Search results for ""author erik"
Agenda Publishing European Studies: Past, Present and Future
In 1969 a small group of US scholars began discussing the possibility of starting a consortium of Western European Studies programmes. Europe was increasingly becoming an object of study and it was felt that greater coordination of the intellectual effort would help avoid duplication and further the acceleration of research. So began the Council for European Studies. In commemoration of the founding of the Council fifty years ago, this volume brings together some of the most influential Europeanists writing today to take stock of the subject and to consider the most fruitful avenues for future research. With European democracy seemingly under threat from populism on the left and the right, the economies of countries still struggling to emerge from a decade of recession and stagnating growth, environmental concerns paramount and the quest for social cohesion a distant goal, the contributors to this volume bring their insight to bear on the fertile ground that the EU and the continent more broadly offer researchers. The contributors – drawn from 52 institutions across the globe – present a wide range of perspectives on Europe’s past and present, and the key challenges facing its future, such as immigration, multiculturalism, nationalism and integration. Although it remains to be seen whether Europeans will continue to promote the dream of union or whether they will retreat back into their nation states, these essays offer valuable insights into how Europe might respond and the changing nature of what it means to be a European.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Perspectives on Public Private Partnerships
Nova Science Publishers Inc Stem Cell Therapy
Austin Macauley Publishers Elements of a Better Life
Faber & Faber Past Crimes
If my grandfather's letter had stopped at the comma, I would have tossed it in the trash... I would have mentally told the old man to stick it, if it hadn't been for the last three words. If you can...Van Shaw was raised to be a thief, but at the age of eighteen he abruptly abandoned the illicit life and joined the US Army, leaving behind Seattle and the grandfather who taught him the trade. But after ten years of estrangement, Van's grandfather has suddenly asked him to come home. He does so, only to find his grandfather shot in the head and bleeding out on the kitchen floor.While the police focus on Van as the prime suspect, he plunges back into an underworld he had vowed never return to, putting his criminal sensibilities back to work to ferret out the attacker and unearth the shocking secret of why his grandfather called him home after so many years. But in a violent, high-stakes world where the lines between right and wrong are easily blurred, Van finds that the secrets held by those closest to him are the deadliest of all.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Turkey: A Modern History
This revised edition builds upon and updates its twin themes of Turkey's continuing incorporation into the capitalist world and the modernization of state and society. It begins with the forging of closer links with Europe after the French Revolution, and the changing face of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. Zurcher argues that Turkey's history between 1908 and 1950 should be seen as a unity, and offers a strongly revisionist interpretation of Turkey's founding father, Kemal Ataturk. In his account of the period since 1950, Zurcher focuses on the growth of mass politics; the three military coups; the thorny issue of Turkey's human right's record; the alliance with the West and relations with the European Community; Turkey's ambivalent relations with the Middle East; the increasingly explosive Kurdish question; and the continuing political instability and growth of Islam.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Shattering of Loneliness: On Christian Remembrance
The experience of loneliness is as universal as hunger or thirst. Because it affects us more intimately, we are less inclined to speak of it. But who has not known its gnawing ache? The fear of loneliness causes anguish. It prompts reckless deeds. To this, every age has borne witness. No voice is more insidious than the one that whispers in our ear: ‘You are irredeemably alone, no light will pierce your darkness.’ The fundamental statement of Christianity is to convict that voice of lying. The Christian condition unfolds within the certainty that ultimate reality, the source of all that is, is a personal reality of communion, no metaphysical abstraction. Men and women, made ‘in the image and likeness’ of God, bear the mark of that original communion stamped on their being. When our souls and bodies cry out for Another, it is not a sign of sickness, but of health. A labour of potential joy is announced. We are reminded of what we have it in us to become. That our labour may be fruitful, Scripture repeatedly exhorts us to ‘remember’. The remembrance enjoined is partly introspective and existential, partly historical, for the God who took flesh to redeem our loneliness leaves traces in history. This book examines six facets of Christian remembrance, complementing biblical exegesis with readings from literature, ancient and modern. It aims to be an essay in theology. At the same time, it proposes a grounded reflection on what it means to be a human being.
CAMRA Books Camra's Home-Brewing Problem Solver
Real ale and other craft beers have become increasingly popular over the past few years, and as a result more people have been compelled to try making their own homebrew. However, while the concept behind making beer is simple, the execution can at times seem complex and confusing. The key to bridging the gap between brewing in theory and practise is being able to spot the signs of trouble and know how to respond. CAMRA's Home-Brewing Problem Solver provides the information you need to nip problems in the bud - and, better still, to avoid them in the first place.
Alfred USA Pentatonic Soloing Strategies for Guitar Modern Ideas for All Styles Book CD The Improv Series
X'Erma Di Bretschneider The Miraculous Image: In the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance
Editorial Trotta, S.A. El monoteísmo como problema político
Maeva El Septimo Nino
Keenspot Ninjas & Robots Vol. 1
Pearson Education Lucene in Action Covers Apache Lucene V30
Image Comics Savage Dragon Archives Volume 6
Collected for the very first time! Savage Dragon rejoins the Chicago police force and his life will never be the same!Collects SAVAGE DRAGON #126-150
Image Comics Savage Dragon Emperor Dragon
Witness Savage Dragon's transition as he becomes the greatest foe to ever grace the pages of his own book! It's the end of the world as you've never seen it before! When Savage Dragon goes bad, who will face him? Would you believe — everybody else? It's the most explosive finale in comics!
Atria Books My Life After Death A Memoir from Heaven
Image Comics Savage Dragon Archives, Volume 10
Collecting Malcolm Dragon’s greatest adventures. After aliens are outlawed in the United States, Malcolm Dragon and his family are forced to head to the Great White North and find a new home in the city of Toronto, but building a new life is anything but easy. New foes and new challenges face the newlyweds. Sex-Bots, Buffalo Men, the return of the Vicious Circle, Captain Tootsie, a reality TV show, and raging hormones make for the wildest, craziest SAVAGE DRAGON run to date, all in glorious black and white! Comes with our highest possible recommendation.Collects SAVAGE DRAGON #226-250
Image Comics Savage Dragon: The Scourge Strikes
Malcolm Dragon's deadliest duels collected at last! Malcolm goes toe-to-toe with the pulse-pounding Powerhouse! He battles the deadly Chained Man! And he faces the brutal Scourge! Plus, Amy Dragon fights alone! All this and guest appearances by Ant and the Golden Age great: Captain Tootsie. Another classic run of big-time fun from the pages of SAVAGE DRAGON! Collects SAVAGE DRAGON #241-246
Crown Publishing Group (NY) Thunderstruck
Alfred Music Five Nocturnes Kalmus Edition
Random House USA Inc Lethal Passage: The Story of a Gun
Dover Publications Inc. Gymnopedies, Gnossiennes And Other Works For Piano
Forlaget Cornelia Kortspil for brn
Saphir im Stahl Das Wrack
Memoranda Verlag Eskapaden
avant-Verlag, Berlin In the Pines 5 Murderballads
Trinity-Verlag Das kleine bungsheft Entschleunigen
Plassen Verlag The Second Machine Age
: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht
Emons Verlag Sagen aus Berlin
Buchner, C.C. Verlag Kolleg Politik und Wirtschaft Gemeinschaftskunde 1112 Kursstufe fünfstündig Schülerbuch BadenWürttemberg
Buchner, C.C. Verlag Politik Co 02 Niedersachsen Politik Wirtschaft fr das Gymnasium fr die Jahrgangsstufe 910
Buchner, C.C. Verlag Politik Co Neu 2 Hessen Politik und Wirtschaft fr das Gymnasium Fr die Jahrgangsstufen 910
Cornelsen Vlg Scriptor Scriptor Praxis
tredition Kochen mit Kim
Random House USA Inc Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania
Image Comics Spawn Compendium Volume 6 Color Edition
Includes SPAWN RESURRECTION, and SPAWN #251-301, collected for the first time in FULL COLOR and featuring some never-before-collected issues!TODD McFARLANE unleashed his signature creation, SPAWN, in 1992. In doing so, he created the most successful independent comic book in history. Join Spawn in SPAWN COMPENDIUM, VOL. 6 as he discovers the true meaning of becoming a Hellspawn and settles on a path of bloody revenge in search of a way back to his humanity! Collects SPAWN RESURRECTION, and SPAWN #251-301
Lannoo Publishers Belgian Beer Trails
This book will guide you around Belgium's breweries, large and small. Wherever you travel on Belgian roads, you will come across brewers. Often invisible - lurking behind abbey walls, or tucked away in castles, barns, stables, cafes, garages, kitchens or sheds - brewers are making beer in kettles, basins, tanks, and whatever else they have to hand! In large breweries you will find the brewers in the control room, the 'cockpit' of the enterprise. Entire dynasties are built around the industry; they are proud of their brewing traditions, which go back as many as fifteen generations. Meanwhile, at the other end of the spectrum, starters are cobbling together their own equipment or buying basic brewing kits. They are often acquainted with an experienced colleague, who is only too happy to lend a helping hand and share wisdom and experience. It is up to you whether or not you approve of their beers. Are you voting for weak, strong, pale, fruity, zesty, spicy, mild, sour, bitter or sweet? For accessible or layered, for a warming beer or a thirst-quencher, a degustation beer or a quaffable one? Tasting is the message. This book taps the keg, encouraging you to weigh up all the options and make your choice.
Museum Tusculanum Press Intellectum liberare: 2-Volume Set
Oslo Academic Press Edvard Munch: An Anthology