, hat von der Antike an eine außerordentliche Wirkungsgeschichte gehabt. Dieser Band stellt in zehn Studien die Rezeption des Mythos dar und verfolgt, wie Narziß zu einem der zentralen Mythen im 20. Jahrhundert werden konnte.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Beginning Drupal 8
Beginning Drupal 8 teaches you how to build, maintain, and manage Drupal 8-based web sites. The book covers what Drupal is, using Drupal when building a new web site, installing and configuring Drupal, creating and managing content, managing users, adding functionality to your web site through Drupal modules, and advanced topics on using themes, panels, and views. The book also builds practical examples of common Drupal sites, such as a company website, a community website, and a commerce website, that you can take and expand on to create your own Drupal 8 sites. By reading this book, you will understand the power of the Drupal platform, and why you should be using Drupal if you're not already. Through following the samples in the book, you will quickly build your confidence and your ability to use Drupal. Beginning Drupal 8 gives you the knowledge necessary to build, deploy, and manage web sites on Drupal 8.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Corporate Plasticity: How to Change, Adapt, and Excel
What do The Beatles, Apollo 13, the Roman military, a pack of wolves, and the very best companies in the world all have in common? Answer: Plasticity. They can change, adapt, and excel as the situation requires.In most organizations, strategy and functional excellence get the most attention. But even the best of either provides only limited long-term advantage. Highly effective organizations add Plasticity as a third dimension and rack up stellar breakthroughs—again and again. It is the key ingredient that allows strategy and functional excellence to deliver value. As the authors show in Corporate Plasticity: How to Change, Adapt, and Excel, Plasticity also enables great organizations to break down barriers and collaborate in the pursuit of a common objective, and to reconfigure or rewire themselves to face down challenges or reach ever-stronger competitive positions. Through entertaining stories and astute analysis, this book demonstrates that Plasticity spurs sports teams to become champions, companies to book record earnings, and artists to attain worldwide fame. You can use its principles—adaptability, flexibility, fluid networks and roles, lofty goals, and innovation, among others—to achieve operational excellence, tear down silos, and create more vibrant, creative enterprises. Your organization can become not just highly profitable and fun to work for, but an organization that can change the world. Plasticity allows an organization to choose its own destiny, become versatile, and dare more than others. Its success lies in a set of abilities called the Magic 7: Purpose: Your company must discover, select, and express what it is meant for. Focus: Your company must have the courage to ignore everything that is not in line with its purpose, and then see that purpose through. Culture: Your company must create the conditions that allow people to work across boundaries and outside of predefined roles. Spirit: Your company must inspire people to feel part of a cause that is bigger than they are. Networking: Your company must provide the means, freedom, and encouragement for people to nurture and grow their internal and external networks continuously. Knowledge: Your company must encourage experts to provide their knowledge and make it readily available to everyone who needs it. Leadership: Your company's leaders must model and personify the characteristics they want others to adopt. Silo thinking? Poor collaboration? Weak earnings? Strategies that gain no traction? Corporate Plasticity: How to Change, Adapt, and Excel is the answer. It shows you how to cultivate each of the seven disciplines to infuse Plasticity in an organization. That—along with razor-sharp strategy and crisp execution—will unleash the power you need to reach both personal and corporate goals. You might even change the world.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Pro Exchange Server 2013 Administration
Pro Exchange Server 2013 Administration is your best-in-class companion for gaininga deep, thorough understanding of Microsoft’s powerful enterprise collaboration andcommunications server.Author Jaap Wesselius is at your side as you administer every facet of Exchange Server2013, revealing tips, tricks, and little known facts that will make your administration lifesimpler and more effective. Along with revealing what’s new in Exchange Server 2013, thiswell-paced, deeply engaging tutorial provides detailed deployment guidance, for upgradersand migrators as well as for organizations entirely new to the Exchange platform. The bookdetails how all of the major Exchange components fit together, from SMTP messages toall kinds of clients. It also provides in-depth configuration examples with an eye towardcreating scalable, reliable, and secure installations. Additionally, this guide covers the toolsand techniques for monitoring an Exchange environment and troubleshooting when thingsgo wrong.With Pro Exchange Server 2013 Administration, you will:• Learn how to install Exchange Server fresh or upgrade from a previous version• Get a comprehensive understanding of Exchange, with thorough coverage ofMailbox server and Client Access server• Understand the tools and techniques for configuring and managing your Exchangedeployment to ensure scalability, reliability, efficiency and security• Learn how to monitor your deployment and prepare for any problems and howto troubleshoot any problems that do arise
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Migrating to iPhone and iPad for .NET Developers
Today's .NET developers are intrigued by what the iPhone and iPad apps landscape has to offer. Admit it: you're one of them. Apple's App Store has hundreds of thousands of apps, and yours can be among them. iPhone and iPad app development using the iOS software development kit is one of the most appealing environments available for mobile technology. Migrating to iPhone and iPad for .NET Developers helps .NET programmers get started creating iPhone and iPad apps using the iOS software development kit. Start with a crash course on development using iOS. Then, find out whether you want to use Xcode instead of Visual Studio, and prepare yourself for the migration from C# to Objective-C! You'll learn how your existing .NET skills can map most efficiently to the iOS development environment. Next, you'll really get coding with Objective-C and the iOS software development kit. You'll build your skills and enhance your apps with visually appealing, dynamic user interfaces and pushing/pulling data from a database though events and more. Discover the wonders of the Cocoa library, and learn new ways to do things you already know like the back of your hand in the .NET environment. Nearing the finish line, you'll build your first complete iPhone or iPad app, and extend your iPhone app features—for example, by using third-party libraries. Once you have created that first iPhone or iPad app, we'll walk you through making it available on the App Store. Migrating to iPhone and iPad for .NET Developers even offers tips on how to market your apps to new customers. When you finish reading Migrating to iPhone and iPad for .NET Developers, you'll be an iOS apps developer as well as a .NET developer, in today's competitive and fun mobile landscape!
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch: Wörterbuch der älteren deutschen Rechtssprache. Band XIV, Heft 7/8 - taugbar – Toppschilling
Was hat Liebe mit Recht zu tun? Wozu diente ein Reilenagel? Was ist ein Schnappreitel ? Diese und andere Fragen beantwortet das Deutsche Rechtswörterbuch, das neben juristischen Fachbegriffen auch Wörter der Alltagssprache in rechtlichem Kontext erklärt. Über 1.200 Jahre Wortgeschichte anhand von Belegen aus der gesamten westgermanischen Sprachfamilie.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Rollenspiele im Assessment Center: Aufbau, Konzeption und Durchführung für Eignungsdiagnostiker
Dieser Band beschäftigt sich erstmals ausschließlich mit einer zentralen Übung zeitgemäßer Assessment Center, dem Rollenspiel. Trotz aller Neuerungen und Erweiterungen des Assessment Centers scheint das Erleben eines AC-Kandidaten in der Interaktion mit einem Rollenspielpartner alternativlos zu sein. Doch was macht ein gutes Rollenspiel aus und wie erstellt man es? Hinweise aus der AC-Literatur sowie vielfältige Erfahrungen mit dieser AC-Übung werden hier systematisch zusammengetragen und liefern einen Leitfaden für die praktische Anwendung.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Ratgeber Reizdarmsyndrom: Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und was Sie selbst tun können
Ein Leben mit RDS ist gut möglich!Das Reizdarmsyndrom (RDS) ist eine der häufigsten Volkskrankheiten. Circa 7-10% der Bevölkerung leiden an einem Reizdarmsyndrom. Das sind in Deutschland mehr als fünf Millionen Menschen. Das Reizdarmsyndrom (RDS, IBS) ist eine komplexe, funktionelle gastrointestinale Störung, gekennzeichnet durch chronische Bauchschmerzen und/oder veränderte Darmgewohnheiten. Obwohl das Reizdarmsyndrom so häufig ist, fühlen sich Patient:innen unzureichend informiert und behandelt. Die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen kann spürbar leiden. Ursachen und Auslöser des RDS sind noch nicht ausreichend geklärt. Das Buch erläutert das Krankheitsbild und die Diagnostik. Ausführlich werden mögliche Therapieoptionen erklärt und wann diese besonders wirksam sind. Einflussfaktoren, wie z.B. Ernährung, Darmbakterien, psychische Belastungen und Stress, die ein Reizdarmsyndrom begünstigen, werden vorgestellt, und Betroffene erhalten viele Hinweise für den Alltag mit einem Reizdarmsyndrom. Das Buch orientiert sich an der aktuellen S3-Leitlinie Reizdarmsyndrom der DGVS sowie den klinischen und wissenschaftlichen Erfahrungen der beiden Autor:innen. Es richtet sich an Patient:innen, Angehörige und beratend Tätige, die mit dieser Patientengruppe arbeiten.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Präventionsmedizin und Anti-Aging-Medizin
Dieses Buch beschreibt die wichtigsten Schrittmacher des Alterungsprozesses auf medizinisch-wissenschaftlicher Grundlage. Fast alle dieser Alterungsfaktoren lassen sich gezielt beeinflussen und damit in der Prävention verschiedenster Krankheiten, wie beispielsweise Arteriosklerose, Osteoporose, Demenz und Krebserkrankungen, einsetzen. Damit ergibt sich die Möglichkeit einer neuen Präventivmedizin, die Gesundheit erhält, indem sie Altern behandelt.Das Buch richtet sich fachübergreifend an alle Ärzte, die an den Themen Prävention und Anti-Aging interessiert sind.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Fundamental Astronomy
Fundamental Astronomy is a well-balanced, comprehensive introduction to classical and modern astronomy. While emphasizing both the astronomical concepts and the underlying physical principles, the text provides a sound basis for more profound studies in the astronomical sciences. This is the fifth edition of the successful undergraduate textbook and reference work. It has been extensively modernized and extended in the parts dealing with extragalactic astronomy and cosmology. You will also find augmented sections on the solar system and extrasolar planets as well as a new chapter on astrobiology. Long considered a standard text for physical science majors, Fundamental Astronomy is also an excellent reference work for dedicated amateur astronomers.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Die Transformatoren: Grundlagen für ihre Berechnung und Konstruktion
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Organspezifische Tumordokumentation: Prinzipien und Verschlüsselungsanweisungen für Klinik und Praxis
Diese übersichtliche und praktikable Tumordokumentation enthält alle wesentlichen Anamnese-, Diagnose- und Therapiepunkte, die dokumentiert werden müssen.Die detaillierten allgemeinen und speziellen Verschlüsselungsanweisungen entsprechen den neuesten Ausgaben international vereinbarter Tumorklassifikationen. Damit können Daten verschiedener Institutionen problemlos zusammengeführt und analysiert werden.* Die herausnehmbaren Dokumentationsbögen lassen sich gleichzeitig als Patientenbögen verwenden.* Die Anamnese-, Diagnose- und Therapiepunkte sind in einer hervorragend durchdachten Anordnung aufgeführt.* Auf den D-Bögen aufbauend, können klinische Studien aufgrund international anerkannter Kriterien durchgeführt werden.* Der behandelnde Arzt erhält einen schnellen Überblick und kann Therapieresultate vergleichend analysieren.Für alle Kliniken, in denen Tumorpatienten behandelt werden, ist dieser Band ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel zur einheitlichen, systematischen Datenerfassung und damit zur Qualitätsicherung.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Coaching: Angewandte Psychologie für die Beratungspraxis
Coaching ist in aller Munde, die Angebote sind zahlreich, der Markt ist mittlerweile von vermeintlich neuen „Tools“, Techniken und Ansätzen etc. fast übersättigt und sehr unübersichtlich. Diese Buch hilft, den Überblick zu behalten. Es stellt wirklich relevante Coaching-Ansätze nach einheitlichem Raster vor: Das Wichtigste in Kürze, typische Fragestellungen, Fallbeispiele, Erfolgskriterien für Berater, Besonderheiten einzelner Zielgruppen. Es informiert über wichtige Settings im Coaching-Prozess: Einzeln, in der Gruppe, kollegial, extern oder intern, als Selbst- oder Online-Coaching. Es hilft bei der Abstimmung auf bestimmte Zielgruppen: Coaching für Führungskräfte auf allen Managementebenen, im Familienunternehmen, für Schulleiter oder Lehrer, im Personalmanagement oder in der Politik. Es gibt Tipps für unterschiedliche Anwendungsfelder: Coaching bei Veränderungsprozessen, bei Konflikten, im Rahmen der betrieblichen Bildung, im Umgang mit Medien, bei Laufbahnfragen, bei Freistellungen. Kurz: Es ist ein Standardwerk für Praktiker, geschrieben von Top-Fachleuten der Branche – nun in überarbeiteter dritter Auflage und mit neuen Kapiteln zu psychodynamischen Ansätzen, Diversity-Aspekten oder Coaching im Sport. Mit Serviceteil für Coaches und Coachees: Suche und Auswahl von Coaches, Links für Coaches zu Aus- und Weiterbildungen, Kongressen, Zeitschriften, kommentierte Literaturtipps.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Front Line Extremity and Orthopaedic Surgery: A Practical Guide
This is an easy to read reference and practical guide to the management of combat extremity injuries, which account for a high percentage of the injuries sustained in recent and current conflicts. The surgical techniques appropriate to the full range of extremity injuries and some other frequent injuries, such as trauma to the spine and pelvis, are clearly described with the aid of helpful illustrations. In each chapter a “bottom line up front” approach is adopted, providing key messages first; a further important feature is the emphasis placed on case-based information and lessons learned from practice. Care has been taken to ensure that the advice provided is straightforward and in line with military clinical practice guidelines. This book, written by surgeons with experience in combat casualty care, will be relevant to all physicians working in forward surgical teams, combat surgical hospitals, or the “Charlie Med”.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Fehlzeiten-Report 2003: Wettbewerbsfaktor Work-Life-Balance: Zahlen, Daten, Analysen aus allen Branchen der Wirtschaft
Der Fehlzeiten-Report vom Wissenschaftlichen Institut der AOK (WIdO) und der Universität Bielefeld liefert jedes Jahr umfassende Daten und Analysen zu den krankheitsbedingten Fehlzeiten in der deutschen Wirtschaft. Aktuelle Befunde und Bewertungen zu den Gründen und Mustern von Fehlzeiten in Betrieben werden vorgestellt. Das Schwerpunktthema des diesjährigen Reports lautet "Work-Life-Balance". Eine zukunftsorientierte betriebliche Personal- und Gesundheitspolitik kann sich dem wachsenden Bedürfnis der Menschen nach einem ausgeglichenen Verhältnis zwischen Beruf, Familie und Privatleben nicht länger verschließen. Arbeitszufriedenheit, Gesundheit und Produktivität der Beschäftigten sind abhängig von einer gelungenen Balance und entscheidend für den Unternehmenserfolg. Konflikte zwischen der Arbeit und dem Privatbereich belasten Mitarbeiter und Unternehmen gleichermaßen. Wachsende Anforderungen an die Mitarbeiter in einer veränderten Arbeitswelt und ein steigender Anteil erwerbstätiger Frauen machen personalpolitische Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung einer besseren Work-Life-Balance immer wichtiger. Der Fehlzeiten-Report zeigt, wie die Betriebe den Mitarbeitern dabei helfen können, Beruf und Privatleben besser miteinander in Einklang zu bringen. Statistiken zum Krankenstand der Arbeitnehmer in allen Branchen Die wichtigsten für Arbeitsunfähigkeit verantwortlichen Krankheitsarten Vergleichende Analysen nach Ländern, Betriebsgrößen und Berufsgruppen Anschauliche Darstellung der vorhandenen Zahlen durch zahlreiche Abbildungen und Tabellen Unverzichtbar für Unternehmer, Führungskräfte und Arbeitnehmervertreter sowie alle, die Verantwortung für den Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz in Unternehmen tragen.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG OPC Unified Architecture
Motivation for This Book The OPC Foundation provides specifications for data exchange in industrial au- mation. There is a long history of COM/DCOM-based specifications, most pro- nent OPC Data Access (DA), OPC Alarms and Events (A&E), and OPC Historical Data Access (HDA), which are widely accepted in the industry and implemented by almost every system targeting industrial automation. Now the OPC Foundation has released a new generation of OPC specifications called OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA). With OPC UA, the OPC Foundation fulfills a technology shift from the retiring COM/DCOM technology to a servi- oriented architecture providing data in a platform-independent manner via Web Services or its own optimized TCP-based protocol. OPC UA unifies the previous specifications into one single address space capable of dealing with current data, alarms and events and the history of current data as well as the event history. A remarkable enhancement of OPC UA is the Address Space Model by which v- dors can expose a rich and extensible information model using object-oriented techniques. OPC UA scales well from intelligent devices, controllers, DCS, and SCADA systems up to MES and ERP systems. It also scales well in its ability to provide information; on the lower end, a model similar to Classic OPC can be used, providing only base information, while at the upper end, highly sophisticated models can be described, providing a large amount of metadata including complex type hierarchies.