Search results for ""author communia"
Wiley-Blackwell Developing Communication Skills for Veterinary Practice
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Veterinary Communication Skills
This is the first definitive textbook on veterinary communication, written specifically for students and veterinary professionals by a group of international experts. Communication is a core clinical skill, and is now taught as a compulsory part of most veterinary degree courses. Good communication is crucial to the veterinarian-client-patient relationship, to patient health and ultimately to the success of any veterinary business. The book covers all the key areas of communication including: the basic framework for the veterinary consultation; professional, ethical and legal aspects; communication with clients and colleagues; and coping with end-of-life and other difficult situations. It combines the most up-to-date research with a wealth of practical information, such as: Real-life case studies to help you apply your learning to real scenarios Simple step-by-step guidelines showing you how to deal with specific situations Examples of written resources you can use in practice This valuable textbook has been written and edited by a carefully chosen group of specialists, comprising veterinary communication lecturers, veterinary practitioners, training managers and counsellors.
Edinburgh University Press Get Set for Communication Studies
This volume assumes no prior knowledge of the subject. For students who have never studied Communication Studies before, it will give an idea of what to expect. For students already studying Media or Communication Studies at school or college, it will provide a concise but comprehensive learning aid. Part One includes an overview of Communication Studies, a survey of the current approaches to and theories about Communication that are taught in the majority of UK universities, and the Communication Studies Toolkit - a roundup of the different approaches used to make sense of their objects of study, including semiotics, discourse analysis, social constructionism, visual rhetorics, historical materialism, psychoanalysis, gender criticism (including feminism, postfeminism, and queer theory), structuralism and poststructuralism, postmodernism and postcolonialism. Part Two covers study skills for undergraduate communication - the level of reading required, types of assignments and assessment, time management, how to use a tutorial, recording notes in lectures, writing skills and revising for and passing examinations (including 'model' exam questions and answers).
John Wiley & Sons Inc Communicable Disease: Epidemiology and Control
Communicable Disease Epidemiology and Control Edited by Norman Noah King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK, and Mary O'Mahony Public Health Laboratory Service, London, UK With the growing interest in communicable diseases and their control worldwide, largely due to new and re-emerging infections, there is a need for up-to-date information in this continually changing field. Timely and wide ranging, Communicable Disease: Epidemiology and Control addresses many of the contemporary issues and provides: * Detailed and concise examination of management issues, such as commissioning and contracting, setting up an incident room, and legal aspects * A practical approach * An examination of a wide spectrum of issues in communicable diseases, including cholera, tuberculosis, Helicobacter pylori, and sexually transmitted diseases This volume is an invaluable resource for microbiologists, epidemiologists and all professionals involved in public health.
Facet Publishing The Future of Scholarly Communication
Global thought-leaders define the future of research communication. Governments and societies globally agree that a vibrant and productive research community underpins a successful knowledge economy but the context, mechanisms and channels of research communication are in flux. As the pace of change quickens there needs to be analysis of new trends and drivers, their implications and a future framework. The editors draw together the informed commentary of internationally-renowned experts from all sectors and backgrounds to define the future of research communication. A comprehensive introduction by Michael Jubb is followed by two sections examining changing research behaviour and the roles and responsibilities of other key actors including researchers, funders, universities, research institutes, publishers, libraries and users. Key topics include: Changing ways of sharing research in chemistry Supporting qualitative research in the humanities and social sciences Creative communication in a ‘publish or perish’ culture Cybertaxonomy Coping with the data deluge Social media and scholarly communications The changing role of the publisher in the scholarly communications process Researchers and scholarly communications The changing role of the journal editor The view of the research funder Changing institutional research strategies The role of the research library The library users' view. This is essential reading for all concerned with the rapidly evolving scholarly communications landscape, including researchers, librarians, publishers, funders, academics and HE institutions. Readership: Researchers, librarians, publishers, funders, academics and HE institutions.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Information & Communications Technology: New Research
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Communicating Across Cultures at Work
This revised and updated fourth edition of this core textbook builds on the text’s established success. It provides the basis of knowledge, understanding and practice for developing skilled work communication in an intercultural world. Using many illustrations and international examples, the book analyses culture, cultural diversity and cultural similarities and differences in how we interact at work and in the psychological factors that influence our communication. It shows how to overcome impediments to intercultural communication and interact effectively with different others, whether face-to-face or by email, chat, text, phone or video. It describes cultural differences in negotiating, cooperation, coordination, knowledge sharing, working in groups and leadership, and demonstrates how to perform these activities skilfully in an intercultural setting. This textbook is the ideal companion for students taking undergraduate modules in cross-cultural management or managing diversity on international business or business administration degrees, in addition to MBA courses and specialist postgraduate modules on international and comparative management. New to this Edition: - New and improved pedagogical features, including end of Part exercises, activities and role plays - Topic-by-topic coverage of computer-mediated communication, explaining how it is affected by culture and in turn affects intercultural communication - Discussion of new developments in the field such as the increasing emphasis on language and discourses - Focus on new types of research such as country-by-country studies and reports of realities on the ground Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost.
Oneworld Publications The Bab and the Babi Community of Iran
In 1844, a young merchant from Shiraz called Sayyid ‘Ali-Muhammad declared himself the ‘gate’ (the Bab) to the Truth and, shortly afterwards, the initiator of a new prophetic cycle. His messianic call attracted a significant following across Iran and Iraq. Regarded as a threat by state and religious authorities, the Babis were subject to intense persecution and the Bab himself was executed in 1850. In this volume, leading scholars of Islam, Baha’i studies and Iranian history come together to examine the life and legacy of the Bab, from his childhood to the founding of the Baha’i faith and beyond. Among other subjects, they cover the Bab’s writings, his Qur’an commentaries, the societal conditions that underlay the Babi upheavals, the works of Babi martyr Tahirih Qurratu’l-‘Ayn, and Orientalist Edward Granville Browne’s encounters with Babi and Baha’i texts.
SAGE Publications, Inc Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere
The Fifth Edition of the award-winning Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere is the first comprehensive introduction to the growing field of environmental communication. This groundbreaking book focuses on the role that human communication plays in influencing the ways we perceive the environment. It also examines how we define what constitutes an environmental problem and how we decide what actions to take concerning the natural world. The updated and revised Fifth Edition includes recent developments, such as water protectors and the Dakota Access Pipeline, the Flint Water Crisis, and the March for Science, along with the latest research and developments in environmental communication.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Communication and Information
As economic activity has become more information-intensive and ideas about the information society have been canvassed widely, information technology has overshadowed thinking about the role of communication and information. In the advanced economies investment in information-handling equipment has grown rapidly in importance and almost throughout the world telecommunications facilities are advocated as the leading edge of development.This wide-ranging collection charts the responses of the economics discipline to these changes, initially slowly but with gathering pace, as communication and information have moved from the sidelines to centre stage.This book will be an indispensible reference source by all those in the economics community, those interested in information science, library studies and communication.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Digital Marketing: Communicating, Selling and Connecting
Digital Marketing: Communicating, Selling and Connecting is an invaluable and vital tool for students seeking a comprehensive introduction to the subject of digital marketing. Written by a leading expert in the field, it is an unparalleled resource for students in marketing, as well as an accessible supplementary text for business and management students.Covering digital marketing's background and development, its practical challenges and unique benefits, and its operational foundations, this textbook introduces both technological and marketing concepts. It culminates with discussion of the future of digital marketing in an increasingly networked world.Key Features: In-depth introductions to the foundations and basic operating principles of digital marketing Multiple chapters covering consumer decision making online, and how digital marketing affects the consumer Chapters on service technology and visual design, for a deeper understanding of digital marketing Coverage of digital marketing in both B2B and B2C contexts Discussion of legal and ethical aspects of digital marketing Discussion questions in each chapter to promote engagement with the material and deepen student understanding. Charles Hofacker has drawn on extensive expertise to create an invaluable resource. Written for undergraduate students of marketing and digital marketing this textbook will be useful for anyone looking for an introduction to the subject.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Digital Marketing: Communicating, Selling and Connecting
Digital Marketing: Communicating, Selling and Connecting is an invaluable and vital tool for students seeking a comprehensive introduction to the subject of digital marketing. Written by a leading expert in the field, it is an unparalleled resource for students in marketing, as well as an accessible supplementary text for business and management students.Covering digital marketing's background and development, its practical challenges and unique benefits, and its operational foundations, this textbook introduces both technological and marketing concepts. It culminates with discussion of the future of digital marketing in an increasingly networked world.Key Features: In-depth introductions to the foundations and basic operating principles of digital marketing Multiple chapters covering consumer decision making online, and how digital marketing affects the consumer Chapters on service technology and visual design, for a deeper understanding of digital marketing Coverage of digital marketing in both B2B and B2C contexts Discussion of legal and ethical aspects of digital marketing Discussion questions in each chapter to promote engagement with the material and deepen student understanding. Charles Hofacker has drawn on extensive expertise to create an invaluable resource. Written for undergraduate students of marketing and digital marketing this textbook will be useful for anyone looking for an introduction to the subject.
Taylor & Francis Inc Communication Architectures for Systems-on-Chip
A presentation of state-of-the-art approaches from an industrial applications perspective, Communication Architectures for Systems-on-Chip shows professionals, researchers, and students how to attack the problem of data communication in the manufacture of SoC architectures. With its lucid illustration of current trends and research improving the performance, quality, and reliability of transactions, this is an essential reference for anyone dealing with communication mechanisms for embedded systems, systems-on-chip, and multiprocessor architectures—or trying to overcome existing limitations. Exploring architectures currently implemented in manufactured SoCs—and those being proposed—this book analyzes a wide range of applications, including: Well-established communication buses Less common networks-on-chip Modern technologies that include the use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) Optical links used to speed up data transfer and boost both security and quality of service (QoS) The book’s contributors pay special attention to newer problems, including how to protect transactions of critical on-chip information (personal data, security keys, etc.) from an external attack. They examine mechanisms, revise communication protocols involved, and analyze overall impact on system performance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications
FIELDS AND WAVES IN ELECTROMAGNETIC COMMUNICATIONS A vital resource that comprehensively covers advanced topics in applied electromagnetics for the professional Electromagnetism (EM) is a highly abstract and complex subject that examines how exerting a force on charged particles is affected by the presence and motion of adjacent particles. The interdependence of the time varying electric and magnetic fields—one producing the other, and vice versa—has allowed researchers to consider them as a single coherent entity: the electromagnetic field. Under this umbrella, students can learn about numerous and varied topics, such as wireless propagation, satellite communications, microwave technology, EM techniques, antennas, and optics, among many others. Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications covers advanced topics in applied electromagnetics for the professional by offering a comprehensive textbook that covers the basics of EM to the most advanced topics such as the classical electron theory of matters, the mechanics model and macroscopic model. Specifically, the book provides a welcome all-in-one source on wireless and guided EM that deals in a wide range of subjects: transmission lines, impedance matching techniques, metallic waveguides, resonators, optical waveguides, optical fibres, antennas, antenna arrays, wireless systems, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and more. The content is supported with innovative pedagogy, the most recent reports and working principles of relevant and contemporary technological developments including applications, specialist software tools, laboratory experiments, and innovative design projects. Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications readers will also find: Multiple practical examples, similes and illustrations of interdisciplinary topics related to wireless and guided electromagnetism Explanations of new topics with support of basic theories connected to real-world contexts and associated applications Sets of technology applications that rely on advanced electromagnetism A series of review questions and drills, end-of-chapter problems, and exercises to help enforce what was learned in each chapter Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications is an ideal textbook for graduate students and senior undergraduates studying telecommunication and wireless communication. It is also a useful resource for industry engineers and members of defense services. Moreover, the book is an excellent non-specialist engineering reference able to be used in other disciplines, such as biomedical engineering, mechatronics, computer science, materials engineering, civil and environmental engineering, physics, network engineering, and wireless services.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Speech Communication at the Leading Edge
Nova Science Publishers Inc Leading-Edge Messenger RNA Research Communications
Baker Publishing Group Scripture as Communication – Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics
Jeannine Brown, a seasoned teacher of biblical interpretation, believes that communication is at the heart of what happens when we open the Bible. We are actively engaging God in a conversation that can be life changing. In this guide to the theory and practice of biblical hermeneutics, Brown emphasizes the communicative nature of Scripture, proposing a communication model as an effective approach to interpreting the Bible. The new edition of this successful textbook has been revised and updated to interact with recent advances in interpretive theory and practice.
Stanford University Press Community and Commerce in Late Medieval Japan: The Corporate Villages of Tokuchin-ho
Late medieval Japan witnessed a growth in the power of the commoner, as seen in the spread of corporate villages (sō) marked by collective ownership and administration and other self-governing features. This study of a community of sō villages in central Japan from the fourteenth through the seventeenth centuries reconstructs the life of these villages by analyzing the rich and abundant communal records largely written by the villagers themselves and carefully preserved in the local shrine. The author show how these villagers founded and operated a shrine-centered organization that brought coherence, order, and prestige to the community at the same time it formalized the differences among the residents along gender and class lines. The Tokuchin-ho sō was a governmental, social, and religious institution that facilitated the movement toward localism, but, the author argues, its growing collective power and organization also benefited its local proprietor, the great monastic complex of Enryakuji. Political and economic resources flowed vertically between the client-village and the patron-proprietor as they collaborated to secure internal peace and wide-reaching commercial interests. The book traces the transformation of the sō as late medieval decentralization gave way to politically unified early modern society, with its enforced transfer of merchants from villages to towns, confiscation of shrine land, and the relinquishment of the sō's political authority. Despite these efforts, as a powerful organization experienced in promoting communal order, the sō was able to maintain its medieval legacy of self-determination, substantially preempting bureaucratic intervention in local governance. The local records allow the author to study the sō from the villagers' perspective, and she presents new information on the position of women in rural communities, the local mode of economic surplus accumulation, the detailed social and economic functions of a shrine, and the reaction to nationwide cadastral surveys. The book is illustrated with 21 halftones.
New Age International (UK) Ltd Power System Protection and Communication
Human Kinetics Publishers Strategic Sport Communication
Strategic Sport Communication, Third Edition, presents a comprehensive examination of the evolving field of sport communication. With a complete approach to the multifaceted and interrelated applications of sport communication, this text will help the reader understand modern trends and industry demands. The book’s topics align with the Common Professional Component topics outlined by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA). Organized into three parts for easy understanding, part I familiarizes students with the field by defining sport communication, presenting historical analysis, and providing an extensive discussion of career opportunities. Part II focuses on the elements of the Strategic Sport Communication Model (SSCM). This model details the three main components of sport communication: personal and organizational aspects of communication, mediated communication in sport, and sport communication services and support systems. Students will understand how each component plays an integral role in sport management, sport marketing, and operational goals at all levels of sport organizations. Part III examines legal aspects and critical sociological and cultural issues. Significant updates throughout the third edition capture the evolution of sport communication: A look at emerging communication platforms and modern technologies such as fantasy sports and online gambling New content covering the cutting-edge topics of customer-centric marketing, influencer marketing, the rise of digital media in integrated marketing, and the use of data analytics in marketing communication A new discussion of digital public relations tools and new examples of crises in sport, including a case study that provides a real-world example of a crisis in sport communication Learning aids—including key terms, chapter objectives, and chapter wrap-ups with review questions and individual exercises—provide for an engaging and focused learning experience. Updated for this edition, Sport Communication at Work sidebars feature industry experts applying chapter content, and Profile of a Sport Communicator sidebars highlight professional opportunities. In Strategic Sport Communication, Third Edition, students will develop a thorough understanding of the vast and varied field of sport communication. As the exciting field of sport communication continues to present new challenges, the analysis provided within this text will provide the foundational and theoretical understanding necessary for aspiring sport communication professionals to succeed.
Conectados Communication Manual
CONECTADOS is an innovative Introductory Spanish program that features a unique blend of online and in-class activities designed to help you connect with the Spanish-speaking world, academic disciplines, your classmates, and your instructor. CONECTADOS uses current technology that allows for a variety of media-rich activities, immediate feedback, and learning through discovery and analysis rather than lectures.
Pearson Education (US) Intercultural Business Communication
Directed primarily toward business majors, this text also provides practical content to current and aspiring industry professionals. With the globalization of the world economy, it is imperative for current and future managers to be sensitive to the differences they will encounter in intercultural communication. To help make readers aware of these differences, Intercultural Business Communication contains practical guidelines and information on how to conduct negotiations across countries, write business letters in different societies, and includes the general “dos” and “don’ts” in international business.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Liberals and Communitarians
This is a substantially updated edition of the established guide to this key debate in modern political philosophy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mobile Radio Communications
This comprehensive all-in-one reference work covers the fundamentalphysical aspects of mobile communications and explains the latesttechniques employed in second and third generation digital cellularmobile radio systems. Mobile radio communications technology has progressed rapidly andit is now capable of the transmission of voice, data and imagesignals. This new edition reflects the current state-of-the-art byfeaturing: * Expanded and updated sections on voice compression techniques,interleaving and channel coding methods, quaternary frequency shiftkeying, continuous phase modulation methods, Viterbi equalisationand slow frequency hopping as well as extended coverage of the GSMsystem. * Three new chapters on wireless multimedia, third generationsystems and on WATM respectively As in the first edition, this latest volume continues to coverimportant topics such as radio propagation, multiple access methodsand, on a higher level, cordless telecommunications and teletrafficissues. This book will prove invaluable to mobile communication engineers,designers, researchers, and students in the design, operation andresearch of second and third generation systems and wireless LANs.
Pearson Education (US) Technical Communication Fundamentals
Technical Communication Fundamentals presents proven writing strategies in a format that is concise and easy to use. Designed for flexibility, the book is supported by MyTechCommLab, which provides 90 model documents, 50 interactive documents, tutorials, activities, and case studies all on The Web! Using numbered guidelines, an ABC format and annotated samples, the book immerses students in the process of technical writing, while teaching practical formats for getting the job done.
Policy Press Care, community and citizenship: Research and practice in a changing policy context
This collection focuses on the relationship between social care, community and citizenship, linking them in a way relevant to both policy and practice. It explores key concepts, policies, issues and relationships and draws on contrasting illustrations from England and Scotland. The authors examine the ethics of care exploring the theoretical and moral complexities for both those receiving and those delivering care. The book also incorporates practice-based chapters on anti-social behaviour, domestic violence, community capacity to care, black and minority ethnic care, volunteering, befriending and home care and provides international comparisons and perspectives with chapters from Sweden, Germany and Japan.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Communication Despite Postmodernism
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Health Communication Theory
Assembles the most important theories in the field of health communication in one comprehensive volume, designed for students and practitioners alike Health Communication Theory is the first book to bring together the theoretical frameworks used in the study and practice of creating, sending, and receiving messages relating to health processes and health care delivery. This timely volume provides easy access to the key theoretical foundations on which health communication theory and practice are based. Students and future practitioners are taught how to design theoretically-grounded research, interventions, and campaigns, while established scholars are presented with new and developing theoretical frameworks to apply to their work. Divided into three parts, the volume first provides a summary and history of the field, followed by an overview of the essential theories and concepts of health communication, such as Problematic Integration Theory and the Cultural Variance Model. Part Two focuses on interpersonal communication and family interaction theories, provider-patient interaction frameworks, and public relations and organizational theories. The final part of the volume centers on theories relevant to information processing and cognition, affective impact, behavior, message effects, and socio-psychology and sociology. Edited by two internationally-recognized experts with extensive editorial and scholarly experience, this first-of-its-kind volume: Provides original chapters written by a group of global scholars working in health communication theory Covers theories unique to interpersonal and organizational contexts, and to health campaigns and media issues Emphasizes the interdisciplinary and collaborative nature of health communication research Includes overviews of basic health communication theory and application Features commentary on future directions in health communication theory Health Communication Theory is an indispensable resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying health communication, and for both new and established scholars looking to familiarize themselves with the area of study or seeking a new theoretical frameworks for their research and practice.
SAGE Publications Inc The Communication Playbook
Ideal for hybrid communication courses, The Communication Playbook is designed to equip students with the tools they need to develop communicative resilience in their personal and public lives, whether face-to-face or virtually.
Murphy & Moore Publishing Advances in Wireless Communication Networks
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Oral Communication: A Practical Approach
Organizational Communication Approaches and Processes
ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION: APPROACHES AND PROCESSES presents organizational communication from both a communication and managerial perspective. Professor Miller's clear writing style and consistent use of examples and case studies result in a text that you'll find easy to understand.
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Communication Matters
John Wiley & Sons Inc Evolution of Wireless Communication Ecosystems
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Epica Book 33: Creative Communications
Epica Book 33 features inspirational work from the 2019 Epica Awards. It showcases outstanding creativity in advertising, design, media, PR and digital communications. As well as over 1000 colour images, the book includes winning and high-scoring entries, comments from Epica’s unique jury of journalists, and behind-the-scenes interviews with Grand Prix winners. Like previous editions of this annual publication, it is a unique source of information and ideas for professionals, young talents – and anyone fascinated by the world of creative communications.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Communication for Practicing Engineers
Offers concise, practical knowledge on modern communication systems to help students transition smoothly into the workplace and beyond This book presents the most relevant concepts and technologies of today's communication systems and presents them in a concise and intuitive manner. It covers advanced topics such as Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Technology, which are enabling technologies for modern communication systems such as WiFi (including the latest enhancements) and LTE-Advanced. Following a brief introduction to the field, Digital Communication for Practicing Engineers immerses readers in the theories and technologies that engineers deal with. It starts off with Shannon Theorem and Information Theory, before moving on to basic modules of a communication system, including modulation, statistical detection, channel coding, synchronization, and equalization. The next part of the book discusses advanced topics such as OFDM and MIMO, and introduces several emerging technologies in the context of 5G cellular system radio interface. The book closes by outlining several current research areas in digital communications. In addition, this text: Breaks down the subject into self-contained lectures, which can be read individually or as a whole Focuses on the pros and cons of widely used techniques, while providing references for detailed mathematical analysis Follows the current technology trends, including advanced topics such as OFDM and MIMO Touches on content this is not usually contained in textbooks such as cyclo-stationary symbol timing recovery, adaptive self-interference canceler, and Tomlinson-Harashima precoder Includes many illustrations, homework problems, and examples Digital Communication for Practicing Engineers is an ideal guide for graduate students and professionals in digital communication looking to understand, work with, and adapt to the current and future technology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Speech Communications: Human and Machine
"Today the wireless communications industry is heavily dependent upon advanced speech coding techniques, while the integration of personal computers and voice technology is poised for growth. In this revised and updated second edition, a timely overview of the science of speech processing helps you keep pace with these rapidly developing advances. Students of electrical engineering, along with computer scientists, systems engineers, linguists, audiologists, and psychologists, will find in this one concise volume an interdisciplinary introduction to speech communication. This reference book addresses how humans generate and interpret speech and how machines simulate human speech performance and code speech for efficient transmission. With a skillful blending of the basic principles and technical detail underlying speech communication, this broad-based book offers you essential insights into the field. You will learn state-of-the-art techniques to analyze, code, recognize, and synthesize speech. In addition, you will gain a better understanding of the limits of today's technology and an informed view of future trends for speech research. SPEECH COMMUNICATIONS brings you an integrated approach to human and machine speech production and perception that is unmatched in the field. This book is complete with up-to-date references and Web addresses that will lead you to a wealth of resources for your own research into speech communication."
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Organizational Discourse: Communication and Constitution
How can we study organizations from a discursive perspective? What are the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of each perspective on organizational discourse? To what extent do discourse and communication constitute the organizational world? This accessible book addresses these questions by showing how classical organizational themes, objects and questions can be illuminated from various discursive perspectives.Six approaches are presented and explained: semiotics, rhetoric, speech act theory, conversation analysis/ethnomethodology, narrative analysis, and critical discourse analysis. These six perspectives are then mobilized throughout the book to study coordination and organizing, organizational culture and identity, as well as negotiation, decision making and conflicts in the context of meetings.The unifying thread of this volume is the communicative constitutive approach (CCO) to organizations, as implicitly or explicitly advocated by the great majority of organizational discourse analysts and theorists today. Throughout Organizational Discourse, this theme will help readers distinguish between discursive perspectives and other approaches to organizational life, and to understand how discourse matters in organizations.
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. Bucklands Book of Spirit Communications
This book is for anyone who wishes to communicate with spirits, or for those who simply wish to satisfy their curiosity about the subject. Explore the nature of the spiritual body and learn how to prepare yourself to become a medium. Experience for yourself the trance state, clairvoyance, psychometry and much more.
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd Communicating in the 21st Century
Lotus Press Illustrated Dictionary of Mass Communications
Pearson Education (US) Writing to Communicate 1: Paragraphs
With a combined process and product approach, Writing to Communicate puts students on a fast track to clear and effective academic writing. Writing to Communicate 1 teaches students to write well-organized paragraphs in key rhetorical modes. Features *Theme-based chapters encourage students to explore ideas.*Vocabulary Builder sections provide useful language for writing.*Abundant and clear models give students solid support.*Pair and group assignments promote collaborative learning.*Structure and Mechanics sections develop accuracy.*Paragraph checklists help students to revise their work.*Bring It All Together chapters provide opportunities for consolidation and assessment.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Komi Can't Communicate, Vol. 27
The journey to 100 friends begins with a single conversation.Socially anxious high school student Shoko Komi’s greatest dream is to make some friends, but everyone at school mistakes her crippling social anxiety for cool reserve. Luckily she meets Tadano, a timid wallflower who decides to step out of his comfort zone in order to help her achieve her goal of making 100 friends.Komi’s cell phone meets its watery doom at the bottom of the bathtub, but disaster is averted when her dad helps her get a fancy new smartphone. Now she has all kinds of apps to let her connect with her friends and even help her make new ones! Only one problem—how do they work?!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Komi Can't Communicate, Vol. 26
The journey to 100 friends begins with a single conversation.Socially anxious high school student Shoko Komi’s greatest dream is to make some friends, but everyone at school mistakes her crippling social anxiety for cool reserve. Luckily she meets Tadano, a timid wallflower who decides to step out of his comfort zone in order to help her achieve her goal of making 100 friends.Tadano’s sister and mom are super supportive about his romantic prospects—they just somehow got the wrong idea about who he’s dating! So it comes as a bit of a shock to them when he introduces Komi as his new girlfriend. Awkwardness abounds, but after three years of intense training, Komi is ready to face the challenge of talking to her boyfriend’s family!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Komi Can't Communicate, Vol. 25
The journey to 100 friends begins with a single conversation.Socially anxious high school student Shoko Komi’s greatest dream is to make some friends, but everyone at school mistakes her crippling social anxiety for cool reserve. Luckily she meets Tadano, a timid wallflower who decides to step out of his comfort zone in order to help her achieve her goal of making 100 friends.Komi is in her final year of high school, and that means she’s running out of time to achieve her goal of making 100 friends! She starts off strong on the first day of classes, but a cynical new classmate’s bitter outlook soon sparks a school-wide battle royale. Can Komi make a new ally in the trenches, or will pessimism win the day?
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Komi Can't Communicate, Vol. 21
The journey to 100 friends begins with a single conversation.Socially anxious high school student Shoko Komi’s greatest dream is to make some friends, but everyone at school mistakes her crippling social anxiety for cool reserve. Luckily she meets Tadano, a timid wallflower who decides to step out of his comfort zone in order to help her achieve her goal of making 100 friends.It’s a new year full of new challenges! Komi’s class trip is going to be overseas this time, but the terrifying adventure begins now as Komi must gather her courage to go to the passport office and hand in her paperwork!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Komi Can't Communicate, Vol. 17
The journey to 100 friends begins with a single conversation.Socially anxious high school student Shoko Komi’s greatest dream is to make some friends, but everyone at school mistakes her crippling social anxiety for cool reserve. Luckily she meets Tadano, a timid wallflower who decides to step out of his comfort zone in order to help her achieve her goal of making 100 friends.The Itan High culture festival is supposed to be a fun time for all, but Rumiko Manbagi’s enjoyment is ruined when she comes to an awful realization—she and Komi are rivals for Tadano’s love! Can her friendships with Komi and Tadano survive this crushing complication?