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Tutor Formación Intervencin en la atencin higinicoalimentaria en instituciones
Tutor Formación Servicio especializado de vinos
Real Academia de la Historia La Edad Media hispánica en torno a cuatro centenarios
711-712: conquista islámica de Hispania.1212: batalla de Las Navas de Tolosa.1412: Compromiso de Caspe.1512: incorporación de Navarra a Castilla.Los centenarios de aquellos sucesos confluyen en 2012. Es cierto que las conmemoraciones de centenarios tienen mucho de coyuntural, pero también lo es que pueden ser ocasión para mostrar al público algunos aspectos de la historia que, de otra manera, no llamarían su atención.
Real Academia de la Historia Fiscalidad y poder real en Castilla 12521369
Nueva edición del libro del mismo título publicado en 1993, que recibió el Premio Nacional de Historia del Ministerio de Cultura.En 'Fiscalidad y poder real en Castilla', se estudia e interpreta la profunda transformación del sistema hacendístico de la monarquía castellana desde mediados del siglo XIII, como elemento clave de una nueva organización política. El autor sigue este proceso desde los tiempos de Alfonso X (1252-1284) hasta los de Pedro I (1351-1369), considerando la precocidad e importancia de las medidas tomadas por el Rey Sabio y continuadas por sus sucesores, en especial Alfonso XI (1312-1350), hasta completar un sistema impositivo que apenas se modificó en varios siglos, cuya implantación contribuyó a reorganizar las relaciones y repartos de poder entre la monarquía y los miembros de la 'sociedad política': municipios de realengo, nobleza y obispos.Se incluye en anexo un panorama europeo de la 'revolución fiscal' para entender mejor el caso castellano en lo que t
Los musulmanes en la guerra de la Alemania nazi Ensayo Spanish Edition
En la fase más decisiva de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, después de sufrir los primeros reveses militares en la Unión Soviética, la Alemania de Hitler, dejando de lado sus prejuicios racistas en favor del pragmatismo geoestratégico, intentó instrumentalizar el Islam en su beneficio. A partir de ese momento, los musulmanes de territorios tan dispares como el norte de África, los Balcanes o el Cáucaso, donde combatían las tropas del Tercer Reich, se convirtieron en objetivo de la propaganda nazi. Para los dirigentes nazis más entusiastas de este proyecto, con Heinrich Himmler a la cabeza, los musulmanes eran una poderosa fuerza que tenía los mismos enemigos que Alemania: el Imperio Británico, la Unión Soviética y los judíos. Uno de los objetivos de esta campaña fue reclutar el máximo de hombres para su esfuerzo bélico; otro, minar los imperios británico y soviético a los que combatían."Los musulmanes en la guerra de la Alemania nazi" es el primer estudio exhaustivo de los ambiciosos int
Ediciones Rubeo Apagón en la cripta
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH On the Formalization of Model-Driven Software Engineering
Diogenes Verlag AG Meistererzhlungen Die Beispielhaften Novellen
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry
The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry The new edition of the classic textbook that has helped thousands of students understand and solve the complex mechanistic problems posed by organic reactions The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry is a must-have workbook for students and professionals alike, offering step-by-step guidance on applying proven strategies and logical techniques to solve complex reaction mechanism problems. The book is organized in two sections: The Toolbox and the Problem Chest. The first part is presented in four chapters covering advanced contemporary issues of molecular structure and orbital configuration, stereoelectronic constraints, electron shifts, redeployment and arrow-pushing allowances and pitfalls, as well as functional groups roles and key intermediate species, all of which dominate the reaction mechanism scenario. These concepts are rounded up by a series of time-tested problem analysis strategies and thinking routes shown in flowcharts and illustrated by application to specific cases. The Problem Chest puts together a set of 50 newly selected fully discussed mechanism problems of increasing difficulty, in which all the power of the Toolbox paraphernalia is put to work. Now in its third edition, The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry retains the structure of previous editions, previously rated among the 30 best organic chemistry books of all time by BookAuthority. More than 50 revised organic reaction mechanism problems are complemented by an entirely new set of problems, additional concepts and techniques, expanded coverage of applications in contemporary organic chemistry, embedded cases of the existing reaction pool taken from recent literature, and much more. Describes the principles, methods, tools, and problem analysis techniques required to solve organic reaction problems Extends the logic and strategy of the mechanistic approach beyond specific reactions and facts Discusses practical methods for improved problem solving for organic reaction mechanisms Explains tested strategies for analyzing the possibilities of reaction mechanisms between reactants and products Contains detailed appendices with definitions and examples of principles, reactions, mechanisms, and reagents The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition is an essential volume for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, lecturers, and professionals looking to improve their performance in finding solutions to organic reaction problems. It is an ideal textbook for courses on organic reactions and problem analysis, as well as an excellent supplement for courses covering reactive intermediates and mechanisms of molecular transformations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Anthology of Post-Tonal Music: For Use with Understanding Post-Tonal Music
This anthology of over 40 scores and excerpts represents a wide range of music from across the twentieth century and into the twenty-first century, from pieces by Debussy, Stravinsky, and Bartok to works by Arvo Pärt, Thomas Adès, and Kaija Saariaho. Showcasing the vast range of compositional styles encompassed in the post-tonal era, this volume offers a convenient compendium including hard-to-find scores. Designed for use with Understanding Post-Tonal Music by Miguel A. Roig-Francolí, which includes extensive analyses of the scores provided here, this anthology can also stand alone for study and analysis in other courses on the history and analysis of post-tonal music.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Don Quixote: The Crazy Adventures Of A Knight-in-training
Alonso is an old man who is obsessed with stories of heroism. So, he reinvents himself as Don Quixote, knight-in-training! Accompanied by his servant-turned-squire, Sancho, as well as his trusty old horse Rosinante, he sets off on many crazy adventures. Join this wacky knight as he attempts to battle giants that aren't giants and saves maidens who might not want to be saved!
Alfred Music Musicians' Strike: Score & Parts
Trinity University Press,U.S. The Plazas of New Mexico
The Plazas of New Mexico documents the rich heritage of New Mexico's plazas and the everyday life and community celebrations that help sustain them. It traces three distinct design traditions -- the Native American center place with kiva and terraced residential blocks, the Hispanic plaza with church and courtyard houses, and the Anglo square with courthouse and business blocks. This landmark volume has resulted from a multi-year research project involving 50 students, a half dozen faculty members, and outside experts working through the Historic Preservation and Regionalism program at the University of New Mexico School of Architecture and Planning. New Mexico's plazas, like urban spaces everywhere, are gaining renewed attention in this time when the challenges of sustainability have sparked the Smart Growth movement, urban revitalization and intensified historic preservation. Detailing the success of restoration projects, this book shows how to encourage heritage tourism in the service of, rather than at the expense of, local quality of life and community sustainability.
Lexington Books Portugal: Strategic Options in a European Context
For Portugal, joining the EU in 1986 signalled the beginning of increased integration into Europe, following more than forty years of political authoritarianism and international isolation. Since then, the Portuguese democracy has fully consolidated, the state dirigisme that had emerged in the wake of the revolution has given way to privatization and economic liberalization, and an already open economy has pursued further integration with European partners, especially neighboring Spain. In this key volume, noted scholars examine the gains and risks of Portugal's regional integration into the EU and suggest options for the future. They address related issues in four main areas of concern: national identity and literature, economics and finance, social policy and the state, and science and research policy. This comprehensive assessment of Portugal's emergence into international trade and diplomacy provides a model for future studies of the impact of EU integration on the society and culture of new member states.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Rhetoriken des Digitalen: Adressierungen an die Pädagogik
Der Band nähert sich dem Thema ‚Digitalisierung’ problembeschreibend und sucht einen multiperspektivischen Zugang zu dem komplexen Forschungsfeld. Transformations- und Umbruchsrhetoriken bestimmen die Diskurse um Digitalisierung und formulieren immer politisch-gesellschaftliche Handlungsaufforderungen an Wissenschaft und Praxis. ‚Die Pädagogik‘ wird in diesem Feld als Vermittlerin adressiert, die Digitalisierung begleiten und mitgestalten soll. In den Beiträgen des Bandes wird der Frage nachgegangen wie eine reflektierte Perspektive zu diesen scheinbar alternativlosen Adressierungen gewonnen werden kann.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of the Circular Economy
This crucial Handbook investigates an urgent area for policy-makers, academia and industries alike: the circular economy. International experts on the subject bring together the latest thinking on this critical global issue.Providing a comprehensive overview of the mechanisms and consequences of the circular economy, as well as its limitations, it raises important questions concerning how the world should proceed when non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels and minerals, are being depleted and the environment is struggling to cope with the waste and emissions of unsustainable production and consumption systems. Contributors explore a broad range of themes, such as new sustainable production and consumption systems, new design requirements, recycling systems, new business models and the social impacts of the circular economy, while also consolidating the many ways in which the topic has been dealt with in research, business and policy-making.Shedding light on a concept that has become increasingly relevant during the last decade, the Handbook of the Circular Economy is essential reading for students, academics and policy-makers trying to make sense of the plethora of ways in which the term has been applied and interpreted.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Transposable Elements: Methods and Protocols
The volume presents a small selection of state-of-the-art approaches for studying transposable elements(TE). Chapters guide readers through HTS-based approaches, bioinformatic tools, methods to studyTE protein complexes, and the functional impact on the host. Written in the successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Transposable Elements: Methods and Protocols aims to be a useful practical guide to researches to help further their study in this field.
Sequence Press From Decision to Heresy: Experiments in Non-Standard Thought
Europe Books GITAGOVINDA: 2020
El Gitagovinda, “el poema cantado”, es uno de los grandes escritos de amor del eros indio, el poema lírico más famoso de la India; muy popular en toda Asia. Celebración de la voluptuosidad y a la vez del matrimonio del alma con Dios, que aparece aquí como el joven Krishna encarnación de Vishnu y, como el Cantar de los Cantares, es para muchos un poema místico. Una delicadeza increíble, la capacidad de vivir lo divino “a través del amor entre Radha y Krishna”, nos llegan desde estas deslumbrantes páginas que parecen pulverizarse, con un mínimo gesto de Krishna. La traducción se distingue por la fidelidad al texto original y por la necesidad de transmitir la belleza y la poesía de la pluma original, manteniendo el equilibrio entre la escritura literaria y la voluntad de exportar la musicalidad de las palabras.
Edaf Antillas Atlas de Imperios
Menoscuarto Ediciones El club de la lite
Un grupo de poderosos políticos, policías y magistrados se reúne una vez al mes en el chalé que posee en Guadalajara un alcalde. El motivo? Algo en apariencia tan inocente como un club de lectura: charlar sobre una novela negra que acuerdan leer... Sin embargo, días después de la primera reunión, el autor del libro fallece en un accidente de tráfico. La viuda del escritor desconfía de la versión oficial y contrata a un detective privado, que también muere de forma extraña. La amistad de Sonia Ruiz y Pau con su colega investigador les empujará a indagar en el caso de ese misterioso 'club de la élite', nombre con el que el mismísimo CNI bautizó al grupo.
Les Belles Lettres Nouveau Ciel - Nouvelle Terre: La Revolution Copernicienne Dans l'Allemagne de la Reforme (1530-1630)
Picture Window Books Jack and the Beanstalk: A Discover Graphics Fairy Tale
The Catholic University of America Press Karol Wojtyla's Personalist Philosophy: Understanding 'Person and Act'
An important milestone of 20th Century philosophy was the rise of personalism. After the crimes and atrocities against millions of human beings in two World Wars, especially the Second, some philosophers and other thinkers began to seek arguments showing the value of each human being, to expose and denounce the folly of political structures that violate the inalienable rights of the individual person.Karol Wojty?a appeals to the ancient concept of 'person' to emphasize the particular value of each human being. The person is unique because of their subjectivity by which they possesses an unrepeatable interior world in the history of humanity. Their rational nature grants them a special character among living beings, among which is the transcendence to the infinite. Wojty?a magisterially shows how each human being's personhood is rooted in a conscious and free subjectivity, which is marked also by personal and social responsibility. Wojty?a's original philosophical analysis takes for its starting point the human act, in which consciousness and experience consolidate voluntary choices, which are objectively efficacious. By their acts, the person determines their own personhood. This self-dominion manifests the person and enables them to live together in a community in which one's neighbor can be a companion on the voyage of life.This work provides a clear guide to Karol Wojty?a's principal philosophical work, Person and Act, rigorously analyzing the meaning that the author intended in his exposition. An important feature of the work is that the authors rely on the original Polish text, Osoba i czyn, as well as the best translations into Italian and Spanish, rather than on a flawed and sometimes misleading English edition of the work.Besides the analysis of Wojty?a's masterwork, this volume offers three chapters examining the impact of Wojty?a's anthropology on the relationship between faith and reason.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Giants
Edaf Antillas Atlas Histórico de España
Wisdom Publications,U.S. I Wanna Be Well: How a Punk Found Peace and You Can Too
Yale University Press Writings on Art
The first collection of Mark Rothko’s writings, which range the entire span of his career While the collected writings of many major 20th-century artists, including Barnett Newman, Robert Motherwell, and Ad Reinhardt, have been published, Mark Rothko’s writings have only recently come to light, beginning with the critically acclaimed The Artist’s Reality: Philosophies of Art. Rothko’s other written works have yet to be brought together into a major publication. Writings on Art fills this significant void; it includes some 90 documents—including short essays, letters, statements, and lectures—written by Rothko over the course of his career. The texts are fully annotated, and a chronology of the artist’s life and work is also included. This provocative compilation of both published and unpublished writings from 1934--69 reveals a number of things about Rothko: the importance of writing for an artist who many believed had renounced the written word; the meaning of transmission and transition that he experienced as an art teacher at the Brooklyn Jewish Center Academy; his deep concern for meditation and spirituality; and his private relationships with contemporary artists (including Newman, Motherwell, and Clyfford Still) as well as journalists and curators. As was revealed in Rothko’s The Artist’s Reality, what emerges from this collection is a more detailed picture of a sophisticated, deeply knowledgeable, and philosophical artist who was also a passionate and articulate writer.
Vendome Press Isabel López-Quesada: At Home
Austin Macauley Publishers Elias and Daddy Go to the Park
La Fragatina Historia de Un Calcetín Desparejado
Quarto Publishing PLC Bruce Lee
University Press of America The Velazquez Christ: Poem
This book is a new translation, in contemporary English, of Miguel de Unamuno's 1920 masterpiece book-length poem about another masterpiece of Western Civilization, Diego Velázquez's "The Christ of San Plácido," which is commonly known as "The Christ of Velázquez." The translation by William Thomas Little is accompanied by a full scholarly introduction and poem-by-poem commentary. Unamuno, Spain's foremost public intellectual of the early twentieth century, considered this book his masterpiece. This is a book of poetry and religious devotion as well as an ekphrasis, that is, a detail-by-detail meditation on one of the world's greatest paintings. Composed of eighty-nine poems that are fully integrated one with the other, the result is a masterpiece of spiritual meditation via poetical expression.
Penguin Putnam Inc Don Quixote
Emerald Publishing Limited Juvenile Delinquency, Crime and Social Marginalization: Social and Political Implications
This book examines the psychosocial, legal, and familial factors at play in the persistence in crime and social marginalization in adults with a history of juvenile delinquency, setting out the political and social implications, and delineating new lines of research. Presenting, for the first time, a summary of the main findings and conclusions of The Portuguese Study on Delinquency and Social Marginalization (PSDSM), this study addresses the following topics: the role of youth psychosocial factors on desistance from crime during adulthood in individuals with a history of juvenile delinquency; the relationship between serious adverse childhood experiences (e.g., having lived with a person with mental illness, physical abuse, emotional neglect) and juvenile justice involvement, persistence in crime, and psychosocial problems; the mechanisms involved in the link between serious childhood adversity and delinquency; the role of the juvenile justice system on psychosocial problems and persistence in crime during young adulthood; and finally the relation between adult psychosocial problems and criminal indicators in individuals with official record of juvenile criminal offenses. Findings from PSDSM have resulted in an extensive list of political and social recommendations for child protection services, justice system, mental health services, schools and universities. This timely title explores these findings and recommendations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Global Capitalism: A Sociological Perspective
The global financial crisis has challenged many of our most authoritative economic ideologies and policies. After thirty years of reshaping the world to conform to the market, governments and societies are now calling for a retreat to a yet undefined new economic order. In order to provide a guide to what the twenty-first-century economy might look like, this book revisits the great project of Global Capitalism. What did it actually entail? How far did it go? What were its strengths and failings? By deconstructing its core ideas and examining its empirical record, can we gain clues about how to move forward after the crisis? Miguel Centeno and Joseph Cohen define capitalism as a historically-evolving and socially-constructed institution, rooted in three core economic activities trade, finance and marketing and identify the three key challenges that any new economic system will need to surmount inequality, governance, and environmental sustainability. This accessible and engaging book will be essential reading for students of economic sociology, and all those interested in the construction of our economic future.
Ediciones Lea Las aventuras de Don Quijote de la Mancha para niños
Don Quijote is a voracious reader of chivalrous novels, those ones in which men travel on horseback across the countryside fighting giants and freeing princesses. Nothing in the stories is true, but Don Quijote doesn’t know that. He’s determined to become a knight-errant himself. Together with his faithful squire Sancho Panza, he’ll cross the Spanish kingdom in search of adventure! This greatest classic of Spanish literature has been adapted for readers ages 9-12.Don Quijote es un voraz lector de novelas de caballerÍa, esas donde los hombres van a caballo por los campos, combatiendo contra gigantes y liberando princesas que fueron secuestradas por hombres malvados. Nada de lo que cuentan esas historias es cierto, pero Don Quijote no lo sabe. ¡Él mismo quiere convertirse en un valiente caballero andante! Junto con su fiel escudero Sancho Panza, recorrerÁ los reinos de EspaÑa en busca de aventuras que lo hagan famoso, mientras suspira por el amor de su amada, la bella doncella Dulcinea del Toboso. Una adaptaciÓn para chicos de entre 9 y 12 aÑos del mayor clÁsico de la literatura en espaÑol. Una obra ilustrada a todo color para lectores curiosos y aventureros.
Castalia Ediciones San Manuel bueno, mártir
Editorial Kairos Curación Emocional: Acabar Con El Estrés, La Ansiedad Y La Depresión Sin Fármarcos Ni Psicoanálisis
Picture Window Books Two Heads Are Better Than One
Santillana Educacion, S.L. Don Quijote de la Mancha
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Constitutional Economics and Public Institutions
This extensive book explores in detail a wide range of topics within the public choice and constitutional political economy tradition, providing a comprehensive overview of current work across the field.The expert contributions are underpinned by the notion of moving economic thinking away from the analysis of the logic of a situation given a set of well-established and well-enforced 'rules of the game', towards a deeper analysis of the logic behind the selection of the rules of the game themselves. Within this context, the theme of choice between rules (as well as the more conventional analysis within rules) across historical time and place, and in various thought experiments and conceptual situations, is explored in detail. Extensive case studies back theory with empirical evidence, and topics discussed include: the foundations of constitutional economics; constitutional political economy; political competition and voting; public choice and public policy; and extensions to public choice theory.This stimulating book will prove a thought-provoking read for academics and both under- and post-graduate students in the fields of economics (particularly public choice and Austrian economics), public policy and political science.Contributors: P. Bernholz, V.K. Borooah, G. Brennan, G. Brosio, J.M. Buchanan, F. Cabrillo, R.D. Congleton, G. Eusepi, S. Fedeli, M. Ferrero, S. Fitzpatrick, F. Forte, B.S. Frey, J. Helin, M.J. Holler, J.D. Montoro-Pons, S. Neckermann, H. Nurmi, M. Paldam, M.A. Puchades-Navarro, G.C. Romagnoli, P. Salmon, V.J. Vanberg, B.-A. Wickström
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food
Mineral elements are found in foods and drink of all different types, from drinking water through to mothers’ milk. The search for mineral elements has shown that many trace and ultratrace-level elements presented in food are required for a healthy life. By identifying and analysing these elements, it is possible to evaluate them for their specific health-giving properties, and conversely, to isolate their less desirable properties with a view to reducing or removing them altogether from some foods. The analysis of mineral elements requires a number of different techniques – some methods may be suitable for one food type yet completely unsuited to another. The Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food is the first book to bring together the analytical techniques, the regulatory and legislative framework, and the widest possible range of food types into one comprehensive handbook for food scientists and technologists. Much of the book is based on the authors’ own data, most of which is previously unpublished, making the Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food a vital and up-to-the-minute reference for food scientists in industry and academia alike. Analytical chemists, nutritionists and food policy makers will also find it an invaluable resource. Showcasing contributions from international researchers, and constituting a major resource for our future understanding of the topic, the Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food is an essential reference and should be found wherever food science and technology are researched and taught.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion
Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion, 2nd edition, examines the importance of ethnic and cultural factors for community health practice. Edited and written by a stellar list of contributors who are experts in field, this book describes essential theories, models, and practices for working with race, ethnicity, gender, and social issues. The authors cover a wide range of topics including demographics, disparities, complementary and alternative medicine, spiritually grounded approaches, multicultural populations, culturally competent needs assessment and planning, communication, workforce, program planning, aging, sexual orientation, and future challenges. This edition has substantially expanded coverage on working with diverse groups, social determinants of health, spirituality, theoretical models for multicultural populations, planning and program evaluation, and aging, with new content includes coverage of disability and health literacy. This edition also reflects the latest standards for Certified Health Education Specialist certification and national standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS), from Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health
Nova Science Publishers Inc Fungicides: Classification, Role in Disease Management & Toxicity Effects
Nova Science Publishers Inc Pregnancy: Risk Factors, Management & Recovery