Search results for ""Author . Rainer""
Duncker & Humblot Kategoriendeduktion in Der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie
JRP Ringier Hannes Schmid: Real Stories
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Theoretische und empirische Elemente einer alttestamentlichen Bibeldidaktik fÃ"r die Primarstufe
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Pflegewissen Stroke Unit: Für die Fortbildung und die Praxis
Stroke Unit: Dreh- und Angelpunkt ist die Pflege Dieses Buch bietet Pflegenden von Schlaganfallpatienten spezielles Fachwissen für die kompetente und umfassende Versorgung auf der Stroke Unit. Von der Erstversorgung bis zur Entlassung - hier finden Sie alle wichtigen Informationen, um kompetent und vorausschauend zu handeln. Das interdisziplinäre Autorenteam geht dabei auf alle wesentlichen Inhalte des Curriculums der Fortbildung der Deutschen Schlaganfall-Gesellschaft (DSG) ein.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden BWL für Ingenieurstudium und -praxis
Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt anschaulich durch viele Beispiele Studierenden und in der Praxis tätigen Ingenieuren die betriebswirtschaftliche Kompetenz und fokussiert auf globale Produktion und Beschaffung, technischer Vertrieb sowie Qualitäts- und Umweltmanagement. In der aktuellen Auflage wurden Abschnitte zu Industrie 4.0, digitaler Fabrik sowie Organisationskultur ergänzt.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Evaluation von Programmen und Projekten für eine demokratische Kultur
Eine attraktive demokratische Kultur ist keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Vielmehr müssen die Bedeutung und die Qualität demokratischer Werte und Normen immer wieder begreiflich und erlebbar gemacht werden. Aber welche Maßnahmen sind hierfür geeignet und welche nicht? Wie kann die Wirksamkeit von Programmen und Projekten optimiert werden? Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass vorhandenes Wissen bei der Konzeption von Programmen und Projekten genutzt wird? Die BeitragsautorInnen geben Antworten auf diese Fragen. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf methodischen und praktischen Aspekten der Evaluation. Daneben wird aber auch den bisher kaum diskutierten grundsätzlichen Folgen von Evaluationsaktivitäten für die demokratische Kultur und die moderne Gesellschaft nachgegangen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Religionspadagogisches Kompendium
This volume is a traditional portrait of the basics of religious education and provides as well an overview of the present state of the art of pedagogical and didactic theories in the teaching of religion.In its now 7th and completely revised edition this compendium also offers the theoretical and structural background for many practical suggestions for transferring this knowledge in the classroom. It provides information on the central themes surrounding the Bible, church history, theology, dogmatics, ethics and ecumenical matters.
Kohlhammer Inklusion Im Forderschwerpunkt Lernen
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) EMRK/GG: Konkordanzkommentar zum europäischen und deutschen Grundrechtsschutz
Die dritte Auflage des Konkordanzkommentars EMRK/GG erörtert in bewährter Form die Wechselwirkungen zwischen deutschem und europäischem Grundrechtsschutz. Auf der Grundlage der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte und des Bundesverfassungsgerichts werden die dogmatischen Grundfragen, die Einzelgewährleistungen und die Durchsetzungsmechanismen des europäischen und deutschen Grundrechtsschutzes einer vergleichenden Analyse unterzogen. Die seit der Vorauflage ergangene Rechtsprechung ist umfassend in die Darstellung eingearbeitet. Dabei werden auch aktuelle Entwicklungen wie die praktischen Auswirkungen der neu entfachten Debatte über das Subsidiaritätsprinzip und den mitgliedstaatlichen Beurteilungsspielraum bei der Bewertung von Grundrechtseingriffen gebührend berücksichtigt.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 5G for the Connected World
Comprehensive Handbook Demystifies 5G for Technical and Business Professionals in Mobile Telecommunication Fields Much is being said regarding the possibilities and capabilities of the emerging 5G technology, as the evolution towards 5G promises to transform entire industries and many aspects of our society. 5G for the Connected World offers a comprehensive technical overview that telecommunication professionals need to understand and take advantage of these developments. The book offers a wide-ranging coverage of the technical aspects of 5G (with special consideration of the 3GPP Release 15 content), how it enables new services and how it differs from LTE. This includes information on potential use cases, aspects of radio and core networks, spectrum considerations and the services primarily driving 5G development and deployment. The text also looks at 5G in relation to the Internet of Things, machine to machine communication and technical enablers such as LTE-M, NB-IoT and EC-GSM. Additional chapters discuss new business models for telecommunication service providers and vertical industries as a result of introducing 5G and strategies for staying ahead of the curve. Other topics include: Key features of the new 5G radio such as descriptions of new waveforms, massive MIMO and beamforming technologies as well as spectrum considerations for 5G radio regarding all possible bands Drivers, motivations and overview of the new 5G system – especially RAN architecture and technology enablers (e.g. service-based architecture, compute-storage split and network exposure) for native cloud deployments Mobile edge computing, Non-3GPP access, Fixed-Mobile Convergence Detailed overview of mobility management, session management and Quality of Service frameworks 5G security vision and architecture Ultra-low latency and high reliability use cases and enablers, challenges and requirements (e.g. remote control, industrial automation, public safety and V2X communication) An outline of the requirements and challenges imposed by massive numbers of devices connected to cellular networks While some familiarity with the basics of 3GPP networks is helpful, 5G for the Connected World is intended for a variety of readers. It will prove a useful guide for telecommunication professionals, standardization experts, network operators, application developers and business analysts (or students working in these fields) as well as infrastructure and device vendors looking to develop and integrate 5G into their products, and to deploy 5G radio and core networks.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bio- and Multifunctional Polymer Architectures: Preparation, Analytical Methods, and Applications
This reference/text addresses concepts and synthetic techniques for the preparation of polymers for state-of-the-art use in biomedicine, synthetic biology, and bionanotechnology.
WW Norton & Co Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translations and Considerations
Here is a mini-anthology of poetry and prose for both aficionados and those readers discovering Rainer Maria Rilke for the first time. John J. L. Mood has assembled a collection of Rilke's strongest work, presenting commentary along with the selections. Mood links into an essay passages from letters that show Rilke's profound understanding of men and women and his ardent spirituality, rooted in the senses. Combining passion and sensitivity, the poems on love presented here are often not only sensual but sexual as well. Others pursue perennial themes in his work—death and life, growth and transformation. The book concludes with Rilke's reflections on wisdom and openness to experience, on grasping what is most difficult and turning what is most alien into that which we can most trust.
Springer International Publishing AG Transplantation of the Pancreas
Now in its fully revised and expanded second edition, this textbook remains the definitive resource on pancreas transplantation. Enlarged, updated and improved, it consists of 93 chapters over 11 sections, with chapter authors who are recognized international leaders in their fields and represent institutions from five continents.Since the publication of the original edition in 2004, substantial progress has been made in the field of pancreas transplantation, specifically in regard to standardization of operative techniques and immunosuppression; significant improvements in patient and graft survival rates; and improved diagnosis and therapy of graft rejection and recurrence of disease. Pancreas transplants are no longer primarily performed in the USA and Europe for Type 1 diabetes mellitus; over the past 15 years, they have been performed with increasing frequency worldwide and also for Type 2 diabetes mellitus.The new edition of this textbook covers all aspects of pancreas transplantation: indications, recipient categories, surgical donor and recipient techniques, living donor transplantation, postoperative management and follow-up, post-transplant complications and malignancies, immunosuppression, treatment and diagnosis of rejection, impact on endocrine function and secondary complications of diabetes, recurrence of disease, quality of life, economic issues and overall outcome results. In addition, state-of-the art chapters focus on the classification, epidemiology and pathogenesis of Type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus as well as on other beta-cell replacement therapies including islet auto- and allo-transplantation.This textbook is the primary reference on pancreas transplantation for transplant surgeons (established and in-training), pancreas and HPB surgeons, diabetologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, pancreatologists and other health professionals with a focus on transplantation and diabetes (cardiologists, neurologists, urologists, ophthalmologists).
De Gruyter Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World: Special Issue Soziologische Revue 2020
This book provides the first systematic overview of German sociology today. Thirty-four chapters review current trends, relate them to international discussions and discuss perspectives for future research. The contributions span the whole range of sociological research topics, from social inequality to the sociology of body and space, addressing pressing questions in sociological theory and innovative research methods. TOC: Introduction Culture / Uta Karstein and Monika Wohlrab-Sahr Demography and Aging / François Höpflinger Economic Sociology / Andrea Maurer Education and Socialization / Matthias Grundmann Environment / Anita Engels Europe / Monika Eigmüller Family and Intimate Relationships / Dirk Konietzka, Michael Feldhaus, Michaela Kreyenfeld, and Heike Trappe (Felt) Body. Sports, Medicine, and Media / Robert Gugutzer and Claudia Peter Gender / Paula-Irene Villa and Sabine Hark Globalization and Transnationalization / Anja Weiß Global South / Eva Gerharz and Gilberto Rescher History of Sociology / Stephan Moebius Life Course / Johannes Huinink and Betina Hollstein Media and Communication / Andreas Hepp Microsociology / Rainer Schützeichel Migration / Ludger Pries Mixed-Methods and Multimethod Research / Felix Knappertsbusch, Bettina Langfeldt, and Udo Kelle Organization / Raimund Hasse Political Sociology / Jörn Lamla Qualitative Methods / Betina Hollstein and Nils C. Kumkar Quantitative Methods / Alice Barth and Jörg Blasius Religion / Matthias Koenig Science and Higher Education / Anna Kosmützky and Georg Krücken Social Inequalities―Empirical Focus / Gunnar Otte, Mara Boehle, and Katharina Kunißen Social Inequalities―Theoretical Focus / Thomas Schwinn Social Movements / Thomas Kern Social Networks / Roger Häußling Social Policy / Birgit Pfau-Effinger and Christopher Grages Social Problems / Günter Albrecht Social Theory / Wolfgang Ludwig Schneider Society / Uwe Schimank Space. Urban, Rural, Territorial / Martina Löw Technology and Innovation / Werner Rammert Work and Labor / Brigitte Aulenbacher and Johanna Grubner List of Contributors Index
ACC Art Books Ferrari: From Inside and Outside
"The book provides a fresh take on the difference between the lived experience inside Ferrari and the perception from outside, combining intense scrutiny and global fan adulation." — “The photographs in the book, reproduced with startling clarity while still maintaining a period-correct palette, are a joy to study, demonstrating with profound evidence the progression of the drivers, cars, and competition—as well as the photographers' techniques—through the decades” - Car and Driver "The book’s rich visual history and detailed descriptions make it a must-have for any Ferrari enthusiast... ." — Global Village Space "Beautiful photography is a great way to focus on Ferrari racing, from early Grand Prix to present-day Formula 1." — Car and Driver "A must-have book for the Ferrari fan." — Antique & Collectors Trader "...simply oozes the Ferrari mystique from every page. Even though I've loved Ferrari for decades, reading this book was like falling in love with Ferrari all over again for the very first time. Yes, no question, it's a must-have Ferrari book." — Prancing Horse Magazine Ferrari is the beating heart of the global sporting phenomenon that is Formula 1. Its founder, Enzo Ferrari, was born on the racetrack as a competition driver before he became a creator of mythical road cars. No other team can inspire the passion or match the stories of triumph and tragedy. Rainer Schlegelmilch and Ercole Colombo are two of Formula 1’s most legendary photographers. They covered the sport from the 1960s onwards, with amazing access inside the Scuderia. Here, for the first time, they come together to pay tribute to Formula 1’s most iconic team. Ferrari: From Inside and Outside features contributions from iconic figures including Piero Ferrari, Luca di Montezemolo, Stefano Domenicali, Jean Todt and legendary designer Mauro Forghieri. The book is edited by internationally celebrated Formula 1 commentator and Michael Schumacher’s biographer, James Allen.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Philologos Kosmos: Kleine Schriften zur antiken Literatur, Naturwissenschaft, Philosophie und Religion
Die kleinen Schriften von Herwig Görgemanns, die in diesem Band anlässlich des 80. Geburtstages des Heidelberger Gräzisten versammelt sind, vereinen, was andernorts in disziplinärer Zersplitterung und im Auseinanderdriften von Spezialistentum und Vermittlungskompetenz auseinanderfällt: Detailstudien zur antiken Literatur, Geistesgeschichte und Naturwissenschaft verbinden sich im Werk von Herwig Görgemanns mit einer souveränen Darstellung der großen philosophischen und religiös-theologischen Zusammenhänge. Die hier versammelten Beiträge reichen von der Frage nach "Wahrheit und Fiktion in Platons Atlantis-Erzählung" über das Problem der "Sonnenfinsternisse in der antiken Astronomie" bis hin zu Darstellungen der Geschichte der Ethik, der "Jenseitsfurcht und Jenseitshoffnung bei den Griechen" und von "Kosmologie, Kosmogonie und Schöpfung". Sie enthalten Interpretationen von Platon und dem homerischen Hermeshymnus bis hin zu Cicero, Plutarch und Mark Aurel, dem 4. Makkabäerbuch und Origenes.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Compliance in International Human Rights Law
This comprehensive Research Handbook offers an in-depth examination of the most significant factors affecting compliance with international human rights law, which has emerged as one of the key problems in the efforts to promote effective protection of human rights. In particular, it examines the relationships between regional human rights courts and domestic actors and judiciaries.Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the Research Handbook explores the legal and political considerations that shape compliance, using a combination of both international and comparative law analysis in the assessment of regional human rights regimes. Chapters written by leading scholars and practitioners from around the globe cover a wide range of jurisdictions from Europe, Latin America and Africa and their interactions with regional human rights courts. The Research Handbook also discusses the limits of, and possible alternatives to, compliance as a framework for analysis, offering a fuller understanding of the effectiveness of international human rights law.Scholars, students and practitioners of public international law, international human rights law and comparative law will find this Research Handbook an invaluable resource. It will also benefit officials and lawyers working with international organisations who deal with human rights issues on a regular basis.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development
The Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development explores the theories and approaches which, over a prolonged period of time, have existed as viable alternatives to today?s mainstream and neo-classical tenets. With a total of 40 specially commissioned chapters, written by the foremost authorities in their respective fields, this volume represents a landmark in the field of economic development. It elucidates the richness of the alternative and sometimes misunderstood ideas which, in different historical contexts, have proved to be vital to the improvement of the human condition. The subject matter is approached from several complementary perspectives. From a historical angle, the Handbook charts the mercantilist and cameralist theories that emerged from the Renaissance and developed further during the Enlightenment. From a geographical angle, it includes chapters on African, Chinese, Indian, and Muslim approaches to economic development. Different schools are also explored and discussed including nineteenth century US development theory, Marxist, Schumpeterian, Latin American structuralism, regulation theory and world systems theories of development. In addition, the Handbook has chapters on important events and institutions including The League of Nations, The Havana Charter, and UNCTAD, as well as on particularly influential development economists. Contemporary topics such as the role of finance, feminism, the agrarian issue, and ecology and the environment are also covered in depth. This comprehensive Handbook offers an unrivalled review and analysis of alternative and heterodox theories of economic development. It should be read by all serious scholars, teachers and students of development studies, and indeed anyone interested in alternatives to development orthodoxy.Contributors: M. Alacevich, R. Arocena, J.G. Backhaus, E.B. Barbier, R. Bielschowsky, C.N. Biltoft, R. Boyer, L. Burlamaqui, C.P. Chandrasekhar, M. Cimoli, A.M. Daastøl, G. Derluguian, W. Drechsler, S. Endresen, M.S. Erkek, M.S. Floro, J. Ghosh, J.-C. Graz, J.P. Hochard, I. Ianos, P. Jha, A. Kadri, R. Kattel, J.A. Kregel, B.-Å. Lundvall, A.C. Macedo e Silva, J.A. Mathews, L. Mjøset, S. Moyo, R.R. Nelson, G. Omkarnath, E. Özveren, J.G. Palma, P. Patnaik, G. Porcile, E.S. Reinert, S.A. Reinert, P.R. Rössner, A. Saltelli, M. Shafaeddin, A. Singh, I.G. Shivji, J. Sutz, Y. Tandon, E. Thurbon, F. Tregenna, H.S. Ünal, L. Weiss, T. Xu, P. Yeros, X. Zhao
John Wiley & Sons Inc Multivalency: Concepts, Research and Applications
Connects fundamental knowledge of multivalent interactions with current practice and state-of-the-art applications Multivalency is a widespread phenomenon, with applications spanning supramolecular chemistry, materials chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and biochemistry. This advanced textbook provides students and junior scientists with an excellent introduction to the fundamentals of multivalent interactions, whilst expanding the knowledge of experienced researchers in the field. Multivalency: Concepts, Research & Applications is divided into three parts. Part one provides background knowledge on various aspects of multivalency and cooperativity and presents practical methods for their study. Fundamental aspects such as thermodynamics, kinetics and the principle of effective molarity are described, and characterisation methods, experimental methodologies and data treatment methods are also discussed. Parts two and three provide an overview of current systems in which multivalency plays an important role in chemistry and biology, with a focus on the design rules, underlying chemistry and the fundamental principles of multivalency. The systems covered range from chemical/materials-based ones such as dendrimers and sensors, to biological systems including cell recognition and protein binding. Examples and case studies from biochemistry/bioorganic chemistry as well as synthetic systems feature throughout the book. Introduces students and young scientists to the field of multivalent interactions and assists experienced researchers utilising the methodologies in their work Features examples and case studies from biochemistry/bioorganic chemistry, as well as synthetic systems throughout the book Edited by leading experts in the field with contributions from established scientists Multivalency: Concepts, Research & Applications is recommended for graduate students and junior scientists in supramolecular chemistry and related fields, looking for an introduction to multivalent interactions. It is also highly useful to experienced academics and scientists in industry working on research relating to multivalent and cooperative systems in supramolecular chemistry, organic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, chemical biology, biochemistry, materials science and nanotechnology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Storage Networks Explained: Basics and Application of Fibre Channel SAN, NAS, iSCSI, InfiniBand and FCoE
All you need to know about Storage Area Networks The amount of data of an average company doubles every year. Thus, companies who own 1TB of data today will own 32TB in five years. Storage networks help to tame such data quantities and to manage this data growth efficiently. Since stored data and information are the biggest asset of any company, anyone who is involved in the planning or the operation of IT systems requires a basic knowledge of the principle and the use of storage networks. Storage Networks Explained covers the fundaments, techniques and functions of storage networks such as disk subsystems, Fibre Channel SAN, Internet SCSI (iSCSI), Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), Network Attached Storage (NAS), file systems, and storage virtualization. Furthermore the authors describe the use of these techniques and how they are designed to achieve high-availability, flexibility, and scalability of data and applications. Additional attention is given to network backup and the management of storage networks. Written by leading experts in the field, this book on storage area networks is updated and fully revised. Key features: Presents the basic concepts of storage networks, such as I/O techniques, disk subsystems, virtualization, NAS and SAN file systems Covers the design of storage networks which provide flexible, highly-available, and scaleable IT systems Explains the use of storage networks for data sharing, data protection, and digital archiving Discusses management of storage networks using SNMP, SMI-S, and IEEE 1244 This book provides system administrators and system architects, as well as students and decision makers, with the tools needed for optimal selection and cost-effective use of storage networks. The Linux Journal awarded the first edition with the "Editor's Choice Award 2005" in the category "System Administration Book."
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Vom Berührtsein und von der Kunst der Berührung: Leidfaden 2023, Heft 4
Berührungen: Manchmal sind sie selbstverständlich, manchmal sehr intim. Oft beiläufig, gelegentlich bewusst. Manche nehmen wir kaum wahr und erinnern uns nicht an sie, andere haben für immer eine Bedeutung. Manche sind intensiv oder gehen gar unter die Haut und andere wiederum gehen zu nahe, überschreiten Grenzen. Berührungen können berühren – und Berührungen sind keine »Einbahnstraße«. Berühren wir, werden auch wir berührt und damit unser Dasein. Berühren sucht nach einer Antwort, die wir in der Begegnung finden. Warum braucht der Mensch überhaupt Berührung? Was lernen wir aus der Pandemie, in der Menschen in Pflegeinrichtungen und Sterbende in Kliniken plötzlich keine Nähe und auch keine Berührung mehr erfahren durften? Was passiert, wenn wir emotional zu sehr berührt werden, und ist Abgrenzung oder aber Nähe das beste Rezept, um uns davor zu schützen? Tattoos von Verstorbenen Menschen gehen »unter die Haut«, sind eingeprägt wie die körperlichen Erfahrungen, an die sich selbst Menschen mit Demenz erinnern können. In diesem Leidfaden-Themenheft gehen wir auf »Tuchfühlung«, wenn es um die körperlichen, emotionalen und seelischen Berührungen in unserer täglichen Arbeit geht.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Who’s who im Neuen Testament?: Berühmte Personen aus den urchristlichen Schriften im Porträt
Noch heute laufen manche Menschen von Pontius zu Pilatus oder waschen ihre Hände in Unschuld. Manche werden gar vom Saulus zum Paulus oder müssen ihr Licht wahrlich nicht unter den Scheffel stellen. Erstaunlich, wie viele Sprichwörter ihren Ursprung in den Geschichten haben, die das Neue Testament über Jesus oder die Menschen aus seinem Umfeld erzählt. Was genau es damit auf sich hat, erklärt dieses Buch – in verständlicher, unterhaltsamer Sprache und zugleich wissenschaftlich, theologisch und historisch fundiert. Mehr als 40 Kurzporträts zeichnen ein facettenreiches Bild von Menschen, die Jesus während seines irdischen Lebens – und danach – begegnet sind. Ein ausführliches Kapitel widmet sich Jesus selbst und beleuchtet sein Leben, sein Lehren und Handeln. Dieser Band eignet sich als Einstiegslektüre ins Neue Testament und als Nachschlagewerk für die berufliche Praxis. Neben Erläuterungen zu den Bibeltexten enthält er zeitgeschichtliche Zusatzinformationen und bietet Impulse für die bleibende Bedeutung dieser Erzählungen.
WW Norton & Co Letters to a Young Poet: The Norton Centenary Edition
These letters from the poet and mystic Rainer Maria Rilke to a nineteen-year-old cadet and aspiring poet have inspired millions of readers since they were first published in English in 1934. The first and most popular translator of this work was Mary Dows Herter Norton—a polymath extraordinaire who played a crucial role in elevating Rilke’s global reputation. The Norton Centenary Edition commemorates this extraordinary woman, known as “Polly” to friends and colleagues, and celebrates the 100th anniversary of the publishing company she co-founded. With a foreword by Damion Searls and an afterword by Norton’s current president, Julia Reidhead, this handsome new edition brings Rilke’s enduring wisdom about life, love and art to a new generation.
McKlein Media GmbH & Co. KG Grand Prix 1961-1965: The 1.5 litre days in Formula One
V&R unipress GmbH Fachkulturen in der Lehrerbildung
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Ist Beten sinnvoll?: Die 5. Rede des Maximos von Tyros
Ist Beten sinnvoll? In einem seiner philosophischen Lehrvorträge widmet sich Maximos von Tyros dem Gebet und dem hinter den Vorstellungen vom Gebet stehenden Gottesbild. Lässt sich Gott beeinflussen? Und falls ja: wüsste der Mensch überhaupt, worum sinnvoll zu bitten wäre? Ausgehend von mythischen Beispielen diskutiert der Philosoph die philosophischen Implikationen des Bittgebets und plädiert für ein Verständnis des Gebets als eines fortwährenden Gesprächs mit dem Göttlichen. Neben dem Text und einer kommentierten Übersetzung bietet der Band eine ausführliche Einführung in den Autor und sein Werk sowie Beiträge aus den Bereichen Philosophie und klassische Archäologie, Neues Testament und frühe Kirchengeschichte, die die Rede in den zeitgenössischen philosophisch-religiösen Diskurs zum Gebet und dessen sozialgeschichtliche Dimensionen einordnen.
Walter de Gruyter Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung
Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Georg Baselitz: Peintre Graveur IV: Catalog Raisonne of the Graphic Work 1989-1992
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Forschungsprojekte Entwickeln: Von Der Idee Bis Zur Publikation
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften, Lehrbuch plus Aufgaben und Lösungen im Set: Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie, Differential- und Integralrechnung einer Variablen
Das günstige Set aus Lehrbuch und Übungsbuch zur linearen Algebra, analytischen Geometrie und Differential- und Integralrechnung einer Variablen!
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften 2: Aufgaben und Lösungen
Für alle, die noch mehr lernen möchten: mehr als 320 Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen zum Band 2 des unschlagbar präzisen Ansorge/Oberle-Lehrwerks zur Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften In sämtlichen Ingenieurwissenschaften, insbesondere im Maschinenbau, im Bauingenieurwesen und in der Elektrotechnik, ist Mathematik unverzichtbar bei der Beschreibung, Modellierung und Lösung ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Probleme. Für Studierende dieser Fächer ist es daher unabdingbar, sich detailliert mit der Mathematik auseinanderzusetzen und Wissen zu erwerben, das über die reine Anwendung von "Kochrezepten" hinausgeht. Das vorliegende Übungsbuch zu Band 2 des vollständig überarbeiteten und erweiterten Lehrwerks "Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften" enthält mehr als 320 Aufgaben und Lösungen zur Differential- und Integralrechnung mehrerer Variablen, Differentialgleichungen, Integraltransformationen und zur Funktionentheorie. * Zum Tiefereinsteigen: besonders geeignet für diejenigen, die eine anspruchsvolle Darstellung der höheren Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften suchen * Bewährtes Konzept, überarbeitet und erweitert: präzise, sauber, fachlich korrekt und anwendungsnah * Dazu passend: das neue Lehrbuch
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften 1: Aufgaben und Lösungen
Für alle, die noch mehr lernen möchten: mehr als 380 Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen zum Band 1 des unschlagbar präzisen Ansorge/Oberle-Lehrwerks zur Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften In sämtlichen Ingenieurwissenschaften, insbesondere im Maschinenbau, im Bauingenieurwesen und in der Elektrotechnik, ist Mathematik unverzichtbar bei der Beschreibung, Modellierung und Lösung ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Probleme. Für Studierende dieser Fächer ist es daher unabdingbar, sich detailliert mit der Mathematik auseinanderzusetzen und Wissen zu erwerben, das über die reine Anwendung von "Kochrezepten" hinausgeht. Das vorliegende Übungsbuch zu Band 1 des vollständig überarbeiteten und erweiterten Lehrwerks "Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften" enthält mehr als 380 Aufgaben und Lösungen zur Linearen Algebra und analytischen Geometrie sowie zur Differential- und Integralrechnung einer Variablen. * Zum Tiefereinsteigen: besonders geeignet für diejenigen, die eine anspruchsvolle Darstellung der höheren Mathematik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften suchen * Bewährtes Konzept, überarbeitet und erweitert: präzise, sauber, fachlich korrekt und anwendungsnah * Dazu passend: das neue Lehrbuch
Columbia University Press The Power of Tolerance: A Debate
We invoke the ideal of tolerance in response to conflict, but what does it mean to answer conflict with a call for tolerance? Is tolerance a way of resolving conflicts or a means of sustaining them? Does it transform conflicts into productive tensions, or does it perpetuate underlying power relations? To what extent does tolerance hide its involvement with power and act as a form of depoliticization? Wendy Brown and Rainer Forst debate the uses and misuses of tolerance, an exchange that highlights the fundamental differences in their critical practice despite a number of political similarities. Both scholars address the normative premises, limits, and political implications of various conceptions of tolerance. Brown offers a genealogical critique of contemporary discourses on tolerance in Western liberal societies, focusing on their inherent ties to colonialism and imperialism, and Forst reconstructs an intellectual history of tolerance that attempts to redeem its political virtue in democratic societies. Brown and Forst work from different perspectives and traditions, yet they each remain wary of the subjection and abnegation embodied in toleration discourses, among other issues. The result is a dialogue rich in critical and conceptual reflections on power, justice, discourse, rationality, and identity.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Anchorage in Concrete Construction
A comprehensive treatment of current fastening technology using inserts (anchor channels, headed stud), anchors (metal expansion anchor, undercut anchor, bonded anchor, concrete screw and plastic anchor) as well as power actuated fasteners in concrete. It describes in detail the fastening elements as well as their effects and load-bearing capacities in cracked and non-cracked concrete. It further focuses on corrosion behaviour, fire resistance and characteristics with earthquakes and shocks. It finishes off with the design of fastenings according to the European Technical Approval Guideline (ETAG 001), the Final Draft of the CEN Technical Specification 'Design of fastenings for use in concrete' and the American Standards ACI 318-05, Appendix D and ACI 349-01, Appendix B.
Lit Verlag Proceed with Caution?: Concept and Application of the Precautionary Principle in Nanobiotechnology
Royal Society of Chemistry Green Chemistry for Surface Coatings, Inks and Adhesives: Sustainable Applications
Many modern surface coatings and adhesives are derived from fossil feedstocks. With fossil fuels becoming more polluting and expensive to extract as supplies dwindle, industry is turning increasingly to nature, mimicking natural solutions using renewable raw materials and employing new technologies. Highlighting sustainable technologies and applications of renewable raw materials within the framework of green and sustainable chemistry, circular economy and resource efficiency, this book provides a cradle-to-cradle perspective. From potential feedstocks to recycling/reuse opportunities and the de-manufacture of adhesives and solvents, green chemistry principles are applied to all aspects of surface coating, printing, adhesive and sealant manufacture. This book is ideal for students, researchers and industrialists working in green sustainable chemistry, industrial coatings, adhesives, inks and printing technologies.
Oxford University Press Selected Poems: with parallel German text
'Nowhere, beloved, can world be but within us' Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) is one of the leading poets of European Modernism, and one of the greatest twentieth-century lyric poets in German. From The Book of Hours in 1905 to the Sonnets of Orpheus written in 1922, his poetry explores themes of death, love, and loss. He strives constantly to interrogate the relationship between his art and the world around him, moving from the neo-romantic and the mystic towards the precise craft of expressing the everyday in poetry. This bilingual edition fully reflects Rilke's poetic development. It contains the full text of the Duino Elegies and the Sonnets to Orpheus, selected poems from The Book of Images, New Poems, and earlier volumes, and from the uncollected poetry 1906-26. The translations are accurate, sensitive, and nuanced, and are accompanied by an introduction and notes that elucidate Rilke's poetic practice and his central role in modern poetry. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Harrassowitz Fundstellen: Gesammelte Schriften Zur Archaologie Und Geschichte Altvorderasiens. Ad Honorem Hartmut Kuhne
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements: From Recalibration to Reintegration
Schnell & Steiner Heidelberg: Ev. Providenzkirche
Harrassowitz Tall Munbaqa-Ekalte III, Die Glyptik
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Über Gott: Festschrift für Reinhard Feldmeier zum 70. Geburtstag
Die Beiträge dieses Bandes nähern sich dem Thema der Gotteslehre aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven (Alttestamentliche und Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, Kirchengeschichte, klassische Philologie, antike Religionsgeschichte, Judaistik, Systematische und Praktische Theologie). Sie ehren damit Reinhard Feldmeier, dessen biblisch-theologische Erkundungen zum Thema "Gott" stets antike und spätantike Religionsgeschichte einbeziehen und sich dabei durch Anschlussfähigkeit an moderne Religiosität, nicht zuletzt das Christentum im globalen Süden, auszeichnen.