Search results for ""author harry"
Austin Macauley Publishers The Pakistan Connection: My Insights on Pakistan and Pakistanis
Headline Publishing Group Gaslight in Page Street: A compelling saga of community, war and suffragettes (Tanner Trilogy Book 1)
Page Street, a shabby, cobbled and gaslit Bermondsey backstreet is home to a diverse and close-knit community fighting an ongoing battle against poverty, hunger and the devastating effects of the Great War.George Galloway owns a cartage business; his right-hand man is William Tanner. William's loyalty has worn thin over the years but he cannot break the ties with Galloway because times are hard and the house in which he lives belongs to him. Carrie Tanner grows up in the heart of a poor yet loving family, but as she becomes a young woman she becomes involved in the Suffragette movement. The times are changing - and quickly. Will this close-knit community be able to pull together or will it be torn apart?
Little, Brown Book Group Slipless In Settle: A Slow Turn Around Northern Cricket
Slipless in Settle is a sentimental journey around club cricket in the north of England, a world far removed from the clichéd lengthening-shadows-on-the-village-green image of the summer game. This is hardcore cricket played in former pit villages and mill towns. Winner of the 2011 MCC Cricket Book of the Year, it is about the little clubs that have, down the years, produced some of the greatest players Britain has ever seen, and at one time spent a fortune on importing the biggest names in the international game to boost their battle for local supremacy.Slipless in Settle is a warm, affectionate and outrageously funny sporting odyssey in which Andrew Flintoff and Learie Constantine rub shoulders with Asbo-tag-wearing all-rounders, there's hot-pot pie and mushy peas at the tea bar, two types of mild in the clubhouse, and a batsman is banned for a month for wearing a fireman's helmet when going out to face Joel Garner . . .
Hodder & Stoughton Hitler's War
The master of alternative history asks the question, 'What would have happened if World War II had started in 1938?'. The results are thrilling.The two sides of the Spanish civil war are still locked in a blood-soaked stalemate. Stalin's purge of the Red Army is barely underway. And Neville Chamberlain - sickened by the arrogance and duplicity of the Germans- does not return from Munich waving the piece of paper that would give the Czech arms factories to Hitler and postpone the war until 1939. On October 1, German tanks cross the Czech frontier, touching off declarations of war from France, from England, from the USSR. Poland, fearing the Russians more than Hitler, declares war on the German side. Soon Fascist Spain attacks Gibraltar, the Japanese army crosses the Manchurian frontier into Siberia . . . and the British Army sets off for France, which has launched a pre-emptive attack on the Rhineland. The war we know as World War II has begun - a year early, in an entirely different way.
Random House USA Inc In the Balance Worldwar Book One
Leapfrog Press Pulisic
Leapfrog Press Kane
Leapfrog Press Rashford
World Wisdom Books Crossing Religious Frontiers: Studies in Comparative Religion
How should we view religions that are different from our own? In a world where misunderstandings and disagreements between cultures and faiths are commonplace, this book helps us put other faiths in context and addresses the problem of encountering conflicting religious forms.
Casemate Publishers The Tank Killers: A History of America's World War II Tank Destroyer Force
“It involves some tense moments, and these are recorded vividly in this book, including interviews with many TD veterans, plus official reports and documents.”The Tank Killers is the story of the American Tank Destroyer Force in North Africa, Italy, and the European Theatre during World War II. The tank destroyer (TD) was a bold-if some would say flawed-answer to the challenge posed by the seemingly unstoppable German blitzkrieg. The TD was conceived to be light and fast enough to outmanoeuvre panzer forces and go where tanks could not. At the same time, the TD would wield the firepower needed to kill any German tank on the battlefield. Indeed, American doctrine stipulated that TDs would fight tanks, while American tanks would concentrate on achieving and exploiting breakthroughs of enemy lines.The Tank Killers follows the men who fought in the TDs from the formation of the force in 1941 through the victory over the Third Reich in 1945. It is a story of American flexibility and pragmatism in military affairs. Tank destroyers were among the very first units to land in North Africa in 1942. Their first vehicles were ad hoc affairs: Halftracks and weapons carriers with guns no better than those on tanks and thin armour affording the crews considerably less protection. Almost immediately, the crews realised that their doctrine was incomplete. They began adapting to circumstances, along with their partners in the infantry and armoured divisions. By the time that North Africa was in Allied hands, the TD had become a valued tank fighter, assault gun, and artillery piece.The story continues with the invasion of Italy and finally that of Fortress Europe on 6 June 1944. By now, the brass had decreed that half the force would convert to towed guns, a decision that dogged the affected crews through the end of the war. The TD men encountered increasingly lethal enemies, ever more dangerous panzers that were often vulnerable only to their guns while American tank crews watched in frustration as their rounds bounced harmlessly off the thick German armour. They fought under incredibly diverse conditions that demanded constant modification of tactics. By VE day, the tank destroyer battalions had achieved impressive records, generally with kill/loss rates heavily in their favour. Yet the Army after the war concluded that the concept of a separate TD arm was so fundamentally flawed that not a single battalion existed after November 1946.The Tank Killers draws heavily on the records of the tank destroyer battalions and the units with which they fought. Veterans of the force add their personal stories.
Shane Books Kensington
Kids Can Press Franklin's Christmas Spirit
Bonnier Books Ltd The Return of a Pig Called Heather
Everyone's favourite pig returns to face her hardest challenge yet! Heather the pig is happily hiding in London Zoo. But something's wrong. Her human friend, Isla, is sad, and if Isla's sad, then Heather's sad. Isla wants to move back to Scotland. Can Heather help? No problem. She'll just break out of the zoo, work out where Scotland is, walk the 500 miles to get there, avoid being re-captured, confront a wildcat, defeat Mr Busby, and then get the farm back for Isla and her dad. Easy!
States Academic Press Animal Cell Biotechnology
Murphy & Moore Publishing Bookkeeping and Auditing: A Career Guide
Centerstream Publications Martin The Guitar
Kids Can Press Franklin and the Gecko Games: Franklin and Friends
Arcadia Publishing Stevens Point Brewing Company Images of America
Chronicle Books We Are the Change
St Martin's Press Three Miles Down
It's 1974, and Jerry Stieglitz is a grad student in marine biology at UCLA with a side gig selling short stories to science fiction magazines, just weeks away from marrying his longtime fiancée. Then his life is upended by grim-faced men from three-letter agencies who want him to join a top-secret "Project Azorian" in the middle of the north Pacific Ocean—and they really don't take "no" for an answer. Further, they're offering enough money to solve all of Jerry's immediate problems. Joining up and swearing to secrecy, what he first learns is that Project Azorian is secretly trying to raise a sunken Russian submarine, while pretending to be harvesting undersea manganese nodules. But the dead Russian sub, while real, turns out to be a cover story as well. What's down on the ocean floor next to it is the thing that killed the sub: an alien spacecraft. Jerry's a scientist, a longhair, a storyteller, a dreamer. He stands out like a sore thumb on the Glomar Explorer, a ship full of CIA operatives, RAND Corporation eggheads, and roustabout divers. But it turns out that he's the one person in the North Pacific who's truly thought out all the ways that human-alien first contact might go. And meanwhile, it's still 1974 back on the mainland. Richard Nixon is drinking heavily and talking to the paintings on the White House walls. The USA is changing fast--and who knows what will happen when this story gets out? Three Miles Down is both a fresh and original take on First Contact, and a hugely enjoyable romp through the pop culture, political tumult, and conspiracies-within-conspiracies atmosphere that was 1974.
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press The Good Killer
Random House USA Inc The Guns of the South: A Novel
Schlaufen Verlag Bilder knistern
ZweitausendeinsGmbH&Co.KG Lieblingstiere
Murmann Publishers Megatrend Research
Auer-System-Verlag, Carl Ideologiemaschinen
Graefe und Unzer Verlag Yoga fr Einsteiger
UTB GmbH Körperbehindertenpädagogik
Pustet, Friedrich GmbH Auf Senefelders Spuren zum Welterbe
Emons Verlag Bamberger Beichte
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Programmieren in Pascal: Ein einführendes Lehrbuch mit Diskette
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Fiona Wo die Toten leben
Reinhardt Ernst Kindeswohl und Kindeswille
SCM Brockhaus, R. Der Schlunz und die Spur des Verrters
SCM Brockhaus, R. Woran merke ich dass Gott mich liebt Kinderfragen ber Gott und die Welt
HarperCollins Taschenbuch Kalter Kaffee
HarperCollins Taschenbuch Isartod
Bod Third Party Titles Märchen und Sagen des estnischen Volkes
Unionsverlag Am Dienstag sah der Rabbi rot
Diaphanes Verlag Der Obstgarten
Cinder House Every Fox is a Rabid Fox
Hoxton Mini Press Single Dad
The History Press Ltd 'Wrapped in Whirlwinds': Poems of the Crimean War
This passionate and evocative book covers the major events that led up to the Great War between Russia and Great Britain and her unexpected ally — France. It features the famous and the infamous battles of Balaclava, the Alma and Inkerman and the extraordinary siege of Sevastopol and also includes a view of the Great Charge of the Light Brigade through the eyes of a Russian gunner, and captures the harrowing scenes of the field hospitals where Florence Nightingale established her reputation.