Search results for ""Author Suma"
Ediciones Obelisco S.L. Pasos sencillos hacia una salud total
La salud está en tus manos UNA GUÍA PRÁCTICA PARA LA SALUD TOTAL Por naturaleza, nuestro organismo está diseñado para tener salud y vitalidad durante toda la vida. Sin embargo, los hábitos alimentarios y los estilos de vida poco saludables conducen a numerosos problemas de salud que nos impiden disfrutar de la vida al máximo. En este libro, los autores sacan a la luz la causa más común de la enfermedad: la acumulación de toxinas y residuos de alimentos mal digeridos en los distintos órganos, aparatos y sistemas del cuerpo, lo que les impide funcionar con normalidad. Esta guía para la salud total te ofrece unos consejos sencillos pero sumamente eficaces en lo referente a la limpieza interna, la hidratación, la nutrición y los hábitos de vida. Entre otras cosas en ella aprenderás cuáles son los alimentos, los hábitos dietéticos y las influencias que con más frecuencia causan las enfermedades y las hacen crónicas. Esta obra es imprescindible para todo aquel que esté interesado en un enfoq
Alba Editorial Persuasin Sanditon
Persuasión, publicada póstumamente en 1818, presenta un cuadro de familia sumamente austeniano: un viudo pomposo que sólo lee el baronetario, una hija soltera llena de pretensiones, una hija casada hipocondríaca y caprichosa, una multitud ruidosa de parientes y vecinos que aparecen por todas partes. y, al fondo, en el último rincón, una heroína sensible, paciente y menospreciada. Pero Persuasión es la última novela de Jane Austen y su heroína no es ya una muchacha en trance de aprendizaje sino una mujer en su madurez. Una mujer que había dejado atrás la edad de ruborizarse; pero no, desde luego, la de las emociones; y que ahora, ocho años después de haber rechazado, persuadida por un mal consejo, al hombre que amaba, ve como éste reaparece en su vida, rico, honorable, pero aún despechado. Una mujer que, quizá por primera vez en la historia de la novela, debe luchar para que el amor le conceda una segunda oportunidad. Esta edición ofrece además, al lector curioso, el jugoso e inédito fr
Alianza Editorial Mi perro no me entiende Libros Singulares Ls Spanish Edition
Un perro como Pancho que pinta la casa, hace la colada o rellena la quiniela, puede ser de gran utilidad y sumamente divertido. pero por desgracia imposible; la mayoría nos conformamos con que nuestro perro sea un amigo cariñoso que nos haga compañía y con el que podamos pasear, que no ladre en las situaciones más inoportunas, que no dé muestras de agresividad, etc.; en una palabra, una mascota a la que podamos llevar a cualquier parte sin que resulte un incordio para los demás. CAROLINE SPENCER, famosa adiestradora británica de perros con más de veinticinco años de experiencia, nos enseña cómo poner en práctica un método para corregir la conducta indeseable de nuestro perro. MI PERRO NO ME ENTIENDE!!! nos ayudará a comprender por qué los perros hacen lo que hacen. Cada mascota se expresa mediante un lenguaje corporal específico, y en cada uno de sus actos nos envía un mensaje que debemos aprender a interpretar. Lo importante es que mi perro me quiera, no que me tema, y que ambos disfr
Ediciones Trea, S.L. Bibliotecas y clase social en la España de Carlos V 15161556
Bibliotecas y clase social en la España de Carlos V (1516-1556) se circunscribe en el Proyecto i+d De la biblioteca particular al canon literario en los Siglos de Oro (ii) (Ref. FFI2012-35894, 2013-2015), dirigido por José María Díez Borque (catedrático de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid) y en el que han colaborado los miembros que integran el proyecto. El libro considera 103 inventarios de bibliotecas de la nobleza, del clero, de profesiones liberales e intelectuales, de trabajadores y de cargos públicos. A estas bibliotecas se suman siete inventarios pertenecientes a impresores, libreros y encuadernadores, sin ser considerados propiamente bibliotecas. Dentro de la heterogeneidad, el propósito ha sido ?en palabras de María Soledad Arredondo Sirodey? analizar la cuantía y el contenido de esas bibliotecas, con el fin de aportar datos sobre la lectura, la posesión, el uso y el valor de los libros, conceptos bien distintos dependiendo de la clase social de sus poseedores.Este lib
Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones Grafología pedagógica aplicada a la orientación vocacional
Esta obra revela que tras la escritura de toda persona y con los conocimientos y procedimientos adecuados a través de la Grafología, puede reconocerse todo un conjunto muy complejo pero también muy preciso de rasgos, de grafías, que confieren a su autor una tonalidad, un carácter específico, una vocación profesional reconocible. El libro, con su indiscutible labor de análisis y síntesis, nos aporta un auténtico instrumento, totalmente actualizado, para la Orientación Vocacional. Contribuye a valorar la grafopsicología en su interdisciplinariedad pedagógico-social y educativa. Gracias a ella los pedagogos y profesores dispondrán de un instrumento riguroso y especialmente útil en la práctica orientativa. Ofrece técnicas e instrumentos prácticos, sumamente útiles, no sólo en el ámbito psicopedagógico y de la orientación vocacional, sino también en el de la empresa; para la formación, diseño de equipos de trabajo y selección de personal.Extracto del Índice:1 .CONCEPTO E HISTORIA DE L
HarperCollins Publishers (New Zealand) Good Vibes: Eat well with feel-good flavours
Good Vibes is a celebration of food that makes you feel good. With veg-forward ingredients and knockout flavours, these are recipes to take your cooking to the next level. From nourishing breakfasts to impressive sharing plates, punchy weeknight meals, soul-warming slow-cooks, and delectable sweet treats, Alby Hailes shares his on-repeat recipes to Energise, Connect, Excite, Comfort and Delight. By one of the most exciting young home cooks in New Zealand, and including vegetarian and vegan options for any eaters, this book is packed with modern, fun and delicious feel-good food to reignite the senses and bring a splash of joy to your kitchen. Including recipes such as: Herb ricotta pancakes with grilled greens and chilli-lime syrup Grilled nectarine and sweetcorn salad with miso dressing Ultra Brussel sprouts with feijoa, apple, hazelnuts and lime Spiced lamb flatbreads with triple-black hummus and sumac feta whip Sweet and sour tofu with creamy coconut polenta Beetroot blush lasagne Harissa roast lamb with minted pomegranate gravy Ultimate vegan burgers Black sesame, rose and cardamom cake with honey mascarpone icing Peanut masala caramel slice Tahini, white chocolate and boysenberry brownie
Stanford University Press Wild Life: The Institution of Nature
Wild Life documents a nuanced understanding of the wild versus captive divide in species conservation. It also documents the emerging understanding that all forms of wild nature—both in situ (on-site) and ex situ (in captivity)—may need to be managed in perpetuity. Providing a unique window into the high-stakes world of nature conservation, Irus Braverman describes the heroic efforts by conservationists to save wild life. Yet in the shadows of such dedication and persistence in saving the life of species, Wild Life also finds sacrifice and death. Such life and death stories outline the modern struggle to define what conservation should look like at a time when the long-established definitions of nature have collapsed.Wild Life begins with the plight of a tiny endangered snail, and ends with the rehabilitation of an entire island. Interwoven between its pages are stories about golden lion tamarins in Brazil, black-footed ferrets in the American Plains, Sumatran rhinos in Indonesia, Tasmanian devils in Australia, and many more creatures both human and nonhuman. Braverman draws on interviews with more than one hundred and twenty conservation biologists, zoologists, zoo professionals, government officials, and wildlife managers to explore the various perspectives on in situ and ex situ conservation and the blurring of the lines between them.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
________________ WINNER OF THE 2015 PULITZER PRIZE FOR GENERAL NON-FICTION ________________ 'An invaluable contribution to our understanding of present circumstances, just as the paradigm shift she calls for is sorely needed' - Al Gore, New York Times 'Compelling ... It is a disquieting tale, related with rigour and restraint by Kolbert' - Observer 'Passionate ... This is the big story of our age' - Sunday Times ________________ A major book about the future of the world, blending natural history, field reporting and the history of ideas and into a powerful account of the mass extinction happening today Over the last half a billion years, there have been five mass extinctions of life on earth. Scientists around the world are currently monitoring the sixth, predicted to be the most devastating extinction event since the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs. Elizabeth Kolbert combines brilliant field reporting, the history of ideas and the work of geologists, botanists and marine biologists to tell the gripping stories of a dozen species – including the Panamanian golden frog and the Sumatran rhino – some already gone, others at the point of vanishing. The sixth extinction is likely to be mankind’s most lasting legacy and Elizabeth Kolbert’s book urgently compels us to rethink the fundamental question of what it means to be human.
Desperta Ferro Ediciones Herodes el rey arquitecto
Tras Ciudades del mundo antiguo, Viaje al Antiguo Egipto y Palacios imperiales de la Roma Antigua, un nuevo título se viene a sumar al recorrido visual por la Antigüedad que nos regala el arte del célebre arquitecto, arqueólogo e ilustrador francés Jean-Claude Golvin: Herodes. El rey arquitecto.Aunque el nombre de Herodes evoca de inmediato un episodio perpetuado por la iconografía cristiana ?y probablemente una invención?, la matanza de los inocentes, su figura simboliza una época axial, el cruce entre el judaísmo y el mundo helenístico, ya bajo la égida de Roma, una intersección cultural sin la que no puede comprenderse ni a Jesús ni el nacimiento del cristianismo. El rey que supo navegar entre Roma y sus súbditos, el tirano inmisericorde que se cebó con su propia familia, el gobernante evérgeta que ornó Israel con suntuosas edificaciones... quién fue realmente Herodes?En Herodes. El rey arquitecto, Jean-Claude Golvin y el historiador Jean-Michel Roddaz bucean a través de la ar
Anaya Multimedia Una antroploga en la luna las historias mas sorprendentes de la especie humana
Hay quien asegura que el ser humano es un lobo para el ser humano, y también que es egoísta por naturaleza. Y, sin embargo, la historia de nuestra especie nos muestra tenazmente lo contrario: que desde siempre hemos utilizado el recurso antropo-lógico de la cooperación. Y no por capricho ni por caridad, sino simplemente, por pura supervivencia.En el transcurso de nuestra historia, nos hemos hecho entender en mitos y asambleas, diseminando palabras que contienen milenios de intentos por comunicarnos, y celebrando los decires y los sentires en fiestas y rituales. Desde el Ubuntu de los bantúes, pasando por el Sumak Kawsay quechua, la Seka de Indonesia hasta el Rén chino. Múltiples son los consejos del mundo que, cultivando cultura, nos muestran una humanidad que no se entiende si no es en compañía.Ni siquiera se concibe al tiempo humano persiguiendo la manecilla de un reloj, sino al ritmo que marca la vida. Aunque cada cultura siga su propia danza. Entonces cómo bailar al compás? V
Little, Brown & Company Rumbo al Hermoso Norte
Nayeli es una chica de diecinueve anos que trabaja en una taqueria de tres Camarones, un poblado mexicano. Ve en suenos a su padre, que emigro al norte cuando era nina. Recientemente se ha dado cuenta de que su padre no es el unico hombre que se ha ido del pueblo, de hecho ya casi no quedan hombres, todos se han ido al otro lado, a los Estados Unidos. Un grupo de narcotraficantes tambien se ha percatado de ese hecho y ven la oportunidad para apoderarse. Pero una noche, durante la exhibicion de la pelicula Los Siete Magnificos, Nayeli tiene una revelacion: Debe dirigirse al norte a reclutar sus propios Siete Magnificos, para que la protejan de los criminales y coadyuven a repoblar Tres Camarones. Ella y sus amigas viajan al norte y en el camino hacia esa extrana y fascinante tierra de sus suenos, ese mitico lugar donde su padre desaparecio, van sumando una coleccion de inusitados y sorprendentes aliados. La meta es un poblado del estado de Illinois, donde Nayeli espera encontrar a su padre y reclutar a sus guerreros. Con suerte, hara realidad tambien su destino.
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Los renglones torcidos de Dios
Encuadernación: RústicaUna novela emocionante, un testimonio único, un libro para siempre. Celebramos el 30 aniversario de la primera publicación de esta obra maestra. Se cumplen treinta años de la publicación de Los renglones torcidos de Dios , una de las obras más emblemáticas de nuestra literatura contemporánea, destinada a convertirse en un clásico gracias al apoyo de los lectores que, año tras año, va sumando esta carismática obra. Alice, investigadora privada, ingresa en un hospital psiquiátrico, simulando una paranoia, a fi n de recabar pruebas del caso en el que trabaja. La realidad a la que se enfrentará en su encierro superará sus expectativas. Un mundo desconocido y apasionante se mostrará ante sus ojos. El curso que tomarán los acontecimientos le hará pasar de detective a sospechosa en un juego de pistas tejido con asombrosa maestría.Para escribir este libro, el autor estuvo en un psiquiátrico, simulando una enfermedad mental, conviviendo como un loco más entre los l
Little, Brown Book Group Joel Serra's Modern Spanish Kitchen
'Food is not what you cook, but what you make others taste.'Joel Serra Bevin was born in New Zealand and grew up in Tasmania. Inspired by his Catalan great-grandfather, Papa Serra, Joel moved to Barcelona where he has immersed himself in his much-loved Spanish food and cooking. Joel brings a vibrant, fresh approach to traditional Spanish dishes. He is obsessed with new flavour combinations, unusual preparations and loves to create magic for whoever joins him around the table.These eighty recipes offer both a beginner's guide to eating and drinking like a local in Barcelona and Spain, with fresh takes on Spanish favourites such as Fideua with Squid Ink, Allioli, Pulpo Gallego and Leche Merengada, as well as plenty of inspiration for those looking to experiment.While not stinting on classic dishes for those new to Spanish food, Joel also reinvents Catalan classics such as Membrillo-Roasted Pumpkin with Almond Cream, and Green Gazpacho with Sumac Yogurt. As Joel says, 'Food always tastes better when shared, so pull up a seat and join the feast.'
Hachette Books Bismillah Lets Eat
Welcome to Zehra’s kitchen, where good food, family, and nutrition meet! Muslims from all around the world start each meal by saying 'Bismillah' which means “I begin in the name of God”. Similar to the practice of saying grace before you eat, it is like a short practice of gratitude. In her first cookbook, beloved Toronto-based hijabi fitness influencer and coach Zehra Allibhai welcomes everyone to her table, sharing a new way to think about family food. Zehra’s own cooking evolution started in the kitchen with her Indian Kenyan family, expanded through culinary adventures with her husband, and grew again as a mother and fitness influencer. Her style of cooking is flavorful, accessible, wholesome–and above all–meant to be shared with joy. From her healthy spin on traditional dishes such as shakshuka and chaat to sumac chicken and lamb karahi, her renowned hearty salads, and treats such as the perfect one-bowl chocolate cake, Zehra makes
Un perro en mi escuela Nuestras aventuras con Doodles
La terapia asistida con animales está siendo cada vez más popular en los entornos educativos, pero hay muy poca información sobre cómo llevarla a cabo. Este libro, pionero en educación, proporciona todo lo que se necesita saber para introducir un perro de terapia en un colegio y experimentar cuáles son los beneficios que su intervención puede tener para los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, desde niños pequeños hasta adolescentes y jóvenes. En un tono ágil, narrativo, lleno de anécdotas y a través de una lectura sumamente grata, se cuenta la historia del perro, Doodles, en un colegio de educación especial de Manchester. Se describe cómo y por qué la comunidad educativa decidió que hubiera un perro en el equipo escolar del colegio y se nos habla sobre las competencias que se esperaba que desarrollara.La autora enumera los pasos que dieron para elegir al perro, los problemas prácticos relacionados con él, y cómo lo presentaron a los niños, al claustro y a las familias. L
La doble jornada Ensayo Spanish Edition
Hochschild y sus investigadores asociados entrevistaron a cincuenta parejas y observaron una docena de hogares a lo largo de las décadas de 1970 y 1980, para explorar la brecha de ocio entre hombres y mujeres. La investigación demostró que las mujeres aún se hacen cargo de la mayoría de las responsabilidades del hogar y del cuidado de los niños a pesar de su ingreso en la fuerza laboral. Esta doble jornada afectaba a las parejas, provocando sentimientos de culpa, tensión marital, falta de interés sexual y sueño. Por otro lado, Hochschild difundió las historias de algunos hombres que compartieron por igual la carga del trabajo doméstico y el cuidado de los niños con sus esposas, demostrando que si bien es poco común, es una realidad para algunas parejas. La investigación presentaba además una clara división entre las preferencias ideológicas de los géneros y las clases sociales. Sumando el tiempo en el trabajo remunerado, el cuidado de los niños y las tareas del hogar, descubrió que las
University of Oklahoma Press Corn Dance: Inspired First American Cuisine
Growing up in Shawnee, Oklahoma, among a host of grandmothers and aunties, Loretta Barrett Oden learned the lessons and lore of Potawatomi cooking, along with those of her father’s family, whose ancestors arrived on the Mayflower. This rich cultural blend came to bear in the iconic restaurant she opened in Santa Fe, the Corn Dance CafÉ, where many of the dishes in this book had their debut, setting Loretta on her path to fame as one of the most influential Native chefs in the nation, a leader in the new Indigenous food movement, and, with her Emmy Award–winning PBS series, Seasoned with Spirit: A Native Cook’s Journey, a cross-cultural ambassador for First American cuisine.Corn Dance: Inspired First American Cuisine tells the story of Loretta’s journey and of the dishes she created along the way. Alongside recipes that combine the flavors of her Oklahoma upbringing and Indigenous heritage with the Southwest flair of her Santa Fe restaurant, Loretta offers entertaining and edifying observations about ingredients and cooking culture. What kind of quail might turn up in your vicinity, for instance; what to do with piñon nuts, sumac, or nopales (cactus paddles); when to add a bundle of pine needles or a small branch of cedar to your braise: these and many practical words of wisdom about using the fruits of the forest, stream, or plain, accompany Loretta’s insights on everything from the dubious provenance of fry bread to the Potawatomi legend behind the Three Sisters—corn, beans, and squash, the namesake ingredients of Three Sisters and Friends Salad, served at Corn Dance CafÉ and now at Thirty Nine Restaurant at First Americans Museum in Oklahoma City, where Oden is the Chef Consultant. Amply illustrated and adapted to bring the taste of Native tradition into the home kitchen, Corn Dance invites readers to join Loretta Oden on her inspiring journey into the Indigenous heritage, and the exhilarating culinary future, of North America.
Sasquatch Books Plant Power Bowls: 70 Seasonal Vegan Recipes to Boost Energy and Promote Wellness
Discover 70 nourishing, plant-based recipes to energize and fuel your body, naturally—from Instagram star, certified health coach, and Real + Vibrant’s Sapana Chandra. As a certified health coach, Sapana ensures that each bowl contains a balance of healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and proteins—plus the yum factor! The recipes in this book honor Sapana’s common-sense philosophy for good health: eat real (food) and live well, and you will feel vibrant. Recipes are arranged seasonally so you can make the most of your area’s local bounty and eat fresh throughout the year. • Spring: White Bean & Rosemary Crispy Potatoes Bowl with a Sun-Dried Tomato Sauce, and Roasted Beet & Citrus Bowl with a Pistachio Citrus Sauce• Summer: Sumac Falafel Bowl with a Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Sauce, and a Blueberry Mango Chia Breakfast Bowl• Fall: Roasted Curried Cauliflower Bowl with a Creamy Turmeric Dressing; Kale & Persimmon Buckwheat Bowl with a Creamy Cashew Sauce• Winter: Warming Chickpea Coconut Curry Bowl and Mediterranean Buddha Bowl with a Creamy Kalamata Sauce …But Sapana wants us treat ourselves too! She also includes a chapter on ice cream bowls where you can indulge in Blackberry Lavender, Pineapple Black Pepper, or Chocolate Tahini Fudge. Not strictly for vegans, these recipes will appeal to everyone who wants to include more plant-based meals in their diets.
Absolute Press Jack Stein's World on a Plate: Local produce, world flavours, exciting food
Combining his years of culinary globetrotting and passion for British produce, Jack celebrates his favourite dishes from around the world. In this beautiful new book, Jack Stein combines his culinary experience from working in restaurants around the world and his passion for British produce to create 100 dishes to enchant and entice home cooks. From dishes such as chilli crab (using the very finest Cornish crab) and Szechuan-style pigeon to hot and sour Sumatran soup and XO clams, the recipes featured are all easy to follow and simple to make, bringing the taste of exotic holidays to our own kitchen tables. Stunning photography complements these delightful recipes, ensuring this is a book you will cook from time and time again. “In the past 20 years there have been huge movements in the way we British think about produce. As someone is involved in that conversation I have seen it change and now, more than ever, the produce that is available to the keen home cook has increased in variety and quality immensely. What this means is that the home cook is now faced with the fantastic situation of being able to source the produce needed to make great food all year round. It is important that this movement progresses, and that if we choose to source our meat, fish and other major ingredients from Britain, why not have fun with world food concepts?”
Quercus Publishing Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu
In September 1298, the rival Italian republics of Genoa and Venice fought a fierce sea battle at Curzola off the rocky coast of southern Dalmatia. Against the odds the Venetians, led by Admiral Andrea Dandolo, son of the Doge, were defeated. Among the thousands of Venetians captives was one Marco Polo, gentleman, merchant of Venice, and sometime traveller to East Asia. Incarcerated in a Ligurian fastness, he told his story to a fellow-prisoner, a writer of romances named Rustichello of Pisa. The account of his travels that Marco Polo dictated to Rustichello in captivity - Il Milione - would be exceptionally widely read and would stimulate European interest in the East and its riches. Marco Polo: from Venice to Xanadu is Laurence Bergreen's thrilling and masterly reconstruction of the life and wanderings of one the great adventurers of world history. Between 1271 and 1275 Marco Polo accompanied his father Niccolo and uncle Maffeo on a journey east from Acre into central Asia along the Silk Route, eventually reaching China and the court of the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, Kublai Khan. Entering the service of the Khan, he travelled extensively in the Mongol Empire. The three Venetians returned home by sea in 1292-5, calling at Sumatra and southern India before reaching Persia, and making the last part of their journey to Venice overland. Three years later came that fateful encounter with the Genoese fleet in the Adriatic...
Transworld Publishers Ltd Far Horizons
Lost on a remote Sumatran volcano...pursued through a Tokyo backstreet by a Japanese gangster...picnicking with the French Foreign Legion in the Horn of Africa: Frank Gardner's idea of a holiday is not everyone's. But ever since his student days, the BBC security correspondent has done some epicly hard travelling in a remarkable number of countries. Drawing on the diaries, sketches and photos he kept during his travels, his immaculately observed accounts of these often strange, sometimes daring, adventures form the backbone of his new book. In June 2004, while on what should have been a routine assignment in Riyadh, his life - never mind his ability to travel the world - was nearly brought to a violent end by Islamist gunmen. Frank survived against all the odds and through force of will, has found himself looking towards far horizons once more. He's not only been skiing in the Alps, scuba diving in the Red Sea and explored the jungles of Cambodia, he is also reporting once more from far-flung destinations like Afghanistan and Colombia - and this is a man who no longer has the use of his legs... This is Frank Gardner's compelling, personal account of the myriad adventures that made him the man he was on that fateful day - and of the journeys he's made since, and how they've helped him to become the remarkable and inspiring individual he is today.
Watkins Media Limited My Tel Aviv Table: A journey of flavours and aromas from a sun-soaked city
"Limor Chen's beautiful book bursts with exciting combinations and enticing flavours" Claudia Roden Limor Chen's Delamina restaurants are known for serving up fragrant, exciting and vibrant dishes to transport you to sun-soaked Tel Aviv. In her debut cookbook gorgeously presented in real cloth-bound hardback, Limor shares her wholesome cooking style, one that centres on health and freshness, ensuring that each recipe is packed with flavour and fragrance while remaining light and nourishing. These recipes represent the authentic cooking of a food capital of the world, a cultural melting pot of cuisines and inhabitants, ingredients and aromas: Discover multiple ways to use herbs and spices like za'atar with aubergine or aromatic dried limes in an Iranian beef stew. Lace addictively tangy sumac into labneh or use it to finish a white wine sauce with brill. Share bubbling shakshuka for brunch, fig and goats cheese salad, and a vibrant chopped salad served mezze-style Try stunning cod chermoula with Israeli cous cous or a legendary family recipe for vine leaves stuffed with venison and fruit. All served with deceptively simple pickles and dips on the side. With the best of Limor's family’s recipes that evoke the spirit of her home city, this is a cookbook that you’ll return to time and again for a taste of Tel Aviv.
Editorial Seix Barral La hora de despertarnos juntos
A Karmele Urresti la guerra civil la sorprende en su Ondarroa natal. Mientras la población huye al exilio, ella decide quedarse curando a los heridos y tratando de liberar a su padre, que ha sido encarcelado. Al final de la guerra debe abandonar su tierra y partir hacia Francia, donde pasa a formar parte de la embajada cultural vasca. Allí conoce al que será su marido, el músico Txomin Letamendi. Juntos recorren media Europa hasta que, a punto de caer París en manos de los alemanes, huyen a Venezuela.Pero la Historia irrumpe de nuevo en su vida. Cuando Txomin decide sumarse a los servicios secretos vascos, la familia regresa en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial a Europa, donde él realiza labores de espionaje contra los nazis hasta que es apresado en Barcelona, bajo una dictadura a la que no sobrevivirá. Karmele tendrá que arriesgarse y partir, sola esta vez, con la esperanza ciega de quien deja atrás lo más preciado.La gran novela sobre la historia vasca, española y europea del sigl
Editorial Alas Hung kuen tradicional autntica aplicacin histrica
Cómo luchaban los antiguos maestros? Qué técnicas usaban? Qué conceptos y teorías empleaban de cara al combate? Este libro es una respuesta a esa preguntas y esa respuesta viene dada de la mano de los mismos maestros: indagando en escritos clásicos del estilo Hung Gar Kuen, el autor revela en este libro las técnicas históricas de aplicación real de uno de los estilos más antiguos y característicos del Boxeo Chino. ?Nuestra labor ha sido más de traducción e interpreación que de.?. El resultado de ese planteamiento es la presente obra, en la que a la presentación gráfica de las técnicas se le suman citas de diversos autores, todos del ?País del Centro?, sobre los distintos aspectos teóricos del Arte Marcial Chino.Una obra destinada tanto a los practicantes de Hung Kuen como a los de cualquier otro estilo de Kungfu y de Artes Marciales y en la que los estudiosos de las mismas encontraran una continua fuente de consulta de ?lo marcial?.F. GIRONA-MIGUEL, lleva más de treinta añ
Amberley Publishing HMS Li Wo: The Most Decorated Small Ship in the Navy
Li Wo had been built in 1935 for running a passenger service on the River Yangtse. In 1940, she was requisitioned and commissioned into the Royal Navy at Singapore as HMS Li Wo. Shortly before the surrender of Singapore in February 1942, HMS Li Wo was ordered to head for Batavia, now Jakarta in Indonesia. After coming under air attack, the Li Wo came across a Japanese convoy heading for the island of Sumatra, escorted by a squadron of warships. Armed with one 4-inch gun (with thirteen shells and three practice rounds) and two Lewis guns, the Li Wo attacked. After the war, Li Wo’s commander was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross for his bravery. A DSO and nine other decorations were awarded to members of Li Wo’s small crew. In this book, A. V. Sellwood has pieced together the almost unbelievable story of the most decorated small ship in the Royal Navy, a story which might otherwise have remained lost in the Admiralty archives.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Incentives and Environmental Regulation: Evidence from the MENA Region
This unique book explores a wide range of environmental issues centered on the Middle-East and North Africa region, where environmental degradation and impacts of climate change are known to be more critical than in others parts of the world. Extensive country analyses are supported by references to the economic literature on regulation and incentives, and encompass recent trends in environmental management modes and policy orientations. The topical chapters include a critical review of environmental policies with a focus on economic incentives on various environmental issues including irrigation water, air pollution, solid waste management and the impact of climate change and fisheries. The book combines econometric applications, theoretical models of regulation, and policy-oriented economic analyses with fundamental recommendations for policymakers. Economic Incentives and Environmental Regulation will attract a wide spectrum of audiences including academics, researchers, practitioners, students, and policymakers. Contributors: H. Abou-Ali, M.H. Babiker, A.R. Darwish, E. Deutsch, C. Dridi, M.A. Fehaid, V.I. Grover, L. Huang, M. Jeuland, N. Khraief, A.A. Kubursi, B. Larsen, D. Maradan, U.R. Sumaila, A. Thomas, K. Zein
University of Minnesota Press The Sioux Chef's Indigenous Kitchen
2018 James Beard Award Winner: Best American Cookbook Named one of the Best Cookbooks of 2017 by NPR, The Village Voice, Smithsonian Magazine, UPROXX, New York Magazine, San Francisco Chronicle, Mpls. St. PaulMagazine and others Here is real food—our indigenous American fruits and vegetables, the wild and foraged ingredients, game and fish. Locally sourced, seasonal, “clean” ingredients and nose-to-tail cooking are nothing new to Sean Sherman, the Oglala Lakota chef and founder of The Sioux Chef. In his breakout book, The Sioux Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen, Sherman shares his approach to creating boldly seasoned foods that are vibrant, healthful, at once elegant and easy. Sherman dispels outdated notions of Native American fare—no fry bread or Indian tacos here—and no European staples such as wheat flour, dairy products, sugar, and domestic pork and beef. The Sioux Chef’s healthful plates embrace venison and rabbit, river and lake trout, duck and quail, wild turkey, blueberries, sage, sumac, timpsula or wild turnip, plums, purslane, and abundant wildflowers. Contemporary and authentic, his dishes feature cedar braised bison, griddled wild rice cakes, amaranth crackers with smoked white bean paste, three sisters salad, deviled duck eggs, smoked turkey soup, dried meats, roasted corn sorbet, and hazelnut–maple bites.The Sioux Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen is a rich education and a delectable introduction to modern indigenous cuisine of the Dakota and Minnesota territories, with a vision and approach to food that travels well beyond those borders.
John Beaufoy Publishing Ltd Enchanting Indonesia (2nd edition)
The Republic of Indonesia is a vast archipelago presenting a kaleidoscope of sights for travellers. The range of activities available is equally sparkling with diving, surfing and sunbathing in and beside the coastal waters, and mountain climbing, trekking and paragliding on and over the land. Java is the home of the Jakarta, the bustling capital city, which has a wealth of cultural attractions, such as the still-operational port of Old Batavia. Elsewhere on Java are the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Borobudur and Prambanan Temples. A chain of volcanoes forms the backbone of the island offering many opportunities for the adventurous. Bali and Lombok are justly renowned for their dive sites and their beautiful beaches. These are also a feature of Sulawesi and Manado whose interiors are thick with rainforests abundant with wildlife. Kalimantan on Borneo is a big draw for ecotourists, especially the Orang-utan sanctuary. Sumatra is dramatically picturesque: the lakes, mountains and forests offer a wide diversity of wildlife to be explored. Each of these distinctive and beautiful islands is explored in Enchanting Indonesia, which introduces all of the must-see sights, set within the context of the country’s fascinating cultural diversity.
Ediciones Trea, S.L. Pedro I el Cruel 13501369
Pedro I el Cruel o el Justiciero? Parece inevitable que la historia sea siempre polémica, sobre todo cuando se trata de valorar los comportamientos de nuestros antepasados. Quizá uno de los mejores exponentes de este problema aparece en la figura del rey castellano Pedro I.Su reinado, desarrollado en un estado prácticamente de guerra civil entre dinastías ?a la que se sumaron los intereses de los vecinos reinos de Navarra, Aragón y Portugal, así como los del papado y de cortes como la francesa y la inglesa?, unida al propio comportamiento criminal del rey, terminó con un regicidio que alzó al poder a una dinastía bastarda y usurpadora, que pretendió justificarse por medio de acusaciones e infundios que achacaron al fallecido monarca. Tras la victoria de Enrique de Trastámara se impulsó una campaña de destrucción y silenciamiento de cualquier testimonio que pudiera proporcionar una visión positiva de Pedro I, y esas acusaciones (desde la de filojudío hasta la de rey ilegítimo e indig
Ediciones Cátedra Día y noche de Madrid
La obra de Francisco Santos es hoy en día casi una rareza, a pesar del éxito que tuvo en su tiempo e inmediata posteridad. Su novelística es testigo del agotamiento vital del último tercio del siglo XVII, y participa como ninguna de la imagen ?convertida ya en recurso narrativo? del parto para narrar las miserias del Madrid finisecular como un cuerpo social enfermo, extremo y contaminado. La voz de Santos, emplazada en la intersección de lo moralista, lo costumbrista y lo picaresco, alterna pasajes artificiosos y recargados con el habla espontánea y sumamente creativa de la calle y del hampa. " Día y Noche de Madrid. Discursos de lo más notable que en él pasa " (1663) es un extraordinario catálogo de escenas y motivos delirantes que recorren la novela de principio a fin. Su recorrido urbano está plagado de episodios chocantes que tratan sin remilgos todo tipo de actividades que son censuradas por el autor como desviaciones de la norma o como prácticas prohibidas: prostitución, proxenet
Dejar el trabajo en la consulta Una gua de autocuidado para el psicoterapeuta Biblioteca de Psicologa Band 253
Mejor incluso que la ya excelente primera edición... Una maravillosa combinación realista de erudición, información práctica, estrategias, humor y compasión.-Barry A. Farber, Universidad de ColumbiaLos profesionales de la salud mental ofrecen una mejor atención a sus clientes cuando se cuidan a sí mismos. Esta guía sumamente práctica -ahora revisada y ampliada con más estrategias de autocuidado- ha ayudado a miles de psicoterapeutas atareados a equilibrar su vida personal y profesional. El libro presenta trece estrategias de autocuidado basadas en la investigación y ofrece métodos concretos para integrarlas en la vida diaria. Con ejemplos e ideas de terapeutas expertos, cada capítulo concluye con una lista para comprobar el autocuidado. Impregnado de un mensaje positivo de renovación y crecimiento, muestra a los clínicos cómo dejar la angustia en la consulta y atender activamente sus necesidades físicas, emocionales y espirituales.Esta segunda edición puesta al día incorpor
Editorial Sal Terrae Dios y el nuevo atesmo
En el presente libro, John F. Haught ofrece respuestas claras, concisas y convincentes a las acusaciones lanzadas contra la religión en tres recientes superventas: El espejismo de Dios, de Richard Dawkins; El fin de la fe, de Sam Harris; y Dios no es bueno, del difunto Christopher Hitchens.Para algunos, estos nuevos ateos formulan de forma sumamente acertada lo que consideran problemático en las religiones. Pero, como muestra Haught, el tratamiento de la religión en estas obras está plagado de incoherencias lógicas, ideas erróneas y superficiales y burdas generalizaciones.Puede ser rechazado Dios como un mero espejismo? Es la fe realmente enemiga de la razón? Es cierto que la religión lo emponzoña todo? Al hilo de estas preguntas, el autor desarrolla una profunda e interpelante visión de la fe, la experiencia religiosa y el Dios cristiano.En las últimas centurias, la teología cristiana ha ido recuperando, no sin algunos reveses, su originaria y más intrépida fe en que Dios no
Amber Books Ltd Tropical Birds
Most of the world’s exquisite and rare bird species are found in tropical rainforests – the Amazon, Sumatra, Borneo, Daintree Rainforest in Australia, and the Congo basin in Africa. These lush, wet biospheres are home to some of the most colourful creatures on our planet. Did you know that parrots can live for 80 years or more? Or that most tropical birds are omnivores and will eat seeds, nuts, fruit and insects, while a few will eat small lizards or animals? The world’s longest parrot is the stunningly bright hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus), checking in at more than a metre from tip to tail. From the screeching red-and-green macaw to the majestic great hornbill, from the rainbow lorikeet of northern Queensland to the endangered Spix’s macaw of the Amazonian rainforest, Tropical Birds explores the fascinating lifecycles, diets and, where applicable, migratory patterns, of hundreds of species from every part of the tropical belt. With full captions explaining the origins, habitat and behaviour of these exotic creatures, Tropical Birds is a concise exploration in 180 brilliant photographs.
Tuttle Publishing An Edible Mosaic: Middle Eastern Fare with Extraordinary Flair [Middle Eastern Cookbook, 80 Recipes]
Create a culinary mosaic with this Middle Eastern cookbook!When Faith Gorsky married her Syrian husband, she was introduced to a cultural and culinary world that would forever change how she experienced food and cooking. Gorsky's mother-in-law took her under her wing, and in 6 months gave her a thorough course in Middle Eastern cooking that became the basis for her popular website, An Edible Mosaic—and now this book. The growth and success of her website and her growing interest in dishes from the Middle East led to even more trips to the area, where she deepened her knowledge of the food and acquired more recipes to cook and share with her husband and the online community. In this Syrian cookbook, Gorsky shares her favorite recipes from throughout the region: Lamb or Beef Kebab, Several Ways (Mashawi) Creamy Chickpea and Yogurt Casserole (Fetteh) Parsley Salad with Bulgur Wheat (Tabbouleh) Sumac-Spiced Chicken (Musakhan) Pan Seared White Cheese And 75 more, paired with 175 color photographs Her love for the cuisine of her husband's homeland comes across in her enthusiasm for putting together these Syrian recipes, and in the awareness that Middle Eastern cooking is more than just a means of sustenance—it lies at the epicenter of gatherings with family and friends.
Page Street Publishing Co. Mediterranea: A Vibrant Culinary Journey Through Southern Europe, North Africa, and the Eastern Mediterranean
Whether they are new to Mediterranean flavors, have developed a love for this easy-yet-delicious cuisine or are looking to incorporate fresh ingredients and healthy fats into their diets, readers are sure to fall in love with Hanady Nabut's simple but exquisite recipes, inspired by her Palestinian/Spanish background, her profound knowledge of the region's food and culture and her travels in the Mediterranean. From enticing breakfasts, colorful antipasti and mezzo platters to zesty, appetizing seafood, meats and poultry, readers of all skill levels will have well-rounded options for accessible, eye-catching meals that will astound their families and friends. Each recipe contains a guide on spices and flavor profiles, taking readers on a taste journey through the Levantine, North African and European regions of the Mediterranean. What is more, Hanady includes an index of basic fridge and pantry staples such as oils, fresh vegetables and grains, so readers always have fundamental ingredients on hand to create meals that look impressive, but take no time or effort at all. Readers can try their hands at splendid options like: - Sesame Encrusted Halloumi with Honey Sauce - Roast Chicken with Pomegranate Glaze and Sumac - Sweet and Sticky Tamarind Shrimp - Saffron Churros with Floral Syrup or Honey - Sticky Date and Walnut Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting The bright and appetizing recipes in Mediterranea promise nourishing, vibrant eating-and many a crowd-pleasing gathering for readers and loved ones. This book contains 60 recipes and 60 photos.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Boat Cookbook: Real Food for Hungry Sailors
For anyone with a tiny galley kitchen and an appetite for fresh, gorgeous food, there’s good news: it’s all here! These fabulous and easy recipes, all made with minimum fuss and maximum flavour, will allow you to spoil yourself in harbour, keep things simple at sea, and make delicious meals and snacks in advance – not to mention rustle up a mean rum punch. Taking no longer than 20–30 minutes and using a maximum of two pans, you’ll find yourself cooking up a storm, with your hungry crew tucking into crab macaroni cheese, lamb with sumac and butter bean mash, cherry clafoutis, and chocolate fruitcake. With its handy ideas on setting up the galley, tips on hosting the perfect beach barbecue and fascinating nautical trivia scattered about, this is the must-have guide for sailors and seaside-lovers alike. In this brand new edition, Fiona Sims shares her own tried-and-tested onboard classics, along with recipe contributions from top chefs (Chris Galvin, Angela Hartnett, Kevin Mangeolles, Ed Wilson and Judy Joo) and sailing legends (Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Mike Golding, Brian Thompson, Shirley Robertson and Dee Caffari). With a foreword by Chris Galvin, and accompanied by wonderful photography and beautiful hand-drawn illustrations, this continues to be an invaluable addition to the food lover's kitchen or galley. Inspired by the sea and happy times on the water, The Boat Cookbook promises fresh, mouthwatering galley grub that can be prepared almost as quickly as it will be devoured by your eager crew.
The University of Chicago Press Locations of Buddhism: Colonialism and Modernity in Sri Lanka
Modernizing and colonizing forces brought nineteenth-century Sri Lankan Buddhists both challenges and opportunities. How did Buddhists deal with social and economic change; new forms of political, religious, and educational discourse; and, Christianity? And how did Sri Lankan Buddhists, collaborating with other Asian Buddhists, respond to colonial rule? To answer these questions, Anne M. Blackburn focuses on the life of leading monk and educator Hikkaduve Sumangala (1827-1911) to examine more broadly Buddhist life under foreign rule. In "Locations of Buddhism", Blackburn reveals that during Sri Lanka's crucial decades of deepening colonial control and modernization, there was a surprising stability in the central religious activities of Hikkaduve and the Buddhists among whom he worked. At the same time, they developed new institutions and forms of association, drawing on precolonial intellectual heritage as well as colonial-period technologies and discourse. Advocating a new way of studying the impact of colonialism on colonized societies, Blackburn is particularly attuned here to human experience, paying attention to the habits of thought and modes of affiliation that characterized individuals and smaller-scale groups. "Locations of Buddhism" is a wholly original contribution to the study of Sri Lanka and the history of Buddhism more generally.
Periplus Editions (Hong Kong) Ltd The Food of Israel: Authentic Recipes from the Land of Milk and Honey
Nowhere is the Israeli passion for life more pronounced than around their food tables at home and in their restaurantsThe storied land of Israel is best known as the cradle of three great world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Since ancient times, the rich interplay of cultures in this region has fostered one of the world's most diverse and fascinating cuisines. Now you can take part in enjoying diverse and delicious Israeli food in the comfort of your own home. This Israeli cookbook blends the flavors of middle eastern food with those of traditional kosher cuisine. The result is a medley of tantalizing flavors and colors. This Israeli cooking book features 75 recipes of some of the tastiest offerings that the region has to offer.Arab and Bedouin tribesmen, orthodox Christian groups and Jewish settlers from all corners of the globe have thrived here on an agricultural bounty of grains, fish, meats, citrus, milk and cheese, olives, figs, dates, grapes and pomegranates. Each group has contributed flavors and delicacies to the creation of present-day Israeli cuisine. From the Yemenite Jews come aromatic breads and spicy Zhoug sauces; from the Arabs, freshly ground Hummus and pomegranate salads. Gefilte Fish is a favorite of Ashkenazi Jews while Sephardic Jews savor the garlicky, peppery Hraymi fish. Enjoy the tantalizing flavors of Israel from such classics as Falafel in piping hot Pita, Chicken Soup with Matzo Dumplings, succulent Kebabs and hearty Jerusalem Chamin.As well as presenting a wide range of recipes, The Food of Israel introduces the reader to the fascinating culinary traditions of the land. Striking color photography and detailed information on cooking techniques make this book the ideal culinary guide to the land of milk and honey.Recipes include: Babbaghanouj Jerusalem Kugel Stuffed Vine Leaves Roast Chicken with Onions and Sumach on Pita Bread Goose Liver Confit Lamb Kebabs Mutabek (Sweet Sheep Cheese Pastry)
Chronicle Books Centered: People and Ideas Diversifying Design
A collection of beautifully illustrated essays and interviews presenting a rich, inclusive, contemporary, and global vision of design diversity. As the design industry re-examines its emphasis on Eurocentric ideologies and wrestles with its conventional practices, Centered advocates for highlighting and giving a voice to the people, places, methods, ideas, and beliefs that have been eclipsed or excluded by dominant design movements. Curated by Kaleena Sales, a powerful voice and noted advocate for diversity in the design community, the thirteen essays and interviews in this volume will feature important and underrepresented design work and projects like: Gee's Bend Quilters, by Stephen Child and Isabella D'Agnenica A Chinese Typographic Archive, by YuJune Park and Caspar Lam Indigenous Sovereignty and Design: An Interview with Sadie Red Wing (Her Shawl is Yellow) The Truck Art of India, by Shantanu Suman New Lessons from the Bauhaus: An Interview with Ellen Lupton Vocal Type: An Interview with Tre Seals Decolonizing Graphic Design, A Must, by Cheryl D. Miller And more A must-read for design practitioners, educators, students, and anyone interested in expanding narratives and gaining a more inclusive understanding of design.
Periplus Editions (Hong Kong) Ltd Everyday Malay Phrase Book and Dictionary: Your Guide to Speaking Malay Quickly and Effortlessly in a Few Hours
This is a travel size, easy-to-use Malay phrasebook, dictionary, and beginning Malay language bookBahasa Malaysia (literally "the Malaysian language") is based on Malay which is the mother tongue of the Malays of the Peninsula and the people of central eastern Sumatra. Malay is closely related to languages throughout Indonesia, the Philippines and the Pacific Islands, and it has been for centuries the lingua franca of Southeast Asia. The lessons in this book are prioritized, with more important words and phrases being give first, so that you may profit no matter how deeply into the book you go. By studying the first section only, you acquire a basic "survival" Bahasa Malaysia, and by mastering the first three sections you should be able to get around quite well on your own. In order to present each lesson clearly as a unit and reinforce learning, Malay vocabulary is often repeated. Colloquial Malay, which is the most commonly spoken and the most readily understood form of the language, is used here rather than "formal" Bahasa Malaysia. Care has been taken to include only vocabulary that has immediate practical application for visitors. By repetition and memorization of the materials, you will quickly gain a grasp of the language's basic elements. Rather than include long and tedious lists of words and phrases in the lessons themselves, we have appended at the back of the book a miniature bilingual dictionary that should be adequate for the needs of most tourists. At the end of the book you will also find additional information on the use of verb and noun affixes, and further suggestions to learn Malay. Everyday Malay includes: Over 2,000 of the most commonly used Malaysian words and phrases. A useful and concise Malay dictionary. Extensive notes on grammar and the Malay language. Cultural do's and dont's that will make your visit go smoothly. Knowing a few simple phrases of Malay opens up an entirely new and more fulfilling travel experience. Malaysians love it if you can communicate in their language, and in only a few short hours this book allows you to do just that!
University of Minnesota Press Highway 61 Revisited: Bob Dylan’s Road from Minnesota to the World
The young man from Hibbing released Highway 61 Revisited in 1965, and the rest, as they say, is history. Or is it? From his roots in Hibbing, to his rise as a cultural icon in New York, to his prominence on the worldwide stage, Colleen J. Sheehy and Thomas Swiss bring together the most eminent Dylan scholars at work today—as well as people from such far-reaching fields as labor history, African American studies, and Japanese studies—to assess Dylan’s career, influences, and his global impact on music and culture. The Dylan effect has extended far beyond the United States in recent decades, and the essays here analyze his effect on the people and cultures of the United Kingdom, Italy, and Japan. With a special focus on his Minnesota roots, including Greil Marcus’s spectacular tour of Dylan’s hometown, contributors also take into account his most recent work and Martin Scorsese’s documentary No Direction Home.The first cultural and historical geography of his dramatic rise, storied career, and unmatched iconic status, Highway 61 Revisited maps the terrain of Bob Dylan’s music in the world. Contributors: John Barner, U of Minnesota; Daphne Brooks, Princeton U; Court Carney, Stephen F. Austin State U; Alessandro Carrera, U of Houston; Michael Cherlin, U of Minnesota; Marilyn J. Chiat; Susan Clayton; Mick Cochrane, Canisius College; Thomas Crow, New York U; Kevin J. H. Dettmar, Southern Illinois U, Carbondale; Sumanth Gopinath, U of Minnesota; Charles Hughes; C. P. Lee, U of Salford, Manchester, England; Alex Lubet, U of Minnesota; Greil Marcus, U of California, Berkeley; Aldon Lynn Nielsen, Pennsylvania State U; Roberto Polito, The New School; Robert Reginio, Frostburg State U; Heather Stur; Mikiko Tachi, Chiba U, Japan; Gayle Wald, George Washington U; Anne Waldman, Naropa U; David Yaffe, Syracuse U.
Editorial MAD Cuerpo de Maestros. Educacin Fsica. Temario. Volumen I
Encuadernación: Rústica.NUEVA EDICION PARA CONVOCATORIAS 2012 adaptada al Temario Oficial publicado en el BOE n278 de 18/11/2011.Con este volumen respondemos adecuadamente a los diecinueve primeros temas del temario de Educación Física para las Oposiciones al Cuerpo de Maestros publicado en la Orden EDU/3.136/2011, de 15 de noviembre (BOE 18-11-2011), por la que se aprueban los temarios que han de regir en los procedimientos de ingreso y adquisición de nuevas especialidades en el Cuerpo de Maestros, regulados por el Real Decreto 276/2007, de 23 de febrero.En su elaboración hemos querido huir de dos posibles peligros: confeccionar unos temas tan sumamente sintetizados que prácticamente coincidan con lo que hay que desarrollar en la prueba (frustrando así la posibilidad de que el opositor se construya su propio tema) o, en el polo opuesto, hacer un tratado de cada tema, ya que esto dispersaría enormemente la atención.Cada tema contiene una introducción y una conclusión, tal c
Prestel Textiles of Indonesia
Gathered over the course of four decades, the Thomas Murray collection of Indonesian textiles is one of the most important in the world. The objects comprise ritual clothing and ceremonial cloths that tell us much about the traditions of pre-Islamic Indonesian cultures, as well as the influences of regional trade with China, India, the Arab world, and Europe. As with the earlier volume, Textiles of Japan (Prestel, 2018), the book focuses on some of the finest cloths to come out of the archipelago, presenting each object with impeccable photographs. Geographically arranged, this volume pays particular attention to textiles from the Batak and the Lampung region of Sumatra, the Dayak of Borneo, and the Toraja of Sulawesi, as well as rare textiles from Sumba, Timor and other islands. Readers will learn about the intricate traditions of dyeing, weaving, and beading techniques that have been practiced for centuries. Original texts by international experts offer historical context, unspool the mysteries behind ancient iconography, and provide new insights into dating and provenance. At once opulent and scholarly, this book arrives at a moment of growing interest in Southeast Asian culture and carries the imprimatur of one of the art world's leading collectors. Contributors: Lorraine Aragon, Joanna Barrkman, Chris Buckley, Kristal Hale, Valerie Hector, Janet Alison Hoskins, Itie van Hout, Eric Kjellgren, Fiona Kerlogue, Brigitte Khan Majlis, Robyn Maxwell, Thomas Murray, and Sandra Sardjono.
NEWTYPE Publishing Interpretando a Dios: Escuchando a Dios Para Ti Mismo & Para el Mundo Que Te Rodea
Las Palabras de conocimiento instauran los pensamientos de Dios en nuestra cultura. Estos validan el amor de Dios a personas impensables, que en otras ocasiones no hubiesen sido vistos desde esa perspectiva. Interpretando a Dios sirve como un libro-guÍa inspiracional que pone al gran amor de Dios nuevamente como la meta principal en el ministerio profÉtico; lleno de historias reales que articulan la cultura de amor detrÁs del corazÓn de Dios para lo profÉtico. Gran parte del ministerio profÉtico se ha vuelto esotÉrico y una puerta abierta para todos donde las personas hablan en nombre de Dios sobre cualquier cosa que ellos “sienten”, sin embargo este libro trae un balance sin restar el deseo de ver una demostraciÓn poderosa de la naturaleza de Dios. A mas de esto, esta basado en la Biblia y sustentado por escrituras a lo largo de cada historia, ejemplificando el mensaje del libro de activar la habilidad de escuchar la voz de Dios para cada lector. Por medio de una filosofÍa provocadora del ministerio profÉtico sumado al glorioso Éxito de Shawn asÍ como a los muchos intentos fallidos, usted serÁ inspirado y equipado para: Aprender como escuchar a Dios por ti mismo y para los demÁs. Crecer por medio de pasos simples. Tomar grandes riesgos. Permanecer rindiendo cuentas. Amar bien a las personas. Crecer en intimidad con el SeÑor Como una conocida voz profÉtica internacional que ha ministrado a miles de personas, -desde lideres polÍticos hasta personas de la calle- Shawn comparte todo lo que ha aprendido sobre lo profÉtico de una forma que es completamente Única y refrescante. Shawn apunta a la meta mas alta de amar a las personas de una manera relacional, no solo procurando el don o la informaciÓn, y te activa a hacer lo mismo. Empieza hoy a moldear el mundo a tu alrededor con el amor de Dios.
Octopus Publishing Group The Whole Picture: The colonial story of the art in our museums & why we need to talk about it
"Probing, jargon-free and written with the pace of a detective story... [Procter] dissects western museum culture with such forensic fury that it might be difficult for the reader ever to view those institutions in the same way again. " Financial Times 'A smart, accessible and brilliantly structured work that encourages readers to go beyond the grand architecture of cultural institutions and see the problematic colonial histories behind them.' - Sumaya KassimShould museums be made to give back their marbles? Is it even possible to 'decolonize' our galleries? Must Rhodes fall?How to deal with the colonial history of art in museums and monuments in the public realm is a thorny issue that we are only just beginning to address. Alice Procter, creator of the Uncomfortable Art Tours, provides a manual for deconstructing everything you thought you knew about art history and tells the stories that have been left out of the canon.The book is divided into four chronological sections, named after four different kinds of art space: The Palace, The Classroom, The Memorial and The Playground. Each section tackles the fascinating, enlightening and often shocking stories of a selection of art pieces, including the propaganda painting the East India Company used to justify its rule in India; the tattooed Maori skulls collected as 'art objects' by Europeans; and works by contemporary artists who are taking on colonial history in their work and activism today.The Whole Picture is a much-needed provocation to look more critically at the accepted narratives about art, and rethink and disrupt the way we interact with the museums and galleries that display it.
Cornell University Press The Open Door: Early Modern Wajorese Statecraft and Diaspora
The Wajorese people were one of many groups that spread across Indonesian during the early modern era. In the wake of the Makassar War (1666–1669), the Dutch took control of Makassar on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi and used it to consolidate their power in the region. Because the Wajorese had sided with the war's losers, they were treated very harshly and many opted to emigrate. They scattered far and wide across the Southeast Asian archipelago, settling in eastern Kalimantan, western Sumatra, the Straits of Malacca, and the Sulawesian port city of Makassar. Wellen reconstructs the fascinating and little-told story of the Wajorese diaspora. Wajorese migrants exhibited remarkable versatility in adapting to local conditions in the areas where they settled. They perpetuated their own culture overseas while simultaneously using various assimilation strategies such as intermarriage to thrive in their adopted homelands. Relations between Wajorese migrants and their homeland intensified in the early 18th century when successive rulers in Wajoq deliberately sought to harness the growing military and commercial potential of the migrant communities. This effort culminated in the 1730s when the exiled La Maddukelleng, an Indonesian national hero, returned to Makassar from neighboring eastern Kalimantan and attempted to expel the Dutch from South Sulawesi. His campaign exemplifies the manner in which overseas Wajorese remained an essential part of Wajoq long after they left home. The Open Door's strong thematic organization allows readers with specific interests such as commercial law, family networks, diaspora, and comparative politics to quickly find fascinating and relevant information about this lesser-known Southeast Asian society.
The Experiment LLC Chickpea Flour Does it All
In Chickpea Flour Does It All, food writer and photographer Lindsay S. Love shows how chickpea flour can shine in sweet and savoury dishes alike - especially alongside fresh, seasonal ingredients! Sauteed Pear and Sage Pancakes with Almonds, Chickpea Noodles with Misc-Kale Pesto. Kofta Wraps with Sumac Tahini, Blackberry-Lime Cobbler Love's recipes are vegetarian and gluten free, and she includes a gorgeous photo of every one. (It's no surprise she has over 40,000 Instagram followers!) Meet the New Must Have It Pantry Staple: Chickpea Flour Why make chickpea flour your new go-to? Because everyone gluten free or not - will find a reason to love it. This versatile alternative to wheat flour shines in savoury and sweet dishes alike. It's been used for centuries around the world, and is famous in Nice, France, where the flatbread socca is enjoyed with a chilled glass of rose. In this gorgeously photographed cookbook, Lindsey S. Love takes inspiration from her favourite seasonal ingredients, global flavours, and much loved family recipes to create vibrant gluten free, dairy free, and vegetarian dishes where chickpea flour is the star. Gluten free diners especially will be amazed by the variety - nothing's off the table anymore, and taste is never sacrificed. Plus, many recipes are vegan - taking advantage of chickpea flour as a base for vegan sauces and a soy free alternative to tofu. Lindsey's inventive recipes meld sophisticated and subtle flavours and beg to be shared with friends and family at any time of the year!
Stanford University Press The Social Roots of Risk: Producing Disasters, Promoting Resilience
The first decade of the 21st century saw a remarkable number of large-scale disasters. Earthquakes in Haiti and Sumatra underscored the serious economic consequences that catastrophic events can have on developing countries, while 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina showed that first world nations remain vulnerable. The Social Roots of Risk argues against the widespread notion that cataclysmic occurrences are singular events, driven by forces beyond our control. Instead, Kathleen Tierney contends that disasters of all types—be they natural, technological, or economic—are rooted in common social and institutional sources. Put another way, risks and disasters are produced by the social order itself—by governing bodies, organizations, and groups that push for economic growth, oppose risk-reducing regulation, and escape responsibility for tremendous losses when they occur. Considering a wide range of historical and looming events—from a potential mega-earthquake in Tokyo that would cause devastation far greater than what we saw in 2011, to BP's accident history prior to the 2010 blowout—Tierney illustrates trends in our behavior, connecting what seem like one-off events to illuminate historical patterns. Like risk, human resilience also emerges from the social order, and this book makes a powerful case that we already have a significant capacity to reduce the losses that disasters produce. A provocative rethinking of the way that we approach and remedy disasters, The Social Roots of Risk leaves readers with a better understanding of how our own actions make us vulnerable to the next big crisis—and what we can do to prevent it.