Search results for ""author howard""
National Geographic Kids Ultimate Explorer Field Guide: Night Sky: Find Adventure! Go Outside! Have Fun! Be a Backyard Stargazer! (Ultimate Explorer Field Guide )
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Herbert A. Simon, George J. Stigler and Ronald H. Coase
This groundbreaking title brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates' careers and main published works. This landmark title will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Bertil G. Ohlin, James E. Meade and Robert A. Mundell
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates? careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Simon S. Kuznets, Theodore W. Schultz, W. Arthur Lewis and Robert M. Solow
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates? careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Euro: Its Origins, Development and Prospects
This important new book provides a non-technical, comprehensive overview of the central issues surrounding the euro. Following an introduction to the origins of European integration, the authors proceed to examine the first concrete steps in the process that led to the creation of the euro area. The book then explores the economics and architecture of the euro, highlights the issues surrounding enlargement, and reflects on the future of European monetary union. To help bring the subject matter alive, the book also contains interviews with leading academics in the field including Willem Buiter, Nick Crafts, Paul De Grauwe, Patrick Minford, Niels Thygesen, Andrzej Wojtyna and Charles Wyplosz. Primarily aimed at intermediate undergraduates taking courses not just in economics, but also in business studies, modern economic history, politics and international relations, this book will also prove useful to postgraduate students in these disciplines in their preliminary year of study.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Who’s Who in Economics, Fourth Edition
This major reference work, now in its fourth edition, is an extensive and authoritative guide to the most frequently cited academic economists throughout the world.As with the previous editions, each of the entries is written by the entrants themselves and gives pertinent biographical data, principal fields of interest, chief publications and a statement of their principal contributions to economics as they - and not the editors - perceive them. This edition includes only living economists whose articles, published in the period 1990-2000, have been most frequently cited and as such it is the most up-to-date biographical dictionary of the leading players in the economics profession. a thoroughly revised, updated and extended fourth edition containing the most cited economists from 1990-2000 the only biographical dictionary of major economists to appear in any language provides critical information on over 700 living economists five appendices, including indices of principal fields of interest, country of residence, year of birth, current affiliation, and first degree and doctorate.
University of California Press Creativity and Copyright: Legal Essentials for Screenwriters and Creative Artists
What they won't teach you in film school: This expertly written reference guide breaks down copyright laws for screenwriters. Inspired by Strunk & White's The Elements of Style, this elegant, short reference is the perfect guide for screenwriters and creative artists looking to succeed as industry professionals. Readers will quickly understand the laws that govern creativity, idea-making, and selling, and learn how to protect themselves and their works from the legal quagmires they may encounter. Written by an unrivaled pair of experts, John L. Geiger and Howard Suber, who use real-life case studies to cover topics such as clearance, contracts, collaboration, and infringement, Creativity and Copyright is poised to become an indispensable resource for beginners and experts alike.
Columbia University Press On Becoming a Rock Musician
In the 1960s and 1970s, becoming a rock musician was fundamentally different than playing other kinds of music. It was a learned rather than a taught skill. In On Becoming a Rock Musician, sociologist H. Stith Bennett observes what makes someone a rock musician and what persuades others to take him seriously in this role. The book explores how bands form; the backstage and onstage reality of playing in a band; how bands promote themselves and interact with audiences and music professionals like DJs; and the role of performance.
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Historical Perspective
Royal Society of Chemistry Fluid-Structure Interactions in Low-Reynolds-Number Flows
Fluid-structure interactions have been well studied over the years but most of the focus has been on high Reynolds number flows, inertially dominated flows where the drag force from the fluid typically varies as the square of the local fluid speed. There are though a large number of fluid-structure interaction problems at low values of the Reynolds number, where the fluid effects are dominated by viscosity and the drag force from the fluid typically varies linearly with the local fluid speed, which are applicable to many current research areas including hydrodynamics, microfluidics and hemodynamics. Edited by experts in complex fluids, Fluid-Structure Interactions in Low-Reynolds-Number Flows is the first book to bring together topics on this subject including elasticity of beams, flow in tubes, mechanical instabilities induced by complex liquids drying, blood flow, theoretical models for low-Reynolds number locomotion and capsules in flow. The book includes introductory chapters highlighting important background ideas about low Reynolds number flows and elasticity to make the subject matter more approachable to those new to the area across engineering, physics, chemistry and biology.
Gallic Books Baker's Blood: Nicolas Le Floch Investigation #6: Nicolas Le Floch Investigation, Book 6
1775. Commissioner Nicolas Le Floch is on a diplomatic mission to Vienna, ostensibly to deliver a bust of Marie Antoinette to her mother, the Empress Maria Theresa. His real task, however, is to investigate the breakdown of French secret intelligence in Austria. The city is a hotbed of plotting - and Nicolas only just survives an attempt on his life. On his return to France, Paris is in turmoil. The soaring price of grain and bread is causing widespread social unrest, and Nicolas' first police case is the unexplained death of a baker. Could it be that events in the French capital are somehow connected to his experiences in Vienna...?
Beacon Press Jesus and the Disinherited
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The New Atheism and Its Critics, Volume XXXVII
This volume of the classic series is devoted to the claims, arguments, and perspectives of the New Atheists. The volume collects original work on these topics of leading thinkers in the philosophy of religion, epistemology, and metaphysics, and philosophy of science. These studies are punctuated by an original short story by a leading novelist.
This book provides a concise yet rigorous discussion of the main issues in modern macroeconomics. In particular, it examines the controversy over the role and conduct of macroeconomic stabilization policy.While the book is written in such a way as to allow students to read individual chapters in isolation, according to their interests and needs, the book follows a structured direction. After providing a review of mainstream macro-models and the chief areas of controversy between Keynesian, Monetarist and New Classical approaches to stabilization policy, subsequent chapters focus on selected key controversies: the balance of payments and exchange rates; inflation and unemployment; money and economic activity; fiscal policy and aggregate demand; and business cycles.The approach adopted by the authors make this book highly responsive to teaching and student needs. This authoritative state-of-the-art survey of modern macroeconomics will be essential reading for intermediate level courses in macroeconomics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd On Freud's "Screen Memories"
The concept of "screen memories" was introduced by Freud for the first time in his 1899 paper, reprinted here in its entirety. Although the clinical interest in "screen memories" has perhaps diminished in recent analytic discussion, there is much to be gained from revisiting and re-examining both the phenomenon and Freud's original paper within a contemporary context. To this end, Gail S. Reed and Howard B. Levine have invited contributions from eight leading psychoanalysts on the current meaning and value to them of the screen memory concept. These comments come from contemporary psychoanalysts practicing in Italy, Francophone Switzerland, Argentina, Israel, and the United States of America, each of whom has been trained in one or another of a variety of psychoanalytic traditions, among which are ego psychology, a French version of Freud, an American version of Lacan and at least two variants of Kleinian thought - one British and one Latin American. Their comments range from advocating that screen memories are an important, even central, feature of contemporary analytic work (LaFarge, Cohen), to finding the concept less universally applicable, but nonetheless compelling (Ahumada). The editors hope that the encounter with these creative and thought-provoking commentaries will give new meaning to our appreciation of this important clinical phenomenon and stimulate further research and clinical observation into its origins and uses. Contributors: Jorge L. Ahumada, Franco De Masi, Rivka R. Eifermann, Lucy LaFarge, Nellie Thompson, Shlomith Cohen, Florence Guignard, Howard B. Levine, Gail S. Reed, and John P. Muller.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy and the Empirical, Volume XXXI
This collection of essays focuses on a current issue of central important in contemporary philosophy, the relationship between philosophy and empirical studies. Explores in detail a range of examples which demonstrate how the older paradigm – philosophy as conceptual analysis – is giving way to a more varied set of models of philosophical work Each of the featured papers is a previously unpublished contribution by a major scholar
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Epilepsy
Epilepsy is common but complex Epilepsy is a complicated neurological condition with variable manifestations, numerous etiologies, and a diverse range of treatments. It is a chronic disease that, in many cases, can be controlled. However, treatment requires accurate clinical evaluation to allow intelligent treatment choices. Epilepsy has been designed to help you develop these evaluation skills. Expert neurologists have distilled the evidence and combined their experience. They provide practical guidance to: The causes and classification of epilepsy Working up seizures Antiepileptic medications Pediatric epilepsy Adult epilepsy Emergency epilepsy Comorbidity and mortality of epilepsy Clinical in approach, practical in execution, Epilepsy is packed with tricks, tips, and focused advice to help you better manage your patients’ seizures.
University of Illinois Press Way Up North in Dixie: A Black Family's Claim to the Confederate Anthem
This book traces the lives of the Snowdens, an African American family of musicians and farmers living in rural Knox County, Ohio. Howard L. Sacks and Judith Rose Sacks examine the Snowdens' musical and social exchanges with rural whites from the 1850s through the early 1920s and provide a detailed exploration of the claim that the Snowden family taught the song "Dixie" to Dan Emmett-–the white musician and blackface minstrel credited with writing the song. This edition features a new introduction in which the authors discuss the public response to this controversial claim, and present new information on the Snowdens' musical and social experiences.
Columbia University Press Social Value Investing: A Management Framework for Effective Partnerships
Social Value Investing presents a new way to approach some of society’s most difficult and intractable challenges. Although many of our world’s problems may seem too great and too complex to solve — inequality, climate change, affordable housing, corruption, healthcare, food insecurity — solutions to these challenges do exist, and will be found through new partnerships bringing together leaders from the public, private, and philanthropic sectors.In their new book, Howard W. Buffett and William B. Eimicke present a five-point management framework for developing and measuring the success of such partnerships. Inspired by value investing — one of history’s most successful investment paradigms — this framework provides tools to maximize collaborative efficiency and positive social impact, so that major public programs can deliver innovative, inclusive, and long-lasting solutions. It also offers practical insights for any private sector CEO, public sector administrator, or nonprofit manager hoping to build successful cross-sector collaborations.Social Value Investing tells the compelling stories of cross-sector partnerships from around the world — Central Park and the High Line in New York City, community-led economic development in Afghanistan, and improved public services in cities across Brazil. Drawing on lessons and observations from a broad selections of collaborations, this book combines real life stories with detailed analysis, resulting in a blueprint for effective, sustainable partnerships that serve the public interest. Readers also gain access to original, academic case material and professionally produced video documentaries for every major partnerships profiled — bringing to life the people and stories in a way that few other business or management books have done.
Pearson Education (US) Six Sigma for Green Belts and Champions: Foundations, DMAIC, Tools, Cases, and Certification
"Much has been said or written in recent times about the value of Six Sigma methodologies in driving organizational improvement. Yet, so many still seem to be intimidated by or skeptical about these principles and tools. In this text, Drs. Gitlow and Levine have provided a pragmatic, user-friendly treatment of underlying principles and methods, management obligations, and helpful case study examples to assist all of us in value-added enterprise-wide improvement." –Gary Floss, Managing Director, Bluefire Partners, and Board of Directors, the American Society for Quality (ASQ) "The authors provide the perfect blend of managerial insight and a straightforward "how to" approach to statistics. Anyone interested in learning about Six Sigma for the first time, or practitioners wanting to learn more, will find this book to-the-point, exciting, and easy to read. And also hard to put down!" –Timothy C. Krehbiel, Professor of Decision Sciences and MIS, Miami University (Ohio) "This book provides an excellent understanding of the foundations of quality management that provide a basis for the evolution of Six Sigma. For executives who wish to be "Champions" of Six Sigma, this book provides an understanding of what to expect of Green Belts as they work through a DMAIC project and what they should expect of themselves. Green Belt candidates will find the case studies extremely useful and informative. Both Champions and Green Belts will benefit from the comprehensive coverage of certification." –Edward A. Popovich, Ph. D., Vice President, Enterprise Excellence, Boca Raton Community Hospital and President, Sterling Enterprises International, Inc. The first complete Six Sigma implementation guide for Green Belts and Champions! Understand the rationale for Six Sigma Implement a proven executive framework for a successful quality initiative Use the DMAIC method for improvement from start to finish: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control Manage Six Sigma statistics–without becoming a statistician Learn through complete detailed manufacturing and service case studies Learn how to understand and manage Six Sigma statistics, through practical, Minitab-based application examples. Includes instructions for using Minitab software Learn how to pass Six Sigma certification examinations with sample questions and answers If you're "project managing" Six Sigma (potential Green Belt)–or promoting it at the executive level (potential Champion)–this is your book. It's the first Six Sigma book written specifically for Green Belts, Champions...and anyone who plans to become one. Two experts help you master the entire DMAIC model: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. You'll discover realistic solutions for Six Sigma's profound human and technical challenges. You can even prepare for one of the world's leading Six Sigma certification programs. Clear, detailed, and proven...this is the one indispensable book for anyone who must manage Six Sigma to success. © Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,U.S. Multiple Sclerosis
Rowman & Littlefield Chicago: A Food Biography
Chicago began as a frontier town on the edge of white settlement and as the product of removal of culturally rich and diverse indigenous populations. The town grew into a place of speculation with the planned building of the Illinois and Michigan canal, a boomtown, and finally a mature city of immigrants from both overseas and elsewhere in the US. In this environment, cultures mixed, first at the taverns around Wolf Point, where the forks of the Chicago River join, and later at the jazz and other clubs along the “Stroll” in the black belt, and in the storefront ethnic restaurants of today. Chicago was the place where the transcontinental railroads from the West and the “trunk” roads from the East met. Many downtown restaurants catered specifically to passengers transferring from train to train between one of the five major downtown railroad stations. This also led to “destination” restaurants, where Hollywood stars and their onlookers would dine during overnight layovers between trains. At the same time, Chicago became the candy capital of the US and a leading city for national conventions, catering to the many participants looking for a great steak and atmosphere. Beyond hosting conventions and commerce, Chicagoans also simply needed to eat—safely and relatively cheaply. Chicago grew amazingly fast, becoming the second largest city in the US in 1890. Chicago itself and its immediate surrounding area was also the site of agriculture, both producing food for the city and for shipment elsewhere. Within the city, industrial food manufacturers prospered, highlighted by the meat processors at the Chicago stockyards, but also including candy makers such as Brach’s and Curtiss, and companies such as Kraft Foods. At the same time, large markets for local consumption emerged. The food biography of Chicago is a story of not just culture, economics, and innovation, but also a history of regulation and regulators, as they protected Chicago’s food supply and built Chicago into a city where people not only come to eat, but where locals rely on the availability of safe food and water. With vivid details and stories of local restaurants and food, Block and Rosing reveal Chicago to be one of the foremost eating destinations in the country.
Skyhorse Publishing Fantastic Creatures of the Mountains and Seas: A Chinese Classic
The gorgeously illustrated contemporary edition of an ancient Chinese text—for fans of fantastic beasts everywhere Fantastic Creatures of the Mountains and Seas is a new translation for contemporary readers of a classic Chinese text that is at once the geography of an ancient world, a bestiary of mythical creatures, and a book of cultural and medicinal lore. Illustrated throughout with more than 180 two-color drawings that are so sinuous they move on the page, it is a work for lovers of fantasy and mythology, ancient knowledge, fabulous beasts, and inspired art. The beings catalogued within these pages come from the regions of the known world, from the mountains and seas, the Great Wastelands, and the Lands Within the Seas that became China. They include spirits and deities and all sorts of strange creatures—dragons and phoenixes, hybrid beasts, some with human features, some hideous or with a call like wood splitting, or that portend drought or flood or bounty; others whose flesh cures disease or fends off nightmares, or whose pelt guarantees many progeny. Drawn from The Classic of Mountains and Seas, Fantastic Creatures is the work of two members of China's millennial generation, a young scholar and writer once known as the youngest "Genius of Chinese Cultural Studies" and an inspired illustrator trained in China and the United States, who together managed to communicate with the soul of a 4,000-year-old beast and have brought forth its strange beauty. Their work has been rendered into English by the foremost translator of modern Chinese literature in the West.
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation Aladdin
Cambridge University Press Playfairs Commercial and Political Atlas and Statistical Breviary
William Playfair's revolutionary Atlas showed how much could be learned if one plotted data atheoretically and looked for suggestive patterns. This full colour reproduction of two of his classic works, with new explanatory material, makes Playfair's wisdom widely available for the first time in two centuries.
Penguin Publishing Group The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Applications and Projects in Business Informatics
Archaeopress The Public Archaeology of Treasure
The Public Archaeology of Treasure comprises the select proceedings of the 5th University of Chester Archaeology Student Conference which took place on 31 January 2020 in the lecture theatre of the Grosvenor Museum, Chester and was complemented by an online Twitter conference on the following morning, 1 February 2020. Reflecting on the shifting and conflicting meanings, values and significances for treasure in archaeology’s public engagements, interactions and manifestations, the volume emphasises how education and research cannot avoid the persistent and evocative associations of ‘treasure’ in socio-political discourse and popular culture. This first-ever exploration of ‘the public archaeology of treasure’ thus offers a host of timely themes and perspectives on the public engagement with, and popular receptions of, archaeological artefacts and assemblages written by students, researchers, educators and heritage practitioners.
Skyhorse Publishing The Big Book of Restorative Justice: Four Classic Justice & Peacebuilding Books in One Volume
For the first time, the four most popular restorative justice books in the Justice & Peacebuilding series—The Little Book of Restorative Justice: Revised and Updated, The Little Book of Victim Offender Conferencing, The Little Book of Family Group Conferences, and The Little Book of Circle Processes—are available in one affordable volume.Restorative justice, with its emphasis on identifying the justice needs of everyone involved in a crime, is a worldwide movement of growing influence that is helping victims and communities heal while holding criminals accountable for their actions. This is not a soft-on-crime, feel-good philosophy, but rather a concrete effort to bring justice and healing to everyone involved in a crime. Circle processes draw from the Native American tradition of gathering in a circle to solve problems as a community. Peacemaking circles are used in neighborhoods, in schools, in the workplace, and in social services to support victims of all kinds, resolve behavior problems, and create positive climates.Each book is written by a scholar at the forefront of these movements, making this important reading for classrooms, community leaders, and anyone involved with conflict resolution.
Hal Leonard Corporation Beauty and the Beast: Instrumental Play-Along - from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
Hal Leonard Corporation Beauty and the Beast: Instrumental Play-Along - from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
Hal Leonard Corporation Beauty and the Beast: Recorder Fun! - Pack with Songbook and Instrument
John Wiley & Sons Inc Elementary Linear Algebra
Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version, 12th Edition gives an elementary treatment of linear algebra that is suitable for a first course for undergraduate students. The aim is to present the fundamentals of linear algebra in the clearest possible way; pedagogy is the main consideration. Calculus is not a prerequisite, but there are clearly labeled exercises and examples (which can be omitted without loss of continuity) for students who have studied calculus.
Boone & Crockett Club,U.S. Legendary Hunt II: More Short Stories from the Boone and Crockett Awards
These stories represent the heart of what the Boone & Crockett Club is about - hard work and determination resulting in a fair-chase hunting adventure for a trophy animal. "Legendary Hunts II" offers another glimpse at the heart of our hunting culture - everyday hunters who defied the odds to take an exceptional trophy. You will feel the emotion, pride, care, dedication, and excitement as you enjoy the stories of those men and women who have taken these outstanding trophies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Contact Urticaria Syndrome
Contact urticaria syndrome was first defined in 1975 and since then scientific interest has steadily increased. New cases are continuously being reported furnishing information on novel clinical features. A large number of compounds could be responsible for triggering the syndrome including fragrances, cosmetics, latex, preservatives, flavorings, and disinfectants.However, contact urticaria syndrome is often misdiagnosed in part due to a misinterpretation of its clinical manifestation and lack of knowledge of appropriate testing protocols and diagnostic programs. The latter have to be individualized for each patient based on the substance in question, medical history, possible concomitant disease, and clinical symptoms reported after exposure to the suspected culprit. Contact Urticaria Syndrome explains various aspects of this syndrome. The book discusses its definition, history, epidemiology, and occupational relevance. It also provides a detailed discussion of various triggers including proteins, chemical compounds, agricultural chemicals, metals, plants, foods, and other substances. The book describes known immunological and nonimmunological reactions along with diagnostic tools and test procedures. This comprehensive text is a helpful resource for dermatologists, toxicologists, immunologists, physicians, and other health care providers diagnosing and treating patients with contact urticaria syndrome. It summarizes clinical experience that makes it easier for providers to select the appropriate diagnostic tools and therapeutic approaches.
Bristol University Press Local Civil Society: Place, Time and Boundaries
Epdf and ePUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Drawing on place-based field investigations and new empirical analysis, this original book investigates civil society at local level. The concept of civil society is contested and multifaceted, and this text offers assessment and clarification of debates concerning the intertwining of civil society, the state and local community relations. Analysing two Welsh villages, the authors examine the importance of identity, connection with place and the impact of social and spatial boundaries on the everyday production of civil society. Bringing into focus questions of biography and temporality, the book provides an innovative account of continuities and changes within local civil society during social and economic transformation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Skype For Dummies
Here's the fun and easy way to understand all the hype about Skype and make this cool alternative communication system work for you People love Skype because it's fairly simple to use, it's free, it doesn't have advertisements or pop-up screens, and its communications are encrypted and secure. If you want the ability to make free voice calls or want to maximize Skype and get the most out of this free global telephony system, you've come to the right place. All you need to get going with Skype is a computer with Internet access, a headset or microphone -- and this book! Although the technology is simple, it has some complexities when you go beyond making simple calls. Skype For Dummies covers call forwarding, voice mail, and conference calling and explains the use of two very popular and important Skype features: SkypeIn: Receive telephone calls that you can answer through Skype on your computer SkypeOut: Make calls out to regular old telephones from your computer This no-nonsense guide is written in plain English, leaving the jargon at the door. You'll learn to Install and configure Skype on different platforms and various mobile connections Create a contacts list Set up voicemail and call forwarding Use Skype for worldwide conference calls and Skypecasting Enhance Skype with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi wireless, and video Change your Skype menus to a different language Adjust different hardware configurations and add-ons Troubleshoot problems with hardware configurations and other common issues Skype For Dummies provides guidance on using this technology in a business setting, including some implementations that can help reduce support desk costs and automate surveys and interviews. A popular use of Skype is for video calling, and the book shows how you can easily install and configure this can't-miss feature. A dedicated web site keeps the book up to date as Skype adds new features. Additionally, you'll discover ten ways to use Skype to promote your business and ten ways to use Skype at school. With an appendix on multilanguage support and another on tips and tricks, you won't want to Skype anyone until you have your copy of Skype For Dummies in hand.
University of Illinois Press From Papyrus to Hypertext: Toward the Universal Digital Library
In this study, Christian Vandendorpe examines how digital media and the Internet have changed the process of reading and writing, significantly altering our approaches toward research and reading, our assumptions about audience and response, and our theories of memory, legibility, and context. Reflecting on the full history of the written word, Vandendorpe provides a clear overview of how materiality makes a difference in the creation and interpretation of texts. Surveying the conventions of reading and writing that have appeared and disappeared in the Internet's wake, Vandendorpe considers various forms of organization, textual design, the use (and distrust) of illustrations, and styles of reference and annotation. He also examines the novel components of digital texts, including hyperlinks and emoticons, and looks at emergent, collaborative genres such as blogs and wikis, which blur the distinction between author and reader. Looking to the future, reading and writing will continue to evolve based on the current, contested trends of universal digitization and accessibility.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: Once and Future - The Artist at the End of Time
The Time War. The Doctor has been injured and brought to a Time Lord field hospital. His body glows with energy, but this is no regeneration into a future form - instead, the Doctor's past faces begin to appear as he flits haphazardly between incarnations... Staggering to his TARDIS, the Doctor sets out to solve the mystery of his 'degeneration'. Who has done this to him? How? And why? From the Earth to the stars, across an array of familiar times and places, he follows clues to retrace his steps, encountering old friends and enemies along the way. Tumbling through his lives, the Doctor must stop his degeneration before he loses himself completely...The Artist at the End of Time by James Goss. Suffering from the effects of degeneration, the Doctor heads towards the end of the universe in search of answers. Instead, he finds his daughter – Jenny – and an Artist whose works appear to mark the end of every world they touch. The Doctor stabilises into his Fifth form to join forces with Jenny and the Curator to solve the mystery of the Final Gallery and the art it has collected. CAST: Peter Davison (The Doctor), Georgia Tennant (Jenny), Colin Baker (The Curator), John Telfer (Floom), Abi Harris (Roboguide). Special Appearances by: Stephen Noonan (The First Doctor), Michael Troughton (The Second Doctor), Tim Treloar (The Third Doctor), Colin Baker (The Sixth Doctor), Sylvester McCoy (The Seventh Doctor). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Bellevue Literary Press Aseroë
“A singular novel.” —Lydia Davis, author of Can’t and Won’t and Essays One“An exhilarating adventure!” —Alberto Manguel, author of The Library at Night and Fabulous Monsters“Extraordinary. . . . Brings to mind the great mushroom scenes of the film Phantom Thread. How not to be aroused by this whopping treat of verbal virtuosity?” —Mary Ann Caws, author of The Modern Art CookbookAseroë, the mushroom, as object of fascination. First observed in Tasmania and South Africa, it appeared suddenly in France around 1920. It is characterized by its stench and, at maturity, its grotesque beauty.Aseroë, the word, as incantation. Can a word create a world? It does, here. François Dominique is a conjurer, who through verbal sorcery unleashes the full force of language, while evoking the essential rupture between the word and the object. An impossible endeavor, perhaps, but one at the very heart of literature.The narrator of Aseroë wanders medieval streets and dense forests, portrait galleries, and rare bookshops. As he explores the frontiers of language, the boundaries of science, art, and alchemy melt away, and the mundane is overtaken by the bizarre. Inhabited by creatures born in darkness, both terrible and alluring, Aseroë is ultimately a meditation on memory and forgetting, creation, and oblivion.François Dominique is an acclaimed novelist, essayist, poet, and translator. He has received the Burgundy Prize for Literature and is the author of eight novels, including Aseroë and Solène, winner of the Wepler Award and Prix littéraire Charles Brisset. He has translated the poetry of Louis Zukofsky and Rainer Maria Rilke and is the cofounder of the publishing house Ulysses-Fin-de-Siècle.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd "I Hate Feminists!": December 6, 1989 and its Aftermath
On December 6, 1989, a man walked into the engineering school Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, armed with a semi-automatic rifle and, declaring "I hate feminists," killed fourteen young women. "I Hate Feminists!", originally published in French in 2009, examines the collective memory that emerged in the immediate aftermath and years following the massacre as Canadians struggled to make sense of this tragic event and understand the motivations of the killer. Exploring stories and editorials in Montreal and Toronto newspapers, texts distributed within anti-feminist "masculinist" networks, discourses about memorials in major Canadian cities and the film Polytechnique, which was released on the twentieth anniversary of the massacre, Melissa Blais argues that feminist analyses and the killer's own statements have been set aside in favour of interpretations that absolve the killer of responsibility or even shift that blame onto women and feminists. In the end, Blais contends, the collective memory that has been constructed through various media has functioned not as a testament to violence against women but as a catalyst for anti-feminist discourse.
Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd Tribeca
Everyone wants to belong. Tribeca does, too. But with only three legs and three paws, Tribeca knows she’s different from other cats. And when she learns that she’s going to be adopted, she starts to worry that she won’t fit in with her new family. When the day arrives, Tribeca relaxes after meeting her new dad — but she learns that she also has a new sister. Will her sister accept her?
Waterside Productions Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart's Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions
Abrams Star Wars Art: Illustration
The instant and massive success of Star Wars took Lucasfilm by surprise, but in 1978, an industry unto itself was born, consisting of books, trading cards, magazines, video games, and merchandise. The art created for these projects continues to expand the limits and celebrate the iconography of the Star Wars galaxy. Now the third book in the Star Wars Art series, Illustration, collects the best of these artworks, as curated by George Lucas. Featuring previously unpublished, rarely seen, and fan-favorite art from Mark Chiarello, Dave Dorman, Hugh Fleming, Tim and Greg Hildebrandt, Ralph McQuarrie, Jon J. Muth, Tsuneo Sanda, Drew Struzan, Jerry Vanderstelt, Christian Waggoner, and many others, Star Wars Art: Illustration explores the wide range of styles that illustrators have brought to bear on a galaxy far, far away . . .
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: Once and Future 5: The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50
The Time War. The Doctor has been injured and brought to a Time Lord field hospital. His body glows with energy, but this is no regeneration into a future form - instead, the Doctor's past faces begin to appear as he flits haphazardly between incarnations... Staggering to his TARDIS, the Doctor sets out to solve the mystery of his 'degeneration'. Who has done this to him? How? And why? From the Earth to the stars, across an array of familiar times and places, he follows clues to retrace his steps, encountering old friends and enemies along the way. Tumbling through his lives, the Doctor must stop his degeneration before he loses himself completely... The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50 by Jonathan Barnes. The First Doctor arrives in Victorian London amid a Martian invasion. But he discovers all is not what it seems when Missy appears… Soon, the Doctor is propelled into a future incarnation – the Tenth – but he is not alone in battling Missy and her Martian invaders. The Paternoster Gang – Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint and Strax – are also here to assist. But can they offer the Doctor any help in solving his own degeneration mystery? CAST: David Tennant (The Doctor), Michelle Gomez (Missy), Neve McIntosh (Madame Vastra), Dan Starkey (Strax), Catrin Stewart (Jenny Flint), Hannah Genesius (Jessamy Moore), Stephen Noonan (The First Doctor), Tim Treloar (The Third Doctor).
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: Once and Future - A Genius for War
The Time War. The Doctor has been injured and brought to a Time Lord field hospital. His body glows with energy, but this is no regeneration into a future form - instead, the Doctor's past faces begin to appear as he flits haphazardly between incarnations... Staggering to his TARDIS, the Doctor sets out to solve the mystery of his 'degeneration'. Who has done this to him? How? And why? From the Earth to the stars, across an array of familiar times and places, he follows clues to retrace his steps, encountering old friends and enemies along the way. Tumbling through his lives, the Doctor must stop his degeneration before he loses himself completely...A Genius for War by Jonathan Morris. In the midst of the Time War, the Time Lords have received a communication from Falkus, the prison moon of Skaro. Its sole inmate, Davros, wishes to make them an offer. He will help them win the Time War… but only if the Doctor comes to his rescue. CAST: Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Terry Molloy (Davros), Ken Bones (The General), Beth Chalmers (Veklin), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks / Dalek Supreme), Esmonde Cole (Bosco), Yasmin Mwanza (Aldan). Special appearances by: Stephen Noonan (The First Doctor), Michael Troughton (The Second Doctor), Tim Treloar (The Third Doctor). Other parts played by members of the cast.