Search results for ""author fell"
St Martin's Press Dark Above
For most of his life, William Chance has been the living proof that his grandmother and her fellow researchers into missing people were right all along about the terror from the stars. Now, he’s avoiding the limelight and hiding out from everyone, including his family. He knows he can avoid everything, except for the nightmares: fires, storms, disease and violence – he dreams of it all. When he’s suddenly exposed, he finds that the media, government operatives and renegade true believers are desperate to find him, but he has another mission. Joined by a girl with terrifying abilities, he begins a desperate journey across the United States to find the others who share his dreams to stop what could be the final days of the world. Jeremy Finley’s debut The Darkest Time of Night was called “outstanding” in a starred review from Publishers Weekly and was a June 2018 SIBA Okra Selection. Now, he continues the story of Lynn and William, fifteen years later in a new fast-paced novel full of suspense and government cover-ups, perfect for thriller and supernatural fans alike.
The University of Chicago Press Screening Modernism: European Art Cinema, 1950-1980
Casting fresh light on the renowned productions of auteurs such as Antonioni, Fellini, and Bresson and drawing out from the shadows a range of important but lesser-known works, "Screening Modernism" is the first comprehensive study of European art cinema's postwar heyday. Spanning from the 1950s to the 1970s, Andras Balint Kovacs' encyclopedic work argues that cinematic modernism was not a unified movement with a handful of styles and themes but rather a stunning range of variations on the core principles of modern art. Illustrating how the concepts of modernism and the avant-garde variously manifest themselves in film, Kovacs begins by tracing the emergence of art cinema as a historical category. He then explains the main formal characteristics of modern styles and forms as well as their intellectual foundation. Finally, drawing on modernist theory and philosophy along the way, he provides an innovative history of the evolution of modern European art cinema. Exploring not only modernism's origins but also its stylistic, thematic, and cultural avatars, "Screening Modernism" ultimately lays out creative new ways to think about the historical periods that comprise this golden age of film.
University of Texas Press [Un]framing the "Bad Woman": Sor Juana, Malinche, Coyolxauhqui, and Other Rebels with a Cause
“What the women I write about have in common is that they are all rebels with a cause, and I see myself represented in their mirror,” asserts Alicia Gaspar de Alba. Looking back across a career in which she has written novels, poems, and scholarly works about Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, la Malinche, Coyolxauhqui, the murdered women of Juárez, the Salem witches, and Chicana lesbian feminists, Gaspar de Alba realized that what links these historically and socially diverse figures is that they all fall into the category of “bad women,” as defined by their place, culture, and time, and all have been punished as well as remembered for rebelling against the “frames” imposed on them by capitalist patriarchal discourses.In [Un]Framing the “Bad Woman,” Gaspar de Alba revisits and expands several of her published articles and presents three new essays to analyze how specific brown/female bodies have been framed by racial, social, cultural, sexual, national/regional, historical, and religious discourses of identity—as well as how Chicanas can be liberated from these frames. Employing interdisciplinary methodologies of activist scholarship that draw from art, literature, history, politics, popular culture, and feminist theory, she shows how the “bad women” who interest her are transgressive bodies that refuse to cooperate with patriarchal dictates about what constitutes a “good woman” and that queer/alter the male-centric and heteronormative history, politics, and consciousness of Chicano/Mexicano culture. By “unframing” these bad women and rewriting their stories within a revolutionary frame, Gaspar de Alba offers her compañeras and fellow luchadoras empowering models of struggle, resistance, and rebirth.
HarperChristian Resources Romans Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: In the Grip of Grace
The core idea of the book of Romans is that we are saved from sin by the grace of Christ. The apostle Paul unpacks the power of grace in a way that can completely change your life...In this six-session Bible study (streaming video included)—the first of the 40 Days Through the Book series—Max Lucado welcomes you and your group into the knowledge and freedom of grace with his exploration of Paul's letter to the Roman church. Throughout the study, you'll explore the book of Romans with Max to gain a deeper understanding of its context and content, focusing on central truths such as: The extent and power of sin. The amazing reality and availability of God's grace. The battle we're still in, and the hope we have despite the lies of the enemy. The grand story—from creation to restoration—that we're all a part of. The call to live in fellowship with each other and with Christ. This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including: The study guide itself—a 40 Day reading plan through Romans with discussion and personal reflection questions, video notes, and a leader's guide. An individual access code to stream all six video sessions online (you don't need to buy a DVD!). When we truly understand the power of grace, it sets us free from having to do good, so that we can do good. A true understanding of grace should not shackle us to works but liberate us to live in the presence of Christ.40 Days Through the Book series:Each of the studies in this series, taught by a different pastor or Bible teacher on a specific book of the Bible, is designed to help you more actively engage with God's Word by understanding its background and culture and applying it in a fresh way to your life. Throughout each study, you'll be encouraged to read through the corresponding book in the New Testament at least once during the course of 40 days.Watch on any device!Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2027. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Perfected Fables Now: Essays on the Closure of a Cycle
Since the mid-1960s, Gordon Rohlehr has been an incomparable recorder and analyser of Caribbean literature and culture and their intersection with history and politics. His work on the emergence of Caribbean writing from its colonial shell and his analysis of calypso as the voice of Trinidadian consciousness establishes him as essential to our time as William Hazlitt was to the early 19th century in documenting and characterising the turbulent spirit of his age. Radical, but never willing to compromise his sense of what was fraudulent or power-seeking amongst his fellow travellers, Rohlehr is the best touchstone we have for both what the Caribbean has achieved and of its struggling, neo-colonial fragility in the face of the new imperialism of economic and cultural globalism.Now – though who knows? – in putting together what he says is his last book, Gordon Rohlehr doffs the costume of the carnival figure of the “Bookman”, the recording Satan of the devil band, who walks with his book in which he writes down the names of the damned. And here we have the clue to the fact that along with the serious analysis of calypso, his summing up of what is essential in the work of Derek Walcott, Earl Lovelace and V.S. Naipaul, and the essays of remembrance for those like Walcott, Lloyd Best, Pat Bishop, Tony Martin and others who have made their earthly exits, there is a devilish humour at work. This comes out particularly in an essay that joyfully demolishes an attempt to characterise the Caribbean in any other than its own terms – as a new Mediterranean, for instance – and the subservience of Trinidad’s rulers to the neo-colonialisms of tourism, visiting American ships and the U.S. embassy. What is often salutary, if uncomfortable, is to be reminded by the long span of Rohlehr’s observations that problems seen as contemporary were being identified by the nation’s calypsonians sixty years ago. Rohlehr’s voice is always distinctively personal, though the Bookman has rarely revealed much of himself, but in one of the concluding essays he writes about his Guyanese upbringing from the 1940s to the 1960s in a way that is both very funny and sad and gives an understanding of what has shaped his vision.
Hodder & Stoughton Christmas at Mistletoe Cottage: a Christmas love story set in a Yorkshire village
**Summer Days at Sunrise Farm, the new book in the Animal Ark revisited series, is currently available!**Christmas has arrived in the little village of Welford. The scent of hot roasted chestnuts is in the air, and a layer of frost sparkles on the ground. This year, vet Mandy Hope is looking forward to the holidays. Her animal rescue centre, Hope Meadows, is up and running - and she's finally going on a date with Jimmy Marsh, owner of the local outward bound centre. The advent of winter sees all sorts of animals cross Mandy's path, from goats named Rudolph to baby donkeys - and even a pair of reindeer! But when a mysterious local starts causing trouble, Mandy's plans for the centre come under threat. She must call on Jimmy and her fellow villagers to put a stop to the stranger's antics and ensure that Hope Meadows' first Christmas is one to remember. One thing's for certain: this Christmas, there'll be animal escapades, kisses under the mistletoe...and plenty of festive cheer for all.Animal Ark Revisited is based on the globally bestselling series for children. Perfect for fans of Lily Graham, Heidi Swain and Holly Martin. ***Read what everyone's saying about Christmas at Mistletoe Cottage'A wonderful, heart-warming story... I couldn't turn the pages quickly enough!' Christmas at Mistletoe Cottage is charming, entertaining and festive. It's a story filled with unexpected twists and turns and plenty of friendship, warmth and joy.' With Love For Books'Some lovely magical scenes. This is such a wonderfully warm and cosy read - you can curl up and lose yourself in a gorgeous story full of animals in a lovely village.' Bookworms and Shutterbugs'An enchanting story, perfect for cold winter nights' Books of All Kinds'Full of lovely Christmas spirit - will leave you smiling from ear to ear!' Netgalley, 5 stars'I was enchanted... a wonderful story; one that I completely loved' Rachel's Random Reads'This is a really lovely book and will make you feel the Christmas spirit!' Netgalley, 5 stars'A gorgeous book to curl up with' Shaz's Book Blog'I LOVED this book! I couldn't give it anything less than a 5-star review' Netgalley, 5 stars
Stanford University Press Ghosts of Revolution: Rekindled Memories of Imprisonment in Iran
"Opening the enormous metal gate, the guard suddenly took away my blindfold and asked me, tauntingly, if I would recognize my parents. With my eyes hurting from the strange light and anger in my voice, I assured him that I would. Suddenly I was pushed through the gate and the door was slammed behind me. After more than eight years, here I was, finally, out of jail . . . ." In this haunting account, Shahla Talebi remembers her years as a political prisoner in Iran. Talebi, along with her husband, was imprisoned for nearly a decade and tortured, first under the Shah and later by the Islamic Republic. Writing about her own suffering and survival and sharing the stories of her fellow inmates, she details the painful reality of prison life and offers an intimate look at a critical period of social and political transformation in Iran. Somehow through it all—through resistance and resolute hope, passion and creativity—Talebi shows how one survives. Reflecting now on experiences past, she stays true to her memories, honoring the love of her husband and friends lost in these events, to relate how people can hold to moments of love, resilience, and friendship over the dark forces of torture, violence, and hatred. At once deeply personal yet clearly political, part memoir and part meditation, this work brings to heartbreaking clarity how deeply rooted torture and violence can be in our society. More than a passing judgment of guilt on a monolithic "Islamic State," Talebi's writing asks us to reconsider our own responses to both contemporary debates of interrogation techniques and government responsibility and, more simply, to basic acts of cruelty in daily life. She offers a lasting call to us all. "The art of living in prison becomes possible through imagining life in the very presence of death and observing death in the very existence of life. It is living life so vitally and so fully that you are willing, if necessary, to let that very life go, as one would shed chains on the legs. It is embracing, and flying on the wings of death as though it is the bird of freedom."
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Syndemics: A Critical Systems Approach to Public and Community Health
This book explains the growing field of syndemic theory and research, a framework for the analysis and prevention of disease interactions that addresses underlying social and environmental causes. This perspective complements single-issue prevention strategies, which can be effective for discrete problems, but often are mismatched to the goal of protecting the public's health in its widest sense. "Merrill Singer has astutely described why health problems should not be seen in isolation, but rather in the context of other diseases and the social and economic inequities that fuel them. An important read for public health and social scientists." —Michael H. Merson, director, Duke Global Health Institute "Not only does this book provide a persuasive theoretical biosocial model of syndemics, but it also illustrates the model with a wide variety of fascinating historical and contemporary examples." —Peter J. Brown, professor of Anthropology and Global Health and director, Center for Health, Culture, and Society, Emory University "The concept of syndemics is Singer's most important contribution to critical medical anthropology as it interfaces with an ecosocial approach to epidemiology." —Mark Nichter, Regents Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona "Merrill Singer offers the public the most comprehensive work ever written on this key area of research and policy making." —Francisco I. Bastos, chairman of the graduate studies on epidemiology, Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz "Exquisitely describes how this new approach is a critical tool that brings together veterinary, medical, and social sciences to solve emerging infectious and non-infectious diseases of today's world." —Bonnie Buntain, MS, DVM, diplomate, American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine "For too long the great integrative perspectives on modern biomedicine and public health disease ecology and social medicine-have remained more or less separate. In this innovative and provocative book, Merrill Singer develops a valuable synthesis that will reshape the way we think about health and disease." —Warwick H. Anderson, MD, PhD, professorial research fellow, Department of History and Centre for Values, Ethics, and the Law in Medicine, University of Sidney
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Mosby's Tour Guide to Nursing School: A Student's Road Survival Kit
Encouraging, user-friendly, and altogether unique, Mosby's Tour Guide to Nursing School encourages you to not only survive nursing school, but excel in whichever program you select. Throughout the book, Dr. Chenevert compares your journey through nursing school to a road trip, and she offers advice to increase your understanding, help you successfully navigate obstacles, and make your journey more enjoyable. You'll learn how to prepare for the NCLEX® and your nursing career, how to get good grades, how to deal with failure, how to improve oral and written reports, and much more. A must-have for every nursing student! Endorsed by the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). Written by a nationally known motivational speaker and nurse, the book's down-to-earth approach uses humor and clever analogies to clearly teach the information you need to know. Uses the analogy of a cross-country road trip to help you see the relationships between different aspects of nursing school, as well as give you a finite view of its duration and end result. Inspirational quotes throughout offer wisdom and encouragement from fellow nursing students and graduates. The appendix lists numerous diverse resources you'll find useful before, during, and after nursing school. Electronic Age Information covers distance learning, online courses, and podcasts, facilitating your success both in today's electronic classroom and with the advancing technology in nursing. A special NCLEX® chapter (Chapter 29: Are We There Yet? Almost.) provides you with the tools you need to prepare for and pass the NCLEX®. Updated statistics and information on the emerging trends of the workforce keep you current with what's happening in the world outside nursing and help you make educated choices during nursing school. Three chapters are devoted to diversity in today's workforce and the non-traditional student. Thorough coverage of ADN, BSN, and RN-BSN programs (program prerequisites, differences, and more) helps you make informed decisions about your choice of nursing programs. An appendix of Online Resources provides quick and easy access to web sites that will assist both students and graduates with continued study and real-world advice.
Casemate Publishers Gavin at War: The World War II Diary of Lieutenant General James M. Gavin
"General Gavin was a very brave man who had great faith in his men. The battle or the weather never stopped him from going to check the troops. He would go in the rain or snow. If the battle was severe, he would crawl from foxhole to foxhole to talk to his men to let them know he was with them. Words cannot explain the love and pride I had for General Gavin." - Walter Woods, World War II aide to General GavinLieutenant General James Gavin, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division during WWII, is one of the best-known figures of the war. Beginning as the commander of the 505th Parachute Combat Team that spearheaded the American assault on Sicily in July 1943, Gavin advanced to division command and finally command of US forces in Berlin. Throughout this time he kept a wartime diary that starts in April 1943, as the unit was preparing to go to northern Africa, and continues through to his final entry on 1 September 1945 during the occupation of Berlin.During the war years, Gavin came into close contact with virtually all the leading airborne commanders and many others who would advance to the top levels of Army leadership. His diary includes observations on fellow military and political leaders, such as General Dwight Eisenhower and the British Field Marshal Montgomery, Army operations, and the general's personal life. Gavin was an officer who led by example: on four combat jumps - into Sicily, at Salerno, then Normandy and the Netherlands - he was the first man out the door. Two Distinguished Service Crosses, two Silver Stars, and the Purple Heart rewarded his service.For decades, Gavin kept the existence of the journal a secret; the general's family discovered it among his belongings after his death. Editor Lewis "Bob" Sorley has worked closely with the Gavin family and the Army Heritage Center to prepare the diary for publication. His edited and annotated version includes a prologue and epilogue to frame the entries within the wider scope of the general's life.
Te Herenga Waka University Press Dead People I Have Known
When we crashed over the line two and a half minutes later, there was a short, disbelieving silence and I could feel my knee trembling behind its sarcastic `Disco' patch. A song I'd written had just been played to the finish, and what's more, it hadn't sounded weak, or delusional-it had, in fact, kicked. I backed down from the mic. Here was a new world of sound. Its sky was borderless, and its horizon curled off a previously flat earth. I'd been given a virtual super power and a flame to shoot from my fingers. In Dead People I Have Known, the legendary New Zealand musician Shayne Carter tells the story of a life in music, taking us deep behind the scenes and songs of his riotous teenage bands Bored Games and the Doublehappys and his best-known bands Straitjacket Fits and Dimmer. He traces an intimate history of the Dunedin Sound-that distinctive jangly indie sound that emerged in the seventies, heavily influenced by punk-and the record label Flying Nun. As well as the pop culture of the seventies, eighties and nineties, Carter writes candidly of the bleak and violent aspects of Dunedin, the city where he grew up and would later return. His childhood was shaped by violence and addiction, as well as love and music. Alongside the fellow musicians, friends and family who appear so vividly here, this book is peopled by neighbours, kids at school, people on the street, and the other passing characters who have stayed on in his memory. We also learn of the other major force in Carter's life: sport. Harness racing, wrestling, basketball and football have provided him with a similar solace, even escape, as music. Dead People I Have Known is a frank, moving, often incredibly funny autobiography; the story of making a life as a musician over the last forty years in New Zealand, and a work of art in its own right. 'Sometimes profound. Sometimes utterly hilarious. I couldn't put this book down. A triumph.'-Jon Toogood 'Life life life. Music music music. Girls girls girls. Brilliant - funny, painful, reflective and raw.' -Emily Perkins.
Intellect Books Landscape and the Moving Image
Elwes takes a journey through the twin histories of landscape art and experimental moving image and discovers how they coalesce in the work of artists from the 1970s to the present day. Drawing on a wide geographical sampling, Elwes considers issues that have preoccupied film and video artists over the years, ranging from ecology, gender, race, performativity, conflict, colonialism and our relationship to the nonhuman creatures with whom we share our world. The book is informed by the belief that artists can provide an embodied, emotional response to landscape, which is an essential driver in the urgent task of combating the environmental crisis we now face. The book comprises a series of essays that explore how the moving image mediates our relationship to and understanding of landscapes. The focus is on artists’ film and video and draws on work from the 1970s to the present day. Early chapters map the theoretical terrain for both landscape and artists’ moving image creating a foundation for the chapters that follow devoted to practice. These address themes of identity politics, performativity and animals and examine examples of British ‘weather-blown films’ and work from around the world including Indigenous Australian film landscapes. The book offers an informed, personal view of the subject and threaded through the narrative is a concern with the environment and the vexed question of whether an appreciation of nature’s aesthetics undermines a commitment to ecology. The book is written in a clear, engaging style and is enlivened by Elwes's own experiences as a video artist, writer and curator, and the primary material she draws on derived from conversations with fellow practitioners across the years. As a practitioner, Elwes was a key figure in the early phases of video art in the UK as well as a curator and critic. She was professor of moving image art at the University of the Arts London; and is founding editor of the Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ) This book will appeal to students, undergraduate and post-graduate, Ph.D. candidates, researchers, practitioners, teachers and lecturers and a general readership of interested gallery-going public.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Chasing the Demon: A Secret History of the Quest for the Sound Barrier, and the Band of American Aces Who Conquered It
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • At the end of World War II, a band of aces gathered in the Mojave Desert on a Top Secret quest to break the sound barrier–nicknamed "The Demon" by pilots. The true story of what happened in those skies has never been told. Speed. In 1947, it represented the difference between victory and annihilation. After Hiroshima, the ability to deliver a nuclear device to its target faster than one’s enemy became the singular obsession of American war planners. And so, in the earliest days of the Cold War, a highly classified program was conducted on a desolate air base in California’s Mojave Desert. Its aim: to push the envelope of flight to new frontiers. There gathered an extraordinary band of pilots, including Second World War aces Chuck Yeager and George Welch, who risked their lives flying experimental aircraft to reach Mach 1, the so-called sound barrier, which pilots called “the demon.” Shrouding the program in secrecy, the US military reluctantly revealed that the “barrier” had been broken two months later, after the story was leaked to the press. The full truth has never been fully revealed—until now. Chasing the Demon, from decorated fighter pilot and acclaimed aviation historian Dan Hampton, tells, for the first time, the extraordinary true story of mankind’s quest for Mach 1. Here, of course, is twenty-four-year-old Captain Chuck Yeager, who made history flying the futuristic Bell X-1 faster than the speed of sound on October 14, 1947. Officially Yeager was the first to achieve supersonic flight, but drawing on new interviews with survivors of the program, including Yeager’s former commander, as well as declassified files, Hampton presents evidence that a fellow American—George Welch, a daring fighter pilot who shot down a remarkable sixteen enemy aircraft during the Pacific War—met the demon first, though he was not favored to wear the laurels, as he was now a civilian test pilot and was not flying the Bell X-1.Chasing the Demon sets the race between Yeager and Welch in the context of aviation history, so that the reader can learn and appreciate their accomplishments as never before.
SAGE Publications Inc Understanding Career Counselling: Theory, Research and Practice
`[This] is an exciting book, written in clear, accessible style. It′s an informative guide for anyone wishing to explore career counselling as a topic and process′ – Professional Manager ′This is an excellent book - practical yet scholarly. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand how to facilitate the career development of other people in formal or informal settings′ - John Arnold, Professor of Organisational Behaviour, Loughborough University ′At a time when the career counselling profession has been under some pressure in the UK, it is good to have an up-to-date text which cogently outlines the strong base of theory, research and practice upon which this professional activity is built. Jenny Kidd′s lucid text will provide an invaluable resource for new entrants to career counselling and related fields, as well as for established practitioners′ - Professor Tony Watts, Senior Fellow and Life President, National Institute for Careers Education and Counselling, Cambridge Understanding Career Counselling explores the theory, research and practice of career counselling from a British perspective and brings them together in one concise volume. The book addresses exactly what is meant by the term ′career′ in the 21st century and the implications this has for those working with clients at different stages of their career. This book is unique in that it clearly relates career theories to career counselling, which is often an unclear area for trainees. Divided into two clear parts, the first provides a comprehensive account of theories of career development and career counselling and their implications for practice. Taking a critical approach, it also shows how research informs our understanding of the field. In the second part, career counselling skills, tools and techniques are described, including the use of assessment tools and the internet. The book also covers ethical issues and evaluation. Understanding Career Counselling is invaluable for students undergoing training in career guidance, career counselling, outplacement counselling or career coaching, but it will also be a use to students on occupational psychology and human resource management courses. In addition, experienced career practitioners wishing to find out more about recent developments within their profession. Jennifer Kidd is a Reader in Organizational Psychology and Course Director of the MSc Career Management and Counselling programme at Birkbeck, University of London
Little, Brown Book Group The Underground Railroad: Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2017
WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE FOR FICTION 2017WINNER OF THE ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARD 2017LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2017NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNER 2016AMAZON.COM #1 BOOK OF THE YEAR 2016#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER AND A NEW YORK TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR 'Whitehead is on a roll: the reviews have been sublime' Guardian'Luminous, furious, wildly inventive' Observer'Hands down one of the best, if not the best, book I've read this year' Stylist 'Dazzling' New York Review of BooksPraised by Barack Obama and an Oprah Book Club Pick, The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead won the National Book Award 2016 and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2017.Cora is a slave on a cotton plantation in Georgia. All the slaves lead a hellish existence, but Cora has it worse than most; she is an outcast even among her fellow Africans and she is approaching womanhood, where it is clear even greater pain awaits. When Caesar, a slave recently arrived from Virginia, tells her about the Underground Railroad, they take the perilous decision to escape to the North.In Whitehead's razor-sharp imagining of the antebellum South, the Underground Railroad has assumed a physical form: a dilapidated box car pulled along subterranean tracks by a steam locomotive, picking up fugitives wherever it can. Cora and Caesar's first stop is South Carolina, in a city that initially seems like a haven. But its placid surface masks an infernal scheme designed for its unknowing black inhabitants. And even worse: Ridgeway, the relentless slave catcher sent to find Cora, is close on their heels. Forced to flee again, Cora embarks on a harrowing flight, state by state, seeking true freedom.At each stop on her journey, Cora encounters a different world. As Whitehead brilliantly recreates the unique terrors for black people in the pre-Civil War era, his narrative seamlessly weaves the saga of America, from the brutal importation of Africans to the unfulfilled promises of the present day. The Underground Railroad is at once the story of one woman's ferocious will to escape the horrors of bondage and a shatteringly powerful meditation on history.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Nuclear Cardiology and Multimodal Cardiovascular Imaging: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Recent years have seen numerous advances in cardiovascular nuclear medicine technology, leading to more precise diagnoses and treatment and an expanded understanding of the molecular basis for cardiac disease. Nuclear Cardiology and Multimodal Cardiovascular Imaging is a one-stop, comprehensive guide to the diagnostic and clinical implications of this complex and increasingly important technology. Part of the Braunwald family of renowned cardiology references, it provides cutting-edge coverage of multimodal cardiac imaging along with case vignettes and integrated teaching content-ideal for cardiologists, cardiology fellows, radiologists, and nuclear medicine physicians. Features all the latest cardiovascular nuclear medicine studies with practical, evidence-based implications for personalized patient evaluation and treatment. Presents a consistent, patient-centered approach using integrated case vignettes correlated with specific nuclear medicine imaging findings. Discusses patient assessment criteria, risk factor criteria, pathology, evaluation criteria, outcomes, and other clinical implications. Covers a full range of imaging technologies, including SPECT/CT, PET/CT, and CT/MR hybrid radionuclide cardiovascular imaging studies. Addresses emerging clinical applications of nuclear imaging techniques for precision-based medicine, including targeted molecular imaging and cell therapies. Includes sections on instrumentation/principles of imaging; protocols and interpretation; applications in coronary artery disease, special populations, and heart failure; artificial intelligence, and more. Contains guidelines and appropriate use documents to provide appropriate context for clinicians. Features hundreds of high-quality figures including multimodal cardiac imaging studies, anatomic illustrations, and graphs. Provides Key Point summaries, 50 procedural videos, and 100 multiple-choice questions and answers to reinforce understanding and facilitate review. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
Thieme Publishing Group Procedural Dermatology Volume II Laser and Cosmetic Surgery
A comprehensive, practical resource on state-of-the-art cosmetic dermatology proceduresVolume II of Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium, edited by esteemed dermatologists Yoon-Soo Cindy Bae and David H. Ciocon, provides a comprehensive review of minimally invasive and noninvasive procedures to treat a wide range of cosmetic issues and conditions. Twenty-four consistently organized chapters cover the most up-to-date developments in cosmetic dermatology. Topics include ablative and nonablative resurfacing; body contouring; tissue tightening; laser treatment for vascular and pigmented lesions; scar, acne, and tattoo removal; the use of neuromodulators; soft tissue fillers; hair removal and restoration techniques; blepharoplasty; treatment options for axillary hyperhidrosis; thread lifts; liposuction; and fat transfers.Key features:Reflects the collective wisdom of dermatology thoug
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Little Nothings
'Little Nothings delivers some searing and uncomfortable truths about motherhood and female friendships' Sarah J. Naughton 'A true single-sitting read' Alex Marwood With friends like these, who needs enemies? Liv Travers never knew real friendship until she met fellow mums Beth and Binnie. The three women become inseparable as they muddle through early parenthood together. Then along comes Ange… Ambitious, wealthy and somehow able to do it all. Under Ange’s guiding presence, the group finds new vigour and fresh aspirations – bigger houses, better schools, dinners at exclusive restaurants. But Liv can’t keep up and is increasingly edged out. When the four families take a three-week trip to a luxurious holiday resort, Liv seizes the opportunity to reclaim her place at the heart of the group, only to discover the true, devastating cost of a friendship with Ange. Set over the course of a single, life-changing trip to a Greek island paradise, Little Nothings is a sly, suspenseful novel about female bonds turned toxic, and the desperate ends one woman will go to keep her friends close – and her enemy closer.
Sonicbond Publishing The Cardiacs: Every Album, Every Song
When Tim Smith died in July of 2020, he left behind a legion of adoring fans and an honorary doctorate in music. Not bad for someone who never had a top ten hit and who's music was so infamous during its heyday, that some magazines not only refused to review his work, but edited out praise from fellow musicians. But who was Tim Smith? He was the composer, guitarist, singer, and lyricist for cult band Cardiacs. Working in the 70s up to 2008, Smith and his rotating band of musicians created some of the most intricate and original music of all time. They combined punk energy, prog complexity, ska rhythms, heavy metal drama, and much more with an absurd and satirical lyrical stance, while creating a confrontational on-stage image that inspired as many as it appalled. Eric Benac examines each Cardiac album (including the never-repressed, cassette-only albums) and side projects, like the sublime prog-folk of Sea Nymphs, the warped psychedelics of Spartley's Japs, and the twisted Brit Pop of Tim's solo album. Each song is discussed both musically and lyrically, with a photo section containing original shots from Cardiacs fans.
Nextone Inc. Two Roads Diverged: A Second Chance for the Republican Party, the Conservative Movement, the Nation— and Ourselves
Former Republican Governor and Congressman Mark Sanford shares his brutally honest and hard-hitting political memoir, Sanford first tells the story of his two very different falls and how the hard lessons he learned from the first led him to inevitably choosing the second by maintaining his integrity and opposing Trump. In Two Roads Diverged Sanford analyzes the immense harm he believes Trump’s presidency of lies, cronyism, shady dealings, and bullying caused to our country, and especially to the Republican party. Within four years, the GOP was synonymous with fake news, extreme divisiveness, and brazen lies. Rather than becoming great again, the party had degenerated into a personality cult centered around Donald Trump. But Sanford strongly believes that the Republican party has a choice at its current crossroads. Two Roads Diverged is also a serious examination of what what fellow conservatives can do to help calm today’s political waters and build a better future for both the party and the country. As he was, the GOP has been given a second chance…if those in the party are wise enough to recognize it, and brave enough to take it.
John F Blair Publisher The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break
Five thousand years out of the labyrinth, the Minotaur finds himself in the American South, living in a trailer park and working as a line cook at a steakhouse. No longer a devourer of human flesh, the Minotaur is a socially inept, lonely creature with very human needs. But over a two-week period, as his life dissolves into chaos, this broken and alienated immortal awakens to the possibility for happiness and to the capacity for love. Steven Sherrill is a graduate of UNC Charlotte and holds an MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. The recipient of a NEA Fellowship for Fiction, he has published four novels and one book of poetry. His debut novel, The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break, was published in the UK and translated into eight languages. Neil Gaiman selected it as one of six audio books to launch “Neil Gaiman Presents” for A prolific painter and nascent musician, Sherrill is now a professor of English & Integrative Arts at Penn State Altoona. " . . . [W]ry, melancholy, beautiful first novel . . . " —The Guardian "Sherrill's narrative, with its dreamlike pace, shows myth coexisting with reality as naturally as it does in ancient epic." —Publishers Weekly "Wise and ingenious" —The New York Times
Astra Publishing House The Court War
The second book in this epic fantasy saga spins a tale of magic and danger, as a healer finds herself pulled deeper into a web of secrets and world-ending magic.With innovative worldbuilding, witty banter, and world-ending magic, The Court War is epic fantasy at its best and most compelling.Fenra Lowens, with her partner Elvanyn Karamisk, has already faced the Godstone. Now she has a different, simpler problem: getting the stick-in-the-mud practitioners of the White Court to return to the old ways of practice, the ways that keep the World healthy.But before she has a chance to present her case, the uneasy balance of power between the practitioners of the White Court and the mundanes of the Red Court—in existence since the World itself began—suddenly erupts into open warfare.Fenra is torn between helping her friends and fellow practitioners and moving ahead with the demands of an increasingly impatient World. Though she has help from unexpected allies, Fenra begins to suspect that this conflict isn't just about politics. The hand of an old enemy may be at work here....
HarperCollins Publishers Inc A Case of Bier [Large Print]
In this charming madcap entry in the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Bed-and-Breakfast series, innkeeper and amateur sleuth Judith McMonigle Flynn’s plans for a relaxing vacation go awry when she realizes her fellow guests have a different kind of getaway planned.Vacations can be murder. No one knows that better than Judith McMonigle Flynn, owner of Seattle’s popular Hillside Manor B&B. After a busy summer, she desperately needs some R&R. Leave it to her thoughtful husband, Joe, to surprise her with a trip to the Canadian Rockies. Thrilled to be getting away, Judith’s overjoyed when Cousin Renie and Bill agree to join them. Though the husbands have made the arrangements, how bad can a short time away in the beautiful mountains be Judith and Renie are about to find out!While the accommodations certainly leave something to be desired, the other guests are the real prize. They’ve gathered on the mountainside to give a relative a proper and permanent send-off—a nice gesture, until Judith realizes that paying their respects might be a little premature . . . without some very sinister assistance. Now, it’s up to her and Renie to save a would-be corpse from an early date with the undertaker.
Profile Books Ltd A Natural History of the Hedgerow: and ditches, dykes and dry stone walls
It is difficult to think of a more quintessential symbol of the British countryside than the British Hedgerow, bursting with blackberries, hazelnuts and sloes, and home to oak and ash, field mice and butterflies. But as much as we might dream about foraging for mushrooms or collecting wayside nettles for soup, most of us are unaware of quite how profoundly hedgerows have shaped the history of our landscape and our fellow species. One of Britain's best known naturalists, John Wright introduces us to the natural and cultural history of hedges (as well as ditches, dykes and dry stone walls) - from the arrival of the first settlers in the British Isles to the modern day, when we have finally begun to recognise the importance of these unique ecosystems. His intimate knowledge of the countryside and its inhabitants brings this guide to life, whether discussing the skills and craft of hedge maintenance or the rich variety of animals, plants, algae and fungi who call them home. Informative, practical, entertaining and richly illustrated in colour throughout, A Natural History of the Hedgerow is a book to stuff into your pocket for country walks in every season, or to savour in winter before a roaring fire.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, 1275-1504: XV: Richard III. 1484-1485 & Henry VII. 1485-1487
A major contribution to the history of Parliament, to medieval English history, and to the study of the English constitution. ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW The rolls of parliament were the official records of the meetings of the English parliament from the reign of Edward I (1272-1307) until the reign of Henry VII (1485-1509), after which they were superseded by the journals of thelords, and, somewhat later, the commons. This volume contains the only parliament of Richard III - an essential source for his accession in 1483 and for his response to the subsequent rebellion. Henry VII's assertion of his title in 1485 is strikingly different, as is his long act of resumption (a roll in itself) that reveals not only which Yorkist grants he was prepared to continue but also which early grants of his own he was willing to abandon. The1487 parliament shows the new regime continuing to try and establish itself in the face of continuing opposition. The rolls from the period are reproduced in their entirely, complemented by a full translation of all the texts from the three languages used by the medieval clerks (Latin, Anglo-Norman and Middle English). Dr Rosemary Horrox is Fellow and Director of Studies in History, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Cross and Culture in Anglo-Norman England: Theology, Imagery, Devotion
An examination of the passion and crucifixion of Christ as depicted in the visual and religious culture of Anglo-Norman England. The twelfth century has long been recognised as a period of unusual vibrancy and importance, witnessing seminal changes in the inter-related spheres of theology, devotional practice, and iconography, especially with regard to thecross and the crucifixion of Christ. However, the visual arts of the period have been somewhat neglected, scholarly activity tending to concentrate on its textual and intellectual heritage. This book explores this extraordinarily rich and vibrant visual and religious culture, offering new and exciting insights into its significance, and studying the dynamic relationships between ideas and images in England between 1066 and the first decades of the thirteenth century. In addition to providing the first extensive survey of surviving Passion imagery from the period, it explores those images' contexts: intellectual, cultural, religious, and art-historical. It thus not only enhances our understanding of the place of the cross in Anglo-Norman culture; it also demonstrates how new image theories and patterns of agency shaped the life of the later medieval church. John Munns is a Fellow of MagdaleneCollege, Cambridge.
Pan Macmillan Blood of an Exile
The first book in the Dragons of Terra series, Blood of an Exile features a life-changing mission for a death-defying adventurer . . . Welcome to Brian Naslund's spectacular, action-packed fantasy debut.Sentenced to die. Impossible to kill.Bershad was supposed to die. When he was caught attempting to assassinate a fellow noble, he was given the harshest sentence: a command to slay dragons, so his death might serve the kingdom. Yet for some reason he never lost a fight and is now the most successful dragon-slayer in history. However, as a doomed man Bershad is still shunned by his peers and his countrymen. But that could all change. The king who sentenced Bershad has just given him a way out: kill a foreign monarch and walk free forever. His problem is that Bershad couldn’t care less about the fates of kingdoms – until the dragon-slayer discovers he could save an innocent child in the process.His mission might also save every creature in Terra.'Dark and adventurous, brazenly cinematic . . . sure to win over dragon-loads of fantasy fans'Sebastien de Castell'Fans of Joe Abercrombie’s First Law or Michael Sullivan’s Riyria Revelations will love Brian Naslund’s debut' Django Wexler
Cornell University Press Twenty-Two Cents an Hour: Disability Rights and the Fight to End Subminimum Wages
In Twenty-Two Cents an Hour, Doug Crandell uncovers the harsh reality of people with disabilities in the United States who are forced to work in unethical conditions for subminimum wages with little or no opportunity to advocate for themselves, while wealthy CEOs grow even wealthier as a direct result. As recently as 2016, the United States Congress enacted bipartisan legislation which continued to allow workers with disabilities to legally be paid far lower than the federal minimum wage. Drawing on ongoing federal Department of Justice lawsuits, the horrifying story of Henry's Turkey Farm in Iowa, and more, Crandell shows the history of the policies that have led to these unjust outcomes, examines who benefits from this legislation, and asks important questions about the rise of a disability industrial complex. Exposing this complex—which is rooted in profit, lobbying, and playing on the emotions of workers' parents and families, as well as the public—Crandell challenges readers to reexamine how we treat some of our most vulnerable fellow citizens. Twenty-Two Cents an Hour forces the reader to face the reality of this exploitation, and builds the framework needed for reform.
University of Toronto Press Prison Elite: How Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg Survived Nazi Captivity
After the Anschluss (annexation) in 1938, the Nazis forced Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg to resign and kept him imprisoned for seven years, until his rescue by the Allies in 1945. Schuschnigg’s privileged position within the concentration camp system allowed him to keep a diary and to write letters which were smuggled out to family members. Drawing on these records, Prison Elite paints a picture of a little-known aspect of concentration camp history: the life of a VIP prisoner. Schuschnigg, who was a devout Catholic, presents his memoirs as a "confession," expecting absolution for any political missteps and, more specifically, for his dictatorial regime in the 1930s. As Erika Rummel reveals in fascinating detail, his autobiographical writings are frequently unreliable. Prison Elite describes the strategies Schuschnigg used to survive his captivity emotionally and intellectually. Religion, memory of better days, friendship, books and music, and maintaining a sense of humour allowed him to cope. A comparison with the memoirs of fellow captives reveals these tactics to be universal. Studying Schuschnigg’s writing in the context of contemporary prison memoirs, Prison Elite provides unique insight into the life of a VIP prisoner.
John Murray Press The Passion Economy: The New Rules for Thriving in the Twenty-First Century
An indispensable roadmap and a refreshingly optimistic take on our economic future: Award-winning New Yorker staff writer and brilliant creator of NPR's Planet Money shows us how the 21st century economic paradigm offers unprecedented opportunities for curious, ambitious individuals to combine the things they love with their careers.From 'Focus on Intimacy at Scale' to 'Find Your Valuable Five Percent' and 'The Harder Your Core Customer Is to Reach, The Better You Will Do', Adam Davidson lays down the Ground Rules for success in the new economy.Drawing on inspiring case studies - a sweatshop-owner's daughter fighting for better working conditions, an Amish craftsman meeting the technological needs of his fellow farmers - as well as the latest academic research, he shows us how the twentieth-century economy of scale has given way in this century to an economy of passion. Davidson's special talent for breaking down daunting economic terminology and making theory accessible have won him not only respect as an economics guru but also most of broadcast journalism's highest honours. In this breath-of-fresh-air book, he inspires us all to see that with intimacy, insight, attention, automation, and of course, passion, we can succeed in this new economic world.
Headline Publishing Group Autumn Thorns: Whisper Hollow 1
Fans of Ilona Andrews, Jeaniene Frost, Patricia Biggs and Christine Feehan will fall under the spell of New York Times bestseller Yasmine Galenorn's spectacular fantasy romance series. Enter Whisper Hollow at your own risk, for in this town spirits walk among the living, and the lake never gives up her dead.Whisper Hollow is no ordinary place. In this haunted town, people don't stay buried.Kerris Fellwater isn't your usual human. She's a spirit shaman who drives the dead back to their graves.Fifteen years ago, Kerris ran away from her hometown. But now she's back, and there are deadly magical forces at work, wreaking havoc.Whisper Hollow holds painful memories for Kerris, but a lot has changed. There's a mysterious new guy in town, Bryan, who Kerris feels powerfully drawn to. Together they unearth a horrifying family secret, and unravelling the mystery means working with - rather than against - the dead. Can they defeat Whisper Hollow's enemy, before it destroys them?Return to Whisper Hollow in Yasmine's next book, Shadow Silence.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The High-Performing Real Estate Team: 5 Keys to Dramatically Increasing Sales and Commissions
Transform your real estate business into a sales powerhouse In The High-Performing Real Estate Team, experienced real estate coach Brian Icenhower shares the systems and secrets of top real estate agents and brokerages. The book offers actionable systems and processes that can be immediately implemented to take you, your fellow agents, and your team or brokerage to the next level. Focusing on the 20% of activities that drive expansion, this book shows you how to create renewed enthusiasm, productivity, engagement, and exponential growth at your real estate team. With this book, you will: Discover how to create a viral goal that spreads throughout your team and drives change Learn to focus on core activities that result in the majority of your growth and productivity Cultivate personal responsibility with public accountability and accelerate growth with a custom team dashboard that measures metrics for success Written for real estate agents, teams, brokerages and franchise owners, The High-Performing Real Estate Team is an indispensable resource that will guide you toward growth while providing you with the resources and downloadable materials to reach your goals faster.
Toccata Press Experiencing Music: A Composer's Notes
Here, Holmboe discusses many issues facing the composer, performer and listener, giving especial attention to the most basic questions about musical experience. Vagn Holmboe [1909-96], was one of the most important composers of his era, and arguably the most important Danish composer after Carl Nielsen. A composer for over 60 years, and a teacher for more than 30, he wrote over 300 compositions in nearly every musical genre, music criticism, many other articles and two other books. Here, in a volume intended for the general reader, he discusses the nature of music, from the point of view of the composer, the performer and the listener. Where do musical ideas come from? What are composers' working methods, and how much are they really aware of them? What is the role of performers, and what sort of freedom do they have in interpreting music?What do listeners do in listening to music? What, essentially, is the musical experience? Professor Paul Rapoport contributes a lengthy introduction to this book, although, as he points out, `this is not a book about Vagn Holmboe nor a book addressed solely to musicians ... Holmboe's prose, like his music, is addressed to his fellow human beings, whoever and wherever they may be'.
New York University Press Jews and Booze: Becoming American in the Age of Prohibition
Finalist, 2014 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature from the Jewish Book Council Traces American Jews’ complicated relationship to alcohol through the years leading up to and after prohibition From kosher wine to their ties to the liquor trade in Europe, Jews have a longstanding historical relationship with alcohol. But once prohibition hit America, American Jews were forced to choose between abandoning their historical connection to alcohol and remaining outside the American mainstream. In Jews and Booze, Marni Davis examines American Jews’ long and complicated relationship to alcohol during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the years of the national prohibition movement’s rise and fall. Bringing to bear an extensive range of archival materials, Davis offers a novel perspective on a previously unstudied area of American Jewish economic activity—the making and selling of liquor, wine, and beer—and reveals that alcohol commerce played a crucial role in Jewish immigrant acculturation and the growth of Jewish communities in the United States. But prohibition’s triumph cast a pall on American Jews’ history in the alcohol trade, forcing them to revise, clarify, and defend their communal and civic identities, both to their fellow Americans and to themselves.
Stanford University Press The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Volume Ten
Sefer ha-Zohar (The Book of Radiance) has amazed readers ever since it emerged in Spain over seven hundred years ago. Written in a lyrical Aramaic, the Zohar, a masterpiece of Kabbalah, features mystical interpretation of the Torah, from Genesis to Deuteronomy. The tenth volume of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition presents Midrash ha-Ne'lam on the Torah, the earliest texts of the Zoharic corpus and first fruits of the Zoharic world. In contrast to the main body of the Zohar, Midrash ha-Ne'lam is composed in both Aramaic and Hebrew; its style combines philosophical allegory and kabbalistic midrash. Particularly noteworthy is the extended allegorical interpretation of the patriarchal narratives. They are read as an account of the descent of the soul, its adventures on earth, and its wandering journey after death, finally culminating in its reunion with the perfected body following resurrection. Quintessential Zoharic motifs such as "walking on the way" and the "nocturnal delight in the Garden of Eden" make their first appearances here. The volume also includes many short narratives featuring the "Masters of Mishnah," a group of sages possessing esoteric knowledge of the soul and the cosmos, the forerunner of the Zoharic fellowship.
University of Nebraska Press Against Joie de Vivre: Personal Essays
“Over the years I have developed a distaste for the spectacle of joie de vivre, the knack of knowing how to live,” begins the title essay by Phillip Lopate. This rejoinder to the cult of hedonism and forced conviviality moves from a critique of the false sentimentalization of children and the elderly to a sardonic look at the social rite of the dinner party, on to a moving personal testament to the “hungry soul.” Lopate’s special gift is his ability to give us not only sophisticated cultural commentary in a dazzling collection of essays but also to bring to his subjects an engaging honesty and openness that invite us to experience the world along with him. Also included here are Lopate’s inspiring account of his production of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya with a group of preadolescents, a look at the tradition of the personal essay, and a soul-searching piece on the suicide of a schoolteacher and its effect on his students and fellow teachers. By turns humorous, learned, celebratory, and elegiac, Lopate displays a keen intelligence and a flair for language that turn bits of common, everyday life into resonant narrative. This collection maintains a conversational charm while taking the contemporary personal essay to a new level of complexity and candor.
Johns Hopkins University Press Romantic Narrative: Shelley, Hays, Godwin, Wollstonecraft
Often identified with its lyric poetry, Romanticism has come to be dismissed by historicists as an ineffectual idealism. By focusing on Romantic narrative, noted humanist Tilottama Rajan takes issue with this identification, as well as with the equation of narrative itself with the governmental apparatus of the Novel. Exploring the role of narrativity in the works of Romantic writers, Rajan also reflects on larger disciplinary issues such as the role of poetry versus prose in an emergent modernity and the place of Romanticism itself in a Victorianized nineteenth century. While engaging both genres, Romantic Narrative responds to the current critical shift from poetry to prose by concentrating, paradoxically, on a poetics of narrative in Romantic prose fiction. Rajan argues that poiesis, as a mode of thinking, is Romanticism's legacy to an age of prose. She elucidates this thesis through careful readings of Shelley's Alastor and his Gothic novels, Godwin's Caleb Williams and St. Leon, Hays' Memoirs of Emma Courtney, and Wollstonecraft's The Wrongs of Woman. Rajan, winner of the Keats-Shelley Association's Distinguished Lifetime Award and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, is one of Romanticism's leading scholars. Effective, articulate, and readable, Romantic Narrative will appeal to scholars in both nineteenth-century studies and narrative theory.
University of British Columbia Press Grit: The Life and Politics of Paul Martin Sr.
“I am not afraid to be called a politician,” declared Paul Martin Sr., defending his life’s work in politics. “Next to preaching the word of God, there is nothing nobler than to serve one’s fellow countrymen in government.” First elected to the House of Commons in 1935, Martin served in the cabinet of four prime ministers and ran for the Liberal Party leadership three times. This book examines his remarkable career as a liberal reformer and politician who tackled the issues of his day with consummate political skill and gritty determination.Cutting a broad swath through the history of twentieth-century Canada, Greg Donaghy uses extensive interviews and untapped archival sources to challenge the prevailing view of Martin as simply an ambitious Windsor ward heeler and party operator. Martin embraced a tolerant politics of compromise and accommodation that sought to unite Canadians in search of a more just and equitable world. Though some mocked his ambition and doubted his progressive politics, his resolute championing of health care and pension rights, new meanings for Canadian citizenship, and internationalism in world affairs would leave an indelible mark on Canada’s political landscape.
The History Press Ltd Hanged at Gloucester
This book gathers together the stories of the 123 prisoners who were executed at Gloucester between 1792, when the first prisoner was hanged on the roof over the entrance gate of the newly-built prison, and 1939, when the last convict was executed within the prison's walls. Infamous cases include the Berkeley poachers who shot and killed the Earl of Berkeley's gamekeeper; Rebecca Worlock, who poisoned her husband with arsenic; notorious robbers Matthew and Henry Pinnell; Charlotte Long, the last woman to be hanged for arson in England; and Herbert Rowse Armstrong, the Hay-on-Wye solicitor who was found guilty of poisoning his wife and attempting to murder a fellow solicitor. Famous executioners - including William Calcraft, William Marwood, William Billington and the Pierrepoints - also played their part in the history of the prison. Also included in this volume is an appendix listing all the men and women hanging at Over, near Gloucester, between 1731 and 1790. Fully illustrated, Hanged at Gloucester is sure to appeal to everyone interested in true crime history and the shadier side of Gloucestershire's past.
Edinburgh University Press Italian Post-Neorealist Cinema
This book explores the ferments of Italian cinema from the mid-50s to the end of the 60s. Unlike France, the Czech Republic or Brazil, Italy did not have a new wave properly understood as a movement. However, while new artistic schools were emerging in many other countries, Italy was undergoing its most dramatic social and economic transformations. Those violent changes, together with the perceived necessity of renewing the aesthetic heritage of Neorealism, sparked a drastic regeneration of the cinematic language and marked the most memorable period of Italian film history. Luca Barratoni explores the ferments of Italian cinema from the mid-50s to the end of the 60s, situating its wealth in the context of other national cinemas emerging at the same time. Olmi, Pasolini, Antonioni, Fellini, Visconti, the Taviani Brothers, Cavani, Rosi, Ferreri and many others all made their debut or directed their most representative works during the period. The book brings to the surface the lines of experimentation and artistic renewal appearing after the exhaustion of Neorealism, mapping complex areas of interest such as the emergence of ethical concerns, the relationship between ideology and representation, and the role of Italian counterculture.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Justice in a Changing World
Should governments give special rights to ethnic and cultural minorities? Should rich countries open their borders to economic immigrants or transfer resources to poor countries? When framing and implementing economic and environmental policies, should current generations take into account the interests of future generations? If our political community committed a wrong against another group a hundred years ago, do we owe reparations to current members of that group? These are just some of the pressing questions which are fully explored in this accessible new analysis of justice in the contemporary world. They force us to reconsider the extent of our obligations to our fellow citizens, future generations and foreigners. Justice in a Changing World introduces the moral debates around issues such as immigration, national self-determination, cultural rights and reparations, as well as resource transfers from one generation to the next and from rich to poor countries, through the lenses of liberalism, communitarianism and libertarianism. In so doing, it helps to unravel the complexity of key ethical dilemmas facing us today. The book will be a valuable resource for students of political theory, and will appeal to anyone wishing to reflect on their deepest values and commitments by putting them to the test of practical politics.
University of California Press Plane Queer: Labor, Sexuality, and AIDS in the History of Male Flight Attendants
In this vibrant new history, Phil Tiemeyer details the history of men working as flight attendants. Beginning with the founding of the profession in the late 1920s and continuing into the post-September 11 era, "Plane Queer" examines the history of men who joined workplaces customarily identified as female-oriented. It examines the various hardships these men faced at work, paying particular attention to the conflation of gender-based, sexuality-based, and AIDS-based discrimination. Tiemeyer also examines how this heavily gay-identified group of workers created an important place for gay men to come out, garner acceptance from their fellow workers, fight homophobia and AIDS phobia, and advocate for LGBT civil rights. All the while, male flight attendants facilitated key breakthroughs in gender-based civil rights law, including an important expansion of the ways that Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act would protect workers from sex discrimination. Throughout their history, men working as flight attendants helped evolve an industry often identified with American adventuring, technological innovation, and economic power into a queer space.
The University of Chicago Press Cut Time: An Education at the Fights
Boxing is not just fighting," writes Carlo Rotella. "It is also training and living right and preparing to go the distance in the broadest sense of the phrase, a relentless managing of self that anyone who gets truly old must learn." Rotella's "Cut Time" chronicles his immersion in the fight world, from the brutal classroom of the gym to the spectacle of fight night. An award-winning writer and ringside veteran, Rotella unearths the hidden wisdom in any kind of fight, from barroom brawl to HBO extravaganza. Tracing the consequences of hurt and craft, the two central facts of boxing, Rotella reveals moving resonances between the worlds inside and outside the ropes. The brief, disastrous fistic career of one of his students pinpoints the moment when adulthood arrives; the hard-won insight of a fellow fan shows Rotella how to reckon with a car crash. Mismatches, resilience, pride, pain, and aging - Rotella's lessons from the ring extend far beyond the sport. In "Cut Time", Rotella achieves the near-impossible: he makes the fight world relevant to us, whether we're fans or not.
The University of Chicago Press The Shaky Game
In this new edition, Arthur Fine looks at Einstein's philosophy of science and develops his own views on realism. A new Afterword discusses the reaction to Fine's own theory."What really led Einstein . . . to renounce the new quantum order? For those interested in this question, this book is compulsory reading."—Harvey R. Brown, American Journal of Physics"Fine has successfully combined a historical account of Einstein's philosophical views on quantum mechanics and a discussion of some of the philosophical problems associated with the interpretation of quantum theory with a discussion of some of the contemporary questions concerning realism and antirealism. . . . Clear, thoughtful, [and] well-written."—Allan Franklin, Annals of Science"Attempts, from Einstein's published works and unpublished correspondence, to piece together a coherent picture of 'Einstein realism.' Especially illuminating are the letters between Einstein and fellow realist Schrödinger, as the latter was composing his famous 'Schrödinger-Cat' paper."—Nick Herbert, New Scientist"Beautifully clear. . . . Fine's analysis is penetrating, his own results original and important. . . . The book is a splendid combination of new ways to think about quantum mechanics, about realism, and about Einstein's views of both."—Nancy Cartwright, Isis
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Finding My Elf
Single All the Way meets Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda in this festive romcom about Cam, who’s trying to find the “the one” and also trying to find himself—while spending winter break working at a hectic Santa’s Village. Escaping to NYU for college didn’t turn out the way Cameron planned—he’s flunking his theater classes, about to lose his scholarship, and he still hasn’t found anyone he can call his “people.” When he gets home for winter break, he’s so desperate to avoid a Conversation with his dad that he takes the first acting job he can get—as a mall elf. Despite how Scroogey he feels, the plus side is that there’s a cash prize for the most festive of Santa’s helpers. But the competition is fierce—especially from fellow elf Marco. Christmas spirit oozes out of his veins. At first Cam is determined to see him as nothing but a rival, but as they spend more time together, Cam starts to second-guess himself. What if he’s finally found his people here—in the fakest consumerist nightmare place on Earth, where he least expected it?
Encounter Books,USA The Holy City of Antiracism: Plato, Foucault, and the Possibility of Political Philosophy
Americans are more divided today than at any time since the Civil War. Our differences are not merely moral and political, but philosophical, and even spiritual. We hardly seem to experience the same reality anymore, preferring to self-select into media perception chambers whose projections vary according to political persuasion.Something has gone terribly wrong in the American political community. We have entered an era wherein the federal government’s democratically elected officers are powerless in comparison to their unelected, bureaucratic counterparts. The old balance of power, laid out in the Constitution, has been replaced by an entirely new structure.The American regime has become post-constitutional. But what is this post-constitutional arrangement? How does it operate? Who is in charge? Can it be overcome? What role will the Constitution play in the nation’s future?Glenn Ellmers—senior fellow with the Claremont Institute, widely-published analyst of current affairs, and scholar of political philosophy—provides answers to these and other questions, as he explores the deepest roots of our political turmoil, illustrating the connections between government bureaucracy, the misuse of science, and the leftwing ideology that controls so much of our public and private life.
Amazon Publishing Death in the Sunshine
Four ex-cops in a retirement paradise. Sure they’ll rest…when the killer is caught. After a long career as a police officer, Moira hopes a move to a luxury retirement community will mean she can finally leave the detective work to the youngsters and focus on a quieter life. But it turns out The Homestead is far from paradise. When she discovers the body of a young woman floating in one of the pools, surrounded by thousands of dollar bills, her crime-fighting instinct kicks back in and she joins up with fellow ex-cops—and new neighbours—Philip, Lizzie and Rick to investigate the murder. With the case officers dropping ball after ball, Moira and the gang take matters into their own hands, turning into undercover homicide investigators. But the killer is desperate to destroy all the evidence and Moira, Philip, Lizzie and Rick soon find themselves getting in the way—of the murderer and the police. Just when they think they can finally relax, they discover that someone has infiltrated their ‘safe’ community. Can they hunt down the murderer and get back to retiring in peace? And after all the excitement, will they want to?
Oxford University Press Concentrate Questions and Answers Land Law: Law Q&A Revision and Study Guide
Concentrate Q&A Land Law is part of the Concentrate Q&A series, the result of a collaboration involving hundreds of law students and lecturers from universities across the UK. Each book in this series offers you better support and a greater chance to succeed on your law course than any of the competitors. 'A sure-fire way to get a 1st class result' (Naomi M, Coventry University) 'My grades have dramatically improved since I started using the OUP Q&A guides' (Glen Sylvester, Bournemouth University) 'These first class answers will transform you into a first class student' (Ali Mohamed, University of Hertfordshire) 'I can't think of better revision support for my study' (Quynh Anh Thi Le, University of Warwick) 'I would strongly recommend Q&A guides. They have vastly improved my structuring of exam answers and helped me identify key components of a high quality answer' (Hayden Roach, Bournemouth University) '100% would recommend. Makes you feel like you will pass with flying colours' (Elysia Marie Vaughan, University of Hertfordshire) 'My fellow students rave about this book' (Octavia Knapper, Lancaster University) 'The best Q&A books that I've read; the content is exceptional' (Wendy Chinenye Akaigwe, London Metropolitan University) 'I would not hesitate to recommend this book to a friend' (Blessing Denhere, Coventry University)