Search results for ""author christo"
Baker Publishing Group The Priority of Christ – Toward a Postliberal Catholicism
For a long time, Christians have tried to bridge the divide between Christianity and secular liberalism with philosophizing and theologizing. In The Priority of Christ, Bishop Robert Barron shows that the answer to this debate--and the way to move forward--lies in Jesus. Barron transcends the usual liberal/conservative or Protestant/Catholic divides with a postliberal Catholicism that brings the focus back on Jesus as revealed in the New Testament narratives. Barron's classical Catholic post-liberalism will be of interest to a broad audience including not only the academic community but also preachers and general readers interested in entering the dialogue between Catholicism and postliberalism.
Crossway Books Packer on the Christian Life: Knowing God in Christ, Walking by the Spirit
Offering readers an accessible portrait of J. I. Packer’s life and theology, this book explores his insights into prayer, Bible study, indwelling sin, and true godliness.
Dover Publications Inc. The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
During the Lenten season of 1823, a German nun experienced a series of ecstatic visions that transported her to Jerusalem on the eve of the Last Supper. This is her compelling visionary account of the events surrounding Jesus'' final days. A primary source for Mel Gibson''s epic movie, The Passion of the Christ.
ACU Press/Leafwood Publishers Identity Matters: Discovering Who You Are in Christ
Pustet, Friedrich GmbH Heute Christ sein Meditative Andachten durch das Kirchenjahr
Collective Ink Christ Across the Ganges – Hindu responses to Jesus
In the last two centuries, some of Hinduism's greatest saints and scholars have lovingly embraced Christ and made him their own. Continuing and aggressive Christian mission in India is now making some Hindus anti-Christ as well as anti-Christian. Mission agencies are pouring millions into India to "save" the "heathens." Religious tensions are increasing, hitting the headlines and claiming lives. Find out why mission disturbs Hindus. Find out how they have responded to their encounter with Christ and Christianity from colonial to contemporary times, in India and in the West. This is their story in their words. Discover how Hindus revere the Christ of faith rather than the Jesus of history. Explore the universal but not exclusive Christ of Hinduism. Find out the rich social and spiritual dimensions Hindus bring to reflection on Christ. Knowing and understanding others is always challenging. Make your own interfaith journey and discover what happened when Christ crossed the Ganges.
University of Toronto Press The Stoic Origins of Erasmus' Philosophy of Christ
This original and provocative engagement with Erasmus' work argues that the Dutch humanist discovered in classical Stoicism several principles which he developed into a paradigm-shifting application of Stoicism to Christianity. Ross Dealy offers novel readings of some lesser and well-known Erasmian texts and presents a detailed discussion of the reception of Stoicism in the Renaissance. In a considered interpretation of Erasmus' De taedio Iesu, Dealy clearly shows the two-dimensional Stoic elements in Erasmus' thought from an early time onward. Erasmus' genuinely philosophical disposition is evidenced in an analysis of his edition of Cicero's De officiis. Building on stoicism Erasmus shows that Christ's suffering in Gethsemane was not about the triumph of spirit over flesh but about the simultaneous workings of two opposite but equally essential types of value: on the one side spirit and on the other involuntary and intractable natural instincts.
Columbia University Press The Disappearing Christ: Secularism in the Silent Era
At the turn of the twentieth century, American popular culture was booming with opportunities to see Jesus Christ. From the modernized eyewitness gospel of Ben-Hur to the widely circulated passion play films of Edison, Lumière, and Pathé; from D. W. Griffith’s conjuration of a spectral white savior in Birth of a Nation to W. E. B. Du Bois’s “Black Christ” story cycle, Jesus was constantly and inventively visualized across media, and especially in the new medium of film. Why, in an era traditionally defined by the triumph of secular ideologies and institutions, were so many artists rushing to film Christ’s miracles and use his story and image to contextualize their experiences of modernity?In The Disappearing Christ, Phillip Maciak examines filmic depictions of Jesus to argue that cinema developed as a model technology of secularism, training viewers for belief in a secular age. Negotiating between the magic trick and the documentary image, the conflicting impulses of faith and skepticism, the emerging aesthetic of film in this period visualized the fraught process of secularization. Cinematic depictions of an appearing and disappearing Christ became a powerful vehicle for Americans to navigate a rapidly modernizing society. Studying these films alongside a multimedia, interdisciplinary archive of novels, photographs, illustrations, and works of theology, travel writing, and historiography, The Disappearing Christ offers a new narrative of American cultural history at the intersection of cinema studies and religious studies.
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co Preaching Christ from Leviticus: Foundations for Expository Sermons
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advent Anticipation: Drawing Nearer to the Christ-Child
Inter-Varsity Press But I Say to You: Christ The Controversialist
Jesus, meek and mild? Think again: Jesus was a controversialist. And he still is today. Are you prepared to be challenged? Jesus has a way of cutting right across our logic and opinions, just as he did while on earth. He took issue with his contemporaries on basic questions like: - Who is God? - How do we obey Scripture? - How are we saved? - How should we live morally? - How should we worship authentically? In exploring these questions, John Stott shows that evangelical Christianity is authentic Christianity, as Jesus taught, and has the power to utterly transform us.
Crossway Books Owen on the Christian Life: Living for the Glory of God in Christ
Introducing readers to the legacy of John Owen and his views on the Christian life, this book gives insights into his spiritual life, pastoral ministry, and historical context.
Reformation Heritage Books Imputation of the Active Obedience of Christ, The
Pyramid Press Christ Mind: The Great Source of Unlimited Power
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A History of Music at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin
Christ Church cathedral is an Anglican cathedral in a catholic country. Musical and archival sources (the most extensive for any Irish cathedral) provide a unique perspective on the history of music in Ireland. Christ Church has had a complex and varied history as the cathedral church of Dublin, one of two Anglican cathedrals in the capital of a predominantly Catholic country and the church of the British administration in Ireland before1922. An Irish cathedral within the English tradition, yet through much of its history it was essentially an English cathedral in a foreign land. With close musical links to cathedrals in England, to St Patrick's cathedral in Dublin, and to the city's wider political and cultural life, Christ Church has the longest documented music history of any Irish institution, providing a unique perspective on the history of music in Ireland. Barra Boydell, a leading authority on Irish music history, has written a detailed study drawing on the most extensive musical and archival sources existing for any Irish cathedral. The choir, its composers and musicians, repertoire and organs are discussed within the wider context of city and state, and of the religious and political dynamics which have shaped Anglo-Irish relationships since medieval times. More than just a history of music at one cathedral, this book makesan important contribution to English cathedral music studies as well as to Irish musical and cultural history. BARRA BOYDELL is Senior Lecturer in Music, National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
Tommy Nelson Jesus Calling: The Story of Christmas (board book): God's Plan for the Nativity from Creation to Christ
Jesus Calling® The Story of Christmas shares the Christmas story with your children by starting at creation and showing that Jesus has always been present and that God has always had a plan for Christmas. Each page features Bible verses and Jesus Calling devotions as it explores the true meaning of the nativity story.This faith-focused board book is perfect for children ages 2 to 6 years old; makes a great Christmas, Advent, or holiday gift; is the perfect introduction to the story of Jesus for young children; and is written by New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young. From the beginning of time, God had a plan to save his children. That plan was Jesus! Curl up with your family around the Christmas tree and experience God’s great gift with Jesus Calling® The Story of Christmas.
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians Of The True Identity Of Christ
In the course of their investigations into Leonardo da Vinci and the Turin Shroud, Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince found clues in the work of the great Renaissance artist that pointed to the existence of a secret underground religion. More clues were found in a twentieth-century London church. These were the beginnings of a quest through time and space that led the authors into the mysterious world of secret societies and such bodies as the Freemasons, the Knights Templar and the Cathars and finally back to the ideas and beliefs of the first century AD and a devastating new view of the real character and motives of the founder of Christianity and the roles of John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene. They reveal nothing less than a secret history, preserved through the centuries but encoded in works of art and even in the great Gothic cathedrals, whose revelation could shake the foundations of the Chruch.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Rethinking Galatians: Paul’s Vision of Oneness in the Living Christ
Oakes and Boakye rethink Galatians by examining the text as a vision for the lives of its hearers. They show how, in tackling the difficulties that he faces in Galatia, Paul offers a vision of what the Galatians are in their relationship with the living Christ. This offers a new understanding of the concept of unity in diversity expressed in Gal 3:28. The authors develop their views over six chapters. First, Oakes maps a route from the letter to a focus on its Galatian hearers and on Paul’s vision for their identity and existence. In the next chapter, Oakes uses the Christology of Galatians as a way to support the idea of pistis as current relationship with the living Christ. Boakye then offers three chapters analysing the letter’s scriptural quotations and ideas about salvation and law. Boakye sees a key dynamic at work in Galatians as being a movement from death to life, as prophesied metaphorically by Ezekiel and as made literal for Paul in his encounter with the resurrected Christ, trust in whom becomes the route to life. Life becomes a key category for evaluating law. Boakye also draws Galatians close to Romans 4 in seeing in both texts the promise of the birth of Isaac, with Paul closely tying that to the resurrection of Jesus. Oakes then argues that the letter has a thematic concern for unity in diversity. In the first instance this is between Jews and gentiles but, in principle, it is between any other socially significant pair of groups.
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Lingua Latina - Epitome Historiae Sacrae: Brevi Christi Vitae Narratione Addita
Dr Ludwig Reichert Die, Vierzig Myrrhenbuschel Vom Leiden Christi': Untersuchung, Uberlieferung Und Edition
Arcadia Publishing African Americans in Corpus Christi Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Peeters Publishers God, Passion and Power: Thomas Aquinas on Christ Crucified and the Almightiness of God
The reality of suffering in today's world, in our personal lives, is for many especially Western Christians an obstacle for entering into a relationship of faith with the One who bears the name "Almighty". Touched by this crisis the author inquires whether the theology of Thomas Aquinas (1224/5 - 1274) can help us find a way out. In this book some distance is taken from the crisis itself, in order to take a closer look at our faith regarding Christ's sufferings and how God almighty is related to these "nexus mysteriorum". For what is more obvious for a Christian thinking about suffering and God's relation to it, to start with the consideration of the sufferings of Christ and how God is related to them? Questions like "Did and/or does God suffer too?", "How are we to understand 'God is love' (1 Jn 4,8, 16) in view of this?" and "What do Christians actually mean by the word 'almighty'?" are dealt with.Thomas' questions and associations may often not be ours. And yet it turns out that his approach opens up new, or rather (almost) forgotten and therefore to us surprising, and hopeful perspectives.Mark-Robin Hoogland C.P. (1969) is a Passionist priest. At the time of preparation for this dissertation he lived and worked in the Passionist Inner City Mission at East End London (U.K.) and he was active in youth work there and in The Hague (the Netherlands). While he was a resaerch-fellow at the Catholic Theological University (KTU) at Utrecht, he also worked for three years at Mesos Medical Centre at Utrecht as a hospital chaplain and after that in several parishes where for a shorter or longer time no priest was available.At present he is preparing a study on Thomas Aquinas regarding God and human suffering, in the context of Stauros International, a Passionist Institute.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Divine Freedom and Revelation in Christ
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Bergson Et Le Christ Des Evangiles
Banner of Truth Salvation: Full and Free in Christ
Ignatius Press Christ the Ideal of the Priest
Progressive Press The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ
Moody Publishers Christ in the Feast of Pentecost
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ within You Two-Volume Slipcased Paperback
SCM Press Christ Unabridged: Knowing and Loving the Son of Man
The title ‘the Son of Man’ evokes the different aspects of the whole Christ: the humanity and divinity of Christ, his earthly ministry, his sacramental presence, and the eschatological consummation of his work. It is also a term of relationship, suggestive of both the relations constitutive of the life of the Holy Trinity, and also of the way that our knowing and loving the Son of Man is always an invitation to communion - with the Triune God, as the Body of Christ, and for the life of the world. Contributors to this collection explore some of the many registers of the mystery of Christ, both historically and thematically. Contributors include some of today’s leading theological thinkers, including N.T. Wright, Rowan Williams, Lydia Schumacher, Kallistos Ware and Oliver O’Donovan. With poetic reflections from Malcolm Guite. Chapters include: "Son of Man and the New Creation" (N.T. Wright), "The Son of Man in the Gospel of John" (John Behr), "Sound and Silence in Augustine’s Christological Exegesis" (Carol Harrison), "According to the Flesh?: The Problem of Knowing Christ in Chalcedonian Perspective" (Ian Mcfarland), "Christ and the Moral Life" (Oliver O'Donovan), "Christ and the Poetic Imagination" (Malcolm Guite)
Verlag Peter Lang Reich Christi Und Obrigkeit: Eine Studie Zum Reformatorischen Denken Und Handeln Martin Bucers
The University of Chicago Press Signifying God: Social Relation and Symbolic Act in the York Corpus Christi Plays
In "Signifying God" Sarah Beckwith explores the most lavish, long-lasting, and complex form of collective theatrical enterprise in English history: the York Corpus Christi plays. First staged as early as 1376, the plays were performed annually until the late 1500s and involved as much as a tenth of the city in multiple performances at a dozen or more locations. Introducing a radical new understanding of these plays as "sacramental theater," Beckwith shows how organizing the plays served as a political mechanism for regulating labor, and how theater and sacrament combined in them to do important theological work. She argues, for instance, that the theology of Corpus Christi in the resurrection plays can only be understood as a theatrical exploration of eucharistic absence and presence. Beckwith frames her study with discussions of twentieth-century manifestations of sacramental theater in Barry Unsworth's novel "Morality Play" and Denys Arcand's film "Jesus of Montreal", and the connections between contemporary revivals of the York Corpus Christi plays and England's heritage culture.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Susannah Spurgeon: Lessons for a Life of Joyful Eagerness in Christ
Have you heard of Spurgeon? Preacher, evangelist and stalwart patriarch of the Modern Western Church today. If the cliché ‘behind every great man is a strong woman’, is true, then Susannah Spurgeon remains one of the matriarchs of the same tradition. Spurgeon was the bone companion of her husband. As a pastoral assistant, as Charles’ wife and support through trials, this woman’s biography has been a long time coming. Mary Mohler has gathered information on Susie from sources spanning letters, devotionals and biographies. The result is a thoughtful, sympathetic and endearing epitaph to a sister in Christ, whose voice can no longer be ignored. Mohler allows room for academics, mothers, daughters and wives to dwell on Spurgeon’s joyful eagerness in Christ.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Irresistible Beauty: Beholding Triune Glory in the Face of Jesus Christ
What hath beauty to do with systematic theology? In this new monograph, Samuel G. Parkison explores this question by examining the relationship between Christ’s divine beauty and regeneration and faith. Building on recent scholarship in (a) theological retrieval of the Christian tradition, and (b) Protestant developments in theological aesthetics, this project is concerned with soteriology’s aesthetic dimension. While many today may consider beauty a mere matter of preference, glibly assuming that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” Parkison pushes fiercely in the opposite direction, dignifying beauty by recognizing its objective value—a feature of aesthetics that has fallen on hard times since the so–called Enlightenment, and the subsequent “uglification of culture” (as Sir Roger Scruton put it). In this doxologically flavored, dogmatically charged work, Parkison pulls from a variety of disciplines to demonstrate Christ’s beauty, and the relevance of Christ’s beauty on Christian theology. Irresistible Beauty is the work of a synthetic generalist. It is not strictly a work of exegesis, though it will stand firmly on exegetical findings. It is not strictly a work of biblical theology, though it will be biblical–theological. It is not strictly a work of historical theology, though it will engage in theological retrieval of the church’s history. It is not strictly a philosophical work, though, driven by a love for wisdom, it will be irreducibly philosophical. Thus, this is a systematic–theological work in the full sense of the term—informed and shaped by these disciplines and informing and shaping the pursuit of them. Irresistible Beauty is sure to stimulate readers who enjoy a wide range of topics: the philosophy of beauty, metaphysics, Classical Christian Theism, biblical theology, and a Protestant Reformed conception soteriology are all dealt with in this dense theological work. Parkison also converses with some of the greatest minds of Christian history (e.g., Athanasius, Hilary of Poitiers, Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, Basil the Great, Anselm, Thomas Aquinas, Francis Turretin, John Owen, Jonathan Edwards, Herman Bavinck, Hans Urs von Balthasaar), making Irresistible Beauty a stimulating work for many a reader.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd How Jesus Loves: 31 Devotions about Christ, the Cross and You
When we read God’s Word and see the wonder of who Jesus is and what he has done we see that God’s Son has given us his very best. His love and care for us took him to the Cross for us. With these 31 devotions and prayers you will discover Christ’s love for his people and how he deserves our love and worship. Find out How Jesus Loves through stories such as: Don’t Look Back; God Says It’s Time and Hide and Seek. These stories were first told at The Tron Church in Glasgow, Scotland.
Humanix Books THE CHRIST CURE: 10 Biblical Ways to Heal Your Mind from Trauma, Tragedy, and PTSD
A HANDBOOK FOR THE BROKENA valuable guide for anyone dealing with PTSD, trauma and tragedy, family members of trauma victims, clergy who seek a better understanding of psychology, and for counselors who seek a better understanding of the role of faith in healing from trauma.THE CHRIST CURE is comprehensive handbook of healing for victims of trauma and their families, guiding the reader through a unique path of true restoration, inspired by the life and works of the Apostle Paul (a survivor of multiple traumas), by modern day mentors, the humbling personal experiences of the author, Psychologist, Navy veteran and former Member of Congress Dr. Tim Murphy, and reinforced by solid scientific research.Dr. Murphy’s book is a faith foundation guide for healing the psychological problems in the wake of trauma. Awakened by his own failures, the author grasped for ways out of his deep depression and re-discovered inspiration in the life and works of the Apostle Paul, who himself lived a life filled with major traumatic experiences. It offers new insights into how life threatening abuse, chronic stress and self-inflicted trauma affects us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and most importantly, how we can heal.In the book, Dr. Murphy candidly describes his own fall from grace, his battle with depression and his humble confession that while he was trying to save the world he was losing his own soul; disconnecting from his faith and family. He walks the reader through his return to the Bible and his discovery of a great mentor for healing from trauma—the Apostle Paul.Paul the Apostle suffered several dozen severe traumas including whippings, stoning, shipwrecks, trials, imprisonment, abandonment, and a looming death sentence. Modern psychological research suggests any one of these traumas should have been emotionally crippling for him. Instead, Paul grew stronger and more courageous. Unique to this book is the foundation of biblical pillars for healthy treatment of trauma all supported by research and scripture including fitness, sleep, healthy eating, healthy relaxation, resilience, resistance, recovery, and renewal. Within each stage the reader is challenged to choose between sets of dichotomies, one leading to healing, while the other worsens our problems. Throughout, the reader is empowered through their own suffering to become stronger in their relationships and faith: Building Strength instead of Weakness Courage over Fear Vigilance over Vulnerability Hope over Despair Guilt over Shame Forgiveness over Condemnation Acceptance of Faith, Trust, Grace and Mission Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) effects tens of millions with symptoms of depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, broken relationships, isolation, and suicidal thoughts. Current treatment approaches include counseling and medication, but this often leaves many still struggling in darkness for years. Here, readers are guided on a very different path lit by a beacon of faith. THE CHRIST CURE: 10 Biblical Ways to Heal Your Mind from Trauma, Tragedy, and PTSD provides much-need help and guidance to “the broken” from secular to scriptural; illustrated with inspirational stories of those who are winning their own battles.
Temple Lodge Publishing Women with Christ: Contemplations on the Months of the Year - Twelve Women Who Changed the World
In a rich contemplation of Christian life and practise, Louise Mary Sofair relates the events in the Gospels to the rhythms of the year. Viewing the key Christian festivals from the perspective of the twelve months of the yearly cycle, she points to relevant events in the Gospels, focusing on the role of women. In the second part of the book she celebrates the biographies of twelve influential women who played significant roles in humanity's development - from the medieval Clare of Assisi and Eleanor of Castile to the more recent Edith Stein and Ita Wegman. In her concluding chapter, the author discusses the meaning of the Eternal Feminine and its implications for the future of humanity. With reference to the Book of Revelation she describes how, '...the united masculine, spiritual element and feminine, higher-soul element of the future human an invitation to all those who wish to share in the community of eternal Life.' Although centred on themes of feminine spirituality, this book is relevant to anyone interested in the task of personal transformation and the healthy progress of the human race.
Baker Publishing Group Disability – Living into the Diversity of Christ`s Body
Leading ethicist and pastoral theologian Brian Brock reflects on the challenge of disability, refuting widely held misconceptions and helping readers respond well to the pastoral implications of disability. Brock, the father of a child with special needs, weaves together theological commentary with narrative reflection, offering rich theological wisdom for shepherding people with disabilities. He shows pastors and ministers-in-training that thinking more closely and theologically about disability is a doorway into a more vibrant and welcoming church life for all Christians.
Crossway Books Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ Is Essential
Rediscover Church is a timely reminder that the church is more than just a livestream—it is an essential fellowship of God’s people furthering God’s mission.
Rudolf Steiner Press The Christ Impulse: And the Development of Ego-Consciousness
Christ will reappear but in a higher reality than the physical one - in a reality which we will only see if we have first acquired a sense and understanding of spiritual life. Inscribe in your hearts what anthroposophy should be: a preparation for the great epoch of humanity which lies ahead of us.' Rudolf Steiner's teachings of Christ - and in particular what he refers to as the 'Christ impulse' - are unique. Christ, he says, is an objective universal force, existing independently of Christian churches and confessions, and working for the whole of humanity. The impulse that Christ brought to earth acts for the advancement of all people, irrespective of religion, creed or race. Speaking in Berlin whilst still a representative of the largely eastern-oriented Theosophical Society, Rudolf Steiner presents multifaceted perspectives on the Christ impulse, based on his independent spiritual research: from the vast cycles of time preceding Christ's incarnation and the preparation for his coming, to the actual physical embodiment of Christ in Palestine, in Jesus of Nazareth, some two thousand years ago. Steiner also describes how Christ will influence the future development of the earth and humanity. In his opening lecture, Rudolf Steiner discusses the nature of the Bodhisattvas and their role in relation to Christ and human evolution. The Bodhisattvas are the great teachers of humanity, incarnating in human form during their passage through the various cycles of cultural development, and are intimately involved in preparing the work of the Christ impulse. In other lectures Steiner addresses subjects as diverse as the Sermon on the Mount in relation to the development of the faculty of conscience, and the current duality of male and female (microcosm) and its correspondence in the cosmos (macrocosm). The latter phenomenon is related to initiation within the Germanic and Egyptian mysteries, which reach their higher unity in Christian initiation. Among the myriad other themes that emerge here are: the introduction of the 'I' (or self) in human development and its essential connection to Christ; the preparation of the Christ impulse through the Jahveh religion and the law of Moses; the meaning of the Ten Commandments; and the new clairvoyance in relation to the appearance of Christ in the etheric. 7 lectures, Berlin, Oct. - May 1909, CW 116
Baker Publishing Group Paul and Time – Life in the Temporality of Christ
How did Paul understand time? Standard interpretations are that Paul modified his inherited Jewish apocalyptic sequential two-age temporality. Paul solved the conundrum of Christ's resurrection occurring without the resurrection of the righteous by asserting that the ages are not sequential but rather that they overlap. Believers live in already-not yet temporality. In this groundbreaking book, Ann Jervis instead proposes that Paul thought not in terms of two ages but in terms of life in this age or life in Christ. Humans apart from Christ live in this age, whereas believers live entirely in the temporality of Christ. Christ's temporality, like God's, is time in which change occurs--at least between Christ and God and creation. Their temporality is tensed, but the tenses are nonsequential. The past is in their present, as is the future. However, this is not a changeless now but a now in which change occurs (though not in the way that human chronological time perceives change). Those joined to Christ live Christ's temporality while also living chronological time. In clear writing, Jervis engages both philosophical and traditional biblical understandings of time. Her inquiry is motivated and informed by the long-standing recognition of the centrality of union with Christ for Paul. Jervis points out that union with Christ has significant temporal implications. Living Christ's time transforms believers' suffering, sinning, and physical dying. While in the present evil age these are instruments purposed for destruction, in Christ they are transformed in service of God's life. Living Christ's time also changes the significance of the eschaton. It is less important to those in Christ than it is for creation, for those joined to the One over whom death has no dominion are already released from bondage to corruption. Scholars and students will profit from this lively contribution to Pauline studies, which offers big-picture proposals based on detailed work with Paul's letters. The book includes a foreword by John Barclay.
Dragonhawk Publishing The Occult Christ: The Hidden and Mystical Secrets of Christianity
Rockridge Press Meditations on Christ: A 5-Minute Guided Journal for Christians
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Living with the Mind of Christ: Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality
Through the teachings of Jesus, and Christian mystics such as St Augustine and Meister Eckhart, Stefan Gillow Reynolds demonstrates that the practice of Mindfulness leading to silent meditation, recommended by many therapists, is not a modern fad but has always had a place within contemplative Christianity.