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Verlag G. Mainz Datadriven Modeling and Optimization of MultiEnergy Systems
Big data raises new opportunities for deep insights and supporting decision-making. To seize these opportunities, methods that derive useful knowledge from large amounts of data are needed. Such methods can help meet urgent challenges in many fields. An urgent challenge for energy systems is the necessary transformation towards sustainability to mitigate climate change. One crucial aspect of this challenge is a permanent optimal operation of energy systems. In principle, mathematical optimization can best determine the optimal operation of energy systems. However, manual model generation and operational optimization of energy systems are time-consuming and can thus prevent an application of mathematical optimization in practice. This thesis presents methods that use measured data to automatically generate mathematical models of energy systems to tackle the challenge of time-consuming model generations. Additionally, methods are presented that accelerate the operational optimization
Amazon Publishing Guiltless
The tiny Swedish island of Sandhamn has always been a haven for lawyer Nora Linde. With trouble brewing in her marriage, she finds its comforts more welcome than ever, even in the depths of winter. That is, until her two young sons trip across a severed arm in the woods. The boys' gruesome discovery will once again connect Nora with her childhood friend Thomas Andreasson, now a local police detective. When the limb is identified as belonging to a twenty-year-old woman who disappeared without a trace months earlier, what had been a missing persons case takes on a whole new urgency. Nora and Thomas delve deeply into the woman's final hours, each of them wrestling not only with the case but with the private demons it awakens in them. As they do, they'll find themselves drawn into the history of Sandhamn and the tensions that have been simmering just below the surface for more than a hundred years.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Modern Day Challenges in Academia: Time for a Change
Examining the modern day challenges faced by academics throughout their working lives, this timely book investigates the ways in which academic careers are changing, the reasons for these changes and their potential future impacts. Contributors with experience of work in both traditional and contemporary institutions utilise theoretical and empirical methods to provide international perspectives on the key issues confronting modern day academics. Split across three chronological parts this book guides the reader through the phases of an academic's working life and the unique challenges encountered at each stage. For those entering academia key issues considered relate to career paths and motivations and transitions from industry to academia. During academia chapters study the understanding of external examiners, questions surrounding student supervision, work-life balance, use of technology and the trade off between teaching and research. Upon leaving academia concerns turn to the difficulties of working past retirement age and emeritus roles. Exploring how academics survive and thrive in the modern higher education arena, this analytical book will be a useful tool for new and established academics and policy makers working in higher education as well as for programme leaders in educational management. Contributors include: A. Agarwal, D. Anderton, K.E. Andreasen, M. Antoniadou, W. Chambers, C. Cook, M. Crowder, P. Cureton, E. Epaminonda, M. Gibson-Sweet, J. Haddock-Fraser, J. Jones, A. Karayiannis, H. Kogetsidis, P.D. Ktoridou, S.-J. Lennie, B. Longden, S. Marriott, M. Mouratidou, T. Proctor, A. Rasmussen, C. Rees, S.K. Rehbock, K. Rowlands, P.J. Sandiford, J. Stewart, S. Wells
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Modern Day Challenges in Academia: Time for a Change
Examining the modern day challenges faced by academics throughout their working lives, this timely book investigates the ways in which academic careers are changing, the reasons for these changes and their potential future impacts. Contributors with experience of work in both traditional and contemporary institutions utilise theoretical and empirical methods to provide international perspectives on the key issues confronting modern day academics. Split across three chronological parts this book guides the reader through the phases of an academic's working life and the unique challenges encountered at each stage. For those entering academia key issues considered relate to career paths and motivations and transitions from industry to academia. During academia chapters study the understanding of external examiners, questions surrounding student supervision, work-life balance, use of technology and the trade off between teaching and research. Upon leaving academia concerns turn to the difficulties of working past retirement age and emeritus roles. Exploring how academics survive and thrive in the modern higher education arena, this analytical book will be a useful tool for new and established academics and policy makers working in higher education as well as for programme leaders in educational management. Contributors include: A. Agarwal, D. Anderton, K.E. Andreasen, M. Antoniadou, W. Chambers, C. Cook, M. Crowder, P. Cureton, E. Epaminonda, M. Gibson-Sweet, J. Haddock-Fraser, J. Jones, A. Karayiannis, H. Kogetsidis, P.D. Ktoridou, S.-J. Lennie, B. Longden, S. Marriott, M. Mouratidou, T. Proctor, A. Rasmussen, C. Rees, S.K. Rehbock, K. Rowlands, P.J. Sandiford, J. Stewart, S. Wells
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Early Modern Military Identities, 1560-1639: Reality and Representation
An investigation into how soldiers of this period considered and presented themselves. Within the large-scale historiography of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century warfare and the early modern military revolution there remain many unanswered questions about the individual soldier and their relationship to the profession of arms. What was it that distinguished a soldier from the rest of society? How was the military life perceived in this period by those with first-hand experience of soldiery, or who represented soldiers on the page and stage?How were nationality, class, and gender used to construct military identities? And how were such identities also shaped by classical and medieval models? This book examines how early modern fighting men and their peers viewed and represented themselves in military roles, and how they were viewed and fashioned by others. Focusing on English, Irish and Anglo-Irish soldiers active between the 1560s and 1630s, and using sources including poetry, petitions, sermons, military treatises and manuals, campaign records, and plays by Shakespeare, Middleton and their contemporaries, a combination of historians and literary scholars offer new investigations into the construction, representation and interpretation of military identity, and consider the personal and political implications of martial self-fashioning. Drawing on a variety of disciplines and methodologies, the essays here demonstrate how the study of military identity-and military identities-intersects with that of life-writing, digital humanities, gender, disability, the history of emotions, and the relationship between early modern literature and martial culture. MATTHEW WOODCOCK is Professor of Medieval and Early Modern Literature, University of East Anglia; CIAN O'MAHONY is an Independent Scholar. Contributors: Angela Andreani, Benjamin Armintor, Ruth Canning, David Edwards, Andrew Hadfield, Andrew Hiscock, Adam McKeown, Philip Major, Cian O'Mahony, James O'Neill, Vimala Pasupathi, Clodagh Tait, David Trim, Matthew Woodcock.
Melissa Publishing House Athens and Attica: History and Archaeology
Melissa Publishing House Archaiologia: Peloponnesos
Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki La Divina Commedia Di Antonio Maria Esposito: Tra Miniatura, Scultura E Spiritualita
Dr Ludwig Reichert Agyptische Mumienmasken in Wurzburg
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft The Economic Ethics of World Religions and Their Laws: An Introduction to Max Weber's Comparative Sociology
Gmeiner Verlag Lieblingspltze in und um GarmischPartenkirchen
De Gruyter Gynäkologische Onkologie
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Deleuze
This book provides a clear and concise introduction to the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. It analyses his key theoretical concepts, such as difference and the body without organs, and covers all the different areas of his thought, including metaphysics, the history of philosophy, psychoanalysis, political theory, the philosophy of the social sciences and aesthetics. As the first book to offer a comprehensive analysis of Deleuze's writings, it reveals both the internal coherence of his philosophy and its development through a series of distinct phases. Reidar Due offers an entirely new interpretation of Deleuze's philosophy, centred around the notion of thought as a capacity to form relations. These relations are embodied in nature, in language and in the unconscious; in art, science and social practice. With this concept of embodied thought, Deleuze challenges our most entrenched beliefs about the self and about signs whether linguistic or social. He develops an original theory of power and social systems and presents a method for understanding any signifying practice, from language and ritual to the unconscious, including cinema, literature and painting. Due analyses the different strands in this theoretical edifice and shows its implications for a wide range of human sciences, from history and psychology to political theory and cultural studies.
Turia + Kant, Verlag Psychoanalyse versus Psychotherapie
Sutton Verlag GmbH Dinner off Düringisch
edition krimi Der Henker mit dem Totenkopf
edition krimi Leichentuch
Meyer + Meyer Fachverlag Einradfahren Basics und erste Tricks
Kopp Verlag George Soros
Patrimonium Aachen Wie die Mönchsgemeinde leben soll
Gmeiner Verlag Lieblingspltze Donau PassauWien
Dorling Kindersley Verlag memo Wissen entdecken Kriminalistik Tatort Spuren Detektive Das Buch mit Poster
Stiebner Verlag GmbH Klompelompes Kindermaschen Klompelompes Kindermaschen Luftige Strickprojekte fr 0 bis 12 Jahre Kreativ praktisch Strickkleidung fr den Sommer Kleider Strampler fr Mdchen und Jungs
Herder Verlag GmbH Weil Bücher unsere Welt verändern
Wissenschaftliche Cannabis
Hansebooks Die Amazonen: Ein Beitrag zur unbefangenen Prüfung und Wärdigung der ältesten Überlieferungen
Emons Verlag Hildegard von Bingen und das Siegel des Königs
Emons Verlag Eifeldeal
Motorbuch Verlag Navigation mit Smartphone Co.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Koran erklrt Wichtige Verse kurz und verstndlich erlutert
J.B. Metzler Nietzsche und die Folgen
Nietzsches Welt.- Nietzsches Nachwelt.- Nietzsches Zukunft.
Heymanns Verlag GmbH FormularKommentar GmbHRecht
Herder Verlag GmbH Entscheide dich
De Gruyter Emil Orlik: Das druckgraphische Werk
Vier Bände im Schuber Emil Orlik (1870–1932) war Maler, Grafiker, Fotograf, Exlibris-Künstler, Medailleur und Kunsthandwerker: ein Allround-Talent. Entscheidend für seine künstlerische Entwicklung wurde eine Reise nach Japan 1900/1901, wo er bei japanischen Meistern die Kunst des Holzschneidens erlernte. In Wien war er Mitglied der Secession. 1904 erhielt er einen Ruf als Professor nach Berlin, wo er für Max Reinhardt Bühnenbild- und Kostümentwürfe schuf. In Berlin war Orlik eine feste gesellschaftliche Größe. Seine Porträts von Persönlichkeiten aus Kunst, Theater, Musik, Literatur, Film, Kabarett und Politik sind ein Kaleidoskop des geistigen, kulturellen und Wirtschaftslebens der Weimarer Republik. Orlik unternahm zahlreiche Reisen, die ihn neben Europa und der USA nach China, Korea, Ägypten, Nubien und erneut nach Japan führten. Sein Werk spiegelt seine Neugier auf die Welt und die Vielfältigkeit dieses Ausnahmekünstlers. Sein umfangreiches druckgrafisches Werk – Holzschnitte, Radierungen und Lithografien – wird nun erstmals ausführlich dokumentiert und im vorliegenden Werkverzeichnis präsentiert. Das erste Werkverzeichnis des umfangreichen druckgrafischen Werks (ca. 2.300 Arbeiten) von Emil Orlik Bibliophile Ausgabe – 4 Bände, Leinenumschlag mit Prägung, im bezogenen Schuber Blick ins BuchBand IBand IIBand IIIBand IV
Arena Verlag GmbH Tilda Apfelkern. Die schönsten Abenteuer aus dem Heckenrosenweg Sonderausgabe zur TVSerie
Arena Verlag GmbH Snöfrid aus dem Wiesental. Weihnachtszauber im Nordland. 24 AdventskalenderGeschichten
Arena Verlag GmbH Missi Moppel Detektivin für alle Fälle. Das Geheimnis im Turmzimmer und andere Rätselhaftigkeiten
MQ - University of Nebraska Press John Warden and the Renaissance of American Air Power
Edinburgh University Press American Social and Political Thought: A Reader
This Reader provides substantial extracts from the core texts in the field of American social and political thought. The aim is to demonstrate the rich intellectual tradition of the United States and to facilitate a better understanding of American society and politics through the reproduction of key texts from a wide variety of thinkers. The Reader is structured to enable a clear understanding of the ideas presented. The first part covers the core traditions of American social and political thought - American Exceptionalism, Political Theology, Republicanism, Liberalism and Pragmatism. In the second part texts have been selected to demonstrate the ways in which these traditions have been applied to a broad range of issues and conditions - Democracy and Power, Justice and Injustice, Pluralism and Multiculturalism, Civil Society and Social Theory and the Task of Intellectuals. The final section looks at American Social and Political Thought at the Dawn of the 21st Century. Key Features: * Unique combination of American social and political thought * Includes substantial readings from Frederick Jackson Turner, Max Weber, Michael Sandel, John Rawls, C.Wright Mills, Sheldon Wolin, Judith N. Shklar, bell hooks, Seyla Benhabib and Richard Rorty * Organisation of reader - covering traditions and then issues -facilitates students' understanding of the texts * Clear, contextualising introductions further aid understanding * Although both are stand-alone volumes, the Reader and the Introduction can form an ideal package for courses on American Social and/or Political Thought
John Wiley & Sons Inc Systems Engineering with SDL: Developing Performance-Critical Communication Systems
SDL (Specification and Description Language) is a modern, high-level programming language intended for the description of complex, event-driven, real-time and communicating systems. SDL was originally designed to describe performance-critical, real-time systems with precision and accuracy, and, if used correctly, it can significantly enhance the performance of system designs. This text is unique in the integration between performance and design issues, describing the specific problems encountered when specifying, designing and implementing communication systems with SDL, and offers experience-based advice and solutions. Other topics covered include * Navigating through complex design processes * Strategies for deriving efficient implementations from SDL descriptions * The latest version of SDL, SDL-2000 Systems Engineering with SDL also includes a CD-ROM containing a demonstration version of Telelogic's SDL design suite 'Tau' - the market leading SDL design tool which further reinforces the comprehensive integration between theory and practice. Written by a former system architect at Alcatel who currently serves on the ITU standards body for SDL, responsible for the development of performance and time aspects of the standard, this valuable reference resource is principally of use to practitioners using SDL to develop communicating systems, communication protocols, distributed systems, embedded systems, especially systems architects, development engineers and tool builders making strategic design decisions. However, the comprehensive coverage and concise and practical style make this text also applicable to students on graduate level courses on protocol engineering, communication systems engineering and distributed systems.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Winter Knitting for Little Sweethearts 46 NordicStyle Patterns for Girls Boys and Babies
Capture the cozy sparkle of Norway''s winters with new projects from renowned women-owned Nordic design company KlompeLompe. Winter Knitting for Little Sweethearts features warm and cozy knitting designs for young ones, from the renowned KlompeLompe team from Norway. This enchanting book unveils 46 heirloom-quality garments tailored for comfortable everyday wear by infants and children up to 10 years old. Whether you''re discovering the artistry of KlompeLompe for the first time or are already among their millions of fans, you''ll enjoy crafting these meticulously designed pullovers, cardigans, pants, caps, and socks with classic appeal. Book highlights include: Clear difficulty level rankings, which make the book accessible for knitters of all skill levels; 46 new designs for kids and infants, perfect for the beauty of Norwegian winters and your own; A variety of yarn weights and qualities, which ensure vers
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Nach Lourdes!: Der Franzoesische Marienwallfahrtsort Und Die Katholiken Im Deutschen Kaiserreich (1871-1914)
Verlag Barbara Budrich Migration and Refugee Policies in Germany: New European Limits of Control?
International migration is one of the most controversial political topics today which demands innovative approaches of global and regional governance. The book provides a fresh theoretical framework to understand European responses to the international migration of people and explains the dynamics of Germany’s migration and refugee policy during the last two decades. Against traditional theories and their inherent focus on the national political sphere, the book highlights supranational and multi-level political processes as increasingly important factors to account for national policy changes. Confronted with the most recent developments of international migration, the study offers students and practitioners the necessary background to participate in today’s debates.