Search results for ""author richard""
Arcade Publishing The Temple and the Lodge: The Strange and Fascinating History of the Knights Templar and the Freemasons
InterActions Immunity and Individuality: What Children Need for their Healthy Development - for Life: 2024
With the latest research in immunology, Thomas Hardtmuth's exposition challenges the prevalent medical thinking on what is really needed for children's healthy development into adulthood. From research on the gut-brain axis and the microbiome, to studies on the role our individuality and emotions play in their interaction with - and as part of - the immune system, the insights described in this book are bound to turn many concepts of health upside down. It is essential knowledge for all fields of health, education and parenting. "Extremely informative, clear and easily understandable, Thomas Hardtmuth presents a must-read for all those who deal with children and adolescents and are interested in the development of a healthy, strong immune system... With the latest scientific findings, he takes us on an exciting journey and shows how complex but also how multi-layered and differentiated the human immune system works - and has to learn to work in the first place!... By the end of the reading one not only feels well informed: those who read the book also feel deeply touched, inwardly refreshed and enriched by new aha-experiences - and motivated to put this knowledge into practice." Michaela Gloeckler, MD
The Library of America Eudora Welty: Complete Novels (LOA #101): The Robber Bridegroom / Delta Wedding / The Ponder Heart / Losing Battles / The Optimist's Daughter
The Library of America Robert Frost: Collected Poems, Prose, & Plays (LOA #81)
Archaeopress ‘A Mersshy Contree Called Holdernesse’: Excavations on the Route of a National Grid Pipeline in Holderness, East Yorkshire: Rural Life in the Claylands to the East of the Yorkshire Wolds, from the Mesolithic to the Iron Age and Roman Period
Twenty sites were excavated on the route of a National Grid pipeline across Holderness, East Yorkshire. These included an early Mesolithic flint-working area, near Sproatley. In situ deposits of this age are rare, and the site is a significant addition to understanding of the post-glacial development of the wider region. Later phases of this site included possible Bronze Age round barrows and an Iron Age square barrow. Elsewhere on the pipeline route, diagnostic Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age flints, as well as Bronze Age pottery, provide evidence of activity in these periods. Iron Age remains were found at all of the excavation sites, fourteen of which had ring gullies, interpreted as evidence for roundhouse structures. The frequency with which these settlements occurred is an indication of the density of population in the later Iron Age and the large assemblage of hand-made pottery provides a rich resource for future study. Activity at several of these sites persisted at least into the second or early third centuries AD, while the largest excavation site, at Burton Constable, was re-occupied in the later third century. However, the pottery from the ring gullies was all hand-made, suggesting that roundhouses had ceased to be used by the later first century AD, when the earliest wheel-thrown wares appear. This has implications for understanding of the Iron Age to Roman transition in the region. Late first- or early second-century artefacts from a site at Scorborough Hill, near Weeton, are of particular interest, their nature strongly suggesting an association with the Roman military. With contributions by: Hugo Anderson-Whymark (flint), Kevin Leahy (metal, glass, worked bone), Terry Manby (earlier prehistoric pottery), Chris Cumberpatch (hand-made pottery), Rob Ixer (petrography), Derek Pitman and Roger Doonan (suface residues: ceramics and slag), Ruth Leary (Roman pottery), Felicity Wild (samian ware), Kay Hartley (mortaria), Jane Young with Peter Didsbury (post-Roman pottery), Ruth Shaffrey (worked stone), Lisa Wastling (fired clay), Jennifer Jones (surface residues: fired clay), Katie Keefe and Malin Holst (human bone), Jennifer Wood (animal bone), Don O’Meara (plant macrofossils), Tudur Burke Davies (pollen) and Matt Law (molluscs). Illustrations by: Jacqueline Churchill, Dave Watt and Susan Freebrey
Tundra Books Viminy Crowe's Comic Book
Orbis Books (USA) Richard Rohr: Essential Teachings on Love
Hal Leonard Corporation Rodgers & Hammerstein for Ukulele
Penzler Publishers Death on the Aisle: A Mr. & Mrs. North Mystery
Orbis Books (USA) Spiritual Writings
Applewood Books Constitution of the Confederate States
Hal Leonard Corporation Music for Violin and Piano
Random House USA Inc The Complete Short Novels of Anton Chekhov: Introduction by Richard Pevear
Anton Chekhov, widely hailed as the supreme master of the short story, also wrote five works long enough to be called short novels–here brought together in one volume for the first time, in a masterly new translation by the award-winning translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky.The Steppe—the most lyrical of the five—is an account of a nine-year-old boy’s frightening journey by wagon train across the steppe of southern Russia. The Duel sets two decadent figures—a fanatical rationalist and a man of literary sensibility—on a collision course that ends in a series of surprising reversals. In The Story of an Unknown Man, a political radical spying on an important official by serving as valet to his son gradually discovers that his own terminal illness has changed his long-held priorities in startling ways. Three Years recounts a complex series of ironies in the personal life of a rich but passive Moscow merchant. In My Life, a man renounces wealth and social position for a life of manual labor.The resulting conflict between the moral simplicity of his ideals and the complex realities of human nature culminates in a brief apocalyptic vision that is unique in Chekhov’s work.
McGraw-Hill Education Loose Leaf for Technology Ventures
Ahoy Comics Second Coming: Volume One
Oxford Archaeological Unit Settlement on the Bedfordshire Claylands: Archaeology along the A421 Great Barford Bypass
Rizzoli International Publications A Life with Artists: Hannelore and Rudolph Schulhof
The Schulhofs were unique among American collectors, as they sought art with a truly international dimension; Milan, Rome, Paris, Dusseldorf, Basel, London, Kassel, Venice, Pittsburgh, and New York were just a few of the many destinations for the late Hannelore and Rudolph Schulhof in over fifty years of collecting art. Starting in the early 1950s, together they built a collection that continues to inspire and educate future generations-from the powerful elegance of Richard Serra's Schulhof's Curve to Eduardo Chilida's exquisite ironworks and works on paper by artists such as Robert Smithson, Mark Rothko, and Cy Twombly. The collectors' interest in minimalism is reflected in works by Ellsworth Kelly, Robert Mangold, Agnes Martin, and Robert Ryman. This handsome volume showcases the thoughtful and highly personal texture of the Schulhof Collection.
University of New Mexico Press The Best from New Mexico Kitchens
This cookbook is a New Mexico classic. It features an assortment of recipes from the kitchens of New Mexico homes and restaurants, many of which have been featured in the pages of New Mexico Magazine. Inside you will learn how to prepare chile and how to build an horno as well as find recipes for traditional favorites including tortillas, guacamole, posole, biscochitos, sopaipillas, and sangria. Additionally, you will find dishes like fettine di manzo alla pizzaiolao and moussaka alongside recipes for obscure regional specialties like Santa Clara Bread Pudding, High Country Pea Soup, Las Cruces Pecan Pralines, and Silver City Nuggets.Savor and share the joys of New Mexican cooking as you prepare more than one hundred dishes from across the state in this remarkable collection of outstanding recipes.
Rowman & Littlefield Moral Soundings: Readings on the Crisis of Values in Contemporary Life
Moral Soundings takes a fresh new approach to introducing students and general readers to contemporary ethics. Rather than surveying the standard fare in a typical anthology format, Furrow collects diversified essays around a structured theme: does Western culture face a moral crisis of values? Prominent voices in the humanities and social sciences provide a range of perspectives on a concentrated set of ethical questions dealing with such topics as family values, the morality of capitalism, the benefits and dangers of new technologies, global conflict, and the role of religion. Unlike point/counterpoint books that often oversimplify the complexity of ethical questions, the readings in Moral Soundings provoke critical engagement and help students to recognize and emulate the logical development of arguments-all in engaging and easily accessible language. Readings are supplemented with helpful chapter introductions, study questions, and strategically placed editorial commentary to encourage further discussion and reflection. These features make Moral Soundings an ideal primary or supplementary text for undergraduate courses in ethics, contemporary moral issues, and social and political philosophy.
Hal Leonard Corporation Gilbert And Sullivan For Singers - Baritone/Bass
Harpervia Numero Zero
John Wiley & Sons Inc ABC of Cancer Care
ABC of Cancer Care is a practical primary care guide to help health professionals better inform their patients, manage and recognize the common complications of cancers and their treatment, and understand the rationale and implications of decisions made in secondary and tertiary care. It provides coverage of the diagnosis, management, treatment and on-going surveillance of common cancers within the multidisciplinary context of primary care. Individual chapters assess the different treatment options, including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and examine their possible side effects. The contribution of clinical trials and new advances in cancer treatment including biological and targeted therapies, robotic surgery and advanced radiotherapy techniques are all described. Other aspects of cancer care, from nursing support and nutrition to psychological care and survivorship, are also covered. Edited by a specialist and general practitioner team, with multidisciplinary contributors, ABC of Cancer Care is ideal for general practitioners, practice nurses, cancer care nurses, medical students, and all healthcare professionals treating and supporting cancer patients. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.
WW Norton & Co Your House, Your Garden: A Foolproof Approach to Garden Design
Finally, homeowners can tackle new garden designs and fix old ones with the confidence and know-how to succeed. Professional garden designer Gordon Hayward provides the tools by demonstrating the guiding principles behind his own designs: take clues from the style, materials, and proportions of existing features, particularly your house, but also garages and outbuildings, property lines, streets, walls, and walkways. Look closely at these features, and they will suggest good design. Over sixty color photographs and over one hundred detailed watercolor sketches of Hayward's plans for his clients show how to read the clues and then design gardens that relate to their surroundings and unify entire properties. Many tricks of the trade are given, including how to make inviting, sheltering entry gardens; screen unsightly features and utilities; and reclaim narrow, shady side yards. Surefire methods for designing front, side, and backyard gardens are explained.
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice
The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice examines the wide range of scholarship exploring the administrative decisions made by public authorities that affect individual citizens and the mechanisms available for the provision of redress. The Handbook identifies and provides a survey of key transnational themes in administrative justice research, considers theoretical and methodological approaches to administrative justice, and provides a view of the future of administrative justice research. One aspect of administrative justice, namely the study of law and administration, is a core component of law school syllabuses and scholarly research around the world. For many public lawyers, this area of study has been focused heavily on legalistic redress systems (e.g. judicial review). Justice against administrations, however, is delivered through a much broader range of mechanisms than legalistic processes alone: fair initial decision-making procedures, internal review systems, ombuds, administrative tribunals/adjudication, and other institutions play a vital role. Despite their importance to modern governance across the globe (and to the lives of individual citizens), these broader aspects of administrative justice have been left relatively neglected and under-researched, and the Handbook represents a groundbreaking achievement in establishing administrative justice research as a vital and discrete area of study. The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice will be an essential resource for legal scholars and social scientists wishing to understand the complexity of this important field.
OUP India Vikas ki Chakki Mein Piste Log: Ikkiswi Sadi ke Bharat Mein Jatiya, Janjatiya, aur Vargiya Asamanta
Why has India's astonishing economic growth not reached the people at the bottom of its social and economic hierarchy? Travelling the length and breadth of the subcontinent, this book shows how India's 'untouchables' and 'tribals' fit into the global economy. India's Dalit and Adivasi communities make up a staggering one in twenty-five people across the globe and yet they remain amongst the most oppressed. Conceived in dialogue with economists, 'Ground Down by Growth' reveals the impact of global capitalism on their lives. It shows how capitalism entrenches, rather than erases, social difference and has transformed traditional forms of identity-based discrimination into new mechanisms of exploitation and oppression. Through studies of the working poor, migrant labour, and the conjugated oppression of caste, tribe, region, gender, and class relations, the social inequalities generated by capitalism are exposed.
Pearson Education (US) Human Resources Law
This text offers a comprehensive treatment of the entire subject of personnel law that reflects the author's personal experience as both a practicing lawyer and personnel director. Written in simple language that bridges the gap between law and human relations management, the new edition explores the legal considerations that occur when an employer-employee relationship is established, and focuses on permissible activities in handling personnel problems, when to seek legal counsel, and how to stay out of court.
Verlag Herder Revisionen Des Heiligen: Streitgesprache Zur Gottesfrage
Springer International Publishing AG Diagrammatic Representation and Inference: 13th International Conference, Diagrams 2022, Rome, Italy, September 14–16, 2022, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Diagrams 2022, held in Rome, Italy, in September 2022. The 11 full papers and 19 short papers presented together with 5 posters were carefully reviewed and selected from 58 submissions. 8 chapters are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
Illuminate Publishing WJEC GCSE Cymraeg Ail Iaith Welsh Second Language: Revision Guide (Language Skills and Practice)
Endorsed by WJEC, this is a detailed and comprehensive guide full of ideas and suggestions to help students develop their key Welsh language skills. With a wide range of solo, pair and group tasks and activities throughout it is ideal for reinforcing exam skills across all four units of the WJEC GCSE Welsh Second Language specification. // Written by experienced authors, examiners and practising teachers, it offers high quality support you can trust. // Provides a practical unit-by-unit approach, ensuring that students have focused coverage of the required language skills. // Offers spontaneous speaking and translation practice throughout to allow students to perfect these crucial skills. // Units 1 & 2 are supported by links to digital files to enable further practice of speaking and listening skills and help to ensure students are fully prepared for their non-examination assessment. // Plenty of practice questions and tasks with exemplar responses to see where extra marks can be gained.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC King Edward III
King Edward III is increasingly thought to have been written in significant part by Shakespeare. This landmark new edition by textual expert and General Editor of the Arden Shakespeare, Richard Proudfoot, offers a full account of the play's text and the evidence of Shakespeare's hand at work in it. Fully annotated with on-page notes and a lengthy critical introduction which also explores the play's production history and the impact of its historical context.
Policy Press Faith as social capital: Connecting or dividing?
The UK government has identified Faith communities as important sources of 'social capital' in community development and regeneration. But religion is also associated with conflict and division. How far is this faith in 'Faith' justified? And how far should Faith communities comply? This report assesses the debate and the evidence and summarises the controversies surrounding the idea of 'social capital' and the place of 'Faith' in community policy. It assesses the contribution of Faith communities to social capital that extends beyond bonding to build bridges and links with others in civil society; and identifies policy and practice implications for secular and Faith organisations and networks. The research in the report encompasses five major Faith traditions across four English regions. It explores the nature and the quality of social capital stemming from Faith buildings, association; engagement with governance, and participation in the wider public domain. This exploration of Faith communities and social capital is important for all who work to achieve well-connected communities. It will interest policy makers and researchers, those working in community development, regeneration and related fields, national and local Faith leaders and their communities, and all in the voluntary and community sectors.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Green Taxation in East Asia
The core concern of this book is the potential use of taxation and related measures to foster climate-helpful, large-scale change within East Asia. The contributing authors examine key cases such as how Greater China, for instance, confronts severe environmental problems which are a direct product of several decades of remarkable economic growth. The detailed analysis in this book identifies a range of green taxation guidelines for East Asia as it seeks to drive down striking levels of environmental degradation - and address the climate change challenge.Addressing an important need in the public policy debate, this book will appeal to academics, students, government policy makers, regulators and practitioners in environmental law, taxation law and policy, as well as, comparative environmental law and comparative taxation law and policy. Public policy commentators and journalists with an interest in the above areas will also find this book worthwhile and informative.Contributors include: A. Cockfield, M. Derlen, S. Griffiths, W. Gumley, J. Lindholm, J. Milne, S. Phua, N. Stoianoff, J. Vanderwolk, Y. Xu
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Youth: Developing Evidence-Based International Practice
Therapeutic Residential Care For Children and Youth takes a fresh look at therapeutic residential care as a powerful intervention in working with the most troubled children who need intensive support. Featuring contributions from distinguished international contributors, it critically examines current research and innovative practice and addresses the key questions: how does it work, what are its critical “active ingredients” and does it represent value for money? The book covers a broad spectrum of established and emerging approaches pioneered around with world, with contributors from the USA, Canada, Scandinavia, Spain, Australia, Israel and the UK offering a mix of practice and research exemplars. The book also looks at the research relating to critical issues for child welfare service providers: the best time to refer children to residential care, how children can be helped to make the transition into care, the characteristics of children entering and exiting care, strategies for engaging families as partners, how the substantial cost of providing intensive is best measured against outcomes, and what research and development challenges will allow therapeutic residential care to be rigorously compared with its evidence-based community-centered alternatives. Importantly, the volume also outlines how to set up and implement intensive child welfare services, considering how transferable they are, how to measure success and value for money, and the training protocols and staffing needed to ensure that a programme is effective.This comprehensive volume will enable child welfare professionals, researchers and policymakers to develop a refined understanding of the potential of therapeutic residential care, and to identify the highest and best uses of this intensive and specialized intervention.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Handbook of Labour Unions: Responses to Neo-Liberalism
This insightful Handbook examines how labor unions across the world have experienced and responded to the growth of neo-liberalism.Since the 1970s, the spread of neo-liberalism across the world has radically reconfigured the relationship between unions, employers and the state. The contributors highlight that this is the major cause and effect of union decline and argue that if there is to be any union revitalisation and return to former levels of influence, then unions need to respond in appropriate political and practical ways. Written in a clear and accessible style, the Handbook examines unions' efforts to date in many of the major economies of the world, providing foundations for understanding each country. Policy makers, analysts, academics, researchers and advanced students in employment, industrial and labor relations as well as political economy will find this unique Handbook an important resource to understanding the contemporary plight and activity of labor unions. Contributors include: S. Ashwin, M. Atzeni, J. Bailey, D. Beale, B. Bruno, D.-o. Chang, S. Contrepois, F.L. Cooke, P. Dibben, H. Dribbusch, B. Fletcher Jr., G. Gall, P. Ghigliani, R. Hurd, J. Kelly, J. McIlroy, R. Munck, E. Noronha, D. Peetz, T. Schulten, R. Trumka, L. Turner, A. Wilkinson, G. Wood
Canongate Books The Four Gospels: The Pocket Canons Edition
Encouraging the reading of the Bible as literature rather than doctrine, the four central gospels are presented here in the beauty of the Authorised King James Version, with four fresh, modern introductions.The revelatory essays, by A.N. Wilson, Nick Cave, Richard Holloway and Blake Morrison, were commissioned for the groundbreaking Pocket Canons series. They offer piercing, moving and highlypersonal responses to the most influential story of the last two thousand years: the life of Jesus Christ.Including:A.N. Wilson on The Gospel According to MatthewNick Cave on The Gospel According to MarkRichard Holloway on The Gospel According to LukeBlake Morrison on The Gospel According to Johnand the Authorised King James Version of all four Gospels
Taylor & Francis Ltd How to Succeed as a Leader
This work includes Foreword by David Nicholson - Chief Executive, National Health Service of England. In the past, there has been too little emphasis and investment made in developing leaders in healthcare. People have become leaders without being prepared or trained or supported in the role. Individuals need to understand the context, the concept and models of good leadership, the practical steps to becoming a good leader, and how to sustain the various components of a well functioning and effective organisation, whether that is a large NHS trust or hospital department, a clinical group or practice team. This guide has been written by a range of writers from organisational consultancy and NHS backgrounds who are all experienced in developing and supporting leaders, planning and providing education, and change management. It is specially designed for independent learning, with answers to frequently asked questions, self-assessment exercises and helpful tips. "How to Succeed as a Leader" is ideal for all healthcare professionals in (or aspiring to) leadership roles. It also provides inspiration for academics and workplace educators, managers and leaders in government, strategic health authorities and workforce deaneries. 'There is constant reorganisation and a changing culture in our health service. Good leadership is essential to address the changes required and take others with you so that the service can function effectively. There has been an amateurish approach to leadership in the NHS in the past, where people have become leaders without being prepared or trained for the role or supported in it. This book is all about presenting you with a practical approach to becoming a competent leader, to prepare you to lead in a positive way and realise your responsibilities as a leader.' From the Preface.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization and Productivity
This two-volume set is an indispensable selection of recent and classic research papers exploring the link between globalization and productivity growth. The editors' careful selection includes articles that focus on the impact of globalization on aggregate productivity, openness, international technology diffusion, and trade adjustment and productivity growth. Other topics include inward and outward foreign direct investment, international outsourcing and the critical relationship between exporting and productivity. The set will be an essential reference point for researchers, students and policy-makers concerned with globalization and productivity.
Manson Publishing Ltd Respiratory Medicine: Self-Assessment Colour Review, Third Edition
This edition integrates self-test questions, illustrations, and detailed explanations, as well as provides new material on sleep-disordered breathing, the newer methods of staging of lung cancer, interstitial lung diseases, and infections.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Knowledge and Innovation in the New Service Economy
Knowledge and innovation are key factors contributing to growth and prosperity in the new service economy. This book presents original, empirical and theoretical contributions to address the economic dimensions of knowledge and the organisation of knowledge intensive activity through specialised services. Specific analyses include: macro statistics to highlight the contribution of services to economic activity firm level survey data to identify and consider client relations case studies of four innovation-oriented business services. Further chapters deal with the specific functions connected with knowledge, the new discipline of 'knowledge management', intellectual property rights, and the role of knowledge in national and international economic systems.Offering an overview of a highly important and pervasive set of phenomena, this book outlines and illustrates the intellectual agenda associated with the rise of a global services economy. It will appeal to industrial and business economists, researchers, students, policymakers and business analysts.
Seagull Books London Ltd The Principles of Life on Black Friday – Chronicle of Emotions, Notebook 1
A highly readable and lighthearted, yet intellectual-stimulating exploration of the modern human condition. This volume concerns itself with the question of time, from the description of a brief fragment passing by in a matter of minutes to stories of the unexpected stock-market crash of 1929, a once-in-a-century event that Europeans call ‘Black Friday’ because Wall Street’s collapse reached the Old World one day later. Through this exploration of time, Kluge ponders some fundamental questions not altered by the passing of time: What can I trust? How can I protect myself? What should I be afraid of? Our age today has achieved a new kind of obscurity. We’ve encountered a pandemic. We’ve witnessed the Capitol riots. We see before us inflation, war, and a burning planet. We gaze at the world with suspense. What we need in our lives is orientation—just like ships that navigate the high seas. We might just find that in Kluge’s vignettes and stories.
CABI Publishing Exploring the Leisure - Health Nexus: Pushing Global Boundaries
Collective Ink From 50 to 500: Mastering the Unique Leadership Challenges of Growing Small Companies
In From 50 to 500, the authors identify key characteristics of small companies with the potential for rapid growth. Using this perspective, they present a highly relevant, easy-to-understand and actionable model, defining the motivators, capabilities and potential derailers unique to small business leaders. Readers are then invited to explore the distinct business challenges two typical leaders face over a business cycle. Opportunities to evaluate each leader’s decisions and outcomes provide valuable insights into their effectiveness and impact, and tools are provided to strengthen leadership effectiveness and achieve improved organizational results.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Adjudicating Revolution: Courts and Constitutional Change
Lawyers usually describe a revolution as a change in a constitutional order not authorized by law. From this perspective, to speak of a ‘lawful’ or an ‘unlawful’ revolution would seem to involve a category mistake. However, since at least the 19th century, courts in many jurisdictions have had to adjudicate claims involving questions about the extent to which what is in fact a revolutionary change can result in the creation of a legally valid regime. In this book, the authors examine some of these judgments.Adjudicating Revolution includes, first, cases in which courts decide to recognize the actions of a de facto regime under a doctrine of necessity, with the objective of maintaining public order. Second, cases where courts directly confront the question of whether a revolution has resulted in the creation of a genuinely new constitutional order. Finally, cases in which courts are asked by state officials to recognize, in advance, the validity of otherwise revolutionary changes (i.e. the irregular creation of a new constitution) proposed by state officials. The book examines, from a theoretical and comparative perspective, judgments from North and Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Placing the cases in their historical and political context, the authors provide an understanding of key moments in the constitutional history of the relevant jurisdictions.The resulting analysis will be of interest to academics and graduate students of comparative constitutional law and constitutional theory, political science, and related disciplines.
CABI Publishing Climate Change Impacts on Urban Pests
This book is the first resource to review the influence of climate change on urban and public pests such as mosquitoes, flies, ticks, and wood pests, with respect to population, distribution, disease, damage and control. It systematically addresses how the impact of climate change on pests in urban areas differs from natural areas, focusing on the increased temperatures of urban locations, the effect of natural disasters, the manner of land use and the consequences of human habitation. Climate Change Impacts on Urban Pests: - covers key information on how climate change and urban pests affect human health - includes coverage of the impacts of natural disasters such as flooding looks at issues which could influence the management of pests - explores a range of international opinion from recognised authorities covering six continents. Presenting up-to-date knowledge, this book is an essential resource for researchers in urban pests, entomology and public health, as well as scientists, environmentalists and policy makers involved in studies on climate change.
Human Kinetics Publishers Social Psychology in Sport
Social Psychology in Sport, Second Edition, offers global perspectives and a broad base of knowledge in areas that shape the social environment of sport. The text guides readers through the interactions, relationships, influences, and perceptions that affect sport performance and the lived experience of sport participation. Athlete relationships with coaches, parents, and peers are examined in depth. Editors Louise Davis, Richard Keegan, and Sophia Jowett offer their expert knowledge and diverse perspectives regarding social relationships in competitive sport at every level. Through the contributions of an international group of established scholars, Social Psychology in Sport, Second Edition, explains how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of sport performers are influenced by the presence of others. The second edition offers a broad range of topics, with theoretical, empirical, and applied perspectives of social psychology. Trending topics such as the maltreatment of athletes, parental involvement, and safe sport cultures are addressed. The text also covers established areas of interest such as group dynamics and coach–athlete relationships. Each chapter follows a progression, starting with theory and then moving to current research, future research directions, and suggested practical applications. This chapter structure helps readers to build a foundation of understanding before moving on to application benefits. Chapter objectives and discussion questions are provided to aid in knowledge retention.Social Psychology in Sport, Second Edition, explores the growing field of social psychology in sport settings, offering a broad base of knowledge alongside practical application and areas for further research. This text is a comprehensive resource for students and researchers interested in the psychosocial aspects of sport.
Simon & Schuster Bambi's Story: Bambi; Bambi's Children