Search results for ""Author THOMAS""
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH The Sonification Handbook
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Biblisch-Theologische Studien: Ehre, Scham und Schuld im alten Israel, in seinem Umfeld und in der gegenwärtigen Lebenswelt
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Vom Umgang Mit Schatzen: Internationaler Kongress Krems an Der Donau 28. Bis 30. Oktober 2004
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Grundlagen einer gerechten Organverteilung: Medizin - Psychologie - Recht - Ethik - Soziologie
Organe sind knapp, und die Zahl der Patienten, die versterben, oder nicht wieder gut zu machende Schäden an ihrer Gesundheit erleiden, bevor ihnen mit einer Transplantation geholfen werden kann, steigt ständig. Nach welchen Prinzipien aber sollen Lebenschancen an Bürger zugeteilt werden, die an Leben oder Gesundheit bedroht sind, wenn nicht allen von ihnen geholfen werden kann? Wer soll weiter leiden? Wer soll sterben, wenn nicht alle leben können? Diese Frage kann nicht allein mit medizinischem Wissen beantwortet werden; sie zwingt vielmehr unausweichlich zu normativen Wertungen und zu einer Zusammenschau dessen, was Medizin, Psychologie, Recht, Ethik und Soziologie zur Lösung dieses Problems beitragen können.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Contergan: Hintergrunde Und Folgen Eines Arzneimittel-Skandals
Harrassowitz Vlad Der Pfahler - Dracula: Tyrann Oder Volkstribun?
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Glaube Und Vernunft: Studien Zur Kirchen- Und Theologiegeschichte Des Spaten 18. Jahrhunderts
Theologischer Verlag Reformierter Abendmahlsgottesdienst: Partitur Zum Chor-Gottesdienst
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Theologie und Textgeschichte: Septuaginta und Masoretischer Text als Äußerungen theologischer Reflexion
Die Textversionen des Masoretischen Textes und der Septuaginta sind weit mehr als nur textkritisch zu betrachtende Zeugnisse zur Rekonstruktion des ältesten erreichbaren Textes des Alte Testaments. Sie sind vielmehr Spiegel einer weitergehenden Auseinandersetzung mit den Texten und damit auch Zeugnisse theologischer Debatte und Aktualisierung durch Neugestaltung eines vorgegebenen Textes. Aus diesem Grund sind in diesem Band, der gleichzeitig die Vorträge dokumentiert, die im Januar 2015 auf einem gleichnamigen Symposium zur Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Siegfried Kreuzer in Wuppertal gehalten wurden, Beiträge versammelt, die der textgeschichtlichen Fragestellung insbesondere in ihrem theologischen Aspekt nachgehen: Septuaginta und Masoretischer Text als Äußerungen theologischer Reflexion.
Bellevue Literary Press From the Shadows
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Acoustics
The central theme of the chapters is acoustic propagation in fluid media, dissipative or non-dissipative, homogeneous or nonhomogeneous, infinite or limited, placing particular emphasis on the theoretical formulation of the problems considered.
Minnesota Historical Society Press The Lincoln del Cookbook
Picture Window Books The Legend of the Vampire
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 6e Student Solutions Manual
John Wiley & Sons Inc Essentials of Corporate Finance
Rizzoli International Publications Birds of a Feather: Wildfowl Decoys At Shelburne Museum
Bird decoys were used for hunting in North America until the advent of hunting regulations in the early twentieth century, when decoys started to be prized and collected as masterpieces of American folk art. This handsome book is the first examination of the historic and unparalleled decoy collection at Shelburne Museum. Featuring new photography of 250 of the museum s most important and artistically carved decoys, it includes examples made by the most respected American carvers: Charles Osgood, Lem and Steve Ward, John Blair, Bill Bowman, Nathan Cobb, Jr., Lee Dudley, James Holly, Jr., Nathan Horner, Albert Laing, Joseph Lincoln, A. Elmer Crowell, and Charles Shang Wheeler. The story of the collection begins with Joel Barber, the pioneer decoy enthusiast and New York architect, artist, and carver, whose gift of 400 superior examples established the collection in 1952. Several essays provide groundbreaking scholarship on the origins, construction, and attribution of bird decoys, imparting critical advancements to our modern understanding of this revered tradition.
Hal Leonard Corporation Cosi Fan Tutte
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Landesrecht Niedersachsen: Studienbuch
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Sozialgesetzbuch X: Sozialverwaltungsverfahren Und Sozialdatenschutz
Hatje Cantz Sparano + Mooney Architecture: A Way of Working
The American architectural firm of Sparano + Mooney in Salt Lake City, Utah and Los Angeles, CA, stands for sustainable and innovative buildings that are harmoniously embedded in spectacular mountain landscapes. In this volume, architectural critic Michael Webb presents ten projects with the aid of photographs, drawings, sketches and texts, visualizing the process by which architectural ideas are conceived and realized. The architects respond in their plans to the overwhelming natural surroundings with restrained forms and the innovative detailing of materials. The firm's models, sketches, conceptual drafts and fully executed buildings offer thoughtful perspective on developing architecture that thrives on the relationship between concept and place. Accompanying essays relate the buildings to their regional contexts and also highlight analogies to Land Art.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany Helen Levitt / Henri Cartier-Bresson. Mexico
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Geschichte der musikalischen Interpretation im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Band 3: Aspekte - Parameter
Nachdem Band 1 Ästhetik und Ideengeschichte, Band 2 Institutionen und Medien der Interpretation thematisiert haben, befasst sich Band 3 mit der klingenden Interpretation selbst. Behandelt werden all jene Kategorien, die für Interpretation und ihre Wahrnehmung grundlegend sind: · Tempo und Tempomodifikationen, Dynamik, Phrasierung und Artikulation, Portamento und Vibrato, Textaussprache, Stimmung und Intonation.· die verwendeten Instrumente mit ihren spieltechnischen Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einschließlich der menschlichen Stimme· „Medien“ der Interpretation: Körper, Raum sowie die technischen Medien der Speicherung und Reproduktion, die Tonträger. Von fundamentaler Bedeutung ist ferner die Frage, in welchem Umfang man dem Notentext einer Komposition folgt bzw. von ihm abweicht („Willkürliche Veränderungen“, „Retuschen“, Ensemblekoordination), und welche Rolle regionale Differenzen bei der Interpretation spielen.
Springer International Publishing AG The Complete Business Guide for a Successful Medical Practice
This text provides physicians with the basic business skills in order for them to become involved in the financial aspect of their practices. The text will help the physician decide what kind of practice they would like to join (i.e. private practice, small group practice, solo practice, hospital employment, large group practice, academic medicine, or institutional\government practice) as well as understand the basics of contracting, restrictive covenants and how to navigate the road to partnership. Additional topics covered include, monthly balance sheets, productivity, overhead costs and profits, trend analysis and benchmarking. Finally, the book provides advice on advisors that doctors will need to help with the business of their professional and personal lives. These include accountants, bankers, lawyers, insurance agents and other financial advisors.The Complete Business Guide for a Successful Medical Practice provides a roadmap for physicians to be not only good clinical doctors but also good businessmen and businesswomen. It will help doctors make a difference in the lives of their patients as well as sound financial decisions for their practice.
UEA Publishing Project Black Beauty: Redwings Horse Sanctuary Edition
As a young horse, Black Beauty is well-loved and happy. But when his owner is forced to sell him, his life changes drastically. He has many new owners--some of them cruel and some of them kind. All he needs is someone to love him again... Whether pulling an elegant carriage or a ramshackle cab, Black Beauty tries to live as best he can. This is his amazing story, told as only he could tell it.This edition of this beloved novel features an original foreword by favourite children's author Jacqueline Wilson and an afterword by Professor Thomas Ruys Smith (University of East Anglia) which reintroduces readers to this much-loved book, examining the roots of its extraordinary longevity, the timelessness of Sewell’s powerful literary vision, and the ongoing necessity of her message of kindness and care to animals – and humans.Every copy of this edition sold will contribute directly to Redwings’ mission to value every horse and try to see the world from an equine point of view.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Endovascular Techniques in the Management of Cerebrovascular Disease
Direct from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Endovascular Techniques in the Management of Cerebrovascular Disease is intended for neurologists, neurosurgery fellows-in training, and practicing clinicians with an interest in endovascular procedures. This essential volume: Reviews equipment, devices, and therapeutic agents such as anti-coagulants and thrombolytics Describes the clinical management of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, including thrombectomy and stenting Examines hemorrhagic CVD and discusses aneurysms, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and vascular malformations Explains cutting-edge techniques related to occlusive cerebrovascular disease, arteriovenous malformation, and other extra- and intracranial cerebrovascular diseases
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Big Data in Small Business: Data-Driven Growth in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
This important book considers the ways in which small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can thrive in the age of big data. To address this central issue from multiple viewpoints, the editors introduce a collection of experiences, insights, and guidelines from a variety of expert researchers, each of whom provides a piece to solve this puzzle.Contributions address the limitations faced by SMEs in their access to data and demonstrate that the key to overcoming this issue is to be aware of these limitations, to work within them, and to use them to think creatively about how to overcome obstacles in new ways. They discuss Artificial Intelligence, revenue blueprinting, GDPR compliance, and other key topics related to the relationships between SMEs and data. Offering ideas to inspire big data-driven success by SMEs making smaller investments, the book argues that there must be a place for “ordinary” data-driven journeys that are available to firms of any size.Stimulating further thought and action, Big Data in Small Business will be of great interest to academics, researchers, and practitioners in areas such as strategic management, organizational and innovation studies, marketing, and sales. The ideas and information in this book will help fill knowledge gaps related to important aspects of capabilities, functions, and transformations of big data that drive business growth.
Emerald Publishing Limited Community Colleges Worldwide: Investigating the Global Phenomenon
This volume of the "International Perspectives on Education and Society" series comparatively examines various two-year and community college institutions worldwide. While these institutions are called by different names and may not all be structured the same around the world, their core mission remains consistently: to respond to the needs of their local community. Inspired by the German Volkshochschule, founded in 1844, this model is now throughout the U.S., Canada, Australia, India, South Africa, Thailand and other nations. While the community college "label" is debatable and possibly controversial in and of itself, these institutions all serve the needs of their local communities by bridging the gap between academic and technical training with open and accessible learning. Students served by these institutions come from various socioeconomic backgrounds including age, race, culture, gender, and income levels. Two-year and community colleges adapt and institutionalize differently to meet various community needs, whether they provide students with technical training, the ability to transfer to four-year higher education institutions, remedial education or lifelong learning opportunities. This volume analyzes the ways this model has served and continues to serve communities in different international contexts for similar purposes.
Getty Trust Publications Cultural Heritage and Mass Atrocities
A pathbreaking call to halt the intertwined crises of cultural heritage attacks and mass atrocities and mobilize international efforts to protect people and cultures. Intentional destruction of cultural heritage has a long history. Contemporary examples include the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan, mosques in Xinjiang, mausoleums in Timbuktu, and Greco-Roman remains in Syria. Cultural heritage destruction invariably accompanies assaults on civilians, making heritage attacks impossible to disentangle from the mass atrocities of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing. Both seek to eliminate people and the heritage with which they identify. Cultural Heritage and Mass Atrocities assembles essays by thirty-eight experts from the heritage, social science, humanitarian, legal, and military communities. Focusing on immovable cultural heritage vulnerable to attack, the volume's guiding framework is the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), a United Nations resolution adopted unanimously in 2005 to permit international intervention against crimes of war or genocide. Based on the three pillars of prevent, react, and rebuild, R2P offers today's policymakers a set of existing laws and international norms that can and--as this book argues--must be extended to the protection of cultural heritage. Contributions consider the global value of cultural heritage and document recent attacks on people and sites in China, Guatemala, Iraq, Mali, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen. Comprehensive sections on vulnerable populations as well as the role of international law and the military offer readers critical insights and point toward research, policy, and action agendas to protect both people and cultural heritage. A concise abstract of each chapter is offered online in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish to facilitate robust, global dissemination of the strategies and tactics offered in this pathbreaking call to action. The free online edition of this publication is available at Also available are free PDF, EPUB, and Kindle/MOBI downloads of the book.
PublicAffairs,U.S. Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, Deluxe 12th edition
The only current authorized edition of the classic work on parliamentary procedure--now in a new updated editionRobert's Rules of Order is the recognized guide to smooth, orderly, and fairly conducted meetings. This 12th edition is the only current manual to have been maintained and updated since 1876 under the continuing program established by General Henry M. Robert himself. As indispensable now as the original edition was more than a century ago, Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised is the acknowledged "gold standard" for meeting rules.New and enhanced features of this edition include:* Section-based paragraph numbering to facilitate cross-references and e-book compatibility* Expanded appendix of charts, tables, and lists* Sample rules for electronic meetings* Helpful summary explanations about postponing a motion, reconsidering a vote, making and enforcing points of order and appeals, and newly expanded procedures for filling blanks* New provisions regarding debate on nominations, reopening nominations, and completing an election after its scheduled time* Dozens more clarifications, additions, and refinements to improve the presentation of existing rules, incorporate new interpretations, and address common inquiriesCoinciding with publication of the 12th edition, the authors of this manual have once again published an updated (3rd) edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief, a simple and concise introductory guide cross-referenced to it.
Baker Publishing Group Revelation
In this addition to the award-winning BECNT series, leading evangelical biblical scholar Thomas Schreiner offers a substantive commentary on Revelation. Schreiner's BECNT volume on Romans has been highly successful, with nearly 40,000 copies sold. In this volume, Schreiner presents well-informed evangelical scholarship on the book of Revelation. With extensive research and thoughtful chapter-by-chapter exegesis, he leads readers through the text of Revelation to help them better understand the meaning and relevance of this biblical book. As with all BECNT volumes, this commentary features the author's detailed interaction with the Greek text and an acclaimed, user-friendly design. It admirably achieves the dual aims of the series--academic sophistication with pastoral sensitivity and accessibility--making it a useful tool for pastors, church leaders, students, and teachers.
Edinburgh University Press Between Deleuze and Foucault
Deleuze and Foucault had a long, complicated and productive relationship, in which each was at various times a significant influence on the other. This collection combines 3 original essays by Deleuze and Foucault, in which they respond to each other’s work, with 16 critical essays by key contemporary scholars working in the field. The result is a sustained discussion and analysis of the various dimensions of this fascinating relationship, which clarifies the implications of their philosophical encounter.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Clean Sweep: VIII Fighter Command against the Luftwaffe, 1942–45
A vivid narrative history, packed with first-hand accounts, of the US Eighth Air Force's VIII Fighter Command from its foundation in 1942 through to its victory in the skies over Nazi Germany. On August 7, 1942, two events of major military importance occurred on separate sides of the planet. In the South Pacific, the United States went on the offensive, landing the First Marine Division at Guadalcanal. In England, 12 B-17 bombers of the new Eighth Air Force’s 97th Bombardment Group bombed the Rouen–Sotteville railroad marshalling yards in France. While the mission was small, the aerial struggle that began that day would ultimately cost the United States more men killed and wounded by the end of the war in Europe than the Marines would lose in the Pacific War. Clean Sweep is the story of the creation, development and operation of the Eighth Air Force Fighter Command and the battle to establish daylight air superiority over the Luftwaffe so that the invasion of Europe could be successful. Thomas McKelvey Cleaver has had a lifelong interest in the history of the fighter force that defeated the Luftwaffe over Germany. He has collected many first-hand accounts from participants over the past 50 years, getting to know pilots such as the legendary “Hub” Zemke, Don Blakeslee and Chuck Yeager, as well as meeting and interviewing leading Luftwaffe pilots Adolf Galland, Gunther Rall and Walter “Count Punski” Krupinski. This story is told through accounts gathered from both sides.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Development Communication and Social Change
This valuable resource offers a wealth of practical and conceptual guidance to all those engaged in struggles for social justice around the world. It explains in accessible language and painstaking detail how to deploy and to understand the tools of media and communication in advancing the goals of social, cultural, and political change. A stand-out reference on a vital topic of primary international concern, with a rising profile in communications and media research programs Multinational editorial team and global contributors Covers the history of the field as well as integrating and reconceptualising its diverse perspectives and approaches Provides a fully formed framework of understanding and identifies likely future developments Features a wealth of insights into the critical role of digital media in development communication and social change
John Wiley & Sons Inc Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, 7th Edition is designed to be primarily used in two ways: as a textbook in the introductory courses in remote sensing and image interpretation, and as a reference for the burgeoning number of practitioners who use geospatial information and analysis in their work. Because of the wide range of academic and professional settings in which this book might be used, we have made the discussion “discipline neutral.” In short, anyone involved in geospatial data acquisition and analysis should find this book to be a valuable text and reference.
Houghton Library of the Harvard College Library A Monument More Durable than Brass: Donald & Mary Hyde Collection of Dr. Samuel Johnson
To commemorate the tercentenary of the birth of Samuel Johnson (1709–1784), whose influence on his time was as monumental as his legacy is enduring, Harvard University’s Houghton Library presents this exhibition catalogue of items drawn from the Donald & Mary Hyde Collection of Dr. Samuel Johnson, bequeathed to the library in 2004 by Mary Hyde Eccles. This copiously illustrated catalogue documents sixty years of assiduous and painstaking effort on the part of Lady Eccles, initially in collaboration with her first husband, Donald F. Hyde, and later with the encouragement and support of her second husband, David, Viscount Eccles, to assemble one of the world’s finest collections of eighteenth-century English literature. The catalogue, including essays on Johnson’s literary durability and on Donald and Mary Hyde’s life as collectors, pays tribute to a great literary icon and to a remarkably generous woman who devoted her life to collecting an astonishing array of books, manuscripts, prints, and other rare artifacts relating to his life and times.
Fordham University Press Orthodox Tradition and Human Sexuality
Sex is a difficult issue for contemporary Christians, but the past decade has witnessed a newfound openness regarding the topic among Eastern Orthodox Christians. Both the theological trajectory and the historical circumstances of the Orthodox Church differ radically from those of other Christian denominations that have already developed robust and creative reflections on sexuality and sexual diversity. Within its unique history, theology, and tradition, Orthodox Christianity holds rich resources for engaging challenging questions of sexuality in new and responsive ways. What is at stake in questions of sexuality in the Orthodox tradition? What sources and theological convictions can uniquely shape Orthodox understandings of sexuality? This volume aims to create an agora for discussing sex, and not least the sexualities that are often thought of as untraditional in Orthodox contexts. Through fifteen distinct chapters, written by leading scholars and theologians, this book offers a developed treatment of sexuality in the Orthodox Christian world by approaching the subject from scriptural, patristic, theological, historical, and sociological perspectives. Chapters devoted to practical and pastoral insights, as well as reflections on specific cultural contexts, engage the human realities of sexual diversity and Christian life. From re-thinking scripture to developing theologies of sex, from eschatological views of eros to re-evaluations of the Orthodox responses to science, this book offers new thinking on pressing, present-day issues and initiates conversations about homosexuality and sexual diversity within Orthodox Christianity.
Rutgers University Press The New Anthology of American Poetry: Modernisms: 1900-1950
Bringing together fifty years of exciting modernisms, The New Anthology of American Poetry, Volume 2 includes over 600 poems by sixty-five American poets writing in the period between 1900 and 1950. The most recognized poets of the era, such as William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, T. S. Eliot, H. D., Gertrude Stein, Robert Frost, Marianne Moore, Hart Crane, and Langston Hughes are represented, along with many other Harlem Renaissance poets, women poets, immigrant and working-class poets, imagists, and objectivists. It is also the first modernist anthology to include poems and songs from popular culture.
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton
"The moment of takeoff was We left the ground—I with Christian mantras and a great sense of destiny, of being at last on my true way after years of waiting and wondering..." With these words, dated October 15. 1968, the late Father Thomas Merton recorded the beginning of his fateful journey to the Orient. His travels led him from Bangkok, through India to Ceylon, and back again to Bangkok for his scheduled talk at a conference of Asian monastic orders. There he unequivocally reaffirmed his Christian vocation. His last journal entry was made on December 8, 1968, two days before his untimely, accidental death. Amply illustrated with photographs he himself took along the way and fully indexed, the book also contains a glossary of Asian religious terms, a preface by the Indian scholar Amiya Chakravarty, a foreword and postscript by Brother Patrick Hart of the Abbey of Gethsemani, as well as several appendices, among them the text of Merton's final address.
Edinburgh University Press Ethnographies of Islam: Ritual Performances and Everyday Practices
This book shows how ethnography can create a greater understanding of Islam in particular social contexts. Islam is stereotypically presented as a monolithic civilisation that has stifled the emergence of cultural pluralism and individual freedom. In contrast, this volume showcases the diversity and plurality of Muslim societies. The contributors reflect on how the ethnographic method allows the description, representation and analysis of the social and cultural complexity of Muslim societies in the discourse of anthropology. It shows the benefit of using ethnography as a method to engage with and relate to specific real-world examples. It includes case studies on rituals and symbols in Syria, Tunisia, Damascus, Algeria, Britain, Pakistan, Brazil and Lebanon. It covers practices such as veiling, students' religious practices, charitable activities, law and scholarship in Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Yemen.
Phaidon Press Ltd Anatomy: Exploring the Human Body
A stunning tribute to our eternal fascination with the human body Anatomy, Exploring the Human Body is a visually compelling survey of more than 5,000 years of image-making. Through 300 remarkable works, selected and curated by an international panel of anatomists, curators, academics, and specialists, the book chronicles the intriguing visual history of human anatomy, showcasing its amazing complexity and our ongoing fascination with the systems and functions of our bodies. Exploring individual parts of the human body from head to toe, and revealing the intricate functions of body systems, such as the nerves, muscles, organs, digestive system, brain, and senses, this authoritative book presents iconic examples alongside rarely seen, breathtaking works. The 300 entries are arranged with juxtapositions of contrasting and complementary illustrations to allow for thought-provoking, lively, and stimulating reading. Advisory panel: Sara Barnes, Dame Sue Black, Gordon Campbell, Andrew Graciano, Elizabeth Hallam, Peter Heinl, Mieneke te Hennepe, Nick Hopwood, Taylor McCall, Jeffrey Reznick, Vanessa Ruiz, Michael Sappol, Thomas Schnalke, Jill Shapiro, Johanna Simkin and Carla Valentine Additional texts: Eva Åhrén, Sara Barnes, Dame Sue Black, Gordon Campbell, Tim Cooke, Anita Dalal, Louisa Elderton, Diane Fortenberry, Andrew Graciano, Nick Hopwood, Tom Jackson, Taylor McCall, Michele Robecchi, Carole Reeves, Vanessa Ruiz, Michael Sappol, Thomas Schnalke, Johanna Simkin, James Smith, David Trigg and Martin Walters
Princeton University Press Physics of Binary Star Evolution: From Stars to X-ray Binaries and Gravitational Wave Sources
A graduate-level textbook on the astrophysics of binary star systems and their evolutionPhysics of Binary Star Evolution is an up-to-date textbook on the astrophysics and evolution of binary star systems. Theoretical astrophysicists Thomas Tauris and Edward van den Heuvel cover a wide range of phenomena and processes, including mass transfer and ejection, common envelopes, novae and supernovae, X-ray binaries, millisecond radio pulsars, and gravitational wave (GW) sources, and their links to stellar evolution.The authors walk through the observed properties and evolution of different types of binaries, with special emphasis on those containing compact objects (neutron stars, black holes, and white dwarfs). Attention is given to the formation mechanisms of GW sources—merging double neutron stars and black holes as well as ultra-compact GW binaries hosting white dwarfs—and to the progenitors of these sources and how they are observed with radio telescopes, X-ray satellites, and GW detectors (LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, Einstein Telescope, Cosmic Explorer, and LISA). Supported by illustrations, equations, and exercises, Physics of Binary Star Evolution combines theory and observations to guide readers through the wonders of a field that will play a central role in modern astrophysics for decades to come. 465 equations, 47 tables, and 350+ figures More than 80 exercises (analytical, numerical, and computational) Over 2,500 extensive, up-to-date references
University of California Press Teaching Big History
Big History is a new field on a grand scale: it tells the story of the universe over time through a diverse range of disciplines that spans cosmology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, and archaeology, thereby reconciling traditional human history with environmental geography and natural history. Weaving the myriad threads of evidence-based human knowledge into a master narrative that stretches from the beginning of the universe to the present, the Big History framework helps students make sense of their studies in all disciplines by illuminating the structures that underlie the universe and the connections among them. Teaching Big History is a powerful analytic and pedagogical resource, and serves as a comprehensive guide for teaching Big History, as well for sharing ideas about the subject and planning a curriculum around it. Readers are also given helpful advice about the administrative and organizational challenges of instituting a general education program constructed around Big History. The book includes teaching materials, examples, and detailed sample exercises. This book is also an engaging first-hand account of how a group of professors built an entire Big History general education curriculum for first-year students, demonstrating how this thoughtful integration of disciplines exemplifies liberal education at its best and illustrating how teaching and learning this incredible story can be transformative for professors and students alike.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Beyond Wall Street: The Art of Investing
Insight and advice on mastering the art of investing-from some of the biggest names in the business This invaluable volume presents what the experts' experts-Peter Bernstein, Gary Brinson, Foster Friess, John Neff, Barr Rosenberg, Mark Mobius, William Gross,and William Sharpe-have to say about risk, asset allocation, growth investing, index funds, value investing, quantitative analysis, fixed-income securities, and emerging markets. "Essential reading for both novice and expert investors, the profiles in Beyond Wall Street show how the country's most successful investors make money. Read this and learn what it takes to come out on top."-Jane Bryant Quinn, Newsweek columnist, Author of Making the Most of Your Money "Beyond Wall Street achieves a laudable balance between human drama and sage advice, and the sages involved are some of the finest investors of our time."-Ed Finn, Editor, Barron's "This book serves a delicious blend of the techniques and biographies of some of the greatest professional vestors and financial scholars. Anyone serious about long-term investment success will profit from the indispensable insights of these diverse masters."-Roger A. Segal, Investors' Bookshelf ( "This book is a wonderful source of knowledge for investors ranging from novice to professional. We can all learn something from today's most accomplished thinkers and practitioners."-Elizabeth J. Mackay, CFA, Chief Investment Strategist, Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Simple Solutions: Harness the Power of Passion and Simplicity to Get Results
Combining the rational, logical instincts of the left brain with the passionate and artful skills of the right brain, this book offers a leadership approach that is both highly effective and deeply inspirational. Perfect for anyone assuming a leadership position, it presents simple solutions on such topics as effective collaboration, achieving goals, leadership styles, team-building, inspiring people to success, and more.