Search results for ""author george""
Siruela La muerte de la tragedia
Este libro es importante, pues si es cierto que la tragedia ha muerto, nos hallamos ante una pérdida cultural vital. No cabe duda de que provocará polémica. La pasión y la perspicacia con que Steiner escribe sobre las tragedias que le han conmovido prueban que las palabras todavía pueden ilustrar y revelar.The New York Times Book ReviewTodos los hombres tienen conciencia de la tragedia en la vida. Pero la tragedia como forma teatral no es universal, señala George Steiner, quien, en La muerte de la tragedia, se enfrenta a una cuestión que ha preocupado también, entre otros, a Lukács, Kafka o Sartre: por qué la tragedia, que evolucionó desde la Antigüedad hasta la época de Shakespeare y Racine, calla o declina, a partir de ese momento, en el teatro? George Steiner trata de determinar a qué se debe este ocaso en un riguroso estudio que traza un fascinante recorrido desde el teatro isabelino hasta Brecht o Beckett.
labutxaca La rebelli dels animals
La rebellió dels animals, un dels clàssics més importants de la literatura universal, és una faula senzilla i tràgica que relata la rebellió dels animals del mas dels Jones contra els seus amos. És la història "d'una revolució que va acabar malament i de les excellents excuses que es van anar inventant pas a pas per jsutificar la perversió de la doctrina original", tal i com va escriure Orwell a la solapa de la primera edició del llibre, el 1945. Concebuda com una sàtira de l'estalinisme, el caràcter universal del seu missatge fa d'aquesta obra mestra una anàlisi extraordinària de la corrupció que engendra el poder i una crítica del totalitarisme.
Books4pocket Por qu los hombres no se comprometen Books4pocket crec y salud Spanish Edition
El psicoterapeuta George Weinberg explica en este libro que el miedo del hombre a mantener una relación estable es un MITO. Sus verdaderos miedos son otros y lo que una mujer debe saber es que resulta fácil ahuyentar a un hombre, pero también lo es conseguir su compromiso sin necesidad de dar rodeos.Los consejos de este libro le permitirán llegar a aquellos ámbitos en los que su hombre no ha dejado entrar a ninguna otra mujer.Tras veinticinco años ejerciendo la psicoterapia, George Weinberg ha descubierto que, a pesar de lo que comúnmente se cree, los hombres quieren tanto como las mujeres el compromiso, el amor y una relación permanente. De su experiencia clínica ha concluido que todos -aún aquellos que han tenido una serie de fracasos en sus relaciones- coinciden en el deseo de conseguir un matrimonio que sea permanente y monógamo, entonces:Por qué se comportan como si no quisieran comprometerse?Y qué puede hacer una mujer para ayudar a que su hombre se comprometa?Segú
Ediciones Asimétricas Universidad sin créditos haceres y artes un manual
Arcadia La poesia del pensament de lhellenisme a Celan
La literatura i la filosofia, tal com les hem conegudes, són productes del llenguatge. De manera inalterable, aquest és el seu terreny ontològic i substantiu comú. El pensament en la poesia i la poètica del pensament són actes de gramàtica, actes de llenguatge en moviment. Els seus mitjans i les seves restriccions són els de l?estil. Tant la poesia com la filosofia són circumscrites per l?indicible, en el sentit directe d?aquest mot. L?objectiu de la poesia és reinventar el llenguatge, fer-lo nou. La filosofia s?esforça a fer que el llenguatge sigui rigorosament transparent, el vol depurar de tota ambigüitat i confusió. G. S.Aquestes paraules de George Steiner ens situen al moll de l?os d?aquest assaig brillant i suggestiu que, més enllà de les tesis que defensa, constitueix un recorregut extraordinari per la filosofia i la poesia de la tradició occidental, des de l?hellenisme fins a Paul Celan. És, sens dubte, una invitació a escoltar la música del pensament de més a prop.
La extraa muerte de la Inglaterra liberal
La extraña muerte de la Inglaterra liberal, que ahora se publica por vez primera en español, es ya una obra clásica, habiéndose convertido en referente para quienes deseen conocer las claves del pasado británico en los inicios del siglo que contemplara el fin del Imperio. En ella su autor, George Dangerfield, intenta dar explicación a uno de los fenómenos político-electorales más interesantes, por sorprendentes, de la historia política comparada: la práctica desaparición del Partido Liberal británico, auténtico protagonista de la edad de oro decimonónica en las islas. Apenas cuatro años tras la abrumadora victoria en los comicios de 1906, el último gobierno liberal será sometido a diversos desafíos que anticipan el posterior desenlace: la oposición de los Lores y la reforma de su Cámara, el movimiento sufragista, el conflicto obrero y el problema irlandés.Profundo conocedor del alma humana y de las entrañas de la política, la galería de hechos y personajes dibujados por el pincel d
Siruela Un largo sábado conversaciones con Laure Adler
Del espíritu vienés, y de esa Europa judaizada ahora desaparecida, Steiner conserva la espontánea provocación de una magnífica ironía [...] al tiempo que una curiosa modestia. Su obra, que nos hace reflexionar sobre nuestro legado, nos obsequia además con una inmensa cultura, un puñado de bromas inteligentes y el perfume de la anarquía.Le Magazine LittéraireGeorge Steiner es un apasionado de lo absoluto. Algunos temen su espíritu mordaz y sus críticas cáusticas. Otros lo admiran por su cultura políglota, por su conocimiento de los textos clásicos, por su compromiso intelectual y por su creencia ciega, después del Holocausto, en que una comunidad humana todavía es posible.Acompañado de la complicidad de la prestigiosa periodista francesa Laure Adler, George Steiner rememora en esta obra su juventud, su educación en Estados Unidos, su postura frente al judaísmo y su amor por los idiomas y las grandes mitologías de nuestro siglo: el psicoanálisis, el marxismo y el estructuralismo
Gran Travesia Rebelión En La Granja
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Opresión y resistencia: Escritos contra el totalitarismo 1937-1949 / Oppression and Resistance
Planeta Publishing 1984
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG European Instructional Lectures: Volume 15, 2015, 16th EFORT Congress, Prague, Czech Republic
This fifteenth volume in the EUROPEAN INSTRUCTIONAL LECTURES series continues the format of educational chapters from across Orthopaedics and Traumatology contributed by distinguished Orthopaedic Educators in Europe. It provides current material and major advances covering a range of topics including General Orthopaedics, Basic Science and Technology, Musculoskeletal Tumours, Infections, Paediatric Orthopaedics, Trauma, Spine, Upper Limb, Hip, Knee and Lower Leg. All the chapters are based on lectures presented at the 16th EFORT Congress in Prague, Czech Republic. The lectures are an authoritative source of information illustrated by radiographs, MRI, CT and PET Scans, operative photographs, tables and line drawings as appropriate. They are an invaluable source of instruction for Surgeons and Trainees alike. This book was edited by Professor George Bentley, Chairman, Scientific Publications Committee of EFORT.
de Gruyter The Doctrine of the Buddha
Carpenter's Son Publishing The Last Soap Opera before Sunrise: A Novel
There’s nothing like a funeral to set the old adrenaline on edge, especially when questions about the afterlife arise. It is the spring of 1997. Tiger Woods has just crushed the Masters. Michael Jordan and the Bulls have embarked on yet another championship run. For Vance Chelan, a jaundiced media pro, things have never looked so good. Confident and capable, in total command of his television career, Vance happily straddles a romantic tightrope between each of the women in his life—until he gets a jolt for the ages. The death of a client unearths a boatload of questions about his shaky prospects for success in the hereafter. Now, confronted for the first time with his own immortality, Vance mounts a bizarre plan of redemption designed to ensure a ritzy place in Heaven. But the road to the pearly gates is strewn with devilish potholes. Grappling for answers, the things he holds near and dear start slipping through his fingers. Then one night in Las Vegas, at an industry convention, he reignites feelings for a hard-charging anchorwoman, who demands a choice of epic proportions. What will his decision be? One thing is certain: whatever, it will have eternal consequences.
Nafziger Collection War on the Steppes: Three Accounts of the War Against the Turks 1588 - 1683
Skyhorse Publishing Connect and Color: Celtic Designs: An Intricate Coloring and Dot-to-Dot Book
Dot-to-dot images create surprising pictures when all of the dots are connected, but these are also incredibly colorable! Each of these images have more than four hundred dots, so you’ll experience the intricacies in uncovering the images, and then be able to relax with an array of beautiful Celtic designs to fill with color.These images are imbued with traditional Celtic knots and linework, but also feature birds, florals, and other animals that are symbolic of the Celtic spirit. Some of the pages feature images ready for you to color, while others have more involved dot-to-dot puzzles to solve and then fill with your favorite vibrant tones.This book includes forty-five images on pages perforated and printed on one side only for easy removal and display, as well as an answer key. This is the perfect book for the colorist who wants to be creative and challenged. You’ll feel as if you’ve opened a whole new world of coloring with Connect and Color: Celtic Designs!
Merrion Press The Nation Holds Its Breath
Archaeopress Elements of Continuity: Stone Cult in the Maltese Islands
Stones can serve an infinite array of functions both when they are worked and when they are left in a ‘raw’ state. Depending on their function, stones can also be meaningful objects especially when they act as vehicles of ideas or instruments of representation. And it is, therefore, in their functional context, that the meaning of stones can be best grasped. The stones dealt with in this study are non-figural (or aniconic) or, sometimes, semi-figural. They come from ritual contexts and, as such, act as a material representation of divine presence in their role as betyls. But it is not mainly the representational aspect of these stones that this study seeks to highlight. As material representations of divine presence that are also worshipped, these particular stones form part of a phenomenon that seems to know no geographical or temporal boundaries. They are of a universal character. It is this universal character of theirs that seems to qualify these stones as elements forming part of the phenomenon of continuity: continuity across different cultures and in different places along several centuries. It is this phenomenon which this study seeks to highlight through a study of these stones. The Maltese islands are presented as a case study to demonstrate the phenomenon of continuity through a study of these stones. Worship of stones in representation of divine presence is found on the Maltese islands since prehistoric times. But the practice survived several centuries under different cultures represented by unknown communities during the islands’ prehistory and the Phoenicians / Carthaginians and the Romans in early historic times.
Archaeopress An Anatomy of a Priory Church: The Archaeology, History and Conservation of St Mary’s Priory Church, Abergavenny
Based on documentary evidence, the Priory Church of St Marys in Abergavenny has been a place of worship since the late 11th century; archaeological evidence though suggests that the site has a much earlier period of use. Over the past 1000 years the church has been radically altered to reflect its wealth, status and sometimes, its decline. During the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries a number of drastic alterations were made that included the complete demolition and rebuild of the nave. This wholesale change, coupled with the Reformation of 1536 and the vandalism of the mid- to late 17th century by Cromwell's troops did not deter the people of Abergavenny from using this most beautiful of spaces. In the recent past, the late Jeremy Winston did much to add his signature onto the priory's fabric making St Mary a most splendid place of worship. An Anatomy of a Priory Church, comprising twelve thought-provoking chapters, traces the archaeology, history and conservation of this most impressive building, delving deep into its anatomy.
Alfred Music Eternal Source of Light Divine From Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne Score Parts Eighth Note Publications
Callisto Reference Diagnosis, Pathology and Management of Bovine Infectious Diseases
Counterpoint I Dream with Open Eyes: A Memoir
NY Research Press Rotating Machinery: Technology and Applications
Rowman & Littlefield Jackie Robinson West: The Triumph and Tragedy of America’s Favorite Little League Team
The competition level in Little League has never been tougher, but the kids on the Jackie Robinson West team faced their own set of challenges on and off the baseball diamond. The Jackie Robinson West team takes their fans and followers on a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs as each player shares a different part of the team’s history and experience, including a double-header with President Obama. Jackie Robinson West: The Story of the Youngest America’s Team leads readers on their harrowing path to the Little League World Series.
Mark Twain Media The American Revolution, Grades 5 - 12: Volume 3
Skyhorse Publishing The Scandal of Money Why Wall Street Recovers but the Economy Never Does
Skyhorse Publishing Knowledge and Power The Information Theory of Capitalism and How it is Revolutionizing our World
Casemate Publishers D-Day with the Screaming Eagles
Many professional historians have recorded the actions of D-Day but here is an account of the airborne actions as described by the actual men themselves in eyewitness detail. Participants range from division command personnel to regimental, battalion, company and battery commanders to chaplains, surgeons, enlisted medics, platoon sergeants, squad leaders and the rough, tough troopers who adapted quickly to fighting in mixed, unfamiliar groups after a badly scattered drop – and yet managed to gain the objectives set for them in the hedgerow country of Normandy. George Koskimaki was part of the 101st Airborne’s daring parachute landing into occupied France that day. Now, drawing on more than five hundred firsthand accounts, including the never-before-published experiences of the trailblazing pathfinders and glider men, Koskimaki re-creates those critical hours in all their ferocity and terror. Told by those who ultimately prevailed, ordinary Americans who faced an extraordinary challenge, D-Day with the Screaming Eagles is the real history of that climactic struggle beyond the beachhead.
Rowman & Littlefield Sweet Lou and the Cubs: A Year Inside The Dugout
Sweet Lou and the Cubs chronicles from the inside-out Lou Piniella’s stirring and celebrated quest to reverse the team’s fortunes after a record 100 years without a World Series championship. Drawing on the story of Piniella’s Cubs debut in 2007 and his history as baseball’s ultimate firebrand, veteran Cubs reporter George Castle gives fans the real story behind the building of the best Cubs team in decades. In riveting detail he traces how the Cubs swept into the 2008 playoffs as the favorite to represent the National League in the World Series, but then went down in shocking defeat—leaving millions of fans to pin their wounded hopes on the prospects of their remade team finally turning the tide in 2009. . . . This is sports writing at its best, focusing on Piniella’s old-school style and baseball scientist’s mind; wild swings in the Cubs’ win-loss fortunes; the inside scoop on a Cubs’ front office that has been dramatically more aggressive than its predecessors; the byplay of daily clubhouse life and profiles of key players; and Piniella’s colorful proclamations and homespun philosophy, along with his interactions with his coaches, the team, ball-club executives, media, fans, and celebrity hangers-on.
Skyhorse Publishing Triumph of Character
First Second Olympians: Poseidon: Earth Shaker
Arcadia Publishing High Vistas Volume II An Anthology of Nature Writing from Western North Carolina the Great Smoky Mountains 19002009
Adventure Publications, Incorporated Amazing Sights of the Night Sky Playing Cards
Play Cards and Learn About Objects and Phenomena of the Night Sky!Anyone who enjoys nature, the great outdoors, and stargazing will love these cards for playing your favorite games or to use as flash cards. Inspired by George Moromisato and his popular book, 101 Amazing Sights of the Night Sky, this gorgeous deck of playing cards features professional photographs of 52 interesting and noteworthy celestial objects, such as the International Space Station, the Orion Nebula, the planets, and the moon—so you can begin to learn about various objects and phenomena of the night sky.Card Features 52 interesting celestial objects 2 joker cards featuring pictures of Earth Beautiful photograph on every card Ideal for card games or as flash cards Play games like blackjack, poker, rummy, and solitaire while learning more about astronomy and the night sky. Get the Amazing Sights of the Night Sky Playing Cards for yourself, and you can also give this deck of cards as a fun and thoughtful gift.
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Suzuki Guitar School Vol 7 CD
Beyond Words Publishing I Guarantee it: The Untold Story Behind the Founder of Men's Wearhouse
Station Hill Press,U.S. Waking from Myself: Preverbs
“Words say too much to let you know the truth.’’ George Quasha’s torqued, enigmatic proverbs create unlikely balances among discrepant engagements. Waking from Myself is the sixth volume published of George Quasha’s “preverbs,” an invented poetic genre that’s the flipside of “proverbs”—instead of giving capsules of wisdom, they awaken language to its inevitable ambiguities in the face of complex truth-telling. The vectors of these marvelous poems work at cross purposes, keeping each other aloft. If William Blake’s “Proverbs of Hell” are poetry, then George Quasha’s preverbs are like a close cousin. Its core question is: can poetry say the unsayable?
Arsenal Pulp Press Silence Descends: The End of the Information Age, 2000-2500
Els Editions The Unclassed
PublicAffairs In Defense of Open Society
Hal Leonard Corporation George Gershwin Violin Play-Along Vol.63
Hal Leonard Corporation Nice Work If You Can Get It (Vocal Selections)
Sweetwater Books Bilwok: Dawn of the Trolls
University of Toronto Press Total Wars and the Making of Modern Ukraine, 1914-1954
Between 1914 and 1954, the Ukrainian-speaking territories in East Central Europe suffered almost 15 million "excess deaths" as well as numerous large-scale evacuations and forced population transfers. These losses were the devastating consequences of the two world wars, revolutions, famines, genocidal campaigns, and purges that wracked Europe in the first half of the twentieth century and spread new ideas, created new political and economic systems, and crafted new identities. In Total Wars and the Making of Modern Ukraine, 1914-1954, George O. Liber argues that the continuous violence of the world wars and interwar years transformed the Ukrainian-speaking population of East Central Europe into self-conscious Ukrainians. Wars, mass killings, and forced modernization drives made and re-made Ukraine's boundaries, institutionalized its national identities, and pruned its population according to various state-sponsored political, racial, and social ideologies. In short, the two world wars, the Holodomor, and the Holocaust played critical roles in forming today's Ukraine. A landmark study of the terrifying scope and paradoxical consequences of mass violence in Europe's bloodlands, Liber's book will transform our understanding of the entangled histories of Ukraine, the USSR, Germany, and East Central Europe in the twentieth century.
Johns Hopkins University Press Chronic Disease in the Twentieth Century: A History
Long and recurring illnesses have burdened sick people and their doctors since ancient times, but until recently the concept of "chronic disease" had limited significance. Even lingering diseases like tuberculosis, a leading cause of mortality, did not inspire dedicated public health activities until the later decades of the nineteenth century, when it became understood as a treatable infectious disease. Historian of medicine George Weisz analyzes why the idea of chronic disease assumed critical importance in the twentieth century and how it acquired new meaning as one of the most serious problems facing national healthcare systems. Chronic Disease in the Twentieth Century challenges the conventional wisdom that the concept of chronic disease emerged because medicine's ability to cure infectious disease led to changing patterns of disease. Instead, it suggests, the concept was constructed and has evolved to serve a variety of political and social purposes. How and why the concept developed differently in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France are central concerns of this work. In the United States, anxiety about chronic disease spread early in the twentieth century and was transformed in the 1950s and 1960s into a national crisis that helped shape healthcare reform. In the United Kingdom, the concept emerged only after World War II, was associated almost exclusively with proper medical care for the elderly population, and became closely linked to the development of geriatrics as a specialty. In France, the problems of elderly and infirm people were handled as technical and administrative matters until the 1950s and 1960s, when medical treatment of elderly people emerged as a subset of their wider social marginality. While an international consensus now exists regarding a chronic disease crisis that demands better forms of disease management, the different paths taken by these countries during the twentieth century continue to exert profound influence. This book seeks to explain why, among the innumerable problems faced by societies, some problems in some places become viewed as critical public issues that shape health policy.